- 3 years ago
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Part I: Ache
She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied.
She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat, but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can’t see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling between those never-ending legs, imagine her eyes swollen and half closed with desire. Many a man or woman has sighed with a private disappointment after she has passed, the strength of the sigh depending only on the strength of imagination.
She is right, though, at least about her absent breasts. Her chest is flat: two peas on an ironing board, as some men used to joke. No one will move his (or her) hand from chest to breast and delight in the smooth curve, because there is no curve. No one will feel the rubbery texture when her breasts are pushed up from below.
She could fix this, she supposes, by having a doctor insert gelatinous bags beneath her nipples, but it wouldn’t any longer be her. It might even — one might think — take attention away from her neck or her mouth. Perhaps her breasts would grow larger if she had a child, though she is unlikely ever to know. People come as complex packages. This is what comes in hers.
What else comes is fascination. She watches the breasts of other women in her dance classes surge forward with centrifugal force during their steps, then bob around, furtive looks so well camouflaged that no one has ever suspected her, mixed with chatty commentary on technique but full of longing, enough longing to make her ashamed. She sometimes gossips about how men talk about tits and bazooms, but that’s an excuse. She has seen her own reflection in the studio mirror often enough, and found nothing noteworthy there.
She is certain she couldn’t attract a real lover and hasn’t a clue as to how her husband came to want her. She thinks it couldn’t have been her looks. Now that several years have passed since they married, and his interest has diminished, she understands that he must be tired of having to work himself up for someone who lacks a true woman’s body. Along with that understanding, she has almost convinced herself that she is reconciled to a life of little passion.
That reconciliation is an illusion: while standing before the mirror after bathing a few weeks back, she suddenly made a despairing cry and began smacking her chest with her hands. It took almost an hour to regain composure, to fix her face, before she could meet people with her usual gracious smile, backed by an inner light.
In any event, while a life of little passion defies longings it doesn’t banish them. Hers is as deep a well of desire as anyone’s, producing forbidden fantasies that entrance like visions of water on the desert, but being a good Christian woman she isn’t going to act on them. It shames her a little that she even has them. Hers may be a liberal church, full of good, open-minded people, but she struggles to be morally straight. Judge not. Only judge yourself.
Her fantasies slip into her mind at night when she is most vulnerable, forming from the swirls of almost- sleep thoughts, little universes of lust growing out of nothing, brushing her belly, awakening her body. She doesn’t feel she deliberately calls them out, but there they are, and they are insistent, full-color images of sex with this man or that from her job, movies, even her church. Sometimes he is anonymous. It really doesn’t matter. They didn’t used to include full naked bodies on display.
Ever more during one of these fantasies her hand will slip from her side to her waist to her pubic mound, over the almost hairless mound to a spot where she can stroke herself with stealthy fingers. On occasion she resists. When she does touch herself she moves the fingers slowly between her labia, circling her clitoris, getting high, afraid of waking her husband while surrendering yet again. There are times that she can’t keep herself still or quiet, when she’ll finally go into the living room or bathroom to finish.
The acts she conjures once came mainly from R-rated films or the explicit romance novels she has taken to reading, but that ended when she stayed alone at a hotel that had a pay-per-view adult movie channel. On a whim she picked a movie almost at random and was devastated. Which was stronger, disgust or desire? She probably doesn’t know to this day, but her repertoire of fantasies began growing that night.
After masturbating, once her breathing has slowed and she considers the visions that have driven her pleasure, she feels vile. Shame is her other secret burden, so much of it for such a good person. She certainly wouldn’t ever cheat with any of those men. Once or twice a man from work came on to her, just a little, and she cut him down right away.
For awhile there was one man in her fantasies more than any other, a dance partner in their little community ballet. They’ve teamed on and off in ‘The Nutcracker,’ practicing once a week, then meeting daily during performance week. She is a principal dancer. He is a volunteer from the community who replaces a non-existent male dancer, there being no senior men in the company.
