Jimmy and Mabel
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Mabel had never in her life been kicked in the bollocks. But from how she had heard it described to her, she felt all the symptoms of a massive boot to her balls.
As usual under stress, Mabel’s thinking processes accelerated, she was frantically trying to process what Alison had just said. Alison was pregnant.
You fucking, selfish, stupid, Cunt, flashed through her mind. This was followed by Envy, so powerful that she could have screamed in pure rage at this younger woman.
Mabel unconsciously clenched her fists so tightly, that her knuckles turned white. Alison had managed what Mabel’s old body had failed to achieve.
John had pumped pints of his cum into Mabel’s womb, and nothing had happened. Alison gets two good fucks and she clicks. Fuck her, Fuck her to Hell, her mind screamed in impotent rage.
What was she going to tell John and Jane, for fucks sake. It was all her fault, she should have stopped this happening. Wait a minute, she had stopped this happening.
She had made John wear a condom, how could Alison be pregnant for fucks sake? Alison was still looking at her, waiting for her reaction. Mabel could detect a manic aura emanating from the nervous woman kneeling naked in front of her.
Even in her own distress Mabel knew that this was a pivotal moment in her relationship with Alison. ‘Wow, give me a second darling, I need to catch my breath here,’ Mabel said playing for time.
She must appear delighted at the news, any other reaction would be disastrous to their relationship.
If any other man was involved she would be pleased, but it was her John. Mabel’s boy had been somehow tricked into impregnating Alison.
John was Hers, Mabel’s, not fucking Alison’s. How could the selfish Cunt have done this to me? She screamed to herself.
‘Congratulations darling how on earth did this happen?’
At last the Steel Tiger that was inside Mabel rallied. She decided to accept what she couldn’t change, and try and limit the damage that this event could cause to the group.
Alison was beaming with joy. ‘I have no idea darling, it wasn’t John’s fault he was careful to wear a condom.
I can only think that it was that one time during the game when he took my virginity. He must be so fucking potent, that he impregnated me the first time he fucked me.’
‘Well however it happened, I can see that you are over the moon about it, and so am I my darling girl,’ said Mabel wrapping her arms around Alison and hugging her tightly.
Alison was so relieved at Mabel’s reaction, for a second there she had feared that Mabel was going to attack her. She held tight to her lover, and told her again how much she loved her.
‘Wow, Alison this is going to take some thinking about. I am overjoyed for you, but you must understand that Jane may not be so happy about it,’ said Mabel carefully.
‘It’ll be all right with Jane, she will know it was just one of those things. It could have been any one of us, just as well you remembered the condoms or we could all have been up the duff.
‘Well leave Jane to me, I will tell her in private,’ said Mabel. ‘The same applies to John, it will be best if I tell him he is going to be a daddy.’
‘Thank you so much Mabel, I knew I could rely on you to sort this out,’ whispered Alison thankfully.
Mabel smiled at her, and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Once inside with the door locked, she sat down on the loo and burst into tears. She cried her hurt and pain and crushing envy out in heart rending sobs.
Her world had been shaken to the core. Despite her brave words to Alison, she had no idea how that spitfire Jane would react to the news.
This could destroy the entire gang, if Mabel didn’t handle it perfectly. She had tonight to think of a way to break the news, without breaking up this group of lovers.
Sarah had no such worries, her world had suddenly become full of life and colour. From the dreary round of work and being alone, she was now faced with the possibility of a real life outside the factory.
Alison liked her, she was sure of it. They had got on so well, they had so much in common it was almost as if they were sisters. Although if Sarah was honest, she didn’t want to think of Alison as her sister.
Oh no, she had drunk in every detail of Alison, her beautiful face her slender body. Her seductive voice, when she had said she would see Sarah in the morning.
It was to be just the two of them alone, she was getting wet just thinking about her. What if Alison wanted to make love to her tomorrow? How did she look naked? Sarah had no doubt that Alison was as beautiful naked as she was dressed to kill.
Sarah had to check herself out and quickly. She ran upstairs to her bedroom and quickly stripped off her clothes until she stood naked in front of her mirror. This is what Alison would see, was she worthy of such a famous woman.
Sarah ran her eyes over her body. She seemed slim enough, her breasts were full but reasonably firm, her nipples were still small and pink. Her pubes were still trimmed in the Brazilian style.
