Infidelity Ch. 01 free porn video

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Part I: Ache

She is a long woman, lean and pale. Long legs pull your eyes up to where they meet. Her long neck carries them further, to her face, that sweetly weak chin, her mouth. Only her lips are full bodied.

She has never liked her body, thinking that she is much too tall, that her hips are too wide, that her butt sticks out, that her chest is too flat, but men, and some women, enjoy watching her walk past and turn to look when she can’t see them, to imagine her naked, imagine crawling between those never-ending legs, imagine her eyes swollen and half closed with desire. Many a man or woman has sighed with a private disappointment after she has passed, the strength of the sigh depending only on the strength of imagination.

She is right, though, at least about her absent breasts. Her chest is flat: two peas on an ironing board, as some men used to joke. No one will move his (or her) hand from chest to breast and delight in the smooth curve, because there is no curve. No one will feel the rubbery texture when her breasts are pushed up from below.

She could fix this, she supposes, by having a doctor insert gelatinous bags beneath her nipples, but it wouldn’t any longer be her. It might even — one might think — take attention away from her neck or her mouth. Perhaps her breasts would grow larger if she had a child, though she is unlikely ever to know. People come as complex packages. This is what comes in hers.

What else comes is fascination. She watches the breasts of other women in her dance classes surge forward with centrifugal force during their steps, then bob around, furtive looks so well camouflaged that no one has ever suspected her, mixed with chatty commentary on technique but full of longing, enough longing to make her ashamed. She sometimes gossips about how men talk about tits and bazooms, but that’s an excuse. She has seen her own reflection in the studio mirror often enough, and found nothing noteworthy there.

She is certain she couldn’t attract a real lover and hasn’t a clue as to how her husband came to want her. She thinks it couldn’t have been her looks. Now that several years have passed since they married, and his interest has diminished, she understands that he must be tired of having to work himself up for someone who lacks a true woman’s body. Along with that understanding, she has almost convinced herself that she is reconciled to a life of little passion.

That reconciliation is an illusion: while standing before the mirror after bathing a few weeks back, she suddenly made a despairing cry and began smacking her chest with her hands. It took almost an hour to regain composure, to fix her face, before she could meet people with her usual gracious smile, backed by an inner light.


In any event, while a life of little passion defies longings it doesn’t banish them. Hers is as deep a well of desire as anyone’s, producing forbidden fantasies that entrance like visions of water on the desert, but being a good Christian woman she isn’t going to act on them. It shames her a little that she even has them. Hers may be a liberal church, full of good, open-minded people, but she struggles to be morally straight. Judge not. Only judge yourself.

Her fantasies slip into her mind at night when she is most vulnerable, forming from the swirls of almost- sleep thoughts, little universes of lust growing out of nothing, brushing her belly, awakening her body. She doesn’t feel she deliberately calls them out, but there they are, and they are insistent, full-color images of sex with this man or that from her job, movies, even her church. Sometimes he is anonymous. It really doesn’t matter. They didn’t used to include full naked bodies on display.

Ever more during one of these fantasies her hand will slip from her side to her waist to her pubic mound, over the almost hairless mound to a spot where she can stroke herself with stealthy fingers. On occasion she resists. When she does touch herself she moves the fingers slowly between her labia, circling her clitoris, getting high, afraid of waking her husband while surrendering yet again. There are times that she can’t keep herself still or quiet, when she’ll finally go into the living room or bathroom to finish.

The acts she conjures once came mainly from R-rated films or the explicit romance novels she has taken to reading, but that ended when she stayed alone at a hotel that had a pay-per-view adult movie channel. On a whim she picked a movie almost at random and was devastated. Which was stronger, disgust or desire? She probably doesn’t know to this day, but her repertoire of fantasies began growing that night.

After masturbating, once her breathing has slowed and she considers the visions that have driven her pleasure, she feels vile. Shame is her other secret burden, so much of it for such a good person. She certainly wouldn’t ever cheat with any of those men. Once or twice a man from work came on to her, just a little, and she cut him down right away.


