Bi-Hooker, Bye Crook Ch. 01 free porn video

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Meet Kristoff and Clarissa. A stunning blonde couple relaxing and enjoying a late and light lunch, before the work planned for the evening ahead. Everything about this couple stands out. They’re both gorgeous specimens of health and beauty. Immaculately dressed, manicured, pedicured and both sporting real golden tans and brilliant white smiles.

Lets look first at Clarissa, mid twenties, athletic build, dressed and shoed in a chic Gucci evening dress ensemble, coloured subtle shades of deep red. No jewelry on slender fingers or bared collarbones. Just a simple and understated pair of diamond studs glinting out from the curled blonde locks. Prominent cheekbones are softened by full pouting lips but accentuated by large ice blue eyes, curled lashes and modelled brows. Very much dressed to kill but smiling and laughing at ease with her counterpart sat opposite.

Now Kristoff, the easiest way to describe him is ‘Viking in a business suit’. Well over 6 feet with the same curling blonde hair but not styled, just falling effortlessly and perfectly down his long strong neck, reaching out to his broad shoulders. Chiselled, hawk like features with piercing deep blue eyes. A strong and clean shaven jaw moves laconically as he swaps small talk. His hands are at odds with the clearly well toned body beneath the light grey business suit. Flawlessly manicured and soft with deft fingers where one would expect to see coarse fat digits. He’s never done a day’s manual labour in his life.

Sitting directly behind Kristoff’s left shoulder, in the adjacent booth of the restaurant facing Clarissa, is the mark for the evening. He’s dressed in a similar fashion to Kristoff albeit without the leonine grace and ease that Kristoff wears it. His suit is rumpled and dark blue showing signs it’s been worn all day. He’s not a bad looking guy, Clarissa guesses he’s in his early forties and taking care of himself. Short dark hair, neatly coiffed, tops a face devoid of humour. His eyes dark and predatory as they flick round the restaurant, always coming back to rest on Clarissa. A thick rolex appearing in view as he keeps taking sips of mineral water. Clarissa met his gaze and smiled shyly but widely before returning her attention back to Kristoff.

‘I think we’re on darling,’ She kept her voice soft and pitched low. The mark was a reasonable distance away but it never hurt to be careful.

‘Good, good, likes what he sees?’ Kristoff’s baritone was naturally sotto voce but he leaned forward over the table a little anyway.

‘Yes, the looks are getting more frequent and lasting longer now. He’s probably wondering about you so now seems a good time for you to go.’

Kristoff stood unhurriedly and reached for his wallet. He moved out of the booth, around to Clarissa’s side. He was a pro and had no need or desire to glance at the mark. They’d done this more times than they could either remember. He took out a sizeable wedge of bills, folded them as he leaned down to brush a kiss on Clarissa’s cheek, while surreptitiously placing the bills under her hand on the table. ‘Thank you’ he said simply and clearly, they smiled briefly at each other, then he turned and walked slowly from the restaurant.

Clarissa waited until she knew she had the marks’ attention, reached for her purse and quickly unfolded the bills to fit into it. Glancing up at the last second and freezing just as she was about to close it. She saw the realisation dawn in his face and the leering smile appeared on thin lips as she blushed and snapped the bag shut. Gotcha!

George Hounslow was mesmerised by Clarissa. He’d noticed her as soon as they’d walked in, she was absolutely stunning, unfortunately, so was the clean cut guy she was with. He couldn’t help stealing glances throughout his meal, she really was striking. He rubbed absently at the indent on his ring finger. He’d only taken it off as he boarded his flight to Vegas. He was a regular here. Business needs happily coinciding with personal ones as he escaped the miserable status driven bitch at home. Well, he’d done a full day in the office and now it was playtime. Shame this ones taken he thought to himself. He could imagine having those lips around his member. Suddenly, she locked eyes and smiled at him inciting an immediate reaction in his pants. Who was this guy she was with? Boyfriend? Client? He got his answer a minute later as the effeminate faced man got up and paid her! He watched as she tried to quickly stash the cash and she froze like a rabbit in the headlights when he caught her doing it. Gotcha!

