She’s The Boss: Kinky Spa Break free porn video

A Note to the Reader: although the following scenario is fictitious, it is based on real life. Once again, I must begin by thanking ‘Aubrey’ – my girlfriend, partner-in-crime and mistress – for allowing me to immortalise our wonderful relationship in this way.
‘I love you baby…’ I could still remember the first time that Aubrey had said those words to me. At least, I thought I could. To be honest, my memory of our earliest days together were rather confused, they just seemed to blend together into one glorious tapestry of sensations. Even our first kiss was a moment lost in the haze of my subconscious, all I could remember clearly were the circumstances that had surrounded it. Sitting through that dull sales conference in Liverpool, expecting to stagger into the hotel room and collapse into a long-awaited sleep, being greeted instead by the sight of my buxom boss in a black evening dress, that first breathtaking embrace, when I’d first felt our bodies pressing together…
A small cough brought me back to the here-and-now, and I jumped slightly in my chair as I snapped out of my reverie. Aubrey reached across the table and stroked the side of my face, her plump fingers stroking the few days’ worth of stubble that I’d allowed myself to cultivate. ‘You were daydreaming again,’ she whispered, a half-smile playing across her lips, ‘I do hope that you weren’t thinking about work.’ I forced myself to meet my girlfriend’s gaze, resisting the temptation to be distracted by her teasing caress, and tried to look as innocent as possible as I watched her hazel eyes sparkling at me.
‘No, I can see it in your eyes.’ She said at last, giving me a small nod of approval. ‘You must have been thinking about me. You’re always thinking about me, even at the office.’ Suddenly, I felt movement under the table, and Aubrey began tracing one foot up and down the back of my calf as she continued to stare me out. ‘It’s a good thing that you can multi-task you know,’ she chuckled, ‘or you’d probably never get any work done. Still, for the next couple of days, we can both of us forget all about work, and focus on enjoying some rest and relaxation before that big performance evaluation next week.’
I groaned, raising my eyes to the heavens and throwing up my hands in an elaborate shrug. ‘Don’t remind me babe. That’s the last thing that I want to be thinking about right now.’ Officially speaking, the performance evaluation would determine whether or not Aubrey and I would be receiving our end-of-year bonus, but to be honest, we both knew that we’d breeze through it without a hitch. ‘Anyway,’ I continued, my hand moving to join Aubrey’s as she cupped my chin and began to twist the hair of my goatee between her fingers, ‘we’re a great team, so we’ve got nothing to worry about.’
At this, Aubrey broke into a broad grin, and swatted my arm playfully with her free hand. ‘Flatterer!’ She hissed, sticking out her tongue and running it over her lips, her silver bar glinting in the light. It was early morning, and we had just finished breakfast in the dining room of our hotel, a large spa complex in the heart of Manchester. Knowing that we were both dead certs for our bonuses, we’d decided to celebrate early, and treat ourselves to a good pampering for a few days, as well as take the chance to escape from the prying eyes of the office. Actually, I was amazed that no-one at the office seemed to suspect anything, even though I was pulling more than the usual number of night shifts.
Slowly, I felt Aubrey pull her hand way from my face and ease herself out of her chair, picking up another piece of toast as she did so. ‘Come on then Leonard,’ she urged, nibbling one corner and gesturing towards the door. ‘We want to make sure that we get to the pool before all those German tourists nab all the good beds on the deck!’ I drained the last of my tea, straining to suppress a laugh, if there were any Germans staying at the hotel, we’d neither of us seen any of them. It was obvious that Aubrey was in a hurry though, and I couldn’t wait to find out why.
As we entered the lift and started to ride the five floors up to our room, I felt the tension between us snap like an over-stretched elastic band, and almost simultaneously, we flung ourselves into each others’ arms. Not only was Aubrey at least a couple of inches taller than me, but she was heavier than me as well, so her momentum sent me staggering backwards. As we hit the side of the lift car, I gasped loudly, revelling at the feeling of her big soft body squashing me against the wall, and feeling her massive bosom heaving with every breath. Then, placing her hands either side of my face, her fingers sliding up into my hair, she leaned forward and kissed me with a fierce, urgent passion.
My head spinning, I ran both hands down the length of Aubrey’s spine, tracing the curve of her waist and hips, slowly allowing my lips to part as I did so. There was a familiar click of metal, and her tongue was suddenly jousting with mine, filling my mouth and locking our lips tight together. With a groan, I brought both hands down onto my girlfriend’s voluptuous arse, squeezing her plump cheeks through the fabric of her morning dress, and smiling inwardly as she moaned in appreciation. Suddenly, we heard a disembodied voice saying ‘fifth floor,’ and the doors to the elevator slid open, revealing us like a prize on a tv quiz show.
