- 2 years ago
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Vacation, when the kids were little, always meant camping in the mountains. Camping for us meant driving far enough away from civilization that we had at least one hundred yards in every direction with no one else around. It meant sleeping bags, with a tent for Mom and Dad, but the two kids out under the stars. It meant collecting downed wood for an evening campfire, and hot cocoa in the morning to help us warm up. It meant hikes, relaxing by a stream, and listening to all the quiet sounds you never hear in the city; sounds of water, and wind, and animals and birds.
When the kids got older they became very involved with their friends, their part-time jobs, and their high school related activities. For a few years, there, we really didn't take any vacations. Then, four years ago, our daughter got married. Our son tied the knot two years ago, and we suddenly had an empty nest. Marsha and I looked at each other and had that devastating realization that comes some time in your late forties, the realization that our life was probably at least half over.
Last year we knew it was time to take a vacation again, just the two of us, and we decided to do something totally different -- we went on a cruise. Well, it was different, all right, and sort of interesting as a one-time thing, but we knew it wasn't really us. We both grew up in Colorado, and had raised our kids in Colorado Springs, right up against the Rockies. We were mountain people, not ocean people.
This year, clear back in January, we started thinking about our vacation for the year. We were determined that it would have something to do with the mountains, and yet, we agreed, it would not be camping this time. The ground seemed to have gotten much less comfortable to sleep on than it used to be; the thought of isolation with no kids around seemed spooky, somehow; a tent would be cramped and smelly and not very private; cooking over a tiny gasoline stove on a chilly morning no longer sounded like fun. Yes, we were getting old.
It was Marsha who came up with the winning suggestion. "Ron, have you ever been to Yosemite?"
"No, but I've wanted to go there. Have you ever seen it?"
"No, I haven't either. Why don't we go there this year?"
If you draw a straight line from our house to Yosemite it's about 800 miles. There are many very high mountains along that line, and the few roads in the area aren't the sort you'd want to drive on for 900 miles, so flying appeared to be the obvious way to get there. On the other hand, neither of us have ever liked flying, and the conditions seem to get worse every year, with long lines for security checkpoints, cramped seats, few meals, and no movies. Once we realized there were no major airports anywhere close to Yosemite, we ruled out flying.
That left driving, and I started planning the trip. The best I could come up with on decent roads was a 2600 mile round trip, which Google told me would mean 45 hours on the road. I knew we wouldn't want to drive all day, so I spread the trip out over four days each way. Marsha groaned when I showed her my plans, and we almost abandoned the idea right then.
The news got worse as winter started to give way to spring. This was the year that oil first went over $100 per barrel, and gas prices were shooting up at an unbelievable rate. We were hearing predictions that it was likely to cost $4 per gallon by summer, probably even more in California. With our car that would mean five or six hundred dollars for gas alone, not to mention wear and tear, and the eight days on the road eating in restaurants and sleeping in motels. On top of that we'd have some hefty expenses in Yosemite once we got there.
That would stretch our budget to, or perhaps beyond, the breaking point, and we reluctantly decided we would have to give up on our Yosemite dream.
We were moaning to one of our friends about this, when he said, "Have you thought about taking the train?"
The train? What does he think this is, 1900? Do they even have passenger trains any more?
Our friend assured us that they did, that they were very comfortable, and surprisingly cheap. He told us he had ridden one, and really enjoyed it.
A little time on the internet convinced me that he was right on the price, but there did seem to be some problems. They didn't run very frequently, so we wouldn't have any choice about what time of day we went. They didn't run very fast, so we would have to be on the train overnight. And they didn't always run on schedule, so we would have to live with possible delays.
We would be able to get to Yosemite, but only by transferring to a second train in Sacramento, and later to a bus. Transferring didn't appeal to me, given what I'd read about the trains sometimes being hours behind schedule. Perhaps worst of all, there wouldn't be any rental cars available once we got into the park.
"It looks like we'd be better off flying than taking the train," I grumbled to Marsha.
She had been looking over my shoulder for part of my research, and disagreed with me. "But, Ron, didn't you notice the picture of the seats on the Amtrak web site? You'd have to fly first class to get a seat like that on a plane. And how about the meals? They have a dining car with real tablecloths and plates, not TV dinners on a tiny shelf at your seat. And you're free to walk around anywhere, any time. No seat belts! They even have an observation car."
"Sounds to me like you're sold."
She nodded. "You know what else? We wouldn't have to take the train all the way. We could rent a car in Sacramento and drive from there. That way we wouldn't have any transfers."
"But what about having to sleep in the seat?"
"We've slept on the plane before; it wouldn't be too bad. Besides, didn't they say they also had sleeping rooms?"
"Yes," I snorted, "but those have got to be just for rich people."
Marsha chuckled. "I don't think many rich people ride on trains. Why don't you at least see how much it would cost."
OK, back to the web site to get a quote. I couldn't believe the answer. Round trip Denver to Sacramento with what they called a 'roomette' would only cost $1200 for the two of us, and the kicker was that all meals were included. The drive from Sacramento to Yosemite didn't look all that far, and that would give us the car we thought we needed. We'd have the cost of that car even if we flew, and we'd probably have to drive all the way from San Francisco.
Compare that to gas, food, and motels for eight days if we drove, or the discomforts and costs of flying, and it looked like a real bargain. Sign me up!