For awhile there was one man in her fantasies more than any other, a dance partner in their little community ballet. They’ve teamed on and off in ‘The Nutcracker,’ practicing once a week, then meeting daily during performance week. She is a principal dancer. He is a volunteer from the community who replaces a non-existent male dancer, there being no senior men in the company.

They’ve enjoyed playing dress-up, dancing, pantomiming. They’ve held hands. He has kissed her hand, often, often. He is actually the only man besides her husband whom she has touched regularly in any way for years, and one evening last Fall the hand kiss suddenly made her wonder what it would be like if he kissed her mouth. What if he pulled her to him and … did what? That. All of that.

She had been expressing amazement at the dances of Herr Drosselmeyer’s toys, paying attention to the actions and positioning of the party goers, but at the thought her vision was obscured by quick flashes of fucking. She wouldn’t use that word, but it’s what she saw. It was followed that night by a detailed fantasy of degenerate sex that wouldn’t make her feel guilty: what if he kidnapped me and forced me to submit? What would he make me do?

Please don’t hurt me. You don’t have to hurt me. I’ll do anything you want.

The intensity and the pleasure frightened her, enough that she decided to avoid him, to talk only when on the floor, but the thoughts recurred throughout the season, finally fading only after the performances ended, when she wouldn’t see him for eight months because their lives are completely separate and he too has a spouse.

How many little ballet troupes are there, hundreds? All performing ‘The Nutcracker’? How many fantasies are generated by them? How many come to nothing?


One shouldn’t think that hers is a life of quiet desperation. She keeps telling herself it is a good life, economically, religiously, intellectually, and much of the time it is exactly that. Every life has some issues, she argues persuasively. She keeps herself busy.

And yet.

She has growing periods when can’t stand to be around other people. She withdraws to her room to think and be alone, to trace the passing of the years, to fantasize and to wonder what happened to her life, how at one time everything had seemed possible.

Along with her romance novels she has started reading poetry from her old college textbooks. One Sunday afternoon she read ‘To His Coy Mistress.’ When she came to the line ‘time’s wing’d chariot hurrying near,’ she threw the book across the room.


That was her life until this evening, when something happened.

What was it? As winter passed, her fantasies had shifted around to focus on some stranger she saw at the grocery, when she unexpectedly saw him — *the* him. It is out of season for him, late spring, but there is a party thrown by a couple who t
urn out to be friends of friends of each. It’s how a small world works. It’s also how her God shows His sense of humor by — just for the fun of it — setting the stage for her seduction. Or perhaps He has another wager with Satan.

The earth is enjoying one of its magic times, the air rich with unimaginable varieties of blooms. The flowering began weeks ago and will continue another month, first early bloomers like forsythia, fruit trees, and daffodils, then the later blossoms to carry springtime along. The azaleas and their kin are colorful, the dogwoods, though, are achingly white and this is dogwood country.

It rained earlier today. The air is still sweet with it, the walk damp underfoot, and isolated drops still fall from the oaks, but the sky is almost clear and there is the slimmest crescent of a moon. Lone baby clouds scoot low in the sky, hurrying to a place people never see. Down below, the trees and shrubs have been waving to the sky all afternoon, a physical hosanna to whatever deities of Spring they worship.

She first saw him when she looked up from the walk, her mind filled with patterns of mud and raindrops, smelling the rain-cleansed air, aware of the clouds. He arrived in a sudden gust, without his wife, and when she saw him she felt the earth lurch, or the time, or something. Her husband was with her, but he groused about these boring parties and finally asked if she could find a ride home later, so that he could leave. Then *he* gallantly offered a ride.

So the air was charged from the beginning, exactly the same as always, but different in that indefinable way known to shamans, as though an invisible wave had washed away the part that was familiar, leaving a world that is alluring but strange. Jamais Vu. She feels shaky, physically ill at ease, and she thinks if she has a bite to eat it may help her. Or if she gets away from him. She doesn’t want to think about him.