He normally hooked up with one of the call girls that frequented his hotel bar. That was a large wad of bills he’d given her but hell she looked worth every penny! George made his mind up as if it was his choice. He picked up his glass and sauntered slowly over to stand before her. She watched with wary eyes, probably wondering if he was an undercover cop. ‘May I join you?’

‘Sure’ She flashed a brilliant smile while holding his gaze and the smile widened as his eyes flicked south for a moment to appreciate the visible tops of her pert breasts. She never wore a bra and a quick casual brush of her left hand up her inner thigh was enough to make her nipples react and stand proud against the material as he sat quickly opposite her. His eyes flicked again noticing the growth, and his lips parted before the leer reappeared.

‘I couldn’t help but notice you looking a little guilty putting all that money away’ he drawled expecting a blushing and stuttering denial. She just returned his stare passively, the smile not wavering for an instant as she leaned toward him and asked quietly:

‘Cop or Client?’

George was a little flustered but tried to play it cool. ‘What would you say if I said Cop?’ he whispered also shuffling forward to lean in.

‘I’d say you’re duty bound to inform me, arrest me and charge me.’ She replied in an imitation of his whisper. ‘But if you are, and you do, you won’t get to put this inside me.’ Her right hand shot forward under the table and grabbed his crotch, giving it a rough, stroking squeeze. George was still holding the water as his package was grabbed, he jumped, spilling a little onto his lap and her hand. His eyes were wide as he stared at her smiling face.

‘Not a Cop’ he managed to croak as her squeezing continued.

‘Good, then I can get you much wetter than this’ She purred finally releasing him and putting her elbows on the table, lacing her fingers.

‘I’d ask how much but I’m passed caring.’ George whispered in a gabbled stream. He was ready to leave with her right now.

‘I have a rule’ He wilted a little at the statement.

‘Let me guess, no kissing?’

‘There will be plenty of kissing’

‘Not on the face?’

‘You can cum where you like.’

‘Then what? No Anal?’

She giggled and clasped his hands in hers, ‘Anything you can physically do, we can do’ she assured him.

‘Then?’ he prompted mystified, his eyes narrowing suspiciously

‘This’ She replied, opening her purse and withdrawing a long, white and expensive silk scarf.

‘Huh?’ he stared at her confused.

‘It’s a blindfold’ she explained quietly as she ran it through her fingers. ‘I like clients to wear a blindfold. Not the whole time, just when I decide.’

‘But I wanna see’ he argued in a hush.

‘That’s my rule’ she snapped at him, ‘You’ll see plenty, trust me.’ This was the moment it could fail. It hadn’t happened before though, they all argued but a man with a hard-on arguing how his balls would be emptied was not an argument the hard-on would let the man win.

‘Ok, OK, let’s get out of here.’ George snapped back, anxious he may lose her. ‘My hotel is just around the corner.’ He ushered her out of the booth while carelessly casting bills on the table to cover the tab. Someone’s getting a nice tip thought Clarissa as she stuffed the blindfold back in her bag. She put her hand out to be led and th
ey set off hand in hand much to George’s obvious delight.

At the hotel, conveniently located as promised, just round the corner from the restaurant, Clarissa waited patiently holding the marks hand in the lobby. The lift arrived bearing an older couple heading out to hit the slots probably. Clarissa smiled and dragged the mark quickly in behind her. They were the only waiting couple, she waited for him to stab the control panel, noting he pressed 3, then grabbed him and dragged him to the back of the elevator. She slammed her lips against his, he was surprised but played along, grabbing her ass roughly and pressing up against her, she threw her hands around his buttocks leaving 3 fingers straight on her right hand, signalling to Kristoff who was passing the closing lift doors.

It didn’t take long to get up to floor 3, Clarissa disengaged and giggling, shoved him out of the lift indicating he should take the lead. He grinned and headed off at pace down the short corridor fumbling for his key card. They arrived at room 307 and as soon as Clarissa heard the lock click, she giggled again and pushed him through the door. The room was a simple affair, large en-suite bathroom immediately left of the door, a short ante-room and then the bedroom proper. George was too happy and engrossed to realise the door hadn’t shut fully and he was out of sight of it when Kristoff slunk in and dodged into the bathroom, closing the door silently behind him.

