Delta TrixyChapter 4 My Faerie
- 3 years ago
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The kitchen was silent and brooding. No, the mood of the small room with the grease stained walls and the faint aroma of chilli powder was heavy and noiseless. The space itself was alive with a myriad of sounds, the hum of the fridge freezer, the tick, tick, tick, of the wall-clock, the occasional clicks and whirrings from the gas boiler as the timer kicked it into life. But the two people who occupied the kitchen were hushed and motionless.
The still that held Andrew prisoner was a product of resignation. He was lost in troubled thoughts with no idea what he could do. So he did nothing, save for listen to the clocks aural indications of the passing of time.
Cheryl’s immobility came about through fear. It was not Andrew that held her captive in terror, in fact it seemed far more likely that he should be scared of her than the other way around. She stood, seemingly propped up by the work-surface behind her, shoulders hunched and blonde hair hanging limp and lifeless around her porcelain-perfect face. She stared intently at the dainty silver slip-on shoes that adorned her size three feet, as though they might hold the answer to how she could break the uneasy silence. No answer came. Occasionally she would allow her gaze to flick upwards and to the left, to the chair where Andrew sat at the kitchen table. The movement of her eyes was barely perceptible from behind her hair, and Andrew appeared to not notice the guilt-ridden attention he was receiving. He just sat there, elbows taking advantage of the table’s supportive strength. Big gentle hands clasped tightly together, chin leant on his thumbs, with hot regular breaths dampening the knuckles of his fingers. His eyes rested on the clock, it had no second hand, just a continual tick. Every minute his line of vision would move fractionally with the hand that signalled the end of the previous sixty seconds.
The kitchen was no man’s land, caught in the centre of psychological warfare – it was as though whoever spoke first might feel the sharp sting of defeat. It was the calm, quiet eye in the heart of a wild and frightening storm. It was an unexploded bomb by which two people stood, each unable to decide which wire to cut, lest they bring the whole house down in a detonation of uncontrolled emotion.
Andrew was blind to what had caused this prickly tension, but knew if he said the wrong thing he might never find out. He had known Cheryl for just a few weeks, and in that time had taken her out to the cinema, to the pub, to expensive restaurants. She had met some of his friends who had nodded and winked with approval, and he had been introduced to a couple of hers, who had welcomed him like part of their family. Cheryl and Andrew had laughed together at good jokes and bad, they had talked into the night while waiting for taxis that would take them to their respective homes, and they had shared intense and passionate kisses. But tonight had been the first night that Andrew had ventured as far as inviting Cheryl into his home. She had never offered him the hospitality of an evening – or even an afternoon – at hers, and although she had said nothing, he had been aware of signals that gently suggested that she would be very wary of the implied intimacy of spending any time together unless it was on neutral public ground.
After nearly a month of dating though he had reasoned with himself that it was in no way unacceptable to offer Cheryl reception into his home. In fact he felt that he would appear rude if he kept avoiding allowing her into this important area of his life. He had been meticulous in his planning of the evening so as to get it just right. He had originally hoped to cook for her, but feared that Cheryl might run scared thinking he would expect something in return for his efforts. Instead he had settled for asking her to rent a video to bring over and watch. That way she was watching something she wanted to see and would feel at ease, and as she had paid for the evening’s entertainments there would be no unspoken suggestion that any return of any kind might be owed.
Cheryl had appeared at seven o’clock. She had floated into the house in a wispy skirt, layers of shimmering baby blue material fluttering seductively around her short but slender legs. She had removed an exquisite blue Pashmina and hung it across the banister in the hall, revealing underneath it a silky white top with tiny spaghetti straps. The outfit seemed to epitomize the delicate frame of the girl inside it, making her look all the more fragile and tantalising. He had kissed her softly on the cheek, although he had been bolder on previous occasions it seemed at that moment improper to taint the faerie princess that stood before him.