He walks to the table with her.

They have to talk, of course. She comes up with something interesting to say while he spreads baba ganousch on pita, nothing really, but they are able to chit-chat. It may all amount to nothing. She takes fresh vegetables and some kind of dip. It may be easy. She feels nothing special, and is about to relax when he takes her hand to pull her away from blocking the kitchen door.

Yes, the hand feels the same. It is a large hand, warm, not rough, and without warning there is the memory of rehearsal, of how his hands always did feel especially warm to her.

She hadn’t considered his hands when they first met, when his daughters took ballet and he spent his time playing with the smallest children, helping them do backward flips and giving them airplane rides. She had just thought he was funny, still a big kid though much older than she.

His hands. They announced themselves later, when the two of them had played husband and wife so long that they could casually hold each other’s before going on stage, and his would help warm hers until the lights heated the air.

There is another, related memory, the one she doesn’t want to remember, the one of yearning and remorse. It is of that first, really cold night of dress rehearsal last December, how she had been shivering and huddling backstage, and how he had seen her and put his tuxedo jacket over her shoulders without being asked. When she had hugged it around herself she had smelled him and been suffused in his body heat. Though this was after her decision to avoid him, the smell and the feeling and the fact that he was so thoughtful had made her think about him all night long and want him to hold her.

It was bad, so bad that she had forgotten a step during one of their dances together.

She couldn’t not think of him, but she’d stayed away from him as much as she could and she hadn’t really thanked him. She knows she was cold to him and once again feels shame.

The memory arouses fantasies and regrets from wherever they have been resting, leaving her shy, making her wish she could extricate herself, making her want to stay. Oh, why did her husband have to leave?

She puts aside the plate of vegetables. He gets her a drink and their hands touch when she takes it.

Someone asks them to show a step from the ballet. This inspiration is doubtless generated by higher powers: these are arts people, sure, but there is no reason for this. The question leads to discussion of which step to show, a hasty improvisation, and the required holding of hands. The kiss on the hand. She tries to look lighthearted.

There is real improvisation when he spins her under his overstretched hands, catches her, and lets her lean down in his arms like a swing dancer. Their bodies touch, brush, catch on each other. For a second his face is right over hers and he looks her full in the eyes while she leans against his arm and body and tries not to look back up at him. She is frozen. She thinks he may kiss her right now.

An epiphany: all at once and without words she knows that he desires her.

Why doesn’t she laugh and get up, move away? She could. It would be easy, if only she and her body weren’t so busy betraying each other.

So she lies back in his arms and looks up at him blankly, swallowing, unable to muster the coquettish look she would once have used, telling herself not to be stupid but out of the blue feeling those sensations, the tingle or spark or subtle movement about her sex, the sensation like a tiny electrical current, the odd stirring in her lower belly. She knows them well, just hasn’t felt them from contact with a man — not like this — in a long time. She feels herself growing vaguely damp where her vagina touches her panties. She thinks she can feel a bit, just a tiny bit, of trickling, a minute tickle along the walls of her labia, before finally he lets her up.

He wants me. He does. Me.

The thoughts echo, circle, blend with the fragments of fantasy and the sensations in her belly, and tell her that something is happening to her. Can anyone else tell? She looks around at the other guests, laughing and clapping or not paying them much attention at all. Thank you, Lord.

She needs separation and self-control, so leads him to a couch where she sits in a corner, but her leg touches his because all the seats are taken. She crosses her legs and her arms and leans as far into the corner as she can, to make herself invisible, to sort her feelings and get control of them.

There is general conversation. He is telling stories about major blunders during their performances, about prima donnas and untied Pointe shoes. She makes just a small comment now and then. She’s normally active in these things, but she needs to look at him closely and can’t do it while people look at her.

