Liar Ch. 04 free porn video

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The reception was held in the grand ballroom of the finest hotel in Reston. Judging by the immaculate decorating, Brodie’s parents obviously spared no expense. Lit only by what must’ve been hundreds of candles, only added an element of awe. What wasn’t dripping with silk, and accented with crystal and gold was covered with white flowers ranging from roses, orchids, lilies, and other exotic flowers. Most of the evening had gone by with Sloane truly enjoying herself.. She almost forgot the reason why she had stayed away so long. Almost. Her family and friends provided her with only a temporary distraction from Gabriel. Every time she dared to sneak a look at him, his attentions were preoccupied with the pretty maid of honor he had been paired up with for the wedding.

Choosing to ignore the stab of jealousy she felt at the sight of the maid of honor in Gabe’s company, she drew on the anger she felt during her and Gabe’s first ‘encounter’. Or whatever she wanted to call their silent battle during the wedding ceremony. When she had turned to catch a glimpse of Dean, the church full of people faded into dead silence as her gaze collided with his. Sloane could only her heart pounding thunderously in her chest.

Gabriel Jennings was still the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. He looked older, of course, but time had clearly been good to him, very good. His hair was cut closer to his head, bringing out all the intriguing angles of his face. The lips pulled back into a cocky smirk as his gaze intensely locked on hers, daring her to shudder. It was then she knew was he was doing. He was intentionally trying to get a rise out of her..

If he thought she was the same heartbroken girl that left, he had another thing coming. Squaring her shoulders, she pinned him with a glare that made flipping the bird in a church look like a nice gesture.

‘Sloane?’ The masculine voice followed by a slight nudge shook Sloane out of her thoughts. She blinked, registering Walker Jensen’s face staring back at her questioningly, ‘Darling, are you paying attention?’

Sloane hesitated before slowly answering, ‘Of course…you were telling me about your promotion?’ She prayed that’s what they were still talking about. They had been on the subject for the last two songs.

He looked at her quizzically for a moment before smiling darkly, ‘I’ve always liked a woman who knew how to listen.’

Sloane smiled sweetly at him rather than voice what she really wanted to say in response to his flagrant double meaning.

As Walker continued talking, she resumed tuning him out. Sloane supposed she could’ve been attracted to Walker based on appearances alone. However listening to him as he went on and on about how he was God’s gift to basically every noun had her wishing she never said hello to him at the start of the evening.

The whole thing gave her a headache that only paled in comparison to the throbbing radiating from her feet. Had she known Walker would be so insistent on dancing to nearly every song, she may have rethought her decision to wear the sky high stilettos. After the numerous spins around the dance floor, her feet and sanity were screaming mercy. When the song ended she hurried out of Walker’s embrace, glad for opportunity to seek refuge and to give her feet an overdue rest.

‘Let’s get out of here.’ Walker commanded, rather than stated. He gripped her elbow and started to steer her towards the exit.

‘There’s Layla.’ Sloane said quickly, ducking quickly out of Walker’s grip. Sloane hurried off in Layla’s direction.

‘Keep walking and don’t turn around.’ Sloane whispered to Layla linking her arm with hers as she met up with her.

‘Walker too much for you?’ Layla replied sarcastically.

‘Oh yeah…he’s something alright.’ Sloane replied.


‘I can’t believe you’re actually leaving tomorrow.’ Layla said softly. Sloane stopped chewing her pizza to look over to Layla across the room. Tears that brimmed Layla’s hazel eyes, threatened to spill over, as they had frequently during the evening.

‘Not again.’ Sloane sighed, setting her pizza down. They were taking a break from packing up all of Sloane’s stuff that had accumulated in Layla’s room since childhood. ‘It’s not like I’m never coming back. I’ll be back whenever I can.’

‘You know what I can’t understand?’ Layla sniffed, ‘Why you chose to go to Cali-freaking-fornia. What happened to staying here and going to State?’