The evening had started so perfectly. They had gone on to watch Cheryl’s choice of film – one that Andrew had been meaning to rent for a while, yet another indicator of how much common ground the two shared. At the end of the movie they had sat and talked easily, starting with films but soon moving on to many other subjects too. Andrew marvelled at just how much he liked the girl before him. He felt that they were really connecting, and he yearned to take things a step further, but somehow he was too scared of frightening such a delicate creature away. He was completely bemused when Cheryl made a move on him that left little question as to where her intentions lay. One moment they were sitting on the sofa talking about a shared love of writing poetry, the next Cheryl had thrust her arms around Andrew’s neck and kissed him with intensity. Once he had recovered from the unexpectedness of her rather pleasant assault on his person, Andrew was more than happy to respond. They kissed fervently, and within a moment or two Cheryl was straddling Andrew, running her fingers roughly through his soft dark brown hair, then down his neck and back before pulling his shirt out from the security of his trousers, and slipping her hands underneath to explore his upper body in closer detail. She seemed almost possessed, and he could barely contain the excitement he felt. He mirrored her actions by running his fingertips down her back in response. He found the tiny buttons that fastened her flimsy garment and started to release them from the loops that held them in place. The spaghetti straps fell from her shoulders and she wriggled herself free from the top altogether, her semi-nakedness increasing the urgency of their mutual desire. Andrew kissed her neck, then moved down until his lips were just barely brushing her nipples. He could feel how much she wanted him from the way she pushed herself down onto his lap, moving in rhythm against him, their bodies separated by just a few layers of clothing. He moved his hands to her waist, and let his fingers glide across the smooth fabric of her skirt around her hips. To his delight it seemed she wasn’t wearing any underwear, a fact she readily confirmed when he asked her. Cheryl finally came to the conclusion of her teasing, and started to undo Andrew’s trousers, lifting her weight off him just enough to wriggle them down to his knees before setting herself back down to explore her new found treasure with her hands. Andrew leant back in the sofa, moaning softly as she touched him. His hands drifted from her waist down the outside of her legs as far as her knees, then slid under her skirt before they started to go back over their journey in reverse.
That was when everything had changed so dramatically. In a split second Cheryl transformed from fervent seductress to scared little girl. Eyes wide with fear, she stumbled off Andrew’s lap, grabbing her top and struggling to protect her dignity underneath it as the tiny buttons kept sneaking away from her desperate grasps. Still only half done-up, she abandoned the rest of the fixings and dashed into the hall to cover herself with her Pashmina. Andrew stood up bewildered at her sudden and seemingly unprovoked about-turn and hurriedly attempted to dress himself whilst following her into the hallway, con
vinced she was about to leave. Bizarrely she chose to walk into the kitchen instead, and once fully clothed again, Andrew went after her and stood in the doorway watching as she frantically opened and closed cupboard doors before finally finding a two-thirds empty bottle of Southern Comfort and a dusty whisky glass. She ran the glass under the tap, and Andrew could see her hands shaking. She unscrewed the cap on the bottle and poured a liberal quantity of the dark golden liquid, glass upon glass making an irregular clink as she trembled uncontrollably, before she drank all that she had decanted in one go.
“Cheryl, I’m sorry,” Andrew pleaded, although he was uncertain what exactly it was he was apologising for. She looked up at him, with shock registering in her blue-grey eyes as though she had been entirely oblivious to his presence until that point. She just stood there, staring, wild eyed and edgy, not saying a single word. She would not tear her gaze from his, and the force of her look unnerved him a little.
“Did I do something wrong?” Andrew persisted, and took a few steps towards the frightened young woman in his kitchen.
Still nothing. They were standing just a few scant inches apart, but none of their earlier pleasure was replicated in the return of their closeness. Andrew could almost feel the chill of Cheryl’s hostility towards him. He reached out and gingerly put a hand on her shoulder. She screamed, and her arms flailed violently as she thrashed herself away from his touch. Her Pashmina caught the glass on the worktop behind her and it fell to the floor, smashing into hundreds of twinkling shards. The noise of the breaking glass jolted her out of her terror, and she sank to the floor and scrabbled around picking up the remains of the broken item.
