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Chapter 1

Vacation, when the kids were little, always meant camping in the mountains. Camping for us meant driving far enough away from civilization that we had at least one hundred yards in every direction with no one else around. It meant sleeping bags, with a tent for Mom and Dad, but the two kids out under the stars. It meant collecting downed wood for an evening campfire, and hot cocoa in the morning to help us warm up. It meant hikes, relaxing by a stream, and listening to all the quiet sounds you never hear in the city; sounds of water, and wind, and animals and birds.

When the kids got older they became very involved with their friends, their part-time jobs, and their high school related activities. For a few years, there, we really didn't take any vacations. Then, four years ago, our daughter got married. Our son tied the knot two years ago, and we suddenly had an empty nest. Marsha and I looked at each other and had that devastating realization that comes some time in your late forties, the realization that our life was probably at least half over.

Last year we knew it was time to take a vacation again, just the two of us, and we decided to do something totally different -- we went on a cruise. Well, it was different, all right, and sort of interesting as a one-time thing, but we knew it wasn't really us. We both grew up in Colorado, and had raised our kids in Colorado Springs, right up against the Rockies. We were mountain people, not ocean people.

This year, clear back in January, we started thinking about our vacation for the year. We were determined that it would have something to do with the mountains, and yet, we agreed, it would not be camping this time. The ground seemed to have gotten much less comfortable to sleep on than it used to be; the thought of isolation with no kids around seemed spooky, somehow; a tent would be cramped and smelly and not very private; cooking over a tiny gasoline stove on a chilly morning no longer sounded like fun. Yes, we were getting old.

It was Marsha who came up with the winning suggestion. "Ron, have you ever been to Yosemite?"

"No, but I've wanted to go there. Have you ever seen it?"

"No, I haven't either. Why don't we go there this year?"

If you draw a straight line from our house to Yosemite it's about 800 miles. There are many very high mountains along that line, and the few roads in the area aren't the sort you'd want to drive on for 900 miles, so flying appeared to be the obvious way to get there. On the other hand, neither of us have ever liked flying, and the conditions seem to get worse every year, with long lines for security checkpoints, cramped seats, few meals, and no movies. Once we realized there were no major airports anywhere close to Yosemite, we ruled out flying.

That left driving, and I started planning the trip. The best I could come up with on decent roads was a 2600 mile round trip, which Google told me would mean 45 hours on the road. I knew we wouldn't want to drive all day, so I spread the trip out over four days each way. Marsha groaned when I showed her my plans, and we almost abandoned the idea right then.

The news got worse as winter started to give way to spring. This was the year that oil first went over $100 per barrel, and gas prices were shooting up at an unbelievable rate. We were hearing predictions that it was likely to cost $4 per gallon by summer, probably even more in California. With our car that would mean five or six hundred dollars for gas alone, not to mention wear and tear, and the eight days on the road eating in restaurants and sleeping in motels. On top of that we'd have some hefty expenses in Yosemite once we got there.

That would stretch our budget to, or perhaps beyond, the breaking point, and we reluctantly decided we would have to give up on our Yosemite dream.

We were moaning to one of our friends about this, when he said, "Have you thought about taking the train?"

The train? What does he think this is, 1900? Do they even have passenger trains any more?

Our friend assured us that they did, that they were very comfortable, and surprisingly cheap. He told us he had ridden one, and really enjoyed it.

A little time on the internet convinced me that he was right on the price, but there did seem to be some problems. They didn't run very frequently, so we wouldn't have any choice about what time of day we went. They didn't run very fast, so we would have to be on the train overnight. And they didn't always run on schedule, so we would have to live with possible delays.

We would be able to get to Yosemite, but only by transferring to a second train in Sacramento, and later to a bus. Transferring didn't appeal to me, given what I'd read about the trains sometimes being hours behind schedule. Perhaps worst of all, there wouldn't be any rental cars available once we got into the park.

"It looks like we'd be better off flying than taking the train," I grumbled to Marsha.

She had been looking over my shoulder for part of my research, and disagreed with me. "But, Ron, didn't you notice the picture of the seats on the Amtrak web site? You'd have to fly first class to get a seat like that on a plane. And how about the meals? They have a dining car with real tablecloths and plates, not TV dinners on a tiny shelf at your seat. And you're free to walk around anywhere, any time. No seat belts! They even have an observation car."

"Sounds to me like you're sold."

She nodded. "You know what else? We wouldn't have to take the train all the way. We could rent a car in Sacramento and drive from there. That way we wouldn't have any transfers."

"But what about having to sleep in the seat?"

"We've slept on the plane before; it wouldn't be too bad. Besides, didn't they say they also had sleeping rooms?"

"Yes," I snorted, "but those have got to be just for rich people."

Marsha chuckled. "I don't think many rich people ride on trains. Why don't you at least see how much it would cost."

OK, back to the web site to get a quote. I couldn't believe the answer. Round trip Denver to Sacramento with what they called a 'roomette' would only cost $1200 for the two of us, and the kicker was that all meals were included. The drive from Sacramento to Yosemite didn't look all that far, and that would give us the car we thought we needed. We'd have the cost of that car even if we flew, and we'd probably have to drive all the way from San Francisco.

Compare that to gas, food, and motels for eight days if we drove, or the discomforts and costs of flying, and it looked like a real bargain. Sign me up!

So it was that on a bright June afternoon we made the short trip up to Denver, the back of the car filled with suitcases containing everything that we would need for the next ten days. Marsha's brother lived in Denver, and we stayed overnight with him, then he drove us to the train station early in the morning.