Sloane shrugged as nonchalant as she could, but she knew exactly what happened. Gabriel Jennings. That’s what happened. He was a man not known for his bedside manner. She was the foolish girl that thought she was different. It was an old story and lousy one at that. The truth of Sloane’s feelings for Gabe hit her like a ton a bricks. Sloane wasn’t naïve, she knew sex always complicates things, but she had always liked him on some level or she would’ve never slept with him that day.

Sloane started fidgeting, something she only did when she was nervous. Picking up on the action, Layla gave her a curious look.

‘My mom’s parents live out there and this gives me a chance to get to know them.’ Sloane spoke finally, ‘Not to mention I’ve lived the last 18 years of my life under the unwanted protective custody of my brothers. I want to experience the world. If I don’t get out of here now I don’t think I’m ever going to. I feel like this is my chance.’ Sloane let a silent sigh of relief when Layla looked to have accepted her partially true answer.

‘Well then I’m happy for you.’ Layla said, her voice wavering before sobbing all over again, ‘My best friend in the whole world is going away to a college a bazillion miles away, while I’m stuck here soon to be big as a freaking house.’

‘C’mon Layla, you’re pregnant. Getting big as a house is inevitable,’ Sloane couldn’t help but giggle at her friend’s overdramatic reaction, ‘And if you ask me, you being upset about me leaving is just smoke screen for what’s really bothering you.’

‘And that would be what Dr. Bennett?’ Layla teased.

‘With me gone you’ll have no choice but to open up and lean on Jackson.’ Sloane said quickly.

‘No…’ Layla protested.

‘Yes.’ Sloane corrected, ‘Since you found about this pregnancy, you’ve spent more time with me than you have with Jackson.’

‘That’s not fair, you’re leaving…’

‘I know, and I love you for trying to spend as much time as possible before I leave. And as scared as you are about this pregnancy, I’m sure Jackson is too. Remember this isn’t just your baby. It’s both of yours. Something that he wants to be a part of, every step of the way. Whether or not you want to see it, he loves you Lay. Open your eyes.’

‘Did you talk to Gabe today or something?’ Layla said after a long time spent in silence. The sudden mention of Gabe taking Sloane by surprise.

‘Gabe? No. Why?’

‘Nothing really, just that he basically said the exact same thing.’ Layla replied, ‘You two are freakishly in sync for people who barely say two words to each other. Although…’

‘Although what?’ Sloane asked.

‘You didn’t tell him you weren’t going to State with us in the fall, did you?’

‘No. You didn’t tell him did you?’ Sloane said, unable to mask the anxiety in her voice.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t know it was a national secret.’ Layla shot back.

‘It’s not.’ Sloane covered.

‘Well…when I mentioned the two of us hanging out tonight since you were leaving tomorrow, he bombarded me with questions. You should’ve seen his face when I told him you were going to school in California. If I didn’t know better, I would say he likes you Sloane.’ Layla said, before looking at Sloane and shaking her head, and laughing ‘No, that’s crazy.’

‘Yeah. Crazy.’ Sloane replied just before she broke down and started crying.

‘Oh my god! Sloane what’s the matter?’ Layla asked.


The reception was in full swing. The music was great and the alcohol was abundant. There was an endless supply of willing female company. Distractions shouldn’t have been in shortage, however Gabe found himself unable to tear his attention away from the dance floor, more specifically the raven haired beauty right smack dab in the middle of it.

He sipped his beer slowly as he watched Sloane move to the music. Sloane had always been a graceful dancer, but watching her now he couldn’t help but noticed that she had clearly picked up a thing or two. He wondered what else she had learned in the last six years. Her dress clung to her body, leaving little to the imagination. His gaze traveled down her lithe body, stopping to appreciate the way the fabric of her gold dressed stretched across her ass as she swayed rhythmically to the beat.

Gabe hadn’t been the only one appreciating the view. He had spent the better part of the evening watching Walker Jensen attempt to mark his claim on Sloane. His desire to break Walker’s fingers was only subdued by his greater desire not to cause a scene. It appeared that Sloane was doing a good job at keeping him at bay, but Gabe knew Walker and knew his reputation. He’d have to keep an eye on him. For Sloane’s own safety of course.

‘You have got to be the worst best man in history.’ Gabe tore his attention away to see Dean hovering over him.

