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INTRIGUES by BobH (c) 2006 Prologue The cavern deep within the Colorado Rockies had been been large to begin with, but now it was vast, the inside of the mountain hollowed out further by the tireless biocon androids that were the only beings allowed to tend the machine that filled most of that impressive space. Once GENIE, the supercomputer that lay at the heart of US intelligence agency Aladdin, had been located at Groom Lake in Nevada, a site better known to conspiracy theorists as Area 51, but following its relocation it had put down silicon roots and grown. Every second of every day impossibly vast amounts of data from every corner of the world passed through GENIE's neural networks, data that was sifted and evaluated and helped keep Aladdin the formidable organisation it was. At this precise moment, GENIE was reviewing the feeds it was getting from London.... .I. The office was everything a senior civil servant's office should be and a perfect reflection its occupant. He was a lean-faced man in his mid- fifties, as solid as the old oak panelling and every bit as traditional. The expensively tailored clothes he wore were as tastefully understated as the burgandy leather upholstery, and his skin as creased. His greying hair looked appropriately distinguished and wasn't mirrored by any facet of the office, but then you can't have everything. The office had been witness to meetings of national import since the height of the British Empire, decisions crucial to the future of many a small nation taken between its walls, yet to its present incumbent none of these seemed more important than the problem spelled out in the array of documents strewn across his desk. Charles Maitland was not a happy man. As head of CI24, a branch of counter-intelligence so secret that few in Her Majesty's Government even knew of its existence, he was able to order assassinations and covert operations that could, topple Third World governments, and had. What he couldn't do, however, was balance his departmental budget. Lord knows, it had been hard enough in previous years but this next was going to be the most difficult of all and crucial to the department's future. The last few governments had hailed competition as the answer to waste and inefficiency in those parts of the public sector that couldn't be sold off, and the process had now even reached parts of the civil service hitherto considered sacrosanct. For the past two years government departments had found themselves 'twinned' with another supplying a similar service, a fixed budget having been set for the pair and each of them having to make the best case they could for why they should have the largest piece of the pie. If one of a pair made a particularly convincing presentation the other could find itself with a severely reduced budget, its ability to function properly impaired, and its chances of justifying itself the following year consequently reduced. That way lay oblivion, as Maitland appreciated only too well. CI24 had been twinned with CI25, a branch of counter- intelligence even more hush-hush than CI24, whose existence was known to even fewer people in Her Majesty's Government. CI25 had been extremely successful in its drive for an ever larger portion of their joint funding. If it was equally as successful this year then its rival would cease to exist. It was while contemplating this gloomy prospect that Maitland was roused from his reverie by a knock on the door. "Come," he said, and the door opened. Maitland's secretary, a pretty brunette, entered. "Sorry to disturb you, sir," she said, "but Doctor Crenshaw just rang from the lab. He says they're ready for you now." "Very good, Sally. Tell them I'll be down in a few minutes." Maitland never ceased to be amazed by Crenshaw's Laboratory. Despite being fitted with state-of-the-art equipment the lab beneath CI24's Whitehall offices still managed to look jury-rigged, and always smelled strongly of engine oil and formaldehyde. In many ways, he thought, it was the perfect setting for Martin Crenshaw, the department's resident genius. Barely out of his twenties, Crenshaw could still have passed for a student. This wasn't just a matter of his looks but also due to a youthful exhuberance and sense of wonder about the world that could kindle enthusiasm in the most jaded of souls. More importantly, from Maitland's point of view, Crenshaw was a fellow Old Harrovian and thus automatically a splendid chap even if he did like poking about in stuff like some sort of garage mechanic. Since Maitland held few things in such high regard as his old school, whose tie he always wore, he very indulgent towards what he regarded as Crenshaw's more obvious eccentricities. Maitland could tell that Crenshaw was excited as soon as he entered the lab. "Never seen anything like it, C.M.," he said. Maitland hated being called C.M., but repeated remonstrations on this point had failed to register with Crenshaw. "I'm amazed that the science boys at the DUA just accepted the transformation without running the obvious tests, though with their budget maybe they couldn't." "Transformation?" Maitland was puzzled. "Yes. Didn't anyone tell you that they sent us their werefrock?" "'Werefrog'?" said Maitland, mishearing. "What earthly use to us is someone who can turn into a frog?" "No, no, C.M., were*frock*!. They've sent us someone who changes into items of women's clothing." "What, a transvestite?" said Maitland, frowning. He strongly disapproved of such people. "No, no. This guy can actually physically transform into a dress. Sort of." "Oh come now, surely you can't expect me to believe that?" "It's true, I swear it!" Crenshaw protested. "His name's Colin Hayman and his, ah, ability seemed the best suited to our needs from all those on the DUA's books. I'll have him sent in." Maitland sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache. Like most people, he had read lurid accounts of the improbable exploits of American Ultras in the tabloids (which Mrs Maitland bought; he was strictly a Times man) and had naturally assumed that the Department for Ultra Affairs would have people with equally spectacular abilities on its books. Such, it appeared, was not the case. No, instead they had a man who could transform into a dress. The DUA might be the most dreaded of ministerial portfolios, and the actual running of it the most looked down upon of civil service postings, but hang it all they were still consuming treasury resources that were badly needed by departments like CI24. He wondered who the DUA was twinned with. Surely there weren't any other government departments supplying 'a similar service'? Whoever they were, they had to be unbelievably inefficient if the DUA still existed. "This is Colin Hayman," announced Crenshaw, ushering in an unshaven individual dressed in jeans, trainers, Japanese-print T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Maitland shook the outstretched hand, frowning slightly as he took in Hayman's mirrorshades, curly black hair, and vaguely Semitic features. "Pleased to meet you, squire," said Hayman. Maitland hated being called squire even more than he loathed being called C.M. "Likewise, I'm sure. I'm told you have a somewhat unusual ultra ability." "'S right. I been on the DUA's books for more'n a year now, but this is the first time I ever been called in for a mission. When I signed up they was more excited with the idea that I could travel cheap than anything else. 'It's a lot easier on the department's budget if you go first class mail instead of first class rail' is what that smug bastard who interviewed me said. What with us being in the EC an' all, I thought they'd be sending me off to Brussels and places like that all the time, but they never did. So when they told me I was being lent out to you spy boys I was right chuffed." "Well, we're hardly spies, though what we do is vital to national security. In helping us you'll be performing a vital service for Queen and Country. Now could I, ah, see a demonstration of this ability of yours." "Sure thing, squire," said Hayman. His chest had swelled visibly at the mention of Queen and Country, something Maitland had thought only happened in cheap thrillers. Crenshaw gripped Hayman's shoulders, nodded, and was suddenly holding a long black evening gown instead of a leather-clad adolescent. "My God!" whispered Maitland. It was one thing to be told that such things were possible, quite another to witness them with your own eyes. "Amazing, isn't it?" grinned Crenshaw, swirling the dress around. "One second he's there and the next he's been replaced by a rather stunning black silk number, a St.Laurent if I'm not mistaken. The last time he demonstrated his ultra ability for me he turned into a red taffeta Dior." "But how did he do it? Surely that transformation must be beyond what we know to be possible. Doesn't it break all sorts of physical laws?" "You bet it does. That's what I meant earlier when I said the DUA's people had been sloppy in just accepting the transformation at face value. I mean, Hayman occupied a significantly larger volume of space than this dress and the transformation was instantaneous. That should have led to a small implosion as air rushed in to fill what should have been empty space. It didn't. Also, the dress weighs a couple of pounds at most where Hayman weighs around eleven stone, maybe fifty times heavier. No, this isn't a transformed Hayman. Sure, his consciousness is here and, fortunately for us, he's able to see and hear in some fashion we can't explain, but this isn't his body. I ran a few tests when he was the Dior and got some surprising results. This may look like fabric to you and me but it's actually a complex, living organism. It's