Rig RunnerChapter 7: Meltdown free porn video

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Eriksen was awoken by blaring alarms. He rose out of his bed groggily, rubbing his eyes and wincing as his soreness from the previous day’s activities made his muscles ache. What the hell was going on now?

He pulled on his clothes and left his room, yawning sleepily as he tapped at a nearby terminal. Nazka emerged from the cabin adjacent to his, already in a bad mood, her ears flat against her head as she sidled up next to him.

“What’s with all the fuckin’ noise?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out,” he replied irately, scrutinizing the touch panel as she flicked her tail impatiently. “Oh fuck, that’s not good.”

“What’s not good?”

“Reactor three is nearing its thermal limit, it must have been damaged in the explosion. The early warning system has been triggered.”

“Early warning?”

“Yeah, that reactor is nuclear, it uses plutonium fuel rods to heat water which turns into steam and is forced through a pipe. The steam then spins a turbine to generate electricity, which is fed into the superlight drive and stored in the battery banks to power the ship. You can get smaller ones, like the ones on Yachts or Coursers. Those are much more compact, but they generate a lot less power. On a ship this size, we use large-scale models, advanced boiling reactors. Problem is if they overheat then they tend to uh ... catastrophically melt down and turn the entire aft section of the ship into radioactive slag while dosing the crew with enough rads that your cancers will get cancer.”

“You idiot!” Nazka exclaimed. He recoiled, afraid that she might claw him. “This is your own damned fault. If you hadn’t blown a big ass hole in the engine room, then this wouldn’t be happening. We’re lucky those reactors didn’t go off like a fucking tac nuke!”

“Nuclear reactors can’t explode,” he snapped, “nuclear bombs work completely differently. Not that I’d expect someone who is awed by shower heads to understand nuclear physics.”

“You’re a fucking freight jockey, don’t talk down to me when the only reason you know any more than I do is because you had to pass an employee safety exam.”

“Oh very funny,” he shot back. “Unless you’d like to trade insults until the radiation scrambles our genes like a DNA omelet, we need to do something about this and fast.”

“Well, what are you supposed to do in this situation? What’s the standard procedure?”

“I don’t know, I missed the employee safety exam. I was jacking off that day.” She clocked him with a backhand, gentle by her standards, but it sent him reeling. He steadied himself and glared at her as she planted her hands on her wide hips. “Fine fine, there are two solutions to this problem. Either we cool the rods in the reactor, or we eject the core into space. Since I don’t actually know how to even diagnose a problem with a nuclear reactor, let alone fix one, our best bet is to ditch the thing.”

“And how do we do that?”

Eriksen lifted two of his fingers up to her.

“Two ways. The cores can be ejected by entering an emergency override code into the main console in the cockpit, or via a manual release in the engineering section.”

“Time’s up,” Nazka spat, “open the damned cockpit door. You don’t have a choice now.”

“Oh, I’m not opening that fucking door,” Eriksen replied with a wide grin. “That door stays closed as long as you’re on this ship. I’ll let the freighter melt into a puddle of molten slag before I let you win.”

“Fine. Then I’m going to get on my shuttle, return to the Black Claw, and leave you to cook along with this forsaken heap of scrap.” She kicked the wall in frustration and spat something in her native language, insults and curses no doubt.

“No you’re not, because if you do that, then you get nothing. No loot, no freighter, and no Eriksen. I know that you pirates operate on a thin profit margin, how much did it cost you to buy that ship and outfit your crew, how much have you spent so far in this venture? My bet is that if you leave empty-handed, you’re ruined, you can’t afford to let this vessel be destroyed any more than I can.”

She reached down and gripped him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him off the deck and bringing him up to her face, her hackles raised as she snarled at him. Eriksen wasn’t fazed, it was all for show. He was holding the reigns now, and she knew it as well as he did. She dropped him back down, loosing a long sigh and running her claws through her hair in exasperation.

