Bob and Becky
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Thank you for hanging in there so far and especially for the wonderful support and encouragement shown me by so many, both public and private.
A picnic? Well, I wasn’t planning on anything like that yesterday when this grand adventure started. Then again, there wasn’t a whole lot that had occurred that WAS expected. Dreams and expectations are two totally different things. So as Becky turned on the shower, I briefly thought about what we could bring on this picnic.
Seconds later, when I regained my senses, I hopped into the shower with Becky. Needless to say, we ran out of hot water again, but it was a bracing way to start the day.
We managed to put together some semblance of a picnic from what remained in the fridge. I had cooked up plenty of chicken the day before in case something had gone wrong with the initial batch, so we packed a little cooler with that, some chips and assorted goodies from my cupboards, and headed out.
Since Becky had the car and was driving, she was the pilot and took us out to Thatcher Park, located in the Helderberg Mountain area of New York. Not really mountains, but really nice, with abundant hiking trails and picnic grounds. Since it was still late spring, it wasn’t crowded and we pretty much had the run of the place.
It was really a beautiful spring day, with sunny cloudless skies and temperatures approaching the mid-seventies. Becky had worn a powder blue jogging suit but after we settled on a picnic table, she asked me if I minded if she took off the suit and got more comfortable.
‘Why should I mind?’ I asked. ‘Hopefully you aren’t wearing anything underneath.’
‘Well, almost nothing’ Becky giggled and proceeded to take off the outer garments.
She was right, as she was wearing a blue tank top with matching shorts, and quite obviously nothing underneath on top. Becky saw my admiring gaze and smiled.
‘Don’t worry David’ Becky said. ‘If this place starts getting crowded I’ll put it back on. I won’t embarrass you. I don’t dress like this in public.’
‘Embarrass me?’ I asked incredulously. ‘Don’t you dare put that jogging suit back on for anything. You look incredible.’
She did, of course. As I looked at the light red down on her legs glistening in the sunlight, it occurred to me that she wasn’t referring to the lack of a bra.
‘I’m curious Becky’, I asked tentatively. ‘Does anybody ever make comments when you go swimming at the Y?’
‘You mean about my swimming technique Dave?’ Becky joked while watching me squirm. ‘Yes, many ask if I swim competitively.’
‘You know what I mean Becky’ I said with a grin.
‘What do you mean David?’ Becky insisted. ‘You should feel free to come out and say what you mean without my dragging things out of you.’
‘Okay’ I said feeling my face flush. ‘Do people say anything about the hair?’
‘Rarely to my face, although occasionally somebody will make a crack behind my back’ Becky said. ‘I wear a swimming suit that covers me from ankle to elbow, so nobody really sees much. I get an occasional look in the shower, but that’s about it. I don’t shove it in people’s faces, and if they see it, they see it because they tried to. Like you did.’
‘Uh, what made you decide to keep yourself natural?’ I asked, my curiosity overcoming my shyness. ‘Is that something you’ve always done, you know like a child of the sixties thing?’
‘Long story Dave’ Becky warned me. I was more than willing to listen and told her so.
‘Well, to make it as brief as possible, I was just like the rest of the herd all my life. When I was married I kept myself shorn all the time. My husband… ex-husband was a fanatic about what he called proper grooming. During each summer he had me get bikini waxed every week. You have any idea how painful that was? Maybe things have changed now but back then it was torture.’
‘I was the dutiful wife and it was worth it to keep him happy. After we had the kids, things started changing. Over the years he started changing, getting more demanding and really moody. He would always put me down in front of other people and make me feel like dirt.’
‘Anyway, for years he used to have some people from his office over for Monday Night Football. They would drink, play cards and yell at the TV all night. I usually stayed away from the den anyway, and after I got the kids in bed I would go to the bedroom and read until I got tired.’
‘Over the years the people that came over changed. A lot of the guys that were there in the beginning stopped coming over. The guys that were there originally were decent enough guys, and the ones that replaced them were… let’s just say not as nice. Especially this one guy, a grungy black dude called Spyke. ‘Spyke with a Y and if you give me a try you’ll know why’ he introduced himself to me as. Funny I still remember that after all these years. Not ha-ha funny, just funny.’
