- 2 years ago
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The following material is sexually explicit erotica.
If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file.
Chapter 11
Of course every man I’ve ever met was a ‘looker’, even those that didn’t want something as extreme as Will did certainly enjoyed perving on or simply looking at women. Men are far more aroused by visual stimulation than are most women, voyeurism is almost exclusively male territory – you never hear of ‘Peeping Janes’, do you? And in some men, like Will, that becomes a full-blown obsession, sometimes to the virtual exclusion of every other aspect of their sexuality.
But even men with quite normal sexual appetites get a kick out of either overtly ogling a good-looking or sexy woman or at least sneaking a sideways glance. Just watch any group of people, in shopping malls, trains, walking down the street – if there’s a woman around who is dressed in a particularly sexy way, watch where the men are looking. Young and old, with or without their wives or girl-friends, I guarantee, most men will be taking a look.
I met one man who I could only describe as a totally dedicated voyeur, a true professional. He had turned his looking into a science. Unlike Will, who had a very narrowly focussed need, seeing up beneath women’s dresses, this man, Alex, wanted to see anything and everything – and would go to almost any lengths to do so, even to the extent of moving flats, if it meant a better opportunity to watch women.
At the time when I knew him he reckoned he’d found the perfect place to live and so long as nothing happened to the buildings around him, expected to be there for the foreseeable future. From one room in his flat in a high-rise block he could see down into the nurses’ residence of one of the city’s larger hospitals, and from another a park and public swimming pool. He had bought high-powered binoculars and a telescope, using the binoculars to scan for good subjects, then the telescope for close-up viewing.
But although he always looked forward to going home and settling down to see what opportunities there were he also used every other opportunity too, while at work or travelling to and from it or just simply while walking around the shops. He travelled by train a lot and made a habit of never looking for a seat until he’d had a really good look around, changing carriages if necessary, looking for a likely target, a woman who was showing either a bit of leg or cleavage and he had developed quite a skill in using the windows as mirrors, to check parts of the carriage that might be blocked by other standing passengers.
Understandably, he hated the winter, when women had to wear more clothes but was really in his element in the warmer months.
When he’d spotted someone who took his fancy he’d manoeuvre himself into the best available vantage point, standing where he’d get the best view down her blouse or dress or slumping low in a seat from where he could see as much thigh as possible. He told me that some days the viewing was so good that by the time he got off the train he’d developed an enormous erection
He kept records of everything relevant to his more exciting sightings, jotting down notes at the time and adding those to the detailed records he kept in a book at home. He showed that to me one evening, it was really quite amazingly detailed, especially the section he kept about what he’d seen and learned about the nurses’ home.
He told me that from his experience it seemed that unlike people who lived in houses, very few people living in blocks of flats bothered about drawing curtains and that luckily for him, the nurses were just the same and they would have been horrified if they had known how much this stranger knew about them, how he recorded their comings and goings, what they did in the privacy of their room.
He had drawn-up a chart of the rooms he could see into and he’d given each of the nurses a name, some he rarely bothered to watch, they had nick-names, like ‘skinny’, ‘fatty’ and I remember that there was even one he’d called ‘hairy-legs’. His favourites were given proper names and each one of those had a section devoted to her, the dates and times of especially good sightings, what he’d seen and what he’d done, whether or not he had masturbated I mean.
You might be wondering how a girl like me would come into contact with a man like that. It was for additional intensity I think – I only found out as much as I did about him and his unusual activities after quite a few weeks, when he had got to know me and realised he could trust me. I had a regular booking with him for some time and although at first I found it all a bit odd things were delayed a bit one week and while we waited we got talking, I also stayed on for a bit longer afterwards and from then on he opened up more and more as the weeks went by.
He never wanted full sex with me, hand and mouth was all he wanted – was all he could have I suppose, seeing as he was usually staring down his telescope the whole time.
I’d better explain – he’d found that one of his special nurses, he’d called her Lisa, had a boy-friend that she used to smuggle up to her room, regular as clock-work every Thursday evening. Who knows why, maybe because of the hours they worked that was the one time of the week they could get together, maybe they just liked the regularity.
