A New Knowledge
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.
This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town.
The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life.
Synopsis: Two young occult students find a seemingly harmless spellbook.
‘It’s a secret room!’ I said.
‘Somehow, Rachel, I doubt that,’ said my friend, Julie.
‘I’m telling you, it is!’ I said.
‘I’ll have to see this for myself,’ said Julie.
I wasn’t surprised to hear Julie say that. Although Julie was American by birth, her parents were both of full Asian descent, and Julie embraced her heritage. Apparently, part of that heritage included not believing everything she was told.
‘Fine,’ I said. ‘You’re skinny enough to slip through. Suck in your belly as much as you can, though. It’s a tight squeeze, even for skinny girls like us.’
This was definitely cool. The library at the West Campus of the Chrystal Heights Community College was small, dark and dusty- reminiscent of the library from the first season of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’- but it had never occurred to me that there might be an actual secret room hidden inside.
We had found it by accident. One of the bookcases in a dark corner didn’t quite reach the back wall, and when one of my earrings popped off, it managed to fall perfectly between the side of the bookcase and the wall. When I reached into the dark space to find the earring, I realized there was a space behind the bookcase that shouldn’t have been there. Playing a hunch, I had squeezed between the bookcase and the wall, and now Julie was squeezing through to join me. Julie was having a little more trouble with it than I, however.
‘Maybe you need to lose a few pounds, girl,’ I said.
Julie made some very unladylike comments.
I tut-tutted. ‘Such language. I’m shocked.’
Julie snorted as she finally popped free of the confined area. ‘I bet you are. It’s only easier for you to squeeze through because you don’t have any tits, Rachel.’
I shrugged. ‘Yet another advantage to my lack of boobs. Do you have a lighter?’
Julie had a lighter, so we were soon able to see. It wasn’t a very big room, maybe the size of a small office, with an enclosed, musty smell to it. There wasn’t very much to see inside, except for a small stand with a thick book laying on it. Next to the book was an old-fashioned oil lantern. When Julie attempted to light the lantern, it actually worked, and it illuminated the small room surprisingly well.
I was already beginning to have my suspicions about the book, and I was pretty sure Julie’s thoughts mirrored my own. Although Julie and I are both only eighteen years old, we’re studying to become full-time witches. That’s why we both attend school at this campus. The West Campus tends to be Chrystal Heights Community College’s poor cousin, but they have the best occult curriculum. This room suggested a sanctuary of sorts, and that suggested that the thick book was some sort of occult tome. I was becoming excited by the possibilities.
We opened the cover, and sure enough, it was a book of spells. A lot of superficial stuff, really, not much by way of true power. Still, it was interesting. I couldn’t wait to try one out. Julie’s features were screwed up in concentration as we turned the pages.
‘Oh, here’s one,’ I said, pointing at a page. ‘I can give you a ‘golden crown’.’
Julie snorted. ‘No thanks. Who needs a fashion statement like that?’
I giggled. ‘Hey, you think you’re a princess. Let’s give you a crown.’
Julie gave me a flat stare. ‘Very funny, Rachel.’
I began reading the words to the spell out loud, although I wasn’t actually expecting any results. Julie protested, but only half-heartedly. She knew as well as I did that saying the words is usually only part of a spell, knowing where to alter intonation is also part of the process, and you can’t see that in script, so reading a spell out loud is usually harmless. Besides, if I were actually able to create a gold crown, this would likely be considered a good thing.
I finished reading the spell out loud and was not surprised at the lack of a golden crown. By now it was getting late anyway, so we decided to come back and check out the book some more later.
The next morning, my cell phone was going off before I even left for school.
‘Hello?’ I said.
‘You stupid bitch!’ said Julie’s voice.
‘Awwww, I missed you too, sweetie,’ I said.
‘You’re not funny!’ snapped Julie. ‘Your stupid spell from yesterday worked!’
‘I said, your stupid spell worked! I have blonde hair, you idiot!’
‘Julie, what are you talking about? The spell I read was for a golden crown, not blonde hair.’
‘That book is old! Crown is an archaic way of saying hair, you moron! Or symbolic. Who cares? We need to fix my hair, stat! I can’t even dye it! Do you have any idea how silly an Asian girl looks with blonde hair?!?’
