Band Control Ch. 1 free porn video

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My name is Tim Fisher and I am the bass guitar player and backing vocalist in an alternative rock band. We are a local favorite that plays both cover tunes and originals. Also in the band are Dan Stephens, Matt Larsen, and Jason Miller. Dan is my best friend and he plays lead guitar and sings most lead vocals, Matt plays rhythm guitar and sings some lead and backing vocals, and Jason is our drummer.

Dan and I were working on a new original song when I discovered the power that certain music can have over people. Not just the normal reactions that music can change moods and the like, but rather, opening the mind to the power of suggestion. This realization happened slowly. As I said, I am the bass player and I am also the primary lyricist for the band. I was working on a song that has never come to fruition but had some interesting effects.

At the time, Dan and I were sharing a house. It was where we worked on our music, had our practices, had our parties, and otherwise had the great time that a couple of bachelors can have. Dan had a really hot girlfriend whose name is Pam. That didn’t stop him from being a male slut though, so she decided to move in with us to keep him under control. He didn’t mind because it meant he would finally have a steady flow of sex from Pam and not have to worry about which girl he wanted to bring home.

Dan and I were working on a new song, as I said, and I was playing the bass line to it constantly trying to find the right lyrics to add to the music. The bass line is a flowing, funky line with plenty of chords, (which is unusual for bass lines). Most of this was done while Dan and I were messing around with new stuff (He writes most of the music and I write most of the words, so we often worked on stuff without the other guys). Normally, since Dan writes the music, he wouldn’t give my musical ideas a second thought. But as we kept playing this riff, he became very mellow and accepted more and more of what I said. After about two weeks of this (I only started to really notice after the first week), I started to get curious. Actually it was when he started listening to me on other songs that made me sit up and notice. I asked him about the change.

He said, ‘It seems like what you are suggesting is making more sense. Maybe, I can turn you into a musician yet.’

That was not a completely unusual thing to say just like I would routinely give him shit about not being able to ‘word smith’ his way out of a kindergarten nursery rhyme hour. But it did make me think because the first part was unusual.

I kind of let things slip for the next week or so. Until I was home working on the song and Pam was the only other one at home.

I was working on what was to be the chorus, Pam was heard the music over and over. After about an hour and a half of getting nowhere, I was entirely pissed. I left the practice room and went to the kitchen to grab a beer. I saw Pam on the couch watching the boob tube, and she was looking very relaxed. I was mad anyway so I decided to see if I got the same reactions from her that I got from Dan.

I walked into the family room and said, ‘What’s going on?’

Pam slowly looked up at me and said ‘Just watchin’ T.V. What’s up with you?’

‘I’d like to see your tattoo.’

‘Okay.’ And she raised her T-shirt on the right side and took out her arm so I could see the tattoo on her shoulder.

As she lifted her shirt, I was able to see a very sexy bra covering an absolutely riveting set of tits. Pam is an incredible looking woman. About 5’2′ tall, 105 pounds, 34D breasts, and a nice tight ass make up the basics of this beauty. I was also watching Pam’s reaction as she raised her shirt. She certainly didn’t protest when I was looking more at her tits than her tattoo, so I decided to push my luck a little.

‘Pam, I can’t see the tattoo very clearly with your bra on, could you take it off so I can see it better?’

She started to move to take off her bra and then stopped. My heart was leaping through my chest at this moment wondering if she was suddenly going to come out of her tranced state and was going to lay into me. My relief was overwhelming when she moved so she could take her other arm out of her shirt. Once that was done, she continued with removing her bra. She sure didn’t need much help from Wonderbra! There was just a little sag in those oversized beauties. Man, I just wanted to touch them, suck them, and fuck them right then and there. I didn’t really know just how long she would stay in her trance though. So, I decided to (for the time being, until I knew the limitations) be discreet, observe, and have her do some less offensive things. I just had to know what I was dealing with here.

So the next three or so hours went pleasantly enough. Pam put her clothes back on and started to serve me as something more of a maid. First she handed over the T.V. remote. Then she gave up the couch to me and got a cool beer for me. It all seemed to make perfect sense to her. At least, that is what she told me later, after she returned to her old self. She told me she could remember doing everything that was done and described it in detail. But that it was the right things to do when she did them. And it still seemed like the right thing now, she was not upset or bothered in the least.