Why does she feel this way? Is there a clue in his flesh? If he acts childlike sometimes, and he looks younger than his years, how can his eyes be surrounded by fine wrinkles that form folds upon folds when he smiles, and why does one eyelid droop a bit more than the other? Was he injured once?

The hostess announces a fresh plate of canapés. She calls them ‘munchies.’

Our good woman is not hungry now, not at all. She looks around the room. The picture window is framed with a deep green cornice and drapes. She tries to watch the man via his reflection, but there are ghost figures behind him. When she focuses on them they become two teenagers who must belong to people inside, embracing just outside on the sidewalk. Their foreheads and noses touch as they talk, then they kiss deeply and open-mouthed, pasturing on each other.

Her mind flicks instantly to the political campaign, how Al and Tipper Gore had kissed at the Democratic convention. She hadn’t liked it at all, because it was so hard and unmoving — a fifties movie kiss.

Back flicks her mind and she is again being held by her dance partner, but this time he does bend to her and start to kiss, the kiss of the teens,
lips and tongues, a kiss that goes on and on, lovingly and sensually, until there is one final flash and she realizes two things: that they couldn’t kiss like that in front of everyone and that the hostess is holding a tray of munchies out toward her.

The conversation is all party talk, never turning toward anything serious, but twice, when someone asks about her husband, she says, ‘Oh, he’s fine,’ in *that* voice, the one that says she doesn’t want to talk about him. The second time, her dancer friend turns just a little to look at her with a serious expression.

‘Isn’t it stuffy in here?’

Yes it is, suddenly. He asks if she would like to walk on the deck out back.

Thank God! There may not be such an easy opportunity to stop this later. He hasn’t been obvious, but she saw how he looked at her. She knows he wants to be alone with her, and that he knows that she knows, and all that. They understand each other completely, so when she says ‘no’ he will understand that, too.

‘Just a minute. I have to find my shawl.’


It is time, time for time to accelerate. Not the clock, but the experience. There is a sense of something rushing, of movement in the earth, though the wind has gone away to rest, and the air is finally still. Expectant. Naturally the night is empty for them, as though prepared in advance.

She feels it. Does he?

It is cool enough for her to pull her wool wrap tightly, but the night doesn’t seem to affect him a bit, he doesn’t even wear a sweater.

What’s he saying? There’s some flowering ajuga just below the deck. There, see? He leans out over the rail of the deck to make his point, standing closer to her than he should and she can feel the heat pouring off him. She looks, but she’s too aware of his closeness to pay attention, so just says ‘Um hmm.’

It isn’t that she’s thoughtless. She’s thinking the whole time, setting scenes and conversation, visualizing possibilities. How would he take it if I put my hand on his arm, if I simply rested it there? I could lay it there only for a second. What would he do? Would he freeze? Get shy? Take it as an invitation?

She almost does it. No, no, no! This is getting absurd. It’s time to go back in.

They don’t. Different music begins, something slow and familiar that she can’t quite place. He asks, ‘Dance?’ and takes her hand at almost the same instant. Inside her the alarm bells go off, clanging in the night, warning her that this isn’t any longer fantasy, telling her to refuse as she turns toward him to look, first to his mouth, then up to his eyes. She sees the party inside through half-open blinds, only for a second before the view is blocked by his body. Say no thank-you, she tells herself. She doesn’t say anything at all.

This is how it happens, not to everyone but to her. She hasn’t decided in her mind to let this man fuck her. She probably couldn’t make such a decision, not coldly, not in advance. There is simply a flow to events. One would think that she would get help with her resolve.

So they begin to dance. It is slow motion. It is like lightning. She puts her free hand on his shoulder, feels his hand on her waist, lets him begin the step, judges his stride and his rhythm. They’re too far apart, dancing like children, so ludicrous. She is talking to herself, trying to understand what is happening, though what seems most important is that she shouldn’t stand so awkwardly apart from her partner, so she steps closer and lets him slide his hand around to the small of her back, to pull her gently to his body. He is large, he almost envelopes her.

