Smart, Sexy & Single? free porn video

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I’ve been working for the Engineering department of my university for some time as a teaching assistant, and since I’ve kept high grades as a graduate student and have a very good grasp of English pronunciation, the department has allowed me to be the instructor for some of the courses they offer. This past semester, I’ve been assigned to handle a required course for an undergraduate degree, but which isn’t a pre-requisite for any other courses. Considering its difficulty, many students tend to delay taking it until their last semester, even though it is junior-level. So at the beginning of the semester, I found myself managing a class of 30 students, and of those, 10 are seniors planning on graduating at the end of the course. Note the word ‘planning’, some of these will attempt to cruise through the course, only to crash and burn at the end.

Now, this is for those who don’t know about the outlook of college life, both in general and in Engineering. There are three adjectives that are used to describe the women that I see and meet in the college context: smart, sexy and single. During my time in college, I had yet to meet one that embodies all three of these qualities, you can probably find someone that has any two of them without too much trouble. However, in Engineering, a very male-dominant field, the chances of getting even two of those qualities are slim. Most of the time, all you see in a woman in the Engineering department have one of these qualities, and the ones missing the smarts don’t tend to last long in the department. Most of the smart ones aren’t much to look at, either.

This isn’t meant to be sexist, I imagine that women go through the same trials themselves, looking for a man who has the right set of qualities that entice them and keep them curious for more. Call it my straight-laced Engineering mindset, trying to minimize complexity to the smallest set of descriptors. I had gotten down to these three, and I’ve been pretty resigned to having to choose between smarts and looks, as much as I like a beautiful woman, I also need intellectual stimulation from the same to feel attachment. And I’ve also resigned myself to the knowledge that I don’t have the basic set of qualities women look for in a man. I’m not unattractive, but I hardly get a second glance from anyone, and though I’m not obese, I’m somewhat out of shape due to long hours working on my dissertation and coursework.

Well, let’s return to my first entrance to the classroom. I scanned the faces of the students, some of them I knew from previous courses as a lab teaching assistant. After handing out the syllabi for the course, I waited for everyone to get their copy when at the entrance, a vision from heaven knocked on the open door. It seemed as if she was asking permission to enter the classroom since she was late, and to deny this creature anything would be tantamount to offending the gods. A beautiful body, well sized breasts hidden by a white blouse with a faintly detectable lacy bra, shapely legs covered by a skirt that was modest yet revealing. Light brown hair, and a face that Helen of Troy would be envious of. I have no idea where I lost my voice at that moment, but I quickly recovered by motioning her into the classroom with a sweeping arm and handed her a copy of the syllabus. By the time everyone had a copy, I had regained my voice, and I switched into instructor mode.

How I kept my composure, I don’t know. I guess having the syllabus to read from was a fortunate coincidence, since that was what I focused on for that first day of class, but the vision of her kept creeping into my mind all throughout that class, as much as I tried to avoid looking her way.

Finally, class was up, and I readied myself to return to my office. And then, the olfactory assault. If the vision of her entering the classroom was glorious, the smell of her perfume as she approached my desk was inebriating. To call her an angel was mistaken, because she was beyond tempting.

‘Professor Lara, could I ask you for a favor?’ she said.

‘Let’s see, what is it?’ Me being the hard-ass at this moment was pure show, I was melting inside, which was probably plainly visible in my eyes, so I averted my gaze as much as I could while erasing the blackboard.

‘Well, I’m working at the moment, and though my boss is aware that I’m taking this course to complete my degree, it’s sometimes hard to leave the office and make it to class on time. Are you very strict on tardiness?’

‘Not at all. I don’t plan to take roll during class, if you can’t be bothered to come to my class but still manage to get a good grade, I won’t begrudge your lack of attendance. And I have a good memory for faces, so I’ll know if you’re doing badly in class and not attending. However, I don’t like interruptions in class outside of questions, so if you are running late, just walk in and take a seat. Don’t wait for my permission to enter class, Ms. uh-‘

‘Casey, Casey Smits, and thank you, Professor.’

I watched her walk out, and tried not to be overtly inappropriate by watching her attractive attributes as she left. Ah, these are the moments in which life is good. And though I knew I had less of a chance with her than a cockroach in a henhouse, I enjoyed it for what it was, an attractive woman who wanted to succeed in this course.

– – – –

Throughout the first few weeks of the semester, I noticed her work was impeccable. Very good grades on her homework and midterms, and the exams and assignments that had to be written were done very legibly, a rarity in this field. Sexy, smart, but what about single? Even as I was asking myself this question, I was trying to get rid of the thought. When I first got the position of teaching assistant, we were told that relationships between student and instructor were prohibited, and the danger of expulsion was looming over anyone risking it. Not that there was much risk, she would never pay attention to a guy like me.

