HookerChapter 3 free porn video

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"Because I made the pictures possible. I'm the one who tied her up. If I hadn't done that, there wouldn't be any pictures."

"That's not fair. You didn't know there was anyone sneaking around with a camera."

"True, but irrelevant. Despite your advanced age, you're still a child and rational. One of these days, you'll develop female logic, then you'll understand. Until then, just take my word for it."

"I don't get it. Is that a slam or is it supposed to be a compliment? Maybe you better not talk to me like an adult."

"The fact that you recognize that speaks to considerable sophistication on your part."

"You're still doing it."


"So are you and my mom going to get back together?"

"I don't know. That's up to her. What do you think?"

"I'm supposed to answer the phone. If it's you, I'm supposed to say she's not home."

"Doesn't look good, does it."

"Well, if you don't, you could tie me up instead."

"Gretchen, if you ever say anything like that to me again, I'm going to run away from you very fast and you'll never see me again--after I tell your mother. Now apologize."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you. I'm sure there are boys your own age for you to be interested in."

"They're all dorks."

"We all start out as dorks. Some of us get better, some get worse. Your job is to figure out which is which. Judging from some women, that's not easy to learn."

"You're doing it again."


Something occurred to me which I should have thought of earlier. "Gretchen, where does your mother think you are?"


"When does she expect you back?"

"I don't know."

"So she doesn't know where you are or when you're coming home. She's worried about you, isn't she."

"I guess so."

"Call her right now." I handed her the phone. "Tell her where you are."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, you do. If you don't, I will."


Gretchen dialed the phone. "Hi, mom. It's me... yes, I am... I'm over at Bob's... Mr. Canfield's... no, no it was my idea... I'm alright... yes... okay... here he is."

"She wants to talk to you." Gretchen handed me the phone.

"Hello, Rachel."

"What is my daughter doing over there?"

"The same thing you were doing the first time you came here. She came to give me a piece of her mind."

"I want her home right now."

"You want me to drive her?"

"No, she can ride her bike."

"Okay... hang on just a minute. Gretchen, the bathroom's in there, through that door and on your right. Go... Now, back to you. Rachel, we need to have a conversation."

"I am not talking to you."

"This isn't about us, it's about Gretchen."

"I'll take care of Gretchen. You stay out of it."

"Rachel, she's seen the pictures."

"What! How could you? I'm calling the police..."

"I didn't show her. She saw yours."

"But how? I hid them."

"When she gets home, I want you to call me. Send her to her room, unplug her extension if she's got one, do whatever you have to do to make sure she doesn't overhear, then call me."

"You did this to me and now you're doing it to her and you expect me to call you?"

"Rachel, I didn't do this. Now snap out of it and act like an adult. You're her mother. Be her mother. As such, you need to have this conversation. It's about Gretchen and you need to hear what I have to say."

"But... okay, I'll call you."


"I promise."

"Good. One other thing, don't ground her or decide what you're going to do about today's escapade until after you've talked to me."

"You still talking to my mom?" Gretchen wanted to know as she returned.

"I'm sending her off now," I told Rachel. "Call me."

"She's gonna call you? Are you getting back together?"

"I don't know. Now, it's time for you to head home before you're in any more trouble."

I saw Gretchen off, then waited for the phone to ring. It took about 45 minutes, but finally it rang.

"Hello, Rachel. Have you talked to Gretchen yet?"

"I could hardly face her, knowing she'd seen those pictures. I sent her to her room."

"Where to start... okay, first thing you need to understand is why she was here. Remember the first day you showed up on my doorstep? She did the same thing. She was demanding to know why I'd sent you those pictures."

"But you didn't send them."

"She knows that now."

"But how did she find them? I hid them."

"Rachel, you can't hide things in your house. Kids always know the place way better than you do. Every nook, cranny, crawlspace, everything. The only thing you can do with stuff like that is lock it up. And use a combination lock. They'll find a key."

"How will I ever face her again after she's seen me like that?"

"That's the other thing we need to talk about. She doesn't hold them against you. She understands."

"How can she understand?"

"Something you need to understand about Gretchen--she's fascinated by those pictures. She feels a bit weird because it's her mother in them, but they turn her on. She told me she likes being tied up."

"Oh, no."

"Wrong reaction. It's okay for you but not for her? She's your daughter. Don't be surprised if she likes some of the same things. If that's what turns her on, then that's what turns her on. You can't change it. All you can do is teach her not to surrender herself to someone who's stupid or evil, and that covers a major chunk of the population. You have to talk to her about that."

"How can I talk to her about that? I feel like such a hypocrite."

"But you're not. In an odd sort of way, she's gained a new respect for you. You can talk to her about that with a credibility you never had before. You know what she said? She said you looked really cool in your gown and collar."