Alex said that quite a few nurses managed to get guys into the place and if they kept their lights on while they fucked they gave him quite a show. Lisa not only liked to keep the lights on but, like the frequency, their meetings had a fairly well established routine too. Maybe she’d found that she got more out of him later if she reduced some of the pressure first – but for whatever reason, when her boy-friend arrived she’d almost immediately go down on him, give him a head-job, then the two of them would rest for a bit, have a drink, a bit of a cuddle, then they’d get into some heavier sex together. And as she’d nearly always do the oral sex bit while her boy-friend was standing, leaning back against the wall just inside the door, Alex always had a perfect, side-on view of at least that part of their activity.
As with most of my clients, he’d heard about me from a friend and after he’d told me the basics of what he wanted me to do – although he didn’t mention the telescope – and I’d checked what I could about him, I agreed to go over to his place the next Thursday evening. Although I naturally found the situation decidedly odd and at that stage had no real idea of what was going on, as he seemed quite harmless and he’d obviously enjoyed the whole thing, when he asked for a repeat booking for the following week, there was no real reason why I shouldn’t accept.
Naturally enough, the second time with a client is less strained than the first, especially for the client and Alex was no different, although he still didn’t tell me the full extent of his voyeuristic activities until later, he gave me a look through the telescope and explained the scene he would be looking at in Lisa’s room while I was busy getting him off. I don’t know whether it was because he knew that I knew more about what was going on – and was obviously still happy to go along with what he wanted – or whether Lisa and her boy-friend were in particularly good form that evening, whatever it was, he got even more excited than he had the first time.
He was very well equipped and would have had no trouble finding a woman who’d be very grateful for what he’d got – that is if he’d been interested in sharing it with someone, which he wasn’t – and the combination of his anticipation of what he was going to be looking at and what I was already doing for him quickly produced a very healthy erection, his cock quivering from the rising pressure bubbling inside it and his balls becoming noticeably swollen.
‘Mmm – looks good enough to eat!’ I said looking up and grinning at him as I ran my finger-tips lightly u
p and down the length of it.
He glanced down at me, a tensely excited expression on his face. ‘He’s just arrived.’ he said before he glued his eye back to the telescope.
Of course I had no idea how quickly Lisa worked on her boy-friend, I could only take my cues from Alex’s reactions – but on the basis that she didn’t want to just get him off as quickly as possible, that she wanted to get something out of it too, I started off quite slowly, pushing the wrinkled folds of skin back down the shaft as I moistened my lips and slipped them over the bulging head then using my tongue on it as I rocked back and forth.
Most men react to a head-job in exactly the same way, trying to thrust their cocks as far down your throat as possible – which is pretty silly of them really. For one thing it tends to put the girl off her stroke, makes her less inclined to try to really please her guy – for another it means it’s quite impossible for her to stimulate the most sensitive part, the rim around the base of the head and the frenulum, the little ridge of flesh beneath it. But Alex wasn’t like that, although the muscles in his thighs and belly got hard and flexed as stronger waves of excitement flowed through him, whether it was because he was so intent on what he was seeing going on in Lisa’s room or because he realised that way I could do a better job on him, he managed to hold himself pretty still.
So, as I didn’t have to hold him back from trying to choke me, I was free to use both hands as well as my lips and tongue – and though I say it myself, under those circumstances I give one of the best head-jobs any man is ever likely to experience.
As I’d anticipated, Alex went off like a rocket and as I’d also expected, even he then couldn’t help himself thrusting forward, burying his fountaining cock deep down the back of my throat.
After he’d cleaned himself up and offered me a drink he raved on about how fantastic I’d been, that I’d given him the best climax he’d ever experienced and I had to wait until he paused for breath to ask him to tell me what he’d actually seen through the telescope.
