She’s Someone Special free porn video

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The sun was still warm, but it had lost that searing, burning intensity of a few hours ago. Now it hung high in the western sky, a deep orange suffusing the few stratos clouds that wandered idly across its face. The air was not as heavy now, the cloying humidity of earlier in the day had made us lazy, and we now felt the need to be outdoors and feel the gentle breeze revitalise us.

As we strolled quietly along the riverbank we held hands and just enjoyed the peace of our surroundings and the comfort of being together. The long grass around us hid a myriad of small wildlife, and we stopped for a while to listen to the chorus of sounds they made, focusing entirely on trying to make out where each individual creature might be. Over here somewhere was a grasshopper, cricketing insistently to catch the attentions of a potential mate.

There was a soft plop from the river, as a vole slid into the water in search of prey, and we watched the ducks turn away from the sound in cautious but unhurried fashion. On the far edge of the water, a swan glided gracefully past us, the yellow and black bill a shocking contrast to the pristine white of his grand plumage. I kissed your cheek as we watched the vole slip sleekly through the water, and you smiled with your eyes as much as your mouth. It was just a beautiful evening, as the willow trees shivered in the gentle wind providing a natural backdrop of sound that was just enough to drown out the urban noises from the roadway not half a mile away.

We walked on until we came to a flat green meadow, the close-cropped grass had obviously been trimmed that day, and its fresh mown smell was a reminder of every fabulous summer day of childhood. You stopped and sat down, patting the ground beside you in invitation, and we felt that we had found a private part of the world that was ours alone for the day. I dropped lightly to the ground, and spent some time watching you as you undid the straps of your sandals.

The light summery dress looked fantastic on you, the thin material highlighted all the natural womanly curves, and the cornflower blue colour made you appear somehow innocent, almost virginal. You wouldn’t have worn that short hemline any other time, but this summer you seemed made for it, and as you raised your knee to get to those shoes the hem slipped to the top of your thigh. I gazed at your leg, the alabaster skin looked so perfect, so soft, and I wanted to run my hand over it to see if it felt as smooth as it looked.

I noticed with surprise that you had painted your toenails, which is never something you normally do, but the bright red looked good against the pale skin of your feet. My eyes travelled back up over those shapely calves, caught a brief glimpse of that inner thigh before you pulled the dress back, over your body, your full breasts, the soft feminine shoulders that you know drive me wild, and to your face. You were looking back at me, smiling at my open lechery, knowing how desirable you are, how much I enjoy loving you. You leaned toward me, and we kissed.

I was expecting something soft and lingering, the lightest brushing of our mouths telling me that you understood, that you love me, that time was no enemy and we had all night. When you pressed your mouth hard against mine, it took me a second to adjust. I sat completely immobile as your tongue swept against the outer edge of my lips, and your hand snaked quickly around my waist. I took my cue from you, and raised my hand to twine my fingers through your hair, insinuating them up from the back of your neck and pulling your face against me.

The kiss lengthened, deepened, and became more passionate as we melted together. Every thought, every impulse, my entire concentration was on you, focusing on your lips, your breath, the warmth and wetness of your mouth against me. We broke apart and I could hear the trip hammer of my heart making my pulse race, pounding in my ears as I drew a deep shuddering breath. It was so unexpected it had aroused me like I was a teenager. I could almost feel myself becoming that frantic sixteen year old again with the rampant urges that could be switched on instantly with just a look or a swift stolen kiss. Desire filled me now in exactly the same way, and I knew that I was going to have you, I was going to take you and make love to you here and now.

It wasn’t going to be that easy. As I leant toward you again, you knocked my arm out from under me. The elbow that had been propping me up was suddenly gone, and as I fell flat on my back the air escaped my lungs with a whoosh. I struggled back up to find you had rolled away, got to your feet and were fleeing merrily across the grass. Of course if I had thought about it you had left your sandals behind to show me you weren’t going far, but I was concentrating solely on you now and had no time for extraneous details. I got to my feet and set off in hot pursuit.

It wasn’t a fair competition. I was built for running, long legs and slim body, and was still relatively fit so I easily outpaced you. You jinked and dodged as best you could, but there was no escape. Now it was my turn to take charge of matters, and as I caught you I wrapped you tightly in my arms. You started to struggle, but I quickly wrestled you to the ground, laying you face down and straddling your hips to keep you still. Now you were helpless, and it was my turn to try to excite you in the same way. I brushed away the hair from the back of your neck, and bent forward to kiss you. I rested my mouth on your skin, breathing in your scent and feeling the warmth transfer between us. I began to nuzzle you, breathing heavily deliberately so that you might know how turned on I was. I kissed slowly from the nape of your neck up to your hairline, from one shoulder to the other, nibbling your earlobe and sucking it softly into my mouth. You relaxed and lay still, a soft sigh escaping your lips, and I felt your body ease beneath me.