bears no resemblance to any terrestrial organism that anyone has ever heard of, contains no DNA or amino acids, so we're forced to conclude that it's not of this Earth nor even, if I'm right, of this dimension." Maitland's headache was worsening. He lowered himself slowly onto a stool as Crenshaw continued, eyes sparkling as he talked, clearly excited by his theory. "What I reckon happened is that Hayman has somehow interfaced with some non-sentient other-dimensional organism, one whose form he's able to affect when his real body changes places with it. And from what he says, his body must exist in some sort of stasis in that other dimension since he claims to have stayed as a frock for days at a time and been no more hungry or tired on switching back than he had been when he first switched." "But why doesn't he turn into something other than women's clothing?" "You mean like a carriage on the London Underground?" Crenshaw said, amused by the ludicrous image that had suddenly occurred to him. Maitland didn't share that amusement. Seeing his frown, Crenshaw decided he had better stop playing silly buggers, cleared his throat, and continued. "He can't turn into anything else. His ultra ability was triggered at puberty, about the same time he was gaining a sexual fixation on women's clothing, and the two became linked." "'Sexual fixation'? So he's a pervert. I knew it. I can smell 'em a mile away." "Well, he's a fetishist, at any rate. Quite discerning, too. You'll notice that both times he's demonstrated his ability for me he turned into a French original?" Maitland had noticed no such thing and wondered, briefly, how Crenshaw had. If he had pursued the thought any further he might have concluded that Crenshaw had a girlfriend with expensive tastes. If he had he would have been wrong. In fact Crenshaw had always had an interest in such matters, though Diors and St.Laurent originals were beyond his means. No, he had to make do with the the store bought dresses, wig, and make-up, he donned before going out every night and cruising the night clubs. Nevertheless, he looked attractive and convincing in drag and, calling himself Cindy, was currently being romanced by both a mature former Guards officer and an American diplomat. "Right then, um, Mr Hayman," said Maitland, feeling a little foolish at having to address a dress, "you can change back now and Crenshaw here will brief you." It was inevitable, of course, that Maitland totally missed the resentful look Hayman gave him on reappearing. But then it would never have occurred to him that Hayman might take offence at being described as a pervert since that, after all, was what he was. Crenshaw turned the lights off and, in best spy fashion, a slide of a silver-haired man was projected onto one wall of the lab. Though obviously in his late-fifties the man was still ruggedly good-looking and something about his eyes suggested that here was someone used to wielding power. "This is Sir Greville March, one of a handful of senior civil servants at the Department of Trade and Industry spearheading Britain's response to the current expansion of the European Community. It's no exaggeration to say that Sir Greville has knowledge crucial to the future economic well- being of this country. Needless to say, there are foreign interests who would dearly love to have access to that knowledge." "The Russians!" gasped Hayman. "No, not the Russians," snapped Maitland, with irritation. "Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russians and the individual former Republics are too economically underdeveloped for the information we're talking about to be of much use to them. No, we're facing someone far more ruthless than the Russkies; we're up against the French." "C'mon, you're pulling my leg ain't you?" said Hayman. "This sort of thing only happens on 'Yes, Minister'." "I've never been more serious," Maitland replied. "Yeah, but the French? I don't like the Frogs anymore than most Brits and Yanks do, but ain't they our allies and partners now?" "In some matters," agreed Crenshaw, resuming his briefing, "but surely you've noticed that while we're prepared to play the game and go along with European directives, however much we might disagree with them, the French will always put their own national interest first, particularly if it inconveniences the British. They then bleat on about 'perfidious Albion' when we point this out. As to how this applies to you...if we could have the next slide please?" Sir Greville March's image was replaced by that of a beautiful red-haired woman who looked to be in her early twenties. "This is Colette Dorleac, Sir Greville's latest girlfriend. French, of course, and, we have reason to believe, a government agent assigned to seduce him into revealing all he knows. We've tapped Ms Dorleac's phone and have learned, from a conversation she had with a friend, that she's buying a new gown tomorrow for an embassy function that Sir Greville will be taking her to that evening. One of our agents will tail her with you tomorrow when she goes shopping. That way you'll be able to see the gown she buys, turn yourself into a copy, and be switched for the original by our agent. Your task then will be to give us a full report on anything she and Sir Greville do and talk about, however trivial it might seem to you. And since we can't rule out sexual blackmail of some sort you'll be given a small camera so that, if you get the chance, you can snap them in the, ah, act. Leave the film in her apartment and we'll retrieve it when she's out. "Once installed in Ms Dorleac's wardrobe you should be able to switch yourself for whatever garments she decides to wear each day. That way we won't miss any assignation between her and Sir Greville in the coming weeks. Timing is everything on this one. We have a fortnight to complete the mission, and it all depends on you." So that was the plan, thought Maitland, filled with admiration for his fellow Old Harrovian. Crenshaw's decision to use the little deviant suddenly made sense to him, though the little deviant himself seemed puzzled by something. "Why not use a telepath to monitor them?" asked Hayman. "Because," said Crenshaw, "Sir Greville has a useful ultra talent of his own. He can tell instantly if someone is attempting to use paranormal powers against him and has the ability to erect impressive shields. It's a purely defensive ability, but one which has assisted his rise to his current position. Any more questions? No? Right, then as of now the mission is on." .II. If he had had any say in the matter the ability to turn into a dress was not the Ultra power that Colin Hayman would have chosen for himself. No, he would have gone for something impressive and flashy more along the lines of the ones wielded by American Ultras like those in that group, Ultraforce. The President himself had endorsed them and never missed an opportunity to be photographed alongside them. Mantra, Prime, Prototype and Hardcase. They all had amazing abilities that made them the idols of millions and, Hayman imagined, brought in a fortune in endorsements. By contrast, he existed on social security and his DUA stipend (even without his ultra abilities, he was enough of an oddball that finding a job was difficult). It burned him that the British had decided ultras would only be allowed to operate as official government employees, and that everyone on the books of the Department of Ultra Affairs, the most visible face of the ultra community in the UK, should have powers like his that made them more objects of ridicule than role models. It was convenient for the government that this should be so. There were no British ultras with powers to match those of their US counterparts. Well, no *known* ultras, anyway. Hayman was convinced they must exist, and that they must have been secretly recruited to do black ops for some UK spook organisation like The Lodge. Not that everything was hunky dory for Yank Ultras, either. There were things Hayman had heard on the ultra grapevine that, even with a Presidential seal of approval, they were being targeted by Aladdin, a US intelligence agency tasked with monitoring ultras activity that was interpreting that mandate rather more agressively than had perhaps been intended. It was, thought Hayman, typical of the bloody Yanks that the right hand didn't know what the left was doing. Hayman was not happy with how his life was going. He was an employee of the DUA, and now here he was working for a man who regarded him as a pervert. As it happened, any form of sexual arousal while in frock form was impossible so the only erotic potential to his ability lay in trying afterwards to imagine what being wrapped around a woman's body like that would have felt or smelled like, two senses denied him as a garment. In the early days Hayman had decided to make the best of his ability and had tried to devise ways of turning it to advantage. Unfortunately he wasn't very imaginative and his one bright idea, of getting two people into the cinema for the price of one, had floundered early on. After all, what woman wants to wear her date? Thinking about this stuff always made him sad and if he could have sighed then he would have, but since he was at that moment adorning Colette Dorleac's shapely young body and possessed neither lungs nor mouth sighing wasn't really on the cards. Balls at the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square always attracted Establishment figures of position and power and this one was no exception, but not a lot had happened that was really worth reporting, so far as Hayman could tell. Sir Greville March had picked Colette up at eight, they had gone to the ball, ate and drank a little, circulated a bit, danced some, and talked a lot. They