‘I told you choosing Gabe to be your best man were a mistake. You should’ve picked me.’ Added Jackson accompanied by Layla wearing her usual irritated expression whenever she looked at him.

‘I’ll make up for it at your next wedding.’ Gabe replied, grinning.

Dean chuckled before plopping down in the seat a few down from Gabe, ‘Don’t hold your breath. Brodie is my life. Hell, the woman will probably be the death of me as well. I still can’t believe she married me.’

‘Damn well took you long enough.’ Gabe said, ‘You should’ve done it a long time ago.’

‘Amen.’ Jackson agreed, ‘That should mean a lot coming from Jennings. He’s been through half the female population. We all remember my bachelor party, right?’

‘Hey now!’ Gabe chuckled, looking at Dean he replied, ‘You’re no saint either. If memory serves, pre-Brodie, you were working your way through other half. I’m just catching up.’

‘He’s a married man now,’ Jackson said sitting down and pulling Layla into his lap, ‘Let me be the first to welcome you to the club.’

‘Better late than never, right?’ Dean said looking directly at Gabe before shaking his head, ‘I don’t suppose you’d understand.’

‘Nope, not a clue. Do you have your hotel key?’ Gabe said, changing the subject, ‘I gave mine to Johnna.’

He, Jude, Jackson and Dean had stayed in the hotel the night before, and had the room for another night. Working his frustration out with Johnna, the sexy maid of honor, was a lot better than the source of it.

‘Johnna? Again? I think she’s becoming a habit.’ Dean commented raising his eyebrows.

‘Don’t go exaggerating now. We have a mutual…’ Gabe trailed off, grinning devilishly before he finished, ‘Understanding.’

Dean met Gabe’s gaze and shook his head,’ Karmas a bitch bro. One of these days you’re going to be the one waking up alone the morning after.’ His statement eliciting a small choking sound from Layla that she tried to cover up by coughing.

‘Are you okay?’ Jackson asked Layla, his eyebrows furrowed in concern ‘Do you need some water?’

‘I can manage it myself. I need to check on JJ and Connor anyways. They’re probably getting into all sorts of trouble. Just like their daddy used to.’ Layla said, getting off his lap.

‘Who are you fooling, Layla? Their daddy still does.’ Gabe added grabbing her attention. Layla scoffed before rolling her eyes and walking off.

‘I don’t know what you did to her Gabe, but she’s always been…’ Jackson trailed off, ‘Less than fond of you.’

‘That’s an understatement.’ Dean laughed.

‘I think she’s coming around. She almost lasted a whole minute this time.’ Gabe laughed as he saw Sloane meet up with Layla.

‘Yeah, but tonight’s different. Layla’s usually not this obvious with it.’ Jackson replied.

‘Do you blame her?’ Dean said suddenly, prompting curious looks from both Jackson and Gabe, ‘I mean, Sloane was her best friend.’

His comment caught Gabe by surprise causing him to choke on his beer. There was no way Dean could know. Aside from Layla and Jude, no one else knew. He turned to see Dean already staring at him with a look he was all too familiar with. The unfamiliarity was that he had never been the unlucky bastard on the receiving end of it.

‘Whew! Great party Dean. Two down, one more to go and then all these fine ladies are mine for the picking.’ Jude said approaching the table. He looked between Dean and Gabe, ‘What’d I miss?’

‘You’re right in time actually,’ Dean started followed by the longest and most uncomfortable moment of silence, ‘We were just about to discuss how Gabe fucked my baby sister.’


Discovering Sloane was leaving tomorrow had been a shock. The fact that he had to find out from Layla, not Sloane, felt like betrayal. Gabe knew her sudden ‘epiphany’ to go to school in California, instead of State as she always planned, had to do with him, rather than the reason that Dean had told him earlier.

He had spent the last couple months playing Sloane and his feelings for her off as if nothing had happened. He wasn’t an idiot. He knew that it would make her hate him. It was a repercussion he was willing to make until he could sort out his true feelings for her. He couldn’t chance making a rash decision, not when his friendship with Dean and Sloane hung in the balance. Now she was leaving and with her went any chance of finding out.