"She said that? I can't believe she said that. How could she think it was cool, seeing me in chains?"

"Rachel, believe me. She asked me to do that to her."

"You didn't!"

"Of course I didn't. The point is that she asked someone to tie her up. Gretchen isn't as shy as you are. She knows what she wants and she's at that hormonal age. She confided that she's already been tied up twice."

"When? What happened?"

"Rachel, calm down." She was verging on hysteria. "Calm down and listen to me. I didn't ask for details. She did say it's only been twice because you have to be careful who you let do it. She's smart."

"I can't let her do that. She deserves better."

"Tell her that and you will be a hypocrite. She's seen the pictures."

"But I don't want that for her."

"That's her decision, not yours, and it's already been made. Think about your own case. How old were you when you realized you were turned on by the idea of being tied up?"

"As far back as I can remember, but it seemed shameful to want that. I was always so embarrassed by it."

"I've noticed. It's one of your sexier qualities."

"Let's keep the subject on Gretchen."

"Right. Okay... there are four points I wanted to get across. First, Gretchen is very protective of you. She came over here on her own to chew me out for making you cry. She thought I had sent those pictures.

"Second, as a result of seeing those pictures, your daughter has revealed her own sexual preferences. You're better off knowing that than not knowing.

"Third, now that you know that, you need to discuss it with her. She's too young to be engaging in sexual activities, but since she's already been tied up a couple of times, she's obviously been involved in some level of horse play. You'll be better off and better informed about her activities if you discuss it with her rather than censure her. It will be harder for you than for her. It doesn't embarrass her the way it does you.

"Lastly, she knows it was Gayle that sent the pictures..."

"You told her?"

"No, she figured it out on her own. I told you she was smart. You need to talk to her about that as well. You can't have her seeking revenge on her own. She might do something that would provide Gayle with some major ammunition. Make sure she understands that, but don't cut her out of the loop. If she doesn't feel like she's involved, she might decide to act independently. And that's all I have to say."

"I need to think about this. It's a lot to take in all at once."

"It's really all the same thing, but it's a big lump just the same. One more thing, call John in the morning and tell him about the pictures."

"Oh, god, I can't tell him about that."

"He already knows. I told him the minute I got my set."

"She sent them to you, too?"

"Yes, but I didn't know at the time you'd gotten a set. He needs to know that. Call him. I know it won't be easy, but you have to do it. He's not judgmental and he can help. If you love Gretchen, you'll put aside your embarrassment and call him."

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Good. And call me if I can help. If that's a problem, call me as Gretchen's mother, rather than as Rachel. Understand?"

"I understand."

"Speaking of Gretchen's mother, you'd better go have that conversation with Gretchen."

I got another beer and went to sit on the front porch, hoping my head would stop spinning. At least now I was pretty sure things couldn't get any worse, although I wouldn't have backed that opinion up with money. In some ways I felt like things were better. I was glad for the conversation with Rachel and was hopeful about patching things up. I was also glad to have spent part of the afternoon with Gretchen. She was quite a young woman in her own rite and I hoped she would be successful in her quest for a non-dork. She was going to be quite a handful. He would probably want to keep her tied up for a number of reasons.

I dragged my mind away from the subject of Rachel and Gretchen and returned to the problem at hand. Gayle had made her move. Unfortunately, I had no counter move. Perhaps I should wait for her to make yet another move, but I didn't like that idea. What would her next move be? The only way to find that out would be the hard way.

The next day, for lack of alternate ideas, I decided to pay Jacqui another visit. Maybe I could get her to say something useful. I sat at the same table I'd occupied the last two times. Jacqui's eyes widened when she saw me. She did an about face and had a hurried conversation with one of the other waitresses. The other waitress came over and handed me a menu.

"I thought this was Jacqui's table."

"Today it's my table," she informed me.

"Could I be seated in Jacqui's section?"

"Her section is full."

The place wasn't even half full. I ordered a light lunch and tried to watch Jacqui without staring too rudely. She still wore her collar and she moved oddly, as if it hurt. She had a party at a table near me, but when she was at that table she would always manage to keep her back to me. I tried twice to make eye contact, but each time she looked away. She was frightened. I finished my meal and left.

When I got home, I gave John a call.

"John, have you heard from Rachel?"

"Yes, she called me. She told me she got the pictures."

"So what can we do about it?"

"Not a lot. I told Rachel I could probably stir up some sort of legal ruckus, but it would involve making the pictures public. You can imagine what Rachel said to that."

"Yes, I can. So that leaves us no options?"

"It leaves me no options."

"I see. Thanks for the advice."


My final comment to John was genuine, not sarcastic. I had known John long enough to understand when he was trying to tell me something he would be ill advised to put into words. He had said that he had no options. He did not say that I had no options. I was going to have to deal with Gayle on her own level.