So it was that on a bright June afternoon we made the short trip up to Denver, the back of the car filled with suitcases containing everything that we would need for the next ten days. Marsha's brother lived in Denver, and we stayed overnight with him, then he drove us to the train station early in the morning.
I had some real misgivings when we pulled up at the station. It was a relic from the 19th century -- I felt as if there should be horses and buggies out front, not cars. The place was huge, both inside and out. We walked into a cavernous hall with an impossibly high ceiling and a giant mural on the wall. On the floor were rows of old-fashioned straight-backed wood benches, rather like church pews, but in pairs facing each other. In place of airport ticket counters we saw ancient teller windows with ancient men issuing tickets.
I'll have to admit, though, that there was another way of looking at that picture. There were no rope-constrained baffles with long lines of people snaking through them; no metal detectors to pass through; no uniformed agents screening carry-on luggage; no signs saying 'passengers only beyond this point, ' 'no entry, ' or 'remove your shoes.' We were free to wander wherever we pleased, even out onto the tracks. Out there we were met by a sharply dressed black porter who courteously answered our questions and showed us where to stand for best access to the sleeper cars. We had truly fallen through a time warp into a different world.
The train itself, once it arrived, was sleek and shiny. The appointments were as plush as the web pictures had made them appear, apart from narrow aisles and a claustrophobic twisting staircase leading to the upper level. Our roomette on the upper level was mostly filled by two super wide reclining seats facing each other with a fold-down table and adequate foot room between. It had a very solid sliding door with a large glass window and a curtain for privacy. Two more large windows gave us a panoramic view of the scenery outside -- no little portholes here.
It wasn't nirvana, though. There were the toilets, which were down the hall and just as cramped as the ones you find on airplanes, and the 'closet' which was wide enough for two garments if you slipped them in very carefully. More significantly, no one told us about the swaying train, exaggerated on the upper level, and the 'drunken sailor walk' the swaying caused as we tried to make our way from place to place.
Then there were the beds. We really found what the '-ette' part of roomette meant that night when the porter converted it to the nighttime configuration. The two seats reclined all the way flat to form a bed, but it was a bed about the size of an army cot. There was obviously no way two adults could sleep there, no matter how friendly they tried to be. A bunk bed swung down from the ceiling, but it was even narrower, more like a high ledge. And once the bed was down, there was just about room to twist your foot in sideways between it and the sliding door.
The meals were definitely on the plus side of the ledger. There really were white tablecloths on the tables, and the freshly prepared food, brought up from a kitchen on the lower level, was served by friendly waiters. Amazingly, it actually was free -- no hidden charges, and anything we wanted. Well, anything on the menu, that is. That gave us about five choices of entrees for each meal.
We did get one surprise, though. The tables, which were really booths, held four people each, and the waiters insisted on seating four people at each table. Because of this we ended up sitting with two strangers for each meal. That seemed a bit awkward at first, but we quickly caught on to the nearly universal passenger solution to this strange situation. Our meal partners became new acquaintances, rather than strangers. We were, after all, sharing a rather unique experience. Coach riders ate at one end of the dining car, and sleeper riders at the other, and most people who paid for sleepers were couples. We met couples who were train enthusiasts, and others like ourselves who were on their first ride. All of them had interesting stories and were pleasant to talk with.
It was actually with some reluctance that we got off the train in Sacramento the next afternoon, loaded our stuff into a rental car, and pointed it toward Yosemite. We arrived there, very tired, about 9:30 that night. The park's fabled wonders would have to wait. All we wanted was a real bed in a real room, and my reservation at Yosemite Lodge fit the bill perfectly.
Yosemite was awesome, and we spent a happy week exploring it. We gazed at the towering cliffs and thrilled at the waterfalls; we drove up to the rim and looked down into the valley; we spent hours walking in hushed reverence among the giant Sequoias; enjoyed picnics beside the roaring Merced river; and yes, we saw several bears.
One thing bothered us a bit. There must have been thousands of people in Yosemite Valley, but they were all strangers, all tourists locked up in their own worlds. No one wanted to make new friends, and we basically didn't talk to a soul the whole week. We found ourselves pining for the random mealtime pairings on the train.
Finally our vacation in that magical valley was over, and we drove back to Sacramento one afternoon, staying in a hotel there that night. The next morning we caught the 10:09 train -- which didn't arrive until after 11 o'clock.
As we climbed the twisting steps, slipped down the narrow aisle to our little roomette, and settled into its comfortable recliners, we almost felt like we were home again. Marsha and I smiled at each other, and agreed it was a very successful vacation.
Chapter 2At lunch that day we sat with a couple about our own age, and soon were chatting like old friends. We all enjoyed ourselves so much that we agreed to arrive together for dinner at six.
When we got back to our roomette, Marsha said, "Oh, I really like Tom and Jan, don't you?"
"Yes," I agreed, "they're a great couple, and we all seem to have so much to talk about."
It was true, I did like both of them, but I found myself especially attracted to Jan. I really wished we could get to know them better, but I knew it wasn't to be. Our time together would have to end no later than the next evening, when we got off the train in Denver. They had already told us they were going on to Omaha.
Our little roomette was only a few steps in front of the dining car, and Jan and Tom went on forward from there when we separated after lunch, so they suggested we could meet at our roomette before dinner. Surely if the four of us showed up at the dining car together we would be seated together.