Gabe had been sitting on his porch waiting for Sloane when she pulled her dad’s car into the driveway. He was already on his way towards here before she even shut off the engine. Moving soundlessly through the night, the cool summer breeze carried her unique scent in the night air. Preoccupied with getting a rather large box out of the backseat, Sloane didn’t see him advance. However, he saw her still momentarily, as if sensing his presence.

‘Quit sneaking up on me.’ She called over her shoulder, not bothering to stop her actions. ‘It’s screams creepy stalker.’

‘Speaking from experience I have the utmost confidence that you could take out any unwanted assailant.’ Gabe said, just as Sloane punched the box, muttering a few choice words in frustration, ‘You kiss your mother with that mouth?’

‘I’ve kissed a lot worse.’ Sloane said finally turning around to face him. He hadn’t been that close to her since that night. Gabe wasn’t sure if was just the moonlight, but for the first time he realized just how beautiful Sloane was.

Pushing her aside gently to lift the box effortlessly out of the back seat, he took in the contents of the box, ‘So you’re really leaving?’

‘Yep.’ Sloane replied, snatching the box from him. He saw her shift under the weight of the box, but continued to walk as if it didn’t faze her. The woman was stubborn as a mule.

‘Let me get that.’ Gabe said following her, ‘It’s obviously too heavy for you.’

‘I’m fine.’ Sloane replied, before setting the box on the trunk. He saw her pale green eyes widen with discomfort when she turned to see him so close to her, ‘A little space please.’

‘California isn’t space enough?’ Gabe said, getting right to it.

‘Asks the man who’s been avoiding me for months.’ Sloane countered. Crossing her arms, she unintentionally drew his attention to his breasts. Following his eye line, she uncrossed her arms and settled on sticking her hands into her pockets.

‘I haven’t been avoiding you.’ Gabe started, ‘I just needed time to-‘

‘I really don’t care.’ Sloane interrupted. Although her voice never once wavered or cracked,
the look in her eyes said everything that she refused to. He had hurt her,’ What do you want, Gabe?’

‘You shouldn’t base a decision as big as moving all the way to California, because things with us are so messed up. You shouldn’t go Sloane, not because of that.’

‘Are you even listening to yourself?’ Sloane snorted, moving past him. ‘I hate to break it to you, but my world does not rise and set on your ass, Gabriel Jennings. Get over yourself.’

‘Okay so that’s not why you’re leaving,’ Gabe amended, ‘But we still need to talk about what happened that day.’

‘Why? We’re just going to say it was another mistake. Which I realize now how stupid of one it was. So let’s just call it even and move on.’

‘You really think it was a mistake?’ Gabe asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

‘Good night Gabriel.’ Sloane replied, evading his question.

‘Answer the question..’ Gabe said seriously blocking her each time she tried to move pass him.

‘Get. Out. Of my way.’ Sloane said slowly, gritting her teeth.

‘Do you Sloane? Cause I don’t..’ Gabe said. His statement shocking both of them. Sloane stilled, stopping dead in her tracks. He hadn’t meant to say it but having it out there in the open felt like a heavy weight off his shoulders, so he continued, ‘I wasn’t sure until right this moment, but it’s the truth. Saying it was a mistake would suggest that I regret what happened between us that day and I don’t.

‘You’ve barely said anything to me and now you get struck by the truth and I’m supposed to what? Swoon!?’

‘Quit avoiding the question. What is it Sloane? Was it a mistake?’

‘Let me ask you something. When did you figure out that you felt this way? No, better yet…before you found out I was leaving tomorrow, did you feel this way?’ Sloane asked.


‘Liar! The only reason you want to believe it wasn’t a mistake is because I’m leaving. Goodbye Gabriel.’ Sloane said reaching out to squeeze his arm Gabe felt a surge of electricity, followed by the heat spread through his body. He looked at Sloane and knew she had felt it too.

‘I can see it in your eyes, you know just as well as I do that there’s something bigger than the both of us happening here,’ Gabe said his eyes blazing down into hers, seeing the veracity of his statement grip her, ‘You know there is.’