All of this was good news to me, as I seemed to be the only one to realize what was going on and could definitely start seeing some upside to this development in my life.

I determined then that I needed to carefully explore my progress with this ability and to keep a good record of my achievements. I started a diary that day. Not a ‘Dear Diary … Guess who I had lunch with today’ kind of diary, but a serious scientific diary showing dates, times, durations, reactions and several other details so I could accurately predict the outcome of future experiments and real world uses.

Over the next week and a half, I found that anyone who heard the music would become tranced to some degree. The more exposure, the deeper and quicker the trance. Repeated exposure send to also help deepen the trance. So, even though Jason and Matt were receiving a lower frequency of exposure, they too became tranced after hearing the first couple notes after another week. I discovered that I did not need to be actually playing at the time, but that a recording would work just as well. I also was able to discover that I could plant subliminal messages while my subjects were tranced. I would tell Matt to wear a sweatshirt to the next practice even though temperatures were easily reaching 95 and higher everyday. Or I would tell Pam not to wear underwear for a couple of days. This they did with a smile on their faces.

I also discovered that the length of the trance depended on two things: 1) the number and length of previous trances, and 2) the length of time exposed to that particular chord progression. The length of the trance worked out like this. Starting from when the subject went into the trance, they would remain in a trance for the rest of time being exposed to the music plus approximately 1 ½ times the length of exposure for first time trancers. Up to 3 ½ times the length of exposure for fully tranced subjects.

After my week and a half of testing, I decided to try my biggest and final test with both Dan and Pam the following day.

Dan and I started to practice as usual. I let it continue that way for about a half an hour. Pam was upstairs, but could easily hear what we were playing. I let Dan start playing the new song and went with him. Dan was singing the lyrics as they were at the time but not making a lot of sense. I stopped us just after the chorus (which is the part of the song that trances people) and suggested that we go through that passage several more times to see if we can figure out what to do with it. After about 20 minutes I could wait no more. Dan was in a deep trance and readily followed me upstairs to where Pam was working on some
work she had brought home.

I knew that by stopping after only 20 minutes, I had given myself only about an hour to play with. So I did not want to waste any time. As per the routine I had developed, I instructed both Dan and Pam to answer all questions as honestly and completely as possible. Also to regard everything that they did as normal and their idea. With that done, I instructed Dan to take off his clothes and to get himself hard.

To Pam I said, ‘Come over here in front of me and do a striptease that demonstrates that you are a complete sexual animal.’

She started dancing to music that was only in her head and proceeded to provide one of the most erotic sights I had ever beheld. She started her little show by gyrating and grinding slowly with an occasional rub up against me. She was running her tits over my arm and chest and grinding her ass into my crotch, making me quite hot. She took off her shorts first by unbuttoning the fly one button at a time. When the fly was open, she turned and with her legs kept straight bent over and lowered her shorts. That exposed her beautiful bikini covered butt to me.

She stood up and wiggled some more before removing her blouse in a similar manner. Down to just bra and panties, she shed these in quick order. So there Pam was, in glorious nudity and shaking her body around for my benefit. Dan was standing to the side taking all this in and playing with himself, so he was as hard as I was by this time. I told Pam ‘Stop, get over to Dan and start giving him head.’

She got a sly smile on her face and complied with enthusiasm. She made Dan’s head roll back and great gasps of pleasure come from him.

The striptease and now watching the blowjob were getting to me and making me unbelievably horny. I decided that it was now or never.

‘Pam, you want me to fuck you doggy style, don’t you?’

‘Oh, yes, yes. I want your dick in me. Get over here and do me long and slow.’

She then put her mouth back on Dan’s cock and I came up behind her. I had been admiring this view for a while and was very turned on. I knew that I would not last long.

I slipped my dick in her and she must have been more turned on than I knew because she shuddered with an orgasm as soon as I was all the way in. Having her pussy walls clutching my dick felt wonderful. Because of my excitement, I only lasted about 20 stokes before I was shooting my load deep inside. Dan lasted about 30 more seconds before he loaded up her mouth and dribbled on her chin.

