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My fiancee, Debby, and I had dated since we were 15. It is now over 9 years later. I was on an airplane, heading for Nassau in the Bahamas for what to have been our honeymoon.

My mind drifted back to I recent events.

Debby and I became engaged over a year ago, after we had both finished our bachelor degrees. I was working toward being a veterinarian. She was a physical education teacher, at least until a month ago.

A month ago I received a call from Debby’s mother at 3:00 A.M. on a Sunday morning. Debby had not returned from visiting her cousin Cindy at college. Cindy was working toward becoming a dentist. Debby was expected to be home around midnight. This was the 1980’s so there were no cell phones. Debby’s mother was worried. We both knew Debby would have called if she knew she was going to be late, at least if she was able.

I told her mother that I would be over in a few minutes. I got dressed and made the short trip to her house. We spoke and determined that she should stay at the house in case Debby called or came home. I was going to go to the police station to ask if they had any information. I didn’t want to call the police, tying up the phone, in case Debby called.

I left and arrived at the police station 10 minutes later. I explained the situation to the officer I was directed to. He looked through the information he had available. There were no reports for the make, model, or license plate of the car Debby was driving. I gave them my information and the information for Debby’s mother. He said they would call if anything came in.

I went back to Debby’s mother’s house. Debby still was not there and had not called. I stayed trying to assure her mother that everything was going to be all right. About 20 minutes later the phone rang. Debby’s mother answered. I quickly knew it was not Debby, but it was the police. Her mother’s mouth quivered, she began crying, then she dropped the phone. I picked it up. I told the officer who I was. He repeated what he had said. The car Debby was driving had been found. She had hit a large deer, then apparently lost control and crashed. Debby did not survive.

Later that morning we went to identify the body. I gave Debby one last kiss. Her lips were cold and stiff. The funeral was later that week. Many members of Debby’s family were there. Cindy, Debby’s younger cousin, ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. She sobbed on my shoulder.

“I'm so sorry Andy,” Cindy said. “I can't believe this happened.”

Cindy and I had first met at Debby’s 15th birthday party. We had seen each other off and on since at various family events. It was hard to see her. She was 9 months younger than Debby, but could have been Debby’s twin or at least a younger sister. I even felt like I had Debby in my arms as we cried together. I finally had to let her go as other people wanted to offer their sympathy. Sandy and Peggy, friends Debby and I had throughout grade school, were also there. We spoke for a short time before the funeral ceremony. They both offered their sympathy. It was good to see them again. I had nit seen them since high school. The funeral ceremony at the church was short.

We proceeded to the graveside. Debby’s mother and I rode together. I held Debby’s mother as we walked to the chairs by the graveside. She sobbed heavily as throughout the graveside ceremony and as the casket was lowered.

Back to the present.

I was in an airplane headed to Nassau. It was the day after the day Debby and I were to have been married. This was to have been our honeymoon. The tickets were non-refundable so I decided to go by myself. I thought it would be good to get away for two weeks.

We landed just before 2:00 PM. I took a Jitney bus from the airport to my hotel. As we crossed the bridge going over to Paradise Island I got a fantastic view of channel between the two islands. I could definitely see why pirates had used this as a base for operations.

Arriving at the hotel I followed several of my fellow passengers off the Jitney Bus and into the hotel. I waited in line to be checked in. I kept noticing the attractive red-head checking people in. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. She was about 5'9”. She had light skin with plenty of freckles on her face and arms. She had reddish-brown eyes and an entrancing smile. Her voice was almost melodic. Her loose fitting uniform gave little indication as to what was underneath. I got up to the desk and gave her my name. Her name tag said Cinnamon.

“I see you have a room for two for 6 nights,” Cinnamon said.

I must have gotten a pained or sad look on my face.

“Sorry did I say something wrong?” she asked sympathetically.

“N .. No. B.but there w.will be j.just one,” I choked out.

“Oh! Okay. You are in room 322,” she had as she handed me the key. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” I said smiling at her, then I picked up my luggage and headed to the elevator.

I unlocked my hotel room door and stepped into my room. The first thing I noticed was a vase of long-stemmed, red roses and a bottle of campaign chilling. I had ordered these for a surprise when Debby and I arrived. Again I choked up thinking of Debby.

I couldn’t stay in the room right now. I quickly changed into my swimsuit and grabbed a towel before heading downstairs. I saw that Cinnamon was still at the front desk.

“Where is the hot tub?” I asked.

“Right through that door,” she answered, pointing to the door at the rear of the hotel.

“Thank you, Cinnamon!” I said.

Straight ahead was a gorgeous white sand beach that stretched out in both directions. To the left was a thatched roof on stilts. Underneath was the large, in-ground hot tub. At one end there was a couple sitting very close to one another. The man looked to be in his mid to late forties. The woman was probably around 30. It was hard to be sure because of the large amount of make-up she was wearing. I set my towel on a chair and slipped into the other end of the hot tub. I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth of the water moving around my body. I could hear whispering, giggling, and snickers coming from the other end about 12 feet away. Then I heard some low moaning from both I them. There was obviously some interesting activity occurring at the other end of the hot tub. I opened my eyes. The man glanced at me and then whispered something to his female companion. She looked at me with irritation. The man got out of the hot tub and grabbed their towels. He helped her out. They d****d their towels around them and walked into the hotel.

I closed my eyes again. I relaxed again in the warm water. After several minutes I thought I heard someone approaching.

“May I join you?” asked someone with an almost familiar female voice.

I opened my eyes standing above me was Cinnamon, the hotel clerk. She was wearing a robe and had a towel in her hand.

“Sure, please come in,” I responded smiling back at her.

She laid the towel on a nearby chair, then removed the robe and placed it on top of her towel. I was not disappointed with what was under the robe. Cinnamon had long, slender, well-toned legs. She had a classic hourglass figure. Her rear end was pleasantly round and well proportioned. Her silky red hair reached down to the middle of her back. When she turned back around I was again not disappointed. She was well-toned, an athletic build, but not overly muscled. Her face was wonderfully framed by her strawberry hair. Her red-brown eyes were bright and sparkled. Her smile, lips and teeth were perfect. Her breasts were good sized and filled out the top of her bikini well. She stepped down into the hot tub. She sat down a few feet from me. She sunk down until the tops of her breasts were just above the water. She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

After several minutes she said, “You're staring.”

“Sorry,” I said.

“Don't be sorry. It’s a compliment,” she said. A couple of minutes passed. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t wish to. Who was supposed to be here with you?”

My mind was instantly jerked back to those very sad memories. The sorrow and sadness of the last month came flooding in. I became totally downcast.

“T.this w.was to have b.been my h.honeymoon,” I stammered. She frowned, but looked very sympathetic. “Debby, fiancee w.was k.killed in a accident about a m.month ago.”

I began sobbing. She moved next to me. She put her arm around me. I lay my head on her shoulder. I am not sure why, but I felt comfortable talking to her.

I continued through the sobs, “The p.plane were n.not refundable. So I de.decided to use ti.ticket to g.get away from things.”

“I’m so sorry!” Cinnamon apologized.

It was comforting and relaxing to be sitting there next to her. I didn’t move for several minutes. Her free hand stroked my hair. My head slid lower and I could hear her heart beating. I eventually stopped crying.

“Do you have any plans for dinner?” she asked.

“No,” I answered.

“I know a place with pretty good Bahamian food that is casual and relaxing, without a lot of people,” she said. “Are you interested?”

“Sounds good!” I answered not really wanting to move, but I was getting hungry. “Do you do this with all your sad hotel guests?”

“No just the ones that take the time and interest to know my name. Not just look at me as a part of the hotel furniture. Beside you looked like you needed a friend. I’ll go change. You go to your room and change. I will meet you in my car at the front door in a few minutes,” Cinnamon directed.

I got out of the hot tub grabbed my towel, then helped her out and put her towel around her. I went up to my room and changed quickly. When I walked out the front door, Cinnamon was waiting. I got into the car. We drove over the bridge back into Nassau. 10 minutes later she drove into the driveway of a small 4-unit apartment building.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“A place with pretty good Bahamian food, casual, and not a lot if people,” she said. “My apartment. Come on in. I prepared something last night. I just need to warm it up.” I hesitated. “Come on. You don't need to be in a crowd and you don’t need to be alone in your hotel room. If you want to talk I’m a good listener. If you don’t want to talk you’ll still get a good meal.”

She made a lot of sense. I followed her up to the east facing apartment on the second floor. She unlocked the door walked in, I followed shutting the door behind me. She looked around and shrugged. She set her things on the table in the dining area at the far end on the main room. She pointed at a chair at one side of the table.

“Sit here, so we can talk without shouting while I heat things up,” she ordered.

She walked into the kitchen. I sat down. I heard the refrigerator open and then pans being set on the stove. I heard the water running filling a container. When the water stopped I saw the head of a black cat poke around the corner of the doorway that led to the bedroom. We looked at each other for a short time before I turned away. From my experience with my own cat I knew most cats did not like being stared at. I watched the cat out of the corner of my eye. It crept out into full view.