I had some real misgivings when we pulled up at the station. It was a relic from the 19th century -- I felt as if there should be horses and buggies out front, not cars. The place was huge, both inside and out. We walked into a cavernous hall with an impossibly high ceiling and a giant mural on the wall. On the floor were rows of old-fashioned straight-backed wood benches, rather like church pews, but in pairs facing each other. In place of airport ticket counters we saw ancient teller windows with ancient men issuing tickets.

I'll have to admit, though, that there was another way of looking at that picture. There were no rope-constrained baffles with long lines of people snaking through them; no metal detectors to pass through; no uniformed agents screening carry-on luggage; no signs saying 'passengers only beyond this point, ' 'no entry, ' or 'remove your shoes.' We were free to wander wherever we pleased, even out onto the tracks. Out there we were met by a sharply dressed black porter who courteously answered our questions and showed us where to stand for best access to the sleeper cars. We had truly fallen through a time warp into a different world.

The train itself, once it arrived, was sleek and shiny. The appointments were as plush as the web pictures had made them appear, apart from narrow aisles and a claustrophobic twisting staircase leading to the upper level. Our roomette on the upper level was mostly filled by two super wide reclining seats facing each other with a fold-down table and adequate foot room between. It had a very solid sliding door with a large glass window and a curtain for privacy. Two more large windows gave us a panoramic view of the scenery outside -- no little portholes here.

It wasn't nirvana, though. There were the toilets, which were down the hall and just as cramped as the ones you find on airplanes, and the 'closet' which was wide enough for two garments if you slipped them in very carefully. More significantly, no one told us about the swaying train, exaggerated on the upper level, and the 'drunken sailor walk' the swaying caused as we tried to make our way from place to place.

Then there were the beds. We really found what the '-ette' part of roomette meant that night when the porter converted it to the nighttime configuration. The two seats reclined all the way flat to form a bed, but it was a bed about the size of an army cot. There was obviously no way two adults could sleep there, no matter how friendly they tried to be. A bunk bed swung down from the ceiling, but it was even narrower, more like a high ledge. And once the bed was down, there was just about room to twist your foot in sideways between it and the sliding door.

The meals were definitely on the plus side of the ledger. There really were white tablecloths on the tables, and the freshly prepared food, brought up from a kitchen on the lower level, was served by friendly waiters. Amazingly, it actually was free -- no hidden charges, and anything we wanted. Well, anything on the menu, that is. That gave us about five choices of entrees for each meal.

We did get one surprise, though. The tables, which were really booths, held four people each, and the waiters insisted on seating four people at each table. Because of this we ended up sitting with two strangers for each meal. That seemed a bit awkward at first, but we quickly caught on to the nearly universal passenger solution to this strange situation. Our meal partners became new acquaintances, rather than strangers. We were, after all, sharing a rather unique experience. Coach riders ate at one end of the dining car, and sleeper riders at the other, and most people who paid for sleepers were couples. We met couples who were train enthusiasts, and others like ourselves who were on their first ride. All of them had interesting stories and were pleasant to talk with.

It was actually with some reluctance that we got off the train in Sacramento the next afternoon, loaded our stuff into a rental car, and pointed it toward Yosemite. We arrived there, very tired, about 9:30 that night. The park's fabled wonders would have to wait. All we wanted was a real bed in a real room, and my reservation at Yosemite Lodge fit the bill perfectly.

Yosemite was awesome, and we spent a happy week exploring it. We gazed at the towering cliffs and thrilled at the waterfalls; we drove up to the rim and looked down into the valley; we spent hours walking in hushed reverence among the giant Sequoias; enjoyed picnics beside the roaring Merced river; and yes, we saw several bears.

One thing bothered us a bit. There must have been thousands of people in Yosemite Valley, but they were all strangers, all tourists locked up in their own worlds. No one wanted to make new friends, and we basically didn't talk to a soul the whole week. We found ourselves pining for the random mealtime pairings on the train.

Finally our vacation in that magical valley was over, and we drove back to Sacramento one afternoon, staying in a hotel there that night. The next morning we caught the 10:09 train -- which didn't arrive until after 11 o'clock.

As we climbed the twisting steps, slipped down the narrow aisle to our little roomette, and settled into its comfortable recliners, we almost felt like we were home again. Marsha and I smiled at each other, and agreed it was a very successful vacation.

Chapter 2

At lunch that day we sat with a couple about our own age, and soon were chatting like old friends. We all enjoyed ourselves so much that we agreed to arrive together for dinner at six.

When we got back to our roomette, Marsha said, "Oh, I really like Tom and Jan, don't you?"

"Yes," I agreed, "they're a great couple, and we all seem to have so much to talk about."

It was true, I did like both of them, but I found myself especially attracted to Jan. I really wished we could get to know them better, but I knew it wasn't to be. Our time together would have to end no later than the next evening, when we got off the train in Denver. They had already told us they were going on to Omaha.

Our little roomette was only a few steps in front of the dining car, and Jan and Tom went on forward from there when we separated after lunch, so they suggested we could meet at our roomette before dinner. Surely if the four of us showed up at the dining car together we would be seated together.

The call for the six o'clock dinner seating that we had agreed on triggered a little flutter in my belly. I couldn't wait to see Jan again. The flutter grew into a knot as they didn't show up immediately. What if they had changed their minds, and decided not to join us? Fortunately, we had to wait less than five minutes, then Marsha and I both broke out in huge grins as Jan and Tom poked their heads into our little hideaway. They seemed as happy to see us as we were to see them.