Halfway through the semester, Casey approached me after class once again.

‘Professor Lara, I know you don’t take attendance, but I wanted to let you know that I’m going to be missing the next class. I’m leaving for spring break somewhat earlier.’

‘Really? What are your plans for spring break?’

‘I’m going to the Bahamas with my fiancé, Jeff. I’ll be back before spring break though, though. Work is getting hectic, and they can’t give me the whole break for the vacation.’ There goes the availability. Two out of three, high score for the department.

‘That’s too bad. I’ll be here, working on my dissertation, and probably wishing I was somewhere else like the Bahamas.’

‘Well, I really needed to ask about the exam after spring break. Will this next class be included in the material for the exam?’

‘Definitely so. Afraid of missing out on anything?’

‘To tell the truth, yes. I enjoy your course, but it isn’t easy.’

‘With your grades, you could’ve fooled me. You’re one of my top 5 students here, and considering you’re the only one of them that’s also keeping a full-time job, I’m more than impressed.’

‘Thank you, sir. Still, I’d be much more comfortable if I could get you to go over the class material I’ll be missing.’

‘Tell you what. Send me some e-mail when you get back, and we’ll coordinate an appointment for sometime after your work schedule.’

‘That’s very kind of you, but I don’t want to impose -‘

‘You just send me some e-mail, and we’ll work from there, OK?’ I said with a smile.

‘Yes, sir, and thank you again.’ she said as she left.

Considering what my workload for the break was, I was going to enjoy the distraction. After all, how many more times in my lifetime can I expect to teach a student as beautiful as Casey?

True to her word, she e-mailed me, and we coordinated for Friday at 7pm in my office. They apparently did Casual Fridays at her workplace, because she was wearing less formal clothes than sh
e tends to do for my classes. I say less formal, but no less appealing, form-fitting jeans and a beige knit-top with sensible boots. I offered Casey some coffee from my machine, and we went right to work, going over what I had covered for that class.

I don’t know if it was the informal environment, the coffee, or it just being Friday, but we interrupted the teaching and went into normal conversation more than once. Once it was about the coffee, Casey wanted to know what kind it was, because she really liked it a lot. I told her it was a special blend from my parents, who send me a couple of canisters every six months or so from outside the country. I asked her about her vacation, and complimented her having gotten a tan, she mentioned that it was one of the few things that was free in the Bahamas, so she decided to get as much of one as she could. She asked about a picture on my desk, and I mentioned it was my first and only nephew, who I try to spoil every time I can. To tell the truth, I can’t say how we were able to fill three hours with conversation, but by the time she got a call on her cell phone, we realized how late it had gotten. I caught a bit of the one-sided conversation.

‘Hi, honey. Yes, I’m finishing up now with recovering from my class absence. Yes, I got here a bit later than I had planned, because we had to close out the week at work, and that dragged on longer than I wanted it to. Sure, meet you there in 15 minutes. Bye-bye. *smooch*’

She hung up and said ‘That was close. My fiancé is a bit over-jealous, and he’d probably go ballistic if he knew I had spent all this time here.’

‘Heck, I’m just an instructor. Not much to be afraid of in my case.’

‘Don’t sell yourself short, Professor. There’s probably someone out there tonight waiting for you to sweep them off their feet.’

‘Well, they’ll just have to keep waiting, because I’ve got some more typing up to do before I’m done for tonight.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry for keeping you from your work for so long!!’

Mental kick to myself. Stupid!! ‘No, that came out wrong. To tell the truth, I needed the distraction. I’ve been over-working myself throughout the break, and I really needed the time out to be social and not intellectual for just a bit. That, and with the amount of coffee in my system right now, I’ll probably be awake until 4am.’

‘Goodness, I’d give up sleep for coffee that good.’

We both laughed at that comment, and Casey left soon afterwards. It took me a while to get back to concentrating on my report after the stimulants, both coffee and conversation.

– – – –

Well, I survived until the end of the semester, and I got hold of my grading sheet, with all the little circles that have to be filled in for each student’s grade for a Scantron machine. This is the first time I actually got to see an official roll for my class, and I’m surprised when I look through the list and see ‘SMITS, K C’. Interesting, she must have been using her middle name on all of her assignments, which really works well since her initials phonetically spell out her middle name. Unless. . .nah, that couldn’t be it.