He gave me an almost blow by blow description, how Lisa had pulled her boy-friend’s trousers and pants down around his knees, then knelt in front of him and, holding his already partially aroused cock up out of the way, she began by nibbling and sucking his balls. She did that for quite a long time and Alex was able to see the guy’s cock lengthening and hardening as she got him more and more excited. Then, instead of taking him straight into her mouth, as she curled her fingers around the shaft and began by using long, slow strokes, she used her tongue on the head, licking her way around the deep groove behind it and every now and then up over the glossy head itself.
Although his body was by that time thrusting quite powerfully, she still didn’t attempt to take him in her mouth, Alex thought she might have tightened her grip a bit and that her tongue seemed to be working harder – but, whatever else she was doing, she continued with those long, slow strokes which were obviously driving her boy-friend quite wild. So, because his cock wasn’t actually in her mouth at the time, Alex actually saw him come, saw the sudden spurts of semen splashing across Lisa’s face as she pumped him even more vigorously and it was only after she’d got half a dozen loads out of him that she finally wrapped her lips around it and sucked out however much more there was still left inside.
‘And, as I saw her cheeks hollowing from sucking him as hard as she could, that’s when I started to come.’ he said. ‘I’m sorry but I just couldn’t help thrusting the way I did.’ He added apologetically. I told him that there was no need to apologise, that I was prepared for it and that as I’d never met a man who could stop himself doing so at that moment I’d have been very surprised if he hadn’t.
As I said, it was the following week when I began to find out the full extent of his activities. When I arrived he said that there was no sign of Lisa, her room was still in darkness and though he scanned the rest of the building for alternatives, for once he couldn’t find any of the nurses doing anything that got him turned on. As I didn’t have another appointment to go to that evening, when he asked if he could pay me extra to stay on for a while, in the hope that Lisa was merely running late, I agreed and suggested that while we waited, he tell me more about the things he’d seen the nurses doing.
We sat down near the window, so he could keep one eye on the building and when he brought his books out and began to show me what was in them I was amazed at the volume and detail of what he’d recorded over the years. Apart from the section relating to the nurses there were pages devoted to what he’d seen from the room over-looking the park and swimming pool, not just the topless sun-bathers and the occasional masturbator but even the couples he’d caught sight of that were fucking in broad day-light.
Other sections covered his less spectacular but still to him, exciting sightings, on his way to and from work, around the streets, everywhere and anywhere. Then there were pages devoted to what he’d seen while living at earlier addresses, they were fewer and less dramatic but nonetheless detailed and descriptive. I found that he had books going right back to when he was a very young teen-ager, they didn’t have the degree of orderliness that the later records had of course but I could see that whatever it was that had caused his strange need pre-dated the onset of puberty.
The books were well worn and he told me that when all else failed, when, like that evening, there was nothing to see and he had no recent sighting to trigger his arousal, he’d look back through his books, use some part of one of them to remind him of an earlier experience – then masturbate himself to sleep. When I asked him how often before me he’d used an escort girl I wasn’t really surprised when he answered – ‘Never!’ – and I was naturally curious to know what had made him ring me.
He said he really didn’t know why he had, some months before he’d been in a pub with some friends and as happens when men get together over a few drinks, the conversation had sooner or later got around to the subject of sex and one of them had gone on and on about the fantastic sex he’d had with this girl. Only admitting under a bit of pressure that she was an escort, that he’d paid for it, then, having got that off his chest, proudly passing my phone number around to all his friends.
As I’ve said before, I don’t need to advertise, word of mouth is by far the best – and a lot cheaper too.
Anyway, even though at that time he had no intention of using it, for some reason Alex kept the number and it was only after watching Lisa and her boy-friend for several weeks and realising that they had a set schedule and fixed routine that it occurred to him that it would be even better if he could actually feel the same things as the boy-friend was experiencing.
A little later he suddenly noticed that Lisa’s light had come on and when he peered through the telescope he said that he thought from the way she was hurriedly changing and tidying the room that her boy-friend must soon be arriving too. Hearing that I took up my position at his feet, pulled down his trousers and pants and began to gently caress his cock and balls. But although there was some response it wasn’t until about ten minutes later, when he excitedly said – ‘He’s arrived!’ – that he started to get a proper erection – and it was only then that I realised and understood just how deeply he depended on visual stimulation to really get him going.