“Alright, what do we do?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy crawling into an enclosed space with a reactor that could go critical at any moment. Might as well stick my head in a fucking microwave. The aft section has no atmosphere anyway, it’s open to space, so I say we EVA along the outside of the hull and trigger the release from there.”

“You can do that? There’s a release on the outside of the ship?”

“Yeah, for use if the aft section is somehow inaccessible from the inside. These freighters are expensive, and they’re built to last. The redundant systems have redundant systems.” She looked conflicted, worried, and Eriksen’s smile only grew as he watched her fret. “What’s the matter, have you never spacewalked before?”

“Not ... as such, no,” Nazka replied hesitantly.

“You have a pressure suit, right? You won’t last with just your oxygen mask. In fact, I can’t believe that you survived as long as you did when I vented the engine room, a human would have been killed regardless.”

“Yeah, there’s one in the shuttle, but...” She trailed off, crossing her arms over her chest defensively, her hardcase demeanor somewhat lessened by her flat ears and her drooping tail.

“I can’t believe it,” Eriksen laughed, “you’re fucking scared!”

“I am not!” Nazka shot back.

“Yes you are! For God’s sake Nazka, there are janitors who get paid peanuts to clean the hulls of ships, and you can’t do one spacewalk? What happened to your superior warrior primitivist bullshit?”

“I am not scared,” she insisted, “I’ve just never done it before.”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” Eriksen said as he gestured towards the hangar door. “Go suit up, and I’ll meet you in the bay in ten.”

Eriksen stood at the bottom of the shuttle’s ramp, clad in one of the remaining emergency pressure suits, the yellow plastic rustling as he sealed the hood. It wasn’t ideal, these weren’t intended for use in deep space. If anything larger than a dust particle hit him, it would tear through the suit like it was made of wet toilet paper. The suit’s lining was about as thin as their chances of actually pulling this off before the reactor melted like an ice cream dropped on a hot sidewalk. He waited impatiently for Nazka to emerge, every second that she wasted brought them one second closer to nuclear doom.

She finally descended the ramp, clad from head to toe in a red space suit. He had never even seen her wear shoes and so he was unused to seeing her completely covered. Even her long tail was encased in a flexible tube, and her boots looked more like reproductions of her paw-like feet, with magnets visible where her fleshy pads would have been. It was lightly armored, and the joints were reinforced to give it the look of an old-timey deep-sea diving suit, albeit much lighter and far more flexible. She seemed out of practice as she came to a stop beside him. She glanced down at him past her narrow visor, and he gestured to her with his fingers, indicating what channel to tune her short-range radio to. There was a hiss of static and then her shallow breathing came through on the other end, she sounded nervous.

“So let me get this straight,” Eriksen said derisively, looking her up and down. “You’ve never done an EVA before, yet you thought it best to buy a light combat suit? You’ve never taken the time to train in the thing, that’s obvious from the way you’re walking, yet you had the time to paint that ridiculous black claw logo on the chest piece? Is that a registered trademark? Are you running a pirate crew or a fucking LLC?”

“Let’s just get this over with,” she grumbled, her apprehension now greater than her anger.

“Very well, follow me.”

Eriksen made his way forward towards the shimmering force field that shielded the hangar bay from open space. It would keep the atmosphere in, but it would allow solid objects to pass uninhibited. Towards the far left was a ramp that fell out of view at an unnatural angle, connecting the deck to the hull outside in a way that would allow someone in a suit to easily walk along it. He stopped beside a control panel a short distance from the field, tapping at the screen with his gloved hands.

“I’m gonna turn off the AG field,” he explained, gesturing Nazka forward to stand beside the glowing wall of energy. “We don’t need the artificial gravity making this any screwier or more disorienting than it needs to be. Make sure your mag boots are turned on, the lights on the heels should be red. On my mark, walk down the ramp.”