I came very close to giggling. Julie tends to be very proper, and her Asian features with blonde hair would make her look very much like a bimbo. Julie looking like a bimbo was about as likely as Mother Teresa dressing in a dominatrix outfit. Thinking about Mother Teresa in a dominatrix outfit created a horrible mental picture, however, and I quickly decided to consider another simile.
‘I’ll be there in thirty minutes,’ I said.
‘You’d better be. Grrrrrrrrrr,’ said Julie.
Julie was waiting for me inside the little room when I arrived. Her hair was covered with a scarf. She gave me a sullen look and finally reached up and pulled the scarf from her hair.
I gasped. Julie’s hair was *very* blonde, even her roots. She was even more blonde than me, and I’m a natural. She looked like she had traipsed in from an Asian trailer park. I struggled for something to say.
‘It looks very…ummmm…glamorous!’ I said.
‘I look like a vapid bimbo!’ she said.
‘No, really, it makes you look exotic!’
Julie rolled her eyes. ‘I look fucking trashy and you know it! Now let’s find out how to reverse it,’ she said.
‘Oh, yes,’ I said feelingly.
We flipped through the pages, but we were unable to find the spell again. After several frustrating efforts, we finally realized that the spell simply wasn’t there anymore.
‘Dammit!’ said Julie. ‘The spell must have faded after you cast it.’
I bit my lower lip. I suspected Julie was right.
‘Well, this can be a positive thing,’ I said. ‘A new fashion! You’ll be a trailblazer!’
Julie glared at me. ‘You stupid bitch! I’m blonde! I can’t even dye it! Nobody is going to take me seriously looking like this!’
‘I’m blonde and everyone takes me seriously,’ I said. ‘You’ll live. There have been blonde Asian girls before.’
‘Yes, there have…blonde Asian sluts! I am not going out like this, you moron! Just because you’re blonde doesn’t mean I have to suffer the same fate!’
My eyes narrowed. I understood that Julie was upset, but I was getting tired of the insults. I took a casual step forward.
‘You’ll be fine. I’ll prove it,’ I said.
‘And how will you do that?’ she asked.
‘Like this,’ I said. I stepped forward, grabbed her scarf from her hand and ran straight for the corner.
‘NO!’ screeched Julie, stumbling at the unexpected snatch-and-run. I hit the space and slid through as fast as my thin body would let me. Julie tried to do the same thing, but she had boobs, and that slowed her. Granted, they were only B-cups, but
that was still enough to slow her down so she couldn’t catch me before I slipped out and took off down the dark library aisle.
‘Rachel, you bitch!’ she shrieked. ‘Come back with my scarf! You’re dead! I mean it!’
I was still trying to catch my breath when I got to class. I knew Julie would be mad, but it was for her own good, so I wasn’t really worried about her reaction. She’d get over it.
My cell phone vibrated several time during class, but I didn’t answer it. Besides being completely inappropriate in class, I didn’t quite feel ready to face Julie’s wrath yet, even if I had done it because she kept calling me names. Then I got a short staccato vibration that indicated I had a text message. I debated with myself, but finally decided to check it out. When I clicked the ‘read text’ button, however, a stream of words rushed through the phone view screen and then deleted themselves. Very odd.
I left school after class. I wanted to go by the little hidden room, but I didn’t want to run into Julie just yet. Besides, my nipples were sensitive as heck for some reason and I didn’t want to be rubbing my boobs in public.
I did some homework. Finally, I picked up my cell and dialed Julie’s number.
‘Hi, Julie. It’s Rachel.’
‘I know who you are, Rach. Geez.’
‘Are you, um, okay?’
There was a moment of frosty silence, then Julie finally said, ‘I’m still blonde, if that’s what you mean. But otherwise, yeah, I’m alright.’
‘You’re not mad anymore?’ I said.
‘Sure I’m mad. But I’ll get over it,’ she said.
‘That’s great!’ I said. ‘So, you want to meet at the room tomorrow?’
‘Sure! That would be great! Well, if you can squeeze through, anyway. See ya!’ And then she hung up.
‘Hey, wait, what do you mean?’ I said, but she was already gone. I tried to call her back, but all I got was her voice mail. What the hell?
The following morning I found out exactly what Julie had meant. I woke up and knew something wasn’t right. I sat up and felt something jiggling side-to-side before settling into place on my chest. This was an unusual sensation, since I really don’t have anything there. Still trying to wake up, I slipped a casual hand to my chest to see what was clinging to me. And that was when my eyes suddenly widened.