“How are you doing?” asked Cinnamon from the kitchen.

“Fine,” I answered but not too loudly. “You have a very nice apartment.”

“Thank you! I like it,” she replied.

The cat had been stealthily moving toward me, but stopped when I spoke.

“Would you like some limeade?” Cinnamon asked.

“Yes that would be wonderful,” I replied.

The cat continued to move toward me and was now smelling my socks. I have a cat at home, so her cat may have picked up my cat's scent. If I left the sock drawer open I would usually find my cat sleeping on my socks. Her cat was now rubbing against my legs, either a sign of acceptance or marking territory. I tapped my fingers on my lap and the cat jumped up. I stated scratching it under the chin and the side of the face. It began purring.

Cinnamon came around the corner stopped and said, “Wow Char does not usually get near strangers. You must be a good guy.”

“I love cats. I have one of my own named Shadow,” I said.

She set the glass of limeade on the table and went back to the kitchen. Char watched her, but did not move.

“Would you like wine with dinner? I have a good Pinot Noir,” she asked from the kitchen.

“Sounds great!” I responded.

“The bottle is over on the shelf on the wall. There is a corkscrew in the drawer below it,” she said.

I put Char on one of the chairs at the table. Found the correct bottle. I grabbed 2 glasses and the corkscrew and placed them all in front of Char. Cinnamon came in with plates, napkins and silverware and put them at the other end of the table.

“Everything should be ready in about 10 minutes,” she said going back into the kitchen.

I put the plates, silverware, and napkins in front of 2 chairs across from each other near the end where Char was sitting. Char was silently watching the activities. Cinnamon brought in a loaf of unsliced bread with a bread knife. She smiled when she saw I had set the table. I popped the cork and poured 2 glasses of wine. Next she came out with a large bowl of white rice. This was followed by a larger pot which was steaming. Whatever it was it smelled great. Char must have agreed her nose was up in the air taking in the aroma.

“This is stewed fish. It has carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and of course fish,” Cinnamon explained.

She sat and took a couple of heaping spoons of the rice and then topped in with the stew. I did the same. She took a small piece of carrot and mashed it on a small plate, she did the same with potato, and fish. Char patiently watched with definite interest. She moved the plate to the floor and Char joined it.

“I give her a little taste,” said Cinnamon. “She never comes up on the table, so I like to reward her.”

The meal was terrific, delicious, and well seasoned. We drank wine as we ate. I took a second helping and contemplated a third. We spoke during the meal. I told her about me and my family.

“I am 24. I live in Minnesota. I Have 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. I have finished my under-graduate degree and have been accepted into a veterinary college program. I will be starting my 3rd year in the fall. I am currently working in a veterinarian’s clinic as an assistant as many hours as I can. I have a small apartment near campus. I live there with my cat, Shadow.” I told her. I refilled our wine glasses.

Cinnamon told me about herself. She said, “I am 25. I grew up in Wisconsin near Madison.”

This explained her accent. She had a Midwestern accent modified with an English-Caribbean accent.

Cinnamon continued, “I have one sister, a twin. I graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. In my senior year there was a posted opportunity for a job with advancement to hotel management in the Bahamas. I and dozens of my classmates applied. Three of us were selected to be interviewed. The like to have Americans at the hotel because of the number of American tourists. They picked me. I Have been here a little over a 2 years. I like the work, but it has been kind of lonely. I've tried dating, but most of the guys are only interested in one thing.”

She stopped and sighed, then she began clearing the table. I got up to help. She objected.

“If I help we can get back to our conversation sooner,” I explained.

She nodded her agreement. She put away the leftovers. We washed the dishes, setting them out to dry.

We sat back at the table. Cinnamon sat in the chair Char had previously been in. I again refilled our wine glasses. Cinnamon put her hand on mine. Her hand was soft and warm.

“Tell me more about Debby,” she said.

I decided to tell her the whole story. “Debby and I knew each other since the first grade. In second grade her parents decided to get divorced. I was there and comforted her during the early days. She ended up moving to Chicago with her father. She was there for a little over 6 years. Her father had a heart attack and died. Debby then moved back to live with her mother just before our freshman year in high school. We dated throughout high school and college. We had our first sexual experience with each other,” I said then paused.

I didn’t believe I had just said this to a stranger. Cinnamon squeezed my hand.

“Please continue,” she encouraged.

“About a year after we both completed our bachelor degrees, I asked Debby to marry me. We set the date about a year out. We had completed most of our plans and preparations,” I said and paused.

Again Cinnamon squeezed my hand. She looked at me sympathetically. She nodded to me to continue.

I continued, “About a month before our wedding date Debby died in a car accident. After the funeral I withdrew into myself. I went back to work but there was no joy, no interest, and I kept losing my concentration. After a couple of days the head vet suggested I get away. That’s when I decided to take the trip I already had planned.”

“I am sorry. I wish there was some I could say or do,” Cinnamon said.

We sat in silence for several minutes.

“Would you like to play some games?” asked Cinnamon.

“Sure,” I responded.

She went into her bedroom. I thought I heard her talking. After a few minutes she emerged with a cribbage board and a deck of cards.

“Cribbage or Gin?” she asked.

“Let's start with gin,” I suggested.

We played gin for quite some time. We talked and laughed as the night progressed. She definitely beat me at gin. We switched over to Cribbage. I won the first game. Cinnamon won the second game. It came down to the third game. I got lucky and ended up skunking her.

“I’ve met my match,” she said looking at the clock. “Oh my! It’s gotten late. I have to be at work tomorrow. It will get pretty late if I take you back to the hotel and then come back.”

I knew it was only about 20 minutes to go to the hotel and back. I suspected something was up.

“Would you like to spend the night?” she questioned.

I looked over at the furniture in the living room. The sofa was more of a love seat, not big enough to sleep comfortably on. She noticed me looking around.

“The only place I have to sleep is on the bed. It’s a queen so there is plenty of room,” she said. “We are both adults, it will be fine.”

I hesitated then agreed. She picked up the game, went to the kitchen and put water and food down for the cat. She locked the doors and turned out the lights, leaving only the bedroom light on. She walked to the bedroom, I followed. She grabbed her hairbrush, then sat on the edge of her bed and started brushing her hair. I watched for a few seconds then went over and sat next to her. I put my hand around her hand with the brush.

“May I?” I asked.

She handed the brush to me. I began brushing her hair. I had brushed Debby’s hair several times. Long gentle strokes through her shimmering hair. When she was satisfied she stood up and went into the bathroom. She returned after a short time. My jaw dropped. She was completely naked. I starred surprised and with appreciation. I felt some stirring between my legs.

“You’re staring again,” she giggled.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Don’t be sorry, it’s a compliment. I sleep in the nude,” she explained.

I gulped and choked out, “I u.usually do t.too.”

“No need to change that on my account,” she said with a huge smile on her face.

I stepped into the bathroom. Washed up a little, then removed my clothes and put them in a pile next to her clothes. I looked in the full length mirror on the back of the door. I had torn the ACL in my right knee during my sophomore year of college basketball. It had been repaired, but my playing days were over. I kept in good shape with other activities. I walked back into the bedroom. Cinnamon had gotten into bed and covered herself with a sheet. The lights were off except for a lamp on Cinnamon's side of the bed. She looked at me intently and smiled.

“You're staring,” I said whimsically.

“I'm sorry,” she said giggling.

“Don’t be, it’s a compliment,” I said with a chuckle getting into bed.

I just laid there on my back for a few minutes. Still not certain what her intentions were, I was not making the first move. I was in a foreign country and not wanting to be accused of any i*****l activity.

“May I snuggle with you?” Cinnamon asked.

“Yes, sure” I answered.

She rolled over on her side. I put my arm around her. She pressed up against me. I felt her breast press into my side. I began to get aroused.

“Andy, this is supposed to be your honeymoon. If you wish, you can pretend that I’m Debby tonight,” she whispered into my ear.

I was surprised. It took a short time to process what she said. Her fingers started running through my chest hair. It felt so good to be touched by a woman again and to be lying next to one. I kissed her on the forehead. She tilted her head and our lips met. Her lips were soft, warm, and supple. I wrapped my other arm around her and pulled her tighter. I caressed her back. She shivered at my touch. She opened her mouth and our tongues explored each others mouths. I brought my hand around to the front and cupped her breast. Cinnamon drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. I massaged her breast slowly and methodically. She moaned into my mouth. I lightly pinched her nipple and she jerked a little, but pressed her breast into my hand. Her hand moved lower across my stomach, then down past my waist. I felt her fingers on my penis. She rubbed the sides of my penis with the sides of her fingers. I had already grown to nearly full size. She rubbed the head of my rod and I moaned softly. She wrapped her fingers around it and began slowly pumping. My hand moved down across her stomach, then down until it encountered her bush. I stroked her bush for several seconds before moving lower to her vaginal lips. Cinnamon inhaled and exhaled deeply as I stroked the outside of her lips. I could tell she was enjoying the attention, by the warmth and moisture coming from her.

