Roses Are Red, Spinach Is Green free porn video

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She started to cry, and I thought she was crying because she was happy. I tried to make a joke to get her to stop.

‘Gee, if I’d have known you were going to do that, I wouldn’t have asked you.’

‘It’s not you. It’s me.’


‘Well, what?’

‘Will you marry me?’

Christa wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, then pulled a tissue from the box on the end table and blew her nose. She’d stopped sobbing, but her shoulders still shook and she wouldn’t look at me.

‘I told you I don’t know. I need to think about it?’

‘That’s it? You need to think about it? Is that all you can say?’

‘Stop it! I don’t know what’s wrong. If I knew, I wouldn’t need to think about it.’

She started to cry again. I tried to hug her, but she just stood there with tears streaming down her face. She started to sob when I put on my coat and walked toward the door, but she didn’t try to stop me.

How the hell could I have read things so wrong? We’d been seeing each other for a little over a year, and I loved her for everything she was. I loved her for the sappy way she talked to kids and dogs and cats. I loved her for the way she could light up a room just by entering it. I loved her just because she was her. Sex had nothing to do with it. We’d hadn’t slept together until a couple of months before that night. Christa had wanted it that way, and I didn’t need to have her body to love her.

When she went to Atlanta with me just after New Years, the sex was great, but it was even better having her to come back to every night. It was great watching her get ready for dinner. It was great telling her what happened at my business conference and knowing she understood. We’d talked a little about what lay in the future and I thought she’d agreed we would be together. Everything seemed great, so great in fact, that I’d decided to ask her to marry me. Three weeks later, when I did, she said she wasn’t sure.

I don’t remember much about the drive home. My mind went on autopilot, and I thought more than I watched the road. Funny how you can do that, isn’t it? You drive somewhere and don’t remember how you got there.

I made it to work the next morning by the skin of my teeth. I felt like crap. I must have looked like crap to Donna, our HR manager, too.

‘Walt, you look like death warmed over. You OK?’

‘Yeah, Donna, I’m all right. Just didn’t sleep much last night. Anything new happening this morning?’

‘Our boss is on the rampage about this year’s budget. I guess that’s not new, is it?’

‘Nope. I’m going to get a cup of coffee, and then I’ll have another look at the numbers. Maybe if I change some accruals, he’ll be happier.’

Every year it was like this. The year-end numbers had been good, but the budget for this year wasn’t aggressive, at least in Carl’s eyes. If profits weren’t going to exceed last year’s business plan, he was worried. He was worried every year in January, and stayed that way until the year-end numbers showed we’d made it. Then, he was happy and took everybody to lunch. I guess that’s his management style, but to me, he seems like a heart attack waiting to happen.

‘So, how’d it go?’

‘How’d what go?’

‘Last Friday, you told me you were going to propose to Christa on the weekend. Did she accept?’

‘Oh, that. I wish I hadn’t told you.’

‘Walt, sometimes, I think we’re closer than I was to my ex. We’ve worked together for six years. If you can’t tell me, who can you tell? …Oh, my God. She didn’t say no, did she?’

‘No, she didn’t, but she didn’t say yes either. She says she has to think about it.’

‘Walt, I ought to tell you…, that’s not good. Women don’t usually have to think about things like that. We know if we’d marry a guy after the first couple of dates. That’s not to say we’d want to marry him, you understand, but we know if we would or not.’

‘I don’t know what’s wrong. I thought everything was going in that direction, and then when I asked her….’

Donna touched my shoulder. ‘Call her this afternoon and see what she says. She’s probably just nervous. Marriage is a big decision for a woman. Christa’s thirty-four, like you, right?’

‘Thirty-four this month.’

‘She probably doesn’t want to make the mistake of marrying the wrong man. We don’t have forever like you men, you know. I’m thirty-six, and I’m starting to worry a lot.’

‘I know. I would have understood if she’d told me that. We could have talked it out, and I could have told her how much I needed her. She wouldn’t even talk about it. I don’t know what I’ll do if she does say no.’

‘It’ll hurt like hell, but it won’t hurt as bad as if she married you and it ended in divorce. Believe me, I know. If she says no, you just have to get on with your life. There’s someone out there who’s right for you.’ Donna looked at me and winked. ‘She might even be closer than you think. Maybe you ought to get your head out of your books and look around once in a while.’