The call for the six o'clock dinner seating that we had agreed on triggered a little flutter in my belly. I couldn't wait to see Jan again. The flutter grew into a knot as they didn't show up immediately. What if they had changed their minds, and decided not to join us? Fortunately, we had to wait less than five minutes, then Marsha and I both broke out in huge grins as Jan and Tom poked their heads into our little hideaway. They seemed as happy to see us as we were to see them.
We were so happy to be together that Marsha and Jan gave each other a big hug while I shook Tom's hand, and then Jan and I reached around each others' waists for a squeeze while Tom and Marsha did the same. I caught a glimpse of the start of their squeeze, but then my attention was focused on Jan. We didn't hug, really, but as we stood side by side for the squeeze, we bumped our hips together, and we looked into each others' eyes. Oh, God, I so wanted to take her into my arms.
The moment passed quickly, and we were all talking and laughing as we pushed through the doors into the dining car. The women sat by the windows, and Tom and I by the aisle, but I found myself frequently looking diagonally across the table at Jan, and she at me. It seemed like Tom was also looking at Marsha a lot, but I was too busy looking across the table to pay much attention to him, or to pay any attention to where Marsha was looking.
For the life of me I can't remember much of what we said during that meal, but I know that we told each other funny stories about our marriages and families, and we teased each other a lot. I don't mean cruel teasing, of course, just light teasing that led to lots of laughs. One thing I do remember talking about was the tiny beds in the roomette. I described climbing up on top and trying to twist myself end for end with no room to sit up and no room to turn sideways. I expected them to agree with my experience, but instead they surprised me by bragging that they had gotten a larger room.
We were still laughing and toying with our desserts when we noticed our waitress starting to hover, and ask repeatedly if there was anything else she could get us. We finally realized that they were hoping to reuse the table for late diners, so got up with apologies to the waitress.
"Hey," Tom said, "why don't you two come on up front and see how much bigger our bedroom is."
Marsha and I quickly agreed. I, for one, was in favor of anything that would keep us together for a while longer. They led the way to the front half of the car we were staying in, which was set up very differently from the back half. In the back the aisle ran down the middle of the car, with roomettes on each side. In the front the aisle ran along the windows with larger rooms on one side only. We expected them to stop at one of those rooms, but they kept going, cutting back to the middle at the very front of the car so they could push through doors into another sleeper car. This one was set up the same, with roomettes at the back and larger rooms in front. No wonder it had taken them a while to join us before dinner!
Was I ever impressed when they motioned us into their room! It had a large sofa on one side of their picture windows and an armchair on the other. Beside the armchair was a wash basin and an enclosure that turned out to be a toilet and a shower! The sofa was easily big enough to seat three and Tom motioned me to sit there. I slid to the window end and Marsha sat next to me. I expected Jan to sit next to Marsha, but Tom sat in the armchair and patted his lap. Jan grinned and snuggled up against him.
We started chatting again, but kept being distracted by some very noisy neighbors down the hall. Tom whispered in Jan's ear, and she jumped up to close the sliding door. Poof! Noises gone instantly. While she was up, Jan pulled the curtain across the door, to point out how light and airy the room was even when totally closed off. Leaving it that way, she sat down on Tom's lap again.
It came out, somewhere along the way in our conversation, that Jan and I had both been working with community theatre groups, so we started comparing our experiences.
Out of one ear, while really focused on what Jan was saying about having had a couple of supporting actress roles in musicals, I heard Marsha groan to Tom, "Oh, no, they're going to be talking about theatre forever."
"It's a hopeless cause," Tom agreed, "but we're both teachers, so wouldn't you rather talk about that?" I picked up a few phrases of their subsequent conversation, as they enthusiastically shared experiences with each other, but the truth is I was fascinated by what Jan was saying.
"You're kidding!" I told her. "I love musicals. I've been in several, but mostly chorus and minor roles."
"Did you ever dream that you could be a lead?" she asked.
"Dream? Yes, doesn't everybody, but even if I could do it, which I can't, I'm too old for most leading roles."
"Not all of them. How about Fiddler on the Roof?"
"Oh, God, yes! Now there's a dream, to be Tevye."
Jan laughed. "I'll bet every middle-aged actor dreams of singing 'If I Were a Rich Man.'"
"True, but even more, I'd love to sing 'Chaveleh.'"
"Oh, yes, it always make me cry ... Ron ... when you play Tevye I want to play Golde."
"Ummm, 'Sabbath Prayer' -- One of the most beautiful pieces ever written. Now that's what always makes me cry. Do you think we could get through it together without breaking down?"
"I doubt it," she said, looking at me with tears glistening in her eyes.
We stared at each other for a while without speaking, then Jan broke the mood by turning to her husband and cutting into what he and Marsha were saying.
"Hon, Ron and I would like to go get some cokes. Would that be OK with you?" She turned back and winked at Marsha. "I'll bet he's going to find it a lot easier to talk to you if he doesn't have to crane his neck around me to even see you."
Jan and I hadn't said a word about getting drinks, but the moment she mentioned it I thought it was a great idea. I turned to look at Marsha, who was blushing, apparently from what Jan had said.
"You don't mind, do you," I asked her. "We'll just be gone a minute."
"No, I, ... no, of course, ... that ... that would be fine," she finally got out.
"Can you bring us a couple, too, while you're at it?" Tom asked.
