Justice ResurrectedChapter 6: Revelations free porn video

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The doors to the throne room were guarded, again, by huge armored Gnathar wielding mace-axes. The monotony of seeing the same guards everywhere almost relegated them to the status of furniture in the mind of Jonar. And he used the concept of huge in his own mind relatively, as none of them came up to even his chin in height. They were everywhere, their visored countenances' silent promises of violence made empty by the commonplace nature of the threat. Jonar simply stopped noticing them and their threats of retribution should he misbehave.

The giant doors to the great, vaulted room beyond opened of their own accord and a booming voice beyond proclaimed their identity for the throng gathered within. "Her Highness, Princess Issabella Waiya! Her Highness, Princess Alyssa Waiya! Lady Myka, Matriarch of House Junia! Priest Xavear, Lord of House Losh'Varrii! Commander Lailar Ulfjansson!..." And on the booming voice went until all of the gnath lords were named. Then, silence. Jonar was quite grateful not to hear his own name. He had half hoped to be able to hide amongst the other Gnathar.

That hope was dashed when all the eyes zoomed right in on him standing very close to Myka, sweaty hands near weapons, eyes darting around at the faces. And so many faces, and of so many different races, that he had never before seen that his eyes simply darted around almost out of his own control. Giant Jotnar down to tiny Gnomes, all eyes watched as the two Royal Princesses escorted the party of Gnathar and their charge. Many of the green and brown faces of the Ce'al nobles looked chagrined as they watched Myka, their eyes dark.

At the end of the long green carpet down which they walked was a dais. Two people sat upon that dais on magnificently sculpted stone chairs accented by jewels and flashes of gold and silver used like paint. They were Meikari in the true sense of the word. Their statures were that of Ce'al but they had the features of Gnathar. Their skin was slightly greenish and their ears were a little longer, a little more pointed, than a true Gnathar's. But they were extraordinarily beautiful. King Voendur was handsome to the point of being pretty and his delicate hands rested softly on the arms of his throne. He looked as he had been described to Jonar: an academic, not a warrior or true king. He wore a simple but elegant purple tunic and black hose of silk with a plain but heavily jeweled crown resting on his head.

Queen Leina Waiya, however, looked every inch a queen in the full bloom of her power. She had a heart-shaped face of stunning beauty with a straight, slightly retroussé nose, large, almond-shaped eyes of olive green, small, dainty ears, and a firm, regal chin. She was gowned in a light purple silk trimmed with white lace and blue-green cording. Atop her greenish-yellow hair sat a gold and silver, jewel-encrusted crown that was almost a work of art when compared to her husband's.

Princess Issabella and Princess Alyssa stopped three paces before the dais and bowed. The gnath lords and Myka all bowed as well. Jonar, his stubborn pride keeping him unbending, simply nodded his head to the Queen and King. This caused a stir among the courtiers and diplomats present.

A quirky smile tugged at the delicate lips of the Queen. "So sister, who is this you have brought before me?" her musical voice inquired drolly, her eyes locked on the penetrating gaze of Jonar. "He is not like the others, is he? This one is awed, but still prideful enough to remember who he is, whoever that may be. So tell me, who is this giant Gnathar you bring before me."

Myka closed her eyes immediately upon hearing the Queen's first sentence, praying to Cealie that she not try to throw him in the dungeons. Issabella turned and saw the praying Ce'al girl and then to her staring bodyguard. A similar smile tugged at her lips.

"That is a boy named Jonar of Telanaria." There was a gasp somewhere as the princess introduced the Gnathar. "It appears he was exiled from the Empire of the Gnath after his parents were killed by the Dei-Xhan. He is the bodyguard of Lady Myka. He found her after the village of Mynar was destroyed by Zondrons. It is he who insisted that the matriarch inform the authorities of the Dei-Xhan attack and that is why Commander Lailar and his men have brought them here."

The Queen nodded then scanned the court. "Ambassador Gnorthsson, please come forward."

It was not a request and everyone presence understood the frosty tone in the Queen's voice. A rippling in the crowd soon gave way to an aisle leading directly to a muscular, elegantly dressed Gnathar with long white hair, a fiercely scarred face, and large hands wrapped around the wide leather belt from which hung a massive broadsword. His most distinguishing feature, however, was the eye patch covering his left eye. One of the many scars on his head ran across his face from under the patch.

The Ambassador from the Dorkan Empire strode forward and executed a minimal bow to the Queen. "Eivar Gnorthsson, ever at your Majesty's service," he said in a smoothly refined bass.

The Queen nodded towards Myka. "You have heard the plight of the matriarch of Junia?"

