Bethany s Shipping at A E
- 2 years ago
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“I can’t believe we’re here,” Lamar said, peering out the display window at the large ship docked before them. “After all our preparations, we’re about to venture back into space, facing worse odds than we did on the way here.”
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” Al studied the craft, searching for some miniscule unseen detail. “I’ve got a few plans in the works.”
“Yeah, we’ve noticed,” Etta said.
“Given what you had me researching,” Lamar said, “I’ve got a decent idea of what you’re planning.”
“I’ve got an indication, too,” Ivan added.
“No,” Al said, “each of you has one aspect of the entire plan. In order for it to work, all the pieces have to fit carefully into place.”
“It would help knowing what we’re doing,” Eli said. “That way, we won’t be spinning our wheels guessing what we’re trying to accomplish.”
“It would, but as you know, it isn’t always so clear cut. I suspect Quichoq still hopes to undermine us. He’s got a lot of power and influence. It wouldn’t take much for him to pull a few strings, especially if he has incriminating information on certain individuals in key positions. We need to be on our toes, but once I know we’re in the clear, I’ll bring each of you up to speed. I still may not lay everything out, but you’ll be able to work together.”
“I really don’t like that cretin,” Betty hissed.
“Believe me,” Eli said. “None of us do. Still, the situation calls for restraint. We withstood his efforts once, working in unison. It might be harder to resist individually on an ongoing basis.”
“You suspect he’ll have an Inquisitor onboard?”
Al shook his head. “No, he’s too insidious for that. It’s hard to disguise an Inquisitor. Rather, he’s likely to call on someone with the inborn mind-reading abilities, but who’s not in the Inquisitor class. They’ll be harder to identify.”
“You mean, no hard outer shell hiding the bitter inner coating?” Xi said, studying her partner.
“So would you object if we started comparing notes?” Mui asked, glancing at Ivan and Kaci.
“No. As long as it’s merely idle speculation, it’s more likely to throw doubt into the equation. But given how unsubtle Quichoq was, it shouldn’t take long to identify who’s a telepath and who isn’t. If he’s their best, then their art isn’t as nuanced as Zita’s.”
“Only because mine’s limited to my aids,” she objected. “Without them, I couldn’t do squat.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself. That’s the Tandorian’s major flaw. They’re so rigid in their thinking, that no one dares try anything new. We assumed our abilities would dissolve once the One was shut down. Instead, they have only grown. I suspect he activated our natural abilities, which our aids continue to promote. We’re now adapting to situations the Tandorians never considered. That’s our best shot, trying what they consider impossible. If you never try, you may never fail, but you’ll also never succeed.”
“That would be a difficult argument to convince anyone of, if evidence hasn’t borne it out so frequently,” Eli said.
“Hold on.” Al leaned in, holding his hand up. “Someone’s exiting the ship. We can see the connecting passage from here. Luckily it’s transparent so spouses can see those returning.”
They each edged forward, unsure what they were looking for.
“There’s a little trick which helps,” Eli suggested. “Your aids can boost your vision in specific instances by reshaping your lenses and pupils.”
Xi and Zita discussed it for a moment.
“Wow! You’re not kidding,” Del said. “That makes a world of difference.”
“Don’t shift your eyes too fast,” Eli warned, having experienced the effects. “It takes a little time for your eyes to adjust.”
“Damn!” Al muttered.
As he turned away, the others looked closer.
“It’s Quichoq!” Etta announced. “Once again, our leader is spot on in his wild-assed speculations.”
“Maybe,” Gary cautioned, “but he doesn’t look pleased. It looks like someone kicked his favorite puppy.”
“Isn’t that how he always looks? He’s not exactly your cheerful type,” Betty ventured, which produced a few chuckles.
“Hopefully it means he was unsuccessful,” Al said, “but it reinforces the fact he continues trying to undermine us. I wouldn’t put too much into reading his facial expressions, but even if he was rebuffed, he’ll undoubtedly try something else.”
“It seems as if performing miracles keeps getting more difficult,” Betty quipped.
“It’s not like tapping into Commander Lillslik’s aids benefited us much,” Eli said. “I mean, it proved we can extend our abilities to others, and he now supports us. But we didn’t pick up any useful intel from it.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Al replied. “I spoke to him again, privately. It seems he and Quichoq had their own encounter. When Quichoq pressed, he laughed. He said, and I’m quoting here, ‘Even though it felt like he was raping my mind, knowing he couldn’t get anything gave me confidence. I told him “You’re powers aren’t so terrifying now, are they?” He then proved my point by threatening me with a few ... personal matters if I didn’t relate what I was hiding, but I laughed in his face.’”
“It appears his overconfidence did more harm than it helped,” Eli observed.
“So it seems. Now, not only did we humiliate him, but he’s aware we’re actively undermining his authority. He’s unlikely to go away quietly.”
“No, miracles never get any easier,” Xi said, clutching her mate. “Not even for our local miracle worker.”