Standing naked and thinking of Alison had made her hand hold her cunt tightly. She groaned with unrequited lust, and gripped her pubes harder. She moved over to her bed, and lay down on it with her legs open.
Sarah spent a lot of her life alone, and had always masturbated since she was a young girl. Her fingers slipped easily into her vagina, and she began to finger fuck herself frantically whilst thinking about licking Alison’s sweet cunt.
The thought of Jane joining them in bed, thrust her over the precipice and into a fantastic orgasm. Alone on her bed she thrashed and convulsed in passion, her ecstatic cries echoing though her lonely house.
Jane was also rubbing herself as she listened to her parents fucking in the next room. Since Sue had been caught by Jane, as she was wanking in the kitchen, she had relaxed about having sex with Bill in their bedroom.
She no longer cared if Jane heard her fucking, she wouldn’t care if Jane watched her fucking Bill. It was so nice to have sex in a nice comfortable bed. She didn’t even have to eat chocolate now, to enjoy his big cock thrusting into her cunt and up her arse.
Sue did feel a bit guilty that the thought of John’s young cock thrusting up her arse, was enough to slam her into an explosive orgasm. She excused herself by rationalising that this gave Bill pleasure, so it couldn’t be all that wicked could it?’
Jane was also thinking about Sarah, that sexy cow owed Jane a good fucking. Jane didn’t really mind if she had to share Sarah with Alison, in fact she would really like to have them both in bed together if possible. She would love to finger both their posh cunts simultaneously.
Sue wasn’t too busy coming herself to hear her daughter’s cries of passion, as thoughts of Sarah and Alison made Jane squirt her cunt juices over her fingers. She does take after me Sue thought, John was right I am a sexy fucking bitch and I love it.
I will have to thank John properly, the next time we are alone. I might give him a demonstration of how Sue Sanderson can suck cock.
Diana was happy with her life, from what she had heard between Alison and this new woman Sarah, it would seem that Diana would be kept very busy in the near future.
Her cunt and arse could still feel the effect of her Jonny’s big cock. She fell asleep thinking of Jonny.
Mabel washed her face, and slapping on a big smile rejoined Alison in bed. ‘Goodnight darling, tomorrow is a whole new day,’ ‘Goodnight Mabel my love,’ replied Alison happily snuggling up to her back.
The next morning both Alison and Sarah rose early. Horse people were often up at the crack of dawn, and Sarah was eager to have her stables in tip-top condition for Alison’s inspection.
She herself was wearing her scruffy clothes, but had omitted to
wear a bra or knickers. Instead of her usual jeans she was wearing a sensible skirt. For easy access she giggled to herself hopefully.
Alison was also dressed in her horsy clothes and Wellys. She was gone from the house before Mabel was awake. The sun was just risen, when Alison’s BMW pulled up in Sarah’s yard. Alison had been very impressed, as she drove up the long drive towards the old farmhouse. It was good horse country, flat and with lots of grass.
The suns rays caught her long blond hair, as she got out of her car and looked around for Sarah. She walked to the house and went inside. She saw the same room as Jane, however her horsewoman’s eye saw only a tack room.
Alison had a separate tack room next to her stables, but it appeared that Sarah had to use this room to store hers. Alison felt very comfortable in this room, she could see herself saddle soaping the reins, and polishing her boots here.
She could smell a hint of Sarah’s Chanel perfume, amongst the smells of leather and horse sweat. Alison went upstairs to Sarah’s bedroom. She noticed that there was only a single bed. There were no pictures of family or friends on show.
One wall was covered in Show ribbons, for Jumping and Dressage. Alison was a show jumper pure and simple, she didn’t have the patience for Dressage. She admired anyone who competed in Dressage it was a very difficult discipline, calling for an almost psychic bond between horse and rider.
Her respect for Sarah increased even more. However she was also aware that this was the room of a lonely woman, Alison knew all about lonely. She decided that Sarah must be in the stables, and went to look for her there.
Sarah was standing by the side of Isis, feeding her a treat. She looked towards the stable door, and saw Alison standing there looking at her. Her long blond hair was glowing in the morning sun, she looked every inch a horsewoman and Sarah fell in love there and then.
For her part Alison looked at this scruffy bag of rags in her muddy Wellies. She looked past the outer shell, and saw the soul-mate within. ‘Welcome home Ali,’ whispered Sarah. Alison smiled in pure joy, and ran into Sarah’s arms.