I raised myself a little, and then pressed myself down firmly against you. Now I wanted you to feel how aroused I was, so I began to grind myself down against you, just a little, with circular movements of my hips that imitated the patterns I was tracing on your back with my lips. I slipped one strap of the dress off your shoulder, and ran my tongue across and up to it. Pursing my lips, I sucked the skin gently into my mouth as I ran my hands down the sides of your tummy to your hips, and back again.

Now I began to give you a real love bite, opening my mouth and sucking hard on your shoulder, grazing my teeth on you, swirling my tongue over your skin. As I did so, I slipped the other strap off, baring your upper back to my hungry eyes. I knelt upright and began massaging your back. I worked from the base of your spine up to your shoulders, then slid my hands lightly down over your arms pinning them by your side. I did this over and over, sometimes kneading the flesh firmly, sometimes scraping it lightly with my fingernails, sometimes just letting the flat palms of my hands wander gently over you. All the time, my head was spinning with thoughts of lowering myself into you and feeling your body envelop me in its warmth and softness. I rubbed and scratched and teased until I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Rolling you over, I swiftly pulled the top of your dress down to your waist, exposing your bare breasts to the breeze. Already I could see your nipples hardening, and I continued to rub my hands over you, making sure I grazed against them as if by accident. I stopped to lean forward and kiss, wanting to feel your mouth again, needing to reassure you that I love you as much as I want you, and you respond eagerly. Again my world spiralled in to focus on you, senses filled to overload with the feel of skin against skin, body against body, and mouth against mouth.

I rolled to lay beside you, wanting access to all of your body, and wanting to feel your hands roaming over mine. You reached for me, I could sense how much you wanted to f
eel me hard in your hands and I was ecstatic when you finally released me and wrapped your fingers around me. Slowly, cunningly, you started to massage my cock, extending your fingers so that the tips reached further to graze against my scrotum, tickling and teasing. I lowered my mouth to your neck, and began kissing you again. Each kiss was planted a little lower than the one before, as I worked my way infinitely slowly down your body.

My hand was working on your other nipple already, twisting and pulling, flicking over it and squeezing with no subtlety at all. At the same time, my mouth was working towards this breast in minute, breathtaking slowness, and the contrast between the two was working to turn you on even more. Finally I reached your nipple and began swirling my tongue over it, getting it thoroughly wet before sucking it very gently into my mouth. Your back arched and a small moan escaped you, and I could feel your hand change to a harder pumping rhythm on my cock. This was my signal, and I let my hand travel down your body to your legs.

I reveled in the smoothness of your skin, I loved the counterpoint that I could feel, your thighs were cool on the outside but the heat escaping from between them was intense. I traced one fingertip up your inner thigh, and your legs fell open before it. Onwards, upwards, tugging the hem of your dress away before finally resting my finger on your mound. The soft satin of your panties did nothing to hide your arousal, they were warm and damp and I could trace the outline of your lips through the sheer material. Pressing harder with my finger, I could feel the hard bud of your clit through them, and I began to rub.

The friction of my finger, coupled with the minute rasping of the material against you was enough to drive you wild. Spreading your legs wide, you pushed upwards and began rotating your hips so erotically against my hand that I almost came on the spot. I chose not to take your panties off, but worked my finger around until I could insinuate it between the waistband and your mound, and then slide it down until it rested against your already open lips. Pressing insistently, I felt your lips part, and my finger was inside you.

I moved it round, I withdrew and inserted it again, I ran it over your vulva swiftly and softly, tickling and promising but never pushing it further. My mouth still worked on your nipples, swapping from one to the other, and I was pushing myself against your body now, still with your hand grasping me and working me. The tip of my cock was wet now, but nothing to match how wet you were. I raised my head to kiss you again, and as I thrust my tongue forward into your mouth I simultaneously pushed my finger deep into your pussy. With my thumb massaging your clit, there was no way you could withstand this for long.

I let you get close before I stopped. You were so turned on you were going to reach down and finish the ob yourself, but I restrained your hands. I moved quickly, throwing off my own clothes with indecent haste, and removing the last of yours. The warm sun beat down on my bare back, and the gentle wind blew between my legs fanning my balls and giving me the chance to cool down. This was the last thing I wanted you to do, so I quickly knelt and parted your legs once more. I lowered my tongue to your clit, as once again I reached up to your breasts.