Her face is at his shoulder. It brings the memory of December, how his tux jacket felt, the heat, the faint smell of Mennen now replaced by the real thing. She can feel his real heat with her cheek. Then, without any internal argument at all, she lays her head on his shoulder and leans her body completely up against his. It is a big step, her first one to push the situation along, and it scares her to death.

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 20 The Roadside Affair

"Wow," Ana said almost cumming from the mere recap she had been given by a still very excited Dolly of their experiences with the Mistress' Daughter and the Ever-Cumming Empress. "Wait until I tell Hannah all that, it will drive her crazy (not that she isn't already)." "Hannah," Dolly asked confused, "Why Hannah in particular? She has her Master and I doubt any other dominators would interest her." Biting her lip Ana said, "It's nothing, just that the true Mistress' has a deal...

4 years ago
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my BBW 2

Next adventure with my bbw fwb.The next time we met was in a hotel.I got tge room, had a shower, she got there a little bit later, jumped in the shower. When she came out in her thong I felt my cock stirring. She said your drier than I am so roll over. She climbed on the bed and started to rub my back. Really hot as she rubbed and licked my back. As she moved up and down my back I could feel her hard nipples on me. Again, hard as a rock.She slid down and rubbed my legs and started to rub and...

3 years ago
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The Pussy Train II

Then it happened. It was October 17th and it was raining hard. Robin and I were waiting for the train and we were soaked. The train stopped at precisely 10:00 and we got on. It was tough getting our wet clothes off, but we made the 30 second deadline. After we were naked (by this time, I had no problem seeing my best friend naked and attentive – if you catch my drift – and didn’t care if he saw me) we were just going to put out clothes in the lockers when a fully clothed woman came...

4 years ago
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Haileys Vacation Part 2

Over the next week, Hailey and Rick spent almost every waking hour together. They went swimming, parasailing, hiking, bike riding, and more together. They decided to take the sunset horseback ride in her last week, as it filled up so quickly and discovered it was one of the few times still available. Then they learned there would be a special ball at the beginning of her second week and Mr. Talbott wanted all the guests there. Hailey realized such a formal occasion required a gown she neither...

1 year ago
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Neighborhood Restaurant Surprise Kimi

I - The Meeting In the neighborhood restaurant I frequented weeknights after work, I had developed a friendly relationship with several of the college kids who worked as servers. Always having been attracted to the most feminine and petite of girls, dark, almond shaped eyes being a super plus, I was very pleased when Crystal introduced Kimi, a trainee who was working her first shift. Crystal was likely around 20 and cute as can be with a warm smile and the most welcome habit of touching me on...

She Males
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A story with a young Chinese woman III

Most of her co-workers were leaving the office, when Bai Jie came out from the rest rooms. She said good bye to a few of them. Then, while waiting for the elevator, she pretended to have forgotten something in her tiny cubicle. She waited, and when they were all gone, she quickly walked to the staircase and began to climb it while she took some of her clothing off. She now had her light summer jacket over her arm. Her shirt was now in her handbag and her panties had disappeared when she had...

4 years ago
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wtf wtf was that homie i dont know

it was quite a day, & a night. the man, this guy, fella, or whatever, or however said had quite a bit of a Friday of the weekend with some, or such of his homies, partying with his male friends, & their female dates after work, winding down after a rather busy week, not really thinking about any religious church service, &/or sabbathical sunday school class whereas if anything it was like, "homies, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, see you when I get there.", & so they...

3 years ago
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TMNT Project April

Manhattan was sinking, or so it felt to the few people who dared to get out of under a roof that night. The sky poured water so violently and in such abondance that it hurt the back of the unlucky ones who had to run from shelter to shelter, bent in two and holding a soaked hat, a newspaper or more rarely, a worn umbrella over their head. Relatively protected from the deluge by a low balcony, a dark figure stood in a poorly lit alley, watching the occasionnal car drive by slowly. His felt hat...