Sloane took a deep breath, struggling to regain her composure, ‘You don’t know me at all, Gabriel. Because if you did, you’d know I never make the same mistake twice.’

‘Liar.’ The overwhelming feeling to prove her wrong had Gabe dropping his head to deliver a punishing kiss. He felt Sloane’s resistance resolve before hearing her moan and allow him thoroughly kiss her. When they finally broke the kiss, they were both breathless gasping for air as Sloane clutched his shirt.

‘You want to call that a mistake too?’ Gabe panted. He looked down at Sloane and could practically hear the thoughts racing through her mind. Tilting her chin up, he gave her a quick peck on the lips, ‘Don’t think. Feel.’

‘I don’t-‘ Sloane started to say, before being silenced by another kiss.

‘But-‘ She tried to say before he kissed away whatever logical explanation she was about to come up with. If he had any shot, he had to get Sloane out of her head.

‘We can’t-.’ Kiss.

‘This isn-.’ Kiss.

‘Stop-.’ Kiss.

‘Kissing me and let me fin-!’ Kiss. Sloane’s natural reaction to disagree with him had things escalating and fast. After a few more protests, they were both entwined in another dizzy kiss.

Hot. Gabe was hot all over. He pinned her against the car, grinding his rock-hard cock into her causing them both to moan. His hands were hot on her body, touching everywhere he wanted to taste.

‘One night.’ Gabe murmured as he trailed kisses up the column of her neck. One night wouldn’t be enough, but it would be a start.

‘I can’t.’ Sloane started before breaking off in a moan, ‘I have to finish packing.’

‘Transfer to State.’ Gabe whispered devilishly into her ear, his tongue tickling her lobe.

‘Gabe…’ Sloane moaned, ending in a hiss when he unbuttoned her jeans and reached in. Running his finger along her slit, he hissed his approval to find that she was already wet for him.

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In a flash, he grabbed her body roughly and pushed her up against the wall. His eyes were fierce with lust. He pinned her there, grabbing her forcefully by the hair, and pulling her face to his own. His eyes locked with hers, before pushing her head back against the wall. One hand restrained her arms above her head, and the other moved from her hair to her throat, gripping it tightly. She felt his erection push against her – there was no doubt what this man was about to do. His body -- his...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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An Unfortunate Situation

She sat watching him. Her eyes traveling from him to the tall buxom woman that sat at his side. It was a party and there were loads of people there. Mutual friends, his family, her family, her friends, the list was always populating it seemed. She let her eyes roam to the television that played music and watched the videos the corresponded with the tunes. It seemed mundane and useless and even though her heart sank, she managed a smile. She stood up. Her lean, average form moved to the bar. She...

4 years ago
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Loving My Wife

It was a rainy evening and she has been working late all week. And I thought that she might like a little special (TLC). So when she came home I meet her at the door. She kised me with a long hello.MMmmm, ‘What is that smell?’ She asked. ‘I have the childern fed, bathed and are in bed already.’ Was my reply. Her smile grew bigger and bigger when I told her dinner is on the table and a nice glass of white wine are waiting for you. As we eat,we talk about eachothers day. She’s finishing up her...

2 years ago
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Sitting at his desk in the late afternoon, David Kingsly heard his cellphone ring. He muttered a curse as he didn’t want to be disturbed but looked to see if by chance it might be Diane Murdock calling. David hadn’t heard from her since she married that wealthy rancher. David was surprised to see the call was from Edward Darden, a prosperous oilman whom he had met several years ago. He and Edward had hit it off right away and had spent several evenings together discussing the fine women of...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 273

Alice, Terri and Selina had been practicing under Diana's direction for a little over an hour when Jeff walked onto the firing range. Diana acknowledged her husband with a smile as she came to stand beside him, both watching the girls firing their pistols. After firing the revolver for a while, Selina had talked Diana into allowing her to try one of the nine millimeter pistols, but she had not yet progressed past ball and dummy. As they watched, Selina pulled the trigger on a dummy round,...

