Barrons, Ltd. Ch. 3 free porn video

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After speaking to the police about the explosion and her relationship to Trainer, Angela had an officer give her a ride to ‘First & Second’. It was a cozy little jazz club that she owned and she intended to get drunk.

A few minutes later, a handsome gentleman with a rather athletic build walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. While he waited, he looked around and spotted a fairly secluded table in the back. It was a good spot, because he could see the entire room and both exits and keep his back to the wall. He was on his third drink when he saw her sitting at the far end of the bar, a beautiful redhead who was looking sad and, perhaps more importantly, well on her way to being drunk. He stopped the next person who walked by, ‘Excuse me, I don’t mean to bother you, but do you know that stunning redhead at the far end of the bar?’

The stranger looked in that direction, saw the redhead and replied, ‘No sir, I don’t know her. I’ve never seen her here before. Then again, I haven’t been here many times, so that doesn’t necessarily men anything.’

‘O.K. Well, thanks anyway,’ said the gentleman. He continued to watch her throughout the night. She never even left her stool. There were quite a few men hitting on her, but she seemed to shoot them all down. Eventually it dawned on him that if he didn’t leave soon, he would be in no shape to drive home. When he got up to leave, he realized he needed to use the restroom, and the restrooms were behind the redhead. What a coincidence! When he walked past her, she looked him in the eyes. He wished he hadn’t waited so long to come this way, she was even more beautiful up close.

As he was leaving, he passed her at the exact same moment Angela decided to leave. She got off her stool, turned around, and walked right into him. Thus, she spilled her drink all over his shirt and jacket.

‘Oh my God! I’m sho shorry!’

‘It’s ok. It was partly my fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going’ said the gentleman, flashing what he hoped was a charming smile.

‘Well, (hic) at least let me pay for the (hic) dry-cleaning.’

‘Oh no. There’s no need for that, they’re machine washable.’

‘But this was a Bloody Mary! The tomato juice will stain. I feel so bad. Please let me make it up to you somehow.’

‘It’s really no big deal,’ he exclaimed, pleasantly surprised at the turn of events.

‘I mean it. Please, there must be some way…wait…I got it! I’ll wash them for you. Come with me,’ she said as she grabbed his hand and jerked him toward the back exit. As they got out the door into the alley and she started to think about where her car was it all came back to her and she just started to cry uncontrollable. She turned and buried her face in his shoulder.

He hesitated a moment then put his arm around her and asked, ‘Was it something I said?’

‘What? Oh no. Oh jeez! I’m sorry. You see I own this club and when I come down here I always park my car out here. Then when we came out here and my car was gone, it just reminded me of what happened this afternoon,’ she explained, sobering up some in the process.

‘Well, then, why don’t we just take my car? I’m parked right out front.’ He didn’t see any reason to press her about ‘this afternoon’.


‘I called Sam about an hour after you left this morning and asked her how she felt about joining us,’ Heather explained as Dan fought to regain his composure.

‘I told her that since it was her idea, I would love to join you two in your little fantasy,’ Sam continued. As she spoke, she walked over to Heather’s make-up table and kicked off her shoes. Heather stepped up behind Sam and unzipped her skirt.

‘We spent most of the day discussing sex in general, favorite positions, fantasies and watching some movies Sam rented on her way here to get some other ideas.’

As the skirt dropped to the floor, Dan could see that Sam’s outfit wasn’t as close to Heather’s as he thought. Sam’s ‘blouse’ was actually a body suite made to look like a blouse. It was loose on top like a blouse and tight from the waistband down like a body suite. Also, not only was Sam not wearing a bra, she wasn’t wearing any underwear at all. Sam turned her back to Dan and stepped on Heather’s seat to roll off a stocking.

Heather continued, ‘It was while we were watching those movies that I got the courage up to try anal tonight. But I wanted at least some idea of what to expect so…’

‘So I taught her all I know on the subject,’ Sam finished, as she rolled down the other stocking. She set it with the rest of her clothes on the table. Then she winked at Heather and walked over to Dan, who was still looking shocked. She bent down and kissed him hard and deep then stood straight and turned her back to him.

‘Heather, why don’t we start this fantasy rolling. Bring that bench over here in front of me and lie down on it. And bring our other friend too.’

