Doll Case Part 1
- 4 years ago
- 23
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All characters are 18 years old or older. This is one that’s been on the back burner for a little while, a new twist on an old idea. What would you do if you could control the thoughts and actions of any person you found attractive? Please feel free to comment and tell me if you enjoyed this as well as vote so I can improve my craft. Enjoy!!
You ever wonder why people act the way they do? I guess it was something that drove my path into the study of psychology and neuroscience. I was bullied as a kid. I watched the news with my dad and saw all the crimes that people committed. Then there was the mass suicide of a religious cult and I wondered how any sane person could do that. I asked my dad and he told me how the leader had brainwashed his followers into doing anything that he said, no matter how crazy. It was one of the things that stuck in my head. After I graduated high school I went off to college and decided to focus on deprogramming cult members.
I graduated with my PhD in psychology and wrote a grant proposal to study cult techniques for indoctrination of its members and how to reverse it. There were side studies in addiction and other unhealthy behavior. You would be surprised how many people are out there that have escaped cults and wanted their lives back. To help them I ran EEG and other scans to see if there was a pattern in brain activity. I studied healthy individuals as well as those suffering from mental trauma from their cult experiences.
I was two years into my study when I found it. The medical term is long and complicated but I nick named it the ‘slave wave’. My first experiments went into reproducing the wave in healthy minds. The trick was inducing it safely without damaging the subject. I had to see if I could do it and then I had to see how long someone could be exposed to it without long term detriment. It was another year before I was able to build a device to alter the normal rhythm of a healthy mind with the slave wave. The first generation device was a hideous headband using powerful magnets targeting key parts of the brain. My only problem was that I had no volunteers to undergo the testing. I can’t say that I blame them. Who wants to subject themselves to the will of another? So I set the study aside and worked on the flip side of the work and tried to alter damaged minds and heal them. The volunteers flooded in.
I filed for a patent eighteen months later and called it a device for treating addiction and unhealthy behavior. It was a huge success. You can forget nicotine gum and patches. I set up a clinic and was treating people and after a half dozen visits they were quitting smoking, eating healthy and curing clinical depression. I had achieved my life’s work at the tender age of twenty nine. There were licensed clinics worldwide and I retired by the age of thirty two. By the age of thirty three I was desperately bored. It was late one night after an evening of heavy drinking that it came to me.
‘Well old boy, you have all the time in the world on your hands, why not work on something new? Oh I know what would be fun, the slave wave. I could continue my studies and hire people to undergo the testing.’
I set down my glass of whiskey and fixed a pot of coffee. Two weeks, it took just two short weeks to have a working prototype. It had to be my success with healing others that made the kinky collar a reality. But I was unable to find anyone that was willing to get paid to try it out. It was so damn frustrating!
Day One:
That’s when it happened, the doorbell rang. I set the collar down and walked to the front door. I opened the door and it was my younger sister Haley. I invited her in and she was being nice which meant only one thing. She needed money, again.
‘I am getting another cup of coffee, want one,’ I asked her.
‘Sure, you have the best coffee,’ she replied trying to butter me up.
‘How is school going,’ I asked and I ‘heard’ the shrug from behind me. ‘…That good huh?’
‘Eh, it is hard living in your shadow,’ she said as I poured her cup of coffee. ‘To be honest I don’t really know what I want to do anymore. I feel so inadequate and how do I keep up with you?’
‘This isn’t a contest Haley,’ I told her but I could see it wasn’t going anywhere.
‘Hey, what’s this,’ she asked holding up the prototype doll collar. ‘Is this something new you are working on?’
‘Yes, yes it is,’ I said.
‘OOH, can I help? I know you pay your assistants. I could try this out for you and I could earn money instead of begging you know.’
‘If you are serious about it I would need a real commitment. You’d have to move in so I could monitor you. I have a few spare bedrooms.’
‘I would be okay with that. I know mom would want me to get out of her hair, even if it’s only for a couple of months.’