Clarissa shoved George down onto the bed where he lay panting staring up at her with burning desire in his eyes. ‘So then, what should we do first?’ She smiled down at him as she gently and purposefully ran her hands down her body, pressing the material tight against her sides, running them down and in over her crotch. She noted with a sense of professional pride, the growing bulge in his pants. George just laughed and panted, eyes riveted to her every move.

‘How long do I have?’ he enquired suddenly, ever the businessman.

‘Oh honey, I don’t charge by the hour.’ Clarissa responded sweetly. ‘You’re my only client this evening so I’m in no rush. But looks like somebody wants out?’ She nodded with a grin at the bulge behind his flies.

‘Yeah, you get him out.’ Commanded George, suddenly emboldened as a paying customer.

Clarissa sighed inwardly, they all did this once they realised they were paying. On the other hand, the marks acting like assholes made what was coming easier to justify. ‘Oh I’ll take good care of him for you Honey, but first, how about a drink?’

‘No, fuck me, now.’ He snarled while reaching for a box of condoms in plain sight on the bedside table.

Again she did a mental shrug, she’d wound him up too early. Oh well, the first time would calm him down a little. She quickly and deftly pulled her panties down while kicking off her shoes leaving her dress firmly in place. She hopped on the bed, hitching her dress up as she jumped and snatched the condom he’d managed to hustle out of the box. She didn’t bother removing any of his clothes, just pulled down his flies and quickly dug out his cock to the free air. Her hands didn’t stop moving, ripping the condom from the wrapper and expertly applying it to his decently sized member. He started to protest but she simply gripped the hairy shaft, positioned herself and thrust quickly down enveloping it in one smooth motion.

George moaned softly in appreciation. Her pussy was dry and tight, squeezing him wonderfully through the latex membrane separating them. She didn’t say anything or make a sound, just smiled at him, put her hands on his shoulders and started rapidly rocking her hips back and forth. It didn’t take long, a long low rumble and a grunt signalled an end to round one. Clarissa hopped back off the bed letting her dress fall back into place, she grabbed the end of the condom and whipped it off, spilling his cum down his shaft and balls. He didn’t complain, just lay breathing deeply watching her with that predators gaze.

Clarissa dropped the used latex and slipped the dress off her shoulders letting it fall rumpled around her feet. She watched him drink in the sight of her, his now flaccid dick twitching as she put her right two fingers on her shaven clit and started rubbing slowly. ‘Now that we’ve said Hello, maybe we can do this better?’ They traded smiles and he waggled his limp prick with his left hand. ‘Give me a minute?’

‘Sure, hey, now how about that drink?’ She enquired once again sweetly.

‘Help yourself.’ He gestured at the mini bar that she’d unceremoniously dumped her bag onto as they came in. He was too busy staring at her asshole and shaved pussy as she bent to grab a couple of the mini bottles of spirits stocking the bar. He paid no attention at all to her hands as they plunged into her bag and came out holding a paper wrap of powder which was quickly decanted into a glass. She poured him a neat Jack Daniels and herself a Vodka, quickly swirling his to disperse the powder which dissolved almost immediately.

‘You’re gorgeous you know?’ he informed her as she turned and smiled at him. She looked down coyly at the compliment and walked sensuously over to him offering the JD which he grabbed and gulped in one. Her pussy twitched at the thought of the concentrated Viagra pumping into his system. He still hadn’t recovered from the first go so his heart rate would still be high, making the process even faster acting. Gotcha again she thought with a smile, glancing down at his semi erection.

He followed her gaze and waggled it at her again, ‘Keen for more huh?’ She nodded cutely. ‘Well I’m feeling generous, so, ladies choice?’ The JD had a kick to it, burning nicely on the way down. He didn’t recall the room feeling this hot before.

‘Let’s get you comfortable first.’ She murmured and started popping his shirt buttons, slowly revealing a hairy heavily muscled chest. The hair continued down to his flat but undefined stomach and carried on down to a happy trail past his navel heading into his pants. She didn’t rush stripping him, giving the drug time to work. She wanted him rock solid before she started on round 2.