On the last day of class, I keep the new material to a minimum, just to close out the chapter we’re finishing off with, and then it’s open question time, ask the instructor anything you like about anything we’ve covered in class, because this is the last time you’ll see him before the final exam. I get a couple of silly questions, and respond humourously to them, because the class and I have developed a good rapport this semester. I close out with my standard ‘It’s been an honor for all of you to have taken this class with me as your instructor. . .’, which gets a cheap chuckle out of them, and they’re gone. I call Casey to my desk before she leaves.

‘I just noticed your name on the official list yesterday. K C? Interesting combination of letters. Any reason you don’t like your first name?’

‘No, actually it’s just that both my names are somewhat difficult for people here to pronounce and memorize. My real na-‘

‘It’s not Kamalian Ciranoush, is it?’

Casey looks at me with surprise. ‘Did you read-‘

‘Yep, I’ve almost read the entire Asian Saga by James Clavell. The only one I haven’t read is ‘Whirlwind’, the last one. And I’m slowly trying to collect the first edition printings of the set, although on a student’s budget it’s taking some time. I’ve only got ‘Shogun’ and ‘Tai-Pan’ right now. But it’s a goal.’

‘Considering the number of times I’ve had to explain where the name comes from, I would have thought that no one on the planet had read ‘Noble House’. I’m really amazed!’

‘So your parents are fans of Clavell’s, I assume, since they gave you that name.’

‘My mother got me hooked on his books. I read the entire series by the time I was fourteen, and must have re-read them at least twice. And I loved the character whose name I share.’

‘You represent her very well, a successful professional and beautiful as well.’ When I realize what I’ve said, I turn a couple of shades of red, but she rolls right through it.

‘Thank you, Professor. I never thought you noticed.’

‘It’s hardly avoidable. You’re stunningly smart, and you manage yourself very well.’ That was kind of awkward, but I really didn’t want her to think all I could see was her attractive beauty.

‘Well, I have to get back to work. Don’t hurt us too much on the final!’

‘Oh, come on, that’s the only fun part about teaching!!’ I add jokingly.

Goodness, is this woman too much? Or is it that I can’t get enough of her? Sexy, smart. . . but that damn availability.

– – – –

Well, finals were over, and graduation was the following week, so we had a weekend in between. I got together with Cole and Sara, and we decided to hit the local Latin club. Cole is a graduate student from Engineering, and Sara is his wife. They’re both great friends, but Sara tends to be a bit overbearing with me. She’s always trying to hook me up with one of her friends. I tell her that if she gets me hooked up with a girl, who’s gonna dance with her? Cole suffers from OCS (Overly Caucasian Syndrome, also known as White Boy Dancing), and tries to dance salsa, but the most he can do is a lackluster merengue. On the other hand, Sara is a whirlwind on the dance floor, and since I’m a passable dancer myself, whenever she wants a little more ‘oomph’ on the dance floor, I’m the one she pulls out. Cole is cool with me dancing with his wife, he’d rather she dance with someone he knows than someone he doesn’t.

Well, Sara was talking to me about this friend of hers she wants me to meet, and I’m not really paying attention to what she’s telling me. I’m just sort of lost in the haze between music, secondhand smoke, and the surrounding people.

Sara decided that she’s said enough, finally, and wants to dance. I’m all for it, so we danced to a couple of salsas, and we made it back to the table. I was about to sit down, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Casey is there in all of her glory.

‘Hey, Professor! I’m graduating!!’

‘Really? Looks like I didn’t fail you like I should have.’ I say, with a wink to boot.

Casey punches me in the arm, and Sara gave me this questioning look. I decide to do the gentlemanly thing, and introduce her to my friends. Casey calls over her friends, and I notice that they are both female. We stole a couple of seats from the neighboring table, and we all sat down.

‘So, having a night out on the town with the girls, Casey?’

‘Yep, celebrating two things, actually. Graduation, and being single again.’

‘Really? What happened?’ I ask, as I tried to avert my gaze from Sara, who I know is doing the best she can to develop spontaneous telepathy so that she can tell me to jump on this opportunity. All three adjectives, right in front of me.

‘We just weren’t working out as well as we should have, so we decided to break off the engagement.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

‘Nah, Professor, you shouldn’t be. We should’ve seen everything devolve some time ago. It just got to a point where the relationship couldn’t sustain itself.’

One of Casey’s friends, Cherise, said ‘And good riddance!!’

The other, Katherine, interjected ‘Amen to that!!’

We all decided that since that was the consensus, we needed to toast to it, so we lifted our assorted bottles and beverages, and clanked them together. I noticed that Casey’s arm and hand brushed against my hand, and I felt shivers run down my body.