Sue was making her early morning cup of tea when there was a knock on the kitchen door. She was dumfounded to see Mabel standing there.
‘Good morning Sue, can I come in? I’d like to speak to Jane if she’s up.’ Sue was unsure how to react to Mabel. She still hadn’t decided, how to deal with the information that she had inadvertently gained, about this attractive woman.
‘Sure come in, Jane may be a while but I will tell her you are here.’ Mabel sat at the kitchen table, and waited patiently. Sue came back into the kitchen, and told Mabel that Jane was in the shower and would be down soon.
Sue took a deep breath and sat down opposite Mabel. ‘As Jane’s mum, I feel that I have to have a talk with you Mabel.’ Sue explained that she had watched the video taken at Alisons, and was understandably concerned at what she had seen.
Could Mabel explain what had been going on during the weekend. To Sue’s horror Mabel put her hands over her face, and burst into tears. Mabel had enough, she couldn’t handle this extra can of worms.
She was still trying to sort out Alison’s pregnancy, and now this had been flung at her. She just collapsed into silent tears. Sue flew around the table, and put her arm around the little woman as she sat and sobbed.
‘Auntie,’ screamed Jane walking into the kitchen,’ what’s wrong?’ Jane threw herself across the kitchen and hugged Mabel tightly. She was kissing her and hugging her, while whispering words of love into her ear.
‘What the fuck is going on Mum, why is Auntie crying?’ ‘I don’t know, we were just about to have a talk and she collapsed in tears.’ Sue watched, as her daughter cuddled and comforted this tiny woman.
It was obvious that Jane loved Mabel, and was distraught at her condition. Mabel called upon all her strength, and calmed herself down as best she could.
‘I’m sorry, Sue, I’m Ok Jane darling. Today has been a bastard, and it hasn’t started yet.’ Jane was shaken to her soul, Mabel was her rock. She looked to her for everything, and to see her crying shook her world badly.
‘Has anybody hurt you Auntie? Tell me and I’ll kill the fuckers’ snarled Jane ferociously. Sue was stunned at her daughter’s reaction to this woman’s pain.
Mabel hugged Jane, and assured her that nobody was hurt. ‘I’m just a silly old woman, and today has been too much for me, I’ll be Ok after a cup of tea. Jane sprang to the kettle, and quickly produced the required drink.
‘Time for a serious talk,’ said Mabel looking at both Sue and Jane. ‘I’ll address Sue’s question about the Video first, as it will explain my second problem.’
‘Sue, Doreen’s son John and I became Lovers a while back. I thought I was leaving the village so I arranged for Jane to replace me in John’s heart, so he wouldn’t be so hurt when I went.
John and Jane became lovers. Jane and I then became lovers. Alison and I are lovers. Alison and Diana are lovers. John and Diana are lovers. John and Alison are lovers. Or to put it more simply all of us are each others lovers.’
‘Fuck me’ breathed Sue looking at her daughter, ‘ is this all true Jane?’ ‘Yes mum, the situation just grew, we all get on so well we are a team. A commune I suppose you could say.
‘Let me get this straight,’ said a shell shocked Sue. ‘John, is the only male in this commune, he is fucking you all?’ ‘Yes,’ replied Jane, ‘but the girls are also fucking each other, it’s not all John.
The poor fucker is outnumbered by us girls, all wanting his cock.’ ‘I know what you mean,’ breathed Sue. ‘Anyway, this brings me to my reason for coming here this morning,’ continued Mabel.
‘Jane, I was only told last night that Alison is pregnant.’ Jane sat down abruptly her face went white with shock. ‘Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,’ she whispered and lowered her head into her arms.
‘But I thought Alison was a confirmed lesbian, she said so at your engagement party,’ protested Sue. ‘Yes she was until clever fucking Mabel interfered, and cured her of fearing men,’ said Mabel.
‘Alison swung back the other way so drastically that she fucked John, lost her virginity and got fucking pregnant all in one night.’
‘I’m so sorry Jane this is my fault, everything is down to me,’ admitted Mabel. Jane took a deep breath and sat up straight. Her eyes were still wet with tears, but her strength was flooding back.
‘It could be worse you know, I could have been me. That would have been a fucking disaster, thank God you made us use condoms Mabel.’ Mabel sagged in her chair with relief.