We both froze, too scared to move, and still locked in our tight embrace. As we slowly drew apart, and I surrendered my hold on Aubrey’s arse, we both turned towards the open doors, to be greeted by an elderly couple staring at us with a mixture of shock and amusement. Blushing like naughty schoolchildren who’d been caught behind the bike-sheds, we edged past them sheepishly, exchanging a rather embarrassed ‘hello.’ However, the lady smiled and winked, causing Aubrey and I to exchange bemused looks as the stranger nudged her companion in the ribs. ‘Just a couple of horny newlyweds,’ we heard her chuckle as the lift doors closed again. ‘That rather reminds me of our wedding night!’
That did it. Aubrey gave me a hearty slap between the shoulder-blades, bellowing out a roar of laughter as she did so. Although I was almost knocked off my feet and sent staggering once more into a wall, I couldn’t hold it in either, I doubled over, grasping my knees and quaking madly as tears began to stream down my face. ‘Randy old bitch.’ I heard Aubrey cry in shock, ‘sounds to me like hubby’s going to get some action later on!’ My knees gave way, and I slumped to the floor, clutching my sides and snorting as I tried desperately to stop laughing. It was no good though: the shock of having been caught, coupled with the ensuing exchange, had rendered me quite helpless, and I just had to ride it out.
Finally, I managed to calm down enough to allow Aubrey to help me back to my feet. ‘Sorry about that,’ she panted, gently touching the spot where her slap had connected, ‘got rather carried away.’ I drew one arm across my face to dry my tears as I recovered my breath, and flashed a toothy grin and a reassuring wink. Then, I offered her my arm, and, still rather flushed, we retreated into our room to carry out a quick-change operation. ‘I’ll take the bathroom.’ Aubrey gasped as we fought to be the first through the door, ‘if we both start undressing in the bedroom, I have a feeling that we’ll never get poolside.’
Barely five minutes later, we were back in the corridor. I was wearing a pair of black jockey-short style trunks that bulged satisfactorily in the front, and had a towel draped around my broad shoulders, flaunting my hairy chest and stomach. As for Aubrey, she was clad in a stunning pink one-piece that emphasised every one of her ample curves, and gave her huge breasts exactly the right support, producing a truly hypnotic cleavage. The high-leg cut of the suit also did a wonderful job of showing off her full arse, and accentuated the plumpness of her thighs. She was also wearing a satin robe – t
he kind that professional dancers wear in-between performances – which billowed out behind her like a cape.
Back in the lift, we risked another kiss and cuddle between floors, but we made sure not to get too carried away. However, on the ground floor, we ran into the old couple again, who both smiled as we passed, and gave a friendly wave. ‘I do hope we didn’t embarrass you.’ The woman said shyly as we moved aside to let them pass, her husband glancing down at his feet, ‘it’s just that seeing you two young lovers in a clinch like that brought back some very happy memories. You really do make a very sweet couple.’ Once again, Aubrey and I found ourselves blushing slightly, but we managed to stay calm.
‘We like to think so.’ I heard Aubrey saying, ‘but I’m afraid that we’re not newlyweds.’ She held out her hand to emphasise her bare third finger. ‘That said,’ she continued, draping an arm around my shoulder and hooking the silver chain that still hung around my neck. ‘This serves a similar purpose. It’s to remind my gorgeous boyfriend that he’s all mine, so I don’t want to find out that you’ve been trying to steal him away from me, ok?’ Aubrey winked at the other lady, who let out a giggle and offered her hand to us both, introducing herself as Emily.
‘Don’t worry about that.’ She countered. ‘I’m too old to go chasing after young bucks like him, I don’t have the energy for it any more. In any case, Robert and I are celebrating our 50th Anniversary, so we’re not going to have eyes for anyone else this weekend.’ She gave her husband another playful dig in the ribs, just to make sure to emphasise the point, but he had fallen into a silent reverie, and was gazing lovingly at his wife. We both offered hearty congratulations to the couple, and promised to buy them a round of drinks in the bar, before rushing off to the pool.
Thankfully, none of the – possibly imaginary – German tourists had shown up to take possession of any of the loungers, and in fact, we pretty much had the pool to ourselves. Evidently, the Rugby World Cup was occupying the attention of most of the guests, unsurprising, given the last-minute shock defeat of former champions South Africa to rank outsiders Japan. To start off, we headed for the sauna, still needing to sooth out the aches and pains incurred in the hallway, and Aubrey took a seat on the tiered bench behind me so that she could massage my shoulders.