4 years ago
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BBC for Teacher Part 3

"I really don't know what has come  over me, April!" I texted my friend, while lazing in a hot tub of bubbly water. I was describing to her how I had let one of my students parents fuck me with his big, black cock right in my classroom. Talking about it was making me hot all over again. The scent of vanilla wafted around me. I set the phone back on the side of the tub and ran my hand down over my pussy lips, making sure that the razor didn't miss any hair. A moan escaped my lips and I slipped a...

2 years ago
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Wifes 5k Out of Town Part 2

Oops, I did it again only worse this time. Apparently, Justin told his friends at work about what happened and gave them my number.  They started texting and calling me the day after and wanted to meet up.  Angela was going to go sight-seeing since she didn't get to go last night.  I told her I was sore and wanted to stay in and that she could go out without me. I texted them back and said if they wanted to come to the hotel, they could.  They said they'd go anywhere to get some of what Justin...

Wife Lovers
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Piggy Buddies

When Hans’ parents got divorced his mom and he moved to Basel, a city in the north of Switzerland. It was a very modest one-bedroom apartment and not only did they have to share a bathroom, but Hans had to sleep on a sleeper couch in the living room. It was all they could afford at that time and Hans uncomplaining as ever, did not mind the inconvenience. Hans had always been easy going due to his social awkwardness and contented to go with the flow.Hans was diminutive and rather unattractive....

Gay Male
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Mercado LakeChapter 3

Ethel sat Ann, Brenda and Father Adams at the kitchen table and started to busy herself fixing breakfast for all of them. Just as she sat the food in front of them there was a knock on the door. Father Adams walked into the living room and answered the door. He returned in a minute followed by another man who introduced himself as Sam Bradbury, Rosie Bradbury's son. Ethel got him a coffee and sat him down at the kitchen table. She insisted that he allow Ann and the baby to get something to...

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oliver teases his sister 4

I plopped on the couch, trying to figure out what just happened. Why had she gotten so mad She pretty much willingly stripped for me. But when I kissed her, she got pissed at me I shook my head. Pulling my legs onto the sofa, I finished the movie and tried to forget about Miracle and her mixed signals. Hours later, I heard footsteps. By now, it was pretty late; around one in the morning. Miracle walked in the room, and sat down by me. I glanced at her. She was staring at the television....

3 years ago
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Jungle Man Ch 03

Sighing contentedly, Clara murmured something and snuggled back into the source of heat behind her. Lazy hands were running up and down the front of her body, learning each hollow and secret she had. Soft kisses, licks, and nips explored the nape of her neck, shoulder, back. Drowsily Clara lifted her eyes, already swimming in desire. She was in a huge bed, bigger than the one in the room she rented in the village. Soft white sheets caressed her body, blending with the hands and lips drifting...

2 years ago
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Vidya A Horny Girl From Mumbai

Hello all my lovely iss readers. I am rocky from mumbai. Once again came with a new story. Thanks for your replys. Mostly thanks to those who are my close friends and fuck buddies. Mail me at You can chat with me girls, aunty and bhabhi. So this story is between me and vidya. Vidya normal girl hai jo mumbai me rehti hai. About her stats she is 40-38-42 yes she is bulky. But really she so frank any 1 can be her friend. Vidya meri friend ki friend hai. Hum do no pehli bar friend k birthday party...

4 years ago
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The first thing that I noticed about Josie was her beautiful smile.When people describe a smile as being able to light a room, then Josies smile was just that.I drive a medium size camper van and had driven into a car-park. I was aware of someone in the next car. I glanced over and saw a woman eating a pasty.Our eyes met and she gave me that amazing smile. It was warm, inviting, a genuinely happy smile.I felt that I had to speak to her, at least make contact in some way. I wound down the window...