Finally, he lay naked on top of the bedspread, his penis once again hard and pointing to the ceiling. He was cut but hairy, obviously not a believer in the concept of man-scaping. He lay with his hands behind his head, feigning relaxation as his heart beat visibly caused his throat to pulse. His face was looking a little flushed now as the Viagra kicked in properly. She’d given him a double dose, potentially dangerous in an unhealthy male but he looked in good shape. Veins stood out from his shaft as the blood vessels fully dilated.

‘Do you like my lips?’ Clarissa asked suddenly realising they were both silently staring at his cock.

‘Beautiful lips’ he murmured still staring at himself with a befuddled look.

‘Want to feel them on that beautiful piece of wood you have there?’

‘Hmmm’ was all he could manage in response.

‘Ok, blindfold time.’ She quickly retrieved the scarf from her bag, hopped up onto the bed, straddling his stomach, teasingly tapping her ass cheeks off his outstretched rod. She put it on him with practiced ease as he protested feebly. It wrapped around his eyes a good 5 times before she tied it off tight with a simple knot at the back. She was starting to worry a little about his lethargy and feared she may have overdosed him when he suddenly shot his hands from behind his head and grabbed her breasts, kneading them roughly. She gasped and leaned down breaking his grip with a passionate kiss.

He put his hands back behind his head as she back shuffled down his body and beckoned Kristoff who was peeking round the corner. They smiled warmly at each other as he took position silently at the end of the bed. She continued her shuffle and then slid gracefully between Kristoff’s spread legs as he leaned forward and gently grasped the marks cock in his right hand. She stood and leaned over to put her head above Kris so th
e voice came from the right place. ‘Tell me when you’re going to cum?’

George started to say yes as her hot mouth engulfed him, head, shaft, all of it! He felt his tip squeeze against her oesophagus at the same time as her lips clamped around his base and sucked. ‘Yaaarrr’ was the noise that came out as her tongue wrapped around and was drawn so very slowly back up his length. She pointed her tongue at the top of the ascent and flicked it slowly up one side of his helmet, around the tip and down the other side of his banjo string, before slowly descending again towards his aching balls. Without doubt, the best blowjob he’d ever had!

Clarissa had padded silently back to her bag as Kristoff went to work. She pulled out her smart phone and hit record, taking the homo-erotic scene in with high definition detail. Kris had used his time in the bathroom to strip and prepare. Now his long flowing hair was freely bobbing up and down on the marks navel as he performed for the camera. Teasing and flicking too slowly for the sensation to result in an unscheduled cumshot but it looked great on camera!

His long legs draped off the end of the bed, his own impressive and shaved length rubbing against the faux leather bed end. He raised up for a moment, releasing the marks tip with a soft sucking pop and blew a kiss to the camera before resuming his job. Bastard was winding her up! She tried keeping the camera steady in her left while she felt her drenched muff with her right. He saw her from the corner of his eye and again stopped to perform little flicking licks against the marks tip while holding her eye. It was the same tongue action he used on her clit when they made love!

The mark was moaning quite loudly now, the Viagra was keeping his climax at bay but Clarissa had to admire Kris’ technique, most men would have cum by now and cum hard. Kris was beckoning her suddenly and she frowned quizzically. He held himself on one hand and pointed to his ass. What the?! This was off script, way off script, the footage of the blowjob was plenty to accomplish the task, this was above and beyond! But she had no choice! He was raising up off the mark and she dived across the carpet silently, to improvise.

‘Time for something a bit different’ She adlibbed staring at Kristoff as he smoothly pulled a black dildo out of his ass! He had a condom with him he’d snagged from her bag as he went past. He’d planned this she realised suddenly. They’d researched this mark and gone over the plan as they had many times previously. Get him hard, blindfolded and sucked off by Kristoff on camera. She didn’t have chance to argue however as he’d applied the sheath with the same dexterity she had, spun round to face her, grinned and plunged down on the tortured cock!