Jan had stood up by now, and was pulling the curtain away from the door as I nodded to Tom and told him we would. She ducked behind the curtain and slid the door open, then held the curtain while I also ducked behind it. That seemed like an odd way to do things, and I wondered why she didn't just open the curtain, but I didn't say anything. Once we were out in the aisle she also slid the door shut, pointing her thumb at the still noisy neighbors.
After we made our way down to the middle of the sleeper car, Jan leaned close to me and whispered, "Wanna know a secret? I'll bet that before we get back Tom and Marsha are going to be doing more than talking."
I looked at her with shock and concern. I realized for the first time that we had two sleeper cars to go through, then the dining car, then to the middle of the club car, and finally down the stairs there to get to the soda stand. We were going to be gone a lot longer than the minute I had promised Marsha.
"No! ... You mean he might try to put the make on her? ... This is terrible! We should go back, Jan. She would never let him do anything, but it could get awkward."
"Don't worry, Tom won't try to pressure her."
With that, she left my brain whirling and continued back through the car. I caught up with her as she was going through the doors into the next sleeper.
"Are you trying to suggest that she is going to come on to him?"
Jan shook her head. "It's too noisy to talk here," she said, and indeed the sounds of the wheels on the tracks echoed loudly through the accordion material where the cars were joined together.
We walked on back to the middle of that sleeper, where there was an open area, and the staircase leading down. Then she turned and looked at me.
"Look, you couldn't see it from where you were sitting beside her, but she was getting stars in her eyes while they were talking."
"You're crazy," I blurted out. "We've been married twenty-seven years, and she has never shown the least sign of..."
"There's always a first time. But let's not talk about them. I want to talk about us; that's why I suggested we go get the cokes."
"What do you mean, talk about us?"
"Well, like, for example, the way my heart was going thump, thump, thump, every time I looked at you, or the stars I saw in your eyes when you looked at me."
"Jan, stop that!"
"Why? We can't deny it, either one of us. Here, follow me."
She ducked down the narrow stairway that twisted its way to the lower floor. At the first landing she turned to face me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled her body against me as she gave me a quick kiss.
"I've been dying to do that for the last hour. Now it's your turn. Show me how you would like to kiss me."
"Oh, God, Jan," I moaned as my arms went around her waist and my mouth reached out to hers. The kiss lasted a long time.
Suddenly I pulled away. "We've got to go, or they'll be wondering why it's taking us so long."
Jan laughed. "I seriously doubt that. If I'm right, and they're not just talking, they are going to lose all track of time. And if you're right, they'll be enjoying their talk so much that they won't care how long we take, especially if we tell them we got involved in a discussion ourselves."
Staring into my eyes, she added, "Of course, we won't tell them the details of our discussion."
With that, Jan melted into my arms again.
We did finally separate, only to have her grin slyly and ask, "So what was that hard thing I was feeling rubbing against my belly?"
I blushed bright red, then turned and started up the steps without answering. When I got to the top, though, I stepped back to let her pass, and said, "I think I'll follow you, if you don't mind."
With a broad grin, Jan said, "I don't mind a bit. You can follow as close as you want; the closer the better."
I did try to leave a few inches between us as we swayed our way past the open roomettes. When we got to the doors where the cars were joined, I 'accidentally' bumped into her, and she wiggled her ass against my hard-on. She seemed to be having trouble getting the door into the next car to open, so the contact lasted longer than it really should have.
Then we swayed our way though the nearly empty dining car, maintaining a proper distance between us, only to find she had even more trouble, and we had even more contact, getting through the doors to the club car.
Chapter 3The club car, or observation car, didn't really have any walls. It had nearly continuous windows, end to end on both sides, starting about two feet from the floor and arching up over our heads. The effect was like riding on top of the train, but protected by a glass bubble. There were little groups of seats on both sides, mostly facing out. None of these seats were assigned to passengers; they were available to anyone, first come, first served.
We had to behave in the club car. People were scattered all around, looking in all directions. We couldn't even get away with anything while we were going down the narrow stairway to the refreshment stand, because someone was waiting for us to get off the stairs so they could come back up. Once downstairs we realized that the sodas came in cans along with cups containing ice. We had all we could manage, juggling four cans and four cups of ice as we drunkenly swayed our way back through three cars to Tom and Jan's room.
Just before we got there, Jan turned and whispered, "Let's not barge in on them; who knows, we might catch them ... well, let's just say they might be embarrassed. Can you kind of knock on the door with your elbow or something?"
I did, and Jan called, "Can you help us here? Our hands are very full."
We heard Tom's voice, "Just a minute."
As we waited, Jan mouthed, 'I told you so, ' but it was actually much less than a minute before the curtain was pulled back a bit and Tom's head appeared through the window in the door. I saw him look quickly over his shoulder, then slowly slide the door open.
"My god, you really are loaded down," he said, taking a cup from each of us. "Marsha, get the table folded down so we have a place to put all this stuff."
At that point I caught my first glimpse of Marsha, but only from the back. She seemed to be trying to do something to her blouse with one hand, while fighting the pullout table with the other. Both tasks accomplished, she turned, and looked demurely down at the table as the rest of us deposited cans and cups there. My eyes bugged out when I saw that Marsha's blouse wasn't tucked in properly, but I held my tongue. Jan had certainly been right, but I was in no position to accuse my wife of anything.