Jane was taking the news as well as could be expected. ‘Now you know why I love your daughter Sue, she is kind and beautiful and strong as steel.’ Sue was overloaded with information, and fell back on levity.
‘Please tell me that none of you has fucked Bill?’ ‘No mum, I hear you fucking the poor bloke enough as it is without us joining in,’ smiled Jane bravely.
Sue was very tempted to confess her involvement with John. However she thought that Jane had heard enough shock news this morning, to last her a long while.
They all sat around the table and told Sue everything. ‘When all is said and done, all concerned are over eighteen and adults.
Although it is a shock to hear all this, I must admit that you all sound happy in this relationship,’ said Sue. ‘As Jane pointed out it could have been far worse. Although I obviously want grandchildren, I would rather Jane waited awhile before she starts popping kids out.’
‘Too fucking true, mum’ said Jane. ‘Jane why are you swearing so much, you didn’t swear at all,’ asked Sue. ‘Sorry mum, at least that’s not Aunties fault, I’ll try and control myself around you.’
‘Have you told John yet, Auntie?’ asked Jane. ‘No darling, I wondered if you would want to tell him?’ Mabel and
Sue watched as Jane went from being a girl to being a woman in a few seconds. ‘Certainly Mabel, I’ll do it for you, leave it to me.’
From that moment, there were three women sitting around the table.
Back at the smallholding, Alison and Sarah were currying the horses. Sarah was in heaven Alison had kissed her, and told her she was having a baby.
Sarah knew that when they had finished with the horses they would probably go to bed. There was no rush, they would have the rest of their lives together.
‘What about marrying Mabel?’ asked Sarah as she checked Pharaoh’s hoof. ‘We’ll think of another way to keep the empire together,’ said Alison confidently.
She was more concerned at that moment with getting a burr out of Isis’s mane.
Jane rang John, and asked him to pop round to see her immediately. She wouldn’t tell him why, but asked him how he felt about babies.
A few minutes later they heard to sound of his mini screeching to a halt outside. John came slamming into Sue’s kitchen, in a panic. He slid to a halt when he saw the three women sitting there looking at him.
‘Oh fuck me, am I in the shit or what?’ he said falling to his knees on the kitchen floor. ‘I am so sorry, I honestly tried to always wear a condom, which one of you is pregnant?’
Up to that moment, Jane had been enjoying John’s discomfort. However when he looked at all three of them, and asked that question she felt as if she had been hit with a brick.
‘What the fuck are you asking you stupid cunt, it’s hardly likely to be Auntie is it? That only leaves me, and my mum.
Why the fuck would you think for a second, that it could be my mum?’ John went scarlet, and looked away from Sue. Jane was stunned, I was only fucking you about, John. It’s that posh cunt Alison, that’s pregnant.
Please don’t tell me you’ve been fucking my mum as well.’ Jane looked at her mum, and saw that her face was just as red as John’s.
‘Oh For Fucks Sake,’ screamed Jane, jumping up from the table and storming out of the kitchen. Mabel just looked at Sue calmly, ‘Welcome to the club Sue,’ she said quietly.
John did the bravest thing he had ever done. He stood up and followed Jane into her bedroom, to explain what had happened.
‘Thank you Sue, you don’t know how selfishly relived I am, that you and John have deflected Jane’s fury. I am getting too old for this bullshit.’
‘I was the eldest so it was my fault, I shouldn’t have let John fuck me,’ said Sue guiltily. ‘In my defence I was drunk at the time, but I still enjoyed him. To be totally honest, I would love him to fuck me again some time.’
‘As I said, join the club Sue, John is a lovely boy and a fantastic lover, we all want him to fuck us again.’ ‘The difference is Mabel that none of you women are married. I am, and I shouldn’t have allowed him to fuck me.
I had just finished watching your video and I had drunk a bottle of wine, and he had already buggered me previously.’ Seeing Mabel’s look of puzzlement, Sue explained the first time John had fucked her up her arse.
Then in a spirit of confession, she also told Mabel about the time she orgasmed in this very kitchen. ‘Then I fucked him in his car, and then let him bugger my arse again,’ she finished.
‘Wow, I can see where Jane gets it from,’ said Mabel. ‘That’s what John said,’ replied Sue ruefully. ‘Are you going to leave your husband, and run off with John?’ asked Mabel.
‘Of course not, I love Bill. Because of John I gave him such a good fucking last night, that he was nearly late for work this morning.’ ‘All’s well that ends well then,’ said Mabel.