‘I also remember he stunk, a really sour funky odor, and he would always rub up against me whenever he got the chance and make little comments. I complained to Rick, that’s my ex, and told him about it. He passed it off as a joke, and then later would eventually accuse me of trying to lead Spyke on, which was so far from the truth it was laughable.’
‘One night it was getting really loud in the den and I was afraid that they’d wake the kids, so I went down to try and get them to keep it down. I was wearing flannel pajamas and a robe, not exactly suggestive attire.’
‘When I asked Rick for them to keep it down a little I could see that they had really gotten buzzed, more so than usual. Rick grabbed me by the arm and started feeling me up in front of these guys. A couple of the guys told Rick to cool it, but I remember that Spyke character egging him on.’
‘When I pulled away, Rick got pissed off and tried to pull my pajama bottoms down. He started yelling that I ought to be happy that anybody wanted to touch me. ‘You ought to see how hairy her cunt is!’ he yelled at them. ‘It’s like trying to fuck a bear.’
‘I was crying and trying to get out of the room while keeping my clothes on. I felt my pajamas tear as I finally got away from him. I went up to the bedroom while his friends tried to calm him down. This was the absolute worst thing he had ever done to me.’
‘I literally cried myself to sleep, which was a big mistake. I should have grabbed the kids and left. It was after midnight when I heard Rick coming to bed. I thought he had a lot of nerve to even come in there at all after the shit he had just pulled, and I was going to tell him that too.’
He came over to my side of the bed and at that moment I realized he wasn’t alone. Even in the darkness of the bedroom I could tell that fucking Spyke was there, just by the smell. Rick jumped on my shoulders and tried to hold me down. ‘Just relax Becky, you know you want it, so just shut up and enjoy it’ he told me.’
‘Spyke was trying to get my pajama bottoms off and get his pants off at the same time while my husband tried to hold me down. Even though I was half asleep and pinned down, I told myself that there was no way this was going to happen. I was kicking and punching blindly, flailing away and not caring what I hit.’
‘Hilariously enough, I remember Rick telling me to keep quiet so I didn’t wake the kids. Don’t wake the kids while we rape you? Incredible! Lucky they were so wasted I was able to free myself and I managed to scramble off the bed and out the door.’
‘I made it to the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the floor with my back pressed up to the door. I sat there crying for about four hours, too scared to move. Sometime in between, Rick came to the door and said he was sorry, that Spyke was gone, and we should kiss and make up. Talking baby talk like we had just had an argument over some little thing.’
‘There was no kissing and making up as far as I was concerned. I went to a lawyer the next morning and file
d for divorce. There was no way I could stay with him after that. I loved that man so much and did so even through his treating me like shit. After that though, forget it.’
‘Rick kept apologizing, trying to get me back and telling me he was going to straighten up. I found out later he had developed a little problem with cocaine. At least that explained where the money went, because we should have been doing a lot better financially than we were. Not surprisingly, his supplier was this Spyke dude he worked with. Maybe he was trying to pay for the stuff by offering me up, I don’t know. He said later that he didn’t even remember what he had done, he was so fucked up.’
‘We divorced and that was that. To his credit, Rick did straighten himself up fairly quickly after that and he has been a good father to Kelly and Eric. I doubt he would have changed if I didn’t leave.’
‘As we were going through the divorce, I decided to stop shaving my legs and underarms. It might have been a defense mechanism on my part at first, because I knew that would revolt him and he would never touch me looking like this. After a while, I started feeling more comfortable about myself the way I am, so I just never went back to shaving.’
I was stunned into silence, unable to comprehend what possessed this guy to treat Becky like that. I didn’t know him, but I hated him with a passion, and I realized how lucky I was to go through a relatively painless divorce in comparison.
‘It was at least couple of years before I even considered dating again’ Becky continued. ‘I was so busy with the kids growing up and everything it was all I could do to keep up with that stuff. I finally started seeing a guy I met through a friend.
‘Things went okay until we started getting intimate one night. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he saw the hair under my arms. That night ended rather abruptly, to say the least. He made up something about having to get up early and that was the last time I saw him.’