Christa wouldn’t answer my call that day, or the three I made on Tuesday. I just kept getting her answering machine. I stopped calling after Wednesday and drove to her apartment after work. If she was home, she wouldn’t answer the door. I spent the rest of the week feeling sorry for myself.

On Friday, Carl was at least tolerant when I showed him the revised numbers. He sent me back to my office for a few minor changes and left for lunch with some clients.

I tried to get in touch with Christa all weekend, but didn’t have any luck. On Sunday evening, I realized I’d probably seen the last of her. Donna was right. It did hurt like hell.

The alarm woke me in plenty of time to get to the office, but I didn’t feel much like hurrying. Donna glanced at her watch when I walked past her office and raised her eyebrows. I shook my head and unlocked my door. When I flipped the switch and lit the room the little envelope caught my eye.

It was sitting in the middle of my desk, and I didn’t remember it being there when I left on Friday. I always locked my office when I left for the night, or thought I did, but there it was. Then I realized it must be a note from the cleaning service. The guards open all the offices in the building for the cleaning crew after working hours. It was probably notification of a carpet scrubbing over the next weekend or something like that. I’d have to pile my chair, wastebasket and shredder on top of my desk before I left on Friday. I’d never understood why they couldn’t do that. I guess moving wastebaskets and chairs falls outside the scope of their contract.

I hung up my coat and sat down. It was just a small plain envelope like the ones for thank-you notes, but he note inside wasn’t from the cleaners. Instead, I found a computer generated Valentine’s Day card. It had a heart with an arrow going through it, and to one side was an impish looking Cupid holding his bow. I opened the heart and found a poem written in a bold, script font.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet
I really love you

There was no name or anything else to tell me who put it on my desk. I took it to Donna. I had confidential company information in my files about salaries and bonus payments. The files were always locked unless I was using them, but it was still a little disturbing that someone could get into my office over the weekend.

‘Well, I have no idea who put it there. I got here at eight, and nobody’s been near your office since then. You sure it wasn’t there on Friday?’

‘Yes, I’m sure. I always clean my desk on Friday. You know that. I’d have seen it.’

Donna chuckled. ‘Maybe the cleaning lady’s after your body. Ever think of that?’

‘I’ve seen the cleaning lady. She’s over sixty and she’s married. Besides, she didn’t dump my shredder last Thursday, and I left her a note complaining about it. I don’t exactly think she’d say she loved me.’

‘I don’t know who else would have a key except Carl.’ She looked at me and giggled. ‘You don’t suppose…? I mean, he is awfully neat about his clothes and hair and everything, and he’s not married. Doesn’t even have a girlfriend that I know of.’

‘Donna, come on. This is a serious breech of security. Security reports to you. Shouldn’t we be doing something about it?’

‘OK, I’ll check with the guard captain to see who came in over the weekend and let you know. Don’t worry so much. Remember, I said the woman for you might be right under your nose. Maybe she is, and she’s decided to tell you how she feels.’

She brought me the list after lunch. Several of our management trainees had checked in on Saturday or Sunday and stayed a few hours. That was nothing odd. I’d done that on more than one occasion when the workload was too much for five days. In light of what Donna had told me, though, some of the names were interesting. Tracy was a few years younger than I, but I’d always liked her and she seemed like she’d be fun to be with. Gwen…, well Gwen was really young, and a lot too racy for me. She wore very short skirts and low-cut sweaters, and seemed to enjoy all the looks she got. Then there was Kimberly. She was about my age, and was very attractive. I’d tried to date Kimberly a couple of times before I met Christa, but she’d always turned me down. Maybe she’d changed her mind.

I wasn’t ready to jump back into the dating pool just yet. I had to come to grips with Christa’s rejection before I did that. Still, it was nice to know that somebody thought I was worth a Valentine.

On Tuesday morning, I felt a little better about things and made it to my office at seven-thirty. I was surprised by another small envelope in the middle of my desk. The Valentine was the same, but the poem was different.

Roses are red
Marigolds are yellow
I’ve loved you since we met
You’re such a great fellow

Donna checked the after hours list again and brought me the names. Tracy went home at seven, and Kimberly hung around until eight. The other names on the list were new. Both Tracy and Kimberly would have been there when the cleaning lady came by to do my office. They could have put the card on my desk before she locked my door, or they might have seen someone else do it.