"I have, your Majesty," the broad shouldered man said, soberly. He strode to stand beside Myka, nodding absently to the towering form of Jonar. "Your House has the sorrow and condolences of the Emperor of Dorkan. I assure you that the Imperial Navy will not rest until the beasts of Zondro-Xhan pay for your loss. When word reached my agents in Port Meikari of your story, they sent word to the Admiralty and to the Imperial War College in Ft. Jotnar in the Empire of the Sail. Dorkan and Jotnari ships in the Gulf of Dorkan have been alerted to keep a watch."

"What of the possibility that the raiders fled by land?" Commander Lailar asked.

Though the gnath lord's tone indicated he thought this unlikely, the Dorkan Ambassador smiled. "The border patrols throughout the Empire relish the thought. Commanders up and down the frontiers have had to refuse men volunteering for duty because of the thoughts this idea has sparked. Do not worry. Dorkan's borders are sealed to Dei-Xhan."

Queen Leina rose and descended the three steps of the dais to stand before Myka. Her gentle hands cradled Myka's dainty fingers. "Know that we grieve with you, Myka of Junia. All of Meikar yearns to hear the words from our allies and protectors that the wicked ones who perpetrated this ignominy have been brought lo. With the grace of the God of Justice, your enemies will be slain, daughter of Meikar," Queen Leina promised, her voice throbbing, reverberating throughout the throne room. Then her eyes darted up to Jonar, her olive green orbs resting on his sapphire. "Now, you must tell me of this giant you have acquired. I perceive that only Ambassador Qorvarq Jzahrman of the Islands of the Jotnar would be taller, were he present. And this one is yet a boy."

Myka bobbed before answering, "I do not know much about him, your Majesty. Only the circumstances of his expatriation."

"Hm, truly? And you have so much faith in his honor and honesty that you entrust your life to someone with the reputation of the Telanarian?" she asked, her eyes now scanning the nobles and functionaries of the court.

"I know nothing of his reputation," Myka replied honestly, looking quizzically into a confused Jonar's eyes. Then she looked beyond him to the other gnath lords and saw that they all had frowns on their faces and were staring the same way the Queen was.

The Queen let go of her hands and beckoned her husband from the dais. "It is the end of the day, let us go to more comfortable quarters," Queen Leina said as King Voendur offered his arm to her. Her eyes were still focused on a point somewhere in the crowd. "Let our friends join us. Ambassador Gnorthsson, will you join us?"

The Dorkan bowed gracefully but shook his head regretfully. "I am afraid I must beg your forgiveness, your Majesty. I must send a more thorough report of the Zondron incursion immediately to Dorkan City. The Emperor will wish to know what his men are looking for and why."

Queen Leina nodded as if she expected this. "Then Ambassador Ghanjasson will accompany us in your stead," she said.

A frightened gasp followed the suggestion and heads began turning to where a rather thin, scraggly-looking Gnathar stood. He wore rich clothes but they were poorly coordinated and he caught as many derisive looks for his clashing wardrobe as for his uncouth appearance. His braided black hair was quite ratty and the scuzz of facial hair made him look like a drunkard. His pig-like blue eyes peered around the throne room from within deep folds of skin, giving him a frightened, almost trapped countenance.

"Um ... uh, that is, I must apologize, y-your Majesty, but I also have reports to complete and I must check on Gnarsyl," the swinish envoy stammered lamely, sweat standing out on his shining forehead.

Queen Leina swept past him with her guests. "It was not a request, Ambassador. Come along."

"Your Majesty, please! I really must see to my Gnath!" Ambassador Ghanjasson pleaded, pointedly keeping his stiff back towards Jonar. "He may be in extreme danger, your Majesty!"

They were in a cozy little sitting room not in the Queen's quarters but just a short way from the throne room. Princess Alyssa had whispered to them that this was where the Queen did business serious enough to warrant her personal attention or business which had the possibility of getting out of hand. Myka nodded sagely at this pronouncement but that just confused a far-too-calm Jonar even more. He somehow sensed that the Queen was worried about him becoming violent. This suspicion was borne out by the fact that there were several Gnathar guards surrounding the Queen and the Imperial Ambassador. Of the ten gnath lords that accompanied Myka and Princess Alyssa from Port Meikari, only five were with them in the room. The other five, men Jonar had never really come to know, had quickly split off from their group upon leaving the throne room. Lords Lailar, Xavear, Dourden, Brandar, and Caoldir were ranged behind the young Gnathar with intent eyes. Jonar suspected something important was going on but he couldn't put a finger on what.