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Paddled In the Boondocks

Paddled In the Boondocks Copyright 2011 Christopher D.B. This story is the second part in a series.  The original story is tilted, Off-Road Goddess.  You will find it here at for a while east of the city on a two lane state highway, I easily found the turnoff I was looking for onto a secondary road.  Several miles later and just past a cluster of grain silos, I found the next turn which led down a narrow winding road.  I had no GPS system in my old car and hadn’t...

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Fantasy Come Nightmare

Fantasy Come Nightmare I walked in my flat where I lived alone, I took off my fleece and workboots and put them in the cupboard. I stepped into the bathroom where I stripped out of my filthy work clothes and got in the shower. I washed away all of the dust and muck I'd collected from a hard day on the construction site before I got out the razor and shaved away the hair from my legs, chest and armpits. This was a regular thing so it was more like stubble than regular hair. I got...

2 years ago
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At the age of 42 I lost my job and got divorced. I lost everything and had to move back in with my parents. My mom, Linda, is 58 and my dad, Bill, is 62. Bill has been working out of town a lot over the last year so he was happy to have me around to keep my mom company. Mom has her best friend, Vicky, hanging around also. Vicky has been staying at the house and we have had a good time sitting around talking and drinking. Mom has jet black hair and mid size boobs, she is not ugly but she is not...

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Lisa at Peters House

I had myself prepared and ready for john to pick me up with 5 mins to spare. I chose a slightly shorter black lycra skirt., 4 inches above the knee, but respectable enough for the neighbours. .My quarter cup bra was lifting my boobs enough for my nipples to push through my black net top, so I had to put a jacket on for the short walk to the car. I was just beginning to feel the effects of the cider I had been drinking. My pussy was nice and moist, just wet enough to lube my butt...

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The Contract Part 2

On Monday, Kyle kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to honor our contract, and I assured him I did.  To prove my resolve, I rubbed his crotch while telling him I was positive.  He chuckled and put his hands on my breasts.  More than anything, I wanted to continue exploring with him.Tuesday, the day after our parents came back from their golfing weekend, I went to Kyle’s room as soon as they went to work.  I removed my pajamas and crawled into bed with my sleeping brother.  Stretching out on...

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Animal FarmChapter 5

Fishing a handkerchief out of his pocket, Phil withdrew his limp cock from Stacy's overflowing cunt, wiped, then pressed the handkerchief between her legs. He pulled his pants and shorts up, and then climbed over into the front behind the wheel. Clamping her legs together, Stacy quickly slipped her dress over her head and had it on, with a little help from Al, by the time Phil had gotten rid of the speaker and started the car. On the big screen, the good guy and the bad guy seemed to be...

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My Transformed Wife

"Sometimes I wish I just had a dick," my wife said, wincing and squeezing her heating pad into her abdomen. She said this at least once a month, when her period would bring on two or three days worth of cramps and bloating. I grinned and rubbed her stomach, "If you had one, you would just spend all your time playing with it and peeing standing up." She giggled and squeezed my cock through my pants, "That doesn't sound so bad."We never said anything beyond this, but from the first time she had...

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Justys Surprise

Those here on this site who know me, already know the basics of my story. I have been married three times, divorced twice, and for financial reasons I’m now trapped in a loveless, joyless, sexless third marriage. Frank doesn’t hit me or anything, there’s just really no marriage anymore. But I still really, really enjoy sex…just not with Frank any more. Over the past eight years since our marriage basically became meaningless, I have had five male lovers outside of my marriage. My friends here...

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The best surprise

Ever since Todd had learned I have dated other women he has been hounding me to have a threesome. I am into the idea but neither of us knew any women who we would want to join us. We have talk about getting an escort but just nothing has come of it yet.Well looking on our local Backpage I was always drawn to the TS ads. I've always thought trans women were beautiful and alluring. The combination of the femininity of their curves and the masculinity of their cocks is just so incredibly sexy. I...