Maybe it was just a prank. The life of a management trainee is a pretty stressful, and once in a while, they have to relieve that stress somehow. Harold, the Operations Manager, has a passion for sticky notes, and uses them all over the place. One night during a push to get some reports done, they took a break and papered Harold’s entire door with sticky notes. I know they did it, because I worked late that night, too, and I helped them. We thought it was hilarious, and they all thought it was great that I was in on it. Carl didn’t have quite the same appreciation for the joke and issued a memo to the effect that any other horseplay would be severely dealt with.

Tracy and Kimberly didn’t work for me, so unless one of them was responsible, I thought they might tell me what was going on. I felt like a police detective when I talked to them.

‘Uh, Tracy, how’re we treating you these days? We keeping you busy?’

‘Busy isn’t the word I’d use. Terminal overload is more like it. You managers have a life outside of here. I’m lucky to get home before I have to turn around and start back.’

‘Well, we’re just doing our part to keep you out of trouble at night. Uh, many of you stay late?’

‘Yeah. At least you guys are fair. You give everybody more than they can do. Several of us stay late, but thankfully, not every night.’

‘You guys aren’t playing anymore tricks, are you? Remember Harold’s door? I thought it was funny, but you need to watch it. Carl will only let that stuff go so far.’

‘Nope, not that I know of. Well, there was this one thing we were going to do.’ She leaned toward me and giggled. ‘You know how Jerry’s always so finicky about his desk. Well, we talked about filling his cube with those little foam peanuts, but he stays late too, so we never got the chance. You won’t tell anybody I told you that, will you, Mr. Hodges?’

I laughed with her. Jerry was fanatical about his cubicle and even dusted it every night before he left. The peanuts would have been funny. Seeing Jerry’s face would have been funnier.

‘No, I won’t say anything. If it should happen, though, don’t be surprised if I go back to my office and shut the door. Wouldn’t want Carl to see me laughing that much.’

Kimberly didn’t know anything, either, but she did bat her eyelashes at me. Maybe it was her. That wouldn’t be all that bad.

The next morning there was another envelope on my desk. Again the card was the same, and the words were different.

Roses are red
Pine trees are sappy
If you love me too
It would sure make me happy

‘OK, Donna. Is security doing anything around here or not? This is the third day somebody’s left a card on my desk, and your people don’t know anything?’

‘Well, we don’t pay them just to guard your office, you know. We pay them to watch the doors and patrol for fires and break-ins, stuff like that. I take it you didn’t have any luck with Tracy or Kimberly?’

‘They don’t know anything. I’m getting worried. If somebody can just waltz in here and get into my office, how much else could they do?’

‘OK, tell you what I’ll do. I’ll have security check every hour tonight to see if anybody’s been in your office. That make you happy?’

Donna met me at my office door the next morning with the guard report. As I was unlocking my door, she read it to me.

‘Eighteen-hundred – no sign of entry. Nineteen hundred – no sign of entry. Twenty hundred – it reads the same for every hour until seven this morning. I couldn’t have them check after that. They have to be at the main entrance logging people in.’

I didn’t have to look to know it was there. I just picked up the envelope and handed it to Donna. She glanced at the card for a second and then laughed.

‘Well, you’ve made an impression on somebody. Believe me, I understand your concern, but I don’t know what else to do.’ She chuckled. ‘It is a cute poem, though, don’t you think?’

I read the familiar script font.

Roses are red
And get darker when dry
If we don’t get together soon
I think I will die

‘OK, so it’s cute. We still don’t know who’s leaving them.’

‘Walt, calm down. Whoever it is doesn’t seem to be doing anything except getting under your skin. Maybe you ought to just sit back and see what happens. Never know what you might find out.’ Donna flashed me a big smile. ‘You might even like it.’

Friday’s Valentine was a little more to the point than the others.

Roses are red
Pickles are sour
I’d like us to meet
For a few little hours

So, she wanted to meet me. I didn’t know what I should do so I went to Donna again.

‘There’s no company policy about dating between employees unless she works for you. Does she work for you? Oh, I guess you don’t know that. Well, you won’t know unless you take her up on her offer, now will you?’

I tried calling Christa again on Saturday, but got her machine again. I knew she was gone, but I had to try at least one more time before…. Well, it would have felt like cheating if I hadn’t tried to call her.

On Monday, I had three Valentines. The first was about like the others.

