Sleep With Me free porn video

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Neil was not enjoying a very uncomfortable meal. Alex didn’t seem to notice but that might be because he didn’t want to. Alex’s mother noticed, she was the cause of it. Every time Neil glanced at her she was watching him. She didn’t actually glare at him but she was cold and Neil wanted to shout ‘What!!!!’

There was only one reason he was here at all. He loved Alex, plain and simple. He loved him enough to sit through this torture.

Pushing his food around on the plate Neil tried not to lift his face from it.

‘Alright, what the hell’s going on?’

Neil jumped and looked up. Alex had put his knife and fork down and was glaring between Neil and his mother.

‘What do you mean?’ Mrs Cutler asked.

‘You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Don’t tell me there’s nothing going on.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘Do you want to tell me, Neil?’ Neil glanced at Mrs Cutler but she turned her face away. He shook his head. Alex tutted, carefully folded his napkin and laid it on the table next to his plate. ‘Well, this is what I think’s going on. I don’t want to think it but it seems I have no choice. Neil, when you told me my mother hated you I laughed. I told you that you’re in idiot and imagining things. Now, I think you were right. So, Mother, are you going to explain?’

‘I don’t hate you, Neil, of course I don’t hate you. How could I hate you when you make my son so happy?’

‘Bullshit. Look, I’m going to leave the room now and when I come back I want this sorted so I can finish my meal in peace.’

Both of them watched him walk out of the room and close the door. There was silence.

‘So… um… What, what have I done?’

For a moment Mrs Cutler glared at him, then she sighed and shook her head. ‘You haven’t done anything, Neil. I don’t have anything against you, I swear, and I am grateful you’re making Alex so happy. He’s not had an easy time of it these last few years, neither have I.’

‘So what…?’

‘Has Alex told you?’

‘Told me what?’

‘That he’s ill.’

‘What? No. I… What’s wrong with him?’ A hand wrapped itself around Neil’s heart, at the look on Mrs Cutler’s face, and squeezed hard.

‘He has a rare form of narcolepsy. Do you know what that is?’

‘Um… not really. It’s when you keep falling asleep isn’t it?’

‘Kind of. I told you it was a rare form. He has… attacks. Sometime they come every week, sometimes not for years. When his father died it was bad, really bad. I thought I was going to lose him.’

‘L…lose him? Is it that bad? Why didn’t he tell me?’

‘It’s not usually that bad. Usually, he just gets disoriented, detached. He goes to bed, falls asleep and wakes up a few hours later absolutely fine.’


‘Occasionally, he has really bad attacks. He falls asleep so deeply I can’t wake him and it happens fast. I have to make sure he eats before he sleeps because sometimes his blood sugar plummets and he could go into a hypoglycaemic coma. It hasn’t happened yet because I make sure he carries sugar pills. If he feels an attack coming on he takes one. The only time he forgets is if it’s the sudden onset one. If he’s at home I do it for him. If he’s outside he has a bracelet that tells people what’s wrong and asks them to call an ambulance. Once he gets to the hospital they give him glucose and he’s usually absolute fine in a couple of hours.’


‘About a week after his father died he had a bad attack, a really bad attack and he was asleep for days. They had to put him on a breathing machine because he was so deeply asleep he couldn’t breathe for himself. After a couple of days he just woke up and he was fine. It’s the way it is. As soon as he wakes up he’s completely over it. On that occasion he was out of hospital and back to normal the next day.

‘It’s scary, Neil. He hasn’t had a bad attack for almost a year but we’ve had gaps of a year or more before. Sooner or later it’s going to happen again and it’s scary. It’s really hard to cope with.’

‘And you think that, as soon as he has an attack, I’ll get scared and run.’

‘It’s happened before.’

‘Not with me it hasn’t.’

‘I don’t think you understand.’

‘No, it’s you who doesn’t understand. I love Alex. I don’t love him because he’s fit and well but because he’s sweet and lovely. I don’t care what happens in the future and if he’s sick I’ll take care of him. You’d better get used to it Mrs Cutler, I’m not going anywhere.’ He was getting angry but Mrs Cutler nodded her head and reached out to lay her hand over his.

‘I believe you, Neil,’ she said.

When Alex came back they were chatting amicably… about him.