‘Later on he told my friend that he wasn’t interested in women that were trying to be men, and if she was a real friend of mine she would teach me how to ‘shave like a woman is supposed to’, so I could find a man.’
‘The funny thing was that I liked this guy, and if he had just come out and said ‘Look, the hair really turns me off’ or something like that, I would have gotten rid of it. I wasn’t on a crusade or anything, at least at that point. So I really didn’t have much of a social life until about three years ago, when I met Jerry.’
Aha! My enemy has a name. Jerry. This guy she had been seeing for three years, but not so madly in love with that it kept her from staying uncommitted and from seeing me. Jerry, eh?
‘Oh, his name is Jerry’ I offered as innocently as I could, while studying Becky’s face for signs of… who knows what?
‘Yes Jerry’ Becky said laughing. ‘I wasn’t really looking for a relationship anymore at that point, but let’s just say I got swept off my feet.’
‘But not swept off your feet enough to get married or anything like that’ I offered.
‘No, like I said David, I don’t think I could ever be committed to one person again’ Becky said. ‘After my husband… well I can’t ever put all my eggs in one basket again. At least I don’t think so.’
‘Does Jerry… know about me?’ I asked.
‘Yes’ Becky said frankly. ‘Jerry knows about David, and now David knows about Jerry. That’s all you know about each other is your names. Who knows, maybe someday down the road we’ll all get together for coffee, dinner or… sex’ Becky said mischievously, that delightfully manic gleam in her eyes turning me on as usual.
‘Uh, I don’t think so’ I said cautiously. I don’t think I could be in the same bed with another guy. I’ve got enough insecurity issues as it is.’
‘Never been in a threesome Dave?’
‘Yes, I have been as a matter-of-fact’ I admitted. ‘The same night I lost my virginity I ended up later in the evening with that girl and her roommate.’
‘Ooooh, that sounds like a story I’d really like to hear’ Becky said squirming gleefully on the picnic bench. ‘Tell me more and don’t spare the details. I love smut!’
‘Maybe someday’ I suggested coyly. ‘So anyway, this Jerry doesn’t mind you seeing me?’
‘I didn’t say that’ Becky said. ‘I said Jerry knows about you and knows I’m seeing you. That’s all Jerry knows and will know. I’m not going to talk about either of you to the other. That wouldn’t be fair to any of us.’
‘Does that mean we will see each other again after today?’ I asked.
‘Of course, you turd!’ Becky said smartly. ‘I think you’re really a great guy.’
‘Really?’ I offered meekly, genuinely a little surprised.
‘Yes really, that is if you want to keep seeing me Dave’ Becky said. ‘I enjoy being with you so much. You’re incredibly funny and considerate, you made me the most wonderful dinner imaginable, and the sex was absolutely amazing.’
With that Becky’s hand moved to the prominent bulge that seemed to have been there non-stop for the last two days. Becky rubbed and squeezed my cock through the fabric, causing me to do some squirming of my own.
‘Time for our picnic!’ Becky announced most cheerfully, and with that her attention went from my cock to the cooler we had brought. This change, of course, elicited a loud groan from me, as I had other ideas.
‘Don’t worry David,’ Becky said, I’m not through with you yet!’
We enjoyed our makeshift picnic as the afternoon sun washed over us. After eating, we decided to take a walk on one of the many trails that wound through the park. We reached an overlook that afforded an incredible view of the valley below as well as a glimpse of the city skyline thirty miles away.
‘Beautiful’ Becky said while enjoying the view from the edge of the hill.
‘Yes, you are’ I offered lamely, and stood behind Becky, looking over her shoulder, lightly kissing her neck through her wavy locks.
Despite the beautiful day, the park was pretty much deserted. We had seen a family passing through earlier, but that was it. This area was totally deserted, so I moved up next to Becky and put my arms around her.
‘Uh-oh. Is that an anal probe I feel?’ Becky said with mock fear in her voice. ‘Aliens tend to do that a lot, I’ve heard.’
‘Oops sorry’ I said, not realizing that my erection was all that noticeable grinding into her butt.
‘That wasn’t a complaint’ Becky said while thrusting her backside into me. ‘I just was making a comment.’