“Hopefully this time he won’t get shot in the process,” Betty said, taking up his other side.
Al led the others up the Tandorian equivalent of a ramp, a transparent tube leading from the passage Quichoq had left through, which led directly to the ship. They wandered into a worn circular room, complete with peeling paint and the smell of formaldehyde. There were dead versions of Tandorian rats, with toothed tentacles. Gary shoved one aside with his boot as the women stood in the center of the cylinder. Al held his hand against the sensor and it registered its acceptance. A moment later the floor lifted up, carrying them along, ending at a wide room which led into yet another entranceway.
Al saluted. “Ensign Al Collins, reporting for duty, sir.”
“You’re hardly a simple first-time officer,” the ship’s Commander said, stepping forward to shake his hand. “Everyone is raving about you. Welcome aboard the Blissful Destruction. Aside from a much-needed Intuit keeping the entire crew safe, you lead a nearly full unit of humans, who promise to turn the tide against the Zssizliq. I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you, and I’m eager to separate fact from fiction. Frankly, much of it is a little ... hard to believe.”
“Trust me, we’re hardly exceptional.” Al glanced around, noticing the walls. While in poor maintenance, they were constructed of a soft polymer, suitable for a ship being struck in open combat where the crew might be thrown against the nearby surfaces. “We’re just a little harder working than many others. We may not be the fastest or strongest, but we’ll keep plugging away until we figure out how to succeed.”
“Now that doesn’t sound Tandorian at all! Humility is not one of our stronger suits. Aboard ship, everyone brags about their exploits, but it’s only during combat they prove their worth as warriors.”
“That’s not quite accurate,” Al said, waving to indicate the dirt lining the walls and the peeling material hanging from the ceiling. “The true measure of a warrior is dedication to doing whatever is needed to succeed. Everything from keeping the ship running, pulling extra duties, and sacrificing themselves when necessary.”
“Please, as our assigned Intuit, let’s keep you from sacrificing yourself anytime soon. Otherwise, we’ll all go out with a bang alongside you. I’m Captain Yitzl, by the way. I know these are your people, but I’m eager to meet you.”
“You weren’t actually counting on us, were you?” Al asked as he made the introductions. “I understood this was essentially a test mission, to determine whether we could withstand the mental assaults of the Zssizliq. If so, only then would we be assigned a meaningful role in the fleet, commensurate with our capabilities.”
“That may be the official line, but everyone has high expectations of your abilities. If you can resist the Zssizliq probes, you’ll all become the onboard tactical decision makers for the entire fleet.” The commander glanced at his human crew before continuing. “Of course, that’ll mean splitting your people among a number of ships, but you’ll each take on significant positions within the Tandorian forces, transferring the knowledge of our strategies into the field.” He lowered his voice. “Currently, the high mucketymucks making the decisions don’t dare leave the shelter of Tandora, where they can’t win many battles.”
“Pardon me, Tandora? I’ve never heard of that. Where is it?”
“Alas, apparently I already trust you too much. Tandora is something not widely spoken of, but it’s the home planet of the Tandorian Emperor and those who control the entire empire. Like so much, its location is a closely-guarded secret so no one can launch an attack on it. We can stand to lose a single world, or even system of planets, but we can’t afford to lose our brightest minds. However, if you’re successful in your initial mission, you’ll pry that hyper-secret cabal out of their hole and spread their power where it’ll save lives and affect a change in this centuries old war.”
“That’s more responsibility than I was hoping for on my first duty assignment. We were just planning to get our feet wet.”
“You don’t fool me,” Yitzl said, slapping Al on the back and leading the entire team deeper into the ship, waving the warrant officer aside. “I’ve read your training results. You’ve been adapting at a rapid pace. Despite starting with a severe technical deficit, you’ve recovered amazingly quickly, absorbing a millennia of knowledge.”
“Again, that’s not the result of our intellect, only our dedication to our task, just as our ability to resist the Inquisitors isn’t a reflection of how tough we are, merely that we’re too stubborn to surrender information to bullies.”
“I definitely like your style. I’ve heard much of what you’re capable of, especially how you achieved so much by delegating tasks, assigning specific skill sets to each of your people, instead of having them duplicate the same knowledge.” He turned to Zita. “I understand you’re now proficient in Zssizliq?”
“I wouldn’t say proficient,” she protested. “After all, aside from a few recordings, I’ve never heard it spoken.”
“Believe me, that’s more than most experts know, and the few who’ve had a chance to learn haven’t lived long enough to utilize the knowledge.”
“I’ve always wondered about that,” Al pressed. “How is it that we started out speaking with them enough to decode their entire language, but now can’t talk to them at all?”