We were so happy to be together that Marsha and Jan gave each other a big hug while I shook Tom's hand, and then Jan and I reached around each others' waists for a squeeze while Tom and Marsha did the same. I caught a glimpse of the start of their squeeze, but then my attention was focused on Jan. We didn't hug, really, but as we stood side by side for the squeeze, we bumped our hips together, and we looked into each others' eyes. Oh, God, I so wanted to take her into my arms.

The moment passed quickly, and we were all talking and laughing as we pushed through the doors into the dining car. The women sat by the windows, and Tom and I by the aisle, but I found myself frequently looking diagonally across the table at Jan, and she at me. It seemed like Tom was also looking at Marsha a lot, but I was too busy looking across the table to pay much attention to him, or to pay any attention to where Marsha was looking.

For the life of me I can't remember much of what we said during that meal, but I know that we told each other funny stories about our marriages and families, and we teased each other a lot. I don't mean cruel teasing, of course, just light teasing that led to lots of laughs. One thing I do remember talking about was the tiny beds in the roomette. I described climbing up on top and trying to twist myself end for end with no room to sit up and no room to turn sideways. I expected them to agree with my experience, but instead they surprised me by bragging that they had gotten a larger room.

We were still laughing and toying with our desserts when we noticed our waitress starting to hover, and ask repeatedly if there was anything else she could get us. We finally realized that they were hoping to reuse the table for late diners, so got up with apologies to the waitress.

"Hey," Tom said, "why don't you two come on up front and see how much bigger our bedroom is."

Marsha and I quickly agreed. I, for one, was in favor of anything that would keep us together for a while longer. They led the way to the front half of the car we were staying in, which was set up very differently from the back half. In the back the aisle ran down the middle of the car, with roomettes on each side. In the front the aisle ran along the windows with larger rooms on one side only. We expected them to stop at one of those rooms, but they kept going, cutting back to the middle at the very front of the car so they could push through doors into another sleeper car. This one was set up the same, with roomettes at the back and larger rooms in front. No wonder it had taken them a while to join us before dinner!

Was I ever impressed when they motioned us into their room! It had a large sofa on one side of their picture windows and an armchair on the other. Beside the armchair was a wash basin and an enclosure that turned out to be a toilet and a shower! The sofa was easily big enough to seat three and Tom motioned me to sit there. I slid to the window end and Marsha sat next to me. I expected Jan to sit next to Marsha, but Tom sat in the armchair and patted his lap. Jan grinned and snuggled up against him.

We started chatting again, but kept being distracted by some very noisy neighbors down the hall. Tom whispered in Jan's ear, and she jumped up to close the sliding door. Poof! Noises gone instantly. While she was up, Jan pulled the curtain across the door, to point out how light and airy the room was even when totally closed off. Leaving it that way, she sat down on Tom's lap again.

It came out, somewhere along the way in our conversation, that Jan and I had both been working with community theatre groups, so we started comparing our experiences.

Out of one ear, while really focused on what Jan was saying about having had a couple of supporting actress roles in musicals, I heard Marsha groan to Tom, "Oh, no, they're going to be talking about theatre forever."

"It's a hopeless cause," Tom agreed, "but we're both teachers, so wouldn't you rather talk about that?" I picked up a few phrases of their subsequent conversation, as they enthusiastically shared experiences with each other, but the truth is I was fascinated by what Jan was saying.

"You're kidding!" I told her. "I love musicals. I've been in several, but mostly chorus and minor roles."

"Did you ever dream that you could be a lead?" she asked.

"Dream? Yes, doesn't everybody, but even if I could do it, which I can't, I'm too old for most leading roles."

"Not all of them. How about Fiddler on the Roof?"

"Oh, God, yes! Now there's a dream, to be Tevye."

Jan laughed. "I'll bet every middle-aged actor dreams of singing 'If I Were a Rich Man.'"

"True, but even more, I'd love to sing 'Chaveleh.'"

"Oh, yes, it always make me cry ... Ron ... when you play Tevye I want to play Golde."

"Ummm, 'Sabbath Prayer' -- One of the most beautiful pieces ever written. Now that's what always makes me cry. Do you think we could get through it together without breaking down?"

"I doubt it," she said, looking at me with tears glistening in her eyes.

We stared at each other for a while without speaking, then Jan broke the mood by turning to her husband and cutting into what he and Marsha were saying.

"Hon, Ron and I would like to go get some cokes. Would that be OK with you?" She turned back and winked at Marsha. "I'll bet he's going to find it a lot easier to talk to you if he doesn't have to crane his neck around me to even see you."

Jan and I hadn't said a word about getting drinks, but the moment she mentioned it I thought it was a great idea. I turned to look at Marsha, who was blushing, apparently from what Jan had said.

"You don't mind, do you," I asked her. "We'll just be gone a minute."

"No, I, ... no, of course, ... that ... that would be fine," she finally got out.

"Can you bring us a couple, too, while you're at it?" Tom asked.

Jan had stood up by now, and was pulling the curtain away from the door as I nodded to Tom and told him we would. She ducked behind the curtain and slid the door open, then held the curtain while I also ducked behind it. That seemed like an odd way to do things, and I wondered why she didn't just open the curtain, but I didn't say anything. Once we were out in the aisle she also slid the door shut, pointing her thumb at the still noisy neighbors.

After we made our way down to the middle of the sleeper car, Jan leaned close to me and whispered, "Wanna know a secret? I'll bet that before we get back Tom and Marsha are going to be doing more than talking."

I looked at her with shock and concern. I realized for the first time that we had two sleeper cars to go through, then the dining car, then to the middle of the club car, and finally down the stairs there to get to the soda stand. We were going to be gone a lot longer than the minute I had promised Marsha.