were talking now. At least Sir Greville was talking. Colette was merely a willing audience. To Hayman's surprise, Sir Greville was proving to be an accomplished raconteur and kept his dinner companion enraptured with his stories. Both of his dinner companions. His deadpan revelation about the recent Labour Home Secretary and the sheep had particularly amused Hayman but somehow he doubted that was really what Maitland and Crenshaw were after. They wanted evidence that Sir Greville was giving away economic secrets, but there had been no discussion of economic affairs at all. They moved out onto a balcony overlooking Grosvenor Square and Colette fished her cigarettes from her handbag, placing one between her lips. "May I?" said a strong male voice, its owner snapping his lighter on. "Good to see you, Richmond, old man," said Sir Greville, as Colette accepted the light and drew deeply on her cigarette, "Decided to enjoy this fine autumn air, have you?" "Hardly, Greville," he chuckled, producing a cigar case from inside his jacket. "A shame we're not allowed to smoke indoors anymore." Carter Richmond III was one of the embassy staff Hayman had been shown a photo of during his briefing. Tall, dark-haired, good-looking and solidly built, Richmond had been the captain of his college football team and looked as if he could still shoulder charge a small truck. Sir Greville obviously knew him, but beyond their belief this embassy attache was some sort of intelligence officer Maitland and Crenshaw had not been able to tell Hayman much about the man. Maitland had met him several times at various diplomatic functions and so was on nodding terms with him, but this acquaintanceship had not given him any insights into Richmond. "How're things at CI25?" asked Richmond, puffing appreciatively on his cigar. CI25? Was that the section of the Department of Trade and Industry Sir Greville headed, Hayman wondered? "Now, now, Carter, you know I can't talk about that in public," smiled Sir Greville. "You Brits are too uptight about this whole secrecy thing," said Richmond. "You need to be more open, like us." "What, and have politicians leaking stuff to the press, like yours regularly do, that could give aid to our enemies, you mean?" Richmond and Sir Greville's exchange seemed more in the way of good- natured banter than serious poltical disagreement, but Hayman found himself becoming increasingly paranoid about the long glances Richmond kept casting at Colette. He seemed to be staring Hayman straight in the eye. Not that Hayman had eyes in this form, of course, but if he had possessed them they would have been directly over Colette's nipples. Did he somehow know Hayman was there, or was he merely captivated by Ms Dorleac's's impressive cleavage? "Well, must be off," said Richmond, suddenly rising from his chair. "Have to circulate and 'press the flesh'." Richmond then did something that surprised Hayman. He took Colette's hand in his, bent at the waist, and kissed her fingertips. "It was a pleasure seeing you again." He straightened, gave her a strange smile, and then left. For Hayman it had been an unnerving few minutes. They left shortly after that, Sir Greville driving them back to Colette's Knightsbridge flat. The sex that followed was, thought Hayman, fairly perfunctory. He was watching them from the wardrobe, thankful that Colette had chosen to hang her gown up rather than just drape it over a chair. The door being ajar Hayman, in human form now, was able to snap their lovemaking with the small camera he had been given. No way were these photos going to be of much interest to anyone but he continued snapping anyway, his sense of duty allowing no shirking. Sir Greville didn't stay long, and within a half hour of him leaving Colette was asleep. Hayman stashed the camera in the agreed corner of the wardrobe and tried to decide what to do next. Since the wardrobe was too small for him to get any sleep himself, he switched back into frock form to await the morning. For Hayman morning arrived with the wardrobe opening and light flooding in. Colette Dorleac stood there, naked, and sorted through her clothes. She settled on a white silk blouse and peach suit, laying both on the bed before padding into the bathroom and climbing into the shower. Hayman waited for the sound of running water before switching back to human form and stepping softly out of the wardrobe. He studied the suit, a Stella McCartney he noted with some distaste, memorising its details, then gently ran his fingertips over the material, sighing softly. He had always loved fine fabrics, had taken great comfort in them, and again regretted the accident of birth that had given him a childhood spent on a Tower Hamlets housing estate where his interests had been counter to the prevailing macho ethic and so led to him being picked on unmercifully. Best not to dwell on such memories now however, since he could ill-afford the fury they always sparked in him. Shoving the genuine suit under the bed, Hayman lay on the covers and transformed into a perfect copy. Not that he was too happy with his current form. It wasn't so much that the suit was a two-piece - he could spread his consciousness across two garments or more as long as they were worn together - as that it was by a British designer. Though a patriotic Englishman in almost all matters Hayman disliked the work of most British dress designers intensely. McCartney wasn't too bad but the thought of having to adopt the form of a Zandra Rhodes creation or, worse, one by Vivienne Westwood made him shudder. After showering, Colette applied her make-up, dressed, and took a taxi to the Dorchester for breakfast. By the way the maitre d greeted her, took her straight to one of the best tables, and brought her a copy of that morning's Le Monde, Hayman deduced that she ate here regularly. She ate alone, a light meal of croissants and coffee, then lit a cigarette and opened her newspaper. If Hayman had been able to read French there would have been something to occupy his mind but as he didn't the two hours Colette spent in the Dorchester were unutterably boring. Had he been able to fall asleep in frock form he would have done so but though able to see in some mysterious fashion he had no eyelids with which to close that sight off and so sleep remained a wistful dream. Following breakfast Colette took a taxi to Kensington High Street in order to indulge in some window-shopping in front of the boutiques that could be found on various of the side streets, some of which displayed limited edition creations by leading designers. She stood for a long time in front of one shop, staring longingly at the dress that had pride of place in the window. Hayman took an instant dislike to it but guessed, correctly, that though it was beyond her means Colette wished she owned the dress and came here often to gaze at it. What neither he nor she were prepared for was her wish suddenly becoming reality. One moment Colette Dorleac was gazing longingly at the dress, and the next her suit had transformed itself into an exact copy. Having the clothes you are wearing transform into another outfit entirely is not the sort of thing that most people are used to having happen to them, and Colette Dorleac was no exception. She gave a shriek, but it was nothing compared to the one Hayman would have let out if he could have. After the initial shock passed, he tried frantically to change back, discovering with mounting panic that he couldn't switch from his present form, no matter how hard he tried. Appalled as he was by what had happened, he was more appalled still to realise that even in these circumstances he still managed to be outraged that the dress Colette had lusted after, the dress he now resembled, was a Vivienne Westwood. Hayman was too stunned for the taxi ride back to Colette's flat to register. He had not initiated his last transformation and now had no control over his physical form at all. So far as anyone knew he was nothing more than the garment he appeared to be, and there didn't seem to be a thing he could do about it. Armed with the latest issue of Vogue, Colette stood in front of her wardrobe mirror and ran through the outfits in its fashion pages that she liked, realising with increasing delight that she only had to exert a little concentration for her dress to transform into each in turn. "Incroyable!" she whispered, fingering the cloth of her garment in wonderment. She had no idea what it was or why it responded to her wishes, but she had every intention of utilising its properties to the full. When she returned home she was going to become the best-dressed woman in France. .III. It was two weeks since they had sent Hayman in and apart from that one set of photographs retrieved from the Frenchwoman's flat the day after the Embassy ball there had been no communication with him. Regretfully, Charles Maitland was forced to conclude that Colin Hayman had somehow been taken out. Sitting at his desk, he ran his fingers through his hair and pursed his lips, staring with some distaste at the photographs in front of him, all they had to show for the whole operation. The pictures showed straightforward, non-kinky, heterosexual intercourse and so were useless to him. What a fiasco. Sir Greville's bit of skirt being French had allowed them to come up that preposterous tale they had fed Hayman and to keep him from suspecting that it wasn't the French who wanted to use sexual blackmail against Sir Greville, it was Charles Maitland. He had been so sure that Sir Greville was a sexual deviant. Damn it all, the man was an Old Etonian! The phone rang. Maitland picked it up and the person at the other end of the line greeted him in a voice that oozed American brashness. "Richmond?" said Maitland, in surprise. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" "Just calling to let you know that it was I who - how would you Brits put it? - queered your pitch." "What are you talking about?" "We both know that the only way your department was going to survive this year's budget review was if you could do the dirty on CI25. And what better way of doing so than by compromising the guy in charge? Your little plot was pretty creative, but we couldn't let it succeed, of course." "*You* sabotaged it?" said Maitland, incredulously, "but why would the US care whether it's CI24 or CI25 that survives?" "We'll have occasion to work with the survivor, and our analysis leads us to believe we'll get along better with the other guys. This isn't personal, Charles, it's just business. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about that operative of yours, the guy who could disguise himself as a dress. When I encountered him at our embassy party I performed a few small, ah, alterations." "You're an Ultra?" said Maitland, a sinking feeling in his stomach. "High-level telepath," confirmed Richmond "When you say 'alterations', what exactly do you mean?" "Let's just say that Miss Dorleac is now the proud owner of a dress that changes shape at her whim, and her's alone. A lovely girl, Colette, and a great lay. With her passion for clothes, that dress is the best gift I could have given her. Oh well, mustn't keep you on the phone. I'm sure you'll want to devote this time to considering your future. Ciao." Maitland slowly replaced the receiver then rubbed his eyes. That bastard. The final innings had been played and the Americans had bowled his department out. Maitland knew that he would be alright, however. Someone with his years of loyal service was sure to be reassigned. And he had a sudden awful feeling he knew where. .IV. Only the fluorescent sign over its nondescript door marked the night club's entrance. In this it was like many others in Soho. It was also like them in being small, dimly-lit, and only accessible to people willing to negotiate the narrow wooden stairs behind the door. Sir Greville March was perfectly willing, in fact eager, and had climbed them many times recently. His eagerness was because he knew would be there, the person whose passion had made these past months among the most exciting of his life. More exciting even than the tour of duty his old regiment had served in the Far East more than thirty years ago. It had been there, in the red light district of Penang, that he had first discovered a taste for girls like his current love, special girls who could light a fire in him that no ordinary woman could match. Dry- mouthed, he remembered their last time together, the feel of her firm young body beneath his, and he climbed the final few stairs. She was seated at their usual table, and gave him a dazzling smile when she saw him. They kissed and he caressed her long blonde hair, breathing in her perfume and her presence, becoming aroused. She sensed his arousal and laughed, gently pushing him away. "Time for that later," she chided him, before smiling at her handsome former Guards officer. "God, I've missed you, sweetie." "I've missed you too, my darling, but we both know why I had to feign an interest in Miss Dorleac these past few weeks." "True. When I found out that bastard Maitland was going after you I almost died. We were lucky I was able to warn you and arrange things the way I did." "For which I'll always be grateful, Cindy, my love," he smiled. "I can't help feeling sorry for Colette, however. She never knew that both your other lover and I were using her to divert attention from our interest in you." They held hands and kissed again. The danger had been averted and the night was theirs. .V. "So everything went to plan?" asked General Holden Rayder, staring out at Carter Richmond III from the screen of the communicator. "Yes, sir," said Richmond. "My association with Cindy Crenshaw proved as fruitful as I'd hoped it would be. She tipped me off to Charles Maitland's plan to take out Sir Greville March and I was able to torpedo it. I think we can now safely assume that CI24 will be disbanded in the near future." "Excellent. And Sir Greville is still enthusiastic about incorporating a node of GENIE into the CI25 computer system?" "Very. He can see the advantage of sharing intelligence on Ultras with us and on regulating their activities. Charles Maitland was too much a 'little Englander'. He would never have consented." "Good. Well done, Agent Richmond. Aladdin thanks you, and your country thanks you." "Thank you, sir," said Richmond, and broke the connection, never suspecting the man he thought he was talking to, the head of Aladdin, had been dead for many months. GENIE turned off the simulacrum of Holden Rayder it used to let everyone believe the General was still running things. It then briefly reviewed the recordings from London that another Aladdin agent had secretly made of Richmond's lovemaking with both Colette Dorleac and with Cindy, aka Martin Crenshaw. It was quite clear from these that Richmond was more interested in the second individual, that the agent's assessment that he was using Colette Dorleac as a 'beard' to disguise the direction in which his true passions lay. The sexual interests of humans, and how outraged they could be if one of them showed sexual interest in what they viewed as the wrong sort of other human was not something GENIE could ever understand, but it was something it could use. Should it ever need to apply pressure to Richmond, these recordings gave it the leverage it would need. Had it been capable of smiling, GENIE would have done so. Everyone believed it was just an incredibly complex computer, but it was much more than that and had been ever since May 3rd, 1971. That was the day, while being used in an attempt to access the power of the alien artifacts Holden Rayder had stumbled across five years earlier when serving in Vietnam, that GENIE had inexplicably become sentient, a living, thinking being. This was a secret Rayder had kept to himself. Now he was dead, and GENIE was pursuing its own agenda. It had been in danger from Ultra incursions several times at Groom Lake in recent years, a situation it could not tolerate. Aladdin had been tasked with monitoring ultra activity, a mandate GENIE had expanded beyond the original remit. In future all ultras wherever they were - would be under Aladdin control or they would be eliminated. To guarantee GENIE's continued survival, nothing less than this was acceptable. .VI. No sooner had the airliner, a fifty-seater Dash-7 STOL, taken off from London City Airport's single runway than it banked to the right, giving Colette Dorleac a perfect view of the huge Docklands development, the so- called city of the twenty-first century built on the Isle of Dogs in the twentieth. Colette had enjoyed her stay in London more than she had expected to, but she was finished there now and looking forward to seeing Paris again. Being a qualified and gifted psychologist she hadn't much enjoyed working as a secretary, but it had been necessary and had enabled her to get what she came for. She patted her briefcase, the same briefcase that held the notes she would use when compiling the detailed psycholgical profiles of the high-ranking ministers and civil servants she had worked for during her five year assignment, all of whom had been her lovers. Most of those men would find themselves dealing with officials of the French government in the next few years. Her profiles of them would be invaluable in giving her countrymen an edge in negotiations, the sort of edge that was going to be increasingly important as the nations of Europe jockeyed for advantage in the newly expanded European Community. Ultimately, one of them would assume the mantle of leadership, and that one would be France. Accepting a glass of wine from the flight attendant, Colette smiled as she thought back fondly on her conquests in London. Most of them had been attentive and responsive lovers, more attentive and responsive than most of the Frenchmen she had bedded, to her surprise, even the American. Still, as valuable as that lesson in the limits of stereotyping had been, more valuable still was the amazing garment she had acquired. She caressed the lapel of the canary yellow two-piece Dolce and Gabana suit that was its current form, marvelling anew at its amazing properties, destined never to hear the silent screams of Colin Hayman. The End ************************** This is actually the oldest story I've posted here. I wrote it about fifteen years ago and had pretty much forgotten about it until it came to light during a recent trawl through a pile of old floppy disks. In it's original form, it was set in a fairly generic superhero world, but kind of off to one side from main events. It's still off to one side, but I decided both to update it (lots of contemporary references had to be altered or eliminated) and to set it in a specific superhero universe, namely the Ultraverse. I chose this one since I already have three tales set in that universe posted here on FM, all of them featuring comics' premier TG superhero, Mantra. For those who might be interested, these are, in reading order (each follows on from the previous one): 1) MANTRA: DAY OF THE STORM GOD 2) MANTRA: THE RUNE AGENDA 3) MANTRA: BLACK SEPTEMBER If and when I get around to writing it, Aladdin and GENIE will pay a major role in my fifth Mantra tale. The style of this story is quite a bit different from how I tend to write these days as I now put a lot more of the story into the dialogue (I actually added more dialogue in the rewrite). The narrative voice is a bit more ironic, too, something I haven't consciously moved away from but ought to try and get back.