‘So… is it sorted? Have you fought it out?’

‘No fighting required,’ Mrs Cutler said lightly. Neil just stared. It made Alex feel uncomfortable.


‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

Alex turned blazing eyes on his mother. ‘Why did you?’

‘He needed to know, Alex.’

‘Is that what it was all about? What, did you think Neil was going to leave like Jake did? Were you angry with him because you thought he’d run away as soon as things got hard? Neil’s not Jake, Mum. I thought you’d have seen that.’

‘I have,’ she said softly.

‘Neil loves me,’ Alex said even more softly. ‘He’s not going to run away. I haven’t had an attack for a year. Maybe it’s gone: maybe not, but Neil’s not going to run away from it… are you?’ he asked less certainly.

Neil shook his head with a flash of anger. ‘What do you think? I though you knew me better than that.’

‘I did. I do.’

‘Then why didn’t you tell me?’

‘I…’ he shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I meant to but… I was waiting for the right time and there never was one.’

Neil nodded and relaxed. ‘Can we eat our dinner now?’ Alex grinned and they did.

With things between Neil and Mrs Cutler vastly improved Neil started to relax and enjoy being at their house more and more. They didn’t spend any time at Neil’s house because his father, whilst being generally okay with their relationship, was uncomfortable seeing them together, and his mother left the room whenever he and Alex were in it.

Neil was very embarrassed by this but what could he do? Alex said he understood and Neil truly believed that he did but it was still not an ideal situation. He found himself wondering what would happen with his parents if he and Alex got married at some point: then got shocked that he’d been thinking about marriage at all. He’d never in a million years thought he’d ever think of marrying anyone… but Alex wasn’t just anyone and he knew full well he’d never find another like him – ever.

They were at Alex’s house watching a movie. Mrs Cutler had ordered pizza and all three of them were sitting, tucked up on the sofa, waiting for the meal. Neil wasn’t enjoying the film and he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to enjoy the pizza, he was way too nervous. He’d decided that tonight was the night he was going to discuss, with Alex, something that had been on his mind for way too long. He had a little box in his pocket with two rings and he was mulling over what would be the best way of approaching the subject.

He had no intention of going down on one knee and proposing. He thought it might be better to broach the subject more carefully and, if Alex was open to the idea, he could either be formal or just suggest they wear commitment rings for a while until they’d really talked about taking the next step.

The rings were identical, simple silver bands twisted into never-ending Celtic knots. He’d had them engraved on the inside with the words ‘together forever’ and they were burning a hole in his pocket. He was jumpy and on edge, praying for Mrs Cutler to leave so he could get it over with.

‘What’s wrong with you?’ Alex asked.

‘What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong with

‘You’re more antsy than an anthill.’

‘It’s nothing, honest. I’m fine.’

Alex gave him a look that said ‘wait until I get you on your own’ then put his arms around him, pulling him back against his chest to rest his cheek on the top of his head.

Neil was wrestling with his nerves to the point that he felt sick, when Alex got up. He wouldn’t have though anything of it if it hadn’t been for the fact that he got up as if Neil wasn’t in his arms and leaning on him, which very nearly resulted in dumping him on the floor.

‘Hey, watch it. I’m here you know and I break easily.’ Alex ignored him and headed for the door.

‘Is everything alright, Alex?’ Mrs Cutler asked, looking up. Alex ignored her too. ‘Alex?’

Alex didn’t so much as glance over his shoulder as he walked out of the door. ‘Stay here,’ Mrs Cutler said anxiously to Neil, and followed. Of course, Neil didn’t stay there but followed her instantly. Alex was heading up the stairs. ‘Alex, where you are you going?’

‘Bed,’ he mumbled, his voice strange and distant, as if he was talking to himself and not someone else.

‘Aren’t you going to have some pizza first?’

‘Bed,’ he repeated, not pausing.

‘There are some glucose tablets in the drawer in kitchen.’ Mrs Cutler hissed, following Alex up the stairs. ‘Get them as fast as you can.’

Neil ran.

When he got to the bedroom Alex was sitting on the bed trying to lie down, but Mrs Cutler wasn’t letting him. She was struggling to keep him upright.

‘Just a few minutes, baby. You need to eat. You haven’t eaten today and you really, really need to get something in you before you go to sleep.’

