Barrons, Ltd. Ch. 2 free porn video

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The house was dark and quiet when Dan returned home that evening. At first, it worried him, but then he saw that Heather’s car was in the garage. Seeing her car reminded him of what Heather had said to him in the bathroom, ‘…just a taste of what will be waiting…’ he smiled as he opened the door from the garage to the kitchen. All the lights in the house were off. However, on the floor was a path of candles leading from the kitchen to the stairs in the dining room. After setting his briefcase down, he said, ‘let the games begin’ and started off down the path.

When he reached the stairs, he was amused at the sight in front of him. On the first step was a black 3-inch high-heeled shoe. On the second step was its mate. On the fourth step was a black leather mini-skirt. On the fifth and sixth steps were two tan nylon stockings. On the seventh step was heather’s black lace blouse. Finally, at the top of the stairs, was a garter belt. His penis throbbed. Just the vision of Heather doing this little strip tease was turning him on. He became aware of soft jazz music coming from the master bedroom. Since the path led there as well, he went to the door. His cock throbbed again, harder this time. Hanging from the doorknob was a black silk bra.

He opened the door, the scent of vanilla musk incense drifted to his nose. It was a big turn-on for him and Heather knew it. He followed the path to the walk-in closet. Hanging on the door was a black silk robe with boxers to match. Attached to the robe was note which said ‘Strip’ so he did just that. Once he had on the robe and boxers, he followed the path to the master bathroom. This time, his penis nearly leapt out of his shorts. Hanging on the doorknob was a black silk thong bikini. He picked it up and noticed it was damp.

Dan opened the door and saw Heather sitting at her make-up table. She saw him in the mirror but didn’t say anything. She just watched him cross the room. She stood up as he reached her and started to turn around, but he stopped her. They just stood there for a few seconds. She watched as his eyes moved up and down her body in the mirror. Her robe was open just enough to reveal her cleavage. He kissed her neck and reached down to untie her belt. As the robe fell to the carpet, Dan caressed her breasts. She moaned softly under his touch and put her arms around his neck behind her. She leaned her head back on his shoulder.

His hands traveled lower to her hips and he pulled her back against him. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her ass. She rose up on her tiptoes and back down. After a few of these movements, it was Dan who moaned. He lowered his head to nibble on heather’s neck and ears while his hands traveled lower still to her warm wet pussy. She parted her legs as he massaged her lips. He parted her pussy lips and began stroking the inner folds of her pussy and her clit. She released his neck and played with her breasts with one hand and gripped his neck with the other. Soon her moans became more intense. She gripped his neck harder, and he could feel her pussy getting wetter and hotter so he concentrated on tickling and tweaking her clit. In moments her body went rigid and convulsed as the energy of the orgasm ripped through her. Then, just as suddenly as the orgasm hit her, she collapsed against him. His hands were still on her lips and Dan could feel her vaginal muscles still quivering even after she had relaxed. After the shock waves of the orgasm subsided, Heather turned around and kissed him deeply and passionately as she reached for his now rock hard cock. He stopped her.

‘No, not yet. I’m still not through with you’ he told her with that same gleam in his eye that she’d had that morning. With that, he picked her up in his arms and kissed her just as passionately as she had kissed him, she melted in his arms. He carried her over tot he loveseat situated across from the Jacuzzi. There he gently set her down and kissed her again as she lay back. He sat back and gazed at the incredible beauty that lay before him, the incredible beauty that was his wife.

‘What’s wrong, Lover?’ Heather asked.

‘Nothing, my love. Nothing at all is wrong.’ Dan replied as he bent forward and kissed her again, lightly this time. He proceeded to kiss his way down her body because he knew that was something she loved for him to do. He started at her face. Then he moved slowly to her ears, neck and collarbone before pausing at her breasts. He nibbled, licked, and sucked lightly on each nipple, alternating between breasts until she couldn’t sit still any longer. Then he pressed her breast together and nibbled and sucked on both nipples at the same time. Heather’s hips came off the seat in an effort to rub her pussy on Dan’s chest. She grasped his head with both hands and guided him lower to her pussy.