“Yes, yes, please continue!” Cinnamon instructed.

She was continuing to stroke me moving the full length of my rod. I used one finger to run between her pussy lips while continuing to caress the outsides with two other fingers. I pressed my middle finger between her lips. It was quickly coated with her juices. At the top of my stroke I pushed my finger deeper searching for her clitoris. I was soon successful and began rubbing her love button with my fingertip. Cinnamon drew in another deep breath and arched her back pushing against my finger. I moved my finger lower and pushed it into her. She jerked and moaned happily. She kissed me harder and more rapidly pumped my penis. I moved up over her onto my knees and one arm. She began directing my penis to her love hole. I withdrew my hand and used it to support myself. She pulled my rod until it was positioned to go inside her.

“I want you inside me,” she said.

I lowered myself until the head of my penis was touching her pussy lips. She pushed her pelvis up and I slipped inside her. I lowered myself until I was completely inside her. She was very tight, but her natural lubrication made it easy. Cinnamon wrapped her legs and arms around me. Her vaginal muscles gripped me.

“Make love to me! Fill me!” commanded Cinnamon.

I started pumping slowly in and out of her. With each down stroke an “ooo” or “ahh” escaped from her lips. My movement increased in rapidity. Cinnamon pushed up to meet each stroke. I was quickly reaching the point of no return.

“Cinnamon I am going to cum soon. Do you”

She cut me off. “Yes, c.cum inside me. I’m on” she said before screaming.

Her pussy contracted and relaxed around me. Her body shook and she screamed again. I pumped a few more times before I shot my load into her. I continued to pump into as her orgasm continued. She went limp on the bed. I flopped over on my back next to her. Cinnamon continued to pant trying to catch her breath for a couple of minutes. I put my arm around her and gently pulled her next to me. Her breathing returned to normal. She had a huge smile on her face. I looked at the dresser on the wall past the foot of the bed. Char was sitting there looking at us. I wondered how long she had been there.

“Goodnight,” said Cinnamon.

“Goodnight,” I said kissing her on the forehead.

She cradled into me and was soon asleep. I fell asleep smiling at her. Loving the happy, contented look on her face. I then realized how much I had missed having someone next to me in bed.

The next morning, Monday, the first thing I remember was the alarm going off. Cinnamon stirred. Suddenly she jerked, her face showed fear, then she relaxed.

“I forgot you were here. I don’t remember the last time I had someone in bed with me, beside my cat Char,” she explained.

Char jumped up on the bed demanding attention. We both stroked her she loved it.

“I have to be at work by 8:00, today, but I have Tuesday and Wednesday off if you want a tour guide,” she said.

“Yes, that would wonderful,” I responded.

“You can go back to the hotel with me. I've got to take a shower and get ready. Too bad there is not time for a double shower,” she said with a sly smile.

She stepped into the bathroom and the water started. I got dressed while I waited. I sat on the bed. Char jumped up next to me and rubbed her head on my hand. I scratched her on the head between her ears. She pushed up against my hand asking for more. Her purr was loud. The water in the bathroom stopped. Cinnamon walked into the bathroom, drying herself with a towel.

“I see you found a friend Char,” said Cinnamon.

Cinnamon finished getting dressed. We went to the kitchen She sliced some bread from the loaf we started the night before. She put it in the toaster. She set some peanut butter and some jam on the table and a couple of paper plates. When the first two slices had toasted she gave me one after buttering it. She took the other. She put 2 additional slices in the toaster. I choose peanut butter she chose the jam. I enjoyed my toast, the taste of the bread was excellent. I noticed the jam she used was a reddish-brown. It looked almost grainy.

“What kind of jam is that?” I asked.

“Guava jam,” she replied “I bought it from a neighbor who makes it.”

She handed me a corner of her toast. I tasted it, it was a different taste, but it was very good.

“Do you bake your own bread?” I questioned.

She giggled, “I have, but not for some time. I bought this at a small bakery called Model Bakery.”

The second set of toast popped up. I chose the Guava jam and thoroughly enjoyed it. She put food down for Char. We left for the hotel where she worked and I was staying. We went over the bridge to Paradise Island. She parked and we walked inside. I gave her a quick kiss. I told her I was going to do some walking around. We agreed to meet in the hotel lobby at 5:00.

I went up to my room. The first thing I noticed was that the flowers and champagne that were in my room had been removed. I was glad they were gone because the brought back memories of Debby, my fiancee who had died. However I wondered where they had gone. I unpacked my suitcase and took a long hot shower. I did the normal morning activities. I dressed then checked the weather forecast on the hotel channel. I went down to the lobby. No one but Cinnamon was at the front desk.

I walked over and said, “I noticed the flowers and champagne were removed from my room.”

“Yes, I called and had someone do that last night. I also had them removed from your bill. Was that alright?” she asked.

I thought for a few seconds then answered, “Yes, they just remind me of Debby. I want to see some of Nassau and maybe pick up a few souvenirs.”

“If you don’t mind a little walking, you could go over the bridge. Turn to the right and Bay Street will take you into downtown,” she said. “Here take my card in case you need to call or you have questions.”

“Thank you!” I responded. I smiled and squeezed her hand.

Another hotel guest walked up behind me. I turned and walked out the front door. I walked up to the bridge expecting to pay a toll. I was happy to discover there was no toll for pedestrians. Walking over the bridge was like going over a hill. Later I learned later that it is about 75 feet high to allow larger boats to pass underneath it. At the end of the bridge I turned right and walked down Bay Street.

Soon there were shops on both sides of the street. Many of them were selling souvenirs, shirts, shells, jewelry, and other knick-knacks. I walked down the harbor side of the street and soon came to an open air structure with various people selling mostly what appeared to be handmade items; straw hats, wood carvings, straw mail holders, beaded jewelry, etc. One of the first women I encountered said “welcome to the straw market”. She offered to sell me a hat. With the bright sun I decided it would be a good idea to wear a hat. The men's hats were marked $12, but she immediately told me I could have one for $10. I looked over the selection. I wanted one with some brim to shade my face. She even stitched my initials on the back in colored straw. I walked through the remaining stalls and only picked up one more item, a 3-pocket straw mail holder. I walked to the west end of downtown. There was a McDonald’s there, not what I was looking to have for lunch. I walked to the other side of Bay Street.

I came to a restaurant called Lums. I decided to have an early lunch. I looked through the menu for something I normally would not be able to get. I decided on a bowl of conch chowder and a cracked conch sandwich. The chowder was very good, somewhat like a clam chowder, but this was much more flavorful. The cracked conch sandwich was also good the meat was pounded out, seasoned, and fried. It was somewhat chewy like clam strips.

After lunch I continued down Bay Street. I came across a larger store more upscale than most in downtown, The Nassau Shop (I believe it is no longer there). I walked in and was able to find souvenirs for my family and Debby’s mother. I asked the cashier if she knew where the Model Bakery was located. She gave me directions. It wasn’t too far, so I decided to go there.

I walked to the east end of downtown and then went over to Dowdeswell Street and continued east. A few blocks down I saw a light green cement block building with a short line of people waiting outside a window on the street side of the building. Above the window was “MODEL BAKERY” in black block letters above the window. I took my place at the end of the line. I listened as the people ahead of me ordered. They seemed to order loaves of bread, buns (dinner rolls), and/or “cement” rolls. When I got up to the window there was no list of products or prices visible to me. I ordered a loaf of bread and a “cement” roll. I paid then walked away. I walked over to Shirley Street as I pulled out the roll. It was a large, heavy cinnamon roll with white icing. I started eating it, it was delicious. The bread was very most and hearty. There was the right amount of cinnamon and sugar rolled into it. The icing was thick, smooth, and creamy. I finished about half as I walked down Shirley Street before I couldn’t eat anymore.

I kept walking. I could see the ocean up ahead. Just before I got to the road running along the water. There was a large hotel on the left. I came to a sign that read “Fort Montagu Beach Hotel”. I reached the end of the road with the ocean ahead. I turned right and continued east. There were 3 men taking a boat out of the water at what appeared to be a public boat ramp. I stopped and asked if they had been fishing. They said they had. They had a large plastic pail full of various fish. They also had two large fish in a separate container.

“What are these larger fish?” I asked.

“Nassau grouper,” one of the men responded.

I put my bags down and helped them transfer items from the boat to one of their cars.

“How far out did you go?” I asked.

“About 5 miles off East End,” one of them answered

I thanked them. Picked up my bags and continued east. The breeze and the salty air was wonderful. As I walked I noticed a sign that said “Blackbeard's Tower” with an arrow pointing forward down the road.

“Do you know how far it is to Blackbeard’s Tower?” I asked someone working on a boat at the side of the road.

They had a very thick accent, but I think they said, “A very long way and up high.”