I got a beer and sat on the front porch, letting my mind pick around the edges of the problem. I had an idea, but I didn't really like it. I was letting my mind wander, hoping something else would come to me.

I finished the beer and went back in for another. This was bigger than a one beer problem. As I headed back outside, the phone rang. It was Rachel.

"Bob, I need to talk to you."

"And who am I talking to? Is it Rachel or Gretchen's mother."

"It's Rachel, although Grethen's mother may have a few comments, too."

"I'll enjoy talking to both of you. Did you have your talk with Gretchen?"

"Yes. We both learned something. She really likes you. That counts for a lot with me."

"Hence the call from her mother?"

"Not entirely. Rachel has her own feelings."

"I see. And what is Rachel feeling?"

"Rachel would like to see you again."

"That would be nice. How about Friday?"

"Friday's fine. Gretchen has an overnight at a friend's house."

"Good. So do you."

The conversation with Rachel left me feeling almost light headed. I tried to return to the problem of dealing with Gayle, but it was no good. My mind kept going back to Rachel. It didn't matter anyway. My mind was made up. I would indeed deal with Gayle on her own level.

Friday I picked Rachel up at her house and took her to dinner. We discussed her conversation with Gretchen.

"I know it's hypocritical, but I don't want that for her. For that matter, I don't want it for me, but I can't help what turns me on."

"Neither can she."

"I know, but I'm afraid for her. She could get hurt."

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not all that easy for a young woman to get someone to tie her up."

"I hope you're right."

"I am. When was the last time anyone did that to you?"

"Never, but I never asked, either."

"Why not?"

"I was ashamed of what I wanted. It was just too embarrassing to ask for that."

"Tonight that's going to change."

"How? I didn't have to ask you."

"We still have the contents of your last envelope to deal with. When we get to my house, you're going to ask to be punished and you're going to tell me what punishment you wish me to inflict."

"Bob, no. Please... I just can't."

"You can. If I'm going to give you what you want, you're going to have to ask me for it."

"Please, Bob. Don't make me do this."

"You're having no problem begging at the moment. I suggest you save it for when it might do some good."

Rachel looked down at her plate and didn't speak. I pushed my fork off onto the floor and bent to pick it up. I used the opportunity to wrap my hand around Rachel's ankle. I slipped her shoe off and pulled her leg out straight, resting her foot in my lap. My hand remained tightly wrapped around her ankle. I ran the tines of my fork gently over the sole of her foot. Rachel stifled a screech and jerked her foot, but her ankle remained tightly imprisoned in my grasp.

"Rachel, look at me."

She looked up, but didn't meet my eyes. I ran the fork over the sole of her foot again, causing her leg to jump.

"Rachel, I said look at me." Her eyes locked onto mine. "You're going to do as I require. You will do as you're told." I tapped her foot with the fork to emphasize my point. She nodded.

"That's not good enough, Rachel. I want you to tell me that you will do as you're told."

"I'll do what you tell me."

"Failure to comply. You were instructed to say you would do as you are told."

"I will do as I am told."

"Thank you." I signaled the waiter for the check, paid, and led Rachel outside.

"Rachel, before we get in the car, you have a decision to make. This is the only decision you are allowed this evening."

"Let me guess."

"You don't need to. You can choose to go home with me. If you do, I will require your exact obedience and punish you when you fall short. If you go with me, you will not be allowed to leave. If you prefer, you can choose to go to your house and you will suffer none of these things, but you will spend your night alone. This is your only opportunity to make that choice. If you go with me, you will stay until I allow you to leave. Choose."

"Take me with you."


It was a quiet ride to my house. I was much relieved that my gamble had paid off. I had hoped that Rachel would come to a greater acceptance of herself through her conversation with Gretchen. For my part, I had come to the realization that I required a level of submission from Rachel that I had never before required of anyone. This had partly to do with changes that had occurred within me since Meg's death, but also had to do with my perception of the basic nature of Rachel. Something within her cried out to be possessed.

Rachel was almost too quiet.

"Having second thoughts?"


"It's too late for that."

When we arrived at the house, Rachel stood quietly in the entry hall as I locked her in her collar. I stripped her down to her underwear and secured her wrists behind her. After leashing her, I led her upstairs to a full length mirror.

"What are you going to do?" she wanted to know.

"You're going to tell me what I'm going to do, but not yet. Open your mouth." I gagged Rachel and turned her to face the mirror.

"Rachel, I want you to watch the woman in the mirror. What can she be thinking? Is she frightened, do you think? Perhaps she's aroused." Rachel shivered as I ran my hands lightly down the back of her neck and along her shoulders. "See how she reacts when she's caressed? How is it that she came to be standing here before you, hands bound behind her, in her gag and her collar? Why did she surrender herself to this? What's to become of her? You will decide. She has failed to do as she was told and now she stands there awaiting your judgment. When I return, I will remove your gag and you will tell me what her punishment will be."