George howled as her tight hole took him in one swift action. He made a half assed attempt to remove the blindfold but then settled back as the urgent rhythm made him forget everything but the sensations he was feeling down there. He had been starting to get close with the blowjob, the break had reset him but this was definitely going to make him blow! He reached out and pulled her hair eliciting a gasp but she didn’t stop. He just wished he could see the sight of that pert ass bouncing on him. He’d not been this hard and this turned on in as long as he could remember. Even the condom wasn’t spoiling this!

Clarissa had forgotten to keep the camera pointing during the change in proceedings, Kris silently but furiously gestured at it as he grabbed himself and starting masturbating in double time with his rhythm, desperately playing catch up. She used both hands to steady the shaking phone, moving slowly round the bed taking in as many angles as possible. She was going to kill him for this!…Right after she’d come because this was insanely hot to watch.

‘I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.’ Panted George. The bouncing stopped suddenly and the latex was ripped off, she gripped him hard at the top of his shaft and pumped her fist furiously over his desperate tip. He put his hands over his mouth and screamed as he finally climaxed. He thrashed wildly, spurting huge shots of cum into the air to land on his lower abs. She’d rested her tongue gently on his tip behind his slit as he’d cum, he could picture her smiling face and the surprise at how much he’d cum for her.

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I lost my virginity on a Friday. It was a crisp autumn evening. A few days before Scott had convinced me to put on a kind of show for Mr Williams, my pervy neighbour. Something so rude would have never occurred to me before I met Scott, but since our first encounter I had changed. The days of quietly rubbing my clit late at night, only occasionally fingering myself, were a thing of the past. I don’t know how he did it, but he somehow unleashed the sexuality from deep inside me. My aching pussy...

5 years ago
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Bye Bye Miss American Pie

It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox. Call me Joe by the way. At last count I’m 25 going on 40. Looks wise I’m tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in the shadows. In the shadows is what I do best these...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Stranger

My naked body lays spread across the bed; exhausted from the few short hours ago you exhausted me. My head is in a different world dreaming as you wake up admiring my big boobs pressed up against the bed, my curvy butt sticking up and my legs spread just enough, so you can see the glistening of my pussy in between them. With a slight nudge, I turn to my side where you pull my back against your front. Your morning hardness is pressing into my back, but I remain sleeping. Your hands start to...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Bye Bye Boston

My name is Bethanny. I'm 29 years old and I have brown shoulder length hair, about 5'6", slim with a tight little 38D – 24 -36 body. I workout at the local gym a lot to keep in top shape - and to show off my body to all the hunks that go there as well! I'm probably most proud of my tits though, aside from being enormous on their own, they have thick dark nipples and when excited they stick out at least 1" and are as round as the end of your little finger. Through the years there have been many...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Bye Bye Virginity

My name is Melissa and this is my first experience of sex. I am a petite white female with light olive skin tone and small breasts but a nice round butt. I never could forget this day and neither will my friend Stephanie.Mother yells to me and says "Stephanie is on the phone, pick it up in your room!". "Ok, I got you can hang up now" I told her. "Hello Stephanie what's up girl?" I asked, "nothing much just wonder if you want to come over and hang out for a bit, I am bored and don't have...

3 years ago
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Help with GoodBye Part 2

“My face is covered in her cum, want to lick it off?” I asked her. My fiancé was getting hornier while she continued to go up and down on my cock. “She’s wishing your fingers were in her pussy right now. She’s playing with herself and pretending it’s you while she sucks my cock.” My fiancé decided she had enough playing so she grabbed the keyboard and said “bye now he needs to bend me over and pound my pussy now. I will send you pictures later. Thanks so much for helping me cum. Hopefully you...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Help with goodbye Part 1

A special shout-out to Slutmommy, Katielover, and Lickalotofpusp for their instrumental roles in this story. I found out on Tuesday that I had to go on a business trip the next Monday. Being on the road is bad enough, but for a whole month and not having any time to prepare is really bad. Kind of sucks, but at least I will be out of town for the first part of winter. I told my fiancé and she was immediately disappointed; we both were. A month is a long time to go without sex and be apart from...

4 years ago
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Good bye sex with mom Part 8211 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers this is Vishnu am back with last part of sex with mom in India. Your encouragement, comments, and feedback made me write this next part soon so here it is. For those who are reading my post for the first time please do read my previous story for better understanding. Just a small recap of what happened last time, I was supposed to leave to Germany alone on demand of my company. I say this to my mom I get a life time treat before I left which included a...