"No! ... You mean he might try to put the make on her? ... This is terrible! We should go back, Jan. She would never let him do anything, but it could get awkward."

"Don't worry, Tom won't try to pressure her."

With that, she left my brain whirling and continued back through the car. I caught up with her as she was going through the doors into the next sleeper.

"Are you trying to suggest that she is going to come on to him?"

Jan shook her head. "It's too noisy to talk here," she said, and indeed the sounds of the wheels on the tracks echoed loudly through the accordion material where the cars were joined together.

We walked on back to the middle of that sleeper, where there was an open area, and the staircase leading down. Then she turned and looked at me.

"Look, you couldn't see it from where you were sitting beside her, but she was getting stars in her eyes while they were talking."

"You're crazy," I blurted out. "We've been married twenty-seven years, and she has never shown the least sign of..."

"There's always a first time. But let's not talk about them. I want to talk about us; that's why I suggested we go get the cokes."

"What do you mean, talk about us?"

"Well, like, for example, the way my heart was going thump, thump, thump, every time I looked at you, or the stars I saw in your eyes when you looked at me."

"Jan, stop that!"

"Why? We can't deny it, either one of us. Here, follow me."

She ducked down the narrow stairway that twisted its way to the lower floor. At the first landing she turned to face me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled her body against me as she gave me a quick kiss.

"I've been dying to do that for the last hour. Now it's your turn. Show me how you would like to kiss me."

"Oh, God, Jan," I moaned as my arms went around her waist and my mouth reached out to hers. The kiss lasted a long time.

Suddenly I pulled away. "We've got to go, or they'll be wondering why it's taking us so long."

Jan laughed. "I seriously doubt that. If I'm right, and they're not just talking, they are going to lose all track of time. And if you're right, they'll be enjoying their talk so much that they won't care how long we take, especially if we tell them we got involved in a discussion ourselves."

Staring into my eyes, she added, "Of course, we won't tell them the details of our discussion."

With that, Jan melted into my arms again.

We did finally separate, only to have her grin slyly and ask, "So what was that hard thing I was feeling rubbing against my belly?"

I blushed bright red, then turned and started up the steps without answering. When I got to the top, though, I stepped back to let her pass, and said, "I think I'll follow you, if you don't mind."

With a broad grin, Jan said, "I don't mind a bit. You can follow as close as you want; the closer the better."

I did try to leave a few inches between us as we swayed our way past the open roomettes. When we got to the doors where the cars were joined, I 'accidentally' bumped into her, and she wiggled her ass against my hard-on. She seemed to be having trouble getting the door into the next car to open, so the contact lasted longer than it really should have.

Then we swayed our way though the nearly empty dining car, maintaining a proper distance between us, only to find she had even more trouble, and we had even more contact, getting through the doors to the club car.

Chapter 3

The club car, or observation car, didn't really have any walls. It had nearly continuous windows, end to end on both sides, starting about two feet from the floor and arching up over our heads. The effect was like riding on top of the train, but protected by a glass bubble. There were little groups of seats on both sides, mostly facing out. None of these seats were assigned to passengers; they were available to anyone, first come, first served.

We had to behave in the club car. People were scattered all around, looking in all directions. We couldn't even get away with anything while we were going down the narrow stairway to the refreshment stand, because someone was waiting for us to get off the stairs so they could come back up. Once downstairs we realized that the sodas came in cans along with cups containing ice. We had all we could manage, juggling four cans and four cups of ice as we drunkenly swayed our way back through three cars to Tom and Jan's room.

Just before we got there, Jan turned and whispered, "Let's not barge in on them; who knows, we might catch them ... well, let's just say they might be embarrassed. Can you kind of knock on the door with your elbow or something?"

I did, and Jan called, "Can you help us here? Our hands are very full."

We heard Tom's voice, "Just a minute."

As we waited, Jan mouthed, 'I told you so, ' but it was actually much less than a minute before the curtain was pulled back a bit and Tom's head appeared through the window in the door. I saw him look quickly over his shoulder, then slowly slide the door open.

"My god, you really are loaded down," he said, taking a cup from each of us. "Marsha, get the table folded down so we have a place to put all this stuff."

At that point I caught my first glimpse of Marsha, but only from the back. She seemed to be trying to do something to her blouse with one hand, while fighting the pullout table with the other. Both tasks accomplished, she turned, and looked demurely down at the table as the rest of us deposited cans and cups there. My eyes bugged out when I saw that Marsha's blouse wasn't tucked in properly, but I held my tongue. Jan had certainly been right, but I was in no position to accuse my wife of anything.

This time Marsha sat down first, scooting to the window end of the sofa. I sat down next to her, and Tom sat in the armchair again. Jan gave me a wink and sat down next to me. I glanced quickly at Marsha to see how she would take that, but she was giving Tom her rapt attention.

We told each other additional bits of our life stories while we drank the sodas. The feel of Jan's body touching me was driving me crazy, but I tried not to talk directly to her. I did watch Tom, and saw his eyes going repeatedly to Marsha, but he also seemed to be trying not to talk specifically to her. His efforts and mine kept us from breaking up into separate conversations this time, but I could sure feel the sexual tension.

Once the sodas were gone, Tom changed the subject. "Look, I feel a bit awkward bringing this up, but Marsha and I were starting a serious discussion while you two were getting the cokes, and I wonder if there is some way we could continue it."

He looked at me, and then at Marsha. "I know Marsha wouldn't want to discuss it in front of you guys, so I was wondering if ... well, if you guys would mind if she and I went for a little walk somewhere. You would like that, Marsha, wouldn't you?"