This time Marsha sat down first, scooting to the window end of the sofa. I sat down next to her, and Tom sat in the armchair again. Jan gave me a wink and sat down next to me. I glanced quickly at Marsha to see how she would take that, but she was giving Tom her rapt attention.
We told each other additional bits of our life stories while we drank the sodas. The feel of Jan's body touching me was driving me crazy, but I tried not to talk directly to her. I did watch Tom, and saw his eyes going repeatedly to Marsha, but he also seemed to be trying not to talk specifically to her. His efforts and mine kept us from breaking up into separate conversations this time, but I could sure feel the sexual tension.
Once the sodas were gone, Tom changed the subject. "Look, I feel a bit awkward bringing this up, but Marsha and I were starting a serious discussion while you two were getting the cokes, and I wonder if there is some way we could continue it."
He looked at me, and then at Marsha. "I know Marsha wouldn't want to discuss it in front of you guys, so I was wondering if ... well, if you guys would mind if she and I went for a little walk somewhere. You would like that, Marsha, wouldn't you?"
I heard a quiet little gasp from Marsha, and she didn't say anything, but I looked her direction and saw she was nodding her head slowly while biting her lip. Marsha saw me looking her way and gave me a quick look, almost a scared and guilty look, but I just smiled at her and nodded.
"Sure, it's OK with me," I managed to get out. My brain was boiling with thoughts of what Jan and I might be doing while they were gone.
Tom looked across at his wife on the sofa. "Jan, is it OK with you?"
"Of course," Jan bubbled, "and don't worry about Ron and me. I'm sure we can find lots to talk about while you're gone."
Tom stood up and reached across the little table for Marsha's hand, pulling her to her feet. She slipped out past my knees and stood close to him.
"It may take us a while to work this out, and I don't know where we'll be, but if possible I'd like to find some place where we don't have too many distractions. Don't worry, though," he added with a grin, looking down at Jan and me who were still sitting side by side, "we can't get lost, and we promise not to get off the train."
I glanced up at Marsha, to see how she was reacting to Jan and me sitting together, but her eyes were only on Tom. He put his hand on her arm and started to pull her to the door, but then turned.
Things went back to the new normal for the next couple of days and I had a quiet time with just daddy looking after me. Although a ball from over the back did keep coming over each evening and 3 excited young men came to retrieve it and I let them continue their education. Then on the Thursday morning daddy woke me early telling me that we had to rush because Trisha and Tom were coming round on their way to college. I assumed that it was just to talk to me about something and wondered what...
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"And then he continued eating me out with the gusto of a starving man." I snort at Sarah's choice of words, shaking my head at her brazenness. It's the Monday afternoon coffee break at work and, as usual, Sarah the resident slut, tells everybody, whether they want to hear it or not, about her weekend adventures. "Sarah, can you please be a little more discreet. Some of us just want to drink our coffee, not hear about your latest catch," I say trying to get her to take the dirty talk down a...
Office Sex“Gimme Rs700 each, and I will let you go.” She said like a real bitch, with greed in her eyes. We pretended as if we got scared. We said, “Maam we told you we are just students , we dont have that much money.Please let us go.” “Cant your parents give that much to save their beloved sons’ career” she made a comment.Then we showed her our true colours, “Maam you have made a mistake,you know who we are ?” “Kissi neta ya mantri ke rishtedaar ho ??? Yahan hamse bada koi nahin. Sahab ke aane se pahle...
On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.”I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.”Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was i****t. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that i****tuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?”I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.”Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”.I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...
My wife and I were all excited our favorite team was playing for the conference title. We got our shirts own with the school logo, school colored sweat pants, fixed our drinks, and turned the tube on. We were not picked to win but had been playing well in the tournament. My wife has a large frame about 5Ś’ tall, beautiful 36DD tits, 29′ waist, and 38′ butt. She handles her weight well at 155 lbs., she is very strong. To look at her one would guess her to be 25 lbs. lighter. The shirt she...
I had first met Jana in a hotel in East London, she had posed for me and we had enjoyed an interactive oral pleasuring session that had ended with me filling her mouth with my spunk. On that occasion she had swallowed almost my entire load so I had been unable to have pictures of her dribbling my jizz out of her mouth, the second shoot would put that to situation to rights. I pulled up outside her flat in North London, it was in a residential street not far from Hampstead Heath. I pushed the...
Working the late shift at the burger barn had it's set backs and privileges... For instance when the shift was over if there were any burgers that had not been sold the shift supervisor would often give them to the associates to take home. If you did not have private transportation, you had to depend on public transportation(buses and cabs). Sometime you could hitch a ride home but most time I had to make the four mile hike after twelve midnight. You see in my town the buses normally stop...
We headed west, more or less along Latitude fifty-nine degrees, twenty seven minutes north. As I said, well clear of the Bore Roost. With the wind a steady force five from the south west and settled weather, we either had to beat into the wind, or head far enough west that we could close reach to our way-point off Hoy Mouth; that meant thirty miles of westing and thirty five miles heading to Hoy mouth. As long as the wind held, we'd have only one change of course before the complicated...