We shook hands and that’s when my life got so very interesting. We drank our coffee and I called mom. I told her what was going on and she started to argue about me using my sister as a test subject. I told her sis would be fine. There was zero chance of any permanent damage. Sis actually got on the phone and begged mom to be my lab rat. Looking back it’s kind of funny really. Sis left and returned a few hours later with clothes and her basic necessities. I let her pick out her bedroom from the four extras that had come with the house. By dinner time she was moved in and hungry so I cooked for us.
‘So what sort of stuff are you working on,’ she asked as she watched me cut up veggies.
‘I guess you could call it behavioral modification,’ I told her avoiding the two words, slave wave.
‘So is this a better way of curing addiction?’
‘Eh, not really, it is more of a different way of doing it,’ I said. ‘We can start first thing tomorrow.’
‘Why not tonight,’ she asked. ‘I got nothing going on.’
‘Okay, after dinner,’ I said and felt the excitement build.
As we ate I asked her if she had any bad habits, addictions or anything she’d like to change. I had to remind her I was a doctor and to be honest. She nodded and asked about finding a nice guy. She admitted that she had a bad habit of dating the bad boy type to her detriment. I asked her what she found so attractive about them and she shrugged. So I asked what she got out of that relationship and she blushed. I asked her if it was great sex and she nodded. Haley admitted that bad boys were better lovers. She opened up about her sex life and how she liked rough sex, a lot. What she hated was that the bad boys tended to be super jealous and control freaks. A certain amount of control was okay but typically they got carried away.
‘I think I understand,’ I said. ‘Control in the bedroom is okay but outside of it not so much.’
‘Exactly,’ she said. ‘I never pegged you for the kinky sort.’
‘I’m not,’ I said.
‘Pity, that’s probably why you never had a long term relationship. Girls like a little kink in their lives, whether they admit it or not.’
She loaded the dishwasher and we headed down to my lab. I had converted a game room into my work place. I sat sis down in a recliner and told her what I was doing as I did it.
‘I am placing these sensors on first to monitor your brain activity. Once I have these in place I will record things after I place the device around your neck.’
‘Sounds easy enough,’ she replied.
‘Okay, here we go,’ I said as I switched on my invention. ‘Tell me how you feel and don’t leave anything out, alright?’
‘No problem,’ Haley said. ‘I feel a little light headed but okay. It feels like I’ve had a few beers. Ooh I like this, my toes are tingling. Oh my, I uh…’ she stopped and blushed furiously.
‘What is it Haley? I need to know.’
‘Okay you asked,’ she purred. ‘My pussy feels like I have a toy teasing my clit.’
‘That’s interesting,’ I said. ‘I never expected that. How intense is the pl
‘UNNNNNN… pretty damn intense, if this keeps up I am going to cum!’
I looked at her brain pattern and it was almost lined up with that of the slave wave. I guess I should try and see how suggestable she was.
‘How do you feel sis?’
‘Oh gawd,’ she moaned. ‘This is a great foreplay machine. If you weren’t my brother I’d eat you alive.’
‘Interesting,’ I said and smiled. ‘Take off your shoes and socks.’
Haley did as I directed without hesitation. She closed her eyes then bit her lip and a moment later her body shook as she climaxed. Her eyes opened and she smiled. I ran her through a gambit of commands. I had her lick her lips, raise and lower her hands and finally touch her nose.
‘Is the pleasure still steady,’ I asked and she nodded. ‘I want to test the after effects of the device okay?’
‘Whatever you want,’ she purred.
‘Show me your tits,’ I told her and she tugged her shirt and bra up without hesitation. ‘Wow, I never knew how cute they were.’
I switched off the machine and gauged her reaction. The euphoria lasted for another three minutes and twenty seconds. Once she was clear of its effects she looked down at her exposed breasts and pulled her top down.
‘Perv,’ she said smiling.
‘How are you feeling,’ I asked.