Without thinking, Neil leaped onto the bed, kneeling behind Alex so he could prop him upright. Mrs Cutler smiled up at him gratefully. Neil handed her the tube of glucose tablets and she quickly opened them.

She held one out to Alex. ‘Eat this, Alex, quickly.’

Alex looked at the sugar sweet as if he had no idea what it was or what he was supposed to do with it.

‘Eat it, Alex,’ his mother said pressing it against his lips. He moaned softly and turned his head away, trying to pull out of Neil’s arms to lie down. ‘Please, Alex.’ He turned his head the other way.

‘Give it to me,’ Neil said softly. Surprised, Mrs Cutler complied. Gently he drew Alex’s head back onto his shoulder. Alex looked up and smiled.

‘Will you eat this sweet thing for me, Alex?’ Alex frowned thoughtfully, his eyes looking at Neil but seeing something else, then smiled. Without waiting for an answer Neil touched the lozenge to Alex’s lips, which had parted with the smile. The tip of Alex’s tongue touched the sweet and he opened his mouth wide enough for the glucose tablet to slip between his teeth.

‘You haven’t got time to suck it, baby,’ Mrs Cutler said. ‘You need to chew.’

Alex stared past Neil, periodically sucking at the sweet. ‘Chew the sweet, babe. Chew it for me.’ Again Alex’s brow furrowed into a confused frown. He looked as if he was going to say something but in the end he bit down on the lozenge and shattered it.

‘Neil, honey.’ He looked up in surprise at Mrs Cutler’s soft words. ‘See if you can get him to take another and we can let him sleep. He’ll be okay then.’

Neil nodded and reached out for the sweet. Mrs Cutler paused before she dropped it into his palm. ‘You should know, he doesn’t know you.’


‘Right now, he has no idea who you are, or me. He knows you’re there but…’

‘Of course he knows me, he…’ Neil looked down into the beautiful face that was blinking vacantly at him. The realisation hit him hard. ‘Oh shit,’ he said quietly as he gently brushed the long dark hair from his lover’s face. Alex started past him and sighed, his eyes closing. ‘No, babe,’ he said, cupping Alex’s cheek and stroking his lips with his thumb. ‘Not yet. You need to eat one more.’ Alex opened his mouth to the caress and Neil slipped in the glucose pill. ‘Chew,’ he directed and Alex complied.

‘Okay,’ Mrs Cutler said, ‘you can let him lie down now.’

Neil carefully laid Alex down on the pillow while Mrs Cutler lifted his legs onto the bed. Neil climbed down as Mrs Cutler tenderly tucked the duvet around her son. He was already half asleep. With a sigh he turned over on his side and curled up, sinking fully into sleep.

Mrs Cutler stroked his hair then got to her feet. ‘Thank you,’ she said to Neil who was standing, immobile, staring down at Alex. ‘We should go downstairs and let him sleep.’

‘Will he be alright?’

‘He’ll be fine. I’ll wake him in an hour and if he wakes easily and recognises me I’ll just let him be.’

‘Do you think he will? That looked pretty bad.’

‘It wasn’t good and it’s frustrating that it’s happened after all this time but he’ll be fine. When he wakes up he’ll be completely back to normal. He always is, even after the really bad ones. We’re exhausted and on edge, he’s bright and cheerful, until he realises what happened, then he’s annoyed but still bright and bouncy – just like he always is.’

She sounded so sad and tired that, without thinking, Neil put his arm around her shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled.

The pizza arrived and they ate. They didn’t talk much, their hearts weren’t in it.

‘Can I go to wake Alex,’ Neil asked when the hour was up. Mrs Cutler looked uncomfortable.

‘I don’t know. You don’t know what to look for. I…’

‘I know what to look for. If he wakes easily and knows who I am then everything is okay. If he doesn’t, I’ll call you.’ She still looked uncomfortable. ‘You’re going to have hand over the reins at some point,’ he reminded her gently.

She looked tense for a moment then she relaxed and smiled. ‘I know,’ she said and nodded. As he walked past her she laid a hand on his arm. ‘Thank you, Neil,’ she said and he smiled.

Alex was sound asleep exactly as they’d left him. Neil crouched at the side of the bed, bringing his face level with Alex’s. He was so peaceful, it seemed such a shame to wake him. Neil shook his head. What the hell was he thinking?