I jumped up and ran to the mirror. Sure enough, it was exactly what I had feared.
I had grown a huge pair of boobs.
My cheeks burned. This was as embarrassing to me as the blonde hair was to Julie. I felt like a silly bimbo. No one would take me seriously with a rack like this. I’d be stared at. I’d be jiggling all over the place. Heck, these were distracting to me already, and I had just woke up. I was so going to kill Julie.
I realized just how sensitive my nipples were while I showered. They had hardened after just a little soap, and I couldn’t get them to soften again. This was going to be the most embarrassing day of my life.
I didn’t own many bras, and certainly no bra I owned was going to contain these, so I had to improvise until I could get to the store. I pulled a tank top out and slipped it over my swelled boobs. It was very tight and left my belly bare, but it would serve temporarily to keep my boobs from jiggling all over the place when I walked. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a jacket then and I was ready to go.
I wanted to go straight to the little room, but I knew I couldn’t go to school like this, so I went to a fashion shop first. It would be an embarrassing experience, but I had to buy a bra.
The salesgirl turned as I entered.
‘Good morning,’ she said. ‘Can I help you?’
‘I need a bra,’ I said.
The salesgirl nodded. ‘Oh, yes. Now, let’s see what you have.’
Without thinking, I unzipped my jacket and lifted my tank top up, showing the salesgirl my bare boobs.
She blinked for a moment, her cheeks slightly red. ‘I, um, meant that rhetorically.’
Suddenly I blushed bright red as I realized what I had just done. I squeaked an apology and dashed out of the store as fast as I could. I finally had to stop because I was bouncing and jiggling all over the place.
What the heck had I been thinking? I showed a stranger my bare boobs! These things were really distracting, and I had to get rid of them as quickly as I could. I was so going to kill Julie.
I still needed a bra, so I went to a large department store. There were more people around, but it helped me avoid the individual attention that comes with shopping at the smaller boutiques.
It was a good idea, but unfortunately, I ended up needing to get help anyway. I couldn’t find anything that fit, so I had to stand for the indignity of being measured by a clerk while I stood there blushing.
‘Wow,’ she said, ‘You’re the first 34E I’ve ever measured!’ Then she leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, ‘They must have cost a fortune! They look and move like they’re totally real!’
My embarrassment today apparently would have no end. ‘They *are* real,’ I said.
She suddenly looked embarrassed. ‘They are? Oh, my gawd, I am sooooo sorry. It’s just that you said you had never bought a bra for them, so I thought you had just…you know…got them.’
I really was going to kill Julie. Slowly.
By the time I left the department store, I had realized something else. It was getting more and more difficult to cover my boobs with anything.
I hadn’t actually remembered to wear anything over the tank top except for the jacket when I left. After struggling into my new bra, I had found out that I could no longer zip up my jacket. Cheeks red, I had asked the salesgirl to zip up my jacket for me, and she did so without any problems. By the time I left the store, however, the zipper had slid down to nearly my belly button. My boobs were just demanding to be seen, apparently.
I was fuming when I got to the library. I could see Julie’s smirk before I even got to her.
‘You bitch!’ I said.
Julie looked at my chest and finally burst into peals of laughter. ‘Omigod!’ she said. ‘I had no idea they’d get so big! That’s perfect!’
‘You can’t leave me like this!’ I said.
Julie sniffed and raised her chin. ‘Oh, yes, I can. My hair is still blonde, and it’s growing. I can’t dye it, and I can’t even put a hat or scarf on it anymore. So you deserve whatever you get, wench.’
‘You better fix me, you bitch!’ I said.
‘Name calling? Bad idea, sweetie. Why don’t you show me your boobs?’ said Julie.
‘I will not!’ I said, as my hands pulled my jacket open and pulled my tank top up, exposing my huge bare boobs to Julie.
Julie glanced at my chest. ‘Nice tits,’ she said.
I looked at her stupidly for a moment, then suddenly squeaked and pulled my top back down as I realized what I was doing.
‘Oh!’ I said. ‘Omigod! Stop that! I mean it!’
Julie smirked again. ‘Or what? You’re going to make me blonde? Hmmmph. I like you like this. I think I’ll tell the science club that you’ll flash anyone who asks to see your tits.’