“Let me do that, you’ll cut yourself.” Andrew murmured gently as he bent down beside her. She whimpered softly and moved out of his way as he set about tidying the debris.
Once the last of the glass was removed, Andrew stood up and looked at Cheryl, concern shadowing his brown eyes.
“Coffee?” he asked.
She nodded, no longer looking at him, in fact now making a concerted effort to avoid his gaze in her shame. He boiled the kettle and got out two mugs.
Cheryl nodded again.
This time she shook her head. The conversation of earlier was now a distant memory.
In his mind, Andrew repeatedly questioned what had happened to alter the course of their evening, in reality though he was finding it hard to hit upon the right words to uncover the mystery. Leaving Cheryl’s coffee on the side, he took his own to the kitchen table and settled into the waiting game. He passed the time by watching the clock, hoping that she would open up and explain why she had gone so cold, without being distant enough to want to leave. Cheryl stood and concentrated on her surroundings – the beads on her shoes, the feeling of warmth against her back where nearby steam still rose from the newly boiled kettle, the shaking of her hands that made her too self conscious to want to lift her coffee mug and drink its comforting contents. She couldn’t say anything, for anything she had to tell was too huge to just come out with. So she waited for Andrew to speak, to ask the right questions that would unlock her secret.
Minutes passed and became an hour. It was Andrew who broke the spell of silence, fearing that they might stay there all night, and realising that Cheryl was not going to open up to him.
“Can I drive you home?” He inquired.
Cheryl’s mind screamed a million words – “Wrong question! Ask me the right question so we can talk again and be like we were before! Is that it? Do you hate me so much that you just want rid of me without even caring why it all ended so badly? Kiss me, tell me everything is okay, we could start all over again. Give me a hug, tell me you don’t need sex from me, that you like me for me, not as a toy for your own pleasure. Don’t just send me away and never see me again, I couldn’t stand it.”
But she couldn’t say any of them, so she just nodded again, and went into the hall to retrieve her bag from the bottom of the stairs where she had left it. She walked slowly to the front door where Andrew stood waiting, looking sad but resigned.
“What happened tonight?” He asked her, and her black cloud lifted. He’d done it, he’d asked the right question, or at least the first question in the required series.
Cheryl took his hand and led him back to the living room. She sat back down on the sofa where they had been so close less than two hours earlier, and pulled him down gently to join her.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t ready,” she told him, hoping that her eyes would betray that this wasn’t the end of the story.
“You seemed pretty ready to me!” he said, a smile playing across the lips that had previously kissed her with passion and fire. She blanched at his words, and he cursed himself for his insensitivity.
“There must be more to it than that,” Andrew pressed, a little more gently this time. He liked Cheryl a lot, and he wasn’t going to throw what they could have away over a break in communication when they had always been so relaxed in conversation until then.
Cheryl nodded.
“Talk to me,” Andrew implored.
“I can’t,” Cheryl replied, her eyes misting up with tears she was desperate not to spill.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No!” She looked shocked at the very idea. “I know you wouldn’t… would you?”
“Of course not! I love you.” The words had escaped from his mouth before he had even realised he was thinking them, and he watched for Cheryl’s reaction with dread in his heart. To his utter horror her tears flowed freely then, accompanied by bitter heaving sobs that made her petite shoulders tremble.
“Don’t, you mustn’t say that,” she begged. “I’m not worth it Andrew, you mustn’t love me. You wouldn’t love me if you knew.”
“Knew what?” he asked. The question he really wanted the answer to was ‘Do you love me too?’ but he was far too scared of her rejection to risk that one.
“I can’t,” she repeated.
“Why? I won’t mind. Whatever it is I won’t mind. I love you.”
Andrew felt like he was begging. No, he knew he was begging, he just hadn’t wanted it to be so obvious to her how much he needed her to trust him.
“I love you too,” she whispered, faerie dust words sprinkling the tormented tension of the air around them.
“So trust me.”
“Can I kiss you Andrew?”
He smiled, and pulled her towards him. Once more she moved over so that she straddled his lap, and they kissed, but very softly and tentatively this time. Slowly she pulled her face away from his, and looked into his eyes, searching for the signs that he would not run from her. He smiled, and stroked a stray wisp of blonde hair back behind her left ear.