John stood in the doorway of Jane’s bedroom. Jane was lying on her bed. She was very quiet and yet he knew she wasn’t sleeping. ‘I’m sorry Jane, it wasn’t a planned thing, it just happened.’
‘Was Sue a good fuck?’ ‘Sue was a fantastic fuck, just like her daughter.’ ‘Too right she is, I have to listen to her fucking dad till she nearly kills him.’ ‘I love you Jane.’
‘Right answer cunt face, make sure it stays that way if you want to keep those balls of yours.’ ‘Are we cool?’ ‘Yes.’
‘Are you cool with your mum?’ ‘Her name is Sue, she is a woman, she just happens to be my mum as well. Yes I’m cool with Sue.’ ‘Lets go down and join the girls shall we?’ ‘Yeah, fuck it why not.’
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My stepmum rang the bell and auntie opened it. We both went in and my stepmum settled herself on the couch her pregnancy bump was now forming nicely and large breasts must run in the family as she was as big as her sister. “Well go on you two off you go for your night out i’ll look after junior”. It was six months since my auntie had given birth. And she had insisted on taking me out for a meal and a drink for all my help. My auntie’s breasts pressed against her little black dress the nipples...
Well I thought I would give you another update we are on day nine of my lockdown with my auntie Barbara . I came out the shower into the bedroom pulled some jeans and a T-shirt and made my way down the stairs into the kitchen to find my auntie Barbara was making a cup of tea morning sexy she said . Morning I replied you look very nice in your dressing gown oh this old thing she was wearing a white towelling dressing gown just covering their arse tied at the front . I sat down at the table and...
This is the second part to my story about me and my auntie we have been in lockdown together for 4 days now and as you all know all no Who read part one my auntie was not very experienced at handling a cock well 4 days on and she is a different woman . We are having sex two or three times a day she’s turned out to be a right horny and dirty little bitch she has still got a very tight pussy and now she loves to suck cock plus she can almost take my full 9 inches down her throat . On the second...
"So, sweetie, are you looking forward to your summer with your old Auntie Mame?" Auntie Mame started the car and looked over at me in a way that made me even more uncomfortable. And since I was already a boy wearing a dress, white tights and Mary Janes, I had thought I was uncomfortable enough already. Still, I couldn't help liking her. And she really was a very striking woman - taller than my mother, and dressed in black pants, heels, and a black top that showed just a trace of her...
It was the first time i had been asked to babysit, But mum had told her sister pat that i was responsible age. so i arrived an my auntie pats house at seven ,auntie pat was mums older sister about 45 years an was a bit on the large side , she had given birth over a year ago and was spilling out of her low cut dress, i couldn't help looking at her boobs whilst she was telling he where the bottles of milk where to give the babs if it woke up ,uncle peter seen me looking an give me a little light...
During my young years, every summer time my parents used to go for some vacation at seaside, to stay at my Auntie Paula’s house.I was well into puberty and had been masturbating for two years. My Mom sometimes would forget to close her bedroom door so there were many times when I could see her undressing or getting naked after a shower. I used to feel aroused watching at her; since she was a hot woman…She was just forty years old at that time…But my Auntie Paula was even hotter than my own Mom....
AUNTIE RITA – Part 2In Part 1 John found himself strapped down to a specially made padded table that secured his chest, arms, legs, wrists and ankles. He was completely spread eagle before his mother’s eldest and very sexy sister, Rita. She demanded he call her “Auntie Rita” and punished him when he wouldn’t follow the rules of her game. She began his milking by taking out her false teeth and draining his cock with her expert mouth. John was unable to resist his aunt’s wiles as he exploded into...
• Auntie has her ways…• I had found out about where my father's porn stash was being held, under the seat of the passenger side of his car. Back int the 50’s seats had significant room beneath them. My father would leave his porn textbooks under there. While I was waiting for him to get a few beers I would check out his stash. WOW was I thrilled that some folks would write about the private activities of men and women. I would get hard on seeing the first paragraph about explicit sex. I would...
If you have been following my story, you will recall that in a single afternoon - almost without realizing it - I had gone from a boy in jeans and T-shirts to a girl in a tiny skirt, with a pink ribbon my my curly hair, pink nails, lip gloss, and perfume. To anyone who saw me now, I looked not only like a girl, but like a "girly girl" princess. Auntie Mame and I had just finished checking out at Macy's for the second time that day, this time with several new skirts and blouses. I had...