I walked away and left Rachel before the mirror. When I returned about 15 minutes later, she was standing as I had left her, still watching the woman in the mirror.

"Have you decided?" I asked.

Rachel nodded slowly. I removed her gag.

"Well, what's to be her penalty?"

"She needs to be spanked," Rachel said in a quiet detached sounding voice.

I led Rachel to the basement.

"Where are we going," Rachel wanted to know. She had never been to the basement and didn't know about my special room.

"You'll see when we get there." I led her down the hall and into a room at the far corner of the basement. The principal feature of the room was a pair of floor to ceiling posts, spaced about three feet apart. Stretched between the posts, about three feet off the floor, was a pair of wide boards, one above the other, each with three semicircular cutouts, one large flanked by a smaller one on each side.

"What's that for?"

"That's where she will receive her spanking," I told Rachel as I removed her bra. "It's time. She should place her neck in the stocks."

Rachel slowly walked over and placed her neck in the pillory. I took her hands and placed each wrist in the appropriate notch then closed the stocks on her neck and wrists, locking it in place. Rachel wiggled her hands about experimentally, but her wrists were firmly held.

I squatted in front of Rachel, placing my hand under her chin and tilting her head back so I could look into her eyes.

"It's time now, Rachel, but she has to ask me. That's your job, to beg me to spank her. Then it will be my job to make her beg me to stop. Now, do as I require."

"Please, spank her. She needs to be spanked."

"I know she does," I said gently. "Tell her she can scream if she needs to. She won't disturb anyone."

I stepped behind Rachel, got her panties off, and bound her ankles tightly. I had brought a rattan cane to the basement. It was one of a pair I had purchased for use on Rebecca. I had never used it on anyone I was serious about so I was a bit dubious about using it on Rachel. The only other person who had felt it had been Dr. Ann, who, like Rebecca, had screamed herself nearly unconscious during her encounter with it.

The first blow resulted in a sharp intake of breath from Rachel. She was silent for the second, but the third produced a loud shriek. By the fifth the tears were flowing and she began to beg. She begged continuously through the next three and by the tenth all she could say between sobs was "Please... please... please."

I squatted in front of Rachel again and wiped her tears with a white handkerchief. "Tell me, Rachel, has she learned her lesson?"


"And what is it that she's learned?"

"She has learned to do as she's told."

"I'm glad to hear it. Tell her she must ask me to continue."

"Oh, please, no. It hurts too much. She can't stand it. Please, don't hurt her."

"I'm sorry, Rachel, but she has not learned to do as she's told and you have lied to me. She will not be released from here until she has learned and when we go upstairs you will choose an envelope."

I gave Rachel five more strokes, which brought renewed tears and desperate shrieking. I returned to the conversation.

"Tell me again, Rachel, has she learned her lesson?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I'm sure."

"You know what I require. She must ask me to continue."

"Please continue her spanking."

"No, Rachel, she must speak for herself. She must tell me she will do as she's told. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. I will do as I'm told."

"Good. Now you must ask me to continue."

"Please, continue my spanking." She began sobbing quietly. I stepped behind her and gave her another three strokes.

I released Rachel from her stocks and held her. "Thank you, Rachel, you did as you were told."

When she stopped crying, I locked her wrists behind her and led her up to the bedroom. It was too soon to choose her envelope--there were more important things to attend to. I bent her over the footboard of the bed and plunged into her. Rachel moaned and thrashed. When she had subsided, I took her to bed. I noticed she chosen to sleep lying face down.

In the morning we got up and showered, then I made Rachel choose an envelope.

"Do I have to?" she asked.

"If you intend to do as you're told."

Rachel selected and envelope and opened it. She extracted the card, read it, then handed it to me.


Upon presentation, you will surrender yourself

to the bearer to be securely bound and soundly spanked.

"Does that mean what I think it does?" Rachel wanted to know.

"Yes, it does," I said, pocketing the card.

We ate breakfast, then I took Rachel home so she would be there in time to fix lunch for Gretchen when she arrived.

On the way home, I did some shopping. I spent the rest of the day preparing for the evening's activities.

Once it was dark, I drove over to Gayle's house. I had located it shortly after I had caught her spying on Rachel by simply looking in the phone book. There was a listing for a G. Robbins. I had driven to the address listed and seen the red Dodge was parked in the driveway.

On this occasion, I parked over a block away, then walked to Gayle's. Besides the red Dodge, there was another car in the driveway. I assumed it was Jacqui's. I couldn't tell much by looking at the house. The shades were pulled on the front windows and the front door had no window. There was an alley behind the house. I walked to the end of the block and back up the alley. The back of the house was dark. I entered the yard and walked around the outside, checking the windows. All had shades or curtains drawn and were opaque. I did hear music faintly through the windows at the front of the house. I returned to the rear.