‘I knew you had it in you,’ she said. ‘I feel fine. My head is clear but I am not angry with you having me flash you my tits. My orgasm was amazing! It was wonderful and better than any toy on the market.’
‘I am going to monitor you for another hour, so sit tight and I’ll continue with some more questions.’
‘Fine, fire away,’ sis replied.
I had her do the same physical tasks but her reaction time was a little slower as her conscious mind had to take time to process my commands. It was beginning to suggest that the slave wave bypassed the waking mind. Her activity was back to normal within a few minutes. There didn’t appear to be any lasting effect from short exposure to the device. But we would have to try longer and longer exposure to make sure.
‘Can we do it again,’ she asked her eyes bright with excitement.
‘You should take a break,’ I said but she pouted. ‘You really like it huh?’
‘Oh hell yeah,’ Haley said eager for more pleasure.
‘Let me note the settings and I am going to adjust them a bit and see the effects,’ I told her as I recalibrated the device. ‘Okay, that’s got it. Same as last time but we’ll run it for ten minutes. Give me a dialogue and tell me what you’re experiencing. That is key to success or failure.’
I replaced the collar and she winked at me. I began recording and switched it on. Her hands clenched the arms of the chair and she let out a deep guttural moan. Haley said that the pleasure was more intense this time around but not to shut it off. She was panting and telling me how bad she wanted to touch herself. It seemed this setting removed her inhibitions completely. I had her wiggle toes, touch her nose and I regarded her response time and it was markedly faster than not being under the influence.
‘Go ahead and touch yourself,’ I said and she unbuckled her jeans and slid them off. ‘Wow, you are soaked.’ I said as she placed a leg over an arm of the chair and she was completely exposed. ‘Slowly, move your fingers slowly.’
‘Whatever you want,’ she purred. ‘Do you like my pussy? See how wet I am. Can you hear how wet and lewd my fingers sound as they move in and out? Oh damn I am so fucking close! Can I cum please? Please let me cum… tell me… order me…’
‘Um…’ I said and swallowed hard. ‘Cum for me…’
‘YESSSSS,’ Haley cried as her ass left the seat of the chair.
Her body bucked and she nearly fell out of the chair. Haley sat there panting and gasping as she recovered. I watched as she licked her fingers clean and with eyes half glazed over she looked up at me. I told her to get dressed as I handed her soaked panties and jeans. She made a noise and tossed her panties over the back of the chair. She wiggled into her jeans and zipped up. I looked at the timer and waited the remaining twenty seconds before switching the device off. I monitored her patterns and they returned to normal after five minutes.
‘How do you feel?’ I asked and she smiled wickedly.
‘Are you kidding? I feel amazing! This is the best job ever! Hell, I should be paying you for this, you know.’
‘How about your emotions, are you feeling embarrassed or any regret?’
‘You mean about you watching me masturbate? Nah, it isn’t like we are fucking or anything. Unless you have that planned for a later experiment, do you? I don’t know how I would feel having my brother’s cock inside of me. That is so weird. I don’t think it would bother me if that happened.’
‘Why do you think that is?’ I asked her and she simply shrugged.
‘Tell you what, I am going to sleep like a baby. How is my brain?’
‘Everything is nominal. Your pattern is back to normal. It looks like short durations have no long lasting effects. So far so good…’
I removed the electrodes and cleaned her scalp of the adhesive. She kissed my cheek and told me she was going to take a shower. So while my sister was naked upstairs in the shower I checked the numbers and it looked like we could continue and a few more tweaks and I could be looking at a real breakthrough here. I was examining the numbers in detail when a drop of water hit the back of my neck. I spun around and there was Haley wearing a smile and a towel.
‘You didn’t watch me shower,’ she said obviously disappointed. ‘Didn’t you want to see me naked?’
‘Sis, I had numbers to crunch.’ I said avoiding her question but she would have none of that.
‘Am I ugly? Were you lying to me earlier? Or were you just being a geek again?’
‘I was just being a geek Haley. You have an amazing body, well, what I saw of it.’