Heather opened a drawer on her table and took out something Dan had never seen before, a dildo. Then she dragged the bench over to Sam and lay down. Dan could see that his wife was more than ready to go. Her face was red, her tits were flushed, and her nipples were standing up. When she lay down on the bench and spread her legs, he could see that her pussy had been leaking juices down her legs.

Sam bent over and licked some of those juices off Heather’s inner thighs. She spread her legs and looked back at Dan, ‘Are you gonna help me out of this damned suit or just watch while your wife and I have all the fun?’

Dan moved forward and reached for the snaps in Sam’s crotch but she reached back and slapped his hand away.

‘Uhuh, no hands. I want some of that tongue Heather’s been bragging about.

Dan looked over to Heather and she looked back sheepishly and replied, ‘Well, she asked and I sure wasn’t going lie.’

‘Well, then, I hope I live up to your expectations,’ Dan said as he grabbed Sam’s hips and pulled her pussy to his face. He took the snaps in his teeth and had then undone much sooner than San expected. She gasped as he licked her from clit to ass. He released her hips and spread her ass and pussy with both hands as he went to work on her clit. He licked slow circles around it, occasionally flicking across and reversing direction.

While Dan was please Sam, Heather sat up and helped Sam out of her body suit. She played with Sam’s nipples while Sam sucked on hers and played with her pussy. They kissed occasionally.

Dan turned his attention from Sam’s clit to her pussy and ass. He caressed and probed her ass with his fingers while he tongue fucked her pussy. He stuck his tongue as far in as he could get it and flipped around the inside of her pussy.

Heather lay back down and Sam went to work on her pussy. She licked around Heather’s clit and lips then dipped into her pussy and imitated Dan.

Then Sam abruptly pulled away from Dan and said, ‘OK, Heather. Why don’t you and I show your extremely talented husband how you learned about anal sex?’ She turned to Dan and said, ‘You just sit back and enjoy the show. After all, it’s not every day you get to watch your wife get ass-fucked by another woman, is it?’ Dan just smiled and did what he was told. He sat back and enjoyed the show.

After observing Angela with the police, Vince followed her to the club. The club was called ‘First & Second’ and it happened to be a favorite hangout of his whenever he was in town. He had taken a stool in the middle of the bar and watched Angela proceed to get wasted while he tried to come up with a plan B.

After a short while, he noticed another familiar face at a table in the corner. He tried all night long to put a name to that face, but it wasn’t until the guy ran into Angela that he remembered him.

‘Tom Danielsen!’ He blurted out loud, suddenly.

‘What was that? Did you say something, Mr. Johnson?’ Asked the bartender.

‘What? Oh no, no, I was just thinking out loud Barb.’

‘Would you like me to add tonight’s drinks to your tab, Mr. Johnson?’

‘How much is my tab?’

‘Including tonight, it comes to….’ Barb paused as she added the figures together, ‘a total of $150.00 on the nose.’

‘Ouch!’ He said as he acted as thought she had stabbed him in the heart. ‘Well, I think this will cover it.’ He said as he took some money out of his wallet and gave it to Barb.

She looked at the money and said, ‘But Mr. Johnson, there’s…’

‘Please call me Vince.’

‘OK, Vince, there’s more than $300 here.’

‘So put the difference on a new tab for me, minus a nice tip for yourself, of course,’ he said as he started to leave.

‘Hey, Vince!’ She called after him.

He returned to the bar and leaned closer to her, ‘Hey what?’

She leaned over the bar closer to him, ‘6 a.m.’ she said, looking him in the eyes.

‘What about it?’

‘That’s when I get off work,’ she said smiling.

He pulled his stool closer and sat back down, ‘Why Barb, what about Rick?’ He jerked his head toward the door indicating the bouncer. ‘I thought you two were dating?’

‘What!? I wouldn’t go out with that man again if someone offered me money. Let me tell you about our first and last date. First, we went to a movie. It was full of blood and guts and tits and ass, just the kind of movie you take a girl to on your first date, right? Then we went out to eat all that blood and guts and tits and ass make a person hungry, don’t ya know. Where do we go eat? None other than Billy Joe Bob’s for BBQ ribs and beer! How much more romantic can you get?’ Vince was laughing outright by then and she continued, ‘but I think he saved the best for least. By the time we left Bill Joe Bob’s, I was pretty drunk, and unfortunately when I get that drunk I tend to get really horny. Apparently, I wasn’t hiding this fact. We went back to his place because that’s where my car was. He wanted me to come in and have a nightcap with him before I left so I did. Well, one thing led to another and it wasn’t long before we were both naked on his living room floor. Then we went into his bedroom and, get this, attached to his headboard were two sets of handcuffs!’