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Azazai and Raul Costa are getting ready for a party that they’ll be attending with Shona River. Azazai goes to her room to get changed. When Azazai is mostly naked, the buzzer sounds. She asks Raul to let Shona in. Raul and Shona get cozy on the couch as Azazai takes her time putting on some makeup and some hot lingerie. Meanwhile, Shona gives Raul a peek at the lingerie she’s wearing beneath her own dress, which makes him uncomfortable. He has no idea that the girls have planned in...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Sexual Awakening Iii The Massage

The girls wanted to know if the resort had any masseuse preferably male to give them a slow sensual full body relaxing massage. I spoke to the manager and they said they had a spa and two male masseuse. He told us that we could have the whole spa privately after 8 pm since there were no bookings after that. This gave me a very exciting thought and my dick was jumping in my pants. We would get to see my wife and Andrea naked oiled and finger fucked while we got blowjobs from them. We had a good...

3 years ago
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Gal watching mom getting fucked

I’m 19 years old boy from a small family. Mom dad and myself. I was studying for my examinations when this incident was happen. My dad is an engineer and was working at abroad and coming only once in two years. He is having medium size body and in his mid 50s. But mother, Sulochana is just 42 and still having very lusty figure. She is very fair in color and a typical Indian lady with plump body. Her gorgeous figure was around 40/34/44. And her butt was the sexiest assert she had. It was so soft...

4 years ago
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My wifes desire

Once I had convenienced my wife Andrea that I deeply wanted her to fuck other men she has become insatiable. Before she never spontaneously wanted sex , it seemed her duty but now she wants it anywhere anytime. One thing she makes sure of is that I always eat her afterwards. Its not uncommon for her to call me at work to inform me that I'll be having a creamy pie tonight. I've easily eaten gallons of cum from her hairless vagina. She keeps her body in fantastic shape and she has an all over...

4 years ago
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An Unwanted AliasEpilogue

Hong Kong Five years later The thick, silvery-white clouds overhead seemed on the verge of giving rise to a rain shower, but I paid them no mind as I rode contentedly through a park that was an oasis of calm and quiet in this bustling, densely populated city. It was around four in the afternoon, and school was out for the day. I was enjoying one of the true luxuries of living in close proximity to my place of employment: the ability to commute by bicycle. More often than not, that's what I...

3 years ago
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Lovely Asha

My parents were posted in Faridabad and I was visiting them during my annual leave. This was my first trip to the city of Faridabad. My parents had rented the first floor of a double storied house. It was an old house with large verandahs and huge rooms. Our landlord, Harish was a young man in his early thirties. He was a clerk in the High Court and had inherited the bungalow from his deceased father, who was a famous High Court Lawyer of his time. Harish lived on the ground floor section with...

2 years ago
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The Masturbation Olympics Part 1 The Mens Event

Jayne and I were both part of Team GB for the Masturbation Olympics. Amazingly, I got through to the finals so I'm going to skip the heats and jump to the finals. My event will follow in Part 2 but first the men's event...First the rules:Men have 20 minutes in which to perform and the aim is to cum as close to 20 minutes from the starting pistol as possible. Extra marks are awarded for accuracy to this timetable.Points will be given for the distance the cum travels.Points will be given for...

4 years ago
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Sally becomes a porn star by accident

Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...

3 years ago
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The BraceletChapter 9

With Heather holding me I walked to the computer, getting my wallet on the way. I logged onto the lottery site and confirmed the numbers. They were my numbers. The site mentioned one winner in Queensland. I hugged Heather. Not believing my luck. I then realised it was the funding I needed for our journey with my guide. I informed Heather of the need to go to Brissie, She agreed to attend with me. We dressed for the beach and the need to meditate. Today the beach was busy, at the swimming...

2 years ago
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Headed to Portland I guess

Headed to Portland I guess! When you work for yourself as an independent you have to find your own loads. This requires the use of several ‘load boards’ and a lot of patience. It was real early in the morning so I started the computer and grabbed my coffee cup and headed into the truck stop. Being a dirty minded trucker I always check the scenery out as I enter a truck stop. However today I didn’t have to look very far as a pretty lady was standing inside the door to keep warm. I figured she...

1 year ago
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Night Moves

I would have bet chalk, money, or marbles that I wouldn't be here, in this place, in this situation, today. The situation is me sitting at the lounge in a big time hotel waiting for my wife. Today is our first wedding anniversary. As I said I didn't think I would ever be here. Taking my first sip of a really good bourbon I thought back over the preceding years. It all started while I was in college. I'm Jason Morgan and Stephanie Daniels is or was or hell I don't know my fiancée. Steph...