She smiled and her hands moved to remove her towel and then she stopped. With a cryptic smile she turned and left. Was this normal behavior for her or was this the effect of the slave wave? A part of me wanted to tell her to lose the towel and see if there was a lingering aspect to the device. I saved my work and closed my laptop. I locked the collar away so that Haley couldn’t sneak down and use it without being monitored. I got up and headed off to bed. I walked up the stairs and could see my sister’s wet footprints on the carpeting. When I got to the top of the stairs I could see that she hadn’t gone to her bedroom but mine. Oh hell, this is bad. I braced myself and walked to my door and found it closed. I opened the door and yep, there she was under my covers.
‘Haley, what are you doing?’ I asked.
‘I am warming up your covers,’ she replied. ‘It’s the least I can do after what you’ve done for me.’
‘I need to know if I need to discontinue the experiments at this point,’ I told her. ‘Is this typical for you?’
‘You’re a virgin aren’t you,’ she fired back and I felt my cheeks burn. ‘Oh my god you are…’
‘I’ve been busy,’ I told her and turned to leave.
‘Wait, I wasn’t making fun of you,’ she said. ‘I will go to my room. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.’
‘I am good at what I do and not good at other things,’ I said as she wrapped the towel around her torso. ‘I am sorry. I will see if I can find someone else. I am not sure this is going to work out.’
‘Please,’ she said hugging me tight. ‘I didn’t know or I never would have messed with you. I need this job. I need to know I can do something and not fuck it up.’
‘Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.’ I said and she winked.
‘How long,’ she asked and giggled. ‘Sorry I couldn’t resist.’
I laughed and sent her away. I closed the door behind her and slumped to the floor. I had been so damn busy getting my degree and working that I had neglected a key part of my life. I had watched my sister masturbate and it had hit
me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t get her scent out of my mind. A part of me wanted to stroke one off but she might hear and I couldn’t live that down. So I stripped down and slipped beneath the covers. They were still warm and there was just a hint of Haley’s scent clinging to the sheets. I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep.
My dreams were a jumble of noises, images and flashes of my sister’s body. I awoke with a serious case of morning wood. I sat up and saw that my door was open. I looked around and there was Haley standing next to my bed holding a tray of food. She unfolded the legs of the tray and waited for me to sit up so she could set it down. Fate intervened again and her hand brushed against my erection.
‘I see that you’re up,’ she said with a wink.
‘God you are evil,’ I said as she sat on the edge of the bed.
‘I wanted to apologize about last night,’ she said. ‘Do you want me to feed you?’ Sis asked and I shook my head. ‘Need a helping hand? Ooh that look, half embarrassment and half fear. You really are that uncomfortable around girls?’
‘Yeah,’ I said picking up the glass of orange juice. ‘I have always been awkward around girls. I just freeze, stammer and man is it ugly.’
‘Sounds terrifying,’ she said. ‘So tell me about your machine.’
‘I told you what it does. You’ve felt it. It needs more work of course to see the full range of effects. You are my guinea pig but I won’t hurt you, I promise.’
‘I trust you completely,’ she said and left me to my meal.
Day Two:
I ate breakfast and took a shower. While I hadn’t taken advantage of Haley while she bathed, she on the other hand had no compunctions about watching me. I felt a strange thrill that a girl, even if it was my sister, was watching me shower. I finished and she offered me a towel smiling from ear to ear. I dried off and she stared at me the entire time. A part of me questioned if this was part of the slave wave or not. I didn’t have a control to base her behavior from. There was six years difference between us and there was a rift as well. I had gone off to college and she hadn’t even been in high school yet. I was gone while she hit that awkward stage of puberty and beyond. We were strangers to each other in many ways. I wrapped my towel around me and stepped out.
‘Did you enjoy the show,’ I asked and she actually blushed.
‘Yep,’ she said. ‘I am ready to for my treatment doc.’
‘Today we are going to do a few short sessions to try and dial in different settings, okay?’