With that my hands slid up and after looking around for company and seeing none, reached up and cupped her magnificent breasts. I squeezed and kneaded the deliciously pliant globes, feeling those enormous nipples come alive under my touch.
My cock had found his way back between her butt cheeks, so firm and so obviously unprotected by anything other than the flimsy shorts she was wearing. Becky sighed and rested her head back against my collarbone, and reached up behind her head to grab my hair, pulling me even tighter to her.
I moved my hands slowly across her breasts, sliding as slowly as possible up her sides and raking my fingers through her furry underarms. As my hands inched through the abundant growth, Becky let out a choking sound, gasping as my fingers continued inching upward, all the way up her freckled arms right up to her elbows before retracing their paths back through her armpits. From her reaction, this was something she enjoyed at least as much as I did.
Becky was writhing and contorting in front of me, and I was looking around for some place to go with her, when we heard voices in the distance. We quickly broke up our embrace and went back to looking at the view.
It was quite a while before the people got around the bend to where we were, since the sound traveled so well in the woods. It was that family again, the parents and two kids who seemed destined to fall over the sid
e of the overlook despite their attempts at restraint.
We exchanged pleasantries and left them to enjoy the view by themselves, although probably not in the same way we had. Becky started giggling when we got out of sight and it was infectious, both of us laughing like hyenas.
‘Man, that was close’ I said. ‘Lucky they didn’t catch us. That would have been so embarassing.’
‘You didn’t see the way the woman looked at you?’ Becky said while choking through her laughter.
I hadn’t noticed, trying to pretend I was gazing off into the distance, and I was confused as Becky was almost convulsing with laughter. Finally she pointed to my groin and as she did, collapsed onto the ground as I looked down at what she was referring to.
My shorts had an enormous wet spot in the front, where my raging erection had apparently leaked. Leaked? Erupted was more like it, as the stain covered an area the size of a drink coaster.
I had to admit it was funny, but not nearly as funny as Becky did, as she was turning beet red from hysteria.
‘Your choice… which… which would you…you rather have her think?’ Becky choked out through her continuing unbridled amusement. ‘That you needed a… rubber or a diaper?’
That set her off again, as I stood there in all my cum-stained glory, enjoying Becky rolling on the ground. After a couple minutes, she managed to calm down and I helped her to her feet, brushing off the leaves and twigs that clung to her. I paid particular attention to cleaning her special parts, which were many.
‘Sorry for the giggle fit Dave’ Becky said. ‘Are you mad?’
When I took her in my arms and kissed her with a passion that left no doubt about my feelings, that answered her question. Becky ground herself into me as she felt my renewed interest grow once again.
‘Let’s see… it must be around two o’clock’ Becky surmised. ‘I have to be home at six when Rick brings Kelly home. Let’s get back to your place, okay?’
On the way back to my place, I amused myself with running my hand up Becky’s thigh, enjoying the silky feel of the light down that grew on the outsides. After an initial uncertainty, I was starting to like the feel of it, the incredible softness giving her skin a feathery feel. Occasionally my hand would dive down between her thighs and softly rub her womanhood through her fabric, causing her to wiggle in her seat.
‘David, you are going to get yours when we get to your place!’ Becky admonished me.
‘Good, I want mine!’ I said gleefully.
‘We’ll see how you feel about that when I get done with you!’ Becky snapped as she pulled into my parking lot.
Inside, Becky went into the bathroom and told me to get naked and lay of the bed. I was most happy to comply, and stripped quickly. I busied myself with waving my erection around until she returned.
‘Get your hands off your cock!’ Becky commanded upon rejoining me, and I complied obediently.
Becky was still wearing her tank top and shorts, much to my dismay, as she rummaged around her overnight bag and took out what I thought was a lipstick. She went over and grabbed my trusty bathrobe belt from the night before and used to it tie my hands up. Becky pulled my arms over my head, leaving me in much the same condition I had put her in last night, to my delight.
‘What are you going to do to me?’ I asked suggestively.
‘Whatever I want to’ Becky answered smugly as she stood beside the bed looking down at me.