He took his time here too. He spread her legs wide. He kissed and nibbled his way down past Heather’s oozing pussy, much to her dismay, down to her right knee. He moved to the inside of her leg and left a trail of nibbles from her knee to her pussy. When he reached her pussy, he licked the juices from the right side of her pussy. Then he licked down below her pussy and flicked his tongue across the spot between her pussy and ass.

All the while, Heather was moving her hips around, trying to get his tongue in her pussy, but he managed to avoid it. Then he cleaned the left side of her pussy, just as he had the right side, before moving on down to Heather’s left knee. He then worked his way back up to her pussy.

By then, heather had begun to play with her breasts again, kneading and squeezing, tweaking and rolling her nipples in her fingers. She was frantic with desire because Dan had never made her wait this long. However badly she wanted to grab Dan’s head and bury his face in her pussy, she knew from experience the end would be worth the wait.

Dan spread the labia and slowly licked up and down each side a number of times before gently inserting first one, then two fingers inside her pussy as he flicked her clit a few times with his tongue.

‘Oh, my God! It’s about time!’ Heather moaned. Dan chuckled.

‘You just wait. It gets even better,’ he said between flicks. Just then he found that bumpy little area on the roof of Heather’s pussy which he knew was her G-spot. He decided to give his tongue a rest and let his fingers do the walking, so he concentrated on her G-spot. Heather opened her eyes after a few minutes had gone by and he hadn’t touched her clit.

‘What are you doing? Get back to work.’

‘I’m trying something I read about a little while ago, so I AM working. You just need to relax and let your body do the work without thinking about it.

‘OK, but I hope it doesn’t take too long. You had a real good thing going before you quit. Mmmm, on the other hand, this is starting to feel kind of good,’ she said as she let her body relax and begin to respond to what he was doing.

After a few more minutes, Dan could feel Heather’s body responding as well. Her G-spot grew rougher, more pronounced. Her pussy grew wetter by the second. Her nipples suddenly stood tall and solid. Her eyes flew open.

‘It’s alright, honey. Just enjoy the ride,’ he said soothingly.

‘I…don’t think…I c-could…s-stop it…if I…wan-ooh…wanted…to!

‘Good, that’s the way it’s supposed to work.’ Dan said amused at his wife’s state.

Just then, Heather threw her head back into the cushion of the loveseat, gripped his hand on her breast, her pussy contracted on his fingers, and her juices shot out onto the loveseat and floor like her pussy was a squirt gun. She came like that a number of times before her body relaxed and melted into the loveseat once more. She just sat there for minutes, breathing heavily.

‘That was neat! I can’t believe it really works! How did it feel?’ He asked.

Heather slowly turned her head to look at him.

‘I can’t begin to describe it. There are no words strong eno
ugh to describe the orgasm I just had. Never in my life have I cum like a man. I knew it was possible for some women, but I never thought it was possible for me. I mean, my pussy is still quivering and the orgasm has been over for a good five minutes. What in the hell did you just do to me, where in the hell did you learn about this, and why haven’t you done it before?’

‘Well, I was in the bookstore the other day in the self-help section looking at massage books when I came across this book called ‘Hit the Spot!’. It was a book that explained where the G-spot is and described how to give a woman a G-spot orgasm. It sounded interesting, so I did some research. Did you enjoy the results?’

‘You sure hit the spot alright. Now help me up so I can go relax in the Jacuzzi.’ She offered him her hand and Dan helped her off the loveseat. He hugged her once she was standing and they stood together for a few moments. Then, as Heather turned and walked over to the Jacuzzi, Dan turned and headed for the door.

‘Aren’t you going to join me?’

‘I’ll be right back. I have another surprise for you.’

‘Speaking of surprises, dear, you just wait. I have a couple of my own for you.’ She said speaking to the empty room.

When he returned a few minutes later, heather was relaxing in the Jacuzzi. She opened her eyes to see him standing over her with two glasses of champagne.