Now I would have my way with you, I would not stop until you had come in my mouth and I had drunk the sweet juice from your pussy. I pressed firmly against your clit with my tongue, and then flicked it lightly. I circled round it, and sucked it into my mouth, my hands working on your tummy, your breasts, and your nipples. You reached down to cradle my head against you, and I grazed my teeth over your clit. Moving one hand, I inserted a finger into you and reached for your G-spot. I probed deep inside your body with my finger, while I teased and fondled outside with my tongue and my fingers. My lips nibbled you, my hands squeezed your buttocks, I inserted another finger beside the first, stretching you wider. I raised my head so I could see properly. I knew you liked to feel exposed, and so I made sure you were watching as I gazed down at my fingers buried deep in you.

Looking up into your eyes, I manoeuvred my hand so I could fit another finger inside you, and I watched your face as I pushed all three fingers into your pussy up to the knuckles. You gasped, and then thrust slowly forward against my hand. I lowered my head, and sucked your clit into my mouth. Relentlessly I licked, I probed, I nuzzled, I used my hands and my tongue and my lips and even my teeth as I pushed and sucked and fingered until you came with an explosive cry and a gush of fluid into my mouth.

Without pause, and without giving you time to catch your breath I lifted myself up until I was poised above you. Wanting you desperately now, I urged my hips forward until I had the tip of my cock pressed against your waiting body. In one swift fluid movement I sank inside you, and I felt your pussy engulf me like sinking into warm quicksand. I paused, enjoying the sensation, not wanting to let the moment pass without savouring it with every ounce of my body. This was exquisite pleasure, the slick walls of your pussy coating me and holding me with such deep warm softness that I felt the need to moan out loud.

We writhed together, straining to join every part of our bodies, needing to make as much skin contact as we could, so that we felt joined, felt like one being fused together. I began to move inside you, withdrawing almost entirely before allowing myself to plunge back into you again and again. I pushed my body up so that my shaft contacted with your clit as I thrust in and out. The pressure was building in the head of my cock as I began to grind myself more forcefully against you.

My balls were straining and we were both covered in a sheen of sweat as we tried to sink into each other, to become one. Your nails were on my back, scraping down my spine, scratching with a pain that was also pleasure, as I gripped your thighs and your buttocks to pull you against me.

I slipped one hand under the small of your back, supporting my weight with the other, and rammed myself deep inside you as far as I could. Now all restraint was gone, and I screwed you hard, over and over, slamming into your body with an urgency that overwhelmed me. As I felt your orgasm building, you began to gyrate your hips beneath me, a corkscrewing motion that I could not resist. I cried out, my mind blank, no longer able to resist the uncontrollable need to shoot my cum inside you, as I felt you buck and writhe beneath me. Thankfully I emptied myself into your willing body, stream after stream of hot cum filling you and mixing with your own juices as my world blacked out with the sheer erotic joy of having you as my own.

It was some time later before we were walking away along that path. I was quiet, comfortably so, thoughts wandering aimlessly around my head as I reflected on just how incredible it was making love to you. I looked at you as you held my arm tightly, marvelling at my luck in having you her with me, knowing that you wanted me as I wanted you. I felt you put something in my pocket, and looked at you quizzically as I reached in and pulled out those tiny satin panties. You grinned wickedly, and asked me if I wanted seconds…

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Shes late

The crisp, winter air bit into her exposed thighs as she stood at his doorstep. She stopped, nerves rising from her stomach, and took a moment to straighten herself, pulling her crisp white stockings up, straightening her black pleated skirt and neatening her striped, short-sleeved top. She was totally underdressed for the cold winter weather and – what was far worse – she was late. Taking another deep, foreboding breath she knocked on his frosted glass window. Nothing. A minute passed, then...

2 years ago
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Shes The Man

It was at Charlottan Court University that I first saw him. Short, black locks, brown eyes, muscular, fair-skinned. I thought that I’d finally found the guy that I wanted to pursue during my first semester of college. It was then that I remembered that I was enrolled at a strictly female university. I approached cautiously, holding my lunch in one hand and a paper cup of apple juice in the other. “Hi, do you mind if I sit with you?” She looked up and flashed a smile at me. “Sure.” It was as...

2 years ago
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Shes in love with me part 1

((this is I’m in love with my best friend Part 1 in Tyler’s point of view-Enjoy)) Thursday night was boring as usual, I was playing Madden 08 ‘Come on fucking run!’ I yelled at my T. v. when my phone beeped. I flipped open my phone to see ‘new email’ It was from Natascha. ‘what are you doing—at like 6? cause…i want to come over…or have you come here, if you can–so we can talk. because i need to—before tomorrow. please?’ I texted back ‘K but u gotz ta b gone by lik 10. . . Kk’ and went back to...