As I said, I continued meeting him every Thursday evening for quite some time and after that one, late get-together, Lisa and her boy-friend went back to their previous schedule and to my continuing amazement but Alex’s great satisfaction, their routine hardly ever varied either. However, after a few month
s of that there was another Thursday when we at first thought Lisa had been held up again – but she never appeared and although I made some alternative suggestions, Alex didn’t want anything from me, saying he’d ring me if it looked as though things would be back to normal by the following week. He never did, I never heard from him again, I can only suppose that Lisa changed jobs, or boy-friends, or both – no doubt to Alex’s sorrow and, at least until he found some equally exciting activity to watch, temporary frustration.
Chapter 12
Sex and food often go together – after all they are both basic instincts, feeding and reproducing I mean – and there are plenty of examples of the association of the two, from certain foods being considered to have aphrodisiac qualities, to the well known saying that ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. But food is usually seen as a preamble to love-making, not an intrinsic part of it, as it was for Mario.
When he first rang I didn’t know for certain that he was Italian, both he and his name sounded Italian – but even if later on he hadn’t told me that he was – my first-hand experience of his love of Spaghetti and Pasta would have certainly confirmed it!
But the funny thing is, I’ve never actually seen him eat it off a plate – only off of me!
Apparently he got my number from a friend of his who had previously been out with me. I checked my records of course, to verify what he told me – a girl in my business has to be very, very careful, if she wants to both stay in business and healthy too. The contact checked out so I rang Mario back and we made an appointment. He told me was going to book into one of the city hotels – that’s usually what happens, that way they can tell their wives that they are at a conference or something, that dinner is late and they will be drinking, so it’s more sensible to book themselves into a room for the night. I was pleased to hear him give the name of one of the better hotels, rather than some of the places some guys try to save money by using, which are little better than glorified doss-houses.
I was to join him at seven o’clock – in time for dinner!
There’s another bit of insight into men’s ‘human nature’. A man loves his wife and kids – most of them admit that quite openly – but also has ‘something on the side’, usually because there’s some particular aspect of their sexual needs that is missing in their marriage. I’ve often asked those of them that want something from me that’s nothing too unusual, why they don’t ask their wives to do what they want. They either laugh or cringe at the prospect, sometimes even taking such a suggestion as an insult to their wife!
Anyway – Mario.
He rang me back with the room number, so that I could go straight up to him, rather than risk any hassle with the Reception people – you can get that at some places. That’s funny in itself. The managers are screwing whatever they can get their hands on, or I should say, dick into. On top of that, a lot of their business comes from guys like Mario, shacking up with a girl for a few hours – but they still try to protect the ‘reputation’ of their hotel by harassing the girls who are coming in to take care of their customers.
Up I went, he was quite nice, a bit more ‘Mediterranean’ than I like – but O.K. He made nice compliments about my dress and looks, European men are really good at that, offered me a drink – and then I did the financial business.
I always get that out of the way first thing. Three reasons.
One, it clears the air, I get to know exactly what the man wants, decide whether or not I’ll go along with it and how much I reckon I can charge him for it – that’s variable, depends on the guy and how much you think he wants what he wants and what he can afford to pay
Two, most men figure they can last longer than they actually do. If he reckons three hours, he’ll be finished or asleep in two, but in the meantime I’ve got my fee for three.
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"I still can't believe the price," said Misty for the ninth time as the glass doors slid open, giving them access to the Cerulean City Gym. "Well, she said it'd be cheep," Miranda replied with a shrug, putting the awkward cardboard box she held on the reception desk and checking the time on her watch, "Well, we've got about an hour to get ready... Mind if I make a phone call?" "Sure," said Misty with a shrug and a hint of mirth as she headed on towards the main area while Miranda...
