Perfect Aphrodisiac
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Nikolai pulled his pearl grey Jaguar into the parking space to the right of the little brick bakery. The sign hanging from the brightly colored awning held the words boasting Ivy’s Aphrodisiac in a flirty script.
Smiling to himself Nikolai climbs out of his car and heads towards the bakery’s front window so he can observe for a moment. He learned long ago that a successful businessman always considers each situation before acting.
Coming to stop by the crystal clear glass he looks inside, taking mental notes of things to be changed or left alone. As he scans the brightly lit counter his eyes come to a halt when they alighted on the little blond working behind the counter.
She is definitely not going to be changed. Thought Nikolai as he continued taking in the woman’s features.
The woman’s shoulder length blond hair was held back from her heart-shaped face by two braids in the back of her head. Two braids that Nikolai wanted to curl his fist around as her pumped into her sweet flesh from behind.
Her pink tank top did a poor job of concealing her round, soft breast, which he was immensely grateful for.
Nikolai felt himself start to harden as he continued to take in her small body. She was short, maybe a little over five foot, and curvy in all the right places. He could almost feel her legs wrap around his waist as he pushed into her.
God he would love to fuck her up against a wall. He bet she would give as good as she got. Not the uptight quiet women he always seemed to attract. Nikolai shook his head when he realized where his thoughts were going.
Turning from the window he heads towards the front door. Taking one last breath of fresh air to help clear his head, he pushes the door open.
The little blond looks up from her task of restocking the baked goods and stops him in his tracks with a wide bright smile.
‘Good morning.’ Said the woman as she rounded the counter with her petite hand stretched out to him.
‘Morning.’ Replied Nikolai. Up close he noticed that she was younger that he originally thought. He also realized that she just might be the only person other than his mother who knew how to genuinely smile.
The kind of smile that lit up the eyes. Beautiful light brown eyes with streaks of gold bolting through them. Honey colored eyelashes and brows made his mind wonder what else might be that sweet shade.
Ivy’s brows rose when the handsome dark stranger continued to stare at her and ignore her outstretched hand.
Feeling that she had waited long enough to be polite, Ivy reached for his hand that was still at his side.
‘This is where you take my hand and shake it back.’ Ivy said with a smile in her voice and on her coral colored lips.
Once again shaking out of his lust induced trance Nikolai gave back an embarrassed smile. ‘Sorry, you caught me off-guard by coming around the counter. First time I’ve actually been greeted that way in a bakery.’
‘Uh huh, nice save. You can always get around me by completing my bakery.’ Laughed Ivy.
‘This is your place?’ Shock coloring his voice.
‘Is that so hard to believe. What did you expect? A little old lady.’ Ivy mocked the stranger.
‘Well no, but I just thought the owner would be a bit older.’ Nikolai realized how stupid he sounded and stopped speaking. But not before Ivy took offense to the comment.
‘Well, I’m sorry if you think I’m too young, but age obviously doesn’t make everyone wiser.’ Ivy said looking straight into his gray-green eyes.
No longer smiling Ivy turned from the man and walked back behind the counter. ‘Is there something I can get for you or are you just walking the around the Village spreading your own special sunshine.’
Nikolai couldn’t fight back the laughter or smile at her forward comment. People never talk to him like that and he never realized how much he missed it.
Ivy looked at him as if he had gone mad, which sobered him up a bit.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ve heard what a great bakery this is and I assumed it would be owned by someone with more experience.’
Ivy judged his sincerity and smiled back. ‘It’s okay. I just get tired of people judging me because of my age. Besides, what I lack in years I make up for in my eagerness to please.’
‘Nikolai Petrov. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’ Nikolai said with his hand outstretch.
‘Ivy Moretti. Nice to meet you.’ Taking hold of his warm hand Ivy’s vision narrowed down to the man in front of her.
Her catlike eyes took in his midnight colored hair and dark brows. His gray-green eyes were rimmed with thick, dark lashes. His nose was slightly crooked, as if it had been broken when he was younger.