“You’ll have to take that up with the military experts on Tandora, as they haven’t shared the information with anyone. All we know is they’re not about to engage in conversation with us, not even to demand our surrender. Instead, they attack in wave after wave, buffeting us as an unrelenting horde. The attacks wear us down, as they anticipate our actions long before we ever attempt anything. Afterwards, they leave the empty hulls of our decimated ships strewn with our crews’ body parts as a warning to any who come to rescue us.”
“Well, no one promised this was going to be an easy assignment,” Etta quipped.
“No, it certainly isn’t.”
“Before we move on,” Al hesitated. “We had one ... unusual favor. It took a lot for us to escape Earth in one piece, and then we raced across phenomenal distances in record time to reach here. Through all that, our lives depended on the actions of the ship’s AI, only to have the entire ship scrapped before we ever set foot on Tandor. I know it’s an imposition, but we’d like to store the mechanical ‘brain’ of our ship in our living quarters, just as a memorial to what we sacrificed.”
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Gay MaleFirst let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...
“Someone’s coming,” Kaci cautioned, carefully peering down the hall without daring to touch the virtual barrier locking them in the cell. They’d tested their restraints earlier, using a spare coin someone had in their pocket. All that remained was a blob of blackened melted nickel. “This might be it,” Gary warned. “At the very least, they’ll send us home again, with or without our ship. At the worst, Quichoq is likely to do us in. I certainly wouldn’t put it past him. He definitely doesn’t...
Riding into St. Johns, Hoyt had a good feeling about himself. For the first time since he was old enough to do a days work, he didn’t have a real job. Yet, he’d made more money this week than he’d made in any three years of his life. At the courthouse, he met with Apache County Sheriff, Braden Wills. “Hoyt, I got one here for you that I’d like to get cleaned up as soon as we can. This’n is gonna to be a tough one, but from what Marshal Freeman told me, you can get the job done if anyone...
Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...
Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...
This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...
IncestWhen I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...
“Really, it isn’t so difficult if you barter. You’re trading time spent in ration lines for other items you need. It’s all about making and maintaining contacts.” “Well, thanks,” Al said, finally backing away. “We’ll see you around.” “Seriously,” Siluzz clucked, shaking her head and marching away from the people in the hallway. “I don’t understand why you feel obligated to encourage everyone to prattle on about the unimportant details of their lives. You don’t have enough time, or will even...
“Remember: sexuality is not meant to be stale. Sexuality is fluid!”Miss Grunee was enthusiastic to speak in her favorite park, to her small audience, “You’re not heterosexual. You’re not LGBT. You are who you are!” the lady ended her monologue with a standing ovation.Next to the group, PJ was doing his reps of traction at the bar. 'Yeah, right,' he thought, ironically.PJ has been proudly gay since he discovered sex: he grew up as a small cub in a small town where he was the only jock in...
BisexualBy the next morning any fear the women of the clan had of me was either gone or ignored. They still acted apprehensive but I think it was more because none of their clansmen were around than because of me. I believe that the confidence and self-assurance that my mates displayed was even beginning to rub off on some of them. Some bustled around preparing breakfast, others taking care of babies or youngsters, while still others remained on lookout, but farther outside of camp now that it was...
The outpost is a thriving and busy place known as Riverbend Outpost. There is a good sized market near the gate, multiple inns and pubs, at least one blacksmithy, and myriad other businesses to be found within its walls. The first order of business, the two agree on is finding food. They’re not starving, but it sure feels like it to them and they have finished the rations they were provided with a day ago. Neither of them has ever had to go any significant length of time without a meal...
My story starts when I was nineteen and joined the army, now I’m not going to say what country but there was always some kind of military action going on. I went through training camp, passed all the requirements and was shipped to small military base. I was given my weapon and was attached to a small five now with me, six man patrol to give me experience. We went on patrol every day for months and the only action I saw was when a farmer’s bull got loose and we helped capture him. I actually...
LesbianThat night, Alexi couldn't sleep no matter what. She had been left unsatisfied and wanting more, yet she was not able to recreate the huge wave of feelings that the brothers brought up to. Her masturbation session didn't relieve her in the slightest and she couldn't figure out if she wanted this to continue or stop. It had been years since the divorce and there hadn't been any interest on Alexi's part in having any sexual partners; her sex toys had served her just fine over the years. But...
ThreesomesDo I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...
“Man, what the hell did you tell those women?” Lamar demanded. “Geez, guys are stopping me in the middle of the hall and openly flirting.” “And you’re complaining?” Al asked, grinning. “Well, no, not complaining, but I’m curious what stories your widows are passing around about me.” “It’s an issue, because they’re ignoring me,” Mui added. “Someone needs to tell them there’s no deal unless we both agree to it. After all, this is pair-bonding, not a one-night stand.” “She’s right. We agreed...
=== Travel Agency: Scouts === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial website or mailing list. The Travel Agency setting is used with Morpheus' permission; thanks to Morpheus for beta-reading the first draft. "Travel Agency: Scouts" first appeared on the morpheuscabinet mailing list in January 2013; a slightly different version appeared on...