I heard a quiet little gasp from Marsha, and she didn't say anything, but I looked her direction and saw she was nodding her head slowly while biting her lip. Marsha saw me looking her way and gave me a quick look, almost a scared and guilty look, but I just smiled at her and nodded.

"Sure, it's OK with me," I managed to get out. My brain was boiling with thoughts of what Jan and I might be doing while they were gone.

Tom looked across at his wife on the sofa. "Jan, is it OK with you?"

"Of course," Jan bubbled, "and don't worry about Ron and me. I'm sure we can find lots to talk about while you're gone."

Tom stood up and reached across the little table for Marsha's hand, pulling her to her feet. She slipped out past my knees and stood close to him.

"It may take us a while to work this out, and I don't know where we'll be, but if possible I'd like to find some place where we don't have too many distractions. Don't worry, though," he added with a grin, looking down at Jan and me who were still sitting side by side, "we can't get lost, and we promise not to get off the train."

I glanced up at Marsha, to see how she was reacting to Jan and me sitting together, but her eyes were only on Tom. He put his hand on her arm and started to pull her to the door, but then turned.

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Meine ssse Mitbewohnerin

Was ich erzählen will, habe ich erlebt, als ich an der Uni studiert habe. Ich war nach der Schule zu Hause ausgezogen, um zum Studieren in die große Stadt zu ziehen. Ich teilte mir die Wohnung mit einem anderen Mädchen, damit wir uns die Miete teilen konnten. Eines Abends kam ich in die Wohnung, meine Mitbewohnerin hieß Rebecca. Es war spät am Freitagabend. Ich war in der Bibliothek gewesen, um mich auf meine Prüfungen am nächsten Montag vorzubereiten. Im Wohnzimmer war ein kleines Licht zu...

3 years ago
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My Horny Colleague Ditched Her Bf

Hi to all indian sex stories dot net readers. I am a Punjabi guy, 25 5’10 slim but energetic. From childhood onwards, I was very crazy for doing sex. I lost my virginity to a prostitute nearby town but I will narrate that experience in some other story. Today I am going to tell you about my experience with my colleague who is also a doctor as I am. During our degree days, we often visit our friends home for house parties and all. We whole group enjoy a lot we drink we smoke etc. The thing...

2 years ago
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Narutos New Look Day Seven

~~Day 7: Naruto Uzumaki~~ Naruto groaned heavily as he slowly came to. What had happened...? He was heading home after training and nice dinner at Ichiraku's, but after that it was just a blank. Looking around, Naruto quickly began to panic as he realised he didn't recognise where he was; it was some kind of large, empty room, the only source of light being a large spotlight . He attempted to jump up, but he quickly discovered another problem: he couldn't move. Looking down,...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 40

Day 91-92 / Unknown / Day 140 continued: Shouldering their way through the crowd of standing death made Veronyka’s skin crawl and her stomach heave. The stench was awful, clogging her nose with its eye-watering pungency. Bits of desiccated skin, scraped off by the rough exterior on their armor, clung until scraped off by yet more decaying flesh. The wet smack of still-damp tissues hitting the ground, and liquid squishing as their boots crushed the bio-litter underfoot were enough to make...

4 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Three My First Day Wearing Panties

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 3, My First Day Wearing Panties) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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Desmond And The French Connection Part 2

The Next Morning: ThursdayI woke up with half an erection and a pounding headache. I was in a strange bed wedged between two bodies. A woman's hand rested on my chest, and her light breathing warmed the back of my neck. She was spooning me, just as I was spooning the other woman. I had an arm around her with my hand on her tummy, holding her body against mine, my sleepy little rooster nestled happily between her cheeks.The feel of her crack cuddling my cock should have had me a lot harder, but...

2 years ago
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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colors every two rows. What got me intrigued by it was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to...

3 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 13

Breakfast was loud and rowdy. It was only Tuesday but felt like Friday, time to party. Reality sunk in, and everyone settled down to eat breakfast before going to classes. I needed to hustle through the day, including lunch, as I needed to be at the baseball field early to warm up in case I was called on to play. Shouldn’t have bothered. I did pinch hit in bottom of ninth. I got a decent single, but it didn’t help, as no one drove me in. We lost 7 to 2, bummer. Supper and library were...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 22

"Let me speak to General Lee, please," I told the guy who picked up the sound-powered phone. "One moment, sir," he answered. "What's going on, Gav?" Lee's voice sounded worried. "You need to find someone to relieve me, Jack," I told him. "Relieve you? Why?" "They've got Amanda, Jack," I answered, my voice trembling. "I don't think I can give the necessary orders." There was a long silence on the other end. "I'll send Gunny to back you up," he said when he came...

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Educating Harry Ch 08

‘Thirty eight,’ gurgled Susan to herself as she tumbled into the turn, then, ‘thirty nine,’ a few seconds later, as she turned for the fortieth and last lap of the pool. Susan stopped at the wall panting for breath, she always liked to go flat out for the last three or four laps of her work out. She stood for a few moments breathing deeply, before suddenly becoming aware of a pair of hands clapping behind her. ‘Maria, my goodness, you scared me to death, where did you spring from?’ Maria...

1 year ago
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Center of MassChapter 20

The next morning, I was expecting to find a resumption of the battle. However, the neighborhood was strangely quiet. I scanned our entire perimeter with my binoculars, but could not see a single Navajo. Where the hell did they go? For that mater, where were Joe and Running Fox? Alice was cooking breakfast when the prodigals came in. As soon as I saw them, I knew something serious had gone wrong. Joe was slumped over his saddle and was in the saddle more by Running Fox's efforts than his...