‘Alex,’ he called softly. ‘Alex, wake up.’ Alex stirred a little and moaned sleepily. Neil felt weak with relief. He hadn’t realised how tense and scared he had been. ‘Wake up,’ he repeated, more loudly. Alex stirred more and mumbled something. ‘Hey you, sleeping beauty, you need to wake up now.’ A small smile crept over Alex’s lips and then he froze, half on his side with his head thrown back. For a moment Neil felt the fluttering of panic, until understanding crawled through his mind.

Smiling, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Alex’s. Alex kissed him back, then yawned widely. ‘Hey, this is what I get for being Prince Charming? There’s nothing in the storybooks that says when Prince Charming kissed Sleeping Beauty she tried to eat him.’

Alex smiled and opened his eyes. They were sleepy but clear and focussed. ‘True, but you’re no Prince Charming and I sure as hell ain’t Sleeping Beauty.’

‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’

Neil kissed him again but this time his response was lukewarm. ‘Tired,’ he mumbled, curling up again, snuggling his face into Neil’s hand.

‘Well… I guess it would be okay if you went back to sleep but when you wake up I’m expecting a proper kiss.’

‘Your wish is my command,’ Alex said with a smile, then he was fast asleep again.

Neil was smiling when he went back down the stairs. Mrs Cutler looked up anxiously. ‘Was he alright? Did he know you?’

‘I sure hope so. I’d hate to think he’d seduce anyone else like that.’ She raised her eyebrows. ‘He tricked me into kissing him.’ Her eyes widened further. ‘Sorry, I’m teasing but yeah, he’s fine. He licked his lips and smiled. They ate more pizza. Another hour passed.

‘I think it’s my turn now,’ Mrs Cutler said.

‘Do you need to wake him again?’

‘Every hour, but it
‘s just to make sure he can wake up. I don’t have to talk to him this time. He won’t remember.’


Mrs Cutler didn’t crouch down as Neil had. She sat on the bed and stroked Alex’s hair gently. ‘Wake up, baby. Show me your pretty eyes and I’ll let you get back to sleep. Come on sweetheart.’

Alex didn’t stir and, apart from some listless stirring and the occasional flash of his eyes, he remained fast asleep despite everything she tried over the following ten minutes. ‘Oh baby,’ she said sadly as she stroked his face. He sighed softly but that was all.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket she pressed a number on speed dial, praying it would be answered. It was.

‘Dr Hunter,’ she said in relief. ‘It’s Caren Cutler. I don’t know if you remember me.’

‘Remember you? Of course I remember you, how could I forget? How is my favourite patient?’

‘Not too great. He’s in an attack, a bad one. He checked out completely and I had the devil of a job to get some glucose into him. He woke fine after the first hour and he was lucid and aware but this time I can’t get him awake.’

‘Is he responsive at all?’

‘Yes, he’s stirring but he won’t actually wake.’

‘Give him another hour. It might just be that he’s fallen deep in. How long has it been since he had his last attack?’

‘A year.’

‘Really? Has it been that long? I think it’s understandable then. Try not to worry. Give it another hour and if he still won’t rouse give me a ring back.’

‘Thank you so much.’

With a sigh she disconnected the call and looked down sadly at Alex. ‘I’m so sorry you’re going through this again. I know you thought it was over. But you’ll be okay, and you have Neil now.’

‘Is everything okay?’

She looked up and smiled at Neil. ‘He’ll be okay. I gave the doctor a ring and he said that as it’s been such a long time he’s probably gone in deep but he should be okay in an hour or so.’

‘Should be okay?’

‘Let’s just leave it another hour and see how it goes.’


‘It’s the way it goes, Neil. This is what I was talking about. If you’re going to stay with Alex you’re going to have to get used to it.’

‘If? There’s no ‘if’. Unless Alex decides he’s had enough of me I intend to be with him forever.’ neil blushed and put his hand in his pocket fingering the box. On impulse he took it out and offered it to Caren. Uncertainly she took it and opened it. ‘I was going to talk to him tonight. Maybe I should wait a while.’

‘Are you sure? Are you really sure?’

‘I’ve never been more sure of anything.’

