The Marks Of The Scar free porn video

Sue stood in front of the mirror, in a pair of white and blue-stripped panties. Looking at her size ten, forty eight year old body, rubbing the scar of her missing left breast.
She still wanted to cry, when she thought of how ten years ago her life changed, when she found a lump in her left breast, and went to the doctors. There were the visions of her impending death. After the tests, her worse fears were confirmed. The doctor told her they got to it early, and her life could be saved.
Unfortunately, there would have to remove her left breast. Six months after the mastectomy and radiotherapy, she returned home to her husband.
A year later her husband Stan, filed for divorce and left with a lady down the road. Each time she looked in a mirror, she saw a mutilated lonely forty-year with no future.
Over the next four years she fell into a deep depression, and began to cover all the mirrors and shiny surfaces in the house. When she went outside she would wear larger and baggier clothes to hide her body from the people around her. She had had the medical cabernet in her bathroom stocked with razor blades and sleeping tables, for when she could summon up the courage to kill herself.
Five years after the divorce, while she was shopping, she heard a male voice calling
‘Suzanne is that you?’
She turned to face a man in his mid thirty.
‘Suzanne that IS you. How are you?’
‘Oh, okay I guess,’ Sue lied, confused as to who this person was.
‘You don’t remember me, do you? I would come and talk to you in hospital, about my father who was having treatment for leukaemia’.
‘Oh right. I remember you now. Kind of.’
‘Back then, I was a little selfish. Using you as a sound-board. I think you need, to use me as the sound-board now. Coffee?’
They found a coffee shop, and talked about life after cancer, and how there were coping with it. After about three hours of tears, laugher and every thing in between Rob said to her ‘I had the same suicide thoughts about two years ago. A friend helped me through them. I am going to do the same to you. We are going to your house now, and no arguments’
Ten minutes later they walked into her house,
‘First take me to your bathroom, and then to your bed room.
As they entered her bathroom, the first thing Rob saw was the mirror on the medicine
cabernet, covered with newspaper. Rob ripped the paper off and turned Sue’s face to the mirror.
‘Open your eyes. Open them. Look at yourself! What do you see?’
‘No I can’t! I look horrible! That’s why my husband left me!’
‘If that’s the case, use the razors and the pills to end it now. Look I’m here. I can make sure you take more than enough to end it!’
He yelled in her face as he turned her to face him.
‘No fuck you! I’ll not die, just because you say so. The cancer did NOT kill me! My asshole of a husband did not kill me, and you won’t kill me ever.’
‘Good, that’s the spirit, hold on to that and lead me into your bedroom. We have one more thing to do before we throw this lot away’
In the bedroom, he found the floor to ceiling mirror, attached to the cupboard door, covered in newspaper. He turned her towards the mirror and stood behind her and said, ‘I want you to rip the paper off the mirror.’
He watched her slowly clench and unclench her fists and walk to the mirror. With shaking hands she reached out. Grabbed the paper, and ripped it off.
‘Now come back here, and stand in front of me.’
He watched her drop the paper, turn and head back to him. As she stood in front of him, she said ‘Now what?’
‘I want you to get undressed, and look at yourself.’
‘No, I can’t. I haven’t looked at myself in four years, and no one has seen me in five years.’
‘I can get the razors and drugs: they’re in the bathroom.’
‘Fuck you, I hate you!’ She said, raising her hand, and turning to slap him.
He watched her raise her hand and waited for the slap.
She stopped and turn back to the mirror, ‘I hate you.’ And began to remove her clothes.
As she reached her bra and panties she stopped and hung her head for a minute before looking back up and removing her bra and panties
‘You see, there’s nothing wrong with your body. The cancer may have taken a piece of your body, but not your soul and spirit. You don’t need to hide yourself away.’ Rob said as he rubbed her shoulders, and began to move down.
‘Look at what I’m doing, is this so bad?
Sue gasped and said, ‘Touching my scar! With your hands! My husband would never touch it. I’d never touch it, unless I was washing or drying it with something.’
‘I’ll do more than touch it with my hands,’ he said as he moved in front of her and kissed the scar. ‘Look, does this look like I’m not enjoying this too?’ He said as he removed his clothes to show her, his six-inch hard on. ‘I would love to lay you on the bed, and make love to you’
‘No one has taken me to bed, in about eight years!’ stuttered Sue.
‘Lay down and enjoy the attention.’
Sue laid back on the bed, and watched Rob move down between her legs, and begin to eat out her pussy.
Sue reached up to her chest and then stopped, just before she made contact.
Rob stopped licking and watched, from between her legs, waiting to see what she would do next.
Sue shrugged, and dropped her hands, on to her chest. Massaging her right breast, and running her fingers along the scar on her left side.
Rob smiled and began licking her out again.
Ten minutes later, Rob felt Sue’s body begin to shake. He pushed this tongue deeper, and smiled as he enjoyed her moans.
‘I, I can’t believe you made me have an orgasm like that.’ groaned Sue
‘This is just the first. Now I really want to make love to you and look you in the eye. You ready?’ said Rob, as he slowly moved up her body, planting small light kisses.
He looked into her eyes, ‘Are you ready to be made love to, my beautiful lady?’
‘Will you guide me in? I will go as fast or slow as you wish. You’re in control.’
Rob felt her take his cock in her hand, and guide it into her pussy. ‘You can start if you like’
Rob pushed forward and felt Sue’s pussy lips get dragged in and form a vacuum
‘Go slow, I haven’t done this is years. Are you sure you want to do this? You can still leave.’
‘Sue, will you be quiet and enjoy this. Forget all the other things in your life. Concentrate on this moment only.’
‘Oh my god. This is great!’ groaned Sue. ‘Please kiss me’
Rob moved his lips down to hers.
‘How did you like that?
‘You took my breath away. Could you fuck me faster?’
‘Hang on’
Sue felt him speed up. She wrapped her legs and arms around him and whispered in his ear, ‘you’re fabulous.’
‘I can’t hold it an longer. I’m going to cum.’ grunted Rob.
‘Do it. I want to feel you cum in me,’ yelled Sue as she felt him thrush deep inside her.
‘Ah fuck, fuck, ah, keep going.’
Rob breathed into her ear. ‘You ARE the best,’ and rolled onto his back. ‘Come here.’
Sue rolled into Rob’s arms, ‘how did you know that would work on me?’
‘Push me to face the mirror. Face my demons.’
‘I had a friend who saw me stuck in limbo between going on with life and ending it all after my father died of leukaemia. He took me to my father grave. Put a gun in my hand, and gave me the same choice I gave you. I took the choice of not killing myself, and carrying on with life. He had a theory, most people, who talk about killing themselves. They want help. The ones who mean to kill themselves, do it quietly. The bed and sex part, we skipped. We just went to the pub, and had a few drinks. I must say
this is more fun. I think we will still need the razors, after today.’
‘I like the ladies I’m making love to to have a little less hair down there.’ he smirked
‘Ah, that line was terrible.’ Sue groaned.
‘Well you will have to get used to bad lines, if I’m staying around.’
‘You want to stay with me?’
‘Let me answer that with ………’
‘You’re getting hard again!’ shrieked Sue.
Sue was woken from her memories, as Rob walked up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her, ‘Happy Valentines, Sweet Heart.’

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