They’ve enjoyed playing dress-up, dancing, pantomiming. They’ve held hands. He has kissed her hand, often, often. He is actually the only man besides her husband whom she has touched regularly in any way for years, and one evening last Fall the hand kiss suddenly made her wonder what it would be like if he kissed her mouth. What if he pulled her to him and … did what? That. All of that.
She had been expressing amazement at the dances of Herr Drosselmeyer’s toys, paying attention to the actions and positioning of the party goers, but at the thought her vision was obscured by quick flashes of fucking. She wouldn’t use that word, but it’s what she saw. It was followed that night by a detailed fantasy of degenerate sex that wouldn’t make her feel guilty: what if he kidnapped me and forced me to submit? What would he make me do?
Please don’t hurt me. You don’t have to hurt me. I’ll do anything you want.
The intensity and the pleasure frightened her, enough that she decided to avoid him, to talk only when on the floor, but the thoughts recurred throughout the season, finally fading only after the performances ended, when she wouldn’t see him for eight months because their lives are completely separate and he too has a spouse.
How many little ballet troupes are there, hundreds? All performing ‘The Nutcracker’? How many fantasies are generated by them? How many come to nothing?
One shouldn’t think that hers is a life of quiet desperation. She keeps telling herself it is a good life, economically, religiously, intellectually, and much of the time it is exactly that. Every life has some issues, she argues persuasively. She keeps herself busy.
And yet.
She has growing periods when can’t stand to be around other people. She withdraws to her room to think and be alone, to trace the passing of the years, to fantasize and to wonder what happened to her life, how at one time everything had seemed possible.
Along with her romance novels she has started reading poetry from her old college textbooks. One Sunday afternoon she read ‘To His Coy Mistress.’ When she came to the line ‘time’s wing’d chariot hurrying near,’ she threw the book across the room.
That was her life until this evening, when something happened.
What was it? As winter passed, her fantasies had shifted around to focus on some stranger she saw at the grocery, when she unexpectedly saw him — *the* him. It is out of season for him, late spring, but there is a party thrown by a couple who t
urn out to be friends of friends of each. It’s how a small world works. It’s also how her God shows His sense of humor by — just for the fun of it — setting the stage for her seduction. Or perhaps He has another wager with Satan.
The earth is enjoying one of its magic times, the air rich with unimaginable varieties of blooms. The flowering began weeks ago and will continue another month, first early bloomers like forsythia, fruit trees, and daffodils, then the later blossoms to carry springtime along. The azaleas and their kin are colorful, the dogwoods, though, are achingly white and this is dogwood country.
It rained earlier today. The air is still sweet with it, the walk damp underfoot, and isolated drops still fall from the oaks, but the sky is almost clear and there is the slimmest crescent of a moon. Lone baby clouds scoot low in the sky, hurrying to a place people never see. Down below, the trees and shrubs have been waving to the sky all afternoon, a physical hosanna to whatever deities of Spring they worship.
She first saw him when she looked up from the walk, her mind filled with patterns of mud and raindrops, smelling the rain-cleansed air, aware of the clouds. He arrived in a sudden gust, without his wife, and when she saw him she felt the earth lurch, or the time, or something. Her husband was with her, but he groused about these boring parties and finally asked if she could find a ride home later, so that he could leave. Then *he* gallantly offered a ride.
So the air was charged from the beginning, exactly the same as always, but different in that indefinable way known to shamans, as though an invisible wave had washed away the part that was familiar, leaving a world that is alluring but strange. Jamais Vu. She feels shaky, physically ill at ease, and she thinks if she has a bite to eat it may help her. Or if she gets away from him. She doesn’t want to think about him.
He walks to the table with her.
They have to talk, of course. She comes up with something interesting to say while he spreads baba ganousch on pita, nothing really, but they are able to chit-chat. It may all amount to nothing. She takes fresh vegetables and some kind of dip. It may be easy. She feels nothing special, and is about to relax when he takes her hand to pull her away from blocking the kitchen door.
Yes, the hand feels the same. It is a large hand, warm, not rough, and without warning there is the memory of rehearsal, of how his hands always did feel especially warm to her.
She hadn’t considered his hands when they first met, when his daughters took ballet and he spent his time playing with the smallest children, helping them do backward flips and giving them airplane rides. She had just thought he was funny, still a big kid though much older than she.