After we had all come, I was spent. The nervousness, anxiety, and then the sexual release all caught up with me. Even though there was still about 40 minutes left in the trance, I was not going to be able to do more. I told them both that they had loved this experience, which they both agreed to easily. I then suggested to Pam that she would be hotter than ever whenever she fucked another guy, and she would also transfer that sexual heat to Dan when they were together later. I felt she should be able to get a couple of great orgasms whenever she serviced myself or someone else as I chose. My last instruction to them was to feel free about how they appeared around the house. There is no need for tight, constricting clothes here. And there was most certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.

After being through with our session, I went to my bedroom to rest. I heard Dan and Pam start right back up were we left off, however. Their bedroom door was left open and by the time the night ended Dan had come at least another three times and Pam was screaming wildly.

Morning came and I was the first one up. (I wonder why.) Anyway, since I had just conducted my big experiment, I thought today would be the day that I found out if I still had a best friend or not. I decided to make breakfast for the three of us to try to lessen any hard feelings. Also I needed to gauge the final reactions to know if I should leave town or not after using the trance effect.

The smell of fresh coffee roused my housemates. Both had a warm smile and contented look on their face. I also noticed that neither of them tried to cover themselves out of modesty when I brought in the food. One look at Pam showed that she was pretty much covered in dried cum. Dan had a really fun night the night before.

I was euphoric. I might not know the ultimate limit of the trance effect, but I did know at least one boundary it would cover. Time to play. I wanted to expand my realm of influence. And first on my list of new playthings I wanted a couple of my neighbors. On my left was a family that had been living there before I bought my house. Denise is a fourty-ish, fair looking divorced mother. Her daughter, Amanda, is 19 and a college freshman. Both of the women had a certain intrigue for me. On the right hand side of my house is a young couple that had just moved in. They turned out to be friends of Amanda’s. Until now I didn’t even know their names. But I did know that the girl had a wonderful body and didn’t seem to wear a bra to often.

I was thinking about the best way to get what I was thinking of as my new toys under my influence. I thought a dinner would be a good way to get them in the house and be able to have music on in the background that wouldn’t seem too obvious.

That day I went over to Denise’s house and invited her and her daughter to a Bar-B-Que for the following night. She told me that they couldn’t attend then but if we could make it tonight she could be there.

‘Okay then, see tonight. Could you bring a bottle of wine?’

‘Sure can. Be there at 7.’

So leaving Denise’s house, I went directly to my other neighbor’s house. I found out that there names are Jim and Carol. Carol was not home then but Jim was, and he said he would have to check with Carol before he could commit. Well I went home a little disappointed but then again, I did have two of the three women I wanted coming over.

That evening approached and I asked Dan and Pam to give me some time alone at the house as I had a date coming over. I told them that my date would be coming over for dinner, and if I were lucky, would not leave until the morning came. They agreed to leave for the night and I began to prepare.

I was starting to prepare for dinner when Jim came over. Turns out that Carol wanted to get to now the neighborhood better and so they would be there. That raised my spirits considerably, as I couldn’t wait to see Carol in her nude glory. I asked Jim to bring some beer, which he readily agreed to.

I spent the rest of the afternoon happily getting ready for dinner. I wanted to get everyone in a good mood hoping to make the trance easier to attain. Dinner was steak, corn on the cob, and the rest of the fixings.

At about 6:45 that evening I started a CD that I had prepared to play continuously which used the bass line repetitively. No lyrics, so it would seem to be just some background music for the small talk over dinner.

At 7 Denise and Amanda showed up. Denise was in a good mood and very talkative. Amanda appeared to be a little put out that her mother made her come to dinner. I set out the wine that Denise brought to breathe and settled my guests in until dinner was served. About 5 minutes later Jim and Carol were at the door and I settled them in also. We opened some beer and talked about the neighborhood for a couple of minutes while dinner finished cooking. To help raise Amanda’s spirits a little bit, Denise allowed her to have some beer also.