“Okay,” she replied, “I’ll make sure to ... hey wait! The magnetic boots are turned on when the light is green, asshole. I know that. Were you going to make me walk right off the ship and into space? You miserable little,” she trailed off into a string of alien curse words as Eriksen gave her an exaggerated shrug.

“It was worth a shot. Now get ready, I’m about to shut off the gravity.”

He heard her gasp in alarm as the artificial gravity field powered down, and he felt his body attempting to float off the deck, secured by his magnetic boots.

“You’re not really falling,” he said, attempting to reassure the obviously frightened alien as she was no use to him hysterical. “That’s just the liquid in your inner ear floating around. Your body can’t get its balance without gravity and so it sends signals telling you that you’re in free fall. Use the boots, one foot on the ground at all times, be conscious of how and where you’re walking. One mistake and you might float off into space. You only need to be out of range of my arm to be lost forever, I’m not trying to scare you I just want you to stay alert. This is potentially dangerous, but it will be perfectly safe as long as you remain in control, understand?”

She nodded, steeling herself. Making sure that his boots were secure and working correctly, Eriksen took a few faltering steps down the ramp and passed through the shimmering barrier, his head spinning as his brain tried to make sense of the angled surface. The hull stretched out before him, the only horizon in sight, the endless expanse of space making for a surreal and terrifying sky. Nazka kept pace behind him, wobbling in her mag boots, still trying to find the right gait in this new environment.

“Look at the hull,” Eriksen panted. Moving around in low-G was surprisingly hard work. “Pretend it’s the ground, then slowly raise your eyes. Try to trick your brain into thinking that it can see a horizon. Don’t look up, you’ll just get disoriented. If you start to panic, then you might make a mistake and fall away.”

“You’re not helping,” she grumbled over the radio. She sounded overstimulated.

“We’re heading aft,” he added, ignoring her comment. “We need to walk over the support beams that make up the midsection of the freighter, where the cargo containers are hitched. It’s going to feel like you’re walking a tightrope a million miles in the air, just try not to look down, and remember that your boots will secure you to the metal. As long as there’s one magnet touching the hull you won’t fall, it’s impossible.”

It was hard to grasp the sheer size of the vessel from the inside, but once you were looking at the hull as it extended off into the distance, the thousand-foot behemoth really came into perspective. Without the haze of an atmosphere, you could see crisp and clear almost infinitely, it screwed with your sense of scale. They had emerged from the hangar, which put them close to where the skeletal scaffold connected to the front section of the ship, their view of the distant aft section blocked by some of the cargo containers that were secured to the frame. Eriksen made his way forward carefully, his eyes fixed to the deck so as to avoid a potentially fatal trip on any protruding pipes or panels that decorated the ship’s surface. These vessels were not designed for atmospheric flight, and so there was no effort wasted on making their hulls flush and clean. If it was cheaper or more expedient to leave something jutting out of the hull then there it would stay. He couldn’t easily turn his head to keep an eye on Nazka, but he could hear her breathing into her suit radio, she seemed to be doing okay.

It was a short walk to the scaffold, and the pair stopped just short of it, examining the long stretch of metal tubes that lay before them. The tubes were thick and large, they had to take the stresses of acceleration as the engines pushed the great ship from the rear, and they were about as thick around as an oil drum as a result. Quite comfortable to walk on for a human, less so for the larger Borealan. They were scarcely thicker than her own thighs.

“One foot in front of the other,” Eriksen advised, “take it one step at a time and keep your eyes forward.”