I sucked on my sister’s futa-cock, newly sprouted into my hungry mouth. Sunset just passed, the moment, according to B the futa-fairy, when the magical energy in the world, or something, change. When the “curse” the futa-fairies gave my sister and me triggered. At sunset, my cock shrank back into the little clit my sister nursed on now while her bud sprouted into this huge shaft filling my mouth. My first day as a futa was over. But that didn’t mean the fun was. I shivered, my sister’s...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
"Ladies-Who-lunch: In The Cosmic Bubble" The second week of August,1961. Summer was coming to a close and fall was just around the corner. The schools were being readied as the grade school kids grumbled, while the college set was spending the last couple weeks with friends and starting to pack up and plan for their coming year. Sitting at the kitchen table the steam drifted lazily up from the coffee cup as Joyce read the short letter sent by the university registrar concerning...
Courtney looked at Kayla Bradford and Sam Prescott after their sexual excursion that afternoon. Courtney gave them a slight smirk as they were walking to their next class. “What?" Kayla said to Courtney.“Oh, nothing. You just look so cute together,” Courtney said.“Shut up!" Kayla said, playfully hitting her.“No, no. Let Courtney talk.”She giggled.“Hey, I won’t tell. If, Mr. Prescott, you do one thing for me...”Sam and Kayla looked at each other simultaneously.“Not that! Well, kinda. I want to...
TeenBy rutger5 Copyright 2016 “Oh, my, my. Mr. McCoy, she’s back again.” “Huh, what’s that Louella? Who’s back? What are you going on about?” “It’s poor Miss Johnson. She’s walking back and forth in front of the bus station and she’s carrying that suitcase again. Oh dear me, the poor thing.” Mr. McCoy put down the merchandise he was marking with the price gun and walked over to the large plate glass window to look out. Sure enough there she was, pacing back and forth while...
New Year’s Eve 2015/16We have owned his/our bar now for a little over 10 years, and for the last 8 years, the place has closed to the public at 9pm on Dec 31st and a private, by invite only, party started at 10pm. The first couple of years it was a pretty vanilla event, mostly as a way of saying thanks to the “regulars” that keep the lights on and the doors open. It was the 3rd year that I was first told to make an appearance. I was dressed in a bikini and heels, not a common sight in Iowa in...
The 'beings' were up and about. It was hard thinking about them as being people. They looked sort of like us, but they weren't. My seeing them standing and moving around only reinforced that sense of difference. They were clearly taller than an average human and they were definitely heavier. They looked to be between seven feet and eight feet tall. Their body was bulky looking, with a lot of muscle and a big belly. They had to be at least twice my current weight or more. As well, they...
Depressing thoughts and disturbing dreams Miranda waved Peter off on the Sunday morning, and spent the rest of that day tidying the house. She knew that she would feel little inclination to do these chores during the week; and so she decided to get the house into as good an order as possible, so that she would only have to do the minimal amount, once she got home from work. It also kept her busy, so that she didn't dwell too much on how silent the house had suddenly become. Peter had...
I wrote this fantasy for a lady email friend several years ago , she could only get online at work and often told me that she would get herself worked up and have to excuse herself to the ladies room to rub a quickie out , which she had to do after reading this had been wanting to post something for awhile from reading so many stories here I slowly drop my pants before you, wearing only my silk boxers . As I sit back on your desk to show you my buldgeing cock as you watch me slowly...
This week we convince Jessae Rose to hop on the bus for a survey. After getting to know her, She’s in town for a revenge fuck. I had the great idea of filming it for her. She was a bit hesitant but a little cash made her very horny. She got on all fours and Preston Parker’s giant cock. She was overwhelmed by his massive cock. She had the tightest pussy we can tell we were pushing her to her limit. Preston came all over her face. She was in a rush to leave she didn’t wipe it...
xmoviesforyouHeteroFlexiblecouple’s FantasiesChapter 1 - Big Black Cock Suck And Fuck Have you ever been with a couple? Well how about a couple where the wife wants to sit and play with her pussy in front of you and her husband? How about one that wanted to play with her pussy while watching you and her husband sitting on the couch next to each other? I bet you have never been with one that sat playing with her pussy while she watched her husband reach over and start stroking your nice thick cock for...
It wasn't long before I was able to go home. I wasn't allowed to lift anything over five pounds. My girls understood but Andy didn't know any better and wanted to be held. At least he settled for climbing up next to me and sitting on the bed or couch. My girls were like two little mommies waiting on me hand and foot. Trina went to work every day and when she got home we were pleasant to each other. Jen stopped by for a couple of hours each day to see if I needed anything. She was a great...
Sensual Krissie takes some time in front of the mirror, admiring her tight slender body as she shimmies out of her shorts and slides her hand down the front of her thong to enjoy the feel of her fingers caressing her needy clitoris. That’s where her men Kristof Cale and Figo find her, lying on the bed and masturbating furiously. Of course they can’t resist the temptation to join her! Her two men flank her on either side, kissing her neck and tiny tits while Figo’s and...
xmoviesforyouThe football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he saw an adorable Asian freshman girl with her hair stained in cum. The semen pooled underneath her butt too. She was sitting on the ground with her head leaning against the wall of the bathroom. He took off her blindfold and stared at her large sparkling eyes in silence. The rest of the players had followed him in and saw the helpless young teen with tearful pleading eyes staring back at...
“Damn it, Beatrix!” The headless body issued, dropping a scythe then stooping to pick up the skull head that was rolling on the ground. “If I wasn’t dead I might be now!” There was an eerie echoing laugh as the body placed the skull head back on the body covering it with the hood. Beatrix had already taken the? What the hell? Was this a scythe? Strange, she thought, she could almost feel the damn thing vibrating in her hands as if it was alive! Taking another look at the figure she gasped,...