1 year ago
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DaftSex Art Porn

Ladies, have you ever felt that porn was just too hardcore for you these days? Does it feel that most of the porn is just catering to guys and their fantasies? Fear not, because there is some porn out there that I do think you’ll enjoy a lot. Specifically, I am talking about art porn and this is basically a genre of porn that is pretty close to what erotica has to offer. So, if you like erotica, you’re probably going to love art porn. You might even love it more than you like erotica. Art porn...

Porn for Women Sites
4 years ago
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Nicoles Reward

As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...

3 years ago
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Week at the beach and the cock lock

I was staying at my brothers’ house that lived by the small lake while they were away on vacation for a week so I would house sit for them. My niece had 3 girlfriends that lived across the street but were allowed to come over whenever they wanted to use the lake. They all were in their early twenties and very pretty, they must spend a lot of time in the sun as they all had dark tans on the slender bodies. When they came over, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them, especially when they...

4 years ago
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Initium NovumChapter 4

Floyd and Freida met with Robert, telling him that even with the revised numbers the Ozone Layer was still letting way too much of the UV A&B rays reach Earth. If they were to wait for nature to correct the problem it could take decades. Even though the majority of the things that had caused the thinning of the Ozone Layer were no longer produced, the atmosphere was still loaded with CO2 and CFCs. The CO2 would be lowered significantly if the world temperature were lowered two to three...

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“You have to go?” she said.“Eventually,” he said.“We all have to go eventually,” she said.“Yes, well. I won’t be convinced until they put the pennies on my eyes.”“You really would want to live forever?”“It’s the only way I can come up with to avoid dying,” he said. “I don’t know. Maybe living forever would be a bit much. But dying? Ick. I can’t even stand falling asleep. I feel so… helpless. The curtain’s going down… It just gives me the creeps. I like being conscious.”“Well,” she said, “that’s...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Forward to the Stars Ch 15

To those that like this story, sorry for having taken so long in getting this chapter out. All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. PLEASE?? ************ ‘So you’re Marcus Fisher. I hope you’re brains worth all this trouble.’ Said the young woman getting unsteadily to her feet. ‘And WHAT do you mean by that?’ Snapped Margaret, Marcus’s sister. ‘What I mean is that we have put a lot...

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Bus Dropped Her And I Picked Her

Hi, I’m Deepak I’m a big fan of ISS. I spent most of time reading stories posted here. Thanks for all the readers and the authors. I’m from Bangalore. But all that im writing here was happened in Chennai. I completed my engineering in Bangalore and got placed into a Software company and my first work location was Chennai and im still working here from past one year. Not knowing language, everything new and cursed a lot for being here but time changes everywhere and my time for loving Chennai...

2 years ago
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Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences

Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences or reap the rewards depending on how kinky you are.James pulled out of the drive, swinging the car around onto the street. He looked back at his home just as the roller door was about to contact the paving.It was Saturday, and James would spend another weekend in the office. It's funny how things work out, he thought to himself. James and Joanne were lucky. Nearly three years ago, before the 2008' global financial crash. James had made a daring and...

4 years ago
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Training My Cute And Conservative Indian Wife Tanvi To Obey Me

This the story of me and my wife. My name is Rohit. I met my wife Tanvi while we were in the college and got married a few years later. Tanvi was the cutest most beautiful girl in the college. She was extremely fair, had glowing skin, a really slim figure and a very cute face. We had been married for 2 years when this happened. She was a good wife but she used to hang out with her school and other friends a lot. Many of them were guys and I felt really insecure when she would go out with them....

2 years ago
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Our New Adventures 7 What Lady J Needs

Our New adventures 7Knowing What Lady J NeedsLady J, relaxing, answering her mail and talking with some of the brilliant people we have as friends on our profile … XX It had been a very hectic and busy week, both at home and at work for Lady J, I am a lucky man, I was able to escape what had become an increasingly unrewarding and underappreciated twenty-year career and largely do what I want work-wise at least. My wife’s career is on the up, it interests her greatly for the most part, but does...

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Wife cheats with neighbor whos like my own s

Wife cheats with neighbor who's like my own son 5There I was sitting on the bed looking at the videos Heather had on her phone meant for Connie to see. My pants down cock in hand as I watched several of my beautiful wife, her fulfilling my fantasies with three young guys getting it from both ends and both holes at the same time. I am sure they were Jason’s football friends while someone was holding the phone getting it all. There was oral, plenty of anal even a submissive side to Heather while...