4 years ago
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Fucking in hawar island

By: Fathima I am a great fan of this erotic site, ISS; I am a mother of 2 children, they studying in Canada I came to know about this site recently from my friend. I am going to tell you an story, it’s not a story but it is a fact which happened and still continuing. We are living and settled in Qatar even though we were Indians from slut Bombay. Telling about me and my hus , my hus got a little more belly but got a huge white bluish cock about 8 and I got a huge body of figure about 40-30-42....

1 year ago
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The first time I masterbated

I was with a friend near his house. It had just got dark and he said to me that he felt like having a wank so we walked towards the railway and climbed the fence. Once over the other side we laid down on the grass embankment and he got his cock out and started rubbing it. I laid there watching him and when it got really hard he took his hand away and made his dick go up and down without touching it. I found that really horny and I reached out and held his hard dick. Suddenly it started to jerk...

1 year ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 16 Encounter with a Brujo

Sheila called BB on the Sunday afternoon before Christmas to let him know that she had just finished her last shift at the hospital. The nurses were throwing a little going away party for her at the hospital and she wanted to tell him how much she loved him before she went. "I think they are planning a combination going away party and bridal shower," Sheila told BB. "Maybe they'll bring in one of those male strippers," she giggled. "No problem as long as I can be the stripper," BB...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 535

???????????????? ???????? Say thank to Jon Anderson for this one: Break out the back hoes start digging the trenches dig ‘em deep and long new landscaping for the city parks great big mounds proof of our politician’s incompetence Break out the back hoes start digging the trenches Plant them with trees don’t worry about masks herd immunity protects us all except the thousands it kills As long as one backhoe keep digging Break out the back hoes start digging the trenches no beds in the ICU set up the...

3 years ago
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Naked Dreams

Wandering through the streets of New York City held some extraordinary kind of romantic, historical, adrenalin-inducing appeal. The energy was palpable, everywhere Ava went something was going on – twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The architecture came in a dazzling variety, Art Deco skyscrapers stood only minutes away from startlingly nostalgic brownstones. Opportunities to take photographs were endless and after the first two days of her stay, she’d already filled her camera. She...

4 years ago
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A truly loving family The ladies fun

Introduction: While the men are away, the females play. Hi. My name is Anna. I am a 41 year old mother of two wonderful adult children. Their father, Jim, and I have been married for 25 years and still have a very healthy sex life. In fact, there have been several embarrassing moments with the kids because of the noise we make when we have sex. It is quite common to hear the words, Jesus mom, quiet down! shouted by one or both of them. Our son, Patrick, is the oldest at 21 and is still...

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To the woods

We visited one of our local woodland beauty spots to take some naughty photos and eventually she was naked and we had lots of fun for an hour or so. We enjoyed it and went a few more times and often had to hurriedly, and red faced, cover her up as best we could when we were interrupted by passers by, even though we chose well out of the way spots. It quickly dawned on us that it seemed to be the same group of men who always found us and we had laughs over their persistence and felt flattered...

1 year ago
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Kyle in Chicago

My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...

3 years ago
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The Girlfriend Experience

It was a Friday afternoon in late spring. I was considering a dilemma that all seventeen-year-old boys face on a daily basis. Do I continue studying for my year end exams that were a few weeks off, or do I jerk off, fantasising about my latest crush?Amy was on my school swim team and we had started hanging out together during the last few weeks of practice. She had a pretty face, nice tits and a gorgeous ass. I was sure that she was into me, but I was too much of a chicken shit to ask her out....

First Time
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My white belly and a black gyno

I started to feel an aching pain in my lower belly when I was home alone; just in that moment called my good girlfriend Laura and she then recommended me her new gynecologist. She helped me to get an emergency appointment.When I went to his consult, a nice nurse received me and told me to strip. Then I put on a special gown and waited for the Doctor.He came after five minutes and I discovered he was a handsome black man, very well built, in his early forties. Naughty Laura had not told me that...

4 years ago
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Mothers Accident 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. This is my first time writing a story about personal experiences here. This is a real story about how I developed sexual feelings towards my mother and eventually managed to satisfy my urges. So sit back and enjoy part one. A little background about me. My name is Akshay. Thin build and am about six feet tall. Many people often tell me that I look like a stick figure. I won’t pride myself as a good looker. I have a decent penis size of 5 inches. I just graduated as an architect...

2 years ago
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On the way to the club

We finally decide to try out one of the clubs. You get into the shower to get ready and tell me you have picked out my clothes for the night. I smile at you and get dressed. You had gone out and bought me a mini dress and heals that lace up to the knee. I see no underwear so I don't put any on. You say nothing as you urge me to hurry up we have to go. In the car you tell me to open the glove box. I do and find only a blindfold. You order me to put it on, good and tight so I can't peek. I say...

4 years ago
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The Ring Ch 02

Chapter 2 Keith awoke not knowing where he was and hot as all hell. His head spun as he opened his eyes to daylight and looking at a ceiling where fan blades spun slowly. Not enough to even feel a breeze. As his mind began waking, he became aware that someone lay in the bed with him. He turned slightly and saw black hair. Leti still slept, her slow breathing making that observation fact. Details began fading back to him from yesterday. He remembered going home with her after their backseat...

3 years ago
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My Lovely First Domme

MY LOVELY FIRST DOMMEPart One[This little story is loosely based on my first – and unfortunately only – real BDSM experience. This first part ends about the time we were interrupted in R/L, so Part Two will be pure fantasy….]I had been chatting with her on Xhamster... She was just across town, and it was time to meet to see if some of our chat could materialize into a R/L experience.She was very nice, smart and a good writer -- and with a subtle but serious streak of Domme in her. I was...