I thanked them and decided to turn around thinking it was too far for me to get to. I walked along the ocean side road, turning on Bay Street then walking back over the bridge and into the hotel. Cinnamon was still at the front desk. I waved, but did not go over because there was a line of people she was helping. I went up to my room. I showered and put on a different set of clothes. I had more than an hour before I was to meet Cinnamon in the lobby. I lay down on the bed. The next thing I remember was the bed moving. I opened my eyes and Cinnamon had crawled into bed next to me.

“You must have had a big day,” she said before giving me a huge kiss.

“Yes, I did some exploring,” I said still waking up. “How did you get in?”

“Silly question. I have a master key. Do you want me to leave?” she asked giggling.

“No, no not at all,” I responded. “What do you suggest for tonight?”

“Well, I usually eat out Monday nights,” Cinnamon said kissing me again.

She ran her hand down my chest, then between my legs. She started rubbing in a circular motion. I quickly started responding.

“We could have appetizers here!” she suggested as she pressed harder.

“Appetizers here sounds good,” I said kissing her on the neck and putting my hand on her breast.

Cinnamon moaned softly and pressed into my hand. We caressed each other through our clothing. I had stiffened and had created a tent in my pants.

“Cinnamon is hungry,” she said unzipping my pants and pulling out my erect rod.

She stroked it as I unbuttoned her blouse. I reached around her back and unhooked her bra. My hand found her bare breast just as she started moving to her hands and knees. Her lips touched the head of my penis as I rolled on my back freeing my other hand to cup the other breast. Her long, red hair created a tent half way around her head. I was still able to see as she kissed up and down the sides of my penis. She moved putting a knee on each side of my head. I had continued the massage on her breasts as she kissed my scrotum. I breathed deeply and exhaled slowly. I was disappointed that I had missed the opportunity to used my mouth and tongue on her now protruding nipples. I reluctantly removed my hands from her breasts, then used them to unbuckle her pants. I pulled her pants and underwear down to her knees and over my head. I rested my head on top of them. They were warm. I gazed up at her pussy just a few inches above my face. Her bush was the same color as her hair. Her vaginal lips were swelling and there was a glisten of moisture exiting them. I moaned loudly as she sucked one of my testicles into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it, giving me waves of great pleasure. She pushed it out with her tongue.

“When are you going to start eating your appetizer?” she asked with a giggle.

I started by brushing my fingers against her trimmed pubic hair. It was softer than I expected. My fingers moved to her vaginal lips, lightly touching them along their full length. Cinnamon breathed deeply. She slowly exhaled. She breathed in deeply again as I lightly traced the crack between her lips. Moisture was clearly visible and the tips of my fingers became covered with her juices. She let out her breath and took my other testicle into her mouth. I again moaned loudly. She swirled her tongue around it. I pushed my fingertips between her pussy lips. She moaned causing her tongue to vibrate against my testicle. It was an extremely pleasurable sensation. I pushed my fingers deeper and after running them the full length a few times I started circling around and across her clitoris. She pushed my testicle out of mouth and arched her back moaning loudly.

“Yes! Yes! More!” she exclaimed.

I lightly pinched her clitoris. Cinnamon yelped and moaned before I felt her lips around the head of my penis. Her tongue licked the tip. She pushed her pelvis toward my mouth as she took more of my rod into her month. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers. I swirled my tongue around her love button. Cinnamon jerked, then lowered her pussy farther. I pressed my tongue harder against her. She moaned as she took more of me into her mouth. The combination of her tongue and cheeks was pushing me to the edge. I inserted a couple of fingers slowly into her love hole. Her vaginal muscles closed around them. She was now bobbing up and down on my stick. I began pumping my fingers inside her. She made a sound that is hard to describe. I was ready to cum.

“I am going to come soon!” I told her.

She continued. Suddenly her vaginal muscles clamped and relaxed around my fingers. Then her whole body trembled, then shook uncontrollably. She drenched my face. My balls tightened and I shot my load into her mouth. There was more than she could handle. I felt some running down my penis. I pulled my fingers out of her as she collapsed on top of me. We lay there panting for a few minutes.

“That was one of the biggest orgasms I have ever had!” Cinnamon said after rolling off of me.

“I don’t think I have come so much!” I responded.

After a few more minutes Cinnamon said, “I have to clean up and get redressed.”

She got up and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later I got up kicked off my pants and underwear and walked in the bathroom. She had finished, but was looking in the mirror. I kissed her on the neck from behind.

“Do you have a brush?” she asked. “I need to do something with my hair.”

“Sorry, but I do have a larger comb,” I answered.

I got the comb out of my suitcase and walked back into the bathroom. I began combing her hair and continued until she was satisfied. I cleaned up and got dressed.

“Where do you usually eat out?” I inquired.

“There are a few places. It depends on what type of food I am looking to have,” she answered. “I have to go home and feed Char, my cat, first. What kind of food do you want?”

“Let’s go I’ll think about,” I responded.

We got in the car and drove to Cinnamon’s apartment.

“I'll run up feed Char and be right out,” she said.

Several minutes later she came back out. She had changed into a form fitting dress. She looked absolutely stunning. It showed off her assets and shape wonderfully. I felt underdressed. Soon she was back in the car. I couldn’t help but stare at her.

“You are staring,” she said.

“I’m sorry!” I responded.

“Don’t be sorry! It’s a compliment!” she said.

“You look absolutely stunning!” I said.

“Thanks, Andy!” she said. “There’s a place right on the water. They have a variety of food. I’m sure we will find something,” Cinnamon said.

I kept staring. After a short drive she pulled into a parking lot. We walked across a dock to a large platform out in the water where the restaurant was located. I followed behind her admiring her rear end as she walked. The sun was setting and the view across the water was fantastic. I believe the restaurant was called “Anchorage”. We waited a short time for a table. Several eyes followed Cinnamon as we walked to our table. We were seated at a table that had no other tables between us and the water. The bar was in the center so most of the tables had a good view of the water. The menu was large, but heavily weighted to seafood. We ordered drinks and then ordered our food when the waiter came back with our drinks.

As we waited she said, “There is something I need to tell you.” Her face looked serious and fearful.

My mind raced. Was she in a relationship? Was she married? She couldn’t be pregnant by me. Was she dying? Did she have a disease? Was she a wanted criminal in the U.S.?

“What is it?” I asked with some trepidation.

“I know Cindy, Debby’s cousin, from college. My dorm room was next to Cindy’s dorm room my last 2 years of college,” she explained.

I relaxed and it must have shown on my face.

“Sorry! I didn't mean to worry you!” Cinnamon apologized. “I met Debby a few times when she came to visit Cindy. We went out to a movie and for meals. Debby spoke about you. Cindy spoke about you. I got the impression that Cindy and you were more than just friends. Cindy thought you were a great guy. She wished she could find a guy like you,” Cinnamon explained. “I know Debby loved you very much. She spoke about you a lot while she was visiting. She wanted to get home to you. After I graduated Cindy kept in contact. She called me when Debby died. Yesterday I was surprised to see your name when you checked in. I had to find out you were the same guy. I don’t get into a sexual relationship so fast, but I felt I already knew you.”

“Wow! It is a small world. Have I lived up to your expectations?” I asked.

“Yes, you have,” Cinnamon replied.

The waiter came with our food. I had gotten fried fish and lobster. Cinnamon had gotten steak and lobster. Now lobster in the Bahamas is different than the Maine lobster which most people picture. Lobster there does not have the large front claws, but has long spiked antennas and a bumpy shell. The Bahamians call it crawfish. It is also called rock lobster. The meal was excellent. When the waiter asked if we wanted dessert.

Cinnamon said with a sly smile, “No thank you. Dessert is waiting for us back at my place.”

I grabbed the check and paid for the meal before Cinnamon could object. We walked to the car and were soon back at Cinnamon’s apartment. We walked upstairs and Char her cat greeted us at the door. Cinnamon locked the door behind us. She went to the kitchen and came back with bowls, ice cream, whipped cream, cherries, and chocolate sauce. We sat at the table. Cinnamon scooped the ice cream. We topped our own ice cream. We ate our sundaes. Cinnamon loved the cherries. They were the ones with the stems attached. She would put a cherry in her mouth, eat the cherry, then remove the stem a few seconds later tied in a knot. Char sat in a chair watching us. Cinnamon put a small amount of ice cream on dish and put it on the floor. Char immediately jumped to the floor and licked the plate clean. Char went to the bedroom after finishing.

“I have a full day planned for my first day as tour guide,” Cinnamon said. “Do you want to spend the night here?” Cinnamon giggled.

“Well I’ve had dessert. Do you have a reason for me to stay?” I tried to say with a straight face.

I felt her foot in my lap. Her toes began kneading my groin.

“Is this reason enough?” she giggled again.

She got up. I did to and helped clear the table.

“Leave the dishes for tomorrow,” she I instructed.