As Dan handed her a glass, he said ‘Happy 5th Anniversary of the night we met, honey. I fell in love with you that night and I will love you until the end of time.’

‘Oh Dan. I love you so much.’ Heather said as tears came to her eyes. She stood up and they embraced and kissed passionately. Dan almost spilled his champagne in the process.

‘Here let me take that,’ she said as she took Dan’s glass from his hand. She turned and placed both glasses on the floor on the other side of the Jacuzzi, erotically spreading her legs as she bent over the side. Dan’s cock was hard once more.

Heather looked back over he should as she reached back with her hands and spread her ass cheeks. ‘Do you like what you see?’

‘Oh yeah. I like it. I like it very much.’

She turned around and returned to the other side of the Jacuzzi. Dan put his hands on her hips and kissed her lightly on the lips. She returned the kiss, then hooked the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and stepped into the Jacuzzi. She had him sit down on the edge and spread his legs. She took hold of his hands and took some hot water from the Jacuzzi into her mouth before taking his cock into her mouth as well. The added heat from the water in her mouth on Dan’s cock caused it to throb. She opened her mouth to release the water and then proceeded to give Dan the same blowjob she had given him earlier that day. She started out slow, half an inch at a time until his pubic hair tickled her nose, then back to the head just as slowly. She slowly gained speed up and down as she massaged his balls and ass as well. Soon she felt the orgasms building so she stopped and concentrated on the head of Dan’s cock, sucking strongly while continuing to massage his balls. In moments, hi cock was filling her mouth with cum. Once again, she drank it all down and continued to suck, gently, until he was limp again.

‘God, I love it when you do that!’ He said as he stood up and helped Heather to her feet. They kissed again. Dan was turned on again by the combination of champagne and cum in Heather’s mouth. He sat down in a seat in the Jacuzzi. She came to him and straddled his legs and reached between them to guide his cock into her once again hot and ready pussy. She spread her legs wider to take him deeper. Dan bent down to suck and nibble on heather’s nipples. They hugged and rocked back and forth in a lazy rhythm.

‘Mmmmm, your cock feels so good inside me.’ Dan grabbed her ass and held her close to him, his pubic hair tickling her bare pussy.

‘I just want to stay like this for awhile, don’t move,’ he whispered in her ear. So they just sat there for a few moments, Dan” cock surrounded by Heather” pussy, looking into each other” eyes.

Then Dan stood up and picked Heather up with him, this drove his cock even deeper into her than before. She gasped and locked her legs together around his waist as she pumped her hips forward and back. Dan tickled her ass. She thrust her ass back at his fingers and sank her nails into his shoulders as she pumped her hips harder. Dan pushed a finger into Heather’s ass up to the second knuckle. She gasped again, her ass squeezed around his finger and her legs went straight as yet another orgasm ripped through her body. As the tension left Heather’s body, Dan sat back down on the set and they resumed their lazy rhythm for a few moments.

‘Honey, can we change position?’ Heather asked.

‘Whatever you want, my love.’

‘I love you,’ she said as she kissed him.

‘I love you too.’

When Heather stood up, her bar pussy was level with Dan’s face. He ran his hands up her legs and around to her ass. He squeezed her ass and pulled her closer. He kissed her smooth pussy lips then ran his tongue between them and tickled her clit. She smiled and closed her eyes as she ran her hands through his hair.

‘Hmmm, that feels sooo good,’ she moaned.

‘So tell me, what possessed you to do this?’ He asked as he licked her freshly shaven pussy.

‘Don’t you like it?’

‘Are you kidding? I love it. Your pussy is as smooth as a baby’s butt!’

‘Mmm, ooh, that’s nice. I thought you’d like it, judging from the way you reacted to that chick in that movie we watched the other night.’

‘You noticed that huh?’

‘Baby, not only did I notice it in the look on your face, I noticed it in your cock as well. When that bald pussy came on the screen, you and your cock both went into overdrive. Come to think of it, I think I know something else you’d like,’ she said as she turned around with a seductive swing of her hips. She leaned on the far edge of the Jacuzzi. ‘But first,’ she purred sexily as she spread her legs and arched her back, ‘I want some more of that magic tongue of yours.’