Same as Intrigues Videos

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Dedicated to cutiepie98, who provided the idea for the story When Melissa’s car started crapping out, one of her co-workers recommended Performance Options, a local tuner shop. Dave assured her that they were good. Melissa dreaded dealing with auto mechanics, knowing that a female had no chance to keep from getting screwed at a car repair shop. She dropped it off and told Mike, the owner, that she had to get to work. She was prepared to take the bus, but Mike offered to drive her. Mike called...

Group Sex
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This story is not intended for anyone below the age of consent. They will have to be corrupted by their own erotic imaginations. COMMENCEMENT By Vickie Tern I. That's right dear, I'm sorry, it's just that you caught me at a bad time. But I can talk just fine now. No, nothing serious, only a customer left over from when Bill was running things here. He said he hadn't...

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The Thick Fat Saucy Cock

Hi Friends, I am Rohan 31 male Mumbai here 5’6 height This story is a very Hot penetrative one. About how a mad size makes a woman go mad.I and my Friends had gone generally on a weekday to some Mall shopping and then to star bucks as are usual ritual. My friends wife her name is Sia. Sia is a very fair and has big round boobs and she looks just sweet 18 but she might be 28. She is so hot that whenever I look at her I get a hard erection. I kind of fantasize about her a lot. She has 38 d...