I picked her up in my arms. She turned off lights as I carried her to the bedroom. I kissed her before going through the bedroom door. Once inside I saw Char laying across the middle of the bed. She meowed as we entered. I laid Cinnamon on her side facing away from me.

I touched her neck and stroked down to her shoulder. She trembled. I knelt down and kissed from her neck and down the bare part of her shoulder. I undid the hook at the top of her dress and pulled the zipper down. I caressed the now exposed part of her back. She trembled again. I slipped her dress off her shoulder. She was not wearing a bra. I reached around to find her breast while still kissing her exposed skin. Her dress was form fitting. I was able to get to her breast and put my palm over her nipple and began massaging her breast. Cinnamon moaned her pleasure.

“I think it would be better if I got out of this dress,” she suggested.

We got out of bed. We removed her dress and the rest of her clothes. I stood staring at the lovely woman in front of me.

“You are staring,” Cinnamon said.

“Sorry!” I said.

“Don’t be sorry! It’s a compliment,” she said.

We both laughed.

“There’s something wrong with this picture,” she said. “Your clothes are still on.”

She laughed. She helped me out of my clothes. I picked them up and put them on a chair in the corner. When I turned around Cinnamon was staring at me.

“You are staring,” I scolded.

“Sorry,” she said suppressing a laugh.

“Don’t be sorry it’s a compliment,” I got out before we both burst out laughing.

I walked over and gave her a big hug. It was wonderful feeling her breasts pushing into my chest. My penis began to come to life. I stooped over and kissed one of her nipples. She moaned and pushed her breast to my mouth. I opened my mouth and sucked on her nipple. I then used my tongue to swirl around her nipple. She moaned again. I nibbled lightly. She let out a little yip, but did not move away. I moved to her other breast and did the same. Her hands were running up and down my back.

I stood up, picked her up, and laid her on the bed. My fingers moved between her legs quickly rubbing her pussy lips. They were very warm. I pushed a couple of fingers between them. They were coated with her juices. Her hand found my penis. It was already getting hard. She lightly caressed the length of it. I moved to her clitoris. I circled it with my fingertips. Cinnamon writhed on the bed pushing up into my fingers. I continued as she moaned. She had wrapped her fingers around my rod and was pumping up and down. I kissed down her stomach as I pushed two fingers into her love hole. I kept my thumb moving over her love button. She continued to writhe on the bed.

“I want you inside me!” she ordered.

I got up on the bed. Cinnamon lifted her legs into the air. I moved between them. I slid my penis along the outside of her pussy. She moaned. It pushed it between her pussy lips and up to her clitoris. I rubbed the head of my rod on her love button a few times before moving inside her. I moved inside her. Slowly I pushed into her depths. The smile on her face was soon covered by my mouth. I kissed her as our pelvises came together. I began thrusting up and down. With each down stroke she let out a small grunt of pleasure. Soon she was moving in coordination with me. I felt the walls of her vagina tighten. The pressure on my penis was extremely pleasurable and quickly brought me to the edge. She quivered, then shook, just before she spasmed around me. I shot my load into her as she screamed. I kept pumping. A few minutes later she arched her back and screamed again. She shivered, then relaxed back onto the bed. I hugged her tight. I rolled onto my side pulling her onto her side. Char narrowly escaped being squashed. I remained inside her although I was going limp. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

My last thoughts were what did the future hold for us.

I woke up in the morning in Cinnamon’s bed at her apartment. I still had my arms around her, however during the night she had turned and was facing away from me. I was snuggled up close to her. I loved the smell of her hair. I was not sure if it was her shampoo or perfume. My penis was slightly erect and nestled between her butt cheeks. I did not want to wake Cinnamon. It felt wonderful just laying here next to her. Her skin was so smooth and soft. About a hour later she began to stir. She jerked, then turned and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She quickly relaxed and smiled.

“Good morning!” she said. “I just am not used to waking up with someone else in my bed.”

We kissed, then she turned her head back. I kissed her on the neck. She purred.

“We need to get ready for the day,” she stated. “But I don’t want to move this feels so good. Do you need to go back to the hotel for clothes?”

I thought for a few seconds and answered, “No. I only wore the clothes I have here for a few hours last night.”

“Good! That gives us a more time before we leave,” she said.

Her cat Char jumped up on the bed and walked up and meowed in Cinnamon’s face.

“She wants to be fed. She won’t leave me alone until that happens,” she said.

Cinnamon got up and went to the kitchen. In a few minutes she came back into the bedroom. I watched her breasts bounce as she walked toward the bed.

“Do you want to play ‘Follow the Leader'?” she asked.

“With you leading I will definitely follow!” I answered.

She took my hand. I got out of bed and followed her into the bathroom. I intently watched her tight rear end as she walked in front of me. She turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, then guided me in. She shut the shower curtain behind us.

“Hold out your hands,” she instructed.

I put my hands out. She put liquid soap in them, then put some in her hand. She started by rubbing soap on my chest. I returned the favor. Soaping her breasts. She tipped her head back and enjoyed my hands moving around her nipples. Cinnamon moved down to my stomach, then down to my penis and balls. Sliding her hands all around my member. I was already fully erect. I moved my hand around to her back and caressed her back from shoulders down to her rear end. She reached around to my rear end pulling closer to her. My penis was now trapped between our bodies with the head pressing against her navel. I grabbed her butt with both hands. I squeezed and massaged her smooth, firm cheeks. She moaned running her hands up and down my back. I moved my fingers between her butt cheeks. I circled a couple of fingers around her ass hole. She pushed back against them. I pushed my fingers inside. She was extremely tight and her sphincter squeezed down on them. I moved my other hand to her front and lathered her pubic hair and pussy lips. She began pumping my penis with her hand. I soaped her love button to moans of pleasure. She pumped faster on my rod. I pushed two fingers inside her love hole to a gasp from Cinnamon. I had fingers moving in and out of her front and her rear.

“Fuck me Andy! Fuck me!” she yelled.

I pushed her back against the wall and used my hand to guide my erection into her vagina. I continued to move my fingers in the back as best I could. I pushed until my penis was fully inside her. I began ramming my cock into her with Cinnamon gasping for breath. I was pummeling her with all I had. She hung on my neck to keep from collapsing on the floor. I pushed one last time into her and then exploded into her. Cinnamon groaned and shook as she reached her orgasm. Her vaginal muscles clamped around me, squeezing the last of my cum into her. She continued panting as I began moving slowly in and out again.

“No (breath), no (breath), more,” she gasped.

I moved back and positioned her so the water was tuning down her back. She regained her breath, then turned to face the shower. I put some more soap on my hands and cleaned them thoroughly. She grabbed the bottle of shampoo and started working it into her hair. There was the scent I had noticed earlier while we were in bed. I helped her shampoo her hair. She had a lot of hair. It reached to the middle of her back. I loved the shiny red color. She bent over to rinse her hair. Her ass pressed up against my semi-erect penis. It slipped between her cheeks and the tip of my rod pushed against her was hole.

“Not now, maybe another time. The hot water will be running out soon,” she explained.

“Ok, I really wasn’t hard enough and it just happened to get there,” I replied. “Let’s switch ends so I can wash my hair.”

We repositioned so I could wet my hair. As soon as my hair was wet Cinnamon began shampooing my hair. I don’t think anyone else had washed my hair since my mother did it when I was a c***d. It felt good. The water quickly was becoming cooler. I rinsed quickly. We changed places again and Cinnamon rinsed a few places on her body that had been missed before. She turned the water off. We used the towels on the counter to dry each other. This was nearly as exciting as the time in the shower. Her skin from head to foot was nearly flawless. Yes, she had a large number of freckles, but these just added to her beauty. I brushed her hair after she had dried it further with another towel. We got dressed, had a quick breakfast, she put down dry food and a bowl of water for Char, then we got into the car to leave.

“We have the whole day. Is there anything you know you want to do?” she asked before starting the engine.

“Well, yesterday when I went exploring I saw a sign for Blackbeard’s Tower toward the east end of the island. I've always had some fascination with pirates,” I said. “And I … ah … never mind.”

“What is it? You can say anything,” Cinnamon queried.

I waited then said, “Yesterday I came across some men who had been out fishing. Fishing here would be an interesting experience. But that would require a lot of planning before hand.”

“I’ve never been fishing here either. I used to go fishing with my father in Wisconsin,” Cinnamon said. “We will try to find Blackbeard’s Tower later today. I do have to stop at the hotel before we start our day.”

We drove off and went across the bridge to Paradise Island. She parked outside the main entrance. She went inside while I waited in the car. 10 minutes later she returned. We drove off back over the bridge to Nassau.

“We are going to the Queen's Staircase, the water tower, and Fort Fincastle first,” she told me.