Dan smiled as he leaned forward. He spread Heather’s ass cheeks and ticked her asshole with his tongue for a few moments before moving on to her pussy. He licked and nibbled on her lips and clit until she started to squirm. He then moved on to her now very wet pussy and tongue fucked her as his nose poked at her ass. He reached forward and massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples.

In a few minutes, Heather was moaning and pressing he pussy back into Dan’s face. Heather stood up and turned around. Dan leaned forward to resume licking and nuzzling her pussy, but Heather stopped him.

‘Uhuh. Now you just sit back here and let Heather do the work’ she said as she gently pushed him back into his seat. She turned around and backed onto his lap, reaching between her legs to take his cock and guide it into her hot and slippery pussy as she sat down the rest of the way. She began to rotate her hips forward and back then left and right, squeezing his cock in her pussy occasionally. He reached around and massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples. She placed her hands on his and pressed and squeezed harder than he was.

Dan began to moan. Heather got up and took hold of the base of his cock and squeezed.

‘Now, now. We don’t want you going off just yet. It’s time for the first of my surprises. So you just sit back and enjoy this Baby, I already know I will’ she said as she stroked him hard again. Then she blew Dan’s mind. She guided his cock to her asshole and started to sit back down.

‘Spread my cheeks’ she said as she moved her ass around. Dan did as he was told. She sat down the rest of the way slowly until she was on Dan’s lap once more. She just sat still for a few moments, lettering her ass get used to his cock before she moved any more. She was so hot and tight that Dan almost lost i
t before she even started to move. Heather started moving then, slowly at first. She moved round and round, up and down. Gradually she could move as quickly as she wanted to. Then she began to squeeze Dan’s cock with her ass as she moved around.

Dan couldn’t hold off any longer. He moaned as he blew his wad into Heather’s ass. It seemed to last forever, his cock just kept throbbing. Heather kept bouncing and rotating until he stopped her. He held her hips down on his lap. Heather flexed her ass and giggled.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘It feels funny’ she said, then started laughing outright.

‘Now what?’

‘That has got to be the most enjoyable enema a woman could ask for.’ They both laughed as she got up and grabbed the soap and a rag from the water basin beside the Jacuzzi. She had Dan stand up so she could clean his cock and pubic hairs. When she was done, Dan sat back down and spread his legs as Heather lay forward and rested her head on his chest.

After a few moments, Dan said, ‘Heather that was absolutely incredible. Thank you.’

‘Thank you? Thank you for what?’

‘Thank you for that surprise. I’ve wanted to try that for a long time, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react, so I never asked.’

‘I’ve always been curious too, but I didn’t ask you for the same reason.’ Then she leaned back and smiled at him.

‘Well, now I guess we both know we shouldn’t be afraid to at least ask. Would you be willing to experiment with something else I’ve wanted to try?’

‘Baby, the way things have been going tonight, I’m willing to try anything you ask of me,’ he said as he bent forward to kiss her on the lips. ‘So, what is this little experiment you’re suggesting?’

‘You’ll try anything?’ She asked as she chewed lightly on her lower lip in anticipation, an expression she knew Dan could not say no to.

‘That’s what I said.’

‘I want us to have a threesome with another woman.’

‘I see,’ he said, feigning reluctance. ‘And exactly when do you want to have this threesome?’

‘I was kind of hoping to do it tonight. Come on Honey, I thought we would set up the camcorder so we could watch it again later, just the two of us. Please?’

Dan smiled. ‘Why not? It sounds like fun. I was faking the reluctance. I just wanted to see how bad you wanted this,’ he confessed.

‘Oh thank you!’ Heather squealed as she leapt out of the Jacuzzi and nearly ran over the intercom. She pressed the speak button, ‘He said yes! Come on in!’

‘My wife, the eternal optimist. So, who is our mystery guest?’

‘Wait and see. I’m pretty sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised.’ Just then, they heard the bedroom door open and close.

‘Heather, who is she? Do I know her?’