Roses make perfume
Long grass makes hay
Just wanted you to know
I’m thinking about you today

The second made me wonder again about who was giving them to me. If she really liked me that much, why was she trying so hard to keep her identity a secret?

Roses are solid
Pansies have spots
I might as well tell you,
You give me the hots

My jaw dropped when I read the third. Christa had been pretty open about things after we started slee
ping together, but she had never said anything to me like this poem.

Roses have petals
Cowbells have ringers
When I think of you
I get wandering fingers

I didn’t show them to Donna. Whoever my secret love was, she had, so far, avoided detection. There was no reason to believe security had any better idea now than last week. I spent the entire day thinking about that last poem. I was becoming interested, not necessarily in pursuing the relationship, but in just finding out who she was.

Tuesday’s Valentine made me think I might be able to do just that.

Roses are flashy
Violets are meek
I’ll make some arrangements
For later this week

Wednesday’s made the possibility almost certain, at least if I decided to go through with it.

Roses are fat
Violets are thin
Please meet me on Friday
At the Paradise Inn

I’d heard of the Paradise Inn, although I’d never been there. Some of our most afluent clients stayed at the Paradise when they visited our office. It was the most expensive hotel in the city, and the rooms were supposed to be pretty luxurious. By the end of the day, I was looking forward to Friday.

My Thursday Valentine only heightened my anticipation. I wasn’t sure what ‘something special’ meant, but I was going to find out.

Roses are beautiful
Carnations are great
I’ll wear something special
Please be there at eight

I arrived at the office on Friday morning and grabbed the envelope from my desk.

Roses don’t have teeth
But thistles can bite
I’ll be waiting there for you
Tonight is the night

Those words, ‘Tonight is the night’, reminded me of an old joke, and I had to chuckle. I was as happy as the guy in that joke, and I didn’t even know who I was meeting.

‘You’re in good spirits this morning. What’s so funny?’

‘Oh, hi, Donna. Well, I guess I’m going to find out who my secret admirer is. I’m supposed to meet her at the Paradise, tonight.’

Donna whistled.

‘I love that place. My ex took me there once and I’d give anything to spend another night there. The suites on the top floor are fabulous. The bedroom’s separate from the living area and each suite has a jacuzzi. It’s really romantic. Just one little question, though. Since you don’t know who she is, how in the world are you going to find her?’

‘I don’t know. I suppose she’ll find me.’

Donna chuckled. ‘I guess you could wear a big heart that says ‘I’m your Valentine. Come get me.”

‘Now, that would look really cute, wouldn’t it? No, I think I’ll just go hang out in the lobby until she shows. Want to come with me?’

‘I really wish I had time. It’d be fun watching, but I have to leave early today.’

‘Oh…. You never leave early on Friday. Hot date or something?’

‘Don’t I wish. No, I’m just taking some time off for me. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I’m uh, I’m going to go out tonight and have a drink to the valentine I won’t get. Speaking of going out, you doing anything for lunch? I need a couple of minutes to talk with you about the salary plan.’

‘Afraid not. Today’s my command performance with Carl. We’re going to the Belmont for lunch and his monthly inquisition about the balance sheet.’

Lunch with Carl wasn’t something I considered fun, because he used it as an opportunity to question me and I couldn’t enjoy the meal. Thankfully, he got an urgent call and I got to finish by myself. I was too nervous to talk about finances anyway. When I got back to my desk, there was another envelope.

Roses cost money
Violets are free
Say your name at the desk
They’ll give you a key.

At four, I gave up trying to find the six thousand dollars and change in the supply accounts and went home. After dinner, and then a shower and a fresh shave, I drove to the Paradise and walked up to the desk a little before eight.

‘May I help you, Sir?’

‘Yes, I was told to give you my name and you’d have a key for me. I’m Walt Hodges.’

‘Ah, yes. Here’s the note. Um, Sir, would you have some identification? Security for our guests, you understand.’

I gave him my driver’s license. After a careful inspection, he handed it back to me along with the credit card type room key. ‘It’s suite eleven-ten. Just put the card in the slot on the elevator panel and it’ll let you go up. The refrigerator is stocked, but if you need anything else, just call room service or the desk. Have an enjoyable stay with us.’

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Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

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Roses are Red

Summary:Emily Rose is a young and upcoming star in one of the biggest financial firms in the country. All her life she has been the best at everything, because she has always been hungry. However, she also held a hunger that she herself was not aware of, until now.Emily Rose:“I hate this FUCKING heat!!” Emily exclaimed and began unpacking her clothes.The trip to Brazil was a spur of the moment thing; decided while she was having lunch with her boss. She had...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 10 The Two Scarecrows

The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...