We parked in a lot at the bottom of the stairs. The Queen’s Staircase is 66 steps that were carved out of limestone by slaves in the last part of the 1700's. It was renamed Queen’s Staircase for the reign of Queen Victoria who had freed the slaves in the Bahamas and reigned for 64 years. I learned later that one of the steps had been covered over when the parking lot was paved. There were a number of vendors selling items that were right out of the downtown Straw Market. Cinnamon and I took pictures of the other standing at the bottom of the stairs. One of the men selling items offered to take a picture of both of us for a dollar. I gave him the money and he took the picture. Cinnamon and I walked up the stairs holding hands. To one side of the stairs there was a small waterfall cascading down toward the bottom. I noticed several men turning their heads to look at Cinnamon. Some had an expression of recognition on their face. Cinnamon was a very beautiful woman so I could understand them noticing her.

At the top of the stairs I purchased a number of picture post cards and a short book with information regarding the staircase, water tower, and fort. This was the highest point on the island. It made sense that the water tower and fort were located here. The stairs were constructed to make it easier to get to the high point where the fort was located. Again I noticed several men turning their heads as Cinnamon passed. We paid a small fee to go to the top of the water tower. We took the elevator to the top, the elevator operator recited a short history of the water tower and statistics regarding it's elevation. I handed him a couple of dollars as we exited the elevator. At the top we walked around the observation deck and could view the whole island since the sky was clear. It was a wonderful sight. I was surprised to see two significant sized lakes in the general direction of the airport. Again we took pictures of each other with various views in the background. A young boy offered to take a picture of both of us. He stood on a bench and took our picture. I handed him a couple of dollars when he handed back the camera. We stayed for awhile longer then took the spiral staircase to the bottom.

We then walked over to Fort Fincastle. The fort was shaped like a paddle boat apparently to deceive ships approaching the harbor. When it was used as a fort it had a number of cannons to be used if unfriendly ships approached. We walked around the fort, but did not take the “official” tour. Again there were a number of men taking more than a casual notice of Cinnamon. Some with an expression of recognition. We left the fort and went back down the Queen’s Staircase to the car. We drove off toward the west.

In a few minutes we came to another fort, Fort Charlotte. This was a much larger fort. We walked across the bridge over the dry moat. We joined a group that was gathering for a tour. There were about 20 of us when the tour started. Our tour guide went through the history of the fort, injected humor as he did. We completed the upper level and moved to the lower level. On the lower level there were dungeons with mannequins depicting tortures that may have taken place.

When we came to the rack the tour guide said, “And this is how they created players for the NBA.”

Most everyone chuckled. We completed the tour of the lower level. The guide told us to stick around for the firing of the cannon at noon. I handed the guide $5 as we exited the lower level. The firing of the cannon was in 15 minutes so we waited around. We took pictures of each other standing by one of the cannons. In a few seconds a young boy came over and offered to take a picture of us together. I tipped him. A group was gathering and we joined them. Again I noticed men taking obvious notice of Cinnamon. A young man was telling the group about the cannon. He was going to fire the 12-pounder with no cannonball loaded, but was going to load it with a partial charge. He prepared the cannon and shot it with a loud boom. The cannon rocked back a short distance then rolled back in place.

We left and grabbed a quick lunch, then headed for Ardastra Gardens. I paid for our admission. We walked along the path with our arms around each other. We looked at several of the plants and a****ls that were on display. We got to the center of the gardens. There was a open area with benches arranged in a semi-circle. People were gathering for “The March of the Flamingos” show that was scheduled to occur in about 15 minutes. The trainer stepped out and soon the flamingos followed. They paraded around the circle. The trainer asked if anyone would like to step into the circle and have the flamingos surround them. I encouraged Cinnamon to go out so I could get a few pictures. The flamingos surrounded her and I took several pictures. After the show ended we walked over to the sea life area. There were a number of fish and other interesting sea creatures. We came around the corner and there was a large shallow pool with a number of sea turtles.

A man came out and asked, “Would like to see the turtles close up.”

“Yes!” we said in unison.

He stepped into the pool and secured one of the turtles. Additional people gathered around the pool. He brought the turtle over to the side of the pool.

“This is a green sea turtle,” he explained.

He allowed us to touch the back of it’s shell. He then tipped the turtle up with it’s head and front flippers in the air. We touched the shell on its stomach. It was smoother than the shell on it’s back. He gave others the same opportunity. He next secured another turtle.

“This is a hawksbill turtle,” he said.

This turtle had a curved beak and beautiful shell and skin coloration. It was much smaller than the other turtle and he was able to lift it completely out if the water. It flapped it’s front flippers and looked like it was trying to fly.

“I can’t let you touch it. It may bite,” he warned.

He had a box for donations and I left a generous one. We walked into the gift shop.

Cinnamon tugged on my arm and whispered, “Don't buy anything made out of turtle shells. Sea turtles are endangered and you can’t take turtle products into the U.S.”

There was a lot of turtle shell jewelry. Much of it was fairly expensive. The next display case had a selection of couch shell jewelry. When Cinnamon was looking at some other items, I purchased 2 necklaces with a conch shell pendant shaped like a heart. We left the gift shop and went to her car.

“What did you buy?” Cinnamon asked.

“Something for my mother,” I answered.

“Do you still want to try to find Blackbeard’s Tower?”, Cinnamon asked.

“Yes, let’s try! It was east of Fort Montagu on the road along the water,” I informed her.

We drove to the place I had seen the sign the day before. We drove a little farther. We saw a sign by a gravel area big enough for maybe 4 cars to park. We parked next to the only car already parked there. The sign indicated we should go up a narrow trail that was not well maintained. I was walking behind Cinnamon only because she had gotten to the start of the path first. I watched her rear end as she walked in front of me. It was round and wonderfully shaped. It bounced in front of me. The trail got steeper as we went. An old stone structure came into sight as the path became a crumbling set of stone steps.

“We are almost there,” I said to Cinnamon.

A couple came down the stairs toward us. I recognized the woman first, then the man. They were the couple from the hotel hot tub the day I arrived. She smiled at me as she passed me. He took a good look at Cinnamon, but scowled at me. We got to the tower. There was a metal sign that that difficult to read because it was corroded. It said a little about the tower. It was built in the 1700’s, but the builders are not known for certain. We went into the tower and managed to climb to the top. From the top we had a good view of the east end of the harbor. You could see why this would be a good vantage point to see incoming ships and make some kind of signal to other parts of the island.

I kissed Cinnamon and said, “Thanks for a wonderful day.”

She hugged me tight. I seemed she didn’t want let go. She kissed my neck and lightly nibbled on my ear.

“I want to be a pirate's wench,” Cinnamon whispered in my ear.

She kissed my neck and pulled off my shirt. I looked around. There were a number of houses that had a view of the top of the tower. I suggested we move to the lower level. I got down first and helped Cinnamon down. I removed her top and started working on her bra. She unfastened my pants and pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles. I pulled down her pants and panties. We kicked off our shoes and clothes. I looked intently at the beautiful naked woman in front of me

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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

2 years ago
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

4 years ago
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Bahamas Hotel And Fuck Resort

I have this thing where I like to take personal vacations by myself. And from time to time I get extremely lucky on these trips. Sometimes it’s just me relaxing but occasionally I find myself in situations where I get to Fuck and suck! I booked a hotel to a resort in the Bahamas and couldn’t wait to get there, Alone!I finally got to the resort and went to check in and the girl at the front desk was actually rude. She couldn’t believe I was there alone and made a stupid comment and that wasn’t...

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Mindbomb Revelations

Following the blast in Las Vegas (see MINDBOMB: LOOSE ENDS - by Zapper) the existence of mindbombs and the knowledge that they swap the minds of those caught in their blast radius is now public. However, those behind them have long planned for this day .... (WARNING: This contains major spoilers for the earlier stories listed below in reading order. You should read at least the first of these before reading this one: 1. MINDBOMB 2. MINDBOMB: THE BEGINNING 3. ALTERED FATES: A...

1 year ago
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When the Sleeper Wakes Part 5 Revelations

WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES Part 05: Revelations Copyright (c) 2002 by Kim EM All rights reserved "When the Sleeper Wakes" Created by Kim EM and Debra Rachel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 Revelations

Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 - Revelations By Farleven It was the morning light filtering in through the window that finally stirred me. Something felt different. That wasn't saying much, the last few weeks had been a whirlwind of change. I'd been turned into a woman and sent on an undercover assignment. I lived in a new apartment, wore new clothes, and that was just the little things. For all of that though, I'd gotten used to the changes, even the new body for the most part....

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 46 to 47 Revelations

Chapter Forty-SixThey say that the older one gets, the faster time seems to pass. They also say that when you have children, time simply flies past so as parents in our fifties, you can imagine how time seemed to rocket by for Pete and me.Before we knew it, January had ended, February was upon us and Leanne was three months old. Still small for her age, she was unquestionably the most striking looking of my three babies, and by far the sweetest tempered. She was even sleeping through the night...

3 years ago
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Cat girl Charity final revelations

Just understand that when one thinks that in life you understand all there is, to know a person completely, or see that they cannot change, you will be open to new and final revelations that makes it clear; you never knew them to begin with as you suspected. Three weeks until the Academy ball begins. Once again everything appears to be back in a state of relative order and stability; ‘relative’ of course being the key word. The last few months have seen a rash of murders, the narrow...