"Sit down, Lord Yothorin," the Queen ordered in a frosty tone. She swept past him and seated herself in the most luxurious of the carved and cushioned chairs surrounding the cozy little fire crackling on the arched hearth. The comfortable chairs were the only furniture in the room painted with intricate frescoes depicting the building of the city of Hynost-Qaanzyr. Jonar's attention was brought back to the Queen when he felt her gaze on him. "So, young Jonar. Do you have any questions?"

Jonar stammered, not really having anything to say of any importance. Lord Lailar stepped forward, however, glaring at the Ambassador from the Empire of the Gnath. "I do, your Majesty. I have taken Jonar into my clan. I claim grievance rights under Meikari law and custom."

Somewhat surprised, the Queen nodded her head and waved a graceful hand at the cringing Ambassador. "As you will, Commander Ulfjansson."

Lailar stomped over to stand before Yothorin. "What Pride does your Gnath declare, Ambassador?" the gnath lord demanded angrily.

"Darwyth Pride," he mumbled, eyes downcast.

This caused Jonar to start but Lailar continued as if he expected as much. "Why do you fear for your Gnath?"

"Gnarsyl knows of the plight of the Telanarian but not that he is not to discuss it with his Pride mates."

"Including Gnusyl the Daggerfang of the same Pride, companion of Jonar Telansson?"

Yothorin nodded glumly, his eyes darting up for a quick look at the towering youth standing behind Lady Myka. "Gnusyl is the progeny of the Pride's alpha. Gnarsyl will not know to keep such information to himself. This could inflame the young Gnath," the emissary mumbled brokenly.

"Why do you refer to Jonar Telansson as the Telanarian?" Myka demanded suddenly, drawing all eyes to her diminutive form.

Yothorin's eyes became wild and he swallowed nervously several times before his mouth snapped open. "Th-the elders o-of T-telanaria put ou-out a bount-t-ty claiming Jonar T-telansson killed a quarter of the v-village's p-population, including his own parents," he admitted, bringing cries of astonishment and horror from even the Gnathar Royal Guardsmen, the impassive men suddenly clutching their mace-axes in murderous grips. "Th-the Imperial marshals knew this was not true but decided to honor the guerdon notice. The elders kept the bounty valid for two years throughout the northlands. Then they must have decided the young man must be dead and revoked it. I d-don't know the particulars, but the Grand Justicar always suspected that a power struggle had been ended in the district and the elders won."

"What did that have to do with Jonar Telansson?" Princess Alyssa demanded angrily.

The Ambassador shrugged. "Probably nothing, directly. The district was always run by the warriors and the armsmasters because it was so close to both the Domain and Zondroland," he began, more comfortable now that he was focused on the princess. "Until a few years ago, that is. Suddenly the warrior castes and their armorers began to die sudden deaths. Telan of Telenaria was the last remaining of the caste leaders molded in the old way. He was young but strong. His business in arms and armor was widely known and respected and he was the last strongman to hold power of any kind in the southern and western districts. Then the request of the reward for his son's death came through and those at the capital began to put two and two together."

"Did anyone in the capital ever suspect collusion with the Zondrons?" Princess Issabella inquired shrewdly.

The Gnathar shook his head vigorously. "If that was ever suspected, the elders would have found three Imperial legions camped in their front yards and several of them would not have survived the Inquisitors," Ghanjasson promised.

"What about alliances with pagans?" Xavear asked knowingly.

"Of course," Yothorin replied quickly, his eyes lighting up hopefully. "Telan Novarsson was notorious for refusing to deal with certain pagan clans in the Domain. He had enemies in places other than his own village."

Jonar stood impassively, shocked into numbness by what he heard. So he had been exiled not because he had no sponsor, but because his father had far too many enemies and not enough friends to ensure that his son would be protected should anything ever happen to him. The young Gnathar let his eyes roam around the room, looking at the strange expressions of outrage and anger on the faces of the people he was coming to call friends. They were honestly furious for the way he had been treated by his own people, despite the fact that he had no real feelings of any kind on the subject.

He blinked as everybody was suddenly rising, many of them looking at him. "Is he an imbecile or just so ignorant of politics and his own situation that he shows no emotion to the revelation that he was grossly offended by his own people?" Queen Leina asked Myka.

"Ignorant, would be my guess, your Majesty," Myka answered honestly, her face wet with tears of anger and sympathy for her friend. "He was cast out before the age of education in the Empire. He is as a child in all but the physical sense."