‘Oh!’ I said. ‘Don’t you dare, Julie!’
Julie started walking towards the door, obviously leaving. ‘Good luck squeezing into the little room with that huge rack, sweetie,’ she said.
I followed her down the aisle. ‘Julie! Don’t you leave me like this!’
I hadn’t realized we were no longer alone in the usually deserted library until the three guys looked up at my statement. The looks on their faces at my words indicated they had misinterpreted me. Then they all gaped at my cleavage.
I stopped at the unexpected attention. Then I heard Julie’s voice say, ‘Hey, Rachel, why don’t you show them your tits?’
‘Stop that!’ I said to Julie through clenched teeth. ‘I’m not going to do that!’ Then my eyes widened as I realized too late that that was exactly what I was doing. Their eyes were big and round a
s they stared at my swelled bare boobs. I squealed and yanked my top back down, then turn and fled back down the aisle.
The only good thing about the incident was that the humiliation inspired me to squeeze through the slight space into the little room. I had no intention of leaving until the library was empty, either. Gawd, I hoped I’d never see those guys again!
Having nothing but time on my hands, I decided to start flipping through the book to see if there was a reversal in there. Interestingly enough, the spells seemed to be different from what I had seen previously. It was like the spells changed according to who was looking at the book at any particular time. I started nodding after a while. I didn’t find any reversals, but I had found something that would work just fine. In fact, what I found would be perfect.
The following day, I finally had to accept the fact that I could not get dressed unless I wore something that showed off a great deal of cleavage. I simply couldn’t put a conservative top on. I sighed and put on another tank top. I jiggled helplessly and looked like a fricking over-endowed bimbo, but at least I could get to school.
Finally I saw Julie in the early afternoon, standing near the vending machines. Her blonde hair was such a contrast with her Asian features that she really stood out. She was also so distracted when I saw her that I had to say her name three times.
‘Julie!’ I said.
‘Huh? Oh! It’s you!’ said Julie. Her hips wriggled slightly.
‘Yeah,’ I said. I gave her a smirk. ‘What’s wrong? You look kind of antsy.’
She gave a high-pitched giggle. ‘Me? No, I’m fine. Really. Why? Are you looking to show everybody your-‘
‘No!’ I shouted, my hands held up. ‘No, I was just checking on you.’
‘I’m fine. Fine! Alright?’ she said. She cupped her ass with her hands unconsciously as her hips wriggled. ‘Don’t you have a class or something?’
I chuckled. ‘Sure. I’ll catch you later. See ya!’
I couldn’t wait for class to end. As soon as it was over, I went back out to the vending machine area. Julie was still there, looking more distressed.
‘Hi, Julie!’ I said.
Julie turned to me. ‘What did you do to me? I’m so…so…’
‘Horny?’ I said.
Julie blushed. ‘Yes,’ she said.
‘What was that?’ I asked.
‘Horny!’ she said.
‘You’re horny?’
‘Who’s horny?’
‘What about you?’
‘Me so horny!’
‘Me so horny!’ she screamed. Then her eyes widened.
I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself. I hadn’t actually thought I could do it, but it worked!
‘Oh, wow, that sounds like a problem!’ I said.
Julie’s knees were pressed together. ‘Me so horny! Me so horny!’
I knew she was trying to get me to show my boobs, but all she could say was ‘Me so horny’ right now. She was twitching in anxiousness now and her helpless arousal was obvious to everyone. A pretty, blonde-haired Asian girl screaming ‘Me so horny!’ in a public place attracts attention, and Julie had a crowd growing.
Julie was pressed against me, lips parted. ‘Me so horny!’
A guy finally walked over and nodded. ‘Hi,’ he said. He glanced at my chest, then looked at Julie. ‘How you doin’, babe?’
He wasn’t going to win any prizes for originality, but Julie was all over him anyway.
‘Me so horny! Me so horny! Fucky fucky! Me love you long time!’ she said.
I was laughing so hard now that my huge jiggling boobs were attracting attention of their own. This would teach Julie not to cast spells giving me embarrassingly big boobs and forcing me to display them!