‘It’s a hell of a step, and you’re both so young.’

‘We’ve been together for over a year and I know I’m never going to want anyone else. If he feels the same what’s the point of hanging around. I’m twenty five and I’ve got a good job and Alex will qualify in September. We’ve already talked about looking for a flat. What better time?’

Caren smiled gently at him and handed the box back. ‘You don’t need to convince me. The fact that you’re still here tonight convinces me well enough.’

Briefly they hugged then they went down to watch the end of the film.

The third time they tried to wake Alex he was even more deeply asleep and didn’t even stir. Caren rang the doctor who told her to take him straight to the hospital and he’d meet them there. Both Caren and Neil were frightened, but Caren reassured them both that this wasn’t the first time and he was always okay in the end.

Caren called an ambulance to take them to the hospital. It was the only way they could reasonably get Alex there. Neil followed in the car. Alex half woke when the paramedics strapped him to the stretcher but then slid back in immediately. He woke again when they arrived at the hospital but he simply looked around in a complete daze then fell asleep again.

Dr Hunter met them inside and immediately had Alex taken to a private room in the part of the hospital he used as his own clinic. Once there he gave Alex a thorough examination then turned to Caren and Neil.

‘I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you before,’ he said to Neil, holding out his hand.

Neil smiled. ‘I’m Alex’s boyfriend.’

‘You’re here, that’s wonderful. If I remember, the last time I saw Alex he was going through a rather difficult breakup.’

‘Yes,’ Caren growled. ‘Asshole. Neil is exactly what Alex needed. He’s been so happy.’

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My daughters BFF, Jaz, likes to watch porn too. I'm Dan and I have a daughter named Emma. She's just turned 14 and to celebrate she is allowed to have her BFF over to spend the night. I'm 36, and retired from every day work due to my luck doing day trading. I still dabble and enjoy it as a hobby now. Emma's Mon is a corporate lawyer in the City and is rarely home before 8 on a week night. Lately I have been bored and watch porn late...

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You left your wife a note saying the station called you in. You drive over to her place. You knock on the door. She answers in a skimpy top. You could here the song ”sweat” playing. She doesn't say a word her eyes just stared at yours. Waiting wanting. You step inside and shut and lock the door. You Reach your arm out and grab hers. You pull her close to you. You put both hands around her neck and pull her to you. Her mouth looks so tempting. Your cock is hard as fuck. you turn her back ...

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I arrive home late, Marina is in bed asleep. She was so hot she slept in the nude. I turn a low light on and pull back the covers. She is on her stomach with her right knee bent and leg pulled up. I have a nice view of her shaved pussy. My cock starts getting hard as I lick my finger and reach out to caress it around her pussy lips..She wiggles a little in her sleep as I pull back and strip my clothes off. I carefully climb in bed so I don't wake her..not yet. I move up behind her and move...

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She was laying with her back closely pressed to my chest, her legs pulled up and her chin sunk down towards her chest. She was asleep; her hands were grabbing onto the edge of the heavy duvet as if she was trying to cover herself up and meanwhile I feel it strangling me, leaving me unable to move much while sweat starts forming in a layer all over my body. My face was already wet and red by the time I push the boxers down and feel my heavy balls. I wondered for how long I'd been asleep like...

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I looked at Emily and she had her hand down her panties, touching herself. Her eyes were half closed and she was breathing heavily. I asked her what she was doing and she said that she was doing what her daddy taught her, that she was pleasing herself. I watched her for a few moments until I said "Can you show me how?" she stopped what she was doing and she nodded and smiles and took her hand out of her panties and stuck her fingers into her mouth and she scooted closer to me. "Daddy said...

2 years ago
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Spencer: What? Me: Nothing. We Played The Same Game All Night. I Heard Nothing But Gun Fire And Explosions. I didn't see where this was coming from because i was staring at Spencer All Night. I Kept Fantasizing him stripping and me attacking him and shoving his cock into my mouth as i always did when he came over. God he's gorgeous. Skinny, cute boyish face, a little on the short side, perfect dark hair, bright green eyes, I loved when he turned his head and his hair went up for...