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Passionate Revelations by Prada“Excuse me, does this come in a size 6?” A young lady asked to a saleswoman, holding up a floaty gray-blue dress. “Why yes it does, I’ll just run to the stockroom and grab one for you,” the woman said before turning and striding away in the opposite direction.The younger one, Rachael, looked down at the dress, her eyes roaming over the chiffon material, the same color as a stormy sky, the strapless bodice, the flowing hemline, the small bow that tied the waist at...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 27 Painful Revelations

The Club Infinity had instituted Jazz Night on a Wednesday night in June, and from all the indications the evening was a huge success. Starting at five o’clock some of the local jazz groups were invited to sign up for an hour performance. They’d get to show their stuff, pass out promotional material and even sell CDs. They also got to keep their tips and from the indication of the first night Jim had tried the gimmick, tips were running high. This first night groups weren’t paid, but were in...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 5 Revelations

KAH-CHING!” The immediate payout began in my mind. Every supposition I’d had and dismissed over the past three hours returned with a vengeance to the forefront of my mind. They ran past my imaginary eyes and ears like a rapid flashback movie – Zzzzzip! They summed into one inescapable conclusion. Fuck! Joan and her son Doug were in a romantic relationship ... and it was sexual and erotic. My comments to her about their interactions that evening were dead on the mark and even understated...

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Ring of TruthBlog 5 Mothers revelations

16th July 2004 Mother was waiting for me when I arrived in the kitchen that morning. "So how did your oh-so-important date with that shop girl go?" She fixed me with an icy stare. "The date you had to miss my dinner party for and warned Jean and Jenny not to come? And after I had spent all that time preparing a celebration meal specially for you." Even without the aid of the ring, I knew this was a gross exaggeration but mother continued for several more minutes before giving me a chance...

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Justice League The New Recruit

(Watchtower) To Think, That Five Short Years Ago, He Was An Ordinary College Student, and Now He Was Standing In The Justice Leagues Watchtower, a Recent Addition. John Had To Keep himself from Wetting himself in Excitement. He Had Previously been the Protege of Guy Gardner, and Was One of the Few Non-Green Lantern Lanterns in the League. His Ring was Born from the Power Of Hope Itself. But Even Without The Ring, He Was Powered. Super Strength, Super Endurance, Skimming, Heat Vision, X-Ray...

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Justice In 2026 Part 1

Justice in 2026 by Jenile Efhratum The Frame, Conviction & Sentence Year 2026 I was just a normal young man trying to get his bearings on life after a messy divorce. I had been married to a lovely girl, Carolyn, but three years into our marriage, she said she wanted out and also wanted alimony, most of my property, and I really think the blood from my veins. It was just three days after we had returned from Aspen after a wonderful two weeks of skiing. At least they...

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Justice For Robin

JUSTICE FOR ROBIN by Susan Fantasy CHAPTER ONE: TROUBLE IN THE BUSBIE CLAN 1. Tennis pro turned math teacher Dr. Busbie's forty-one year old Lesbianite sister, Helen, was a very attractive woman. The slight Mongol element she had that came from a Russian ancestor was hardly noticeable; it was not nearly as evident as it was in the case of her brother. Not that this would necessarily spoil her looks if it showed, for Eurasian people can be good looking - and her...

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Justice ****** John sighed with relief as he saw the hands of the clock edging to 5. Nowadays he always felt that the workday would just never come to an end, and yet he also dreaded coming home to Sandy. It was not always like that for him. why, only six months ago he was a rising young executive, whose future with Consoladated seemed assured. Assured that is, till his atavistic male chauvinistic attitudes got him into deep trouble.He looked down at the keyboard...funny how fast he...

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Justice The Tale Of Pandora Trask

JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about...

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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...

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Justice Served

The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...

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Justice League of America World War Three

THE WATCHTOWER The Watchtower, headquarters of the JLA (Justice League of America). It was a large space station that was parked on the moon. The station was made of promethium and its technology based on a mixture of Martian, Kryptonian, Thanagarian, Earth as well as New Genesis and Apokolips. Inside the Watchtower was the Monitor Womb, the heart of the Watchtower. This was where the JLA monitored everything that happened on Earth, with its vast computer/communications/sensors network. As...

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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

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Justice League Knocked Out

The justice league are the defenders of Earth, the greatest heroes humanity has to offer. But even they are not infallible. Even the mightiest of superheroes can be taken down a peg with just one lucky blow, one unfortunate circumstance, one unlucky matchup... or just the right amount of pressure to the right areas. And from there, anything can happen. Luckily the sort of people who would knock out a Justice Leaguer is never the sort who would abuse such a position of power after the fact......