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Road Trip With My Cousin Sonia

Hello, guys, this is Sunny from U.P. 30 yrs old guy having my own business. I get sexually active at a very early age and had many encounters till date. This is the first time I am narrating a small incident of my life which happened a few months back with my distant cousin.Plz, forgive me for any mistake as this is my first sex story on Indian sex story. We have a wedding function at my cousin place in Mussoorie as it was a distant cousin so my family asks me to go alone in the wedding as the...

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Lee and Lyns World Beginnings Chapters 13

Proofread 2/17/2010 Koala Lee and Lyns World Chapter 1 Lee Lyn Hamelton looked at the other seven system engineers. We had all gone to school together for the last two years. We each were experts in computer operations. We each knew more than anyone else did in the world about the computer system that would be under our charge. Unknown to anyone else we were all in a conspiracy with each other also. For the last 200 years, the world had become over populated. ...

1 year ago
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Posing for pain pills

Mary Hall kept asking herself how she had managed to get in this mess. Of course the answer was simple. After the auto accident she had been prescribed pain medication to which she had become addicted. After a while, no doctor would feel justified in continuing to allow her to have them, so she found herself in a predicament shared by many other people. . . hooked. She tried valiantly to detox herself but with no success. She just had to have relief. In desperation she began to find a source....

2 years ago
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Theres a time for everything Chapter 10

“So are you coming to dad’s play tomorrow?” Amanda asks as she lays there wrapped around the strong arms of Daniel, whom she has been dating for over two years, on the couch in his bedroom watching Notebook. Amanda loves this man. Along with the tear-stimulating sentiments of the movie, she recalls the first time they met at professor Shaw’s, her father who doesn’t have much liking for Daniel, theater class a long while back, when Amanda was still a freshman and he had first became the...

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KineticChapter 23

Time: Sunday afternoon, August 6, 2006 Melanie and I got back home from church about a half hour before noon. We both started working, Melanie on her Biotherapeutics project while I crunched and wrote some code for my research grant. After a couple of hours, my wife up to me from behind my desk and nibbled on my ear. "Lunch?" she whispered, and then licked my ear. "Sure... Just give me a minute to finish up..." Melanie headed off to the kitchen. "Want to watch a movie?" I called out...

4 years ago
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The Sex Games Round 1 Losing My Virginity

The Games are a yearly event where five randomly selected eighteen-year-olds are required to compete for survival. The theme varies from year to year, but the conclusion of the Games forever constant. One player remains alive, the others having failed to prove themselves worthy. The fate of this final contestant rests in the hands of the masses. If they acted with noble intent and provided worthy entertainment, they are crowned victor. If not, they are banished to the outerland, a fate far...

3 years ago
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Nandan And His Mother

Nandan has not been the same since Thilakam came back after visiting her sick sister. There was something different about him; she could not put her finger on. He appeared to be happier and more self confident in himself. She thought she was probably imagining it. She always treated him like a small child because of his developmental delay. But he was a fully grown man now. In fact he looked more and more like his father, her departed husband. It is more than 10 years since her husband passed...

1 year ago
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Bangladese Moja

Aaj ami apnader ekta sotti ghotona bolchhi, 1996 Amaar boyesh thokon 26, thaki ami India te bereta geyachilam Bangladesh e amaar ek Didir kache, Gorom Kaal chhilo, ta ami thik kore jai je ami 3 din okhane thakbo, Didir barite didi chhara aar keu thake na. ta prothom din bhaloi kaatlo, 2nd din bikele khub jhor bristi hoyate Light chole giyechhilo, amaar abaar Fan na cholle ghum ashe na. Ta ki kori Didi dar barite to aar Generator connection nei. Ta pasher barir ek Boudi didi ke bollo je thkurpo...

3 years ago
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I can’t take it anymore. I take one last look out the window and let the curtain fall back into place. This heat is unbearable. Even with every last window open, there is no reprieve from this hell. The ceiling fan slowly circulates. The damned thing is busted and only runs on low. Even my beer bottle is starting to sweat bullets. Are you ever coming back? You said you would. I heard it in your voice the last time you left. You’re my drug and every time you walk out that door, I go through...