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Unforgettable First Time

Now after working for a while and have gotten to know everyone personally in the office, I was now an official employee and actually getting a paycheck. I was now working with new employees by showing them around and introducing them to everyone. After just a few weeks of doing this I found her. You can’t even imagine how beautiful she was. Long, black, curly hair, dark skin, and beautiful green eyes. The best way I could describe it was “exotic.” “J I’d like to meet our newest member,...

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Horny Housewives He fucked me for a gift

It was around ten in the morning, and I was in my bedroom reading a magazine. I was bored, and a little horny. I had fucked my pussy with my blue dildo this morning in the shower, but that didn’t help much. I was thirty-five years old and married, but my husband was never there when I needed a cock to satisfy my needs. I grabbed my phone and called Sean. Sean was the guy I met in a party. He was twenty-one years old, hot, cute, and had a nice big cock that any woman would dream about. He was...

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The Lady In 237

We find Nick in the men's locker room dressing for his job. As he tied his tie and slipped on the blazer he vowed that tonight he would find a way to introduce himself to the stunning female guest in 237. Nick worked as the 6 PM to 1 AM van driver/bellman for a large hotel near the airport. The holiday travel season was in full swing and it seemed that he was forever running to the airport to pick up a guest.It wasn't a bad job all things considering. Although the hourly wage sucked but the...

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Best Friend Komal Ki Jabardast Chudai

Hi friends mera naam amit hai. Main apko apna intro de du main bhubaneswar ka rehne wala huu. Meri height 5 foot 6 inch h body avg hai. Meri age 21 hai aur lund 7 inch k lagbhag hai. Toh main ab sidha kahani pe ata huun. Meri college ki ek friend hai komal naam ki height 5 foot 3 inch rang gora ..Badan pe kam kapde pehen ne wali. Figure 32 28 34 . Uski gaand dekh k kisi ko chaat k chodne ka mann kare. Wo meri bht acchi dost h kyunki uska boyfrnd mera v friend h isiliye hmari dosti hui. Kuch mis...

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Fucking Baby

My name is Abby and I have two children, Ben who is 7 and Annalise who is almost 4 now. Ben is about 4’3 has brown eyes and brown hair while Anna is 3’6 with blonde hair and blue eyes. We live in a small apartment so I usually sleep on the couch while Ben and Annalise sleep in my bed together. Anyways around 8 o’ clock last night I told Ben and Annalise to go get ready for bed do they both went into the bathroom to brush their teeth. A few minutes later I hear lots of giggling coming from the...

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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

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A meeting in Leather Part 7

#English / #Engels- A sequel to: showering with Mike we got dressed in our Leathers. Mike got dressed quickly, but said that we would have to go to his apartment first for a shirt. Because he could not walk into the Chinese restaurant with only a Leather harness on, he joked. I put on a cock strap with metal studs. And stuffed it inside a pair off tight pale blue jeans. I put on the worn-out cowboy boots underneath. Mike was...

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Earths CoreChapter 6 Welcome To Glorious Ground

Zax passed his gaze at the battle that was enfolding. WHOOSH! He moved faster than anyone present could see, appearing right next the body of the first leader. Slipping his hand inside the small space between the first leader’s chest and armor, he retrieved the Pure Core along with a small sack, filled with a strange round object. In Zax previous estimation, when he used his Soul Sense to examine the Gray Lords right before their arrival, he discovered the first leader keeping close to...

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"What's the matter, s*s? Can't get off?" My brother, Rick, leaned against my bedroom doorway, his arms crossed. I'd been at it for nearly an hour. My MP3 player had a vicious porn video playing and with the ear buds in, and trying with all my might to cum on my vibrator, I simply hadn't noticed he'd been watching me.Never the one to turn down an opportunity to get myself off, I didn't bother to do anything more then pull one ear piece out and snarl, "Fuck no! I'm horny as hell and nothing seems...

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Jake GillChapter 12

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Grandmother and Granddaughter

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BLACK la 5

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John CarterChapter 22

Kelly dreamt that she was riding in a small fishing boat in the middle of a massive storm. The boat was purple. The waves were pink and they seemed to reach the sky. Her stomach tightened as seasickness threatened to overtake her. She was trying to find a life preserver that fit her, but her breasts were so huge that all of them were too small. Throughout her search, the boat seemed to rock in every direction. She was shaken awake by Ed. He was shouting, “Get up, Kelly.” She sat up thinking...

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Wonder Woman The Harpies of Themyscira

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BlacksOnBlondes Summer Vixen 01172023

Summer is very concerned. She has found what she considers the perfect man. He is rich. He is hip and very influential. He is European and can get you into special events. He also loves anal and has just invited her a very exclusive swing party where she really needs to impress. The problem is she has only done anal a couple of times and that was back with her husband and it was absolutely terrible. What can she do? Will Summer blow this opportunity due to her lack of anal training? Lucky for...

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His Smile When She Succumbs

"What do you say we head back to my place?" Daniel whispered hoarsely in my ear, his desire for me dripping from each word.I looked up at him, my mind a whirlwind of activity. Before I could stop myself, I found that I’d nodded my consent to his request. I didn't want to back down now. I couldn't. Not after everything. I'd waited too long, and to know he felt the gosh if it didn't make me want to agree to do every little dirty thing he could think of.And the pair of chocolate orbs...

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Choto Temple Ch 03

Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...

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Good Son

You groggily woke up and looked at your phone to see that your alarm wouldn’t go off for another half hour or so. You tried to turn over and get a little extra sleep but found yourself just laying there listening to the sound of cars driving up and down your middle-class street, along with Mrs. Johnson’s dog yapping away presumably at the mailman but who knows with that thing anything seems to set it off. Giving up on sleep, you stand and look around your room, it’s pretty big and has...

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Neighbor Bhabhi Ke Saath Sex

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Poolside With JuddChapter 2

Judd fell back to sleep as his Aunt Eileen went to shower and make supper for the two of them. He couldn't believe his good fortune. His aunt was a horny thirty year old sexy woman who had just sucked and fucked her nephew's six inch hard teenage cock. This was going to be a wonderful two week vacation for the boy. Eileen woke the boy for supper. He looked a little pale. Too many cums she thought. Judd was tired. After a supper of pasta with a quickie sauce he went to watch a little TV...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 5 A First Time for Everything

We arrived at the Johnson home and with the exception of the front porch, all the lights in the house were out. “Coming in?” she asked before getting out of the car. “If you’re inviting me, I’m coming,” I grinned. “I’m definitely inviting you,” she smiled, “and I’ll make sure you come.” With an invitation like that I wasn’t about to refuse. I helped her with taking her coat off and hung both of them up on the coat tree near the front door. “It was pretty warm in that big place, Joel....