Becky’s hands came up to her breasts, and she fondled them through the tank top as she looked down at me, biting her lower lip coyly. One hand slid down under the elastic of her shorts and rubbed between her legs. I smiled as I was thoroughly enjoying this show.
‘Like to watch me Dave?’ Becky said while taking her one hand off her breast and reaching down to stroke my nipple. Her other hand continued to slowly work under her shorts. Becky looked down toward my cock, which was hard as a rock.
‘Mmmm… looks like your cock is drooling again Dave’ Becky said while reaching over to wipe the head of my dripping dick with her finger.
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It was a cool, crisp, fall evening when I finished putting Becky's luggage in her Camry for the weekly trip out of town. Her plane was awaiting her. Becky is a traveling trainer for a large insurance company that ever you would recognize. I would only have to mention the duck commercials. She has been with the company for years but took this position after our k**s were out of the house. My name is Greg and I am a cardiac surgical nurse at a major hospital. We have been married for 22 years...
The innocent and naïve Becky had been very impressed by the gentle and handsome minister. She noticed also that her mother seemed happier and more relaxed than she'd been since before they moved here. The minister's message had been good for her, she thought and she felt a certain warmth and closeness to him because of that. Next day Reverend Wilson waited impatiently for young Becky Bartlett to arrive to receive her instruction for joining the church. Her mother had definitely been...
Introduction: Life goes on for Ed, but Beckys been out sick a lot… I Had No Choice 6 – Whats wrong with Becky? So now Ive cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. Id rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that itd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan, another student who was...
She had babysat for her Aunt an me since she was 14, and I have to admit, even at that age I had seen her potential. Because she was family - she would take care of the kids when we went out, and then sleep over rather than go home. Over the years I had watched her body develop, but she never seemed to lose the demure innocence that she had. In a morning she would come down to breakfast in just her PJ's, which consisted of a cropped t-shirt and a matching pair of shorts, and I was...
February 1978 I slept the sleep of the dead on Saturday night. I didn’t wake up on Sunday morning until I heard car doors slam as Mom, Jeff, and Stephanie left for church. I almost never slept past sunrise, usually being up earlier than that. I slept until 9:30am. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically spent by the events of Saturday afternoon and evening. I ate breakfast, checked the pool chemicals, went for a swim, and took a long hot shower. I went to my dad’s office and asked to...
So now I've cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. I'd rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that it'd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan; another student who was actually looking for math tutoring for her SAT's, unlike Becky who just used that as cover for our...
"Are you my new Daddy?" The little girl couldn't have been any older than four, but there was something about her tone of voice that made me think of a much older woman. A kind of sad cynicism that told of disappointments past, and the anticipation of yet another one. I'm normally a fast thinker, but I was caught flat-footed for a second. She waited patiently, though, another sign of maturity beyond her apparent years. "I certainly wouldn't mind if I was," I told her at last, "But...
Hey guys we have a few stories up so far they are all from Becky's pov. This is from mine hope u like.One night while i was shooting pool a female friend walked in with a very curvy, big breasted friend with nice round ass. After a small introduction I met Becky. Afterwards we decided to grabbed food we went on the local late nite spot. As we sat, talked and joked around Becky made this comment that insured me that she thought I was cute and had a thing for black guys. As always I told everyone...
I needed a job, a Saturday job. I wasn’t allowed to work during the week, my brother had helped on a milk round from when he was fourteen, then been stopped because he was underage, then started again. I was the youngest and not allowed to work during the week so my schoolwork wouldn’t suffer. But I needed a job; I couldn’t take girls out on the pittance I got in pocket money. I needed a job! So did most of the school age kids in the town. So there weren’t enough to go round. The only one I...
Reverend Wilson remained sprawled between stocky, young Becky's widespread legs for a few minutes as the naked fourteen year old slowly recovered from her minister's masterful oral caress. Her large, upthrust breasts heaved and jiggled as her breathing returned to normal and her eyes looked sightlessly at the ceiling. "We must pray again, my dear," Wilson said softly as he decided on how he would approach his next lewd objective. "Are you cold?" "Uh... no... yes... yes Reverend." As...