Ivy held back a moan when she came to his mouth. Full lips that she suddenly wanted to taste and have taste her back. She could almost feel those hot lips trailing down her body, making her tighten her thighs to ease the sudden ache.
The chiming of bells shook Ivy from her daydream alerting her that she and Nikolai were no longer alone. Releasing Nikolai’s strong hand Ivy felt instantly chilled.
Turning towards the door Ivy beamed at the man who entered the bakery.
‘Artie! How’s the sweetest man in the world today?’ Ivy exclaimed as she rounded the counter and hugged the obviously homeless man who walked in.
Artie awkwardly returned Ivy’s warm hug before stepping back to dust himself off.
‘I’m doing just fine Ivy, but you have a customer, so I’ll come back a little bit later.’ Said Artie as he glanced nervously at Nikolai and turned towards the door in an attempt to leave.
‘Artie don’t be silly. You know that you will always come first in my place. Now what can I get for you today?’ Ivy said as she ushered the dirty man to the pastry case.
Artie walked back and forth several times holding his hands in front of himself taking in the sweets and judging each before making his decision.
‘It’s a hard choice today Ivy, everything looks great as usual.’ Artie stops pacing and points to a lemon chiffon tort with a mint infused crust. ‘I think I’ll take that one.’
‘Excellent choice good sir.’ Ivy said as she carefully took the tort from the case.
As she turned her to the back counter to box the tort Nikolai noticed, with confusion that she broke off a small piece of the crust.
Ivy placed the now imperfect treat in a small white box and turned towards Artie with a look of distress on her face. ‘Oh, would you look at that. I can’t sell this to you Artie the crust has broken off in one spot.’
‘That’s alright Ivy, I don’t mind. It will still taste just as good.’ Replied Artie.
‘No, I insist you take it free of charge. You know I never let a sweet leave this place until it gets my seal of approval.’ Ivy said as she handed the little box to Artie.
‘Well if your minds made up Ivy then I guess I’ll just have to take it.’ Artie looked at the white box and smiled. ‘Thank you Ivy. As usual it is a pleasure doing business with you.’ Artie said as her headed for the door.
‘You’re quite welcome and be sure to come back tomorrow morning, I’m making up a batch of chocolate covered strawberries stuffed with mascarpone cheese.’ Ivy grinned as she watched Atrie’s eyes widen in excitement.
‘Okay, I’ll be here. See you then.’ With that Artie shut the door behind him.
Ivy turned back to Nikolai only to find him staring at her as if she had sprouted a third eye.
‘What?’ She asked suddenly feeling a little too exposed.
‘Do you always give away your livelihood for nothing in return?’ Questioned Nikolai.
‘Well one little thing everyday isn’t going to hurt me and besides I have too many blessings in my life not to pass on a little to those who have less. Why, are you going to stand there after driving up in you Jag and walking in here with your tailor made clothes and tell me that yo
u don’t lend a helping hand to those in need.’ Ivy bristled at the thought of him not helping those in need.
Nikolai held out his hands in a submissive posture as he walked towards Ivy behind the counter.
‘Of course I help those in need. It wasn’t that long ago I was one of those people and without someone helping me out I could have been Artie.’ Nikolai came to stop just inches from Ivy’s warm body.
Ivy was forced to look up at Nikolai when he stopped in front of her. The spicy warm, masculine sent of him filled her lungs and she could feel herself becoming wet.
As Nikolai looked down at Ivy he noticed the pulse at the base of her throat beginning to race. More importantly he noticed that she was looking at his mouth and licking her own lips. Ivy watched through desire laden eyes as a wicked smile curved Nikolai’s lips and his hand moved to grip the back of her neck pulling her slowly towards him.
As Nikolai slowly lowered his head towards Ivy’s waiting mouth he felt her small hands clutch at his arms. He closed his eyes and prayed that she wouldn’t push him away.
Ivy knew he was looking for unspoken permission when his mouth hovered close enough to hers that she could feel his moist, warm breath feathering over her lips.
She smiled when she watched his eyes close as if in pain and leaned up to lightly bite on his full bottom lip.