2 years ago
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Her Presents

cock ring – creampie – panties – stockings – domination – strap-on – role reversalShe had a number of surprises for him...We had just gotten back from a friend's wedding. They had a nice ceremony on a golf course under some trees and then a party afterwards inside the club house. It was an open bar and they had hired a band. We spent most of the night making the rounds saying hello and visiting with both families. After several drinks and a couple of dances we said goodnight.We got home and...

2 years ago
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A Taboo Fantasy Part 3

It had been 2 days since Natalie made out with Kyle in her kitchen and since they teased each other through text. Natalie had to think of a way to get Kyle over to her house and tell him that she want's him. The only problem was Ryan being around, she needed to get him out of the house for a few hours. As if by magic Ryan came downstairs "Mum I'm going out for a while." Natalie looked at Ryan surpised "How long are you going to be son?" Ryan replied "A few hours I suppose, I'll text you."...

2 years ago
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Tres Amigos in Bakersfield

I have traveled all of Southern California and one of my favorite places to stop is the Beach Park off of Hwy 99 in Bakersfield. It is easy on, easy off the freeway and I can usually find a nice cock at either the Beach Park Loop bathrooms or south at Yokuts Park. Men of all descriptions work out, run, play sports and otherwise hang out there and some have been known to take advantage of the local gay talent to get a quick nut before going home.Last August I was cruising through and decided to...

3 years ago
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The HealerChapter 4

We had this one, could have been a stand in for Daisy Mae, a real blond stunner, seemed as innocent as a new snow. One look and I wanted some of her. Brought her into the apartment for a meeting just Daisy, my wife and I. Talk about a great life, she was afraid we were going to fire her, but Carol explained we were thinking of giving her a raise and a promotion, "How would you feel about being a massage specialist?" The relief on her face was sort of precious, one strange thing here in the...

4 years ago
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Tai Chapter Four

Chapter Four So on my next stint back at work on the mine site Alex called me regularly. She was determined to organise a date for us when I returned. Talking to her at least gave me some human interaction. The guys on site were friendly and were great work mates. Some who lived in Melbourne had become real mates and we went out occasionally. They were all married which meant it didn't always work out to catch up. A couple of them tried to set me up on dates with friends of their...

3 years ago
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Intended AttractionChapter 6

A few days after my talk with Hanna, I arranged the next step in my plan to get her into bed with her young friend. It was the evening and I had organised a dinner date alone with Sophie in her apartment. Hanna had made herself scarce - on my instructions - and as far as Sophie knew we had the entire night to ourselves. I actually found it quite adorable how much care Sophie took with the preparations for dinner - I would have been more than content to just get takeout, but she insisted upon...

1 year ago
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Super Hit Chudai Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hi dosto mera naam Rajat Roy hai. Mai Sangrur ka rehne wala hu. Mai is site ka purana reader hu. Pehle mujhe yaha ki kahaniyo par yakin nahi tha par jab maine khud experience kia tab jaake yakin hua. Mai yaha aap logo se wo share karne ja raha hu. Mere lund ki lambai 6 inch hai aur sharir slim aur rang sanwala hai. Maine jise choda wo dur ke rishte me meri bhabhi lagti thi. Jiska naam Sunita tha. Sunita bhabhi ka sharir mast tha. Bade bade boobs dunia ka 8 va ajuba the aur gaand to bas dhamaal...

1 year ago
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Working day

It had been a long week, work was becoming a monotonous nightmare and the boss was getting more and more unbearable with every passing day. Everyone suffered through it together, but John was rapidly approaching his breaking point. He usually got all of the shitty jobs from the boss, things like 'oh John, just go and photocopy this one page document for me would you?' and 'John, would you phone my wife and tell her I will be late for dinner'. The only thing keeping John sane at this point were...