Taking a deep breath she took the hem of her wispy skirt between her fingertips, and pulled it up along her legs. Andrew gasped slightly at the crisscross of scars that mapped her thighs. Some were razor cuts, some obviously deeper, one had obviously received several stitches to reunite cruelly parted skin. It crossed his mind that he was supposed to be bothered by what he was seeing, and in some ways he was, because he hated the fact that the beautiful mystic girl before him had felt that kind of pain. But at the same time he experienced a guilty relief because her crazed reaction to their intimacy wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t been the cause of her distress, and in his eyes the severity of her outburst was diminished purely by the fact that he wasn’t responsible for it. He tore his gaze away from the maze of scarred skin, and instead perused the troubled lines that etched her preciously innocent looking face. He lifted hi
s hands to her cheeks and tenderly pulled her towards him for another kiss. After a moment locked in an affectionate embrace they parted, and Andrew saw the relieved wonder in his girlfriend’s expression. Cheryl got up from his lap, and refusing to worry about what might be said about her scars in the future, she took his hand and led him upstairs to bed.
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One morning I woke up and found myself lying in bed on a Saturday morning. My thoughts eventually drifted to that fateful night and I felt myself getting hard again. In disgust I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower would get my mind off things. To my surprise, it did. But my life was destined to relive that night whether I wanted to or not. Not knowing what lay ahead for me, I went down to find some breakfast. *** At breakfast I was quiet as I had been since the...
On that Friday, after the kids had all gone home, Harold found me. Looking around conspiratorially, he told me about a party planned for late that night at the pool. There was going to be booze and everybody was going to go skinny-dipping. "Bill will shit if he gets wind of this," I warned him. "That's why we're keeping it quiet. I heard Bill is going home this weekend. So how about it? Are you and Patrice coming?" "I don't know if she'd go for a party that wild but I'll ask and...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
I wondered what this story could possibly have to do with the Tea Room, until she continued. ‘Aameenah was already instilled in the Sultan’s harem in 1153 when Eleanor of Aquitane followed her husband Phillip, King of France, on his crusade to the Holy Land. Eleanor was a rare woman. She had money, titles and land of her own. She was bright, strong willed and even by today’s standards, Eleanor would be considered a forward thinker. She detested Phillip. He was a religious fanatic, weak and...
Like sailors clinging to a raft on tempest-tossed seas, Sheila and I held tight to each other as an ocean of rainbows flooded the sky."Oh, my God! What is it?" she cried as glowing waves of light thundered silently across the firmament. The heavens blazed with a kaleidoscope of color."I don't know," I said as I watched the glowing pastel streamers of brilliance slither along invisible magnetic lines of force like undulating serpents."I think we're looking at the mother of all solar storms. We...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAlice and I hurried toward the source of illumination like moths to a flame. A glimmering halo of white light surrounded the hole Alice cut through the snow drift at the tunnel's entrance. I crawled into the air shaft that she’d excavated and punched through a thin cap of frost at the end and was instantly dazzled by blinding sunshine."Alice, Come here and take a look, you aren't going to believe this," I shouted over my shoulder as I emerged into the open air. The blizzard had passed us by,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSECRETS UNCOVERED part 1It was a memory stick I had never seen before. It lay under her table, right by the metal file box where she kept household papers and suchlike. I had seen her doing some accounts on her laptop earlier so assumed the stick was related to that. I was going to just pop it back into the box but something made me a bit curious . I went up to my study and plugged the stick into my computer. Ah ! The contents were password-protected ! Now that really made me suspicious. I...
The senator had two secrets. One was his gay hung black lover and the second was his sexy shemale. He had spent a lot of money getting the shemale just how he liked it. The surgery gave her big tits and nipples and a great ass. She had injections in her cock and now had a long very thick cock. She took hormones to have a soft female features in her face. She loved dressing sexy and showing off her big tits and nipples and the senator loved seeing her sexy. The senator loved his lovers with the...