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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt2

The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

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Downfall of King Wilfred the Chaste

KING WILFRED’S CHAMBERS: Thursday June 4th 6423 King Wilfred awoke to a sensation he had never felt before. Ruler of the Chaste Kingdom of Prudonia, this was a sensation he had certainly never felt before: the sensation of lips sliding on cock. And not just sliding, but also sucking and licking. Somebody was committing one of the most forbidden crimes in the land and on none other than the High King himself! King Wilfred was a confused blend of groggy and outraged. An ultimate act of evil...

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Roses and a Massage

I knew he had something planned for me the minute I walked into the house, this last work day of a very long and trying week. The beginning of this particular weekend shows great promise. I drop my purse and keys to the table that stands just inside the front door before turning to close and lock the door of our house. A slight grin/smile crosses my lips as I spy the short, sheer, pink robe that I have never seen before, hanging on the inside of the door. The note is short, but I do as told....

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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 7 Virgin Deflowered

Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...

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Bea in the Bathroom Freddys Side of the Story

Author's Note: In my story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away," I already told this entire story from my point-of-view, as one of the two people who actually lived this unique and unexpected event. And in the follow-up story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession," my husband has already described for you in great detail his thoughts and reactions to my having confessed to him about what took place between Freddy and me in that small bathroom on that fateful Sunday...

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Roses are Red

Mike and I had been friends for years, he was in his last year of high school when I was in my first.  He took care of me when I left home at fourteen and now we shared a flat.  It wasn’t until I was sixteen and his girlfriend moved in that I realised I had feelings for him.  She didn’t appreciate him the way I did, she used him for sex and cheated on him several times, but he still forgave her.  Unlike her I only wanted him to be happy and I would do anything for him? anything.On his 24th...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

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Winifred Arrives Rose Cums

This tale starts immediately after "Office Mating Ch. 3" where I got reinstated to my Director position by my boss's boss and met Clara's latest visiting niece Rose, a runner with strong legs who had a lesbian incident with her coach and was vehemently against letting me probe her pussy with my prick. I mean, what's with young women these days, anyway? The next morning I awoke with thoughts of Rose, my neighbor Clara's niece, who got some great oral attention but rejected the thought...

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Freddys Family Fun2

Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...

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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

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Scattered Smothered Covered the Waffle House File

Scattered, Smothered, Covered: The Waffle House File By Starson Daly There was a local problem. A grave one. Teenagers were coming up missing. Not just a few, but entire groups of teens were disappearing from the Clayton County area, and no one knew why. The police were baffled. No clues, no ransom notes. No real leads. The only thing that the police knew was that they were all seen at the Waffle House before they disappeared. The people who disappeared were in organized...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 02

Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
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Fucking Kareena Kapoor Sex Story

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silverMercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights andstarted following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stoppingspeeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her windowdown as I approached...

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Self Administered Aftercare

SELF-ADMINISTERED AFTERCARE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MY WEEKEND I woke up wanting to kill someone. I lay on my bed in my...

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Tunch Mamiji Ki Hui Chudai Bina Saree Utare

Main 20 saal ka hoon, class 12 exams ke baad Jaipur chala gaya, height 6 foot 1nch hai meri. Mama ke ghar aya kyunki gaaon me acche college nahi tha. Mama, mamiji aur Amit unka 10 saal ka beta Jaipur wale flat me rehte the. Mama ki sarkari naukari hai, unka beta school aur mamiji housewife. Mama ne bca me admission karwa di, lekin session teen mahine baad start hota. To mama ne kaha tab tak ghar me hi padhai karne. Amit morning 9 baje school jata tha to sham 4 baje wapas ata aur Mama subah 10...

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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

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Aunt Margarets VisitPart 2 Aunt Margaret Intercedes

The wail of a mortally wounded soul brought Maggie and I to a startled awakening. My mother's body bent double as she clutched her stomach. She cried out her sister's name as if cursing a demon out to possess her soul. She moaned and collapsed to the floor unconscious. The pounding steps of my father beat a staccato rhythm on the stairs. Maggie didn't panic, but leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe and knelt by her prostrate sister. My father roared, "What's happened to her?" He quickly...