I rode my bike as hard as I could. I don't know where I went, I just had to get away. When I finally came to my senses I was out near Lakeside. I looked over into a nearby yard and there was a four year old boy chasing a three year old girl. They were both laughing. He caught up to her and they just stood there hugging each other. The smiles on their faces made it evident how much they loved each other. And I grew up. I knew I couldn't run away. I had to go back and confront Les. And do...
My wife and I have an amazing sex life—in our minds! In the bedroom and occasionally elsewhere, we are good, but you can’t beat our imaginations. Our fantasies get us so turned on. They provide a safe, cheap, and reliable alternative to trying to do it all in real life.“So-ohhhhh,” one of us would start, turning a short word into two seductive syllables. “What would you think about ..?” Bonnie or I would continue, laying out the new idea or embellishing an earlier one. Sometimes it would be a...
Group SexMy problem of the heart expressed itself in several forms. Falling in love with a married man is troublesome enough. That Kara, Tim’s wife, is a good friend complicates my problem. My mother taught me nice girls ran from married men. Yet Kara is slowly dying with cancer. Surprisingly she gave me her blessing and encouragement. If I only have to wait in the wings with her blessing, what is the problem? Tim’s sexual interests and desires were beyond mine. Tim’s fantasies and curiosities...
The doctor was excited; it had been a while since he had a surgery this challenging. Despite the small room the doctor had to work with, the equipment in the room was easily worth more than the entire apartment complex the makeshift operation room was held in. The doctor looked for non-existing seams on the final piece of the artificial skin on her forehead. This was one of the more unique type of skins used, a type of organic flesh colored silicon, giving the look and feel of a doll. This...
Heavy gray clouds covered the sky and rain kept threatening to fall. It’d been a long flight and Alex had one too many cheap drinks, but the nervousness in meeting her finally settled when he got off the airplane and stepped into the frigidness of Michigan’s Tri City International. Gasoline and pepper scents hung on the breeze between the plane and boarding ramp mixed with the various perfumes and colognes many of the business travelers wore. Upon exiting the ramp, Alex slung his laptop over...
Before we got back to the casino, I turned in the seat and told Butch what I wanted him to do in relation to the illegals. "Butch, I am turning over the search operation to you to run. I want that warehouse found and help given to those poor women and girls. If anyone gives you any shit, call me on my cell and if you need warrants then you will have them. I will put the prosecutor on notice and he will be ready for your call. I have the bus filled with bottles of water coming and if you...
I sat sipping leisurely on the mug of hot chocolate that Tom had so graciously made only moments ago. As I did, warm sensations began to kindle within my stomach. He had my full attention as he sipped from his own. I watched intently as his soft pierced lower lip caressed the rim of the warm black ceramic mug. Watching his movements in this way soon had me imagining what those lips would feel like if they roamed over my soft flesh with that same caress, how warm his breath would feel against...
Love Stories(This movie scene is based on a true story)We see Cheryl in her college apartment. She’s dressed sexily to go to a club. She’s stunning in her short, red, leather skirt and a red halter top with no bra. We hear a knock on the door. We can tell that she’s been expecting the visitor and has been waiting for the knock. She opens the door and her friend Dani walks in. Dani is also a college girl but dressed in a t-shirt and some shorts (not tight shorts). The girls are a similar height and...
My name is Christian I'm 16 years old and this is the story of where my life completely changed. It all started when my dad and mom decided to plan for us to spend the weekend at the beach. Me I wasn't too excited i hated the beach but my sisters and brother didn't. 'Chris! Breakfast c'mon your sisters and brother are already down here lazy ass!' My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. 'C'mon Christina I'm gonna drag your ass out if mom won't' I hate when my brother...
“Elder sister Beking, per the agreement with the General of the Armies, for our service, you and I will receive a year, each, to study the Godly Law Template. The fourth level Martial Mortals beneath us will get a month and third level Martial Mortals, only those who arrived with us to this planet, depends on the understanding of their attribute, will have to make a collective choice of either studying the Godly Law Template together for a week or separately for a day”. Admiral Hamumni...