I never really slept that night when i went to my bedroom i could hear them talking and then they started fucking again they both came again as i laid on my bed wanking my young boy cock thinking about the promise my sexy Auntie had made to me!! I woke up and could'nt really believe if last night happened or did i have a very vivid wet dream!! I always wake up with a hard-on this morning it was so hard it was almost hurting, i heard Auntie Sue in her bedroom, i went to the bethroom and as i...
Just back from another day at school, I entered the living room to find my aunt dozing with my cousin, Sam fast asleep in her lap. Auntie Kim is stopping here while my mom has taking dad away for a few days to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Even though I am sixteen and can look after myself, mom insisted Kim came to look after me.She has just turned thirty and became a single mother, four months back, she had an affair with the boss where she used to work and was well rewarded if she left...
originally submitted 8 years ago by retired user eremiti Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she mused as she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny that only a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, it was just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shocked her profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was getting old.The voluptuous 35...
My stepmum came off the phone. “It’s your auntie again”. I thought “my life’s not my own 22 years and a skivvy”. Since she’d broken her leg 2 weeks ago I had barely had time to myself. She’d snapped the ligaments in her knee tripping over her cat. Being eight and half months pregnant didn’t help either. Luckily junior was okay. But she had been practically invalided and house bound since the accident. I was her favorite for obvious reasons (search for aunties pee problem) hence the...
That warm summer afternoon I was fucking my sexy girlfriend Ana so good. We were alone at my own bedroom and we did not expect anyone home for a couple of hours.My relation with Ana was serious and we were engaged to marry next year.My sexy girlfriend was on her knees and elbows and I was fucking her tight cunt from behind, when suddenly the bedroom door flew open and my loving Auntie Estela stormed in. My aunt was an attractive woman in her late forties, still worth for a good fuck. She had a...
"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little present...
Chapter 3"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little...
Auntie Mame's new niece, Part 3 In just a couple of hours, my life seemed to have turned upside down. Having arrived at Auntie Mame's for the summer, I suddenly found myself engulfed in fragrance, wearing a dress and carrying a bag full of my new panties and training bras. And now, we were headed for the salon. When we got into the car, Auntie Mame pulled out another package. "I got you a little extra surprise," she said. It was a handbag. Not a big leather handbag like my mom...
Auntie Mame's Niece, Part 4: Back to Macy's It was hard to believe it had only been three or four hours since Mom had dropped me off to visit with Auntie Mame for the summer. At the time, I'd been a real boy, wearing blue jeans and a comfortable tee shirt. Now, we were walking out of Lisa's Beauty Salon hand in hand, and everything had changed, from the ribbon in my hair to my embroidered short dress to my Mary Jane shoes. I still wore the unmistakably girly scent of J'Ador, the...
I had moved into the apartment a month ago and was settling in nicely. It wasn't big but it was mine alone, which I preferred to having to share a place. The whole trying to find flat mates and then making sure everyone paid was a hassle I was tired of. I had a few friends over for a house warming a week later and then settled down to the daily routine of work and getting out on a Friday night and meeting women. The local was a great place to meet women so that always made for a night to look...
Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home....With a Detour! Installment Two by Jessica Aireson So, here I was, buck naked, kneeling before the gorgeous Phyllis who had just noisily ejaculated an enormous load of hot silky jizz into my eager mouth. I knelt between her legs, astounded at what had just happened. My mouth and throat savored the warm, milky, and slightly salty gelatinous mass. I was acutely attuned to the sensation of Phyllis's shapely and silky stocking-clad legs embracing...
It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had been staying with her older s****r Beth for the last few months while looking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone except for her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to her job and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda’s shorter hours, she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off to school. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons if each were around the house. As she drove home to...
It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had beenstaying with her older sister Beth for the last few months whilelooking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone exceptfor her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to herjob and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda's shorter hours,she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off toschool. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons ifeach were around the house.As she drove home to Beth's house,...
Terry’s suppressed groan from his bedroom down the hallway sent chills through me. I had goosebumps imagining his discomfort while the house nurse changed dressings. It didn’t matter that I had warned him about the Down Hill Mountain Challenge. That I thought he was too young for that sort of thing. I was trying to be protective not make him lose confidence. I had so much empathy for him.I tried to busy myself in my brother’s kitchen and drown out the sounds from Terry’s bedroom while the nurse...