2 years ago
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start at the beginning my first time bye bye v

Ok let me start with what i think is obvious, its the internet so about 99% of it is made up horseshit. I look at it a differnt way, whats the point in lying? really - whats the fucking point? you dont get paid or gain a thing by lying so why do it. Down the pub with some mates I will tell a few lies, leave out the parts that make me look bad and all the rest, but on here I tell the truth.OK down to business, my first time with full sex was about 3 months before my 18th birthday with my...

4 years ago
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When I realized I was Bye and gay

I was a late bloomer I got married had k**s bought a home had all the things to make a happy home but I was restless i needed something else. I was going out with other women about once a week and it was fun and sometimes very hot i even had a few three somes but I always felt I needed something more. One night when I was driving home there was this girl standing a crosswalk waitting for a taxi she was very hot so I put down the passanger window and offered her a lift she got into my car, the...

3 years ago
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Claires Awakening 10 Bye Bye Cherry

I lost my virginity on a Friday. It was a crisp autumn evening. A few days before Scott had convinced me to put on a kind of show for Mr Williams, my pervy neighbour. Something so rude would have never occurred to me before I met Scott, but since our first encounter I had changed. The days of quietly rubbing my clit late at night, only occasionally fingering myself, were a thing of the past. I don’t know how he did it, but he somehow unleashed the sexuality from deep inside me. My aching pussy...

First Time
3 years ago
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Simple Kiss GoodBye

She stood with her back to the door, contemplating the view of the frozen great lake. Could her heart, like the lake, be frozen as well? No, she was not so lucky as that. She felt so much. Too much at times. He watched her from the doorway. Silent. Eyes closed for just a moment, remembering the feel of her body on his. Her breasts against the palms of his hands. Her hair teasing his skin as she moved. Unlike anything he had known in his short life. She smiled slightly, feeling him...

2 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 38 Saying Good Bye

The remainder of the school year was bittersweet. I decided on the college in Boston, and - surprise, surprise - that's the school that Kari picked as well. A real surprise was that Helen decided to go too, so between them and Sandy, I wouldn't be alone. I didn't pick up any new JGs for the rest of the year. The only new candidates were freshmen, and they seemed so young from the perspective of a senior. It made me wonder why the initial JGs were even attracted to me. There were a couple...

1 year ago
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Goodbye to Hypocrisy

Our family consists of 4 persons: daddy (Jiff, 48 years old), mom (Gwen, 43), sister (Sylvia, 22), and me (Ron, 20). Daddy works in a bank, mom works in an insurance company, Sylvia is a police detective, and I am a university student. The parents go to church on Sundays & give us impression of idealistic behavior. Last year, we decided to bring a digital satellite which supplies 300 Tv stations. The men installed it when Sylvia & me were outside the house. When sister & me sat in front of the...

2 years ago
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Hookers Ch4

So this chapter is a bit more tame then the last one! This one is an experience I had about year ago with a cute little 18yr old hooker. I was out cruising one saturday afternoon, when I came across a young, pretty hooker. I pulled over on a side street and walked to where she was standing, striking up a conversation. She was blonde, skinny, small titties, and a nice firm little ass! I invited her back to my car and drove away, her suggesting we go to her place. I agreed and off we went. When...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Lullabye

Lockdown Lullabye I got caught... literally. You see, I'd booked in at my favourite adult nursery for a weekend of being my baby self with Nanny. I'd arrived, got undressed, Nanny had dressed me in my triple-thick nappies, plastic pants, frilly nappy knickers, sweet pink little girl's dress, tights, bootees, mittens and bonnet and I'd had my evening feed of stewed prunes and apple together with two bottles of warm baby formula before being put down for the night in the high-sided crib...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Lullabye Part 2

Sorry I haven't got around to adding this sooner, other things to do I'm afraid. I got asked to add to it, so here goes! Thanks for all the positive comments and suggestions, I really appreciate them. Not all have been added yet, but I will try and add more of them in as the story goes along xx -------------------------------------------------------------- Lockdown Lullabye II It had only been a matter of a few hours, but the conditioning that Nanny and her partner, now my Aunty...