Nikolai’s eyes snapped open at the feel of Ivy’s teeth and growled as he pulled her even closer to his body as his tongue forced its way into her mouth. The hand around her neck tightened on her as he used his free hand snaked around her waist and pull her up his body.
Ivy moaned into his mouth at the feel of his strong hold on her body. She wanted to get closer still, so she wrapped her arms around Nikolai’s neck and pulled herself up his body until she could wrap her legs around his waist.
The moment Nikolai felt Ivy climbing his body he knew his pounding erection would take matters in its own hands if he didn’t slow down. God it was like she was in his head, doing the things he imagined. Turning his body he rested Ivy on the back counter and tried to put some space between them, but Ivy apparently had ideas of her own.
As Ivy felt Nikolai start to pull away she made a sound of distress deep in her throat. ‘No, don’t stop.’ Whispered Ivy as she begged Nikolai with her eyes to continue.
‘Never.’ Nikolai shook his head as his mouth slammed back down on Ivy’s swollen lips. His tongue probed deep, tasting every smooth part of her mouth.
Ivy’s legs tightened on Nikolai’s waist as she started to slowly grind her heated pussy against his straining cock. Her head fell back exposing her throat to his wondering mouth. Can someone cum simply from a kiss? Thought Ivy.
‘Oh, God Nikolai please. Don’t stop. I’m almost there.’ Panted Ivy as his lips slid down to lick at her exposed cleavage.
‘That’s it baby. Rub yourself on me. Make it feel good. Fuck you’re going to make me cum in my pants.’ Nikolai growled as he headed back towards Ivy’s open mouth.
Ivy’s hold on Nikolai’s hair became tighter as he claimed her mouth once again and she began to grind her hips into him to the point of pain. She felt his hand move from her back to slip under her tank and burn a path up the front of her body.
Nikolai felt her stomach muscles tremble under his fingers and knew she was close. He slid his hand further up until he could fill his hand with her plump lace covered breast. He could feel her nipple pebble under his palm and he reached for the clasp in the front of her bra.
Ivy knew it would be over the moment her touched her breast. Her body was so sensitive that the sensation of his hair through her fingers made her ache more. The feeling of him tugging on her bra let her know that he couldn’t get the clasp and decided to go the direct route. Thank God!
Nikolai pulled on her bra until one heavy breast spilled out into his waiting hand. His fingers traced around her nipple, but never actually touching it causing Ivy arch her back and push her needy breast into his hot hand.
‘Please Niko, please touch me.’ Begged Ivy.
Nikolai pulled back from kissing Ivy so he could watch her face as her pinched and twisted her nipple in his fingers. He watched in wonder as her eyes rolled back and her body arched off of the table towards him.
Ivy felt as if her blood turned to fire in her veins as she came. She felt Nikolai strain towards her as a strangled growling escaped his throat and she knew that she would never settle for anything less that this again. Her mouth came open in a silent scream and Nikolai promised himself that next time he would have her scream ringing in his ears. Nikolai laid his head in the crook of Ivy’s neck trying to catch his breath. ‘I can’t believe I just came in my pants. I haven’t done that since I was a teenager.’
Ivy could feel him smile against her flushed skin as he spoke and closed her eyes in hopes of gaining some small amount of strength, so she could move. ‘That was amazing. What do you do for an encore?’ Ivy panted into his hair as she turned to find his lips once again.
The twinkle of the door bell caused Ivy to jerk away from the wall she had been leaning on and stare into the shocked face of her father.
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First let me introduce the players: Ivy was 18, only 5’1” tall and weighed all of 90 pounds. She was a tiny red head, simply covered in freckles and since she was so tiny everyone just assumed she was a younger teen. She couldn’t wear adult sized clothes and had to buy her clothes in the children’s section, which didn’t help her look her real age either. In fact, when I first met her I insisted she show me her driver’s license before I would even let her get in my car without parental...
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The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 1. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read that: At the time of this story my girlfriend Ivy is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went to high school with Ivy but was a year ahead. They knew each other in school...
The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 1. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read that: At the time of this story my girlfriend Ivy is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went to high school with Ivy but was a year ahead. They knew each other in school...