There was no real sense of motion in space, you could be moving at thousands of meters per second, and you’d never know it without another object for reference. The vessel might as well have been standing still as the immovable stars dotted the velvet blackness of space all around them. When a ship entered superlight, it conserved any momentum that it had built up prior to the jump, maintaining its speed once deposited back into realspace. The freighter was still cruising at full speed, and despite the damage to the engines it would continue to do so until something caused it to decelerate. There was no friction or drag in space that would slow an object over time. Gravity would be a factor, but not this far from any planetary bodies. There were various gravity assist maneuvers that could be attempted in order to gain or shed velocity in the case of a main engine failure. There was something incredibly primal and gratifying about harnessing the very forces of nature itself to propel a vessel, like playing with some cosmic executive toy, but Eriksen had only attempted it in the simulator. He didn’t fancy trying it out under real conditions. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.

He took a step out onto the nearest metal tube, feeling the magnets in his boot secure him to it, and he began his perilous journey. He had to resist the urge to extend his arms in order to balance himself like a child walking along a felled log, there was no up or down here, and the only balance that mattered was making sure that his left boot had a solid hold before he put the right one forward.

“Follow behind me,” he said to Nazka, “but not too close. I don’t want you knocking into me and sending me flying away.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she muttered, “just my luck to raid the only freighter in the system that’s piloted by a lunatic.”

“Some might say that leaving the safety of a planet is lunacy, yet here we both are,” Eriksen said as he made his way along the support. “No atmosphere for us to breathe and no magnetosphere to protect us from radiation, no sun to keep us from freezing in an instant, only what food and water we can carry with us. We accepted the risks along with the rewards. Space is a hostile place and accidents were bound to happen, you knew that. Every time we leave the dock it could be our last voyage, doesn’t matter how prepared you are. You might get pasted by a rogue meteorite or barbecued by a solar flare or a gamma-ray burst.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Not really, I’m just saying, worrying about your mortality is kind of pointless in this line of work. I once heard a story about a guy who was killed by a grain of sand, can you believe that? Dude was performing maintenance on a radio antenna on the hull of a station, and a micro-meteor smaller than a grain of rice hit him. It was going so fast that it punched a hole the size of a fist straight through his suit and blew him open like he’d been hit by a railgun. In all the infinite reaches of the universe, there was one speck of sand and one random nobody. Their paths happened to coincide through some bizarre fluke of fate, and he could never have seen it coming.”

“What about my crew?” she asked. “Did they see it coming when you blasted them into space?”

“Your line of work, if you can call it that, is very high reward but also very high risk. Those guys knew that any one mission could have been their last. If I had armed security guards or ship-to-ship defenses, then they would have been equally dead. Castle doctrine, you force your way onto my ship, I get to use whatever force I deem necessary to remove you under UN law. You know how you avoid getting spaced? Don’t be a fucking pirate.”

Same as Rig Runner
Chapter 7: Meltdown Videos

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By Francis Drake Chapter 2 (continued) Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. For more my Francis Drake and others go to www.nomadauthors.com, have fun. Brigit twisted into a sitting position. The cot on which she lay was no different from the one she’d left in her previous cell, though the room in which she now found herself was slightly improved. Like her other “home,” this room had a makeshift toilet and sink, but here a cloth screen partially hid them. There was a table...

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Kerrigan Harper Hot Mess Ch 01

Chapter One She wore a gray pencil skirt with a matching jacket, tailored just enough to help lead the eye away from a voluptuous figure. Her long, dark hair was pinned back from her face and neck, with a small gray pill-box hat perched on top. Black, silk stockings with a seem up the back of her leg and a pair of black leather heels with square toes completed the ensemble. With stoic poise, she made her way through the church toward the gleaming wood of the confessionals. Entering the...

3 years ago
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Intrigen und Interessen

Auch im Zentrum der Stadt, dem Rathaus, geht es nur um Macht, Sex, Geld und Interessen. Bei der Durchsetzung der Interessen wird alles angewandt: Erpressung, Vergewaltigung und sogar Mord. Dies ist ein kleiner Bericht aus dem innersten Kreis.