I set dinner on the table and we all set down to have a good meal. Apparently, Denise was not much of a drinker because even with the dinner in her she was starting to feel good. I noticed that now familiar mellow expression spreading across the faces of my guests early on and getting deeper over dinner. The table talk subsided the longer dinner went on until it got to the point that only when I asked a direct question of one of them would they say anything.

With dinner finish
ed, I asked Jim to clear the table and then do the dishes. He agreed easily and started to do the work. I took the ladies and went into the family room to get to know them better.

The first thing I did was to give each of the ladies a copy of the CD that I was playing at that time. I suggested to each of them that they would like to listen to the disc each night when they went to sleep.

I turned to Denise and asked her ‘So how well do you know your daughter? Is Amanda a virgin?’

‘No she is not. But she has only been with two boys and both of those are broken relationships now.’

‘Do you have her on the pill?’

‘Absolutely, I never know when she will find a new boyfriend.’

‘So Amanda, how many sexual partners have you had?’

‘I’m not sure actually. Like mom said, I have had two serious relationships that involved sex. But I have also had some short relationships with some boys from school that involved sex, and my last boyfriend took me to a party were I got really ripped. I passed out and don’t know how many guys had sex with me. I know someone did though, ’cause when I woke up I had come all over me. That is the reason I broke up with him.’

‘Are you involved with anyone now?’

‘No, but I am trying to get with this guy in my algebra class.’

‘Carol, when was the last time you and Jim had sex?’

‘He fucked me last night, and I gave him a blowjob this morning.’

‘Are you sleeping with anyone else?’

‘Nope, just Jim.’

‘Denise, who was the last guy you fucked and when was it?’

‘Thom King was my last lover, but we broke up over eight months ago and I haven’t been with anyone since then.’

‘Okay, I want to know what each of your favorite sexual positions are?’

Denise said, ‘I love 69. Giving head is one of my favorites and I just love having a man munching on my pussy making me come in rivers.’

Carol piped in with ‘God I just love doggy style with the occasional ass fuck. I just like feeling so filled up with a cock.’

Amanda was kind of sheepish with ‘All of my boyfriends have had no imagination. All I remember doing is missionary.’

‘Well maybe we can get that fixed.’ I said. ‘Feel free to talk among yourselves, I am going to check on Jim.’

I left the girls in the family room but didn’t hear them start talking, no one wanted to start the conversation apparently. I didn’t get too concerned about that. Looking into the kitchen, I saw Jim was getting the dishes done. I told him that when he finished he should join us in the family room. He should also not be concerned with anything he sees when he comes in. Everything would seem quite normal.

I grabbed another bottle of wine and some glasses and headed back to the family room.

I returned to the girls to find that they still had not started a conversation. ‘Anyone need a little more wine? It seems a little warm back here to me.’

I poured wine for all the girls and myself and passed the glasses around. Having taken care of the Jim, I let my curiosity go.

I said, ‘It’s time to compare my neighbors and get to know you better. Ladies, please take off your shoes and stand up next to each other in front of me.’

They all slipped off their shoes and did as told. Carol to my left, Amanda in the middle, and Denise on the right. I wanted to do some physical comparisons first before I started to seriously play. I wanted to know who is the:

Tallest – Carol, 5′ 3′, Amanda, 5′ 7′, Denise, 5′ 4′ ‘Winner Amanda’ Lightest – Carol, 112 lbs., Amanda, 138 lbs., Denise, 129 lbs. ‘Winner Carol’ Bra size – Carol, 34b, Amanda, 38d, Denise, 38b ‘Winner Amanda’ Body type – Carol, young and tight, Amanda, young but starting to sag, Denise, older but very fit ‘Winner Carol’ Hair – Carol, blonde shoulder length, Amanda, brunette just longer than shoulder length, Denise, brunette kept short ‘Winner Carol’ Overall winner – Carol

Jim had finished with the dishes then and come to the family room. Tiring of just comparing the girls, I decided to have fun getting them naked. ‘Anyone ready for some cards?’