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Ivy, Barbie and Me: Part 3 Barbie finally gets some The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 2. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read either of the previous stories: At the time of this story my girlfriend, Ivy, is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went...
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My friend Jon, and I were talking in our house, we hadn't seen each other for nearly a year, he was asking what I was doing etc, when Ivy came to the door, when she'd gone I said to Jon "I fucked her last month it was the first cock she'd had in 50 years", he said "Never", I said I had, she's over 70, he said he wouldn't mind doing her either.As we carried on talking I went to the recycling bin and Ivy was co0ming back from the shop, I said to her "Do you fancy a coffee", she replied "Ok", and...
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Hi guys! This is Nikhil again. Thank you again for the overwhelming response to my previous story. Those who don’t know me, I am a 29-year-old guy married to a beautiful 27-year-old girl named Priya. This is the continuation of my previous stories. After that incident, it became a regular thing for me and my girlfriend to visit a beach or go to parks in some faraway places. We continued having oral sex, at least once a week. Still, we never spoke of going all the way. One day, while we were...
Every summer my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin would come visit from up north and spend a few days with us and enjoy the warm southern weather. Me and my cousin were the same age and it was nice watching her develop from one year to the next. It seemed little by little until one summer she completely filled out. She was tall and thin always but she showed up this summer with a great set of tits. They looked very perky and nice. One afternoon I returned home from hanging with some friends and my family...
“I think Colin is a bit bi-curious,” Jean said. I looked up at her reflection in the mirror.“What makes you say that?” I asked. She had a wistful expression on her face and she just tilted her head to one side .“I just know it, that’s all.”“But he’s well into Shelley isn’t he?” I said. “She’s a bit wet but they seem to be OK together and I’m sure he’s fucking her.”“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t fancy a bit of cock.” she looked back at me in the mirror, her eyes twinkling. “Takes after his...
The following day was a sort of free day for all of the guests and family. The day after was to be the day of the Fox Hunt and I was really looking forward to it because I had never been part of one before. My sister had told me her husband to be was obsessed with the whole Fox Hunting concept and I guess it was appropriate because he was landed gentry. Somewhere down deep inside I had a bit of a concern about the fact the poor fox was usually destroyed at the end of the hunt but it was...
Our sex life had gone stale. More stale and sour than a bottle of milk left out for days in a heatwave. We desperately needed to spice things up. Not any old spice, but fiery paprika. We needed to somehow make our 25-year marriage more open - and even be brave enough to explore forbidden thrills. So we devised a little sex game. We had to confess our fetishes to each other in bed after dark - and always did this as we fucked each other slowly and sensually. The stimulation of what we discussed...
Written by Stifflittlepoints It started out innocently enough. Tammy was looking under the tree at what everyone had received the day before . . . for Christmas. Her Dad was reading the paper in his robe, having just taken a shower . . . minus his underwear but was curious why she was spending so much time looking at a Hanes wrapper, around 5 new pair of undershirts. "I'm off to the mall honey," said Tammy's mom. "Did you remember the stuff to return and all of the receipts you will...
AMY GARDNER: A LIFE by dkb I'M GONNA, I'M GONNA God, my life is shit. My life is nothing. I'm 25 and still living at home with my parents, no job, no girlfriend, what am I gonna do? I'm a wreck. My life is disappearing, one day at a time, and it adds up to nothing. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was him. He looks like he knows where he's going, in his flash suit, a young high-flyer. Or him. Or her. In a giddy flash I trip and stumble. I would fall, but Mummy's got...
Hi friends, I am avid reader of ISS and today I am going to share my first experience that happened when I was in class 11th. Any girl/ aunty wanting to have secret sex affair can contact me on Now first let me tell you that I live in city of Lucknow and at that time I was 18 yrs old and my tool was 7 inches. There used to live 2 girls named Priya and Poonam in my neighborhood. They were sexy girls and were just around 2-3 years older than me. We used to play together and I used to secretly...