Sara decides that we need to dance some more, I know that dancing is not what she has in mind. We did the basic movements, but we were also talking.

‘So what are you waiting for?’

‘Sara, she’s a student of mine.’


‘And I don’t need the aggravation from the department about dating students. I don’t want to risk my degree on a fling.’

‘And who says that the department is going to know? She’s graduating for cripes sake, so the department’s no longer an issue.’

‘It’s still awkward, I -‘

‘Now you’re fishing for excuses. Let the cards fall where they may. And pull that girl out to dance.’

‘OK, Mom. Sheesh.’

When the song ended, I sat down again.

‘So you dance too? What is it that you don’t do?’ Casey asked.

‘I think I’ll avoid homicide and incest, but aside from that, anything goes.’ I joked.

She laughed, and at that moment I felt it. We were going to be together, no matter what I thought was best. Obstacles, hurdles, hills, mountains, nothing was going to stop this.

‘So, may I have this dance?’ I asked.

She simply smiled and stood up.

She was about as good a dancer as myself, so we did a rather good circuit or two around the floor. But whenever I wanted a bit of distance between us, she got me closer to her.

‘Er, Casey, I really like you a lot, but I still-‘



‘Shut up and dance.’

I followed orders.

When the song ended, I returned to the table, where Catherine said that she wanted to dance too. I was reluctant to leave both Sara and Casey at the table by themselves, because I know they’ll plan something, but I have no way of avoiding it without looking like a goofball, so Catherine and I do our dance, a merengue.

When our song was over, we make it back to the table, and I saw that Cole and Sara were gone.

‘Where’d my friends go?’

‘They said that they had to leave early, but that you were riding with them, so I offered to take you home’, she said with a devilish grin.

‘OK, so are we ready to leave?’

‘Nope, I want one more dance.’

So we walk out, and just our luck, it’s a bolero. Really slow. This was Sara’s doing, I can smell it. I hold Casey close, and we dance. By that point, I was between lust for this beauty, love for her mind, and fear for the consequences. Of course, my body decided to react to the first of these emotions, and Casey did her best to make sure everyone understood it was hers and hers alone.

The song ended, and Casey’s friends were gone now. ‘I think that’s our cue’, says Casey.

We left the Latin club, and I got into her car. I indicated the way to my place, and I was about to thank her for driving me home, when out of the blue, she kissed me. And not a simple peck on the lips, a sustained long open-mouth kiss.

I’d like to say that at that moment fireworks went on behind my eyelids, but to be truthful, my eyes were wide open in surprise. I have to admit I was reluctant at that moment. I wanted her to know what we were getting into, and I separated myself from her to talk.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Casey, I feel a lot for you, maybe as much as you do for me. But we’re still just out of teacher/student roles, and to be truthful, I’m a little hesitant about this being correct.’

‘Will you listen to yourself? We’re both adults here, and what I want to do is not as a student, but as a woman. Forget the teacher role for just a moment, and let me show you how good we can work together.’

With that, I think my last barrier broke. I approached her for a kiss, and we kept it very chaste for that one, sort of a replacement for that first aborted kiss that I ruined.

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SexyLaurie on Display

The room was still cloaked in gloom despite the shard of bright afternoon sunlight that poured in where the edges of the heavy d****s failed to meet. The gloom was soft with sounds of slumber, a muffled sigh, and the silken rasp of chiffon sliding across satin. Slowly, the occupants of the oversized bed drifted from their dreams through the layers of sleep and into the gentle awareness of waking. No shrilling sound of an alarm or piercing ray of light dragged them abruptly from sleep.Carolyn...

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sexysara2890 goes clubbing in Brixton

handed her coat to the cloakroom attendant and began to adjust herself in the white body fitting dress she was wearing. "Only a slut shows both cleavage and leg", was the mantra of her teenage years. Well she was a slut and loved it. She reposition her boobs in the cross fold low cut neck, making sure thier full roundness was clearly visible and pulled the dress a little further down her thighs, not out of modesty, but to ensure that it was smooth and tight over her full round arse. Her bare...

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For sexygirl46

"So you've read some of my stories on xhamster and want to give me some inspiration for another?" I ask you, us both sitting on the double bed of a cheap hotel room I hired for the night. My eyes wander down your body, taking in your curves. You've spent some time on your appearance – I can see you know how to apply make-up, using a deep red lipstick to draw my attention to one of your pleasure giving areas.You nod, obviously nervous, knowing just what you could be about to agree too, putting...