I knew it wouldn’t always be this easy, but Julie wasn’t used to trying to think while in heat, and she never had a chance. Not that it would have mattered anyway…she was going to stay like that until she orgasmed from sex. And she was going to end up in this condition every other day or so for as long as the spell lasted, which, if I was correct, would be a year. Unless she had sex everyday, of course. Heh.
The guy had a hand on Julie’s hip, talking to her. ‘So, you want to go somewhere else, babe?’ he said.
Julie giggled. ‘Yah! Yah! Me so horny! Fucky fucky!’
I smirked as they walked off. It was time for me to get home myself and see if I could figure out some way to reduce these silly boobs of mine.
My cell phone was going off what I assumed were microseconds after the guy had left Julie’s place.
The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
Strum-dum, Strum-da-da Dum! Acknowledgments and Afterword I’d like to thank several people for assistance in this book. First, my proofreaders, Bozo, Greg, Ryan, and Steve. You find the strange little mistakes that I couldn’t see, and gave me confidence when you couldn’t find mistakes. To Lexi, Annie’s sister, for your story of confidence and vulnerability. To SpacerX, for unabashed assistance and advice. To Michael Wex, author of the book “Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When...
The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
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Premium Asian Porn SitesAfter returning to New Jersey from my left coast finale, I moved into a trailer I shared with a buddy from high school. It was tight, but there was just enough room for my guitar, my blues records, and me. I bought an old BSA Gold Star 650 motorcycle and spent the beginning of 1980 traveling up and down the East Coast on the bike. You could always tell where I had last parked it by the oil stains on the pavement, but it ran well and more importantly, it looked damn cool. By summer I had...
I guess you could say that my wife is the type that might be called prudish in her sexual desires. When we met she was still a virgin, so everything she’s learned about sex has been with me. I’ve tried to get her to loosen up, but it’s been a long and tough process. She believed that sex was just a little foreplay and then intercourse. And no matter how much I tried to get her to loosen up, she always resisted. We had been married 10 years before I finally convinced her to...
The summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...
There I sat, PM on a Friday night on the fifty-seventh floor of the Delta Tower. All I had to do was finish looking over some progress reports and I would be done for the weekend. Taking note of the success rate for my main experiment, I stood up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling that overlooked the entire city. I could faintly see my reflection in the window. About five-half-feet, I wore a tight purple sweater underneath my lab coat. My black hair was held behind my head with a...
Hi friends am new to this ISS but i am reading the forum for past 5 years more i have read so many stories on that time i like to be put my story also but didn’t today am going to narrate my story in a little brief. I am Aadhil(name changed) with slim body having 6’ inch tool. I like the aunties mostly like others guys. Today am going to narrate i had a affair with my staff at my office if there is a any mistake in my story pls bare with me also its not a story its a real incident shall we move...
The summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...
I am Raju from Hyderabad. I am 25 now. I would like to share with you my first sex experience with my aunty. Her name is Radha Aunty. This has happened on Dussara 2009 when I was enjoying the festival. I am 5.6 inches well built and dark. Let me say few words about my aunty. She is 33. Her husband is working in RTC has bus driver. Aunty does not have any child. Aunty used to stay on ground floor we stay on first floor. She frequently comes to our place as she is more fond of our family. We...
IncestThe summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...
Straight Sexin through the window. Yes, she was beautiful as she stood there in front of the mirror naked, fondling her small firm breasts, pinching her cute stiff nipples with one hand, her other hand rubbing her hot pussy slit, tickling her clitoris and slipping her small finger up into her tight pussy opening. I stood there watching as she took herself to a peak then over the edge, her body spasming and jerking as she took herself to orgasm. I knew right then and there I was going to fuck...
The summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...
"OK, now it's time for you to get on your back and spread your legs," Aaron informed Samantha. "Oh, I like spreading my legs for you Aaron." When Aaron gave her a stern look, she quickly added, "I know, I shouldn't say that to any guys I happen to be on a date with." "This is serious though," Aaron warned. "This is going to feel way better than anything we've done so far, so we have to be ready for that. The first way I can press my shaft up against your pussy is to use what...
"How's the old man, Mark?" Jamie asked as he shook hands with his friend and embraced him. "I'll let him tell you, Jamie. He's in the wing down the hall. I'll take you." The two men walked together through the antiseptic corridor. They dodged gurneys and wheel chairs, squeezing by a crowd of anxious families waiting at the elevator. "I'm glad that you called me, Mark. You know that he wouldn't have." They arrived at the end of the hallway. The receptionist, a stern, young...