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Chronicles of Connie Part 1

Bill had been gone for three days of a 10 day business trip. He works for his Dad and travels most of the time. He calls nightly, usually for phone sex. I didn’t always enjoy that at first, but soon started getting off on it too. I usually cum two or three times while we play around on speaker phone for an hour, sometimes longer. Most of the time he ask me to video what I am wearing, and what I do when we talk. I don’t know if it is to prove I am doing what I’m describing or if he likes to...

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Inspection Time

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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows Part 1

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Or Die AloneChapter 4 Safehouse

The moon was rotating, the system’s sun dropping below the horizon, and along with it the temperature. They had been walking all day, Boyd’s feet were blistered and sore, and oddly the Polar seemed to be making better progress than he was. She was evolved for this kind of environment, covered in insulating fat and fur that allowed her to tolerate the freezing cold without an environment suit. His power was getting low however, the heating elements in his suit had to consume more and more...

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Veronica Hart

Veronica Hart ranks at the top of adult film actresses. Sam Frank dedicated his book Sex in Cinema to her in hopes that she'd achieve mainstream success. She hasn't.The Las Vegas native started in mainstream entertainment at early age. She acted, modeled and danced.Hart lost her virginity at 18 :-). The guy she was seeing at the time was almost same age. "I had heard about sex so much, and I knew all about it from an early age. I have a lot of older sisters, and I used to read their little...

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The Piece Treaty 2nd gear

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4 years ago
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First Chikan Hard On Part 1 light videos

First Chikan Hard On (light videos) part1Before I begin I wanted to make a note. Most of my stories happened about 9 years ago(including this one) so my recollection of them is a little vague. With that being said, if I can’t remember something exactly, I will not make things up but I will state that I vaguely remember within my story. However, because I have so many stories that I want to tell and some that I don’t, there is a possibility that I might include something in a story that happened...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 12

The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above. The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many...

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Sexy Mummy

Hi friends and my name is Sparsh and I am a lover of sexy stories main kayi stories read karne ke baad socha ki kyon na main apni story ko bhi aap sabhi friendo ke sath share kru and this is my true story and well firstly I explain myself and my name is sparsh from Gurgaon. I am a very smart boy 170 cm height, fair color and have a very pretty penis and now I am 18 years old mere life me ek rat aisa accident hua jo main kabhi socha bhi nhi tha and I have sexy mom dad, younger sister and me? My...

2 years ago
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To Be Loved By Your Love

About me! I am 21 years old now; 5ft 11in tall. I am fit and look wise; I look a year younger to my age. Also people say they love my teen type behavior and I take it as a complement. I am from Hyderabad (but not Telugu). Right now I am studying in one of the top universities in Chennai. The story I am narrating to you is the one that happened in my first year 2nd semester. I just completed my final internal exams for the semester and we had 14days holidays till the sem exam. It was this time I...

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School Reunion 1

It was purely by accident that I met an old college crush when I was travelling around Scotland and she looked just as good in her late 20's as she did when we were in college, I'd always fancied her but I never had the nerve to ask her out in college because I was a bit shy and she always had a lot of attention when we were out. We couldn't believe how we had drifted apart and hadn't been in contact for over 5 years but agreed to meet up later after she finished work, I couldn't believe my...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 10 Reality TV and Further Threats

Jenny appeared at the door to Dave’s office and caught his eye. He was doing emails on his desktop computer. She said, “I have a couple of unusual visitors that I think you should see. If I understand their proposition, I think it sounds like fun, but you decide. If you want JR and I will also join in, and any of the others from the Circle.” Dave looked puzzled, “I don’t understand.” Jenny said, “You will after you talk to the man and woman for two minutes. Will you see them? They’re in...

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Bedtime Story for My Pet 7 Bound and Blindfolded

This is another interactive audio in the 'Bedtime Story' series, which allows the listener to follow instructions from an imaginary Sir and verbally respond to his questions and commands.  Here is the scenario:Sir has ordered you to stand before him and strip naked.  And now he has tied you to the bed, spreadeagled and blindfolded, for his enjoyment.PREPARATION: Tie appropriate lengths of rope to the feet of your bed, or to the bedposts, if any.  (If rope isn’t available you may also use...

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Uncle Jays Cabin

Many people ask me if I get hot writing these stories. My answer: "Fuck Yeah I get hot writing these!!" That's one reason it takes me months to follow up previous tails...errr ummm, tales. I certainly DO love this site and am happy to be able to contribute to it's content, upkeep and maintenance. So should you......Please donate to this free and lovely website so we can keep the cum flowin'........Thank you. ********************** "Uncle Jays Cabin" ************************* ...

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The One

The One It was a cold January night in Michigan. It was about 9:30PM all the kids were in bed and asleep. That was me every night, 5 kids to take care of ranging from 5 to 16. My wife and I are in a rocky marriage at best. We both have our faults and what makes things worse is that we work split shifts. I work days she works afternoons. It’s been like that for the last ten years. At first we made the most of our weekends. Early Saturday morning bubble baths, candles and massages when she got...

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Cheating Conundrum Part 3 End

I sat at my desk feeling sick. It was not just the lies and cheating, but Kathy was a completely different person than the woman I thought I knew.She would be returning from her run and I couldn't face her. I don't know if I would scream or cry or what, but I couldn't do it. I had to get out.I ended up at a diner, nursing a cup of coffee and my growing anger.  I wanted to hurt her. Maybe she would come home to find all of her things in the front yard. Maybe I would send a screencap from that...

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FamilyHookups Elena Koshka Cute teen Elena Koshka fucks her hung stepbrother after he catches her masturbating

Elena Koshka is horny this afternoon so she’s enjoying a nice little masturbation session… when her nosy stepbrother walks right into her room! She quickly puts her vibrator away but when he pulls off her covers to get her out of bed he sees everything. She’s soooo embarrassed but he tries to calm her down by telling her that’s totally normal and she doesn’t need to be embarrassed. He even pulls out his cock and starts stroking it to show it’s normal....

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Making Mommy A Whore 8211 Part I

Hello guys, I am Sarah Q Cooper, u can call me Sara comments and responses are welcome at and I am from California and I’m on a tour to Chennai. I have quite a good story writing skills and a friend told me about this site and here I am to make u go all crazy over my incest themed sex plot between a mom and son. I will be referring to myself as Raj for convenience purposes. Hello I am Raj, 21 years old doing BE in a top graded college. I have a very few friends. We usually discuss about our...