‘OH NO!’ Vince was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Rick was watching them. That made him laugh even harder.

‘I’m not finished yet.’ Barb continued, ‘Would you believe that big mountain of a man over there asked me to handcuff him to his bed and drip hot candle wax on his body? He also said he likes to be put over a woman’s lap and spanked like a baby. He’s a good bouncer, but the man has some serious problems in his head!’

When he had stopped laughing long enough to catch his breath, Vince said, ‘In that case, Barb, I’ll meet you out front at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning. And you don’t have to worry about blood and guts or BBQ ribs. But I must admit, I’m rather fond of tits and ass.’ He pointedly looked at her chest as he said so.

‘Are you kidding? The tits and ass in that movie was the best part of the evening! I look forward to tomorrow morning, Vince.’ Then she noticed Rick looking their way again. ‘Kiss me, quick’ she said and grabbed Vince’s hand and pulled him closer.

Vince leaned across the bar and kissed Barb, placing his hands on her waist. Barb surprised him by taking the hand that she knew Rick could see and placing it on her breast. He squeezed it gently. ‘See you in the morning,’ he said as he turned away to leave.

As he got to the door, he looked at Rick and laughed. ‘Candle wax and handcuffs, huh? What a kinky combination, you naughty boy!’ Rick blushed and Vince laughed even harder as he walked out the door.

When they got into his car, the gentleman turned to the redhead and said, ‘By the way, I’m Tom, Tom Danielsen,’ as he extended his hand.

She looked at him and smiled as she said, ‘Once again, I’m sorry. Hi Tom, I’m Angela, Angela Barrons.’ They shook hands and laughed. However, Angela soon got lost in her thoughts again and neither said another word other than Tom getting directions from Angela.

When they reached Angela’s house in the country, she opened the door and placed her purse on a table by the door as the light came on automatically.

‘Ah!’ Tom was startled.

Angela laughed as she explained, ‘I suppose I could have warned you, but it’s much more fun to see my guests’ reactions when they aren’t expecting it. You see, the lights in the whole house are wired to motion sensors. The only exceptions are the bedrooms, those lights respond to voice command. Neat huh?’

‘Wow, I’ve seen motion sensor lights in government and professional buildings, but I’ve never seen them in a private home.’

‘When I had this house built, I sat down with the architect and designed it from the foundation to the roof,’ she explained as she opened a set of doors that led to a room which was obviously a recreation room. It had a stocked bar, pool table, dart board, pinball machine, a sectional sofa which faced a big screen TV and VCR, poker table, arcade game and juke box.

‘I repeat, WOW!’

Angela took off her jacket and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse, revealing her cleavage and a portion of her bra in the process.

‘Can I get you a drink?’ She asked as she walked over to the bar and set her jacket on a stool.

‘Uh, yeah, sure. Rum and Coke if you have it.’ He was beginning to wonder if Angela was out of his league.

‘Would that be Bacardi, Capt. Morgan or Malibu?’

‘Malibu is good.’

‘Good choice. I think I’ll have the same.’ She took his drink to him and said, ‘Now, to quote an old and extremely corny cliché, ‘you stay here while I go slip into something more comfortable.’

Tom smiled. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’ Tom said as he went to the sofa and sat down. A few moments after Angela left, Tom got up and walked over to the arcade game. It was called ‘Killer Instinct’. The screen was flashing ‘1 player or 2 players’. He figured Angela would be gone a few more minutes, so he pressed the 1 player button. The game lasted about two minutes and he spent most of that time trying to figure out how to make his character punch and kick.

‘Humph,’ he grumbled, as he picked up his drink and took a sip. He almost choked when he turned around, because Angela was less than two feet behind him. She was wearing a rid silk robe that somehow accentuated the red in her hair.

‘Do you like it?’ She asked him, smiling.

‘Like what? The game or the ‘something more comfortable’?’