You are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...
Stephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...
I’ve always been very curious about my sexuality, but I’ve never had the courage to try another man. My wife and I have been messing around with a strap on for the last couple months getting me ready for this night. We drove to an exclusive club 15 minutes out of the city limit, and turned off the car.“Are you ready for this baby” Cindy asked“ I think so, I’m getting hard just thinking about a cock in my mouth”We walked up to the club and showed my card to the man at the door, he took a quick...
Springtime in Gynt was late this year, but there was a mood of celebration in the village. Today was Penn and Jane's wedding day, and what a beautiful day it was. A huge marquee had been set up for the festivities on the village green, and the tables were festooned with garlands of flowers, groaning under jeroboams of wine, and all in the village were prepared for a feast of gargantuan proportions. Gynt was a joyous place again. Gone were the days when Lilith was abroad, and the whole...
Carol laughed her way through dinner, and then stated that this was the first time in her life that she’d ever sat through a meal and been completely naked along with her dinner partners. We laughed. Penny said, “Maybe when we get old and flabby, we’ll stop with the nudity, but we love it. Besides, Misty and I love to tease our daddy.” Penny got up and came around the table and planted a kiss on my lips. She rubbed her breasts against my shoulder in a blatant display of flirting. As she sat...
It was at a public audience the following day that the Emir made her position crystal clear to his subjects. He asked her to attend in a trouser suit and had her seated next to his throne on the dais. After the Major Domo signalled for all to rise from their obeisance he opened the audience with a statement. "The Princess Elaheh is to be accorded all the rights and privileges of a male Prince of my blood. She is a full Kobekistani citizen and shall be treated as any other Kobekistani...
Becca began her duties immediately. She was conscious only of three things. The first was her own dress. The dress she wore was rolled up above her hips and tucked into her belt. As a result, she was naked from the waist down. Her blouse too had been opened, though it remained tucked into her skirt. As a result, she felt awkward walking to the laundry to begin her work. Secondly, she was conscious of her own wetness. Some time had passed since she had collapsed to her knees after reaching...
LesbianAfter a brief welcoming with those sponsor-wives and companions then present, the new companions were installed in the enclave’s med-tubes to restore them from Scud’s unwanted modifications. As with the others before them, visible modifications were confined to age-appropriate builds, toning and polishing, the individual’s preference on pubis decorations, and the like. Dora installed communication implants and began the strengthening and reflex modifications that would be needed by the new...
WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this else ware please let me know and give me access to it. ...
Hello boys and girls, and my favorite sissies. I have been here and there and enjoyed the Christmas holidays, I hope, and pray all of you have also. I am back from my sabbatical and in the mood to tell you a story. Yes, I know I have several story's that are not complete, but here is another new one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. This story is very familiar to me and hits me from the past. Like some musicians have said in the past that "we have had our ups, and downs...
Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...
LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...
It was his favorite thing to do every morning to her now for the past few months. Every morning he would go into his little girls room, slowly strip off her PJ's and blankets, making sure she was dead asleep still, and then take out his huge dick and tease it against her clit before roughly ramming it in and raping her. She was always still asleep when he did it, and each time he would ram in rougher and deeper before continuing to hump her little prepubescent pussy full of cock. For the...
Little Darlings by Robin Lane Sandy walked along the side of the decaying asphalt road, clutching her raggedsweater about herself as tightly as she could against the chill of the lateevening rain. Locks of her light brown hair, soaked and dripping with rainwater,dangled loosely in front of her face. Her tattered and filthy canvas shoesplopped through the shallow puddles on the pavement, and her thin blue skirt,stained and hopelessly dirty, swayed limply back and forth with each step.She felt...
Brad rarely saw his sister Emma anymore. Between their going to school in separate cities and busy schedules when they were home in the summer, it was rare if they spent more than an hour in each other's' company. He still always loved seeing her, though she and he both were changing as they followed their own paths. And oh did every time he did see her remind him that she was a stunner. As they were going through school Brad knew she was going to be a beauty when she got prettier and prettier...
I was twenty-eight or so when I met Melanie Brown. I had been visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona when I spotted her and her little brother watching me. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered car that was used in local parades. Though it was a modern piece, the car resembled an antique from the late nineteeth century. I had made some repairs to the car and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner. At first I saw a small boy and what I thought was...