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Morrigans conquest of the Marvel Universe

Morrigan Aensland, succubus and Demon Queen of the Makai, slammed her hips against Dmitri's one last time as an eruption of sperm spilt into her vagina. The sensation, far from merely arousing and deeply satisfying, fueled her demon spirit as it drained energy from her partner. Dmitri, demon and long-time adversary of Morrigan, shuddered in exhaustion and pleasure as more life flowed from him into his bitch-queen, Morrigan. Dmitri had fought nobly against Morrigan, holding the Succubus at bay...

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Trigun Overdrive

The man with the short hair opened his eyes and found his younger brother standing over him, glaring down angrily at him. His eyes were hidden by the gold-lenses, but it was clear he wasn't happy. The man with the short hair looked up and smirked. "So, you really couldn't kill anyone, eh, Vash? Not even me?" His brother's face did not change, and he spoke intensely. "You know I won't kill. I'll never make that mistake again. No matter how many innocent lives you are responsible for taking, your...

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Morrigans Adventures

It was a warm summer night in Tokyo. The young woman was wandering down the street when she heard the voice calling her name. Turning to the darkened alleyway, she asked in a Scottish accent, "Who is it? Is someone there?" Emerging from the shadows came a hideous polyp-like thing that seemed mostly tentacles. It slithered towards the woman, flailing its limbs. "A tentacle monster, are ye?" asked the woman, who was more amused than frightened. "Well, I'll give ye something to play with!" With...

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Brigette Finds Happiness or Does She

The wind blew in through the open attic window and bird song floated in with the breeze. Brigette’s right nipple puckered from the cool air passing over her naked and trapped body. Her left nipple would have puckered too, except it ached in pain.A simple wood clamp crushing her most delicate nip. It was now just a purple protruding nub of throbbing flesh between the wood.She licked her semen covered lips and then shivered as another gust of air passed over her bound body. The shudder in her...

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Brigantine Weekend Part 1

Nick and I got to the club about 1am and the place was packed. Summer weekends in Atlantic City meant lots of partying people looking for fun. I drove down most weekends to stay with Nick who worker there as a dealer and was well known and well liked by the people at the club. We went to our regular spot by the bar and within a few minutes Nick struck up a conversation with the two girls drinking next to him at the bar. One was a hot looking blonde about 25 and her friend was a plainer looking...

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Trigonometric Function SSeries

When I was a freshman at college, an old neighbor of mine came back from Wales. The last time I saw him was when I was in grade school. He has this daughter who's two years older than me.One day, I went to the beach; which was my backyard, and saw my neighbor. He approached me and said hi. We talked about stuff that changed over the years, about his job and how hard it is to raise a family, about me going to college. Then I opened up about her daughter."How's Geo?" I asked."She's fine. She's...

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Harrigans Island

HARRIGAN'S ISLAND © 2010 by Anthony Durrant Harrigan, the harbour's errand boy, entered the room of David Parker, the first mate of the S.S. Marine, and found him lying on his bed in a drunken stupor. With him was his captain, Jacob Grumbly, an old hand in the Hawaiian Islands waters. Harrigan took one look at Parker and told Grumbly: "It looks bad, doesn't it, Skipper? I came in here and found him this morning. I think he's dead to the world for...

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Rightous Wife

Author: Jon Maddux Written as a project for alesha4all! I hope its everything you wanted it to be!Righteous WifeCHAPTER 1:    My uncle Frank is on his death bed, dying of lung cancer, his 3 pack a day habit finally caught up with him.  He is 11 years older than me and for some reason has called me to his side, of course I can’t refuse.    I enter the room and he waves everyone else out and it’s now just the two of us. ?Jon, I need you to do something for me.  I know I can trust you and it would...

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Marigolds Academy

Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed.? Myths and lurid stories were rife but most people thought they were all made up.? Yet here she was, about to walk through the gates of Marigold's Academy for Wayward Girls.? She would soon discover that the rumours about the school were largely true. As she was marched by her escorting guard along the pathway to the main reception area...