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supersexyhornygirl in Stockholm 1948

Dad is a businessman, we live in a big house, outside the city of Stockholm.1948 was just fresh the summer season, only 3 years after the world war 2 has ended up, still a bit confusing times, Dad used to speak a lot about politics and chances for the future of our family.My dad company is known for make telephones, a large Swedish company, based in Stockholm, and it was chances for business, Dad travels a lot and is out of home, almost all the time.Summer is the best time in Stockholm, because...

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selfcontrol to supersexyhornygirl part 1

self-control have met me in the supermarket, he didn´t know me, haven´t ever seen me before. I was choosing candles for a romantic dinner, would i have with a close friend, and he was staring me a few minutes, and approached me and asked: "It is a very special person, isn´t it?"I kept looking self-control a few seconds, downing my dark glasses from my face and just responded: "Yes!"...I´ve got the candles, while he left and i have looked him again while he walked away...A few days later, i was...

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SexySindycheating again

Sexy_sindy --Cheating againAfter my cheating adventure, even though I told hubby I never told John that I did tell him. Hubby and he stayed friends and are still now. John comes by all of the time and I look at hubby knowing I have had John’s dick inside me, and wonder what he thinks! I think it still makes him mad, but I feel so bad that he has to see him knowing that!John hauls cows and has a big truck with a sleeper, me and hubby has been on trips with him before. Since I fucked John he has...

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sexyy neighbour

Here is my new story.Hi I’m Rocky, Thanks for amazing response to my previous story “Loosing Virginity To Maid”I’m happy to share my new story with all. Few months ago I got married and we shifted to a new apartment. Change of job and got good promotion. It was newly constructed apartment and so not all flats were filled up. My married life was very exciting and is very happy. My wife is very beautiful and has very healthy sex. After my marriage I thought of stopping sex with others and be good...

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Thangachiyin Sexyana Mulai

Vanakam enathu peyar Arun, vayathu 24 enaku, oru thangai irunthaal avalin peyar meena vayathu 22 naangal iruvarum thanjavuril vasikirom. Enathu kalluriyil naan kadaisi aandai padithu mudithu ippozhuthu master degree padikalam endru kaathukondu irunthen enathu thangai kalluriyil irandam varudam padithukondu irunthaal. Naan pothuvaaga pengal meethu aarvam ilamal thaan irunthen aanal oru naal enathu kaama unarchi vellamaai perukeduthathu. Enathu nanban veetirku vanthu irunthaan naangal iruvarum...

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Velaikaariyin Sexyana Kundi

Vanakam enathu peayar Mathvan, vayathu 23 naan maduraiyil vasithu varugiren. Enathu appa oru buissnessman ammavum sernthu ondraaga buisnessai paarthukolugiraargal. Athanaal amma eppozhuthum veetil iruka maataargal naan thaniyaagave irupen aanal appa enudam irupaar. Engalin kilaigal athigamaaga irupathaal amma angaye thangi paarthukolvaargal. enathu thanthai engalin uurile irukum kilaigalai paarthukolvaar, enathu veetil oru veelaikaari irunthaal aval parka sexyaga irupaal enathu avalathu suuthu...

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Sexyana Auntyai Office Roomil Oothen

Vanakam enthu peyar Krish muzhu peyar Krishna vayathu 24, naan Chennai yil oru office il vellai seithu kondu irukiren. Thinamum athu 6 maiku mudinthu vidum ulle AC athigamaaga irukum suriya velichan athikamaaga irukaathu. Office ulle sendru vittal iravu pagal ethuvume theriyaathu enathu office il veelai seibavargal mothamaaga 20 nabargal irupaargal. Athil 10 pengal irupaargal aanal avargalil ennaku oru penai matume pidikum avargaluku 35 vayathu aagugirathu. Naan avargalai paasamaaaga aunty...

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sexyAunt Fucking

My name is Ehsan and this is a real story.i m 24 years old from Karachi, i m doing LLB from UN University, I stay on Ground Floor in a Building somewhere in Karachi one of my Aunty stays on the first floor. I cant tell u her real name but i will give her a name for this story. Lets call her Nida. She is very Busty in her figure and she has a huge built. I am 6پŒ14 and she is 5پŒ10. Imagine Mahnoor baloch with a little more weight and bigger breast and a huge ass. Our families dont have a lot of...

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also dropped my towel, and I did not care more for the fact of being completely naked, sitting in the back of the head of my husband, nor he shows an enormous erection, the mood was of desire, arousal, with lust. I forgot that I had never been naked with another man, who was not married, or who had sworn allegiance at the altar or anything. He turned to face him, so that my vagina fit in his Adam's apple, and started me down, holding my buttocks, one in each hand. When my breasts first passed...