The hearty buffet that she’d given me earlier had left a noticeable mark between my shoulders, but soon, Aubrey’s soothing touch, combined with the warmth of the steam, had me drifting away into a blissful daze. Slowly, she reached around my broad frame, bending over and cuddling me from behind, the weight of her bosom pressing, soft and heavy, against the back of my head. I snuggled back into her, pushing backwards and raising my hands to her face, stroking her auburn locks, which she’d had cut into a very sexy bob.
Finally, I decided that it was my turn to take charge, and craning my neck up and around, I brushed a teasing kiss against Aubrey’s lips. Easing myself to my feet, I indicated that she should lay down on her front, and, cracking my knuckles, I began to gently kneed the soft flesh of her back, working my way up and down her spine before using my fingertips to play across the knots that I could feel in her naked shoulders. Clearly, this was having the desired effect, because Aubrey began to purr and stretch out like a cat, and urge me to increase the pressure in my fingers, every so often, a moan would escape from her throat, and a twitch of pleasure would ripple through her body.
As I paused to flex some of the cramp out of my hands, Aubrey lazily rolled over onto her back. ‘Right baby.’ She grinned at me, ‘let’s see what you can do to this half of me!’ Without saying a word, I leaned over and gave her a deep, hungry kiss, reaching down to place one hand over the crotch of her suit. Aubrey gasped as my fingers brushed her clit through the fabric, but I decided to let the tease linger, tracing my way up over her plump belly, until I was cupping one huge breast in each hand. Shifting around slightly, I kept my mouth clamped on hers as I squeezed and fondled her heaving bosom, moaning as I felt her fat nipples harden beneath my palms.
Suddenly, Aubrey grabbed my head with both hands and pulled me away from her. ‘It’s no good Leonard.’ She panted, a wild glint appearing in her eyes, I need something more. Follow me.’ Jumping up, she seized my wrist and dragged me from the sauna, leading me across the tiles and down the steps into the still-deserted pool. As she towed me out into the centre of the deep end, treading water as we lost touch with the bottom, she reached under the water and slipped one hand into my tight shorts. ‘I knew it!’ She crowed with glee as she felt my rigid fat cock, ‘I just knew that you were getting nice and hard for me.’
She was right. All the way through the massage, I had felt my crotch starting to burn and my Lycra-clad manhood twitch with every touch of Aubrey’s flesh. Even though I’d been playing with her through the suit, I’d felt myself nursing a obvious hard-on, but with all the attention I’d been lavishing on her, my ‘predicament’ hadn’t really seemed all that important. Now, however, it was a different story. Aubrey quite literally had me by the balls, and she was making my aching cock feel very happy indeed. Even though the tight Lycra kept it pinned down, my suit now showed a huge bulge, and I was on the verge of begging Aubrey to release me.
‘Tell me Leonard,’ she purred, leaning in close and kissing me gently on the forehead. ‘Would you like to do something very naughty with your mistress?’ That was the magic word. Nothing turned me on more than hearing Aubrey refer to herself as my ‘Mistress,’ or hearing her address me as her ‘slave.’ It was the game that we played, and a very kinky game too. I nodded vigorously, pushing my crotch forward as much as possible while being buoyed up by the water. Whatever it was that Aubrey had in mind, I knew that it was going to be a lot of fun, and as she gave my cock an extra hard squeeze, I inclined my head to share another deep kiss.
Gazing levelly into my eyes, Aubrey drew her hand out of my shorts and brought it up to my face, her other arm around my waist, holding me up and close to her so that the tip of my bulge was pressing against the crotch of her suit. ‘What I want you to do slave,’ she whispered, running her tongue over her lips, ‘is to slip off those tight shorts and release that big fat cock of yours, then pull my suit to one side and push it inside my tight wet pussy.’ I moaned audibly, struck dumb for the moment. ‘Yes Leonard.’ She said, deliberately. ‘I want my hunky slave boy to make love to me, right here, right now, in the water, where anyone could catch us.’
It felt as if I was dreaming. ‘Oh Mistress!’ I moaned again, not willing to belief what I’d just heard. ‘Do you really mean it? Are you going to take my virginity?’ She leaned forward and kissed me again, hard and deep, her fingers running through my hair as we bobbed together in the water. ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.’ I continued as we broke apart. ‘I can’t imagine giving my virginity to anyone else. I’ve never met a more exciting, passionate, loving woman in my life. I love you so much, and I want to make our relationship truly unique.’ We were both on the verge of tears, and embraced tightly, taking a moment to gather ourselves.