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 4 November 810

November 8 It was our last home game of the year, which is a good thing because the weather is really starting to turn cold. I wore sweats under my uniform tonight and I was still miserable. Katie was squeezed so tightly against me during the first half that I almost couldn’t play my horn for the stand tunes, and holding hands just isn’t the same when you’re both wearing gloves; it’s sweet but skin-to-skin contact is much better. Katie and I carried on our post-halftime tradition of making...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 24 February 10 14

Week of February 10 through 14 Back before I started dating Katie, actually even before I met her, I had asked Mom and Dad for a big present for my fifteenth birthday, which is coming up over the Presidents’ Day weekend. They got me tickets to a gaming convention which will be held on my birthday weekend. Now I’m feeling a little guilty about going because that would be the weekend I’d spend with Katie. It also ruins chances for any kind of birthday celebration with my girlfriend. I don’t...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 35 April 2

It’s the week before the spring band trip and three weeks until prom. There is lots of drama and angst about the prom as the date gets closer. I guess it’s the same every year. Katie and I, being freshmen, couldn’t go to the prom unless we’re invited by a Junior or a Senior, which is an invitation neither of us would accept, so we’re not personally feeling the angst. That doesn’t mean we don’t see the drama going on around us, though. I know it’s not just happening at our school. It has to be...

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Georgie was seventeen-years-old and an only child. He lived in an apartment with his dad. A few months before, his mother moved out to live with her boyfriend, a guy that she had been having an affair with for some time. His parents had not been happy for several years and the split was hardly devastating.Although his parents were not yet divorced, proceedings were well underway. Georgie did not like his mother’s new beau and fortunately, only had to endure his company a couple of times a month...

Gay Male
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Bandha Barja1

Station jokhon garita thamlo tokhon raat ekta ekta hobe. Ekta buro lokke dekhlam station ek dhare dariye chilo. Amader namte dekhe amader kachhe aste laglo. Baba loktake dekhe chechiye uthlo-“rabi kaku!”. Burota dhukte dhukte elo ar bollo-“sunil baba taratari cholo” ebong sutkesh ta hate niye egiye chollo.amra or pichon pichon jete laglam.baba bollo-“train onek deri koreche aaj!”.rabi bollo-“sabsamay kore” ebong mar buke bonke suye thakte dekhe bollo-“khuki ghumachhe!”.ma muchki heshe...

1 year ago
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BanditChapter 4

“Can we let them do it again when we get to your place? I want to see them.” “Sure, I’d hate to break up this little business opportunity without letting them have a chance to load her belly all the way.” “You mean she can have more puppies if she does it again with Bandit?” “Yes, a female can even have puppies from multiple partners.” “Really? Let’s go, I want her to have all Bandit’s babies she can, and I want to watch them.” She smiled and slid back from my ankle, I looked down at her...

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The Anything Controller

The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...

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Band Camp

“So where did you do it?’ Sheryl asked impatiently. “In a practice room! They’re sound-proof!’ I said smugly. “The whole band was playing twenty feet away and she was moaning and screaming her head off when I wiggled her baton inside her cunt and no one even heard us!’ “Wow!’ “Awesome!’ “Geeez, Beth!’ It never got old. I’d used that story of me seducing the head majorette at my school twice since I’d gotten off the bus, and it garnered the reaction I was going for each time. This time I...

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Band Trip

Let me first clarify that neither me or Zach are  gay or even bisexual, we were just a bit curious. Second, we aren’t ‘band nerds’ either, we just joined it mainly for the big field trip at the end of the year to six flags astro world. Okay, so me and zach are practically twins. We are six days apart, same hair color, very similar height, similar interests. The only thing that was different was that I was the smarter on and he played football.  So we were 16 on the 10th grade band trip and we...