IncestTerry’s suppressed groan from his bedroom down the hallway sent chills through me. I had goosebumps imagining his discomfort while the house nurse changed dressings. It didn’t matter that I had warned him about the Down Hill Mountain Challenge. That I thought he was too young for that sort of thing. I was trying to be protective not make him lose confidence. I had so much empathy for him.I tried to busy myself in my brother’s kitchen and drown out the sounds from Terry’s bedroom while the nurse...
IncestAuntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...
The summer and thus Auntie Hayley's trip was drawing to a close much to my dismay. She was using me daily as a fuck bag doing unspeakable things to me and technically she could have got into a lot of trouble if I had not enjoyed it so much!My day always started down the hay shed where she would give a quick hand job to start my day well! She always let me finger her sopping wet cunt as she tugged on my member! Hayley would help me get off at various times during the day if needed and there was...
[Contains: F/Young F, Lesbian Sex, Girl-on-Girl Impregnation & Babymaking]Connie is happy with most of everything in her life. She has established a very successful interior-design business by forging links with some of the top architects in the city. She has her own large penthouse with great views of the harbor and several very good friends. But, there are two things missing. Her beloved husband died 3 years ago, just at the time they had planned to have c***dren. There has been no one...
"Well, you must be Patrick!" "Yes, ma'am. Are you Auntie Mame?" "Oh, yes! I've been SO looking forward to your coming. Goodness, you have pretty eyes, and such long lashes." "Thanks, I guess." I had to admit, Auntie Mame was beautiful, and she seemed nice enough, if overpowering. At any rate, it had been made very clear to me that I was to obey her without question. "We're going to have a lot of adventures in the next few weeks," she said. "Let me look you over." She stepped...
Introduction: Please see the tags and dont read if you doPlease rate on the quality of the writing not whether you like the subject matter, indicated in the tags. For as long as I can remember I was infatuated with my Auntie Celeste. Who wouldnt be? She was a gorgeous, sophisticated lady who always looked perfect–long, wavy auburn hair matched by long, shapely legs, an hour-glass figure, dark smoldering eyes enhanced by mascara and eye shadow, and ruby red lips. I was often alone with her, even...
Several weeks ago, whilst on vacation from college, I had the most extraordinary, but wonderful experience with my Auntie Anne. She had discovered that I had for many years harboured a secret desire to see her slips, or petticoats as she called them. On this particular day I was sitting opposite Auntie, who is an attractive woman in her mid-forties, and caught sight of the lace hem of her slip as she crossed her legs - rather provocatively I thought. I immediately felt my cock swelling at this...
After that first time playing around with my Auntie Sue I could'nt stop wanking!!She was always in my thoughts and I spent as much time there as possible, the teasing continued along with the wrestling i came a few times as i wrestled her! I would push my cock against her at every opportunity and touch her big tits! One weekend I was invited to stay over my Uncle was there as well i sat on the settee cuddled up to Auntie Sue as usual i was as hard as ever until i remember Uncle was there!! They...
"How are you going pencil dick, have you had a wank today" it was fun being woken from a great wet dream with those words from my sister Lilly! We had developed a sort of love/hate relationship since the numerous encounters around the house this year.I wasn't exactly sure where I stood with her, firstly she would be nice to me and then not so. Lilly had made it a habit of sneaking into my room late at night to administer my 'punishment' This started with an insult to which I would ignore to be...
Chapter 16: Alison Buggered and Impregnated Alison knew she would have to work on cultivating Jane, if her plan was to be generally accepted by all. She walked over to where Jane was sitting despondently, and whispered in her ear. ‘Jane, could you give me a hand please, I need your opinion on my going away outfit.’ Jane was still groggy from Alison’s bombshell regarding selling Armatage Hall, and moving into the village with them. She allowed Alison to lead her out of the room and towards...
Introduction: I had wiped all the cum off my mums feet now and they looked as good as new, i kissed them and gave them a little massage and put her shoes back on. We then both walked into the restaurant and found the rest of the family sitting round the table singing me happy birthday. Auntie Made Me Cum….With Her Feet This is the second part to come from Made Me Cum Series Read the first one to understand the background of this story. ...