‘Oh, I think you know her. In answer to your questions, my dear impatient husband, our mystery guest is…’ she hesitated a few seconds then opened the door.

‘Me!’ Said the mystery guest.

Dan’s eyes nearly popped out of his head and his jaw dropped in shock. For their mystery guest was Samantha Vandry, Dan’s sparring partner at the dojo and a friend of Heather’s as well. He was used to seeing ‘Sam’ with her hair up in a bun, wearing a loose fitting ‘gi’ or he more-or-less baggy clothes. Now she was standing right before his very eyes, with her long brown hair down and over her right shoulder and wearing a white version of the outfit Heather had spread out on the stairs, with one exception, Sam was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were doing a fine job of standing up on their own.

‘Daaammmmnnnnn!!!’ Was all Dan could say.

To Be Continued…

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(I which I taste Bethany’s Schwarzwalder-Kirschtorte and she samples my Schwarzschlange-Honigschlag) Beth had given me her car keys and I brought my toolkit and mechanic coveralls to the bars’ parking lot. When I popped the mustangs’ hood, I found what I expected: a broken distributor cap. A quick trip to the parts store, a short tune-up and I had the ‘tang’ purring like a kitten, abet a large and deep throated kitten. Beth was just getting off the bus and she ran up to me and hugged and kissed...

3 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5

Introduction: Marks helps out Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5 After Mark had inspected all of the girls I felt it was important that I have a little man to man talk with him. He had done the job exactly as I had asked him, but he needed to know some things about respect and courtesy that definitely applied to this situation. We walked into his room and I closed the door, this was going to be the first really major talk I had with him so a little privacy was in order. I had already talked to him...

2 years ago
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A Schoolgirls Lust

Susan Morley crept through the bushes, searching for the hockey ball that the keeper had let slip through her fingers. The grass was long and wet here and soaked her legs above her navy-blue knee-length socks and below her short, pleated sports skirt. It was an impossible task, and she found herself beyond the bushes and against the tall chain-link fence that surrounded the school playing fields, well hidden from the hockey game continuing behind her. Finding the ball wasn't the only reason...

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Romance at Sea

NOTE: This is a story about developing attraction and companionship rather than pussy being pounded on every page. Be warned. EG. CHAPTER 1 Fog drifted over the city as former celebrated international pianist Gwendolyn Chappell was into her thirteenth session of being interviewed by her biographer, Stephen Miles. ‘What do you recall as your naughtiest moment of your life Gwen?’ Dressed as if going to a ball, although it was only just after 8:30 am, Gwen said she would have to think about...

3 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 4 Futility

Rumors ran rampant and riot amongst the servant's quarters that day, causing the usually aloof Christine to stop and unobtrusively listen to the unending chatter around her. The ceaseless tongue wagging of her fellow maids never failed to amaze and confound her. She rolled her eyes at the rapt attention paid to the current gossiper. "Oh, I heard that she is a witch and has a face that looks like folded bread dough." "Well, I too heard that she is a witch, but did you hear that she has a...

1 year ago
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TammyPart 2

First of all, the idea of me in love with anyone was preposterous. I don't fall in love. Love is for fools. I swore, a long time ago, that I wasn't going to get sucked into that trap. But it seems I had. And not only did I do something that I swore I'd never do, I did it with the most unlikely person I could've ever picked. And I didn't know what to do about it. I mean, how the hell was I going to explain this to the guys when I couldn't even explain it to myself? And I didn't know...

1 year ago
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Julia my darling Chapter 3

Preface: In the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, I described how John enjoyed sex with Julia and her sister Pamela. I hope readers have enjoyed the first part of my story. In this chapter, I am describing John’s threesome sexual enjoyment with both Julia and Pamela. ____________________________ It was Saturday afternoon. I was casually watching a porn magazine. There was lot of pictures of naked men and women doing sex at different postures. Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing. From the mobile...