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Band Trip

Let me first clarify that neither me or Zach are  gay or even bisexual, we were just a bit curious. Second, we aren't "band nerds" either, we just joined it mainly for the big field trip at the end of the year to six flags astro world. Okay, so me and zach are practically twins. We are six days apart, same hair color, very similar height, similar interests. The only thing that was different was that I was the smarter on and he played football.  So we were 16 on the 10th grade band trip and we...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 10 December 56

December 5 Katie is elated that she’s not pregnant, but the downside is that she is on her period. That means she hasn’t felt like fooling around much after school. Not that we’ve had much time for that, anyway. We had rehearsals for the preschool concerts every afternoon this week, and the concerts are going on today, tomorrow and Saturday mornings, plus an evening performance tonight. That means four rounds of wearing my toy soldier suit, which is OK except for the big circles of red...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 26 Presidentsrsquo Day Weekend

[Author’s note: This chapter coincides with the second chapters of both “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and “Abby the Flute Girl,” which are different versions of the encounter Billy had with Abby Kowalski while his wife and son were out of town for Presidents’ Day weekend.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday afternoon to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 34 March 28 30

March 28 This Saturday quickly got even weirder than the last time I was with Becky. We had just started making love when the phone rang. Becky was really pissed when she saw the name on the caller ID. It must have been someone calling about the Garretts to get her so pissed off so quickly. I knew the mood was shot, so I took Becky her robe and got dressed. I figured this might take a while. “Yes, Pastor Wilkins,” Becky snarled when the caller identified himself to her, “I remember you, so...

2 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 40 April 25 26

April 25 Today was supposed to be the perfect date but I was stuck at home without a place to go, since Katie is at her dad’s this weekend. In the past I would have spent the day with Becky, but she’s decided to stop doing things with me and move on. She has started dating a guy she met at work. They had their second date last night. I’m a little jealous, I suppose. Becky and I met every other weekend and fooled around for about four months, after all. She admitted she was falling in love...

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Fun with Mindcontrol

You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what

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AVN Award Nominee XXX Thriller!Newcomers lead the Brodys into lust, debauchery, and perversion. Watch it now on LiteroticaVOD!BDSMBandit GirlBandit GirlbyBrendanX©Shona clenched her teeth against the searing pain. A narrow line of fiery torment burned across the middle of her bare back, adding its agony to the others that simmered on her skin. She sagged in her bonds, her wrists tugging at the ropes that stretched her arms taut between two vertical posts.Her spine arched and her body stiffened...

4 years ago
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God Controller

I looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...

Mind Control
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Band camp

Introduction: One of my earliest experiences OK, so I never went to band camp. I just liked the title and doesnt bible camp count? Either way the camps teach kids more than what they were intended. Now I lost my virginity when I was 14, and I was 12 when this story happened, so obviously I am not getting laid in this one. It was still and erotic and exciting summer for me. Every summer since I could remember I had gone to the same bible camp by the lake. This was actually the last year I could...

2 years ago
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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Band Groupie Wife

For years, my wife and I have been huge live music fans. We've made many friends along the way, some just aquaintances, some very close. Most of the musicians are guys, obviously, and tend to be around our age. We have laughed at the crazy stories we've heard about life on the road, some with sexual twists involving the many girls they have throwing themselves at them. As time goes by it seems its happening less and less, seeing that when we first found this roots rock music style we were in...

Wife Lovers
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 14 December 2123

December 21 I know most guys my age would sleep in on Saturday mornings, especially during Christmas break, but I have my reasons for being awake. Saturdays have been sex days since November. That’s when Katie ‘tricked’ me into coming over to her house on a Saturday morning, even though she was spending the weekend with her dad. She tried to explain in a note she left with her mother, and after a phone call to her at her dad’s, she persuaded me to let her mom, Becky, teach me all about...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 39 April 18 19

April 18 Dad has been picking up Katie and me every day after school this week. On the plus side, we got to see each other a lot more. On the minus side, Dad was usually home and working in his office so we couldn’t do much with each other. We had a lot of homework to get through, too. That meant we spent most of our time at the dining room table with our books until we got it all done. After that, we could spend a little time making out on the couch. We had to keep it mild, but we could at...

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Band ParentsChapter 4

As if the incredible sex of the night before hadn't been enough, Lily woke me that Saturday morning by teasing my cock to hardness with a combination of deft handwork and a wet tongue in my ear. When I, and it, both were awake, she kissed me deeply and then dived under the covers to suck on my dick for a little while. I was hoping it was what she calls a good luck kiss before sex, but when she came up for air she reminded me that we were chaperones for the marching band's trip to a...