Brenna Sparks is insanely hot, this chick has it all. So much so that Tony, her roommate, had to sneak into her bedroom to get a peek at that magnificent body. Tony sneaked in her bedroom and hid in her closet. He was getting a little too excited and accidentally made some noise. She discovered her him hiding and at first she was furious and threatened to call the cops. But then she noticed something weird in his pants, Tony was already hard, which turned her on enough to get on her knees and...
xmoviesforyouSince he and his partner had cleared up several of the cases they’d been working on, Tim had a bit of free time. He told his boss what he’d stumbled onto and asked permission to spend a little time working on it. ‘How much time do you figure you’ll need, Tim?’ detective captain Alex Martin asked. ‘No more than a day, if that,’ Tim replied. ‘I’ve got a plan that should get Juan to give me the information I need.’ ‘How, exactly, do you plan to do that?’ Alex asked. ‘This Perez kid sounds like...
Exams were, well, exams. Until I sat on the desk and started to write, my hands were clammy and my nerves all over the place. But the moment the tip of my pen touched the sheet for the first time, all that faded away and was replaced by a manic drive to squeeze as many words as I could onto the paper. Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was evening again and once more time to cram and get last minute jitters for Tuesday’s subjects. Anne and I hardly talked, each caught in our own world of...
BDSMThat had all started and ended three months ago. Now it seemed more like a passing thought than actual events. Janet and I haven't been together since, although on occasion I see evidence of my car windows being cleaner than I remember leaving them. I swear the Jag runs a bit faster on certain days, too. But things haven't been going well lately, for either of us. The first thing of note that happened was an industrial accident at the mortuary where Darrin worked. It seems he was making...
there is nothing like the feel of a hard cock exploding in your mouth. Well sadly I still have not gotten the guts to do something about it...........but i will!I have had a bit of a sexual awakening thanks to these messages. One man convinced me to have a c2c session with him, again i as nervous at 1st but fair play to him he persisted and I agreed. It was so liberating pulling down my boxers when he demanded it, getting my soft cock out and showing it to him, gently pulling it, massaging my...
A story of a machine I am sure we would all like to get our hands on. Who Do You Want To Be Today? By Catherine 1 I got the call at about three in the morning, waking me. ?Sir, this is Helena, Dr. Strauss? assistant here in Austria? He spoke very highly of you.? ?He spoke? Has something happened?? ?Yes, he passed away earlier today, and you are mentioned in his will, I never realized he knew anyone outside of Austria.? ?Well, it was a long time ago; we worked on a...
After I had emptied my cum onto Amanda, I climbed off her bound body and staggered to a chair. Without emotion, drained, I watched as Miss Rhee pulled her hands out of Amanda and took my place on Amanda's face. She took Amanda's face in her small cum covered hands and pulled Amanda's face into her cunt. All I could hear were the small liquid sounds of Amanda's lips and tongue working on Miss Rhee's very wet cunt. And Miss Rhee's moans. I don't know how long she rode Amanda's face. I...
Mila Kunis was tired after a long day on the set. Some of the other cast members asked her to go out with them for dinner and some drinks but she politely declined. All she wanted to do was go back to her hotel room and relax.Her limo driver dropped her off at the hotel and she made her way up to her room. Luckily, no one spotted her walking across the lobby and she had the elevator to herself. She walked towards her suite and inserted the keycard into the door, when suddenly, a tall man...
The next day was Sunday and I got up a little early to make sure Karen was doing OK. I thought I'd just give her a call at about 8:00 or so. I dialled her number on my cell phone and got no answer. It was still a little early, so maybe she just didn't hear it. So I hung up and put the phone down. Then Jack scared me with a kiss on the cheek. Then he was laughing a little. “Shit you scared me. That's not nice Jack. You shouldn't laugh at your wife when you scare her,” I said. “I'm sorry sweetie,...
Straight SexL'inizio di una grande settimana La mia storia? beh ? un p? complicata come direbbe qualcuno. I nomi sono stati cambiati per proteggere gli innocenti, bla bla bla.. Andiamo semplicemente al sodo: sono un ragazzino di 19 anni che ? sempre stato interessato al crossdressing fin da quando avevo 11 anni. Ogni occasione che ho avuto indossavo un paio di mutandine e mi mettevo a girare per casa (e vi assicuro che questo ? una cosa difficile da fare quando ancora vivi in casa e succede solo quando i mi...
Please read the first part of Male order Bride or this will not make as much sense... ... after several hours bouncing around in the box... his heart was pounding ... he was hot... sore from being bound in the box... his jaw was sore from the metal brace... his head was pounding from the strap encircling it... he was sweating from rubber wedding dress he was encased in... and he was incredibility sexually frustrated as his member was engorged and held firm and curved downwards in the...
They were all three naked in Louise’s big king-sized bed. Bonnie was on one side, sucking gently on Louise’s titty, and Jeremy was on the other side, doing the same to the other titty. Bonnie moved up to Louise’s mouth and the two women joined in a long, soulful kiss. Bonnie had to be one of the best kissers Louise had ever experienced. Bonnie raised up slightly, and offered Louise one of her generous tits, which Louise kissed and sucked hungrily. At the same time, she felt Jeremy leave her...