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All Three Of Them

Another true story that, when I think of it, I can hardly believe myself. But it did happen just as I am about to describe.I had been stationed in the Philippines for a few years when I received orders to travel to Thailand. I was a United States Marine Captain at the time. I only had a week to do what I had to do, see some of the sights and return.Because of my mission, I had to fly on a commercial airline which I thoroughly enjoyed. While on that flight I met an American airline stewardess,...

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Lesbian Day at the Beach

“Let’s take a holiday this weekend and go to the beach!” Monica declared. Candice, the little vamp that she was, jumped into Monica’s arms with her feet wrapped around her waist in glee. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” the diminutive girl exclaimed, and locked the woman in an intimate embrace. Their tongues intertwined as Monica grasp the suspended girl’s ass holding her close to her. In Darwin, Australia, lesbians were not totally uncommon, and it wasn’t easy to find one’s soul mate with just the...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Skye Mae 31623

Skye Mae was planning on going to Europe with her friend, but a car accident meant that Skye had to spend her Europe money on car repairs. Not wanting to miss a trip of a life time she heads over to her friend’s house and explains her situation to her friend’s dad in hopes that he could lend her money to go on the trip. It’s a lot of money and her friend’s dad doesn’t think he could lend her that kind of money…that is unless Skye does some work around his...

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Hard strate up

This is only one year old .Canberra Australia. At the mustang ranch. I was parked out side a gay book shop sent a few people go in worked up to go in no one I said to the guy were is every one first time yes£15.00 dollars get towl locker kes take show thir ten room have fun got undress in the shower walked up and fuck big cocks fucking stood around watching two cock in one hole moved into a big dark room DVDs gay porn few guy pulling sucking moved up the back started getting hard when I...

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The TarotChapter 9

Angilee had been delighted when Jeremy told her that, although he had made other plans for that evening, he would cancel them in order to spend the evening with her. She was also puzzled, for when she had explained that she would have to be home relatively early, Jeremy had suggested they meet at a well known night club which catered to the young crowd instead of at his apartment or a motel. As she stepped from her car, she smiled slightly, feeling the silk of the special panties Jeremy had...

3 years ago
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An Exhibitionist wife Park play

The sun was out and Mrs O suggested a trip to the countryside to catch a bit of sunshine. I wasn't really expecting anything other than a quiet day out as we got into the car and started out but looking at her sitting next to me i was secretly hoping for a bit more.We drove to a large country park that housed a stately home and settled down outside. Mrs O lay back on her towel and started to soak up the sun wearing a very short skirt and and a small vest top that she'd pulled up above her...

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In Wonderland Pt 3

‘Tilly’ spent the night at Chris Smith’s house, waking to find it impossible to avoid Leila Smith, a friend, peer and beauty queen. She was not best pleased about the situation, but helped to protect Tilly’s true identity in lending out a girls uniform, one purposefully as feminine as she owned. Chris was just about to give them a lift to school… I shuffled down the stairs, surprised I could move at all with the weight in my stomach. Leila was bouncy and excited as she followed her brother...

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About to members meeting

Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe.Scott stood up in frustration, sending his desk chair wheeling across the room and slamming against the wall. The motion caused his monitor to shake, almost tipping over. A woman’s voice came over the speakers.“Scottie, ye canna keep stomping around like that! I canna see ye and yer words aren’t makin’ any sense.”Scott went back to the computer and...

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Seduced by a Horny Friend

I am an oversexed, 60-year-old, married man who was forced to endure the God-awful experience of being raised as a Mormon. During my early childhood, virtually all of the adults who were a part of my everyday life–with the notable exception of my very open-minded father–considered homosexuality and bisexuality to be an abomination that a “decent person” just didn’t talk about, much less accept. Just like most of you guys out there, I took girls out on dates when I was in...

4 years ago
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Fucking Old Cunt Doing my bit

In the back of car, in black tie, on way to Ritz Hotel. Steph next to me, in low cut, split to the top of her thigh dress, 5 inch heels matching the colour of her nails and lips. her ample breasts not confined by a bra, trying to escape the dress making her cleavage deep. The split on the dress slipped as she crossed her legs, showing the shapely calf and thigh all the way to the top.Pulling into the Ritz, Stephs hands me a blue pill, says just in case and hands me her champagne to wash it...

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Charlottes New Job Part 4

The following day Charlotte woke up with an excitement she had never felt before. Charlotte never minded going to work - it was just something you did and there was no point in making a fuss about it. But today was different; today she was genuinely excited about going to work!She went to her desk and began clearing things out. She had brought a couple cardboard boxes to work with her to put everything in and make it easier to move. She turned in the work she had been doing to her supervisor so...

1 year ago
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The Worlds Most Dangerous Job

I’ll never in a million years guess how they picked me. I’m just an old, worn-out working stiff. Still, I had a deep grounding in Science Fiction. Maybe that did it. They must have investigated me to a fare-thee well. I couldn’t help but think how badly it all could have gone if I had turned into a foaming-at-the-mouth radical Muslim mullah. Now there’s a nightmare for you. It was the strangest contract I’d ever heard of. After a million-plus dollar makeover to insure that I’d have no...