‘The game.’ She replied as though she hadn’t heard the second half of Tom’s question. ‘I get a different one every few months. I like to keep up with technology and they’re great for hand-eye coordination. Here, take this.’ She said as she handed him a robe that matched hers. ‘There is a bathroom down that hall. It’s the second door on your left. Take off those clothes before that tomato juice sets in any more and bring them to me so I can get them in the wash.’ She pointed to a hallway that Tom hadn’t noticed earlier.

‘Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.’ When he got to the bathroom, the lights came on automatically. ‘AAHHH!’ He could hear Angela laughing in the game room. He stripped to his boxers and put on the robe she had given him, then he joined her in the game room.

She was still laughing. ‘Don’t be embarrassed about being startled by the lights. It took me six months to get used to them when I moved in and I’m the one who had them installed in the first place.’ She said between giggles. ‘Give me the clothes and I’ll get them started.’

He handed her the bundle of clothes and she left the room once again. This time he decided to stick with a game he knew and walked over to the pool table. He was just about to make the break when Angela returned. ‘Do you get to play much?’ He asked.

‘Once in aw
hile. Would you like another drink?’

‘Sure. Just like the first. You’re one hell of a bartender.’ He said as he handed her his glass.

‘I’d better be, it was bartending that put me through college.’ She exclaimed as she finished making the drinks. ‘College for what?’ He asked as she handed him his new drink.

‘Double major Corporate Law and Business Management.’ She answered as she walked over and took a pool cue off the rack on the wall. She turned around and bent over the table to take her shot. She had her back toward him and when she bent over, her robe rode high enough on her ass that Tom could see she had nothing else on. ‘So, Tom, what do you do for a living?’ She asked as she walked around the table and bent over to take her next shot.

She was facing toward him, so Tom politely averted his eyes and answered, ‘I work for a major government contractor and I was transferred to the Government Center downtown a few weeks ago.’

‘Do you enjoy it?’

‘Well, I can certainly say that there’s rarely a dull moment.’ They finished the game in silence. She was very good and he struggled to keep up with her. The gamed ended when she dropped the eight ball. She straightened up and looked across the table.

‘Another game?’

‘Why not?’ He replied immediately, ‘I might even learn something from you.’ He was saying as the washer buzzed and she went to put his clothes in the dryer.

When she returned, she was smirking and giggling to herself. ‘Let’s make it a little more interesting, then.’

‘What did you have in mind?’ He asked as he chalked the end of his cue stick and walked to the other end of the table to line up on the cue ball for the break.

Angela pretended to think it over while she took her time making sure the rack was tight. She was bending over the rack and knew Tom would get a good look at her tits if he looked in her direction.

‘Let’s see….’ She straightened up and looked at him with that smirk again, ‘I got it. Let’s make it loser buys winner drinks for the rest of the night.’ She said as she moved over to her drink at the bar.

‘What do you mean? It’s almost midnight and my clothes won’t be dry for a while. By the time we’re ready to go anywhere, anywhere will be closed.’ Tom said. He hoped he knew very well what she meant, but it was better that she spells it out just to be sure.

‘Well, first of all, your clothes will be dry in about 15 minutes, second of all, that bar that we were at earlier – the one that I own – is open until 6 a.m.’ She replied as he made the break shot. She saw the disappointment flash across his face and knew that her tease was working so she made him wait while she took her turn. She sank three balls then scratched on purpose just as the dryer buzzed. She went to get his clothes.

When Angela returned with his clothes, Tom was at the bar making them each another drink. She took his folded clothes and placed them on the end of the couch while he finished. When he returned to the table with their drinks, he handed hers to her. She took it and looked him in the eye as she said, ‘On the other hand….’ She sipped from her drink and nodded toward the bar, ‘I never said anything about leaving the house. She turned away and walked over to the bar and sat on a stool, crossing her legs. ‘I believe it was your shot.’ She said, smirking again as a look relief flashed across Tom’s face.

He thought, ‘There IS a God!’ He said, ‘Your first point was a good one.’ Gesturing toward his clothes on the sofa, ‘the second one was as well.’ He said as he took his turn, sinking three balls in two shots and leaving the cue ball in a very bad spot for Angela. He walked over to the bar and leaned his stick against it. He put his drink down as he turned to Angela, their faces only inches apart. ‘But I think I like your third point the best,’ he said as he slowly leaned closer to her and kissed her lightly on the lips and pulled away just as slowly.