4 years ago
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Alans SisterChapter 6 So Long Farewell Aufweidersehen Gbye

She wore us out again that night. There isn't too much to say about it. She just wore us out with the same boundless enthusiasm for sex she'd had all weekend. We pleasured each other until the wee hours (again managing to reduce Ed's mattress to one large wet spot), then escorted her to the showers. Ed got to stand watch that time, so I went back and fell asleep. The next thing I remember is her hot breath on my mouth. I don't know when, but when I woke up, at around noon, she was gone....

3 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 8 Of Goodbyes and Homecomings

August, 1986 Agent Killian warned us that the people in New York had been talking to the people in Washington, D. C. for the last two years, plotting to kill me. This meant that we were switched from a flight from Syracuse to Dulles to a flight from Buffalo to Baltimore-Washington International Airport. A Sergeant in a Lincoln Continental waited for us at the curb outside of baggage claim with a sign saying "Alexandra and Sgt.-Maj. McKiernan" in medium-sized letters. He nodded respectfully...

4 years ago
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Dani opened her door a few seconds later and let me in. She was wearing lingerie very similar to the black barely-dress in her ad. Much sexier in person too! She acted genuinely happy to see me, and made a point to make sure I was happy. I conspicuously left her donation on the table, but she never picked it up while I was there. Other providers take note - that's a very encouraging sign; it shows she will not be only about the money or be ready to kick me out right after I get there.Off...

2 years ago
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No One Says Bye To Felicia

As I look at my wife seductively patting the bed wanting me to fuck her, I can only think, I am so fucked!My ass is red, swollen, and covered in welts. I probably can't cum again tonight if my life depends on it. What the fuck am I going to do?Her smile turns into a frown as she says, "Don't you want me?"Think. Think. Think. "Baby, of course, I want you. I am just surprised, that's all. You haven't been interested in sex for quite some time. Why the change?" I ask as I moved towards the...

4 years ago
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E092 Saying goodbye Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning all are up by nine o’clock.  Over breakfast, they chat about what Donald plans for their return trip south.  He tells Dorothy that tonight he would like to stay in their Boston home for Emma to see it.  Dorothy agrees readily with this plan. “It’s not the most opulent house, but it is old and sturdy.  It has been in our family for generations, almost since the first Ryan’s came to this country in the 1600s,” Dorothy explains.Emma is in awe.  Her family has been leaders of their...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 02

That brought a happy end to George’s latest Vegas trip. He’d paid Clarissa for their wonderful evening together. She’d seemed keen to leave following the sex, he’d half expected her to forget asking for the money! No such luck but it was the best grand he’d spent in a good long while. He’d returned home to the usual frostbitten reception. Joyless and suspicious wife not the least bit interested in the details of his trip, nor in his amorous advances, situation normal. The weekend had passed as...

2 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 03

It was the usual boring Monday for Helen. The reviled one had left customarily early with the usual lack of any attempt at communication. The house and time were her own to do as she pleased. So why did she feel like a prisoner in this multi-million dollar mansion? Time, she sighed reminding herself and routine, too much of both. She’d met a young, handsome, passionate politics major out to change the world and ended up with a jaded, right wing office robot, content to mete out the days in...

3 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 04

After the initial shock of the statement, Helen had privately crowed at the thought of her homophobic husband getting it on with the beautiful example of masculinity standing before her. Oh she had no doubt, even before watching the film that this meant the end for George’s career, but the wonderful bonus meant that this was the gift she’d been waiting for to end this ridiculous sham of a marriage. He’d pay with his career for the man-whore’s silence. He’d pay her far more in the long run for...

2 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 05

Sue hadn’t stood on ceremony it seemed as Helen walked into the master bedroom. Petersen was still clothed albeit without shoes and socks, with his back to the door, furiously ramming a demanding Susan stood bent over the end of the bed. Her only concession had been to pull her jogging bottoms down and her panties to one side. ‘Fuck!’ ‘He’s!’ ‘Good!’ She gasped between his hard and full thrusts. Helen smiled and started slowly stripping, not that it would take long to get out of jogging...