Love StoriesAuthor's note: Lil sis: 'Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again' is not part two of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis' that I have planed. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is...
Author's note: Lil sis: Going out with sis on a double date is not part two or three of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis'. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is what I'm going to do. Each...
Authors Note: One of the many traditions in the British legal system is that in the law offices, often called chambers, the male lawyers are always addressed as sir by the support staff and the female lawyers, irrespective of whether they are married or not, are addressed as Miss. The Dinnie Stones mentioned in the story are real. You can view a very strong woman lifting them on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWbZTzMtw1E Little and Strong The Interview Jamie Evans...
This is a work of fiction. I've done some research to get most of my facts correct. I've enjoyed both writing this series, and developing a plausible storyline. Any similarities between this story and persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. Mind you, if the opportunity ever arose . . . ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [b]Little Sister’s Dilemma - Part...
January, 2044, Winnisimmet Massachusetts neighborhood of Twatville It was snowing heavily as she wander through the streets, clad in only a thin jacket and shorts. She had shoes, but they were barely fitting and flopping around as she took each step. It was tough to walk, but she was determined to continue on until she found somewhere nice and warm to sleep. She was only four-years-old yet was smart and could figure out that sleeping in an abandoned building or a back alley wasn't...
Imagine that you are standing naked in daddy's upstairs media room. In the middle of the room, with your slender arms secured with manacles stretched out above your head, secured with a chain to the steel ring in the ceiling where daddy usually hangs his kickboxing bag... You have been standing like that for a while, only wearing a black leather collar with a steel ring in the front of it, a mask covering your eyes, and your spider-gag in your cute little mouth, making you rely on your hearing...
Me (Nick/Nikki): 17 Beth: big sis 21 Miley: little sis 13 Max: 18 Mom: 42 Big thanks go out to Rhonda who did a great job editing my story. Thanks again hun, I couldn't of did this without you. Hugs Little Sis By Princess Panty boy "Hey, I'm home anyone here?" I look around and hear the TV on. So I walk into the TV room and I see my big sister sitting on the couch. "Hey sis what ya doing? Thanks for responding when I yelled to see if anyone was home." I see my sister...
After the movies I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up before bed. Once I got cleaned up I decided it was time for bed, and off to bed I went. We had a lot of family members but we had a big enough home that we all had our own rooms. I went in, then closed and locked the door. I walked up to the bed and leaned over and pulled the note from out of the jeans I had left on the floor. I opened the note and it read "there is only one thing I want for my birthday present. I can't get it...
Little Letme Rideurwood- Sam DarquesiedDancing shadows played on the forest floor as Little Letme Rideurwood pranced and skipped through the woods. She had turned eighteen that day, and her years of seclusion were now over as she eagerly headed to grandmother?s house for the arranged match to the boy from Gottlotts. Little Letme?s isolation had kept her innocent, na?ve, and pure, the only acceptable pairing that a rich boy from Gottlotts would consider. Grandmothers from the poor village of G...
Witchy Woman had rubbed Big Louies cock all over with “her” breeding salve. This stuff made his already huge cock, inflate and harden to even more swollen rock hard size. Little Momma was gasping, eyes wide open, in total complete fear, of the cock that was rock hard and swollen solidly before her, breathing heavy breaths of disbelief and absolute horror of it’s size! Now screaming out, No oh hell no, it will tear me apart, It’s to big!! I’ll never be able to...
Jenny watched the clock as it got closer to 3:00 o’clock. When the bell sounded today at three school would dismiss for 3 whole months this year. Jenny would spend this break with her Grandparents. She loved them very much and enjoyed her visits but this would be the longest visit she had ever done in all of her 18 years. Jenny’s Grandparents lived on a large farm. It was a 5-hour drive from her house to theirs. The closest neighbor was 10 miles away. The closest store was 20 miles...
It was her idea to seduce me, but now that she was mine, I intended to enjoy her as much and as often as possible. I stood up, grabbed her by the hand and walked her to the shower in the master bedroom. I was taking her into my matrimonial bedroom, into the same shower I had fucked her mother many times before. While I turned on the water and adjusted the knobs for the right temperature, Olivia came up behind and put her arms around me, telling me that she loved me. I replied that I loved...