2 years ago
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Payback of a Different Kind

For those of you who read my work you know what I'm going to say, for the virgins to my work; there are no graphic sex scenes in this story. There are only so many things that can go on between two people or three people or more. After reading or writing once about those things you're just doing reruns, so why bother. I enjoy writing about the characters, the evil or good that happens to them and how they react. Along the way if I'm lucky a good story grows, if not I've still enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Me a Big Cock and a Big Cunt

You never know how things will pan out....... On another site I corresponded with a woman called Madeline. Madeline was 35, bi-sexual and lived at Port Stephens in NSW with her husband. I learnt that she had a big pussy, and because of this, an average sized cock just never got her off properly. Fortunately for her the man she married was very, very well endowed. We shared some photos (clothed) of each other and Madeline also included a couple of photos of her hubby Cameron. Madeline was a...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 4 Di

Carrie had the broad fake smile and limp handshake Di had come to associate with bitchy women. Mentally shaking herself, she pushed away her prejudice to give Carrie a chance for Jason's sake. "Nice to meet ya," Di whispered as she let go of Carrie's hand. Jason looked back and forth between them like a dog who didn't know who was going to throw the ball next. His eager expression made Di feel vaguely guilty for her negative thoughts. "Well, aren't you just a doll," Carrie said...

2 years ago
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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 1

Catharine Willows was the second most senior crime scene investigator in the Las Vegas CSI Division's night shift. She'd worked hard to turn her life around from her late teenage years and her early twenties when she'd been one of the hottest and best-known exotic dancers in Las Vegas. She'd finally managed to pull herself out of the strip club culture as she approached 30 and had made a successful career for herself in CSI. Catharine had found a career in crime scene investigation...

1 year ago
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Xhamster user teenolivia and her friend Amanda at

Hi everyone, This whole story started out as a dirty comment I left for an xhamster user, teenolivia on one of her photos. I decided to make it an entire story based on that one photo in her profile which is this one: story is told to Olivia, from me. I meet you and Amanda at the park near the lake in this photo. I can’t take my eyes off of your hot little bodies and both of you girls keep looking down at my hardening cock in my shorts and...

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2 TV CD Sissy have wild time in gloryhole

A TRUE story I wrote a while back about a TGirl friend from the Dalles, Or. who would cum to PDX once in a while to dress and play. She always had a tight asspussy and she would easily cum when a cock was fucking her. So I would make her jack off while I was fucking her so I could feel those gripping convulsions her orgasm would give my cock. Makes me hard just remembering those orgasms.~"Oooh, Yeah, suck that cock you tranny bitches". The6'2' black man growled as he closed his eyes in...

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Thief Gone Rogue 2

Chapter Two Sensations overwhelmed the new Jacob as he explored the skin on his arms. The bed was where he was, still naked, enjoying the feel of cool air and a textured comforter. It wasn't until he rolled over that he had noticed just how cold it was. In a much too feminine voice he giggled and wrapped his slender arms around himself enjoying the softness of his own body. Even his new hair held his attention for several minutes, it was long, soft and raven black, much different...

3 years ago
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My Economic Teacher My Sex Teacher

Hi friends, my name is Sunny. I like to share my sex experience with my hot teacher. Let us straight go to the story.the incident happened went I was studying 12th standard. About me a boy want to have sex at that time. 5 feet tall with 7 inch pennie light brown colored skin tone. About my shoba, she is 4.8feet tall and her size is 36-24-35. White color skin tone, age is 28. Went I was finished my 11th standard. My school HM desire to have a coaching class. As my pervious economic sir was bad...

4 years ago
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My First Sex 8211 Part II

Hi to all those who have read my part 1 and still remembers me. I hope u remember the favor she asked me in the end of my part 1. Sorry i forgot to mention,am a keralite .To be exact ,from ekm. In this story am gonna tell you guys how i fulfilled her wish ?A two hours dating by my dick with her pussy . So after the college day incident, we didn’t got any chance to continue our fun .Then came our final exams .So we got involved in the exams .On the last day of exam i had a plan but didn’t...

3 years ago
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Rave Mania

I can't believe that I am doing this, I thought as I walked up to the persone that is letting people into the rave. He took a long look at my C cup breats and my wide hips and motioned for me to enter the rave. As I stepped in, the smell of humans entered my nose and the sound of techno music exploded in my ears. I looked around. There was imitation fog coming out of the ground and humans dancing in the dark. There was also a few vampires at the bar. The humans were goth, drug addicts and...

2 years ago
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Like daughter like mother with pic I hope

Sep 28Like daughter like mother.This story is best understood if you have read previous stories posted by me, but none the less here goes as I write from memory. I change all names to protect the guilty. I'm Keith my wife is Lisa, and our daughter is Amy and you might think this is about my wife and daughter. It isn't it is instead about my daughters friend Char and her mom Peg.I ran into Peg, Char and Char's dad Mike at the grocery, Mike is a local minister and although we've known them for...

2 years ago
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Drama queen

The Drama QueenMy name is Christopher Robin; I did get a lot of ribbing about it. A well known did not do me any favours; it was friday last working day of the month also start of half term. I was just looking at my payslip. I had enough for my expenses plus a little left over for some luxuries. I tried to be careful with money although being an only offspring of my deceased parents. They were killed by a drunk driver going through a red light at speed. I had a substantive payout from his...

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Shared with Sperm Amanda used Part 2

Amanda smiled across at me and carefully took Matt’s three-quarters erect cock in her hand and began to slowly but firmly stroke it up and down its length. Looking up at Matt, she extended her tongue and gently licked over the tip once before sliding his huge glans into her mouth once again. She placed her hands on his hips and started him off, slowly fucking her mouth with his cock. Not wanting to be left out, I climbed onto the bed behind her and started to pinch and tease her nipples with...