His hands. They announced themselves later, when the two of them had played husband and wife so long that they could casually hold each other’s before going on stage, and his would help warm hers until the lights heated the air.
There is another, related memory, the one she doesn’t want to remember, the one of yearning and remorse. It is of that first, really cold night of dress rehearsal last December, how she had been shivering and huddling backstage, and how he had seen her and put his tuxedo jacket over her shoulders without being asked. When she had hugged it around herself she had smelled him and been suffused in his body heat. Though this was after her decision to avoid him, the smell and the feeling and the fact that he was so thoughtful had made her think about him all night long and want him to hold her.
It was bad, so bad that she had forgotten a step during one of their dances together.
She couldn’t not think of him, but she’d stayed away from him as much as she could and she hadn’t really thanked him. She knows she was cold to him and once again feels shame.
The memory arouses fantasies and regrets from wherever they have been resting, leaving her shy, making her wish she could extricate herself, making her want to stay. Oh, why did her husband have to leave?
She puts aside the plate of vegetables. He gets her a drink and their hands touch when she takes it.
Someone asks them to show a step from the ballet. This inspiration is doubtless generated by higher powers: these are arts people, sure, but there is no reason for this. The question leads to discussion of which step to show, a hasty improvisation, and the required holding of hands. The kiss on the hand. She tries to look lighthearted.
There is real improvisation when he spins her under his overstretched hands, catches her, and lets her lean down in his arms like a swing dancer. Their bodies touch, brush, catch on each other. For a second his face is right over hers and he looks her full in the eyes while she leans against his arm and body and tries not to look back up at him. She is frozen. She thinks he may kiss her right now.
An epiphany: all at once and without words she knows that he desires her.
Why doesn’t she laugh and get up, move away? She could. It would be easy, if only she and her body weren’t so busy betraying each other.
So she lies back in his arms and looks up at him blankly, swallowing, unable to muster the coquettish look she would once have used, telling herself not to be stupid but out of the blue feeling those sensations, the tingle or spark or subtle movement about her sex, the sensation like a tiny electrical current, the odd stirring in her lower belly. She knows them well, just hasn’t felt them from contact with a man — not like this — in a long time. She feels herself growing vaguely damp where her vagina touches her panties. She thinks she can feel a bit, just a tiny bit, of trickling, a minute tickle along the walls of her labia, before finally he lets her up.
He wants me. He does. Me.
The thoughts echo, circle, blend with the fragments of fantasy and the sensations in her belly, and tell her that something is happening to her. Can anyone else tell? She looks around at the other guests, laughing and clapping or not paying them much attention at all. Thank you, Lord.
She needs separation and self-control, so leads him to a couch where she sits in a corner, but her leg touches his because all the seats are taken. She crosses her legs and her arms and leans as far into the corner as she can, to make herself invisible, to sort her feelings and get control of them.
There is general conversation. He is telling stories about major blunders during their performances, about prima donnas and untied Pointe shoes. She makes just a small comment now and then. She’s normally active in these things, but she needs to look at him closely and can’t do it while people look at her.
Why does she feel this way? Is there a clue in his flesh? If he acts childlike sometimes, and he looks younger than his years, how can his eyes be surrounded by fine wrinkles that form folds upon folds when he smiles, and why does one eyelid droop a bit more than the other? Was he injured once?
The hostess announces a fresh plate of canapés. She calls them ‘munchies.’
Our good woman is not hungry now, not at all. She looks around the room. The picture window is framed with a deep green cornice and drapes. She tries to watch the man via his reflection, but there are ghost figures behind him. When she focuses on them they become two teenagers who must belong to people inside, embracing just outside on the sidewalk. Their foreheads and noses touch as they talk, then they kiss deeply and open-mouthed, pasturing on each other.
Her mind flicks instantly to the political campaign, how Al and Tipper Gore had kissed at the Democratic convention. She hadn’t liked it at all, because it was so hard and unmoving — a fifties movie kiss.