When I woke that Saturday morning, I still ached all over. But it was a good ache; an ache that reminded me of the amazing experience I had had at the rugby club. But it was the phone ringing that got me out of bed--not many people use my landline, most use my mobile (cell phone, to my American readers). My mobile's by my bed. The 'real' phone's in the living room. Anyway, I jumped out of bed and tried to put on my dressing gown as I dashed through to the living room, but the answer phone had...
BDSMIt was a Thursday evening,at 18:00 precisley,i had to go to my aunt's house to take her digital camera to donwload her photos;while i was riding my bike,i was thinking to how totry to lick her feet (I touched and massaged 4 or 5 times them),when i finally arrived.I saw my uncle in the garden cutting the grass,and after saying "Hi" to him,i got intothe house: my aunt was stretched out on the sofa,with closed eyes (but she wasn't sleeping);she was wearing a white t-shirt that emphasize her big...
This is the second part to come from Made Me Cum Series Read the first one to understand the background of this story. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I had wiped all the cum off my mums feet now and they looked as good as new, i kissed them and gave them a little massage and put her shoes back on. We then both walked into the restaurant and found the rest of the family sitting round the table singing me happy birthday. the...
Well here I am again I have been in lockdown now for seven nights with my auntie Barbara .and I do not regret one minute of it she has gone from having no sex in nearly 7 years to having this cock of mine three and four times a day . Last night after dinner we sat in the front room having a drink I started to ask my auntie Barbara about her sex life with my uncle Vic she said it was okay I suppose he did not like sex very much I don’t think he would last just a few seconds .before he cum .when...
“Oh; hi sweetheart. Did you have a good run?” I replied as I applied the finishing touches to a pie for the evening dinner; “did you go far?” “About 10 miles I guess.” He panted as he took a carton of orange from the fridge. “Just enough to get everything pumping.” I looked up to see him grinning as he took a swig of juice. I instantly looked away but felt my face begin to blush. Lewis is my sister’s eldest son and was staying with us until he started a local University...
"Well, I wasn't going to say anything about it...her...but now that you mention it I could sort of tell she might be kind of wild in...in the sack. She sure does talk a lot of trash when she's high." "Joy likes to brag a lot to. I'm sure you've noticed," I replied. "Especially when it comes to her bedroom antics." Jeff tried to play dumb by replying, "Brab? About what?" I turned from my driving duties as we rocketed down the interstate long enough to give him a smirk...
I had fucked my Auntie Paula that afternoon at her house by the seaside. Better we could say, she had fucked me…After enjoying a very nice sex time at the backyard, we both dressed up and went to the beach, to meet my mother there.I knew that my mother knew what had happened…She smiled at her younger sister and whispered in my ear that Auntie Paula would give some lessons about anal sex later…I really was having a strong desire to do anal. I had already fucked many girls, but none of them had...
I dated a woman for a while and got to know her family quite well.One day i was lying in bed at home when i heard the front door open.As i lay there wondering who it was the bedroom door opened and in walked my partners Auntie Jean.She was dressed in a tight blouse,which could hardly contain her ample breasts,a very short leather mini skirt,black stockings and black boots.Before i could open my mouth to say something she came over to the bed and pulled back the covers.I had been playing with my...
Shortly after the bus with barred windows left town, Julie told the matron that shehad to piss, and Lisa joined in that that she had to go "Number Two." The older ofthe two matrons said that the girls had had plenty of time to take care of these thingsback in town, in the jail, before boarding the bus that was to take them back toreform school. But the younger matron pleaded for them, saying that what harmcould it do if they stopped at a gas station to let the girls relieve...
Well, when it rains, it pours as they say! No sooner as I had nailed my sisters sweet body, it had seemed my sexual prowess (or lack thereof) was on show for all to see! I refer to my Mom's crazy sister Hayley. She was a few years younger than mom and was certainly the talk of the family with her free spirited antics!Auntie Hayley came to stay during summer break, a time that encompassed Christmas and New year so there was a lot of celebrating and drinking. As a minor I just partook in the...
She's a hairdresser and takes care of her self, painting her nails to match her outfit which would have been chosen and picked out the night before, her face is round and she seems to always have a smile on it no matter what she's doing and her looked after white teeth compliment it well.Donna has brown eyes and a button like nose. Okay, a little bit of history, when I was a young lad and wanking 4 or 5 times daily, Donna was a frequent fantasy in my head and i was always trying to get a...