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Jarigina katha

Idi nijamuga jarigina katha.maa inti ki pakkana nalugu illu unnai.andulo nalugu kutumbalu adde ku unnayinenu. Valla ki snanalu anni bayata unna rekula sheddulone. Oka rojubayata varandah lo kurchuni sigarette kalusthu kurchutanu.intalo o chinna pilla chenguna lady la parugu peduthu snanani ki vellindi.ame vanti mida bra tappa mareme ledu.chinni chinni bayalu bayatiki vachhi nannu rechha gottayi.nenu tappu anukuntene malli a pilla bayatiki vachhevaraku chustunnanu.intalo evaro ravatam tho nenu...

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Orignal sex by gigolo 1

Hi Indian sex stories read karne waali sabi choot aur land walo ko mera Pranam. Main Gujarat ka rahne wala ek 24 sal ka handsom ladka hu aur mera land ka size 7/5″ ka hai or mairi body athletic hai or part time gym trainer hoan.par im gigglo hoan yahi maira kam hai or also my hobboy too,kya bar din mai 4-4 bar ladkion or ourton ko khush karta hoan,agar koi bhi ladki ya aurat sex ko enjoy karna chahti hai to maire ko mail kare () I’m available 24 hour every where and any time but in Gujarat mai...

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Lovebright Academy The Real Story

Some of you may remember a wonderfully funny story by Downing Street a while back called "LOVEBRIGHT ACADEMY." Now Downing Street is one of my favorite authors, but he has his squiks and this made him to pull a few punches in his tale. I happen to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lovebright Academy, so I know the whole story. I don't want to call too much attention to Downing's omissions, so with his permission, I've decided just to re-post his story, inserting the needed additions...

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Lollobrigidian Climb

Sofia was ... how old? She was younger than my mother, but a few years older than me. This was true at the time of all women with breasts and hips, with skin I imagined soft as butter and lips that needed no lipstick to be kissed. All the women I saw on the bus, the train, on the street, everywhere. What was it like, I wondered with desire, to be a woman who needs only look in the mirror and see her own breasts, begging to be sucked? At the time it was said that the French Academy would...

2 years ago
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Dan walked up the creaky wooden steps and gazed at the old house. It looked neglected, almost abandoned. He had been gone for too long. It was springtime in Sapporo again. The air was full of a fragrant essence; cherry blossoms strewn all over the hills. A cold breeze swept down throughout the foot of Mount Teine. Dan breathed in a lungful of air and then watched as his own breath turned into nothing more than little wisps of cloud. He smiled and stood in front of the door for a moment,...

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RigbyChapter 2

Rigby put his pile of old comic books in the back of his closet, took down the model hanging from the ceiling light, got the cigar box where he kept his money from its hiding place in the bottom drawer, picked up his radio and his Lone Ranger photo and went down to the basement. His father had opened the canvas cot and found an empty cardboard box he could use for his clothes and other things. The boy opened the El Producto cigar box and put some change and a few dollar bills in his pocket...

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RigbyChapter 3

As Rigby delivered his papers that Saturday afternoon, he collected from a few customers when he saw people out in their yard. And he thought about his cousin Gloria. She was sixteen, both taller and heavier than he was, and she was a high school junior. She was kind of pretty with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. He told her what he knew about the nearby school, that it had a reputation for the being the best high school in the county, and one of the best in the state. He was surprised it...

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RigbyChapter 4

On Wednesday Rigby put on his new cuffless trousers and a clean, short-sleeved shirt, ate his breakfast quickly, found his Waterman pen and a couple of stubby pencils, kissed his mother’s cheek and headed off for his first day of junior high school. He wasn’t exactly worried, but he did have a funny feeling deep in his middle. It was just another school, but he was concerned, apprehensive, but that wasn’t a word he knew. It was going to be different, he was sure of that. Rigby has coasted...