Back flicks her mind and she is again being held by her dance partner, but this time he does bend to her and start to kiss, the kiss of the teens,
lips and tongues, a kiss that goes on and on, lovingly and sensually, until there is one final flash and she realizes two things: that they couldn’t kiss like that in front of everyone and that the hostess is holding a tray of munchies out toward her.
The conversation is all party talk, never turning toward anything serious, but twice, when someone asks about her husband, she says, ‘Oh, he’s fine,’ in *that* voice, the one that says she doesn’t want to talk about him. The second time, her dancer friend turns just a little to look at her with a serious expression.
‘Isn’t it stuffy in here?’
Yes it is, suddenly. He asks if she would like to walk on the deck out back.
Thank God! There may not be such an easy opportunity to stop this later. He hasn’t been obvious, but she saw how he looked at her. She knows he wants to be alone with her, and that he knows that she knows, and all that. They understand each other completely, so when she says ‘no’ he will understand that, too.
‘Just a minute. I have to find my shawl.’
It is time, time for time to accelerate. Not the clock, but the experience. There is a sense of something rushing, of movement in the earth, though the wind has gone away to rest, and the air is finally still. Expectant. Naturally the night is empty for them, as though prepared in advance.
She feels it. Does he?
It is cool enough for her to pull her wool wrap tightly, but the night doesn’t seem to affect him a bit, he doesn’t even wear a sweater.
What’s he saying? There’s some flowering ajuga just below the deck. There, see? He leans out over the rail of the deck to make his point, standing closer to her than he should and she can feel the heat pouring off him. She looks, but she’s too aware of his closeness to pay attention, so just says ‘Um hmm.’
It isn’t that she’s thoughtless. She’s thinking the whole time, setting scenes and conversation, visualizing possibilities. How would he take it if I put my hand on his arm, if I simply rested it there? I could lay it there only for a second. What would he do? Would he freeze? Get shy? Take it as an invitation?
She almost does it. No, no, no! This is getting absurd. It’s time to go back in.
They don’t. Different music begins, something slow and familiar that she can’t quite place. He asks, ‘Dance?’ and takes her hand at almost the same instant. Inside her the alarm bells go off, clanging in the night, warning her that this isn’t any longer fantasy, telling her to refuse as she turns toward him to look, first to his mouth, then up to his eyes. She sees the party inside through half-open blinds, only for a second before the view is blocked by his body. Say no thank-you, she tells herself. She doesn’t say anything at all.
This is how it happens, not to everyone but to her. She hasn’t decided in her mind to let this man fuck her. She probably couldn’t make such a decision, not coldly, not in advance. There is simply a flow to events. One would think that she would get help with her resolve.
So they begin to dance. It is slow motion. It is like lightning. She puts her free hand on his shoulder, feels his hand on her waist, lets him begin the step, judges his stride and his rhythm. They’re too far apart, dancing like children, so ludicrous. She is talking to herself, trying to understand what is happening, though what seems most important is that she shouldn’t stand so awkwardly apart from her partner, so she steps closer and lets him slide his hand around to the small of her back, to pull her gently to his body. He is large, he almost envelopes her.
Her face is at his shoulder. It brings the memory of December, how his tux jacket felt, the heat, the faint smell of Mennen now replaced by the real thing. She can feel his real heat with her cheek. Then, without any internal argument at all, she lays her head on his shoulder and leans her body completely up against his. It is a big step, her first one to push the situation along, and it scares her to death.
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Part I: Ache She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied. She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat; but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can't see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling...
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"How about Eric?" she offered. My girlfriend, Michelle (sometimes just "Chelle") and I were lying in bed, our sweat and other fluids drying and our heartbeats slowly returning to normal after a pretty adventurous little romp together. This particular evening of youthful exploration had "climaxed" with me sliding a vibrator that we had been using during foreplay into her ass while I was already inside of her, simulating double penetration. We'd never done this before but we had been trying more...
Group SexMy Cop Ass FuckA few years ago I was pulled over in my car for speeding by this handsome and muscular motorcycle cop.He pulled me over for my speeding ticket and we got to taking and flirting a little bit and then to my surprise he asks me out on a date. I said yes and we went out for dinner and then we went to his apartment to watch a movie. Funny though, we never did end up watching the movie that night.We started by kissing and that lead to some making out, which lead to some touching and...