When Sharon left Andy's room late that night, she agreed to come back the next afternoon to meet his friend, Mac. After Andy had told the horny little blonde what a wild fucker his buddy was, she was more than ready to join them for some three-way fucking. Arriving shortly before two, Sharon was very impressed with Mac's appearance when she met him. The moment the pretty blonde sat down next to Andy, he took her into his arms and covered her softly parted lips with his eager mouth. Both of...
Kelly kept glancing at the bulletin board while the photographer tried to take her and her husband's Christmas card picture. This years picture would not be the best. Her husband, James, had a perpetual scowl on his face ever since the young female photographer had mistakenly called him, Kelly's father. This wasn't that unusual since James was twenty-eight years older then his thirty year old wife. The message on the bulletin board read, "Naughty Pictures: $69.99 The perfect present for...
Hi all I am back with another encounter of mine with my sister who’s elder to me by 2 years her name is priya name changed for the reasons best known to us, she’s happily married and having a wonderful sexlife having a kid. Her sizes are 38-30-38 her best part in her body is her boobs it’s huge and beautiful. This story happened a month back when her husband was traveling abroad and she wanted me to stay with her for a couple of days. She has a habbit of drinking and I used to stay with her...
IncestEbony honey Kinsley Karter loves showing off her incredible tits any chance she gets. Today, she unzips her top and lets her boobs bounce and jiggle. She drizzles them in oil and squeezes them until her chocolate pussy is soaking wet. That is when our stud shows up to service Kinsleys cock cravings. He breaks out his boner and she licks it from balls to tip. The black beauty works his rod until she is ready for some intense penetration. Then, she climbs on top of this lucky guy and goes for a...
xmoviesforyouKatie’s little blue Continental sat on the landing pad outside Jake’s cabin. Tanya felt strange about driving it, but her son Frank Jr. had given it to her, and, since it was all she had left of her daughter, she kept it. “You sure you don’t mind babysitting?” Béla asked. “You realize that Lisa could abandon you on the moon if she felt like it, don’t you?” Tanya smiled. “We’ll be fine. Go have fun,” she said, thinking of the fun she and Frank had had the previous Sunday. Béla stared up at...
“You know I would never spend time with someone without your permission.” Despite his thick skull, there was no way he could miss the sarcasm. My temples were already throbbing from the volume of the television, and his continued inability to do anything useful. Flicking the pot holder off of my hand, I shut the oven door and reached for the boiling pot on top of the flame. “Fuck you, Charley!” His outburst caught me off guard, and I stupidly jerked in reaction. My hand slammed...
Introduction: D is always welcome! D Returns D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more...
As the plane left the runway of LaGuardia and the lights of NY, NY fell far below and behind her, Karen had a moment of terrible foreboding. I'm never coming back, she thought. And bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. She couldn't eat or drink a thing the rest of the flight. By the time the seatbelt sign had come on again for the approach to New Delhi, her tongue felt like it had grow too large for her mouth. An image flashed in her mind: The plane crashed, a TV news camera panning...
Day 4We showered and prepared to meet our Guide / Driver who was to take us on to our next destination as well as the tour of the island. Dave was delighted when I chose my lightweight khaki summer dress merely fastened by five buttons and a waist strap, which would give me some latitude to tease should the opportunity arise.The time of departure arrived and we were delighted to see a lovely C280 pull up outside and hoped it was ours. The driver seemed about late thirties and well presented in...
*10 days later* Dr. John Redmond took his place in front of the awaiting crowd. Sorting his papers, he gazed into the audience of cameras and microphones, the media ready to catch his every word and move. Never before had he been requested to do this. "Good afternoon, I am Dr. Johnathan Redmond of St. Rita's Medical Centre. I will be speaking to you today about the recent outbreak of the HS1F1 Virus, or Homovirus, as the media are referring it to." The young doctor turned the page, looking back...
GaySouvenir Paddles - VAnd, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before.My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...
SpankingI had never thought about BDSM as a sexual act that would appeal to me. So, I never even thought about trying it. But the first step into BDSM sex, for me was with someone so sensuous and beautiful, that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The work week was rough and I wanted sex. I was single and wasn’t currently dating anyone, but I had the need. So, I looked up escorts and made a booking for Friday night. I met her in my hotel room. She had knocked softly on the door and when I opened it, wow! There...
BDSM“Shit!” Sheila swore as she angrily flipped the turn signal and slowed our Ford Super Duty truck to a crawl and searched for a safe place to pull off the road. “Sky, I need my license and registration, they’re in the glove compartment.” She rolled down her window with her left arm pointed over the roof of our vehicle. She waved towards the side of the road, a visual indication to the following patrol car we were pulling off the highway. “Stash the Glock in the hump. We don’t need any...
Meeting GloriaThis is a continuation of my story about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. Marg has come over to the west and planned to stay. She decided that I would not leave my wife for her so she had moved on and formed a permanent relationship with her good friend, Cherie. Sue, my wife had invited our babysitter to join us. It seemed that given she had promised that her cheating with men was to stop she had started to have an affair with our 18-year-old babysitter, Debbie. I had worked out from...
Wife LoversThis is the story of Sam and I meeting a new couple to play with. As background, Sam and I (Taylor) had been swapping with another couple for almost a year and a half. We did a lot of fucking with them but they were the only couple we'd played with. We'd talked about several ways to find others to play with but none had worked up till now. Our friends were going to be out of town for the holidays so Sam and I were looking for other fun to have on New Year’s Eve. Sam told me that we had been...
Wife Lovers