‘Fine by me,’ she said. ‘I decided on a skirt today. I figured that would make things easier.’
‘That is thinking ahead,’ I said. ‘I need to take some notes give me half an hour or so.’
Haley nodded as we parted ways. I got dressed and headed down to the lab. I took out an empty binder and treated this like I normally would. Yesterday had been sloppy, very educational and entertaining but messy. I printed out my notes from yesterday and put them in the binder. I filled out a data sheet on Haley, well as much information as I could without taking measurements. This was never going to see the light of day so I fudged the numbers by guessing. She was about five feet three inches, thin build so I guessed about a buck ten. I found myself typing out long dark hair, bright hazel eyes and thirty six C cup breasts with puffy inverted nipples. I caught myself and was about to delete it when Haley showed up early. I felt my cheeks burn and froze as she walked over and looked over my notes.
‘Thirty eight C,’ she corrected. ‘Close though, I’ll give you a gold star for a great effort. Do you usually put down such intimate details in your notes?’
‘No, I got carried away,’ I admitted.
‘Do you want to check out my ass or should we save that for later?’ Haley asked in a sultry tone. ‘Kidding, relax… are we calibrated?’
‘Yeah, we are good to go,’ I said and she plopped down in the chair. ‘First session is going to take five minutes.’
The collar was designed to be adjustable so I tugged gently and settled it into place and pushed until she was comfortable. I attached the leads and checked the feed. Once I was happy I had a good signal we began. I double checked the settings and then activated the device. Her reaction was instant and arousing. Sis wiggled in her seat and began her narrative about how good it felt and where. I told her to lift her skirt and she did so without hesitation. She spread her legs so I could see how wet she was. I told her to close her legs and once more she never paused. She seemed disappointed but she did as she was told. Her hands clenched and unclenched the arms of the chair.
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‘Oh dear. This has been one of those long, exhausting days, hasn’t it? I can tell. You look like you’ve been really pushing yourself, staying focused through all the distractions and concentrating so hard on everything you’ve had to do that you just don’t want to think at all anymore. Your brain is so tired you’re probably envying those dolls on my shelf, aren’t you? ‘I know, it sounds a little silly to suggest that a living person might want to trade places with one of my dollies, but look at...
Krystal's Collar was inspires by a literotica story titled ?Brenda Becomes a Stripper? The usual disclaimers apply, this story contains explicit adult sexual content. If you are under 18 or this type of story is illegal in your jurisdiction stop no and go to the children channel or Disneyland. This is a fictional account of what some people have done with their lives because it appeals to their warped minds or inquiring minds depending on you position. Any connection with people living or dead...
Tracey picked the collar up off the ground excitedly after having a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching her.She knew what the collar was of course, it was a slave collar and as Tracey held it in her hands she could see and feel that it was a good slave collar. It was a shiny silver colour, fairly narrow, made of steel with a sense of strength in it, she knew whoever wore this collar wouldn't be taking it off in a hurry!As she turned it round her heart leapt, the key was in it....
Panic set into my mind. I was half naked. I reached up and touched a firm leather band that was snugly fitted against my neck. I woke up with a headache. That was the first thing I noticed. Opening my eyes I looked around the room. I was in a very comfortable bed. I hand very fine riding pants on and that was it. There was nothing covering my chest. I didn't have any shoes or socks or even a shirt. I reached up to touch a part of my head. There was a bandage there. And a slight hint of...
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BDSMThe Collar By Kyrie Hobson This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2011 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this...
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Reddit NSFW ListJeremy had a problem, and that problem was himself. He really, really liked slut collars. Now on its own, this wasn’t such a big deal. Most guys were fond of them, didn’t even count as a fetish these days. The difference between Jeremy and those other guys is that they imagined collars clasped around some hot babe’s neck. Jeremy preferred them around his own. The collars had been around for just about fifteen years, and nobody had the slightest clue where they came from. Oh, everyone knew who...