4 years ago
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Daddy cute secret sissy

After 20 yers of boring years with is wife, Jame wasnt sad a bit to see her goLooking foward to have his own place finaly free of her bullshitWalking from work thinking of tonight and the hockey game hes suppose to watch with his work buddyFrank was knocking at the door around 8, the game already ongoing , montreal loosing to the bruins by onethe 1st period ended and frank ask James about finally being without his bitch of a wifedrinking beer chilling in the living room''wanna know something...

3 years ago
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Deep Blue Ch 04

Chapter Four: Reflection and Surprise Hawk Gretchen, Sandy and Trish had been gone for over an hour when the loudspeaker announced that we had set sail. Lisa and Jo had joined the guys and me, so the conversation had shifted from basketball to more mundane topics. The last hour had been a hoot, really. Jo was a firecracker. I’d only spoken to her for a few minutes last year. That had been during questioning her about an attempted murder. Ted’s. Now I knew a lot more about her personality and...

2 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 17

I don't know if Nina jumped by surprise, as I opened the door to the wardrobe from the inside, or not because I didn't see her at first. I had to look out into the hall to see her. There she was coming toward me with a little smile on her face. "Hi there," she said just before her lips closed my before I had the time to greet her verbally. I almost forgot my mission as her tongue started to play hide and seek with my tongue but with resolve I ended the game and told her why I was here....

1 year ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 9

The next day Daisy left early from school and saw the package left at her door addressed for her when she got home. She quickly brought it inside, saw the note from her mother saying that she would be out late again, and rushed upstairs to her room with the package. She opened it excitedly wondering what her Daddy had sent her. She had never had sex toys before. She was surprised at some of the articles. They included a big black dildo and a vibrator. She knew what those were for. But it...

2 years ago
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A Prince Too ManyChapter 2

3 Years Later... She is so pretty, he thought childishly as he held up his hands to be picked up. Prince Sharn looked up at his youngest sister Samantia hopefully. She was usually the one who played with him and fed him and made sure his clothes were clean and put him to bed and ... well everything. She was practically his mother. And his mother was some distant Goddess who only descended from on high to occasionally yell at him or spank him. His mother was pretty too, but in a cold, harsh...

3 years ago
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Escape From Black Bear MountainChapter 2

Hack Kaiser gradually regained consciousness in the wire cage in the back of the police truck. He knew it was a police truck because of a notice attached to the other side of the cage which read, "Property of the Black Bear Mountain Special Precinct — Police and Environmental Authority." His head hurt where the big man had hit him. He was covered in sticky mud. He was wet, cold, and frightened for himself and his wife and daughter. The truck, a Toyota by the logo on the boss of the...

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Sam 16ish

E-mail/Skype: [email protected] I'm a 22yo sex-addicted Bi college guy from the Netherlands with three passions in life: Fitness, writing, and sex. But to be honest, I only like to write about sex. I only write about Real-Life events. The names, however, have been altered to ensure everybody's privacy. My stories also are posted at 16...ish A story about a boy called Sam that happened about half a year ago. I was 21 at the time, and it proved...

3 years ago
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I didn't get much pussy in high school, some, but not as much as I wanted. So I joked that after I graduated, I'd become a porn star, and get laid all the time. My friends all laughed, but, we weren't sure it wouldn't be true.The reason I didn't get the girls was because I was 5'6". The reason we thought I could work in porn was because of my dick. 9 inches. On a shorter guy. So, yeah, it looked even bigger.Skip ahead a couple of years, and I say fuck it, I'm going to Miami to break into...

2 years ago
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Retirement part 2

It had been about three weeks since I left North Carolina and I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I had spoken to Maureen a few times on the phone. She had said that she couldn't believe how excited she had been with her daughter and I. She said she and her daughter had gotten together a few times while she was there. She said she was constantly wet now and her boyfriend loves it. She still hadn't told him about our meeting. I told her about my car ride back to the airport and...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories 16 Toppin a Cuckhold

This is the beginning of a short series of mostly true Inland Empire adventures. What a deceptively freaky place. Enjoy and comment!!16 Topin’ a CuckholdFinally! I thought. A big business deal was nearing completion with two other partners. I would tie up the loose ends in one city and then fly to the other partner to conclude the deal. My boss was pleased and even told me to add in a day between stops to insure all went smoothly. This was going to be great! I packed up my bag and...