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Brides Hell

The shotgun weddingThe happy couple stands at the altar as the priest blesses them and their new life together. The bride’s veil covers her eyes which are cast down. Her husband’s seemingly supportive arm holds her. It’s too tight a hold. It hurts. But she doesn’t flinch. She is too numb to flinch. The lovely young bride, a beautiful twenty year old virgin with cherry lips and flawless skin, has just given her life away. She barely knew the old man who was standing next to her. He was literally...

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Dawns AwakeningSixth Awakening

I was led, stumbling and not surprisingly, a little weak, through a hidden door to a luxurious en suite bathroom. I was newly drugged, bathed, douched, enema'ed, showered pampered and finally oiled. I felt and smelled wonderful when I was led back to the Playroom about an hour later. Mistress Lucy had the Japanese girl squirming on her fist, her tight tummy muscles rippling from the strong penetrations. I wanted to be on that fist... Lucy had hardly touched me in all the hours I had been...

4 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 47

The school grief counselor came walking toward us, a big smile on his face, like a shark discovering a particularly tasty meal that has no chance of escape. He held his hand out to Daddy. "Dr. Elliot Driscoll, District Grief Counselor." Daddy ignored his outstretched hand. "My daughter is just fine. Keep your grimy mitts off her." He stood up straight and with an offended look on his face said, "I'll have you know that I could prevent your daughter from graduating early." Daddy...

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Coping with Retirement part 5 Sibling Rivalry

You’ll get more out of it if you’ve read the story so far, but it does stand alone too. ............... “So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful younger sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. “Nothing!” said John, looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.” That was true. Our...

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Sandra The Finale

I parked my truck across the street from the motel. On the off-chance I was in for some bad luck, I didn’t want anybody to see my truck outside one of their rooms. I was a half-hour early so I sat there waiting for Sandra to arrive by taxi.That’s odd. I spotted Baxter and a guy exiting one of the rooms. They got into a red Town Car and drove off. Hmmm. Baxter has something going on, I thought.Twenty minutes later, Sandra got out of a taxi and entered the motel office. After a few minutes, I saw...

Straight Sex
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Ex Step Daughter Cums For Her Moms Stuff

It was hard kicking Sylvia out. We hadnt lived together for very long and then again we simply did not have the chemistry to date, let alone live together. Wed never clicked as a couple. So the hard part was not to come to the conclusion that hey – I got to get rid of this bitch. The hard part for a loser like me is to work up the courage to do it. When I did, she went back to stay with the older of her two daughters, Bridget. Around the time we met she was also staying at her daughters...

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Kevin Seduced by Mom and sister

Kevin Seduced by Mom and sisterNancy’s husband Jim got up early, showered, dressed, grabbed his packed bags and headed to the airport. He had an early flight out for business and would be gone all week. She drove him to the airport and dropped him off like she did every other week. He kissed her goodbye, told her he loved her and would see her Friday night. Then Jim disappeared into the airport and Nancy headed for home.Nancy had looked forward to this day for several months. She was excited,...

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NaughtyOffice Violet Starr 22991

What will it take to sway the big boss to use your idea? If you’re Violet Starr, it’s your sex appeal and pretty pink pussy. Violet’s corporate arch nemesis Keisha Grey has been on the rise way too much for her liking, and she’s got to do something about it — like cornering the CEO, Damon, and giving him more cleavage than he can handle. And once he’s vulnerable, Violet attacks with the big ass that got her the job in the first place. An office blowjob later and Damon is suddenly giving...

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the club

My job takes me to many different places during the year. Traveling isn’t really that bad. I visit new cities all the time, stay in five star hotels, and eat well. Couldn’t ask for more.When I travel, I like to visit new places in a city, try new restaurants, or even go to a few clubs. I was in Los Angeles this time. I’ve been there so often, I was running out of ideas. I asked the clerk behind the desk if he’d heard of any new clubs that were supposed to be exciting. He told me about one club...

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