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Private Revelations

(To the reader: If you like the following story, the author would appreciate hearing from you via the PM function in the Forum section and can reply. The author cannot reply by email.)
 [The following is transcribed from a collection of papers recently found in a cardboard box in the attic of an old house in rural Vermont that was once a parsonage. It is clearly an address intended to be delivered to a group known as the Sisters of Heaven and Earth, and presumably it was in fact delivered. I...

4 years ago
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101 PETER AND GRANNIES REVELATIONS Granny used to cook amazing pies, my grandpa had been a cripple and he passed away while I was just 17, my parents had passed away long since and I lived with my Aunt May who worked full time, we were the only family so it fell to me to look after Gran in those next few weeks while she in Aunt Mays words “‘acclimatised’ to her single life!” She stayed with us that first week, until the burial, and then it was to be back to her flat.My gran was short a little...

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Bless Me Father 3 Revelations

Bless Me Father 3: Revelations By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Dropping the dishrag she was using into the sink's soapy water, a clearly shaken Karen Miller frantically stammered, "Gabriella." Reaching over and turning off the hot water, the former Father Daniel Patrick Parker continued on to declare, "You and I really need to talk." "Look. Why don't you finish up drying that dish. Then, after you do that, why don't you have a seat at the table while I fix the two of us...

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Cat and Mouse Revelations

Cat and Mouse: Revelations by Bluto WEEK 12 WNBC News - LIVE: "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live from the funeral of Francis Basilio, on what just might be the darkest day in the history of New York's own team of superheroes, the Protectors.? Mrs. Basilio, wife of Louis Basilio, one of the original New York Mets, was killed three days ago due to the assault...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 31 Revelations

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 19, 2010) Chapter 31 - Revelations "Megan Campbell?" the nurse called out from where she was standing near the reception desk of the L.A. Gender Clinic. I gulped, but stood up. I wasn't sure what they were looking for, and...

4 years ago
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Stories of the Relic The Book of Keilari Part 5 Ready and Revelations

Stories of the Relic: The Book of Keilari -Part 5- Ready and Revelations By Alexander Kung As Denise and Gia get ready for their adventure of San Francisco, Chris learns a bit more about his new house guest San Francisco- 2010 Angelo Seacrest looked out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco bay from his large office in the Trans America Building deep in thought. After many years of fruitless searching, the book of Subjugation was finally in his grasp only to be denied again...

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Alexa Chapter 6 Revelations

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations "Help me" I have never felt so helpless in my whole life. Here I am, a guy, asking my best friend to help me as I sit on the bathroom floor tears running down my face. Those tears causing the mascara I had put on a few minutes prior to run like the Mississippi. I sit on the floor wearing a dress and women's underwear asking a girl to help me, but with what? "Oh my god! Alex!" Katie screams as she moves quickly to my side. I bury my head in...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 78 Unexpected Revelations

September 12, 2007 They resumed two nights after I disposed of the bottle in the Pacific Ocean. They were unexpected, a little frightening, and quite a bit intriguing. They were the Dreams, and they were back. This time, they appeared to illustrate my life in the original timeline, as if I had never gone back! They were different in some ways from the dreams that both my beloved and I had experienced many weeks ago. They were not your typical lucid dreams; what was truly strange was that I...

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Jerrys World Revelations

Waking up is becoming much more pleasurable and sometimes surprising and waking up to my sister’s smiling face is always somewhat arousing, today along with my fresh coffee was a pill and a tape measure.I think she was taking her monitoring duties too seriously but if it meant her measuring my dick every morning then who am I to complain and I can always supply the goods as I looked down at my morning wood barely covered by the thin sheet.I took the pill with a mouthful of coffee and I noticed...

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B5 Chapter 1 Revelations

Chapter 1: RevelationsIt was now Tuesday, two days after the Main Event on the Island had taken place. Two days since everything had hit the fan, and the fate of the Island would depend on the outcome of the conflict between Barocca's group and Tiffany's group. Dee Dee and Ebony had both received an e-mail from the labs that they had sent the samples of Ebony's blood to. Dee Dee printed out a hard copy of the test results, and settled in a chair read through it. "Well, I guess it's time for...

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The Paperound Part 2 Revelations

The Paper-round ? Revelations ? by: oopster It had been a day that John Harvey thought he would never see, his release from a Hong-Kong prison. Ten years he'd been sentenced, and ten years he had served. Now that he was free, it was time to find out why. Suzie Smith had had another cheque sent to her old family, and another cheque that went un-cashed. This was not the start to the day that she wanted, and decided to call a sick day at work. Not that she needed to, seeing that...

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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

4 years ago
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The Journey Episode 3 Revelations

Notes: 1)I am not an english-speaking author. I do mistakes when I write in english. If you does not enjoy stories which contains errors, please, don't read mine (this is the last time I include this warning). 2)I needed some geography to set this story, this is why I adopted my own country as the place in which this story takes place. Some of the city names are invented, but some are contractions of present names, I use the rule that people has the tendency to shorten names as the...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

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Wish Shift Revelations

Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters with greenery spilling over the concrete sides. "I know,"...

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Passionate Revelations

Passionate Revelations by Prada“Excuse me, does this come in a size 6?” A young lady asked to a saleswoman, holding up a floaty gray-blue dress. “Why yes it does, I’ll just run to the stockroom and grab one for you,” the woman said before turning and striding away in the opposite direction.The younger one, Rachael, looked down at the dress, her eyes roaming over the chiffon material, the same color as a stormy sky, the strapless bodice, the flowing hemline, the small bow that tied the waist at...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 27 Painful Revelations

The Club Infinity had instituted Jazz Night on a Wednesday night in June, and from all the indications the evening was a huge success. Starting at five o’clock some of the local jazz groups were invited to sign up for an hour performance. They’d get to show their stuff, pass out promotional material and even sell CDs. They also got to keep their tips and from the indication of the first night Jim had tried the gimmick, tips were running high. This first night groups weren’t paid, but were in...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 5 Revelations

KAH-CHING!” The immediate payout began in my mind. Every supposition I’d had and dismissed over the past three hours returned with a vengeance to the forefront of my mind. They ran past my imaginary eyes and ears like a rapid flashback movie – Zzzzzip! They summed into one inescapable conclusion. Fuck! Joan and her son Doug were in a romantic relationship ... and it was sexual and erotic. My comments to her about their interactions that evening were dead on the mark and even understated...

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Ring of TruthBlog 5 Mothers revelations

16th July 2004 Mother was waiting for me when I arrived in the kitchen that morning. "So how did your oh-so-important date with that shop girl go?" She fixed me with an icy stare. "The date you had to miss my dinner party for and warned Jean and Jenny not to come? And after I had spent all that time preparing a celebration meal specially for you." Even without the aid of the ring, I knew this was a gross exaggeration but mother continued for several more minutes before giving me a chance...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Beach V Secrets and Revelations

From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix - Sixth entry.I have yet to share the truth with anyone, even Emma, with whom I have grown closer to than anyone else in my life. It tears at me, keeping secrets, here, where we have torn down the walls separating us. I feel apart suddenly, and it is not a feeling I find comfortable. Before, I would leave the thoughts within these pages for all too see. Now, I hide my journal, unwilling to share and guarding my feelings jealously, wishing I could simply slip...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Extramarital Revelations

My masseuse was sucking my cock. Just moments before, she was giving me one of the best massages of my life. She had great hands, and she used them in ways I couldn't imagine, digging deep into my muscles and working my skin. Her wonderful hands gripped and stroked my dick as her mouth and tongue sucked and licked it feverishly. She had told me to let her know when I was about to cum and I was in no position to disobey her. This was a fantastic blowjob, and she was bringing me close to filling...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 08 Revelations

Angelina took a moment to re-orient herself after Apparating from her office. Katie’s note had said to come immediately; so she had dropped everything and rushed over, half expecting to find MLES pawing through or confiscating their stock. However; a quick look around the store-room and a glance down to the sales floor showed no signs of trouble. Perplexed, she made her way down the back stairs and into the office of Katie Jordan, her longtime friend, sister-in-law, business associate,...