2 years ago
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Band ParentsChapter 5

It was already December and though we had gone out with them a few times, Lily and I hadn't gotten a chance for another sex foursome with Charles and Linda since our first one back in early October. Since Linda and I had time during the day to see each other, we managed to have sexual encounters almost weekly and even taped a few of them with my camcorder so Charles and Lily could enjoy our fun. Charles and Lily only managed to get together twice - once on a Friday night during a home...

1 year ago
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Band ParentsChapter 6

The alarm rang. It was the Monday of the first full week of school after the holiday break. I thought this day would never get here -- and not because it meant my son would be out of the house and back in school. Today was the day when I would deflower Linda's virgin ass and we'd record it for our spouses. It had been four long weeks since Charles and had discussed his fantasy while we installed the video system in the bedroom. Four weeks that had dragged themselves out like four...

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Band ParentsChapter 7

After I'd taken Linda's anal virginity, Lily and I had got together with Charles and Linda a couple of times, both together and separately. One evening was dedicated to the four of us watching the edited version of Linda's anal deflowering. It was amazing to watch it on the huge flat screen TV in their media room downstairs, and the surround sound made it feel like it was happening live all around us. It was nearly 90 minutes long, and Charles jokingly referred to it as 'Around the World...

3 years ago
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Bandstand Pickup

It was seven-thirty and another Saturday night wedding reception. I play the sax. I'm probably good enough to almost have made the big time, but just NOT that well connected. This was a lively crowd and we had plenty of people dancing to our musical noise. I call it noise because we can't play our music; we have to play stuff that's been gathering dust in their musical libraries for at least ten years or so. It's automatic for us, and B O R I N G as hell. I tend to watch the women, find...

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BanditChapter 5

Not only is she beautiful, sexy and smart, Jo is a fabulous cook. I ate like a glutton and when we were through, there wasn’t even a spoonful of the sauce left on the creamy almond chicken. She had used boneless, skinless breasts and I knew I would have this dish again. When we were through, she wanted to put the dishes in the dishwasher so we’d have more time to relax. I wasn’t worried about relaxing, but I wanted more time with her. We actually went into her living room and watched TV for...

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Familienbande Eine Geschichte zum Mitschreiben

Die Namen sind rechts unter Customize anpassbar Arnold und Annegret Anhölter hatten schon immer eine soziale Ader. Arnold hatte eine Fabrik von seinen Eltern geerbt, dementsprechend vermögend war er. Nachdem er Annegret kennengelernt hatte zogen sie gemeinsam in die Familienvilla am Stadtrand.Sie hatten drei eigene Kinder: Adrian war mittlerweile 20 und hatte gerade sein Studium in Berlin angefangen, Anja und Anna waren gerade volljährig geworden und standen kurz vor dem Abitur. Genauso wie...

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I drive to the GPS coordinates in my phone, a secluded, wooded area. Grabbing the tote bag my Master had given me, I follow a barely visible path through the trees and brush to a small clearing, barely twenty feet across. I drop my bag in front of an oak tree and retrieve the rope I'd been told to bring. I tie one end securely around my left wrist and kneel with my back against the tree trunk, wiggling my wide-spread knees to each side until the bark caresses my spine through my thin summer...

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{if isPlaying = true} Loading Creation Software Loaded Welcome to Bandalore {if enableSound = true}#so{soundID}{endif} {else if isPlaying = false} This story uses a custom Extension and the scoring system to ensure a more interactive and customized experience. To play properly you will need to use Google Chrome on a PC and have the Bandalore Editor Extension installed. You can get the Extension, here. Once you have the Extension installed you will need to start the scoring system, you can do...

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Bandishein Part I

It was the last day of the end semester of their B.Tech in Venkataswami Engineering College, and exams were due next week. As decided, it was the last time Rohan and Aditi were meeting before exams as both were wanting to avoid any distraction during exams. It was Rohan’s idea, agreed to by Aditi, but Aditi was having the urge to do a little relationship talk with Rohan just before exams to have some clarity. Aditi, an orphan girl, was raised by a Missionary orphanage and was very determined in...

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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

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