Secrets Behind the Bedroom Part 1Written by TrueRoyaltyI've never felt this horny. Sitting on the bed alone. I was moving my hands up and down my thighs feeling my smooth skin. I moved to my inner thighs when I felt a tingling sensation. Tyler had walked into me at the store. My boobs were pressed against his chest and I couldn't help but imagine those were his hands. He plays college football and has strong hands. I wanted to take off my panties and feel my pussy when the telephone rang. I...
I've only been married 2 years and already I was thinking it was a mistake. Before and after we got married we had sex fairly regularly, nothing adventurous but ok. Within a year it became less frequent and when we did Emma seemed to take less and less interest as if her mind was elsewhere and she would rarely cum. A month ago was her birthday, we had a nice meal then after we shagged, well I did, she more or less just lay there till I'd finished. The following day she told me she wanted to go...
That afternoon they removed the drain from my wound and I got up and got dressed left a note for Sarah and went off in search of Alex. I found him and Susan still in the same room as I had seen them before. He was sitting up and looking fitter than I had seen him in months. As I walked in the door his face dropped and he looked at his mother. She was looking at me with a big beaming smile. "How are you feeling Harry" she asked. "I am fine" I turned to Alex. "more to the point how are...
Neral sat in her study to the left of the cracking fire, light reflecting not only in her brown eyes, but from the dagger before her. Usually sheathed to her hip, she let the light dance as she contemplated what to do with it. ‘If it is him, I can’t kill him. I want to. Under other circumstances I could, but not like this.’ ‘You have more than enough evidence, my love,’ Bryana answered, her disdain for the people they were discussing crystal clear. ‘Evidence that I can’t use publicly,’ she...
About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...
‘When my marriage failed, I didn’t make a very good choice the second time. If I had learned something, wouldn’t I have done better? You need to read the letter about that failure, too.’ ‘Okay, while I put the steaks on, go get the letter.’ ‘Okay,’ Gail turned to leave the kitchen area and as she walked across the old adobe tile floor, she told Howard, ‘And the same rule applies, you have to read it out loud to see if there’s anything I want to change.’ **** Ricky, You will notice I did...
An angel once fell from heaven: too curious about the world below her. Craving desperately to find a love that she had only dreamed and heard stories of before. A love that stands the test of time, and could overcome despair, destruction, sadness, and all the things the world would throw at her. To her a love like this was worth more than any love found amongst the perfect realms of the heavens. She longed to feel, to experience everything she had never felt before. She hungered to feel pain...
Fallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) ‘Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering,’ my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. ‘What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?’ Her voice filled with loving concern. ‘The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul.’ I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. ‘I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my...
Thousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...
FantasyFallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) "Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering," my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. "What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?" Her voice filled with loving concern. "The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul." I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. "I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my heart...
Love StoriesThe idea of slutty supposedly "good girls" always gets my cock up. Julie is one of these women. She is married to my preacher. Looking at her the other day... well. Let's just say I was inspired.This is not her, but it sure looks a lot like her... Hope you enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I took off Monday to drive my wife to the airport. She and a group from church were flying down to Haiti to spend 10 days down there doing things like helping build some new...
It snowed last night. Just a couple inches but it was really beautiful. I’ve always loved snow. I’ve always had a fantasy of sex in the snow. I was outside this morning taking in the sight. It wasn’t too cold, about 33* The snow was still falling pretty hard, very thick flakes. Then my imagination kicked in. You were standing there with me. You were wearing sweat pants and a cute winter jacket. I couldn’t believe I was seeing you there. You smiled, walked toward me and then, with out...
Chapter 3: At the Market Place Althea woke up two hours later. Cal was up and about, going through his daily regimen of training in his fighting style of Ninjutsu. Doing an aerial drop-heel that shook the floor itself when his heel connected with the carpet, he looked over at Althea and smiled. "How are you?" he asked in a caring and gentle tone of voice. The digital clock on his dresser read: 1:13 PM. Sweating slightly and still naked, Cal came to sit down next to her to see how she...
Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...
Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...