3 years ago
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Amy and Clara Prisoners in Space 3

Clara was horrified to discover that she was naked again, tied down to a cold metal platform. Her hands and feet were restrained by heavy metal clamps built into the platform, and her legs were spread apart in a Y-shape. Clara tried to pull her wrists and ankles free of the painful metal manacles, but it was no use. She was stuck fast. Clara looked around the room she was in. It was a larger chamber, more darkly lit than any room so far, with a pair of giant fans at either end. The fans...

3 years ago
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A Week in Stratford Part 2 Granny MFF

THIS HAPPENED IN 2010 On our week away in Stratford, Donna was feeling quite fruity and fancied the coach driver, she told me she was going to sit in the bar and see if she can shag him. If you read our stories you’ll have read what happened to her. As I left her in the bar with a drink I noticed the coach driver getting a drink, I winked at her and made my way to a smoking area outside. In the smoking area was a mature lady she was wearing a blue blouse and skirt, we got chatting about the...

3 years ago
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Slept With A Muslim Girl Part 1 Gaining Her Trust

My name is Rajesh. I work in a private company. This story is about my experience with a Muslim girl who grew up in a very orthodox family and had never experienced sex before. She proved me that girls from the Muslim community are better in bed than others. Usually, women from the Muslim community wear a niqab also called as burkha (it is a black cloth which covers their body from head to feet) which covers their body. But it also hides their fantasies and desires and they build their own...

2 years ago
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Naughty lesbian mommy

My name is Katherine Swanson and for the past 18 years, I have been married to my best friend. His name is Gary and I love him with all my heart. I knew I would marry him when I was 6 years old and he and his family moved in across the street from us. I just knew. I saw his handsome, 7-year-old face and his cute little smile and that little girl set her cap for him. Of course, most boys thought girls had cooties at that age, but not Gary. We became instant pals, probably because I could keep up...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 13

As it turned out, Rina really was exhausted. Laura was too, but she hungered so passionately for the girl's luscious body that she was willing to drive herself past exhaustion in search of yet another orgasmic seizure. But she too finally yielded to fatigue, and reluctantly watched as Rina covered up her sleek, naked flesh with her clothing and departed. It's tomorrow, when she wakes up and realizes what she's done, that I have to worry about, Laura thought. I know, because I did it...

2 years ago
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Trainer meets His Goal PT13 Blacken

Matt was absolutely pissed seeing Lisa getting into it so much with Marc. As he watched her with her black lover, it almost seemed as though she was more aggressive than she needed to be. It was obvious that she was totally enjoying grinding her cunt on his cock. At the same time, Matt noticed that Marc appeared to be more mellow. His eyes looked a bit glassy, and he had a pretty stupid smile on his face. It almost seemed like he was starting to zone out, but it did not appear that Lisa had...

3 years ago
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A Bike Ride with Mum

my mum was 5 foot 6, size 14, blue eyes, dark brown hair, She has 38C breasts (I know, I've seen her bra's), I would peek a glance at her any chance I could; I had seen her nude many times around the house, She had a lovely hairy vagina that I had started to notice more latly These images and would flood into my head when I'd jerk off, and it disturbed me. At first. I shouldn't think about mum that way, it's gross and wrong, she's my mum. But the more I thought about it, the less inhibitions I...

2 years ago
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The weekend

Chapter One: Friday NightI looked around the room, it was one of dearest rooms in the hotel. While it wasn't as fancy as I had wanted it to be, it was the only hotel with a room that had everything I wanted available: big bathtub, massive shower, and a four poster bed. I made sure that everything was in place, and that I knew where all the items were. I didn’t want to have to waste any time looking for stuff, or having to dig it out. I probably bought far too much, but I figured I would rather...

1 year ago
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VeraSusans Surprise

Introduction: a dog is still a dog Susans Surprise This is fiction, any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Sunday afternoon Susan fumed as she lay on the lounge lay by the pool. She had dumped her boy friend. Not that she really cared for him in the first place. The suggestion he made to her on their date two weeks ago was gross. So she demanded he take her home. The fact she had given him her virginity last...

4 years ago
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My wife joins a gym

Kate, my wife of 20 years has put on a few pounds and decides to join a large gym that was recommended by a friend of hers. Kate has some nice large 38DD boobs on her; I’m hoping these boobs will not be gym-ed off.Kate arrives at the gym and does all the paperwork and they show her to the change rooms and allocate her a locker. These are the showers, which are open showers and no cubicles. We are going to be closing them in soon, the assistant assures me. Not what I expected, Kate comments.Kate...

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