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© Copyright 2012, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] SEXYTARY By Leslie Lowe I'm Pauline Ickman, and I was sent by my boss to see you for therapy. She wants to prepare me for sexual reassignment surgery. No, I don't want to become a man. I mean, I am a man. No, really! Anyway, what I meant was no, I don't want sexual reassignment surgery, but it would be to become a woman. I don't want to be a woman at all. Yes, I know I do. But my real name...

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Teri waw my secretary in the office which I managed. She was in her early 30s, 5'8"tall with nice breasts, light brown almost reddish hair, an infectuous laugh and quick smile...and she was efficient. I took her to lunch before she was hired and discussed what I expected from her as a secretary. Whan I arrived at work each morning we always exchanged greetings and shared little pleasantries. One morning as I came into the office I saw that she was crying. Embarrassed, she told me that she was...

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Sexymammi aur bhanja

A ek mammi aur bhanje ki sexy kahani hai.mammi ki umer 37sal bhanja ki 21sal. Bhanje ka naam not orginal azim hai.a khani sunye azim ki zubani…….mai aur mammi bahuth social hain bahuth mazak aur sexy jokes bhi kerte rehte hain meger kabhi bhi sex nahi hua tha.kai bar boobs ke darshan dechuki hain.meger kabhi hath mein nhi aye the………….a ghtna meri zubani suno bahuth maza aajayega??? Mere mama aur mammi hamare ghar ke hi kharib the un ki do beeti thi shadi ho ker appne susral mein hain.mama ek...

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Sexyseemapapa ne mujhe chod diyaa

Hi ye bilkul sachhi kahani nahi hai. Mera naam seema hai main shadi shuda hoo. Mere pati Ludhiana mein apni shop karte they lekin kaam mein nuksaan ki wajah se ab who naukri karte hai. Who ek private firm mein achhi post par hain aur annually achhi salary aur perks lete hai.. Meri figure hai 36DD_27_34 hai. Mere mummey gol gol aur gore hai. Pehle mein 34 size ki bra dalti thee jab mere mumme ka size 36D tha ab mere mummey ki9 motai zyada hone ke wajah se main 36 size ki tight bra dalti hoo....

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YE EK ANOKHI STORY HAI SIRF DAILOGS KI MERI AUR MERI PRIYA BHABHI KI JO MUJHSE PEHLE CHANDIGARH MAIN SEX KAR CHUKI HAI AUR AB DEHLI MAIN HAI AUR HUMNE ROLEPLAY BHI BAHUT KIYA BHABHI HAI HI BAHUT KAMAL KI,OK AB STORY SHURU KARTE HAIN.AAPKO YE NAYEE STORY KAISE LAGI ZAROOR MAIL KARNA MUJHE OK MERA ID HAI Sam:i ring the bellpriya: kaun?Sam: Bhabhi main hoon samsam: aapkaa Naughty dewarpriya: arre devarji aappriya: aaj yaha kaise aana huapriya: bhabi ki yaad bahut dino baad aayisam: Bhaiyaa aur...

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she is sexyy in chudidhar

Hello ISS readers I am Amit of age 17yrs living in Hyd i want to tell you a true story with took place in Oct month of 2007 i used to live in Hyd and we had a maid who was 20 yrs and her name is Sunitha she looked amazing she was very slim and had round boobs i used to see her whole body while she was working one day it was raining heavily and my parents have to leave to their native place for 2 days they called Sunitha to stay with me to cook food me she came to my house at 9 pm he became wet...

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It Isnt All Sexyness And Fun

This is not going to be a particularly sexy story but I just wanted to redress the balance regards how sometimes the flip side of being a crossdresser or a transgender person can really turn a person inside out mentally and emotionally. Now I have always considered myself a crossdresser. I suppose I have a higher feminine quotient in regards to how I think or react but I have never wanted to be female. Never wanted the boobs. Or the pussy. I just enjoy the dressing and some of the memorable...

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Brandon clinched Mila to himself with barbarity. She pursued means to break free from his malice. He steeled his hands on her back, sweeping his unruly lips on hers, and then breathing out pensively. She was his bondservant; his wife; the truth was he looked upon her as his wretched slave instead of an attractive, decent woman. "Brandon, let go off me!" she shrieked out through clenched teeth. Tears impotently slid out of her eyes, drenching her smooth-shaven cheeks. Pale as ash and velvety...