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RigbyChapter 5

After a couple of weeks, Rigby had figured some things out and fell into a routine of school activities. And he never forgot his lunch again. There were things he did at his locker every morning and things he did at lunchtime because the lines in the cafeteria were so long that some kids only got five or ten minutes to eat. He had gotten into the habit of skipping the showers and changing quickly at the end of gym class to get an early start on lunch. He was not the only one doing that. For...

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RigbyChapter 6

Rigby volunteered at the Red Cross-sponsored Jeep House one day each week, usually on a Wednesday that summer. Most of the time he was sent out to work in somebody’s Victory Garden as part of what they called the “weed brigade.” Now that school had started, he was only able to work on Saturdays. This day he was sent to an upscale neighborhood just off old River Road. He parked his bike and went to the back door of the big, brick home. A white-haired woman opened the door, and he told her who...

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RigbyChapter 7

In November the PE classes switched from football and soccer outdoors on the big playground behind the school to basketball and volleyball inside as the weather got colder and wetter. One day Mr. Lehr had Rigby’s section work on foul shots at the three baskets in the boys’ half of the gym. “Want you to take ten, two at a time and then come and tell me how many you made. Get it? Take turns. You can take other shots while you wait, understand, but get ten foul shots.” Half an hour later, near...

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RigbyChapter 8

Rigby joined what was usually called the stage crew at school and learned how to operate projectors, the stage lights and other equipment. The club’s biggest task now, with most of the custodians drafted or gone to better jobs, was to clean the school after classes. It usually took only a half an hour for the twenty-some boys and two girls to empty trash cans, pick up debris, wash blackboards and sweep the steps and halls. He met kids he hadn’t known in elementary school and made some new...

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RigbyChapter 9

Rigby brought home his second report card in early December. The first one had been five B’s and one A, in PE. His parents said that was fine, good, satisfactory, but they would like to see some more A’s. Rigby said he would try. His report card for the second marking period was, he knew, going to cause trouble. He had received a C in math and a C in English plus three B’s and another A in PE. On his way home, he spent his time creating explanations and excuses. He even thought of losing it....

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RigbyChapter 10

At supper his mother announced that she had signed up to work at the USO. “And I’d like one of you to walk up there with me when I do the job after supper.” Rigby blinked at her. “Doing what?” he asked. “Oh not much. It’s kind of silly. I’ve been up there twice this week during the afternoon. It’s a very easy job. I just sit and talk with the boys.” “I don’t get it,” the boy said. “Well, they’re away from home, lonely, maybe kind of confused and don’t know anybody. So I help them write...

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RigbyChapter 11

Rigby served his first Mass during the last week of January 1944 at seven o’clock in the morning. He worked alone because the other scheduled boy had called in sick. He knelt and said the responses he knew by heart quickly and loudly and then sort of mumbled through the longer ones that he read from the card. Father Sweeny had to prod him to move the heavy book to the gospel side of the altar and to put the wine in his other hand, but he rang the bells on time and when they finished the...

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RigbyChapter 12

“There a call for you,” his mother cried from the foot of the stairs. “Come on. She’s waiting.” Rigby put the top on the bottle of model plane dope and hurried down to the telephone. It was a Mrs. Rogers, one of his newspaper customers. She wanted him to come and cut her lawn since her son had been drafted, and she couldn’t find anybody to do the job. She sounded anxious, worried. “Sure, sure, be glad to. You have a mower don’t you? OK, OK I’ll be there in ten minutes.” ‘What was that?”...

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The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid shots.TheOriginalCandid.com is a good name for a site, because it tells...

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There’s a Tube Origin to that sticky puddle beside my laptop, by which I mean I had a lot of fun with this next website. The joint’s had a massive explosion in traffic over the last couple months, so maybe you’ve even had the opportunity to appreciate it firsthand. Well over half a million visitors stopped by last month, and I have to wonder just how much productivity they wasted and how many gallons of lube they went through.What are you in the mood for today? Would you rather beat off to a...

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