She turned her barstool to face him, spread her legs and pulled him closer to her. She then kissed him slightly harder than he kissed her and said, ‘I was hoping you’d see it my way.’ She got down from her seat and took her turn. She dropped three more of her balls and left the cue ball trapped by her remaining ball and the eight ball.

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My Story Making a Maid

Disclaimer; fiction, x-rated-language -sex; gender issues; all names are fictitious and relate to no one living or dead. Feed back welcome and appreciated. Mail to: [email protected] My Story: The Making a Maid By G. K. Mitchell Part One When I was young, I knew I was different then the other boys in my neighborhood. Though I participated in their activities, I felt out of place, kind of like I didn't really belong. Often, I would make up excuses to get away and be on my...

4 years ago
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How a girls hosed legs started their power over me

Penny in 1st Grade pushed me down then stood straddled over me in her brown tights and short skirt. she ran her pointed toes over my chest and I couldn't move even though nothing stopped me from raising up. Her arched foot started running along side my face and I froze in fascination . I did not understand why. When heard the teacher come she put her shoe back on and walked off. In second grade the girls chased us boys and put us in jail. Jail was when they forced us down and put our heads...

3 years ago
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The Brickworks Lane Pals

Tonight was one of those nights that in the past few months Second Lieutenant Theodore Stevenson had come to describe as quiet: although when was it ever truly quiet on the Western Front? He could still hear the spasmodic rat-a-tat of distant machine gun fire; the occasional whoosh of a sniper's bullet; and the muffled screams of agony and despair from a lone brave soldier lost in No-Man's Land. But mostly what the lieutenant heard as he strode along the trenches at night was the gentle...

2 years ago
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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

3 years ago
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My Bizarre New Life

MY BIZARRE NEW LIFE by Throne In a sense, everything I'm going to tell you about is my own fault. My life never would have changed the way it did, if I hadn't set everything in motion. With my wealth and plenty of leisure time, I had developed increasingly kinky tastes. My wife Alana wasn't as keen as I was about any of it. She didn't relish wearing leather and rubber, wasn't eager to have me take pictures and videos while she played with sex toys, and definitely resisted when I...

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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 12

SURPRISE Tim Dooley is another of my neighbors on Pleasant Street. Tim’s only twenty and is attending the local community college. To save money, he’s still living at home with his parents. Tim works part time at a local restaurant, mainly nights, and he doesn’t have class every day. He likes helping out around the house, and sometimes runs errands for his mother. As far as I know, he’s not dating anybody right now. Lori Jacobs also lives on Pleasant Street, with her husband Lincoln. Lori’s...

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Sex With My Neighbour Aunty

I live in Bangalore. I live in a place where most it companies are near to my place Coming to the story this happened before few days before and before that aunty and I had many encounters like she used to show cleavage and has rubbed her ass while passing near by   On that day it was Sunday I was on terrace busy on phone Aunty came to hang her clothes to dry and while doing that she gave me smile when I looked at her and she bent down there was nothing on her body except gown I saw her...

3 years ago
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Could That Have Been Her

Cindy and I love our house, our lifestyle, our common interests, just about everything about our life together. We just don't love each other. The only way we seem to be completely happy is if we're sharing another woman. Cindy insists she's bi, not gay, but she only seems to glow if we have a woman in our lives. Not just in bed, either. She develops a real closeness with these women, almost seems to fall in love with them. But then she loses interest. After twelve years of...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 387 Sondarm Christian School Visit Inside

Tuesday, July 3 to Saturday, July 21, 2007 I wrote an email to the Principal of the Sondarm Christian High School, introducing myself then saying: I believe the antagonism from some elements of the Christian community toward me and/or God's Guardian Angel is mostly caused by unfamiliarity. Resurrection is unknown in modern times, and as far as I am aware, the Guardian Angel is unknown in all times. People fear the unknown, and fear often leads to worse emotions and actions. I wish to...