Hi guys, my name is Sunny. I am 21 yrs old. I live in Nagpur, I am 5’8” in height, fair looking & physically fit. My tool is 6.5 inch, and 3 inch broad. I am studying 4th yr engineering. I provide escort service to women and girls as part time job. Any girl or bhabhi interested can contact on my id , we can talk first and if you like my company then we can have fun. I do this for women satisfaction and I love giving fun that’s why charges are also minimal+ I have experience of 2 years so...
“I can’t believe you’ve only been here a week, Your Majesty, and accomplished so much for our community, for all of Solstheim. How can we ever repay you?” “Continue leading my subjects as you have, Councilor Morvayn. With the mines open again and the cultist threat eliminated, I think you should be able to keep the Northern Maiden very busy traveling back and forth with trade goods to Skyrim. Hopefully before too long we’ll have more ships plying this route.” Captain Gjalund nodded his...
Jigs caught Ryan as soon as he walked into the kitchen. "Ryan, can you get us another case of wine from the wine cellar?" he asked. "Sure. What kind?" "Everyone seems to like the Chateau Rothchild. I think there's another case down there, or at least a few bottles." "Sure Jigs. By the way, where's the wine cellar." Jigs smiled indulgently and said, "Make a left at the lobby and two doors down on the right." "Okay," Ryan said and hurried off, his head still spinning. He made...
Carrie and Luke were in their early twenties. Both were college students working part-time from their respective studio apartments and taking their classes online. It was a difficult adjustment for them both, with the dating scene having totally changed over the past year. The Virus Scare of 2020 had eliminated social sex. Dating now was online only. Clubs were built so that couples could meet in-person to verify their interests and discuss wedding plans. She missed giving blow jobs this past...
Uniform"I was just as bad," her mother said quietly. "You took time off to work." Crystal put down her sandwich. "should I ask?" "It doesn't matter," her mother said. "They were ... They were just temporary passions." "How long did you stay there?" Candace asked. "And what did you do?" "I'm a manager," their mother said. "There was one other person from management on the 9th Floor, and one manager on the 10th. We teleconferenced every day and handled whatever came up." "Was...
Frank and Erica had been planning this trip to Europe for months. Scrimping and saving so they could spend a fun filled month in the hottest clubs. Erica had heard about some of the wild clubs in Berlin and begged Frank to do whatever it took to get into the hottest club. She'd even found a website about a tour guide that would help people locate and learn what it took to get inside some of the most exclusive spots. People lined up for miles each night hoping to be picked by the doorman as...
BDSMSandy Goodwin pulled her Toyota Corolla to the curb in front of Barbara and Bobby's house, and parked it behind Raul's van that was already there. She marveled again at how the little four year old car purred like a kitten, before she shut it off. She picked up her beach towel with her swimsuit rolled up inside, and the two bottles of wine she'd brought, and headed for the front door of the house. She couldn't help but stop half way to the door to look back at the car, unable to keep a...
She hadn’t really been sure what to expect when a few friends from work had asked her to come out and join them for drinks, there was quite the age gap after all, between her and the teaching assistants who had been so insistent she comes out. Part of her had thought it would just be them for the evening, sat around a table chatting and gossiping about work stuff, which, to be fair, they had done for the first hour or so. Then the music had been pumped up, the lights dimmed and the girls...
I decided to make it my mission to have sex with my stepfather. I have a bit of a crush on him and wanted to have a little fun. Sleeping with my stepfather would need some creative planning. What I had decided to do was strictly not something people did. I was pretty sure my stepfather would definitely be interested in what I was planning. My name is Julie and I’m eighteen. I recently graduated high school and am enjoying my last summer before going to college. I got accepted to a college in...
TabooThe office party itself was another dull affair. I do believe Rachyl enjoyed it more than I did. Rachyl had taken off the day before to prepare. Considering she was the mild, meek accountant of the firm, the one everybody forgot about, her desire to symbolize the holiday was foremost in her preparation. Being Christmas Eve, Rachyl had wanted to go all out. Her normally straight blonde hair had been shampooed, cut, and styled with soft flowing curls to garner attention. The manicure gave her...