1 year ago
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FlintkoteChapter 57

But, FIRST. I needed to make the ancient of days Clark forklift run. With the forklift I could move the palletized machinery. The Clark was 2.3 Ford 4 cylinder powered. The 2.3, also called the 2300, was probably the best single overhead cam 4 cylinder ever built ... rugged, reliable and capable of extensive performance modification. The Clark engine was on the low end of the performance curve. Reliability was key. This one was ‘middle of the pile’ as far as location in the ‘maybe next...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Hot Aunty In Swimming Pool 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, I am Stalin from Kerala. This story is all about my affair with my hot aunty. This is a true story that happened 3 years back. All the character names are changed. We were living in Kochi since my dad was working there. My dad had a cousin named Akash (48 years). He too was working in my dad’s company. Because he was new in Kochi, my dad helped him to find a house which was just opposite our flat. Now let me introduce the main character of this story. She is Anjali (36 years), my...

3 years ago
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AmlieChapter 10 Passage to England

[Undated Entry] At sea FATHER’S CONNECTIONS AND wealth ensured their passage would be as comfortable as possible, given the times and the vessels available. Captain Leavenworth and the crew of Mercy welcomed them aboard. Leavenworth was the senior captain of the sugar brokers Father dealt with and known to Father and to Grace from his frequent calls on the island. Drake, first mate of Mercy, had been with the ship almost as long as Captain Leavenworth. Their cabin was a large one,...

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The Whore and the Captain

The Whore and the Captain by Lori Grenci -- ROME A.D. 2370 -- "Over here, Jean-Luc, I have found an old sign." Professor Vicelius was a distinguished elderly gentleman who wore one of those big-brim hats that archaeologists love. He handed over a broken piece of inscribed stone to Picard, who cleaned off the dirt with a small brush. "Yes," Picard said, examining the marble, "it does appear to be a marker of some kind. You are the Latin expert, Professor, can you translate the...

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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A fantasy for You

A Sexual Fantasy Can you sense my spirit behind you? I am here breathing so softly that you can only feel me when you read this. I am standing nude behind you, with a hard erect shaved cock straining to be inside you. My body although not young is still in fairly good condition with hardened nipples caused by me looking at you sitting in front of me. The day has been warm and the room is still. Only the sounds of evening birds settling down for sleep disturb the air. My hands are now on your...

1 year ago
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The Best Job Ever

I had just finished high school and got a job working at this trash company, riding on the back of a garbage truck. After a couple of weeks they moved me to work with "Big Mike". Mike drove this stake body truck and went around and picked up items that could not go into the packer trucks. They called this guy Big Mike because he was seven foot one inch tall! The guy was tall but huge too and black as night. He was very funny and we seemed to get along really well even though he said he hates...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 64 Fantasy Fulfilled

September 3, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei,” I said, bowing to Sensei Jim. “Good morning!” he said waving me to a chair in his office. “How was your trip?” I asked. “Enlightening. I spent most of my time acting as a manservant to Sensei Robert and Sensei Hiro.” “He who will lead, must first serve,” I said. “Someday, I’m going to send you to Sensei Hiro, should he live long enough. You understand.” “Does that mean you are now 6th Dan?” I...

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Saras Adventures

Sara's Adventures! As usual, we all know this is a fictional story, with fictional people, and of course there might be some autobigraphical material as well,made up characters, and names of course.If this resembles anyone living or dead it's purely coincidental. I'm sitting here proof reading my Halloween story from this year, yeah I know it's late! But right now I've got other things on my mind, like how to get out of a predicament I'm in at the moment. See part 2 of this story,...

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Whores and Pimps Part III

Whores and Pimps – Part III By Michele Nylons   Michele pulled at her bonds, struggling and wriggling on the bed trying to break free for a few minutes until she realised that she was securely tied and had no way of escaping. Ellie sauntered over to the bed and looked down at Michele, ‘Well honey, looks like we have you just where we want you, I think we are going to start to really have some fun now,’ she sneered. Michele opened her mouth to scream and Ellie slapped her face hard. Michele’s...