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I He stands behind me, gently pressing his body against mine. Slowly he explores with his hands, beginning at my hips and following the curve of my body until his hands find my breasts. I feel my flesh tingling, my breath coming faster, deeper. His caresses increase in intensity, becoming more urgent. He moves us forward against the wall, suddenly before us, and I feel his hardness pressing into me through our clothes. As if reading my mind, his hands move from my breasts and begin pulling at...

2 years ago
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Sleepworkers Revisited

It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of eighteen to twenty one. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor...

Mind Control
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Sleepin Beauty

The Prologue: Our fairy tale starts with our dear prince William. Riding one day through the forest that was his fathers, and his fathers before him, and he wondered at all inside of it. All of which was owned by his family. Upon his travels he happened upon a young peasant girl. Undeniably attractive was she, and drunk upon his own power the young prince whose age was 18 was immediately struck by what she was doing. "Girl," he spoke, "what do you think you're doing in the king's forest, mine...

4 years ago
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Sleepwalker Family

It started when I was 18. The day I turned 18. Rather the night after I turned 18. I think I am responsible. In fact, I know I am responsible. Still, with family and friends like the ones I have, you really can't blame me. It was June 22nd. It was a Friday night, and my sisters had a few friends staying the night. I have three older sisters, Stacy, five years older, Jenny, three years older, and Heather, one and a half years older. Our parents are engineers, and we are all almost exactly 18...

Mind Control
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I looked at the clock. It was about 2:00. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't get the image out of my head. I was cleaning some stuff up earlier that day and went into the upstairs bathroom to wash my hands and apparently John didn't lock the door and had just stepped out of the shower. She was drying off her very large breasts and I walked right in almost bumping into her. I stopped and stared at her for a second and she froze. We just stood there for a second not sure of what...

2 years ago
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It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...

Mind Control
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I began tossing and turning in bed around five 'o' clock in the morning. I'd woke up sporting a hard on, and thinking about my upcoming visit to the glory hole I'd been visiting, going on now for over six months!I was wearing a rigid, black plastic, cock ring, which tended to force my balls forwards more and more as my cock would get firmer and firmer; and I'd chosen to wear it for the last three days, never taking it off, not even to shower; but I liked sensing it's presence throughout the...

3 years ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N P4

Consumation With KateKate bit her lip and nodded profusely. I took her by both hands and helped her up off the bathroom floor. I kissed her again and we both began looking around the bathroom trying to figure out how where to land. ”How should we do this?” Kate said, in her cute funny voice. ”Why don’t I sit down and you can ride me.” ”On the toilet?” We both laughed nervously and I gestured “We don’t have much choice.” I went over to the toilet and sat down atop the closed seat. It was...

3 years ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N P3

Oral Pleasure, Part IAnd with that I dropped to my knees on the bathroom floor so my face was directly in front of Kate N.’s exposed ass and asshole. “Oh God,” she breathed out. My hands were still on her ass cheeks, so all I had to do is pull them apart and lean in. I stuck out my tongue and slide it over Kate’s pussy lips as my nose pressed against her puckered anus. I licked and lapped and she cried out. My tongue slithered into her, parting her labia and burrowing into her wet vaginal...

4 years ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N P2

Let there be lightShe went in to the bathroom first, with her back to me, and let go of my hand. I stood directly behind her — softly closing the door behind us both. For a few seconds, we stood together like that in the pitch blackness. I could hear Kate breathing in short, quick breaths, and I could see her white nightshirt. It seemed to glow before me, making Kate into a spirit, a sexual ghost hovering over the bathroom tile daring me to reach out and try to possess her. I could’ve done...

2 years ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N Part

This is a story of a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands and cock of an older man — me. of, well, me. I’m an older man. I’m almost 50, with a still somewhat athletic build, hairy chest and body, and a decent-sized cock of about eight inches long rooted in a mass of wiry brown pubic hair. The young woman I’m about to tell you about is Kate N.. I’ve known her for a very long time. Let’s just leave it at that. Kate was adopted as an infant from China by her mom, Ewa, and her adoptive...

4 years ago
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I He stands behind me, gently pressing his body against mine. Slowly he explores with his hands, beginning at my hips and following the curve of my body until his hands find my breasts. I feel my flesh tingling, my breath coming faster, deeper. His caresses increase in intensity, becoming more urgent. He moves us forward against the wall, suddenly before us, and I feel his hardness pressing into me through our clothes. As if reading my mind, his hands move from my breasts and begin pulling at...