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Freddies Find Pt 04

CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...

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kareena 2nd

"Spread your legs, girls." They did. "Wider", they obeyed, spreading their legs about 2 and a half feet wide. Kareena gasped as she felt the cold air of the room caress her bare pussy in that micro-dress. "Hands behind your head", again silent, unhesitating compliance. Even Kareena was obeying without any objection. Less for fulfilling her promise and more from the animal fires burning between her legs, I thought. After the shoes and socks I let Mahima take off my pants and...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 5 Submissive Aunt Bred

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 26th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker Three days later after making contact with Kassia Jeffery, my partner and I had a chance to meet with her. She was back in town and willing to talk about her time teaching at Clint Elliston’s high school. When we went after the bastard, we had to have a mountain of evidence. He had powerful friends. We didn’t want him slinking away. “You mind if I smoke?” Kassia asked as we sat down at her kitchen...

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Freda FuckMeat

Gentleman Jack and Freda “Fuck Meat”Age Play. Role Play. Incezt Play, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum Shots, Cum Eating, Gang Bang, Labia Stretching Jack and Freda Burns had retired in a slow moving, quiet mid west city 5 years ago. At 65, Jack looked his age, walked with a cane from hip replacement surgery, yet carried his self with class. Freda appeared yo be a trophy wife. Although she looked to be nearing her mid 40's, she was in fact 67 years old. Plastic surgery, Botox, hair replacement,...

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Kareena kapoor sex at her farmhouse

Not a very brief period earlier .. Kareena Kapoor Khan .. welcomed Alia Bhatt into her fuck escapades .. though Alia .. didnt need any.. they drained that choreographer .. took him to his limits.. and made him gasp for his life ..Surely he wont be in any state to use that dick .. for a while now !!Kareena was back in India .. for Xmas Eve and New Years .. and on top of that she was getting restless.. after having that foreigner cock .. she was craving some Indian dick .. and not...

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Mo bia bhitare pua banda

Kali ratire genhi genhi raju mote kundhei soila. Sakhalu sakhalu sea mo pachare lagichi genhiba genhiba boli. Maa bia ku genhichi aau seea chadiba. Hau taku rati ku karibu boli kahili. Rati belaku raju banda ku dhoi room re basithila. Mu fresh hei hasi hasi room ku gali. Mo maana bi genhena khaibaku heuthila. Swami two month re thare asanti. Bia galu hua. Jaha heu raju kama chaleideba. Mu khata ku asiba matre raju mote bhidi nela. Hau aji masti kari heba. Dekhi khulilu. Mu dekhe kemiti achi....

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Zack and Daren

Zack I was laying on the bed, and Daren was laying on me. His head was just under my stomach and just above my hips. His legs were wrapped around my legs, and his arm was laying across my member. He moved his head slightly lower, and his shouler length, wavy, black hair rubbed across a bit of my bare skin' where my shirt had pulled up. He was making me so hot, just by looking at him. I began to imagine him, if he were awake, licking my member, that he was now lying his head so close to. He...

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Sarah Carerra 204 Song and Sand

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 23, 2010) Chapter 4 - Song and Sand Uncle Kevin and his family were gone when we arrived home after seeing Mary. I assumed that they had already headed down to the beach, and Mom said she'd drive me down after lunch to catch...

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Freddys Family Fun1

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...

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Freddys Family FunChapter 2

Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction. Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e8 Maree 57 company director from Nottingham

Series 3, Episode 8: Maree Our drone is flying in over the top of the Wollaton Park Golf Club in Nottingham on a drab and dreary cold day. The sky is grey, and the trees are leaning slightly in the wind. We come to rest on the fairway of the 15th hole. Four players, two husband and wife pairs, are wheeling their clubs toward us. We focus in on the two wives who are walking together a few paces ahead of the husbands. One thin, the other more ‘bulky’. We close in further on the bulky one ......

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Freda and Jenny become porn stars

Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...

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Kareena Kapoor Bob

Hello everyone, my name is bob & I am not a terrorist  that line was from a Bollywood movie ). Alright I am a big fan of ISS & I have read so many stories here in multiple categories, which motivated me to write stories of my dreams. Girls I am virgin, if anybody likes to help me with it then please contact me at . Boys if you do not like my stories so I can understand because I am virgin & these are nothing but imaginations of mine. But if at all you like it then never forget to give your...

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