4 years ago
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Little Arab ButtercupChapter 2

All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...

3 years ago
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Der iBod Reloaded

Das ist die Geschichte eines Erfinders. Vor kurzem hat diese Person etwas erfunden, was deren Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein iPod-ähnliches Gerät mit Verwandlungsoption. Damit kann man Materie scannen und sich in eine gespeicherte Form verwandeln. Und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das Teil am Menschen zu testen!

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Tales of the Season Darlas Story

Tales of the Season - Darla's Story by Tigger copyright 1998, all rights reserved. Part 1: A frustrated frown on her normally smooth features, the woman ran to the phone while drying her hands on her dishtowel. Who on earth would be calling at this ungodly hour of the evening? "Bonjour, Ms. Thompson's." "Bonjour to you, too, Madamoiselle Maria, Comment allez vous?" "Michael?? Is that you, dear?" Maria asked delightedly. "Where are you? What are you doing? Why have you...

2 years ago
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El PasoChapter 36

Posted: August 23, 2007 - 08:15:31 pm Pedro and Rosalinda’s reception wound down about five o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Everyone there said it was the best wedding they’d ever attended. The last act of the day was all of us lining either side of the path out of the mission, as Pedro drove Rosalinda towards their new home in a buckboard he’d rented for the occasion. Their new home came with Pedro’s new position on Wilfredo Acevedo’s rancho. Pedro was now the ranch’s foreman, or as Pedro...

1 year ago
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Lust Part 1

I have always been a very persuasive woman. Even when it takes longer I usually get things done my way. My life has always been a little eccentric, to say the least, but conspiring with my son to make my husband fall for his little daughter... That's a little too much even for someone like me. Specially when all this craziness, sexual tension, hidden emotions and incestual lust have struck me out of nowhere in the past few weeks. But let me talk a little bit about my life and how I got to...

4 years ago
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a very hairy girl part 3

The next time I saw Ariel was even more exciting..She had been texting me all week long how fascinated she had been by me licking my cum from her pubic hair and how pleased she was to have finally met a man that liked her the way she was.. Very hairy!The texting built up a lot of tension, and I added to that tension by telling her I like watersport games, and enjoy the smell of her pussy hairs when they have been soaked in her pee..She asked me: "would u like it if i didn't wash my pussy the...

3 years ago
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Beginnings Day 2 Shopping

BEGINNINGS - DAY 2 - SHOPPING! I awoke slowly the following morning. When I had arrived home I was tired but exhilarated. What a wonderful night. From having never dressed as a woman before to coming home from my first kiss from a man, it certainly had been an eventful day. I remember coming into my house and thinking about going directly to bed. I took off my coat and looked into the mirror in the hallway. There stood a 50ish woman looking back at me. I smiled to myself and...

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BOBBYs Fag Bitch BOY part two

I'd decided to change Leon's his name to "BOBBY", when I realized it was too late! So far, I've sent three million e-mails begging the site for help. But no one responded. You know? just enjoy the story. We're not calling him anything this time. I can't tell you how great it felt to get those 4 positive ratings. My only need was for someONE to feel what I felt while writing the story, and instead I got FOUR! Thank you guys, so much! . . . BOBBY's Fag Bitch BOY: part two...

2 years ago
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The Ah KungChapter 21

For the next two months Roger's life became a routine. He would get up and bath from a bucket that he kept on the wood stove, sit and think, walk down the road, come back and sit and think, fix supper from a can and sit an think until he went to bed. Every two to five days he would call Bart or his father and check on the company. Bart and his father seemed to be running the business fine without him. On Roger's walks Lei's face would sometimes flash before his eyes. At first tears would...

3 years ago
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Late night task at the office

My naughty Boss Barbara had asked me to stay Friday late night at the office. It was not so fine for me; since I was feeling tired after a long week there inside.But my Boss had to deliver an important dossier by Monday early morning; so the bitch said she would compensate my effort anyway…I was trying to focus in the computer screen, when I heard a strange noise coming from Barbara’s office. I was sure this filthy bisexual bitch had left early; but now anybody was there…I woke up quietly from...

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New Neighbor Part 5 Pool bet

On Friday night, after her first week back in the office after moving in to her new house, Katie joined Jill and Todd as they went uptown to check out some of the local bars. Katie was still dressed from work. She was wearing a light green sleeveless blouse, a black skirt, black silk stockings and medium black heels. Her long brown hair was held back away from her face with a black hair ribbon. Jill wore a faded and ripped pair of Levi's that fit her perfectly and a tight black t-shirt. She'd...

1 year ago
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Private Cindy Shine Anal Empowerment

Cindy Shine is an empowered woman in Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving, and just like all strong independent females, Cindy knows exactly what she wants, and how to get it! After a congress meeting, this sexy teen has invited one of the speakers, Christian Clay, back to her place for dinner and it’s now time for her favourite course… So watch the sexy Cindy in action on Private as she gets a mouthful of cock with sloppy deepthroat blowjob before going to enjoy a hot anal fuck that...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 16 Jackie and Jamie

June 2, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Tom and Dave are in Waukesha this morning,” Julia said at the start of our staff meeting. “And Steve is taking afternoons off for the rest of the week because Jessica is here. He’ll also leave once this meeting is over to spend some time with Tatyana before she leaves for Russia. Penny, did you get your mom’s permission to work extra hours?” “I did. She said it was OK to work two extra hours each day so I can help cover for Steve spending time with his...

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