3 years ago
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Male Cherry goesPOP Pt2 Male Cherry goesPO

Once I landed in Vegas I knew that I would live up to the City's manta: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".I arrived at the baggage claim greeted by hot weather. I was thankful that I decided to change into a clingy maxi dress and sandals before leaving the house. As I am waiting for my bag to make its way around on the belt I am scared to death with a soft....sensual kiss on the nape of my neck. I jumped and turned around to find Bryan's chocolate solid frame swallowing me. I playfully...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 26 Storm Warning

I woke up feeling a very hot slippery pussy rubbing against my hard cock and lips pressed against mine. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed back to let her know I was with her. I tried to guess which of my lovers this was before I opened my eyes. Too small in the bosom for Jennifer, Courtney, or Rose. Too big for Elaine. Could be Samantha or Rhonda. I could feel the slight tickle of pussy hair so it had to be... "Mary!" I yelled. There were a few startled exclamations. "Told you,"...

3 years ago
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The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Another Brotherly Encounter

Zack & Cody had experienced their first sexual encounter with one another. While wrestling with each other one afternoon, Zack discovered Cody had developed a hard-on. They ended up getting naked together and one thing led to another. With their curiosity getting the better of them, they first made out with one another. Zack ended up jacking off Cody while Cody took it one step further and gave his twin a blowjob. Even though they were both totally attracted to girls in every way, neither...

2 years ago
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Billys Boning BonanzaChapter 2

Billy was introduced to Dottie who had recently moved in next door. Her husband had taken a job as a long-haul trucker because it paid well but she said she needed help around the house. When she called on him for assistance he was greeted by the attractive wife in a robe like she had just gotten out of the shower. “What do you need me to help with?” Billy asked as she served him cold tea and homemade cookies. “With my husband gone so much quite a few things aren’t getting taken care of that...

3 years ago
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My experience with the twins

This is a true story that happened a few years ago.When I met them they were just out of high school, young and bright newcomers to the big city. Nataly was majorly shy but we shared a common interest in art and anime, so I talked with her a lot. She was average height, with long brown hair and the cutest face, her tits were large for a teenager but not huge. She did not pay much attention to how she dressed. There was really nothing outwardly sexual about how she acted. Her twin sister Jillian...

3 years ago
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Innocent Naive Yet Nasty Kinky Story About My Next Door Neighbor 02

Introduction: My neighbours wife love to suck cock? Continued from Chapter [01], where Mrs Jenny was stuck in a compromising position with me. We were both in the room, sitting on the floor next to each other. My fingers were busy digging her willing pussy and her hand was jerking my cock slowly. From her worried look, it seemed that she was not sure what to do nor knew what she wanted. But from her body reaction and the wetness of her pussy, it was definitely positive that she was tempted and...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 50

Two days later, instead of junior high school, Cindy boarded the bus for the county consolidated high school. She did so with an extra hug and a kiss on her lips. My own drive to work was not without trepidation. I was vacillating between 'My Cindy can do ANYTHING' and 'I'm sending a cute little fourteen year old to a high school'. Cindy's turn: Dan says I'd be better writing down what I saw and felt and learned in my high school experience. I know Dan worries. He worries that...

3 years ago
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Shikhar8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hello guys and girls, my pen name is Shikhar and am here to narrate my adventures I’ve had so far, write your feedbacks at my email id . Am 23 now and am from Udupi, Mangalore. Speaking about me, am well built, hits gym regularly. This story is about that time when I was in 12th std. The girl in this story, Jazz! She is the babe of the college. Catholic by religion and me a hindu. But that nvr was a problem. Her stats are 34-28-34 and am 6′ tall with a 6.5′ tool.(honest measurements). Coming...

4 years ago
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My Life Between Virginity and Celibacy Part Two conclusion

Life became humdrum in about all ways over the next two or three years, and we decided to have another baby. That decision coincided with our wedding anniversary. We got a babysitter and went out for dinner. After the babysitter departed, we went to bed and did ‘it’ again with a bit more enthusiasm than normal because it was our anniversary. Its been so long ago, but I seem to remember doing something a bit different from our normal missionary sex. Who knows, for I may have been doing her in a...

1 year ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 41 Book 1 Whos the Boss

Day 4, they finally let me get to a phone. I call Dr. Stevens. “Mr. Brown, I was about to call you. I have the perfect person for you.” “I almost forgot I asked you to find me somebody who could be licensed at the stock exchange.” “He even has some experience. He isn’t just a student. Eric ran into some trouble at the New York exchange, and so, he came back to get his masters. He has always been one of the top of his class and has often come up with innovative solutions. His portfolio was...