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Looking for sexy Russian girls? Are you ever tired of the savagery that you see in porn and just want to lay back with some passionate galleries and stroke your wand to those instead. I know that after a long day, there’s nothing better than to unwind with some beautiful babes that are professionally shot on photography sets. Porn is great and all for when you want to let it all out, but for when you’re completely drained there are sites like which will make you feel nice...

Popular Porn Blogs
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i Sexy Chat is a straightforward chat site that markets itself as a place to have fun sexy chats with women (or men) around the world. The site asks you your gender and what you are interested in, and from there directs you to one of several chatrooms so you can start your journey of meeting someone to bust a nut with.However, the reality is not quite as fun. Many of the chatrooms are filled with spammers, with hardly any girls and no proper understanding of the people you’re talking with. It...

Sex Chat Sites
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Sexy And Funny! Welcome to a place that’s full of laughs and full of wanks. The site focuses on both the funny and sexy as the name would suggest and tries to bring it to your screen as authentically as possible. Now, I don’t know about you, but I love me a bit of banter when it comes to sex. It helps keep things fresh. I’ve gone through so many women that I would certainly have gotten bored with sex if I didn’t use a little bit of humor here and there to spice things up.Want...

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Araby Sexy! As you may have been able to imagine, porn is hard to come by in many countries in the Middle East. Extreme censorship reigns supreme in most countries in the Arab world, with it being probably the hardest to access in Saudi Arabia, where many porn websites are censored, as are the proxies by which one could get around the censorship. This is, undoubtedly, a result of sharia law and religious institutions heavily limiting what citizens can and cannot consume. Porn is, obviously, not...

Arab Porn Sites
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Do you think freckled chicks are exceptionally hot? Well, I think the same, and that is why I am here to share an amazing place dedicated to all kinds of sluts with freckles. The subreddit is pretty self-explanatory, and it is called r/SexyFrex/. I am sure some of you might have been confused with just that name, but lucky for all of you; I am here to make this shit much easier for everyone.Of course, Reddit is a free site, and it will always have a soft spot in my heart as well as in my pants....

Reddit NSFW List
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When it comes to NSFW subs, it’s tough to find something erotic and artistic. It’s usually all just a bunch of dudes who are jerking off to hardcore fucking and similar bullshit. Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s something else that you can do here other than jerk off to straight-up porn. One of the things you can do to avoid all the porn bullshit is to go straight to /r/SexyButNotPorn and see what the latest happenings are on that sub. It’s one of the lesser-known NSFW subs, but it...

Reddit NSFW List
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Are we all in the mood for some classy sexiness? I know I am, and since you decided to check out r/classysexy/, I am guessing that you are as well. But, what is r/classysexy/ really about? I think it is all written in the name, but at the same time, I can see why the fuck you might be confused. Well, it is all about sexiness, but in a classy way.So if you were expecting chicks just to spread their legs wide open or you know… get extremely kinky, you should visit a different subreddit. And since...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexy Real Sex Dolls! Do you laugh at the thought of owning a sex doll? Well, you shouldn’t, you ignorant mother fucker! We live in the Internet age, meaning all of that shit is fair game. Whether you are lonely as fuck and want to ship the woman or male of your dreams to your home or you think owning a doll that looks human is going to impress your friends, you need to know where to turn to. The place to turn to begins at and with one quick visit, I think you are going to...

Sex Doll Shops
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Sexy Stars! What the fuck is it about deepfakes that makes you simultaneously laugh your ass off and pop a boner? I don’t understand how something could be so hilarious yet sexually appealing (depending on the subject of the deepfake) to make you keep browsing for more. It’s a mystery, but one that I’m keen on investigating!Well, if you enjoy deepfakes that way, I invite you to check out Sexy Stars. But this is not just a porn picture site to visit when you want deepfakes; you can also find...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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The Benefits of a Single

I stepped into my room and locked the door behind me. I was so lucky I had a single.I unslung my gym bag and tossed it down by my desk. Going to the gym always makes me super horny. When I’m doing the weights, I’m fine, but right after, while I’m still sweaty, any little thing sets me off.On the way back from the gym, while I was crossing the pond, I passed by two girls talking to each other. One of them had long brown hair, and as she’d talked to her blonde friend, she’d flipped it over her...