Tina starts sliding out of bed, just to have me grab her arm. “Not so fast babe. If you don't want me to fuck you in front of everyone out there, have one more go in here,” I say. Smiling, she slides back in bed. “What do you have in mind?” Kissing her sweet lips and slipping a finger inside her pussy, I say, "You are very wet. I think I will show you what it is like to be fucked doggie style.” Moving to her and helping her onto all fours, I move behind her. Sliding my cock up and down her...
Straight SexHello my name is Jake. I am 18 years old, and I have dark black hair and I am five foot ten. I wouldn't say I am a bad looking guy. Every girl in my family is good looking. When I mean good looking I mean that my cousins have done shoots for some of the local magazines. They are really beautiful especially my cousin from my moms side Becky. I never really felt anything about her. It all started last year I was sixteen she had just turned seventeen. She had stayed over to watch my younger...
IncestMichael hadn’t seen his niece in a little over ten years. She was 8 the last time he saw her, when he and the family were visiting his sister-in-law for Christmas vacation in Florida. Then saw her briefly when she was 12 while visiting her grandma in New York. Becky was a pudgy little thing and a bit of a pain in the ass. After High School she attended various colleges in Florida and North Carolina, never fully knowing what she wanted to do with her life. She was a bright kid, just...
IncestAfter their very long day. The four all headed back to Danny’s place and just crashed there. They had walked around town all day and talked their heads off to so many people about Blanke Schande – particularly after the mass masturbation display. When they finally walked through the door of Danny’s home they all plonked down on whatever looked comfortable and fell asleep and stayed that way right through the night. When Danny finally woke up on Sunday morning the place was quiet and he found...
After that we let Becky recover, then the next day, the Sunday, we fucked her all morning again, and Sally managed to drag out of her the admissions to another half dozen rapes that she’d inflicted on innocent young girls. The victims were all quite similar: small or slight and naive girls whose bodies were just maturing but who had no experience of sex. The athletic Becky had overpowered them and forced them to orgasm. She’d started to use the photos to blackmail them into keeping quiet,...
I craved her more than any other woman I had ever known. The first time I saw her I felt a fierce desire to take her by the hand and lead her to my bedroom and keep her there forever. Dark smoldering eyes, hair as black as a starless night sky, slim waisted, high breasted and lips that cried out "kiss me!" And she was unattainable - she was my son's wife. I both looked forward to, and dreaded, going to family gatherings. Knowing that she would be there both drew me to them and made me...
I was hungry after the game and would have preferred to go for pizza as we had done once before but Trisha wouldn't hear of it. She said her mother was planning for us to go to her house. We were all a little giddy after my confrontation with Gina. Greg had said he would attend Mr. Avella's party and I had relayed the acceptance of the invitation but when I was uninvited, Greg backed out of going without informing his host. We laughed and joked about how pissed Gina looked as she sped...
Becky couldn't believe she had gotten caught. She had been so sure that the clerk wouldn't notice her sneaking the vibrator out of the store in her purse, after all it had been pretty dark in there. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid, she should have just come back when she had her wallet, then none of this would be happening.The door behind her locked with a click. He had offered her a choice, she could pay for what she had taken, or he could call the cops and have her arrested. She...
Becky and I went to high school together and were friendly, not friends, but friendly. She wasn’t the prettiest girl I knew and was always a little on the sidelines, so to speak. That all changed when we ended up at the same local college. What was a mild interest was fueled by the raging hormones and lonely nights away from home. The tension between us was what you could call thick. Becky had a plain face and was about 5’3”, with shoulder length brown hair. Thin, but had that soft, curvy,...
Please note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...
I was very close to my aunt before she seduced me. I was even closer in the years that followed... Aunt Becky drove her Ford Taurus north on I-65. I was sitting next to her, hoping she could see the road. The day started with a cold rain that usually marks the start of winter in Alabama. The downpour was still going strong as we splashed our way down the Interstate. I was 14 at the time and excited about a weekend away from home, but my excitement was tempered by the sadness. There was no love...