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Rob and Dolly Hamlin were sitting in Oldham's Bar in North St. Louis having a drink with their son Scott. Oldham's was a gathering place for most of the bikers in the area. Scott had a motorcycle customizing shop right next door and the location couldn't have been better. It was like having the bar do your advertising and marketing for you, Scott said. The bar was packed this evening and the customers were the usual lot. Some business types, "wannabe bikers", Scott said. Tough looking bike...
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Today is the anniversary of my collaring. Thinking back my life has been blessed to find such an amazing Master. I guess I should tell you a bit about my planet and how I got here. A couple of hundred years ago a group of 150 Masters with their slaves colonized this planet calling it Haven. Saying old Earth just didn’t understand how things should be and tired of being thought of as strange. They would raise their kids to understand the order of things should be. The boys went to one school to...
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Mind ControlReddit FuckDoll, aka r/FuckDoll! Women who love getting treated as “sex-objects” are my kind of ladies, and I am sure the majority of you lads here will agree with me. Well, if that is why you decided to click on this subreddit, you are in for a rather addictive treat. Welcome to r/fuckdoll/, a place where your dirtiest desires will come true because all the sluts here love to objectified and used as cum dumpsters.Before I go on and get many angry letters from idiotic feminists, I just want to...
Reddit NSFW ListShe was only allowed to leave the farm with her master or with permission. She’d seen the other lag (a blue collar) receive a whipping the first week she’d been here. She was strapped to a bar that was far enough off the ground so that even her toes didn’t touch it. Her hands had been strapped with leather straps to the bar, then her clothes were ripped off of her. The blue collar had tears in her eyes, the fear was written all over her face but she definitely shouted “ well come on then what...
Flames danced in the fire place as i watched the glow from it dance across my bare skin. Kmeeling on the floor at my masters feet i felt the tug of the leash that was attached to my collar. Looking up at master he offered a snack. Opening my mouth i took the morsal and again lowered my gaze as he stroked my long red hair.A group of his friends, card playing buddies had arrived earlier with their slaves and each man's slave attended to them in some fashion. Fetching drinks, bringing snacks, or...
Dolly's first “Party.” Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up. It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on hunderd quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what...
Dolly's first “Party.” Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up. It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on twenty quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what...
[ Setting the scene: this chapter takes place during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. As King Théoden lies dying at her side, Éowyn faces down the Witch-king. Meriadoc the Hobbit is nearby, alive but overcome by horror. Caution: this chapter contains violence and nonconsensual sex.] 15 March 3019 (Third Age), Pelennor Fields “Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy...
Doll Days Author's note: This isnt a very nice story. Gentle people who get upset about the suffering of fictional characters should read it with caution. Jill Cooper felt the pressure on her bladder, so got up and did her business quickly. Then she went to the sink and washed her hands, and then, still partially asleep, made the mistake of looking at her reflection. A moment later she was on her knees in front of the toilet, retching. Mark rushed into the bathroom, saw Jill...
I hate it when I get into trouble, I mean don’t get me wrong, the spankings rock; but, what hurts me the most is when Master removes my favorite collar. Some days it’s the same day I just get it back. The heavy metal replacement just isn’t comfortable and it doesn’t mean the same. I remember the night he collared me like it was yesterday. I still close my eyes and fantasize about it, sometimes ending in me placing my fingers between my legs and relieving myself of pent up passions. We were...
‘Hey! HEY!’ Marcus yelled at the retreating form of Alice, trapped behind the plexiglass, he banged his tiny fists futilely against the surface. The sound reverberated within the room of the darkened dollhouse, but he had no doubt it was too quiet to be heard outside of that see-through wall. Not that there was anybody out there to hear it anymore, anyway. The bedroom door had closed, and Marcus was left alone inside of that dollhouse. Once the shock and embarrassment of what had happened...
Dolled Up To Rock and Roll by: Shawn Summers [email protected] I've always been a rocker, not that I don't love other types of music, too, but there was always something about going to a rock concert that had a special air. A kind of vibe that was hard to describe. Almost like an energy in the crowd connecting them to the band. Of course, I'd been to a number of shows over the years, saw some big bands, some unknowns and...