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Law of the BloodChapter 28 Revelations

"My brother and I don't take commands from anyone, no matter if Urgon has the whole godly family as visitors. Urgon's destiny was a certainty the moment he chose to challenge my brother. Your own future doesn't look bright either. Continue to annoy us and you'll make it worse. Now crawl back to your Chieftain and wait for us. We are here and will come to Urgon. That was our decision and we won't change it." Athea proved she could act as overbearing as Iane, not that anyone would have...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 8 Accidental Revelations

June 5, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “What do you want to do tonight?” I asked Emmy after she got into my Mustang on Friday evening. “Anything,” she said with a smile. “Whatever you want!” “There’s a new skydiving place that opened in Clermont County over by Cincinnati. I saw an ad in the newspaper.” “OK,” she laughed, “maybe not ANYTHING!” “Too exciting for you?” I laughed as I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. “Too risky! What happens if your parachute doesn’t...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 7 A Few Personal Revelations

Nothing was said on the way out, since both girls knew how much I liked my 'silently walking out' statements. Allison, however, was quick to bring me up to date on what they'd been doing earlier. "Last night Anh and I went out and bought a bunch of balloons and toys for the kids in the hospital. This morning while you were in school, Shani and I gave them out while we watched the results in the children's auras. We watched their happy reactions and their disappointment at some of the...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 61 Unexpected Revelations

Darren James POV: I just got a call from Lenny (Jonah) telling me we weren’t going to Ibera’s until tomorrow morning. He wanted me to let Jim Bob know since he had called using a satellite phone. He said things were hectic and not to worry since we were just going to do some training with the Professor, his wife Brenda and his two sons, Charlie and Bob. He said that some of the prisoners had caused some kind of scene and Ibera had turned a whole bunch of them into pillars of salt! Holy...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 6 Revelations

The doors to the throne room were guarded, again, by huge armored Gnathar wielding mace-axes. The monotony of seeing the same guards everywhere almost relegated them to the status of furniture in the mind of Jonar. And he used the concept of huge in his own mind relatively, as none of them came up to even his chin in height. They were everywhere, their visored countenances' silent promises of violence made empty by the commonplace nature of the threat. Jonar simply stopped noticing them and...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 08 Lurid Revelations

He examined the small room from the top bunk of a prison bed and found his dark seductress sleeping soundly in the bottom bunk below. It was mostly quiet in the cage of cement and steel, though the chatter of other prisoners and the clang of metal doors broke the silence intermittently. He gazed down at his buxom Mistress, the black latex of her costume hugging her curves so perfectly and her long black hair a silken mass beneath her. Bayonetta's chest rose and fell in gentle rhythm, a...

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Campfire Revelations

“Sorry, lads, duty calls,” Danny said, flashing his cheeky grin and swinging a small backpack over his shoulders. “Those arses aren't going to fuck themselves!”“They might just fuck each other,” I pointed out. This ridiculous banter had been going on for most of the trip from Birmingham to our campsite in the Lake District. It was exhausting, but I found it impossible to stop with Danny. He always seemed to bring out the cheeky schoolboy I had never been, rather than the professional...

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Summer Revelations

Summers in Clewiston are the worst kind. The humidity makes the air feel thick enough to drown in. And the heat, oh the heat’s enough to drive a person mad. Here all the gentle folks gather under their big gabled porches, sipping tea and wagging tongues like everybody’s business is their own once the noontime sun hits. Me, I’m never included in their socials. Being the son of a drunk and hateful man in a small town makes you the usual subject of such gatherings, not get you invited to one. And...

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A Couples Play Day Part 3 Revelations

Introduction: A young couples continuing exploration of their sexual relationship and what they learn about themselves. Dear Reader, This is the continuation of a narrative that began with A Couples Play Day and A Couples Play Day Part 2 Consequences and Exploration you may want to read those chapters if you have not already done so. As mentioned in the introduction to the first part many elements of the first story are based on actual occurrences, beginning with Part 2 the work is purely...

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Lying on the floor, completely naked is usually a situation that most girls would be horrified with – not the feeling that Megan experiences, sprawled on her back in front of three breathtakingly beautiful girls. She feels strangely proud that her body is such a prized object, something that Megan has never felt before but now wants the feeling to last. However, a phrase from Miss Caitlin had finally begun to sink in – that her own mother was to see her humiliating first night. Horror-struck,...

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Extramarital Revelations

My masseuse was sucking my cock. Just moments before, she was giving me one of the best massages of my life. She had great hands, and she used them in ways I couldn’t imagine, digging deep into my muscles and working my skin. Her wonderful hands gripped and stroked my dick as her mouth and tongue sucked and licked it feverishly. She had told me to let her know when I was about to cum and I was in no position to disobey her. This was a fantastic blowjob, and she was bringing me close to...

3 years ago
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Twentyfifth wedding revelations

Heather was dozing as she realized that Keith was standing next to her side of the bed, delivering her morning cup of tea. She wanted to pretend that she was still asleep and lie in for a few minutes more. But, not a hope as she felt Keith's lips brush her cheek, and then run a series of kisses angling towards her neck. She knew full well that he was heading to the tiny but very sensitive spot just behind her left ear.Smooch! On target. Heather giggled, she always giggled when he kissed her on...

Love Stories
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Family Life Ch10 Revelations

David explained his plan to Laura.“Do you think it will work?” she said once he had outlined his plan, “l’m not going to get into trouble am l?”“No, don’t worry,” he replied, “but l need this doing.”“Has this got something to do with Paul’s mother, you’re fucking her aren’t you?”“It’s not like that,” he replied, “yes we have had sex but not like that.”“Don’t tell me you’re in love with her,” she laughed, “she’s Mum’s age, she’ll be fifty in a couple of years.”“I don’t care about how old she is,...

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Lying on the floor, completely naked is usually a situation that most girls would be horrified with – not the feeling that Megan experiences, sprawled on her back in front of three breathtakingly beautiful girls. She feels strangely proud that her body is such a prized object, something that Megan has never felt before but now wants the feeling to last. However, a phrase from Miss Caitlin had finally begun to sink in – that her own mother was to see her humiliating first night. Horror-struck,...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 7 Lurid Revelations

James' eyes opened for the first time in what felt like days, his pupils slowly adjusting to the light. He began to take in his dismal surroundings and immediately his memories flooded back. His kidnapping, the battle with Jeanne, and being hauled away by the mysterious colleagues of his lover and dominatrix, Bayonetta. He examined the small room from the top bunk of a prison bed and found his dark seductress sleeping soundly in the bottom bunk below. It was mostly quiet in the cage of...

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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 6 Rituals and Revelations

Sophia was lying on the bed trying hard to read a book to keep her from worrying about the screams she had heard and the absence of her mistress since then, on hearing the door open despite her own earlier attempts to open it she looked up and saw Iliafray standing in the doorway “My Lady , I was worried are your alright?” Iliafray did not reply instead gesturing and speaking the words of a spell , and Sophia felt her body seized the the same magical forces as before rendering her helpless...

4 years ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 4 Revelations

"David, I'm not fucking him. I'm not lying to you. I'm really not."We were sitting outside in our screened lanai on a hot, summer, Sunday afternoon. Linda lay in the lounge chair beside me nursing her second iced tea. I pretended to be immersed in a new paperback, but couldn't take my eyes off her. Her pale skin didn't tan well, but on weekends she poured herself into these tiny little shorts, I was sure just to keep me horny.Sex on Sunday afternoons had become a ritual for us - for her,...

Wife Lovers
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Mum 4 Shocking revelations

“Come with us,” she said, leading the way. I followed them out towards the back door. Just before that door was another that l hadn’t noticed before. Eileen stood by the door. “This is the way to our fun room,” she said, opening the door. I walked into the room, it was as large as the lounge, l looked around, it was just like one of the fantasy rooms l had read about in magazines. There was a large frame in the centre of the room, there were ropes hanging from it and leather straps at all...

1 year ago
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Stolen Smile Revelations

Looking closely, I was struck by how unaffected her makeup was even after the aggressive blowjob she had just performed. Her hair had loosened a little from her bun, but everything from her lipstick to eye shadow looked like it had at dinner. I didn’t see any sign that she had just taken a load from me not more than a minute earlier. “No, I don’t see anything.” I responded. “That’d kind of impressive” “With how much you cum, its very impressive” she smirked at me as we passed out of the...

4 years ago
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"Sven dear," Pam called out, "you haven't forgotten that you're going over to see Francis later on?" "No. What was it you said she wanted?" I responded. "I'm not sure. She did say to wear some old clothes and take your tools with you. It's probably that job you said you would look at in the kitchen," Pam replied. I grumbled inwardly, although I liked being in Fran's company. Who wouldn't? She had been widowed nearly thirteen years before and had never remarried. Her children...

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A helicopter is not a good place to think. The darn things are just an engine with a giant propeller and the lightest framework possible holding it all together. Even the expensive military ones that are supposed to be stealthy are louder than first-row-center seats at a speed-metal concert. Conversation is possible only if you have on a helmet with a headset, and those are reserved for the crew. Passengers are left to pass notes and make hand-signals in order to communicate. And so I was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 18 A Multitude of Revelations

October 8, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I am really sorry about yesterday,” I said as Crystal set my coffee and pie in front of me. “Are you going to tell me what had you laughing so hard at my expense?” “As Terry said, it wasn’t you. It was the situation. It’s hard to explain because it was a very, very private joke between Terry’s wife and me.” “Over my name?” she asked. “Yes. As I said, Penny, that’s Terry’s wife, joked with me about having a girlfriend named Crystal, without having ANY...

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