Straight Sex
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Sleepsuckers Sleepsuckersby Dennis C. Lee  ? Bebe woke up with the funniest feeling in her stomach. Usually when she woke up she was hungry for breakfast, but today she felt surprisingly full. ? As she got out of the warm bed and stretched her pert agile body she began wondering what exactly happened the night before. Here it was, a weekend, and was she really having the fun she told herself she would all week? Her and her friend Alicia had gone out; that much she remembered. They'd...

3 years ago
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Sleepwalkers Surprise

As the summer of 2020 was about to come to an end, unknown to me that my summer fun (or just plain funny) had one more memorable moment. I am not new to sleep disorders as I've had to accept that they are always going to be there and luckily have left a few giggles in their wake. Well this September 2020 I had an episode where I was sleepwalking. As a k** my parents would follow me and make sure nothing bad was going to happen to me. As a 52 year old adult I didn't have someone watching my...

2 years ago
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Sleepaway Camp Blues

Mike sat on the bench outside the camp main office with his head in his hands, crying. He had spent 4 days there, and nobody liked him, even the counselers. He was only 12, and didn't like sleepaway camp in the first place, but his parents had insisted that he try it so he could get involved in sports and meet other boys his age. He had just been talking to his mom on the phone, and she had told him that she would come down and pick him up. All the kids had been calling him a baby and making...

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This girl I knew from school pulled up her shirt and showed me her tits. Chelsea was a cheerleader and normally never even gave me a second look. That's when I knew I was just having a sexy dream. Since turning sixteen I'd finally gotten my subconscious trained so that most times when I had a sexy dream I could go on long enough to enjoy it, but wake up in time to keep from making a mess in my jams, or worse. I always slept in boxers, so my hard-on found it pretty easy to poke out the front...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 2 High School Things get interesting

There is nothing quite like the first day of high school. Okay, later in life college and the first interview for a real job might come close. Fast food and video game attendant don't count. I mean like, interviewing for your new job in a legal office. Yeah, the first day of high school is, well, horrible! I mean, it's cool; you're hot stuff now, in the big leagues. New school, new teachers, real classes, girls... oh yeah, girls. Big girls, with like, big girl parts and tight jeans and...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 3 Its Like Someone Flipped a Switch

That night I had the wildest dream about Shannon. Okay, my dreams had always been a little unusual. That was the reason I wanted to get into psychology and why I had wanted to talk to Mr. Shelby. For one thing, I never have nightmares, at least nothing like what other people talked about. I almost always have dreams in the 'first person' sense. Meaning I saw them as if I were living the scene. That's not unusual in itself. Many people dream this way. What was unusual was that in 'first...

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SleepwalkerChapter 4 Lots of Questions

Well, sleeping was out of the question. So I got up and sat at my desk and started making notes. Was this the first time? No, definitely not. There was the episode with the fire that I wanted to ask Mr. Shelby about. That was the one that stood out the most. Were there others? As soon as I asked myself, I flashed back to the damsel in distress and having tea with the world's sweetest dragon. It was like a cascade from there. I had been in and out of Allison's dreams for years. Why Allison?...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 5 Confessions and Revelations

Mom and Dad were of course, still at work. Allison was sunbathing out back but came in when she heard me inside. After yesterday's adventures with Shannon I couldn't help but notice that my little sister had grown up quite a bit while I wasn't looking too. Wearing a two-piece bathing suit held together with string made it easy to notice. It was her usual sun worshipping attire so I should have noticed sooner. I guess the last twenty-four hours had really opened my eyes. When she got it the...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 6 The First Steps

The morning passed quickly. I took a shorter run and spent some extra time stretching and doing calisthenics before the rest of the family got up. No one was up so I snuck into Allison's room. Kneeling by the bed, I leaned over and gently kissed her mouth. She moved a little, then I felt more than saw her eyes open. She started to react, then realized it was me. One hand came up to grip the back of my head and she pressed her tongue against my lips, seeking entrance. I opened my mouth to...