Aubrey, her hands roaming over my back, lay her head on my shoulder, nuzzling her face into my neck and rubbing against the coarse hair of my beard. Reaching down under the water, I managed to wrestle my tight trunks down over my thighs, my thick, hard cock bouncing slightly as it was released from the tight confines of the Lycra. Raising one hand, I began stroking Aubrey’s beautiful dark hair, feeling her move her hands down my body and onto my bare arse, and twitched involuntarily as the tip of my cock made contact with the crotch of her suit, str
etched taut over her pubic mound.
My other hand still under the water, I reached out tentatively, still not quite willing to believe what was happening, and hooked my fingers between the seam and the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh. To my delight, I could also feel that Aubrey had continued to cultivate a full bush, and as I eased the material to one side, exposing the dark fur, she slid one hand off my arse and grasped my throbbing shaft, rubbing the head teasingly against her bulging clit and along the length of her lips. As she did so, she gave my arse a gentle squeeze, her nails pressing into my flesh and causing me to thrust my hips forwards.
‘Wait a moment baby,’ Aubrey purred, her hand still stroking the length of my cock. ‘It won’t work if you can’t touch the bottom.’ Kicking out, she pushed off from the side of the pool, her powerful legs sending us both gliding through the water and propelling us back down towards the shallow end. Finally, I felt my feet touching the bottom, and gave Aubrey’s full arse a playful slap, causing her to hit the brakes and glance up at me. ‘Naughty boy!’ She grinned. ‘You’d better remember who does the spanking around here, or I might keep you a virgin a little longer.’ I gazed up into her face, adopting a suitably chastened expression, hanging my head as Aubrey stood up and towered over me.
‘That’s better.’ She whispered approvingly, her hand moving down my shaft to gently massage my aching balls. ‘My slave boy knows who’s in charge. Now, it’s time for you to make your Mistress feel really good.’ Taking a step forward and wrapping one arm around my back, she pulled me into a tight embrace and, with an air of finality, guided the fat head of my cock between her juicy lips. With a gentle push, I felt myself entering Aubrey for the first time, and a long, low groan escaped my throat as I threw my arms around her and almost lunged forward, our lips meeting in a furious, fiery kiss.
Obviously, I was well aware of just how wet Aubrey became whenever she was aroused, and had often stroked the wet, velvety walls of her vagina with my fingers, but the sensation of having my cock enveloped by her warmth was something altogether more intense. As I began to move my hips gently back and forth, I felt Aubrey brace herself on my shoulders and lift both feet off the bottom of the pool, wrapping her legs around my body. Locking her feet together behind my back, she squeezed me between her plump thighs, drawing me closer to her, and pulling the last inch of my throbbing shaft inside her dripping pussy.
Gasping as I bottomed out and my own hairy mound met hers, Aubrey gazed deeply into my eyes and pulled both hands down my back, scratching me like a cat and purring with lust. Her tongue slid out and along her lips, one again revealing the beautiful bar that glinted in its centre, and I could feel myself being reduced to a gibbering wreck. ‘Oh Leonard!’ She moaned softly, subtly increasing the pressure in her thighs as I started to grind against her, ‘your cock feels so good inside me. Not too long, but nice and thick, and such a nice fat head too!’
As if to emphasise the point, she grabbed my hands, which I’d placed on either side of her head, and guided me down her body. With her legs locked around me, the water was supporting most of her weight, and her huge breasts were floating in front of my face. As she brought my hands over her shoulders, Aubrey allowed me to fondle her soft mounds, smiling to herself as the feeling of her warm flesh beneath my fingers caused me to give a couple of extra-hard thrusts. Then, pulling my arms under the water, she urged me to slide my hands beneath the fabric of her suit, cupping the broad cheeks of her arse.
Mimicking her leg action, I took a firm grip of Aubrey’s buttocks and drew her into me, our bodies now locked together and moving as one. Throwing her head back and smiling with pleasure, she slipped the straps of her suit down off her shoulders, wriggling from side to side so that her massive mounds bobbed free from the full cups. Taking hold of one breast with both hands, she raised it invitingly towards me. ‘Go ahead baby. Suck on Mistress’ fat titty.’ Without a word, I inclined my head and took the hard nipple between my lips, trapping it between my teeth and batting it back and forth with my tongue as I began to suckle.

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