2 years ago
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Joining A Couple Turns Bi Ch 02

After a very enjoyable night with Mike and Cindy, we had all fallen asleep in a sweaty, sticky heap until I was awoken by Cindy climbing off the bed, not sure of the time but the sun was beginning to creep through the blinds, as she told me she was going to have a shower and fix breakfast.As I heard the shower start, thinking how good Cindy would look in the shower, I felt a hand run across my chest and onto my cheek before Mike's face moved above mine and asked if I had a night of pleasure....

1 year ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 11

Friday, July 2, 1999 My mind was getting back to East coast time as I woke at seven. The girls were each lying against me with a head on a shoulder. Sue had a firm grip on my morning ego, while a small hand was cupping my balls. My mind began to work as it did this time of day. "How lucky can a guy be? Sue is so loving. She's going to be a mom. I'm going to be a dad. She's brought this strange, loving, creature into our home and heart. I don't need another woman around. Maybe Sue does....

2 years ago
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Harry Potter That Need part 1

Harry grinned in spite of his present discomfort. It was quite nice actually to be awakened from a particularly vivid dream and have to deal with an ache in his groin, rather than the usual pain on his forehead and the burn of his scar caused by his frequent nightmares. Instead of the slitted red eyes of Lord Voldemort, his dreams now were often filled with visions of a fiery redhead, and the salty-sweet taste of their first kiss in the common room after the last Quidditch match, or the...

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Fear the Toad

The Toad backed up his material to the Cloud - all his investigation files and his recordings of subsequent encounters, then he checked his cameras for the third time, eagerly anticipating the arrival of his next "guest". Even though he knew, he consulted his diary to see who was coming to visit tonight then prepared her impromptu stage. He cleared space on his living room floor leaving the sheepskin rug in place. She would need room to perform for him he knew. The Toad closed his eyes and...

4 years ago
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Jacks BIG Life Chapter 3 part 2

Jack's BIG StoryChapter 3 / part 2 - "Deep, wet pussy - finally!"A random, run-of-the-mill afternoon changed Jack from being a boy that could only fantasize about his neighbor ... to a young man ... who had sex with that neighbor. The sexual fury he and Laura unleashed that day ... only poured fuel on his fire. He'd finally experienced his ultimate sexual fantasy ... but he wanted more. He NEEDED more! This was no 'one time only' event. It was only the beginning. Two days after their first...

1 year ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 8 Endings and Beginnings part I

In early November the weather turned cold and raw. Everyday, the sky was the color of lead. Paul's cabin was closed for the winter. The leaves were off the trees. It was that in-between season between Fall and Winter. There were a few flakes of snow in the air, but nothing yet on the ground. Conversation split around two topics: would Michigan beat Ohio State and earn a trip to the Rose Bowl; was it going to be a tough winter and how much would it cost to heat the house. All-in-all, it meant...

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My Wife Prema With Arun

By : Shobhen I am Rahul and my wife Prema enjoying life to the fullest. Read my previous postings (Wife Is Happy with Arun and Me and My Friends Banged My Wife) for details. Prema is becoming more and more sexy and bold day by day. She is a sex goddess because of her exceptionally good assets, round swinging ass, curvy body, big boobs and wide lips. All features she has having to perfectly describe her sexy. Sex has become our part and parcel of life and any man looking at her definitely will...

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The Pregnant Married Whore Next Door

We had met at a swinger / sex party. I had come with a girl from work who wanted to hook up with other guys but needed a date to get in. I played shy and hung out then I spotted my future wife. She was being fucked by a small girl with a large black strap-on and 4 guys were jerking off watching her take it in the ass. She is about 5ft 10 with big blonde hair that matches her huge juggs. She has a big ass and hips and she is a size 40EEE / 34 waist and 40 inch ass. I started to get excited and...

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Suzys College Entrepreneurialism

As a young woman at college in the late sixties, I soon became aware of the power I could exert over guys of my own age! Although this was supposed to be “the swingin' sixties”, anything of a sexual nature has passed my small village by. I was the sort of person who liked to study what was going on around me though, so when I got to college, as a virgin, I was intrigued to explore aspects of sex for the first time. I guess it was due to having an elder brother and hanging around with him and...