I was just 18, had split up from my first serious boyfriend and got a job in a local bar (UK, not US!). I was upset after the split and just wanted attention and a good time. After finishing the night in the pub I started getting a taxi onto one of the local nightclubs. One of the drivers was in his late 20's and was easy to talk to . Even though I hadn't before been attracted to older men I found him strangely attractive. We started flirting and I was finding that every time I ordered a...
After settling in with a glass of champagne each from the hotel mini bar, the atmosphere was electric with sexual tension. Helen, who had not said much since being introduced, met Monica's gaze from the other side of the bed. “Want to watch Barry undress me?” “Uh, uh,” smiled Monica, the realisation of what she might be in for, becoming far more than a long held fantasy. Barry stood behind Helen with as much aplomb as he could muster in his shaking hands, and slid the long zip at the...
‘Oh, fuuuck,’ I moaned, my breath coming in short little wisps. One arm came up from the pillows, where they’d both been splayed above my head, and my small fingers twirled themselves firmly in the auburn mass of Jason’s curls. I pushed his face harder between my legs with the butt of my hand. He made a little noise of surprise at my active enthusiasm but kept at it, his hot tongue swirling in circles around the little nub of my pleasure and lapping down to my pussy entrance. When he teased...
Barbra was smoking hot as she stood with her sexy ass toward me. She bent forward, putting her hands on the kitchen bar, her butt out, her legs spread. “Ethan, fuck our mom. We want to see you get your big fat cock all the way in her tight pussy,” Jen said, as she slid to the floor and stood on one side of her mom, with Jerry on the other side of her sexy ass. “Barbra?” I said, asking permission. “Fuck me, Ethan. This time take my pussy and make it happier than it’s ever been before. Even...
Hi ISS readers, I am Satish from Hyderabad writing my 1st story which happened all of a sudden in my life without any planning. I used to read here in ISS but I never thought they will ever happen until this incident took place in my life. Before the sex story starts, let me give the stats of two girls who are the characters in this story. My sister Priya is cute, she has a perfect body as she goes for aerobics daily and Aparna is beautiful she has boobs bit more than my sis, trust no one can...
Incest"Just keep your focus steady when you open your eyes..." Alek was saying when my mother came into our kitchen and interrupted the, so far, futile practice session. "Pardon me, Alek. I know I promised to stay away and not to disrupt your training but I have to talk to Jake about a phone call I got today. Honestly, Jake! Sleeping in class? I know that sometimes the regular curriculum can be boring to you..." "It's not that, mom. I had to see an aura and I can't do it with my eyes open...
“Still taking your vacation off the scrambled times?” Roger asked Bill Pierce. Now that Roger Watkins was president and he was vice president of marketing, ‘Mr. Watkins’ had become ‘Roger.’ “Well, Jim can take care of the reps the supervisors can’t. The truth is that we want to move this summer, and I haven’t selected a place yet. I’m taking two weeks in May for looking and two in August for moving.” “Going to look in Kenilworth?” That was where Roger lived, which was an argument for...
"Almost finished, Zack," Judith asked, while the eighteen year old stock boy hefted a roll of roofing paper onto the shelf!?!" "Just about," he answered, "I've still have some paint to restock, but other than that I'm pretty much through!!!" "Good," she replied, "when you're all done, stop in my office for a minute, will you please!?!" "Sure thing, Miss J," he replied, "I'll be there in ten minutes!!!" Zack had been working after school at the hardware store for about two years now, and while...
It was the end of March and the 101st Airborne was back at Fort Campbell. The mission in Central America had been a spectacular success achieving results beyond the most optimistic expectations. Having just celebrated her first official anniversary in the Army, there was an inspection and review in honor of Kelly and Horace Franklin who was retiring from the Army after more than thirty years service. Kelly, now pregnant, was being relieved as commanding officer of the 101st. In the meantime...
Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
Note: This is a work of Fiction! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story try to remember: This as a Novel 122. (Tuesday, December 17) Final Wedding Preparations Julia held Sharon by her right arm as they toured the wedding facility. She wanted to make sure that Sharon did not feel like a fifth wheel, as she did when...
As I walked into the Adult store, my eyes raced around at all the magazines, movies and adult toys they had on display. It was such a turn on, it is almost sexual overload. They have a section for every taste, whim and fetish. As I browsed around the store, I saw a sign above a darken hallway that said “personal video booths.” I walked in, hoping to watch some porn and relieve my aching in my pants, as my cock was begging for release.As I walked towards a booth, I heard a voice say “You want...
“Fuck baby I!! I’m sorry!” He groans as he slammed his cock into me and I can feel his cum drooling into my pussy. Fuck, he can’t even cum right! I groans in disappointment as I pulls my pussy off. I can feel his cum dripping on the bed as I push myself up and hurried to the washroom, letting his cum leaking on my thighs as I walk and I close the door a bit loud than usual. I can hear his apology from inside the room. I sighed as I look at myself in the mirror. Fuck. What have I gotten into?...
This story has been buried deep inside of me for a long time. I remember all of it very well, almost like it was last week. I’ve reminisced and re-lived it all many times over the years. Much of it is quite fun to remember. Some of it is bittersweet. Some of it is painful still.When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years, I...
MatureHello everybody my name is Jamal Ray I’m a 27 years old Black-Arab guy been living in Hyderabad India for 3 years now and leaving by the end of 2012. I like everything about India, the Culture,People,Food,Language,Music and alot more and I believe Indian woman are one of the Most beautiful women on earth as I am someone who enjoys reading erotic stories (I’m not a Fan of Porn but it’s cool sometimes. I had different sexual experiences in india, with foreign girls (arab,Turkish,Latin) and some...
So, Karen stood up and began taking her clothes off. Teri and I were already naked, we usually got that way soon after our parents would leave for their club date. They were generally just out of the driveway when we were in each other's arms playing with each other, looking forward to the hours of sexual fun we would have together the rest of the night. Now, Karen was joining us. Really joining in. She got down on Teri's bed and patted her pussy, telling me, "You know what to do, Zach....
Jake Harper was waiting in his car at the county line bus stop when Claire arrived. As the bus from the city pulled up, he started to get out to help his older daughter with her luggage. But when Claire appeared on the steps of the bus, Jake stopped, one leg out of the car, his big prick shooting up like a tent pole. Christ! Claire was even more sexy than Bonny! Dressed for the country, in shorts and a scoop necked blouse, she stepped lightly down into the dusty road. She had only one small...
Hi, guys n gals m Ravi Pamar 4m Mumbai direct to story which doesn’t has end-Ma Parents n we both siblings (me24yrs n ma sis Anju now 19yrs[32.26.30]) it was the 31.12.005 n next day was new year me as a friend ask ma sis do you’ve BF she said yes , is he loving truly she said yes. n next day early morning she was going to go with him to temple so she said m going to sleep. I said u go then when I came in bed room I saw she was in deep sleep n ma parents too at moment I thought y should I leave...
My mother in law is in her mid 60's now and I am 41. For years, I have been infatuated with my mother in law. I fantasize about her whenever I see her or if I know I'm going to see her, and I always try to imagine what she looks like naked. The idea of seeing her naked gets me aroused, but I have never been lucky enough to see her in her birthday suit. My in-laws have been staying with us over the last several weeks on a long vacation and occasionally, I see my mother in law walking around the...
My wife and I had gone out for dinner on our anniversary. I had chosen a nice place for a romantic night out. After a five course meal and a bottle of outrageously expensive wine, we arrived back home. I had a special treat planned for her, and my stomach had been in knots all night waiting to see how it would play out. We had a male friend who had always had the hots for my wife. She always found him attractive, but up to that time nothing had ever transpired between the two of them. As we...