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, stuffing it farther down as if to assure herself that it was still there. I couldn’t help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket, following the movement of her butt as her weight shifted. The legs of her snug fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six packs of cheep beer which the clerk was placing in separate bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one...

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Justice League Satyr Silliness

In the quarters of Zatanna the Magician at the Hall of Justice, the woman sat at a table surrounded by trinkets and books that she had been collecting for some time, not for any dire situation really, just a hobby really. NONE of the items were dangerous, not by any stretch of the imagination but they were certainly powerful. One was a crystal ball that told her when she had forgotten something, she got that cheap at a shop in little china. One was a voodoo doll of Batman with over a dozen pins...

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Justice for my Brother

Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...

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Justice is served

Nicole paced the empty men's locker room, pausing only occasionally to check her phone. "It's almost time," she said putting her phone in her jean pocket, "Those assholes are going to regret what they did." Nicole felt her fists clench as she thought of how the high school football team had mocked her friend Ashley when she tried out for placekicker. She remembered how Ashley had come to her a sobbing wreck after most of the team had either suggested or physically harassed...

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Justice For Bobby

JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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Justice by EmileThis work is fantasy, and the author does not advocate anything other than consensual sex with adults. Copyright 2007---- The three studs were court martialled for bringing the service into disrepute when their diaries of sexual conquests, on mission and at base, on and off duty, were officially "discovered" by their commander during a night raid.  The troops had known for years, egging them on to more daring and filthy adventures, each trying to outdo the other for the audacity...

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Justice under the New Laws

Justice under the New Laws: by The Bitchfinder-General Part Two: Sarah in the Stocks: At eight o'clock sharp the following morning, the senior policeman and histeam arrived to let Sarah out of the pillory at last. The senior officer washolding the end of a fire hose attached to a water hydrant on the main road. "Youcan turn the tap on now," he told his colleague. Once the water was turned on, the senior policeman aimed the hose right atSarah's face and body. He knew from previous...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, assuring her self that it was still there. I couldn't help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket; following the movement of her butt as she shifted her weight. The legs of her snug-fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six-packs of inexpensive beer which the clerk was placing in separate paper bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one of the bags...

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Justice ResurrectedGlossary

Appendix I: The Gods of Titia-Lohr Avra (ăv-rä): Goddess of Love and Children; Patron of suitors and the innocent Cealie (sēl-ē): Goddess of the Home and Women; Patron of womankind and Guardian of the Hearth Fabialrhae (făb-ē-äl-rā): Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture; Patron of farmers Genifer-Elia (gĕn-ĭ-fer ĕ-lē-ä): Mother of the Universe; Goddess of Fire and Light; Patron of rangers, mothers, and the Clerics of Light Kaspar-Dei (kăs-pär dā): God of Travel and Commerce; Twin of...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 3 The Game Begins

It was almost sundown in the city. Myka stared imperiously ahead as Gnusyl bore them through the streets of Port Meikari in a plodding gate that quickly brought them to the plaza in the center of the city where the governmental complex was located. The colossal home of the Council of Houses, with its columned portico and sculpted portal, stood opposite the grand palace of the Royal Governor with its vivid green campus and stately fruit trees. Ringing the rest of the plaza were the office...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 4 Of Myths and Legends

When their little group stopped for the night that first day, Jonar learned that Lord Lailar brought with him the most skilled Gnathar instructors in Port Meikari as an escort. Being instructors with skills so great that they were rarely let out of the city, they were more than happy to leap at a chance to travel to the capital with their commander. All that day as they rode, Jonar was aware of their silent scrutiny, both the men's scrutiny of him and their Gnaths' appraisal of Gnusyl. The...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 5 The Elysium of the Meikari

Doszar was almost exactly halfway between Port Meikari and the capital. As they stopped on their first night out from the dilapidated village, they realized it was going to take them a bit more time to get from Doszar to Hynost-Qaanzyr than it took to get to the tiny village. A warm front was moving in from the south, causing the snow-clogged roads to turn into a river of oozing mud. Gnaths are huge animals with wide, gripping feet that can travel at a shocking rate on almost any terrain. The...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 20 Well Met Friends

Sharn nudged his horse into a canter, his eyes barely registering the grotesque Dei-Xhan territory markers slowly decomposing around him as they swung by their ankles in the wind moaning through the mountain passes. He was barely twenty leagues away from the City of Lun, the largest smuggling and merchant center of the Dei-Xhan principality of Lunland as well as a Holy City to the worshippers of Lun. This new matter was taking him away from collecting the bounty on a highly prized sorceror...

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