3 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Cross Dresser Part 19 Christmas Special

Christmas Special It was now around Christmas time and I couldn’t have been happier. Any other year we would have had family over which meant I had to dress normal because the other members of our family still had no idea or at least weren’t talking. However this year we had no plans at all, our cousins were off on vacation to Mexico until new years, my grandparents were not in a visiting mood because of some family matters that keep us from talking to each other at the moment and others we...

2 years ago
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Shes a Wonderful Wife

I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she’s a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that...

3 years ago
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Shes Sorry

‘Please. Please! I really am sorry and I’ll do anything, anything at all . . . please.’ The last word was said in a very small, almost defeated voice. We had been friends of sorts for a while. She was in her twenties and I was somewhat older. I had met her online and we had fooled around a little. I had dominated her long distance via email, text and phone, and on skype once or twice. As she lived nearby, we did eventually meet in person, but by that time the ‘fire’ had gone out and we only...

3 years ago
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Nobody Special

Sitting in the court room. waiting for the judge to rule on the divorce, I leaned over to my attorney, "Bert, I've changed my mind about fighting with Karen, give her what she wants." "Have you completely lost your mind? She is the one who wants the divorce, the one who cheated on you. No, hell, no, I will let you do that," he said angrily. "Bert, you are a good friend and my lawyer, do what I tell you," I answered. "Why, John? I don't understand, please explain it to me." I sat there in...

First Time
2 years ago
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Shes the BOSS

  Working for a multinational company, my new role as the training manager allows me to travel abroad quite frequently. This is a great job and particularly at my age, 26, is considered a very remarkable achievement. I have been in this company for about a year now. From the time i joined about a year ago, up till today, i conduct several training sessions within the company and and abroad and almost every day i have a female student (colleague of course) approach me in private after class for...

2 years ago
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Shes chained for pleasure

I walk into the dimly lit room and see you standing there with your hands handcuffed over your head.   A chain is attached to the cuffs and running up to the ceiling over to a wall nearby. Looking down there are shackles around your ankles anchored to the floor that pull your legs about shoulder with apart.   You look so beautiful standing there totally naked and not able to do anything, a play toy for me to use as I wish.   The lights from the room illuminate your sexy body and I’m instantly...

3 years ago
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Shes a very good wife

  I stepped out of a steaming hot shower and looked up into the mirror, he was standing there watching me dry myself off, just as he had been watching me through the glass shower bathe myself in soap and hot water. I smile at him as I lift my leg onto the side of the bathtub to dry my leg. I slowly bring the towel up my leg, across my thigh and between my legs. I let out a soft moan and tilt my head back as I continue to dry my stomach and down my other leg. As I bring the towel up my other...

1 year ago
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After School Special

I sat at my desk trying hard to focus on the book in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Although Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner may be an all time classic, it was nowhere near as interesting as Miss Ross's amazing ass. Friday's were dress down days for the teachers and I lived for them. Usually on these afternoons I was treated to the sight of my favorite teacher's fine ass in a pair of fairly tight jeans. Last week those jeans were accompanied by a pair of black boots the heels of which...

2 years ago
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Something Very Special

Something Very SpecialBy: Londebaaz Chohan For some much unknown reason or reasons, the passing year was very busy. Other than her part-time job, Candice worked as a volunteer in couple of the charitable organizations, keeping her busy till much late in the evening. Michael was also on the fast track and in spite of their desire to slow down in life had not been possible. They had not taken any mini vacations this year, like they had not gone to the beach even once throughout the summer. They...

3 years ago
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The Special

He looked at the text message on his phone: 'I need to see you, ASAP!' As usual, a real flair for the dramatic, he thought, but it was his boss, so he got out of bed and quickly showered and dressed. Forty-five minutes later and he was entering the office. "Stuart, it's another 'special'...and when I say special, I mean special!" Joe Morris exclaimed. "So what's so 'special' about this one, Boss? I thought you said after that last god awful job I was, and I quote: '...Entitled to...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e20 Page 3 Horse special

Series 7, Episode 20: Page 3 Special We open with a montage: Still images of Page 3 girls - smiling, topless models with amazing bodies; clips of these same models at show-bizz functions and public appearances; cover shots of adult magazines with those same girls highlighted; and more ‘Page 3’ shots – blondes, brunettes, black girls, white girls, fake boobs, real boobs (but always big boobs). These aren’t the Page 3 superstars – not a Sam Fox, Linda Lusardi or Maria Whittaker of the 80s –...