All characters in this are over the age of 18. —– ‘It’s okay, my parents are out of town.’ Alice whispered into the ear of Marcus as the two stood kissing on the front porch of her house. The two college freshmen had just returned from their first date, and Marcus had walked Alice to the front door. Who said gentlemanly courtesy was dead? What had initially been intended as a simple, respectful kiss goodnight had been prolonged by Alice gently holding him to her, their tongues had danced...
The calendar on your computer reads 2/13/2040 as you stare at the news report. This wasn't good, honestly. NeuroCo was a company founded in the year 2015 which had changed the world since its first public device - the Gene Editor 500 had gone public. Of course it was heavily restricted due to the sheer nature of the device, but the small implant allowed doctors to monitor people's vitals remotely, send more blood or white blood cells where needed, send nanobots to sites of infections, kill...
New TG: Dolls F/m M/M F/f femdom I'll appreciate knowing what you think: [email protected] Don't read this unless the State, the Law, and your Parents can all three approve your reading it, or all three don't care. DOLLS by Vickie Tern PART ONE Bob still didn't know how he felt about it, or even how he was supposed to feel. At first he'd said "No!" abruptly, without thinking, and she'd called it a typically mindless male response,...
A world whare 1 man in evry town can pick any woman to he inslaved and turnd in tot property they are called the doll makers this os the storys of those in that world
Mind ControlTed opened the box with trembling hands. Inside was SHE, lying in the crate with blankly opened gray eyes, like a doll. She had long, black, straight hair and a classy make-up on a long, pleasant face. 'She seems older than my mother!' thought Ted. Well, by far, he didn't think that it was the best purchase in his life. Ted was saving for that android for half a year, not spending any Intar for everyday buys. Instead, he accumulated I1124, which was enough to buy a good, new android... and...
Blue collars were given special lessons in the camps. Lessons to fight her master to be. Blue collars needed a lot of mental strength. She had been with her master a good couple of years, she had many a broken bones and scars of so many whip marks, but the thing that kept her going was the fact she didn’t want to be a shell, she would fight till she died. She started the day carrying out her chores. It was the masters boys 14th birthday. He was having a few mates round. She...
Tegan Stone woke up with an angry start. After squirming out of the sleeping Kasumi's embrace, the Goddess dismissed the thickly-layered covers with a casual one-armed push, sending them flying against the opposite wall. She stormed out of her room, violet eyes glowing, mouth curled up, stiffly striding down two hallways, totally naked and not giving two fucks about it. Tegan pushed in a huge, steel-reinforced door and flicked on all the lights. Miranda was asleep in there, nude herself,...
Snap! I blinked my eyes a few times, and immediately a rush of pure elation filled me. I was still naked and was kneeling in the same posture that I had tried so hard to get Jenny to maintain so many times. My knees were spread, and my arms were behind my back, and my back was straight – proudly thrusting my breasts forward. And there before me was Jenny, naked and in the exact same position. I looked deep into her eyes, as she stared back at me, and I felt a different type of pleasure – a...
Babette - Collared By: Rachael Free It was a relaxing day as I sat on my front porch getting some sun. It was my day off and I didn't want any interruptions. My job is very stressful and taking time to just relax is special to me. I am a programmer and work a lot of hours. The only good thing is that I work from home. I don't have much interaction with any coworkers and do all my work over the internet. I only have one sister in my family and she lives in Hawaii so I rarely ever get...
An introduction about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy currently in Bangalore, but from Mumbai. I am submissive by nature and always want to be used and humiliated. This ‘real incident’ took place in May 2012. My trust with BDSM started as a kid when I stumbled across BDSM porn. A few searches on the internet and I was hooked onto it. I have not seen vanilla porn ever since. Unless it has some aspect of humiliation in it. Let’s say, like a Bukkake. So, back in 2012, I was young and horny and...