2 years ago
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Predatory MothersChapter 11 A visitor at the Door

Joseph slammed the door in frustration. Dana had let him fuck her twice before school started, which was the only decent way to start a school week in his opinion. However, she hadn't pulled him out of class and there had been a note on her door saying that she had been called away unexpectedly. Then his mom's car hadn't been in the driveway, so she wasn't home to help him relieve his aching cock either. He didn't like being the sort of boy who would fuck his mother, but he was so horny...

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Dabbling in Water Prologue

Introduction: Setting the scene for the next chapters. Authors Notes – I never intended this story to have intercourse in it. However, it just so happened that a friend of mine delves into this site often and convinced me to try my hand at writing. Knowing full-well the catastrophe this may well cause, I give to you a re-edited (parody, if you will) version of my up-and-coming novel Dabbling in Water. I will not post it all, only certain bits for your reading pleasure. I hope you enjoy as this...

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My Neighbour The Runner Part 5 The Dinner Party Part 1

It had been too long since I last met Anna and Rick. I was spending my days thinking about all the adventures we had over the past weeks. Every ring on the doorbell, every chirp or bleep from my phone, all I was hoping for was another summons to another adventure. To think I started out lusting after what I thought was my neighbourhood’s most unattainable woman and it turned me into a man that was not only fucking her, but also sucking any cock that she chose to put in front of me.Five days had...

4 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 23

Eve said, "That takes care of them through one round. How long can you stay?" I grinned. "I could say that I would stay as long as you want me but I think that might be longer than I could plan. I could drive you down to Birmingham and then meet you back up in Atlanta for a week." She said, "I would like that. Of course, you could stay with me in Birmingham?" I gently shook my head. "I could fly from Birmingham that Friday and then you could drive me to Atlanta after church." I...

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Ihr Anruf Die CockoldGeschichte

Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...

2 years ago
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My first black cock

We arrived at our timeshare resort in Las Vegas about 5:00. After a quick bite to eat I put on my swim trunks and headed out to check out the pool and hottub areas. I was wearing my old Navy issue trunks which seem to have gotten tighter over the years but are still serviceable, even though my wife says they don’t hide enough. This resort has 4 pools and several hot tubs, each different size and shape. I was mostly interested in the hot tubs. The one closest to our condo was small, and crowded...

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Seans Story Chapter 6

Introduction: Enjoy Seans Story Chapter 6: The Best Kept Secret We lay on my bed for a while before the cold hit me and I realized that I was still naked despite the lack of any sexual feelings between us at the moment. I was content emotionally for now but I was cold. Laying in front of me was Josh, his eyes were closed. D-Do you mind if I get dressed? He laughed. I guess the moment died huh? It went down in flames. I carefully disentangled myself from Josh and stumbled off the bed. My...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Katie Morgan Satisfying My Stepmom

Katie Morgan just wants to get some sleep, but there’s water dripping from the ceiling of her bedroom right onto her twat. Peeling off her wet thong and nightie, she changes clothes and then relocates to her stepson Tyler Nixon’s bed. What she doesn’t know is that Tyler has just been masturbating and that he’s horny as hell. Faced with the opportunity to have his stepmom, Tyler decides to go for it. He rubs her ass and finds that she’s not wearing underwear. When...

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Daddys Darling Daughter III

A few days ago, I went to my father's office, to ask him for a favor. I wanted him to take me and Mom out for dinner. It was their twentieth anniversary, and if I couldn't change things it was going to be their last.I told his administrative assistant that I needed to talk to my Dad, and she told me he was by himself and to go on in. As I went in, I made sure to close and lock the door behind me. "Kelly, this is a surprise. Is anything wrong, you don't usually come down town?"I went and sat on...

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When in Toronto

The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For one glowing moment in his life, however long it would last, he was the biggest name in eSports. Ken wasn’t thoroughly stupid....

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