Rebecca and my relations ship moved to a wonderful place after our first sex. She and i had deep frank conversations and got to a point of freedom with each other. Ive been in a lot of relationships since and im sure with Becky it was the most comfortable trusting one i was ever in sexually as well as personally. We had been together as a couple 6 months or so when there was a loss in her family. She took it very hard and i made sure to be there for her in every way i could. We didnt...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Have you ever had the impression that some people thought you were their personal bank? I don't mean that person who borrows a dollar to buy coffee then pay you back a few days later. I mean the persom who borrows several hundred dollars from you and never pays you back! Well if you have then maybe you can relate to what happened to me last week. My daughter-in-law has been a part of our family for three years now. I have never been crazy about her....
EroticMike and Becky met in a bar in Louisiana, Mike had never been in that state before, he had never been in the country but had contacted Becky through an internet site! This sounds strange but it is not really! They both had a few drinks then Becky said " I feel I have been really naughty, what would you like to do to me?" Mike said ..." Well Girl a bit of corporal punishment should be in order!" "OH What sort??" ! A Fucking good thrashing, over my knee! He pulled her skirt up, her panties...
July, 1983, Colerain Township, Ohio Stephanie was a bit surprised to see me back at my parents’ house after just over an hour, but I told her that’s what Carie wanted and that it had indeed been good. We hung out a bit and then I headed to Don Joseph’s house for lunch. On the way, I thought about my encounter with Carie. It had been fun and pleasurable, but something seemed off. I couldn’t put my finger on it before I got off I-275 onto Colerain Avenue. I arrived at Don Joseph’s about ten...
Black men love Beckys by Angela Collins Preamble:- This story was inspired by a piece of very hard-core interracial porn I recently saw. The size and quantity, although unbelievable, were real ! ************************************************************************ As a man, I used to love watching porn. I was a white, heterosexual man with a medium sized dick, but I liked mixed race porn where the Black man had a huge dick and knew what to do with it to bring his usually...
So I was back for a week, trying to finish the Japan trip story when I met Rebecca aka Becky. She is about 160 cm tall with black hair, quite pretty. She was dressed quite openly. At first when I saw her shirt with the top two buttons opened, I thought she would be wearing another t shirt underneath. But when she moved to bend down to pick something up, I saw she was wearing a lingerie bra. It showed most of her b cup from the side. She caught me staring and smiled at me. Embarassed, I looked...
‘OK, guys, I’ll see you over at the pizza joint,’ I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn’t go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...
Becky is a very petite girl, just about 5 feet 1, and big boobs, 34c cups and a nice bubble but. She is also 18. She is forced to transfer schools and live with her oblivious aunt and uncle after her parents go on a long vacation. I knock the door to my new house and prepare to see my uncle and aunt. "Oh my god, honey! I see you haven't grown much!" says my aunt as a greeting, I blush. "Well come in and give me a hug and then you can go in and greet your uncle too." I nod and go hug her, but...
TeenREMEMBERING, PART 2 Tina Summers had known within three weeks of her marriage that it had been a mistake. One reason was discovering she had become an object of derision on the part of the secretaries at the advertising firm where both she and her husband Mitchell worked. Because they knew about his serial infidelities and she, apparently, did not. As it happened, she was well aware of her new husband's peccadilloes. The fact of them didn't bother her. She hadn't married him for the...
Remembering Faggot Boy QASIMBy: Londebaaz ChohanI cannot say why but I am remembering one of my bona fide gay bottom boy Qasim since the last week almost. First time I met him was in a chat room of a gay site on the internet. He was answering everybody and sounded sweet. The reasons, I got interested in him were multi folds. He was admitting that he was gay, he was admitting that he was a self-proclaimed born to be a bottom and he was hardly half an hour away from me. If those were not the...
I was driving home after my lovely night with Charlie. The night before I had my first kissing and sucking of cock. I was remembering the first touching of our hard cocks; the slow frotting and the sweet kisses. I remembered the taste of Charlies cum... when he exploded deep in my throat, his twitching large cock.The drive home was long and after a few hours of country driving and remembering our cock sucking and slurping, my cock was hard and aching to be worked. I found a quite place, not...
HI! I have been crossdressing since I was about 7-years-Old. Just the other day a lady friend of mine, (who knows I'm a crossdresser), anyway, she asked me how I first started dressing. She also wanted to know what made me put on a dress in the first place? It's funny, I haven't told that many people how I started out. I would just say that I was hooked with this great feeling I had as soon as I put the dress on. I was hooked so bad that I would steal and hide one of my sister's party...