Gay MaleWhat exactly is Collar Space? Is it the part of your neck where a dog leash fits well, keeping your right to breathe freely in the hands of your leather-bound master? Or is it a place on the internet where you can find that dominant kink partner to take the reign and maybe bang you up the ass with a strap-on after thoroughly spanking your bare butt, balls, and back? Well, while I do review the occasional sex toy here at ThePornDude, this one’s an online thing, though maybe it’ll help you find...
Hookup SitesI am a pharmacists with a major corporation, earning a very good income, owning my own home, in a quiet circle, a new pickup truck with all the bells and whistles as well as a nice four wheeler, that I use in the mountains when I have some vacation time. I’m single and enjoy that freedom, having no intention of changing that status in the near future. But I have a secret, that no one in my life knows about. Daily I log onto a site, where I take up a female persona a submissive female, looking...
It had been a strange nights sleep punctured with dreams, always sexual, sometimes arousing and often disturbing nightmares. She awoke to the alarm, set slightly early, she wanted to be showered and dressed ready before her son so that she could concentrate on getting them to work on time. The uniform box always seemed to prove to be a delaying factor in her morning ritual though and today was no different. She stood there naked, her neck and breasts marked by the love bites which...
Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr’s monster cock had stretched Dolly’s...
Just to clarify, in this story, Dolly is Amanda's son, he is above the age of consent, but he has had some learning issues and is a little simple. He still calls his mother Mummy as he has always called her, but he is shy and has difficulty making friends, he is very much a loner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning Amanda was up early, as was usual on a working day, to shower and dress ready for work before waking her son to ready...
Dolly's AffairDolly and I had been married for 15 years. During that time she had given birth to two k**s and put 60 pounds on her once petite 5'3" frame. At 165 pounds Dolly was certainly chunky but to me she was as beautiful and sexy as our wedding night. We were both over 40 but we both looked and acted younger. Dolly's tits were full, surprisingly firm 38dd and her thick curvy body turned me on more than the Hollywood stick figures on TV ever could. Despite the fact that I adored my wife's...
Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr's monster cock had stretched Dolly's...
Dolly Time with Sammy(Note: There is a “daughter” version titled “Dolly Time with Sasha”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful guy. Sammy was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. He was petite, with longish red hair and a ton of freckles. He wore braces and his glasses did not block me from seeing his enormous blue eyes. He had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. He had a tiny little penis, perfectly...
Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...
Doll's House By Trainmaster The box came when my college roommate, David, was at class. It was huge, nearly the size of a washing machine. I signed for it, wondering what might be inside, and the delivery guy pushed it out of the tiny entry into the kitchen for me. It barely fit and he huffed and puffed as though it wasn't light. When Dave came home from his classes, he scratched his head. "I dunno what it is. Who's it say it's from?" In addition to the form I'd signed, which...
Amanda and Peter walked home in silence, Peter still tingling from his unfulfilled arousal, her thong in his pocket, clutched tightly in his hand. Whilst Amanda, her brain a confused mess of humiliating embarrassment, yet with a stupidly demanding buzzing still between her legs and very aware that she was naked beneath her miniscule miniskirt. It didn't take them long to get home where they both quietly excused themselves to their particular bedrooms. Amanda couldn't help...
Next morning, it was midweek already and she hadn't slept that well, her mind mixed between the horror in the canteen and the opportunity for her son with his prospective job. The undies match was already a little more difficult today, she could see that she would have to do a midweek wash at this rate, but today she had to go with what was there regardless of the fact that it was more difficult to get the colours to merge with her blouse and skirt. She tried on the second black blouse...
Dolly - Part 1 She was an introverted and shy single parent and her son had come about as a result of her shyness. She had been unable to say no to her mother's friend, an older man, who had teased her since she was a small child until she had finally succumbed to his continual sexual attention. She was his special little girl for 5 years before finally falling pregnant at the age of 15. The last 16 years had been a blur which she would prefer to forget and here she was now at the age...