3 years ago
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Help with goodbye Part 1

A special shout-out to Slutmommy, Katielover, and Lickalotofpusp for their instrumental roles in this story. I found out on Tuesday that I had to go on a business trip the next Monday. Being on the road is bad enough, but for a whole month and not having any time to prepare is really bad. Kind of sucks, but at least I will be out of town for the first part of winter. I told my fiancé and she was immediately disappointed, we both were. A month is a long time to go without sex and be apart from...

2 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Part 5

Sue hadn’t stood on ceremony it seemed as Helen walked into the master bedroom. Petersen was still clothed albeit without shoes and socks, with his back to the door, furiously ramming a demanding Susan stood bent over the end of the bed. Her only concession had been to pull her jogging bottoms down and her panties to one side. “Fuck!” “He’s!” “Good!” She gasped between his hard and full thrusts. Helen smiled and started slowly stripping, not that it would take long to get out of jogging...

3 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Part 4

After the initial shock of the statement, Helen had privately crowed at the thought of her homophobic husband getting it on with the beautiful example of masculinity standing before her. Oh she had no doubt, even before watching the film, that this meant the end for George’s career. But the wonderful bonus meant that this was the gift she’d been waiting for to end this ridiculous sham of a marriage. He’d pay with his career for the man-whore’s silence. He’d pay her far more in the long run for...

2 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Part 3

It was the usual boring Monday for Helen. The reviled one had left customarily early with the usual lack of any attempt at communication. The house and time were her own to do as she pleased. So why did she feel like a prisoner in this multi-million dollar mansion? Time, she sighed reminding herself and routine, too much of both. She’d met a young, handsome, passionate politics major out to change the world and ended up with a jaded, right wing office robot, content to mete out the days in...

5 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Part 2

That brought a happy end to George’s latest Vegas trip. He’d paid Clarissa for their wonderful evening together. She’d seemed keen to leave following the sex, he’d half expected her to forget asking for the money! No such luck but it was the best grand he’d spent in a good long while. He’d returned home to the usual frostbitten reception. Joyless and suspicious wife not the least bit interested in the details of his trip, nor in his amorous advances; situation normal. The weekend had passed as...

2 years ago
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BiHooker Bye Crook Part 1

Meet Kristoff and Clarissa. A stunning blonde couple relaxing and enjoying a late and light lunch, before the work planned for the evening ahead. Everything about this couple stands out. They’re both gorgeous specimens of health and beauty. Immaculately dressed, manicured, pedicured and both sporting real golden tans and brilliant white smiles. Lets look first at Clarissa, mid twenties, athletic build, dressed and shoed in a chic Gucci evening dress ensemble; coloured subtle shades of deep red....

4 years ago
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Lay Bye Meet

I've always loved dressing up in women's clothes. I'm always working out a really hot fantasy I wanted to act out and this week I decided to go for it.Early in the evening I prepared myself. I stripped and showered and gave myself a warm enema to clean out my arse. I dressed in my thong, hold-ups, bra and slip - all black -and I topped it off with a fitted yellow jacket. I packed some other stuff in a rucksack, then pulled on a sweater and some jogging bottoms over my outfit and drove off to a...

2 years ago
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Lessons Of Kota 8211 Part 14 The Final Good Bye

Continuing from the 13th part. It’s gonna be a long one so please be patient. I don’t know what you guys are gonna think about it, but please do drop a mail. On one fine weekend of March, the winter has just faded and the spring was on the way. We decided to meet up in the mall. So as we were on the 2nd floor, near the food area, there were fewer peoples as compared to normal days. Sherry told me that she needed to take a leak. I followed her to the gate. As the males and ladies rooms were near...

3 years ago
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Bye Bi Viginity

It amazed me what could happen when you didn't expect it. Hell, I didn't even think it was a possibility for it to occur. I have been going out with my girlfriend for over a year now, and we are both very happy with each other, but there are just some things I thought she could never do. After all, she didn't have a cock, and that was what I wanted. I had these thoughts for a long time, but never had acted on them.I was an avid chatroom watcher, sometimes interjecting a comment here or there...

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