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SleepwalkerChapter 7 A Quiet Night at Home

I really wanted to talk to Allison about the things that Bob and I had discussed. The only problem was she wasn't there. I found a note saying that she and Shannon had gone to the mall to catch a matinee and that she would be home for dinner. So much for that idea. Then I realized it wasn't such a big deal. After all, we had all night to talk, and other things. I changed and took my homework out on the back patio. The next hour and a half was spent relaxing in the sun. Just me, some tunes...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 8 A Quiet Night pt 2

"What do you mean Shannon will be jealous? You mean you're going to tell her?" "Don't be silly! Of course I'm going to tell her! She's my best friend; I can't keep something like this from her." Allison gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then literally bounced out of bed. "Be right back." A second later I heard the bathroom door close. Not a bad idea actually. While waiting for my turn I decide to put some clothes on in case something went wrong with Mom and Dad's date and they...

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SleepwalkerChapter 9 Dont Screw This Up

I'm not sure why, but when it was just Allison and I, I don't remember dreaming at all. Maybe it had something to do with the parents coming home, or being back in my bed. Whatever the reason, it seemed like as soon as I hit my pillow I found myself in the hallway outside, of all places, Shannon's room. I had been trying to think of how to talk to her but hadn't come to any real conclusions. I guess somewhere in my head a part of me thought I was ready.

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SleepwalkerChapter 10 You Gotta Trust Someone

Friday was an interesting day around campus. The football team, which had been practicing for most of the summer, was being presented to the rest of the school. They were easy to spot around campus all day. The school had a standard dress policy for all sports teams. Guys were required to wear a collared shirt and tie on game day, or in the event of a weekend event, they had to wear them on Friday. This was intended to honor the other team. Of course it also gave everyone a chance to ID the...

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SleepwalkerChapter 11 The WeekendFriday Night

Friday night. At last, a quiet evening at home! Some time to relax and reflect on the events of the week. Not! The parents had all been planning a big weekend for some time. Okay big may have been a stretch. Essentially, Mark's family was coming over to swim and barbeque and play cards tonight, and then we were all going over to their house to do the same on Saturday. Usually, the kids just played video games or swam or whatever and stayed out of the way. The biggest stress point in my life...

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SleepwalkerChapter 12 Interlude

Allison was waiting for me in the glade. "So, how was your evening with Shannon?" "Allison, a gentleman does not kiss and tell," I chided her. "Right! Don't make me hurt you. It's up to you though. Either you can tell me, or I can stop helping you with her. What do you think, benevolent assistance or flying on a wing and a prayer? You might as well tell me anyway. You know she is going to and then it will be too late to get your side of the story in." "Okay, okay. I was just...

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SleepwalkerChapter 13 The WeekendSaturday

I woke early Saturday morning. Allison was still asleep, cuddled up close to me. Her warm breath gently tickled the fine hairs on my chest, her warm body pressed against mine. I decided then that this was a great way to wake up. As wonderful as it was though, Mother Nature was calling my name in a very loud voice. I tried to slip out without waking her but it was no use, her eyes opened, she gave a little stretch and then hugged me close. "Oooooh," she sighed. "Don't go; this is really...

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SleepwalkerChapter 14 The WeekendSunday

'Waking up' with Allison is nice, really nice. I'm not sure how much distance would make a difference, but the short way to the Davis's certainly didn't affect anything. Even in a dream. I don't know that you would call it sleeping but somehow spending time with her, even like that, left me feeling very refreshed and at peace. There was a certain 'rightness' to it that is just hard to explain. I'm not really even sure when it happened but at some point during the night, there we...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 15 Opinions and Observations

It's amazing to think how quickly something can become routine. But that's what school had become in just one week. Things progressed just as expected right up to lunch, though I hadn't seen Bob or Susan all day. Then just as I thought it was going to be a complete bust, Mark caught up to me. He was really excited. "Dude, you are not going to believe this. David stopped me at break and apologized for all that stuff yesterday! It was so cool. He said it was that last comment that really...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 16 Busted

I walked out the door from Bob's place and into the glade. Allison was waiting for me. "I thought you might come here," she said, holding her arms out to me. "I hoped you would." She was wearing what was fast becoming my favorite outfit. The long satiny robe with just a very small butterfly g-string underneath. The way the fabric peak-a-booed her body as she moved... What can I say, she just radiated sexy. Without hesitation she moved into my arms and began kissing me passionately; our...

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