Clare - The love trianglePart 1How my loving relationship turned into a love triangleI met Clare when she was 15, a slightly chubby teenager, when her parents moved into the house next door but while they were downgrading in size I was on my way to upgrade. I was running a Restaurant at the time but sold my business 3 months later and bought a large 5 bedroom house in the suburbs of town. Clare used to do the odd jobs for me to earn a bit of pocket money and I was more than surprised when she...
Sexy hot and voluptuous beauty Ashley Adams is ready to get down and dirty with Tommy Gunn. She loves how his hands grab her firm large tan lined tits and wants that hard cock deep in her mouth and throat! Tommy loves seeing those lips of hers wrapped around his cock but really wants to see those pussy lips of hers do the same! He rails her hard giving her every inch in doggystyle. Ashley wants to take control and gets on top letting you watch her tits bounce as she rides him in reverse...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1 Julie looked around at her hotel room and sighed. The paint was peeling off the wall, the floor was rippled where the floor boards had risen up or sagged, and there was a pungent smell of mildew. She had only been in the city a week, but she was already having second thoughts. She had thought so long about running away. There was only so much that one could hear that they were worthless, and would never amount to anything, before they had to put it to the test. Her make-shift...
How my wife and I could have gotten into such a thing would have been beyond me if not for the odd chain of events that had led up to where we were now.My wife Sherry had been less than faithful a year or so ago, bringing us close to divorce with a short separation.During that time we both had a lot to think about; she with her brief affair and I with my neglect leading up to what was most likely inevitable.I say inevitable only now after learning that a woman with her looks is short on the...
You can say everything started at a young age when I started having this new but strange desire to look through my sister's clothes and underwear drawer. A little while after when everyone was out of the house and I made sure nobody was coming back I tried them on. It was at sixteen when I put on my first pair of panties and it changed my world forever. I still remember that magical feeling when the skirt fit me just right and curved my body into this beautiful feminine form.As a growing...
CrossdressingMy name is Swetha. I am a 33-year-old woman working professional in the city of Bangalore. I am an independent woman working as Business Analyst in one of the most reputed Global Organizations situated in Bangalore. This series will be a saga and hence please do not expect “Wam! Bam! Thank you Ma’am” kind of stuff. This will be a typical erotica slow paced with great details. If you are interested sit back and enjoy. Get hard! Get Wet! and Get lost in the world of Orgasms. This is a true story...
LesbianThis is a fantasy!!! It was one rainy morning my k**s had left for work and school.So went on line and started checking my messages on all my adult sex sites,as I did each and every morning.I started to feel horny so I took off mt clothes and headed to kitchen to the fridge to get a nice big carrot to fuck myself with and if the was any empty bottles too. I bend down and took out the carrot out of the fridge,feeling so horny I started to rub my clitoris and noticing tht there were two 2...
No one had found out immediately about Mac’s sexual encounter with the Admiral. At least not right away, but several days later, Lt. Harriet Roberts was in Mac’s office discussing an administrative matter when a casual comment led Harriet to look into Mac’s eyes and see what she’d meant. “Mac, what do you mean by saying you showed the Admiral where he made his mistakes with Dr. Cavanaugh?” Harriet asked, suspecting that Sarah McKenzie had just let something slip she hadn’t intended...
The evening begins with my best friend and coworker Rick, stopping over after work for drinks. He’s not married and my wife, Kay and I have often fantasized about her fucking him. While I expect that she wants to be with me for the rest of our lives, I do sometimes wonder if she does not think about other men, you know? What they say in bed. How their lips feel. What it's like to, well to fuck them silly! I think its normal for women to look at other men and wonder what it would be like to rest...
EroticPt. VII: Cowgirls & Indians Brett and Caitlin chatted incessantly on the return flight to Cleveland where they left their cars. Mostly he wanted to talk about the case and she wanted to talk about Jack Davis. ‘Brett, please tell me more about Jack. I know some of the story. Forty-something. Navy Seal and then the C.I.A. One of the most respected P.I.’s in the business. That’s obvious by the way the police talk to him. What about his family?’ ‘I’ve known Jack for more than twenty years. I...