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The Night Out

She looked at herself in the dressing table mirror and wondered why she was wasting her time with putting on makeup when it didn't matter. A short skirt, a low cut blouse and high heels was all it was going to take. She could have a bag over her head and it wouldn't matter one little bit; she knew she would be hit on before the waitress even got there to take her drink order. As she prepared herself for going out to get laid she wondered what her husband was doing at that very moment. Would...

1 year ago
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stay the course part two lay over in Sydney 2

“Thank you Mike, I needed this,” I said as I drank the second glass of water. “I also need a shower, do you guys mind if I use yours?’ I was lounging naked on the balcony, with the three guys who had just came all over me. I could feel the cum drying on my body, after our wild foursome. “Use mine babe,” Sam said, and took my hand so I could stand. I leaned against him to steady myself. I looked over the balcony at the view, it was spectacular. There were a couple of men naked on the...

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AbigailChapter 4

If it hadn't been obvious before, it was now; Abigail and Mike were an item. There were a few raised eyebrows, but on the whole, the verdict was 'good for them' and 'Abigail obviously has something going for her'. They spent every moment together that they could; at Uni, or at one or other of their homes, but most of the time they were working or talking, though not entirely without some cuddling and kissing. The key to any successful relationship is communication, but Abigail and Mike...

2 years ago
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Hummiliation the beginning Part 1

I just got appointed to be a Store Manager for a luxury fashion label in a exclusive Shopping Centre. Right opposite was a boutique that specialized in sexy club wear, everything from shiny leather high heel boots, to tight miniskirts even to PVC clothes.One day as I was inspecting our window dressing I ended up admiring their displays and walked over to check out the prices they were charging. As I inspected the pricing table I could see right onto the shop floor where a girl caught my eye,...

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Mutter Tochter Gangbang

„Oh mein Gott, was wollen die denn hier?“, seufzt die 36jährige Mary-Ann. Sie sieht aus dem Küchenfenster, wie vier schwarze Jungens aus einem klapprigen Chevy steigen und auf ihr Haus zukommen. Die Kerle sehen in ihrer schlampigen Kleidung wie Ghetto-Kids aus. Mary-Ann erkennt ihren Anführer wieder, einen gewissen Tyrone, der nach dem Footballspiel in der vergangenen Woche die ganze Zeit um ihre 18jährige Tochter Lisa herumscharwenzelt ist. Gott sei Dank ist Lisa jetzt nicht zu Hause, denkt...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 37

"We need to talk" is usually the two slices of sweet bread covering a shit sandwich. I have yet to hear those innocent sounding words when they weren't followed by news to which I didn't want to listen.The last time a boss called me into the office using that invitation, I left with a security escort to the front door with a severance check in my back pocket."Have a seat," Sheila patted the empty cushion and motioned for me to sit. "We've got a lot to talk about and not much time. The meeting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Boss gives a party

My Boss was giving a party to celebrate New Year; but I could not convince my beloved hubby to come with me.Victor said he was really tired after a hard week at his office and he wished me luck; but his intention was staying home that night…So, I picked up a taxi and went alone to this party.A while later, I had got several glasses of nice red wine. Then I felt a bit tipsy; but however, I kept dancing with these two rather handsome guys. They were business men, invited by my Boss.Our bodies...

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Like A Virgin

Emma O'Reilly was the perfect picture of a good little church girl. She was a sweet, plump young woman with long red hair and a perpetual smile. Her curvy body was hidden under modest clothing, and she always carried a Bible in her purse. Emma was also a virgin, and not only that, had never even touched herself.

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Walk in the woods

I was taking a walk one spring evening in the hills behind my house. When I rounded a bend, a strange sight suddenly confronted me: a man in bright colored clothing was coming towards me. When he saw me, he made an exaggerated stop and promptly walked up to me and pulled a flower from behind my ear. He gave it to me with an elaborate bow, then beckoned me to follow him. By now, this strange clown had caught my interest, so I was more than willing to follow him. I have been fascinated by clowns...

4 years ago
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my mom

Introduction: first time shower I was in my second year of college, pursuing a sports physiology degree. My parents were in a terrible car accident that killed my father and younger brother and left my mother blind. She was a dynamic personality. Beautiful, fit, loved life. This accident left her totally devastated and without any hopes at all. I made the decision to move back home and help her as much as I could. When I arrived home she was sitting on the couch in her robe with bandages...

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