3 years ago
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Vincent and Erin Halloween Special

“Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away from his penis. Twenty minutes later, a much cleaner, but still horny, Vincent emerged from the steaming shower, towel in hand. He dried himself off and flexed a few times, feeling that much sexier knowing that Erin...

2 years ago
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Utopia Chapter 11 The Survivor Special

Title: UtopiaRating: NC17Summary: A world without clothes and money... but with the same drama.Note: Special Chapter featuring some Survivor stars!Jan woke up from his slumber and after he had made himself some coffee exited his apartment. "Good morning, Laura, Claire." Jan said with a smile as he took a sip from his coffee when he saw the girls outside. "Hey you, haven't seen ya in a while," Laura said as she had her arm around Claire. "You going to check the mail downstairs as well?" Claire...

4 years ago
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Something Special

It all started when I was walking home one day in hot Florida from the grocery store. I had gone there because I needed a couple of folders for school. I was still walking out of the parking lot when some weird guy in a large tan truck drove near to me and offered me a ride. He said sweet things to me, one in particular I remember is that he said I looked like an angel. Perhaps it was bullshit but back then I believed it. I actually rejected his offer and told him no thank you. I continued on...

3 years ago
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Vincent and Erin Halloween Special

Nine o'clock came much too early for Vincent that Halloween morning. When he woke, he rolled over to try to make love to his eternal lover, Erin, to find her not in his bed. Instead, there was a note taped to the pillow. “Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away...

Straight Sex
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Fetishes Choker Ch 01

Damn it all to hell! Christy hated MEN. She took a deep breath. No, that wasn’t true. She was just so damn frustrated, she thought, as she stomped across the east side mall. She had been trying to get Calvin to notice her for at least a year now. How could he miss her? She was tall and statuesque and as a senior cheerleader she had the body most women could only dream of having, she thought her long legs and flaring hips were her best features but most men, and a few women, only noticed her...

3 years ago
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3freewishes now with pictures

You'd been married for 10 years, and miserable for 8 of those. Sure, to start with you'd been happy. You'd married the woman of your dreams, things were going great, and the sex was incredible. But then it started getting less frequent. After the first year, it was once a week, and then soon after double that. Eventually, you were lucky if you managed to get a hand job on your birthday. Looking back, it was hard to remember when the sex had started to dry up. It might have been when your wife...

Mind Control
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Mackintoshes Dont

Mackintoshes Don't.... Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 02.10.15 Chapter 1: William was paying his first ever visit to a shop that had long featured in his dreams and had made the long journey to the capital by public transport in order to leave as few traces as possible of his trip. He had left his visit to the shop until late afternoon to reduce the embarrassment but still he dithered about on the pavement outside. The shop exterior was not quite what he had...

2 years ago
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Mackintoshes Dont Chapter 2

Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 03.10.15 Please read my first Chapter before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: "I have the perfect raw material," she said to the recipient of her call. "Excellent," came the reply in a cultured feminine voice. "Will it be ready for our gathering next week?" Judith thought for a moment and then responded, "I will...

2 years ago
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Mackintoshes Dont 3

Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 3 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 20.03.16 This is the 3rd and final part of this work Please read my first and second Chapters before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: Chantal and Judith assisted the still groggy and slightly confused Mary from the operating table. They placed in her in a wheelchair and pushed her to Judith's waiting Bentley. The...

1 year ago
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She Freaky, Shes Freaky,...? “She's Freaky and she knows it...” reads the logo on this all-black amateur and homemade "shefreaky" porn tube site. I love the direction they took the branding with for this one. The site’s name, as well as its slogan, sounds like it could be a line from a popular rap song. It actually reminds me of a little bit of Kanye West and Lil Pump’s song that they did for Porn Hub awards this year; the chorus goes, “She such a freaky girl…I love it.” (not...

Black Porn Sites
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The Speciality

Present Time. I walked naked down the bare corridor, my feet echoing as they slapped on the cold hard floor. The old hag led the way at a snails pace, the weary years telling on her ancient bones. Why I followed so passively was really astounding given that I was naked and anyone could see. At the end of the corridor we turned right, down a darker and shorter corridor. The old hag looked back once to make sure I was still there, although my footfalls should have told if I were not. We reached...

3 years ago
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Midnight Special

The floor consisted of the east wing, her unit, and a west wing and the two separated by closed doors. That night only three people were on the unit and all of them scheduled to go home sometime the following day. Nurse Candice was the only one scheduled, along with a nurse’s aide who worked on the west wing; she was available for help, but only if called. Therefore, she had the floor all to herself and she loved that thought. She always wore a regulation uniform that was either a...

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