For those who have been with me all the way, I am most grateful for your very kind words and encouragement. It would not have been possible to get through this without you. If you haven’t read it up to now, it would help you to please give the preceding chapters a look first, as nothing will make much sense otherwise. For those interested in a sexually oriented story, please visit some of the earlier chapters, as there is no sex in this final offering. All this chapter is, is the end. * ...
I have been remembering experiencing my first ever sexual encounter as a f******n year old teenage boy.My school was all boys, and just before this episode I had already enjoyed the attentions of one of the masters, who had introduced me to the joy of some-one, other than me, playing with my cock.I had been encouraged by him to fondled and touch his cock and I watched him cum into my hand whilst I wanked is big cock etc. I think now that he must have also been playing with a lot of my...
REMEMBERING, PART 1 "So, how about you let us take our chances, hey?" Bianca squinted down at what the man was offering her, struggling to make out the notes in the dim light of the alleyway. It wasn't really enough ... but she was desperate. She nodded and slipped the condoms back into her bag, trying to ignore the sniggering from the man's companion. Fifteen minutes later, she was back inside the club, all too conscious of the cum coating her mouth and streaking her stockings as...
Thank you so much for the enthusiastic response to the first two chapters of Remembering Becky. Becky and David’s date continues ….. * I stepped aside as Becky came back into my apartment with her overnight bag. The initial shock of Becky’s suggestion about spending the night was wearing off and was being replaced by a whole spectrum of emotions. Excitement was definitely one of them, along with nervousness. A whole lot of nervousness. Becky was what I dreamed about, wished for and hoped...
REMEMBERING BETHANY PART 5 : BY THE PIANO MAN In which our heroine meets Broad Billy: hijinks ensue Adele, my wife had somehow guessed something about Beth and I. There was a continuing tirade about some ‘little white tramp’ down at the bar where I worked weekend nights and I was on an increasingly short leash. Adele was waiting up for me every night and the only car I could drive was the MG. She also took to calling the bar and the rehab clinic at Fitzsimons Hospital where I worked during the...
IllustratedTo anyone I have ever told this story to I call him the L'phant Man and not because of a deformed face but because his cock looks like an L'phant's trunk that's what I called them before I learned how to say the word and it was the scariest looking cock I had ever seen even in photo's or video's I had never seen a cock like this one! And I thought as he climbed behind me with it “This is going to HURT!” So let me begin my story...It was a Friday night and I was bored I had no date there...
REMEMBERING, PART 3 Jordan Kassapedis had a lot of things going for her. She was tall and athletic, with a natural talent for just about any form of sport. Her iron powers of self-control when it came to diet and her love of exercise and gym work had kept her in fabulous shape, and she never seemed to fall ill. She was good-looking in a determinedly boyish sort of way, warm and funny to those who knew her, and if not academically inclined, then generally clever in a practical sense....
Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline (3rd chapter Charlie series).Nelson and I had a long rest, a unique and so satisfying experience it was, I think for both of us! In the morning, I ordered breakfast and had a quick shower. Refreshed, I wore the white robe the hotel provided. It wasn’t long a knock on the door announced breakfast and I opened the door. What a surprise! No one other than Caroline wheeled in our breakfast, she looked super hot in her smart black and tight uniform. I...
"whats wrong sis? don't like being tied down by a man?" i teased her, knowing that by now she loved being pinned or helpless around me. "you better untie me bro unless you want to be in serious trouble!" she threatened. "empty threats again sis? they never work......" i held the whip up after putting the gag in her mouth "now....its time i showed you who your master is!" with that i cracked the whip across the floor making her jump(as little as she could) in fear of the...
Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...
I haven’t seen Johnny Marquart in at least 30 years and probably closer to 35. I was six when I first moved into the housing project. Johnny and Bobby lived across the street on the circle with their mother Pearl, there little brother Bunker, and their sisters Cathy and Flossie and little sister Maryanne. I don’t remember the first time I met them. I believe Johnny was a little older than me, he was kinda the leader in the little group of friends I hung around then. I remember he had blond...