Hi, I’m Anjana, 27 years old, living in Chennai with family. This is a real incident which happened long back to me, which I wanted to get off my chest for a long time. I was 21 years old, studying engineering in a college. I went to college from my home daily. One fine day we saw our new neighbours arriving. The neighbour’s house is right next to us. They were a couple who were married for a year and moved here. They also brought a pet dog with them. Since I liked pets I used to spend a lot of...
The screen door slammed open and Mrs. Fielding heard running footsteps then a young voice said, "MAMMA, MAMMA there's a new girl in school and the teacher made her sit by me. I think she's nice. She rode the school bus home tonight and sat by me and everything. She said her daddy was the new preacher. Can I have her come over sometime and play?" Janice Fielding smiled and pulled her 6-year-old son into her lap as he slid to a stop beside her chair. "Slow down Son," she said. "I'm glad...
She entered the room and let the door close behind her. Her firm breasts heaved as she took in a deep breath. Her dark hair fell down to her check as her big blue eyes stared down at her feet. She wore jeans and a tank top. As she stood there, she shifted on her feet nervously. She closed her hands together in front of her and hunched her shoulders in. “Is this your first time?” I asked from where I stood. I already knew the answer. I had paid good money for ‘yes’ to be the answer. “Y-yes,” she...
Harmony Winters was meeting up with some of the lead girls in her new sorority. She was so excited. She came through the door and got greeted by Kylie Martin and Athena Rayne. Welcome to the Pussy Palace! Harmony was going to have to make sure she followed the rules if she wanted to get approval from her peers. Rule number one was to get fucked! Boy was that forward. Harmony was sure to keep that in mind as they began to play tit cup, which is just like flip cup instead you use your tits to...
xmoviesforyouAakhir us dhai akkhsar ke sabd ne apna kamal dekha hi diya.orye sabkuch itni jaldi hua ki hame kuch samay ka or nahi duniya ka pata chala.. Karib15to20 minit yun hi kab bit me khud muje sahara detehue lejana pada savita ko. Darwaja band karte hue boli apne yahan ake muje or mere pyar ko kabul kiya uske liye vo mere pav pakad li or uske sabd ne asru o ka sath leliya.kuch der rone ke bad mene use utha ke apne sine se lagaliya or mene aesa mahsus kiya jaise do premi judai ke bad jab milte...
It was a typical saturday night in college. Dumb partys with people getting drunk. except this time you were actually going to go to one of those dumb partys. The year was almost over and you wanted to go to one before the end of the year. This was the last big party so almost everypne in the school was going including your crush. Her name was eve and you had just met her this year but she was very cute. She was not too popular but had enough friends so that you could never catch her alone and...
Teenthis is not mine... but to hot to not postits's a reason women are advised to have an escort when walking home in the dark. Arya was even offered one. She refused. It was a mistake.Arya is one of those college girls that thinks she knows everything, has everything, and can just prostitute herself through school. It worked in high school, when she would just offer guys a blow job or fuck them for homework or test answers. She even bribed an...
Another year of school is over; next year you and Amanda will be freshman in the local college. Sure you were the star quarterback for the high school football team but you wonder if things might be different in college. You look longingly over at Amanda. Amanda looks back with a curious smile as the two of you walk holding hands on your way home. Would Amanda still want to be with you if you are no longer the top prospect or would she latch onto whoever was the most popular or perhaps had the...
TeenIt was Saturday morning and the big day had come for meeting the couple whom Tom and Lynette had begun to think of as the Coris superstars. Once again they were able to hitch a ride to Amelia’s house with Harry and Julie and arrived there, to be met by Elliot Hadad, Amelia’s father. “Hi there, Julie, Harry,” he greeted them. “And that large guy there is Tom, isn’t it?” He laughed. “I’m bad with names but how could I forget Tom and Lynette? Welcome. Amelia isn’t home yet but she’s on the way...
Mom also said that as teenagers we certainly needed to know how to “slow dance,” if we were ever to have girl friends. Consequently, she would frequently give us lessons on slow dancing, holding us close and swirling us around the living room to music played on the hi-fi. This latter activity! proved to be particularly interesting. Both Billy and I would get tremendous hard-ons while my mother would hold us tight as we danced. I frequently noticed that Billy almost always had an obvious...