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Odum Trainil Sexyaana Auntyodu Kaamam

Friends naan trainil oru auntyai sexyaaga eppadi oothen enbathai intha kathaiyil solgiren, en peyar rajesh vayathu 24. Pothuvaaga auntygaluku ilamaiyaana aangal endraal migavum pidikum athilum aanmaiyaaga irunthaal migavum pidikum. Oru naal naan trainil selum pozhuthu oru auntyai eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai sollugiren, vaarungal kathai kul selalam. Motham oru murai naan en paati veetirku sendru varuven, en paati veetu karaikaalil irukirathu. En sontha uur vilupuram, eppozhuthu maaliyil...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Oru Sexyaana Thevidiya 8211 Paguthi 2

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin manaivi udan nadantha moratuthanamaaga kamathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, divaya vega vegamaaga en sunniyai oombinaal pinbu aval chudithaar pantai keezhe iraki cow nilaiyil vaithu aval kuthiyai oru naku naki vitu en sunniyai pundaikul sorugiren. Muthal murai sorugum pozhuthe aval haaaaaaaaaaaaaa endru sexyaaga munarinaal, pengal ithu pondru munarinaale kaama veri varum. Ithu niraiya pengalai ootha aangaluku thaan athan...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Oru Sexyaana Thevidiya 8211 Part 3

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil nanbanin manaivi kamathin thodarchiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Intha kathaiyai puthithaaga padikareergal endraal inthan muthal pagathai padithu vaarungal appozhuthu thaan ungaluku kathai puriyum. Naan avasara avasaramaaga Divyavai oothu vitu keezhe vanthu viten, mele sendra kanavan sirithu neram aagiyum keezhe vara vilai. Athanaal naan mele sendru avaral ena seigiraargal endru parkalam endru mele sendren, engal motai maadiku iru vazhiyaaga selalam. Aangal iru vazhi...

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Nanbanin Manaivi Oru Sexyaana Thevidiya 8211 Part 4

Indru kathaiyil nanbanin manaiviyai nirvana azhagai aval penmaiyai eppadi ellam anuba vaithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Nanban veetil ilatha pozhuthu ennai iravil veetirku vara vaithu nal iravil iruvarum bed roomil sex seithukondu irunthom. Divya nude azhagai paarthu naan viyanthu poi aval penmaiyai anuba vaika aarambithen. Avalai padukaiyil paduka vaithu iru karupu mulai kaambaiyum urinthu lesaga kadithu sappinen, aval pal padamal sappu da endraal,...

2 years ago
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Smart Housewife Who Learned How To Solve Her Family Issue

Doston, I am a disappointed person nowadays. Not because of I am cheated, but purely because of trusting her blindly who forced me to fell in love only to cater to her temporarily loneliness. She fooled me by taking me into her love completely. I was madly in love with her. I spend a lot of money on her without my wife knowledge. But now everything over. I became ex. for her, she is with some other guy now, who I know. People used to tell that she need couple as friends always, and when one...

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Smart Boy

Old man sitting on his front porch in Louisiana watching the sunrise sees the neighbor's k** walk by carrying something big under his arm. He yells out, "Hey boy, whatcha got there?" The boy yells back, "Roll of chicken wire." The old man says, "What you gonna do with that?" The boy says, "Catch some chickens." The old man yells, "You damn fool, you can't catch chickens with chicken wire!" The boy just laughs and keeps walking. That evening at sunset the boy comes walking by and to the old...

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Sisters Sexy Workout

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stronger.   I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Ron and Amy is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10",...

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Another Sexy Weekend Away

Number 2 of a series of individual stories. Another Sexy Weekend Away, 2 ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - Plans I arrived home from work and Sally Anne, with a smile on her face said "I've booked up a weekend in the country, lets go upstairs and make plans". On the last weekend away our game of dare ended up with us both going out to the pub wearing nothing but sexy lingerie under coats and that was my first time at wearing women's panties ?what a memory! While I went to...

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Spanking School 8 Sexy Shae 1

Sexy Shae is a pilot in public, in private a personal fine friend from long love at long distance of ten hours.Sexy Shae is sometimes at Schphol for a short stop-over, but never ever came at coffee meeting me there.Sexy Shae is aware I am in Amsterdam, but prefers privacy above all. She does not want to risk her juicy job.Sexy Shae is commuting up and down in her hot long hauls across the Atlantic Ocean to me in Amsterdam.Sexy Shae shares her looks with me, "real time":...

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Nieces Sexy Surprise Chapter IV

Chapter 4 - After the Guests Leave   Shortly after both Lauren's friends left, she was sitting next to me on my right side, her mom was on my other side. We were talking to one of Amy's friends and her husband. I felt very lucky to be sitting between the two sexiest women in my life. Both mother and daughter sat there next to me, still in their bikinis with a wrap around their legs, looking gorgeous beyond ones imagination.   I sipped the last of my beer and...


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