She opened the door and was happy to be greated by her boyfriend, his face was pleasant and it always made her smile. ‘How are you?’ she asked, hugging him tightly and not wanting to let go. He looked at her and kissed her, she felt the wetness of his lips against hers and the feeling of his hands clinging among her clothing. He kissed her neck while pulling her top down, her hands felt his back, feeling his warmth and pure manliness. He moved her closer and held onto her hand, his hand felt...
It was still dark when Matt woke up, Val had moved in her sleep, and was snuggled up to him, her head on his shoulder and her body half on top of his. Somebody else's feet, probably Bobby's, were jammed into his other side. It wasn't the first time he'd woken up with her wrapped around him, but there was something different. Had they broken in? He held his breath, listening. No, there were no sounds other than the steady breathing of the others. Wait ... there was something else, a deep...
Man I was happy to see Friday evening, it was a long ass week at work. On my way home I stopped at the local package store and brought a half a case of Bud Light beer, and Ciroc to drink. When I pulled into my trailer park my sexy white neighbor was at the mailbox, she had on some cut off daisy duke jeans and a halter top shirt. I pulled up to check my box; it was full of junk mail. Jenny spoke as soon as I got out of the car; this white country chick was sexy as hell. Jenny had long blonde...
By: Avinav She kept on licking my ass hole and spanked my ass aaaahh what you are doing. I was having pleasure ummmm you are so sexy boy aaaahhh with this she started rubbing her boobs on ass cheeks. She was going mad ahhhhhh you are so sexy son ahhh. I liked it but I was getting impatient. I turned around and grabbed her by hair come here you want this. I smacked my 8″ inch cock in her face, she closed her eyes. I started rubbing my cock in her face her soft lips and cheeks felt amazing...
Incest62 Old perve`s 2 Well a week passed nothing having been said and the following week on the Tuesday I was back at Teds, and we were working on the new loco together out in the workshop, when he slipped into the conversation that she had said she enjoyed the adventure and for him to arrange the next one as soon as the wounds had healed. That he said was now as she had had a weeping hole in the left breast but it was now fine, so when would be convenient? Matron had made noises about going to...
This is the 2nd installment of the series, “Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading Chapter 1 “The Sexual Revolution” to get up to speed with Chapter 2, which is the immediate continuation of the story. The next morning we all woke up in a rush. Layla and Amanda were freaking out because they were late for class. So there was no mention of the wild night before. Just rush, rush, rush. In fact, there was not much talking at all. Jeff and I dropped the girls off at their dorm then decided...
Hi, this is Arav, 25, an engineer working in an MNC. I am here to share the new sex story and my new experience which was experienced one month before when I was traveling from Agra to Coimbatore, Guys please read the story completely and also like and comment on it. As an Engineer, I had applied for engineer’s entry in Navy for an officer, and luckily I was selected for SSB interview in November at Coimbatore. I am working in Delhi so firstly I opted for flight but due to some reasons I was...
The worst part, it was that time of the year she hated, yep it was Shae’s Birthday. She had started hating her Birthday the day she moved out of home. Without fail every single year she had a Birthday that made it in to her records book for being totally crap! She wished she could just abort all Birthdays from the calendar. The only two positive’s to today so far was the call she got from Tom this morning. Not only was it welcomed but it was the one thing that had put a smile on her face, it...
On a hot day, Jewelz Blu and Lacy Lennon are a little restless. The sexy stepsisters are stuck inside the house with their horny stepbrother, and they have nothing to do! But leave it to Lacy to get some dirty ideas. The gorgeous redhead reaches over and licks her stepsisters pink nipples. But in the midst of the secret seduction, she sees her stepbrother filming the whole thing from the hallway! To keep the annoying guys mouth quite, these sizzling stepsisters agree to spread their legs for...