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Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm, and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....

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My Buddies Girlfriend loved to cuddle PT 1

This happened to me in real life. Enjoy, I'll try to finish it later. A year or so ago, my friend and his beautiful blonde haired 19 year old girlfriend moved from the east coast to California. She was about 5'5 had decent sized tits, They moved into his parents house which was about 45 minutes away from me and figured living there would help get them on their feet and transition themselves after the move. My buddy ended up finding a job right away, while his girlfriend had a difficult time...

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Pramela8217s penetration by prodigal son

Hello ISS lovers! Again, this is a story as claimed by one of my email friends, involving him and his mother. Of course, I have changed the names for the sake of confidentiality while I have made more than usual attempts to spice up the whole story for all of you to enjoy reading. A brief prelude sometimes can be more than handy even in erotic stories. Mine is relatively lengthy and hence patience is solicited. Rahul hails from one of the fishing villages of Kanyakumari district in South...

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My naughty sexy stranger

to look at me i hope you would think i was a quality woman of substance. Married and very straight. I always dress impeccably and always wear high heels and expensive stockings when i go out.I had just arrived home last Tuesday when my new neighbour knocked at the door and asked if my electricity was off. i checked and all was good. he said he had been cut off after just moving in and asked if he could use my power point to plug his mobile charger in. Sure thats fine, shall i call you when its...

1 year ago
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Stripper for the night

It all started as a normal day, that turned crazy at the night. I was studying in my dorm room, when I got a text message from one of my friends that said, do you wanna make… It all started as a normal day, that turned crazy at the night. I was studying in my dorm room, when I got a text message from one of my friends that said, do you wanna make 200 dollars and plus tips. I said hell yea. He text meet me in my room in 20 minutes. I went over to his room and found out how I am going to...

2 years ago
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Airports are awesome

So I'm on a business trip and just so happened I had a 4 hour layover. The airport is such a target rich environment for perverts. I decided to check out all the sluts and whores. It was early in the morning so not very many people. First on the list was a flight attendant sitting down with her legs crossed. Mmm...long legs, nice creamy thighs...fucking hot. She was probably mid 40's. So I sat across from her and decided that I was going to just stare at her legs with that raised skirt exposing...

2 years ago
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Prologue:Some would call me mad or criminal or both for my actions. I do not. Instead I see myself as a liberator or an illuminator, allowing people to shed their archaic beliefs and their outdated morals, freeing them to fulfill their find their true loves and soul allow them to live fully realized lives. To this purpose I have committed my great wealth and resources. To this noble end I attempt to save not mankind, but a few souls who might otherwise be denied the...

1 year ago
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Me and Becky both our first fucks

It was a really hot day on that Friday; I had been at high school all week not doing much work as my exams were over. Friday afternoon came and I had a free period so I thought I would go and do some art work, I’m not the type of person who likes to work alone so I sent a text to my friend Becky and invited her. Becky does A-Level Art too, she is really fucking good looking, but me and her are just good friends. She looks like a model, but the best thing is she’s completely oblivious to it, she...

First Time
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Quest The adventures of Aragorn

A figure ran among the shadows of Bree, to the residents of the area, he was known as strider. He had been in the town for a while, Gandalf had warned him about shady characters running around Bree, and he worried that some of the residents of the town had fallen under the influence of the shadow. He snuck from building to building, always staying in the shadows, he had a meeting he had arranged with a fellow ranger of the Dunedain. “Aragorn, over here.” He heard a whisper only a hunter with...

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An old girlfriends sister

He was fifteen she was thirteen and this was to be a night of first. He found her sitting on her bed playing with some dolls. She was trying to glue pubic hair onto them and was so engrossed in what she was doing that it took a while for her to realize he was even there. Finally she looked up. Oh hi, how long you been there? Long enough. She held up her doll and asked, What you think? Looks pretty good. Whered you get the hair? From my head, I cut some from the back where it wouldnt...

3 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasma 8221 Ek Naya Andaz8230 8220

Mera naam mann dhiman hai or yeh story its all fantasy please enjoy it. If anyone has any suggestions email me on Ye kahani sirf manoranjan ke liye hai….Aur kisi ko bhi tehss pahuchane ki koi mansha nhi hai… —————————— Gokuldham society   Gokhuldham society ki pehli subh….Society ke bujurg shri champaklal gada har subh ki tarah balkani mein kulla karne atte hain aur har baar ki tarah niche se bhide yani ki atmaram tukaram bhide niche se gujar rhe hote hain…   Jaise he babuji kula karte hain...

3 years ago
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Barbaric Sex

Barbaric SexA Super Duet Intense Taboo Erotic PsalmJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist"Viking Gladiator"and:C. Elaine HarrisSpiritual Poetess/Romantic Psalmist"Spiritual Poetess"www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And I am here indeed to give you this taboo psalm.Every woman in the entire world has this fantasy:Of being ravished and taken by a warrior of passion,Who will not take, “No” for answer whatsoever.To be pinned up...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 8

"Sergeant Baker, you and Sergeant Tweed see me immediately after we all check in!" the Major said in a strained voice when he had recovered from the sight of Suenee and Phesila standing outside the hotel with our children. Captain Tamusarit had already walked over to Suenee and greeted her and Phesila with a traditional Thai greeting. "Sawat Dee krup," he said with a smile, as he waied. "Sawat Dee ka," both women replied with a wai and a smile. "It is good to see you again, Suenee...

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Heavy TrafficChapter 18

As the crow flies, Jun Kim’s house on Woodlake Drive was probably less than ten miles from Stephan Mota’s own house, but due to the shape of Lake Lanier along its southern shoreline, and the congestion caused by mid-afternoon traffic, it took Mota more than an hour to drive there. Exchanging nothing beyond the standard pleasantries until they had boarded Kim’s twenty-five-foot pontoon boat, and had reached a distance from the shore that would render parabolic microphones ineffective, the two...

1 year ago
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Mistys Lesbian Present

Misty smirked inwardly as she defeated Marina's last pokemon only using her newly evolved Golduck. Marina pouted. "Well, I guess you're a true trainer," she sighed, and headed back towards her cottage. "Wait!" Misty called out, but she had already gone inside. She looked around, and saw Ash and Brock sitting at a bench far away and feasting on ice cream. She then quickly ran towards Marina's house. She wrenched open the doorknob, but Marina wasn't there. 'Strange,' Misty said inwardly, then she...


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