3 years ago
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Work Experience for Heather

I never expected to be enjoying some pussy pie in my kitchen. Being 60 years old and widowed for the last 5 years, pussy pie was the furtherest thing from my mind. Besides, my late wife Beth, who I’d been married to for 35 years, had a very limited range of sexual experiences that she wanted to participate in. We were both virgins when we married, and we had been completely faithful to each other right through our marriage. Sex happened in bed at night and in the missionary position, and oral...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adria Rae A For Anal

Elegant Adria Rae enchants with her perky tits. She plunges her eager asshole with a thick dildo. Her pink rim gapes as she stuffs the toy down her throat! Older stud Mick Blue’s thick prick porks her bunghole, making Adria scream in ecstasy. She masturbates her pink clit while he reams her ass. Adria gags and chokes on his dong, covering it in hot spit. Mick shoves a dildo in her pussy while he thrusts inside her rectum. See nasty anal gaping and a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Adria...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Aidra Fox Alexis Fawx Earth Angels

The gorgeous Aidra Fox shares the screen with Alexis Fawx in this third scene of her showcase. Her hypnotic smile and her joie de vivre puts a huge smile on Alexis’ face. Including a beautiful intro in nature, with green plants and mud explaining Alexis’ love of the earth. Seeing both of their magnificent bodies covered in mud is incredibly sexy, but nothing is more arousing than the hot shower they take together after coming inside to clean up. Watching these two going back and...

2 years ago
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Junes Career

"You look familiar. Do I know you from some place?" I just looked at her and shrugged as she put the beer down in front of me. She gave me a quizzical look and then turned and went back down the bar to take care of the other customers. It was not surprising that she didn't recognize me; a full beard, Lasik surgery, twenty-five pound weight loss and different style clothes. The last time she had seen me I had a buzz cut, wore thick rimmed glasses, was over weight and dressed as a rising...

4 years ago
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Fairy Gobblers Pt 03

The two set up camp at the site where Vince has spent so many evenings enjoying his fairy friends. It was still early, so there were no fairy’s around to distract them or entertain them as they set up camp. “Where are the fairies, stupid Vince?” Thomas goaded. “Be patient, we have a few hours. Let’s set up camp, eat and go for a swim.” Vince replied. “I don’t want to swim, I want to fuck a fairy. I want to fuck a hot one and make her have half human half fairy babies.” “That’s not...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 30

Before he could say anything, I took the bull by the horns. "Yes, Yes and Yes, All three of you may come with me. I have room for five human passengers and you three will come." Tears of relief flowed down the women's faces. They looked at Billy and with his nod, they launched themselves at me. My women scattered to make room. They were on me in a flash. They kissed me, my face, my neck. Maria reached up to her blouse, pulled it down and lifted her dark brown nipple to my mouth. I was...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 006 The Local Delirium

When I come to I feel very sluggish, and it is so hard to focus.  Being unconscious felt strangely like being awake, but I try hard to dismiss that concept as something best revisited later.  At least I remember where I am this time.  More or less…  Since I got here, there have been moments in which it seems like the fog might be lifting, but in others I know that I’m just scrambling on a slippery slope, trying to avoid what I worry more and more may be an inevitable descent into the very heart...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 3 You Dont Leave Me

Four weeks after fucking his daughter, George's wife left him. It was just as he'd suspected. The 38-year-old woman had found a sugar-daddy, a man who worked with her sister who made oodles of money and was willing to lavish her with gifts. She'd been seeing him for months, and now he'd proposed. She wanted a divorce, right now. George was angry, sure. Especially at the way she had told him all this, so matter-of-factly, so coldly. But he had come to terms with his wife's adultery...

3 years ago
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Part 1 Please note this is a continuation of my little Hitchhiker, but starts off slow - very slow, the first few chapters are setting the scene. I arrived at work that Monday to uproar. People were rushing around like headless chickens! I got to my cubical and noticed that Bob's door - my door is always open! - Was firmly closed and the blinds drawn. I looked to my co-worker, Adam, and mouthed 'What's going on?' He looked at me, "Head office! That is what! Somebody's put a bee up...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Gift

It is agreed that the most important part of the body needed for sex is the brain. If a person doesn’t have the brain engaged before, during and after sex the result will be less than satisfactory. The greatest aspect of this brain power is the use of fantasy. The little story you keep going in your head leads to a depth of intensity and allows a person to shed inhibitions and just go with it!Usually this is, as I said, the little story unfolding in your mind… private, known only to yourself....

First Time
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SleeneChapter 7 Saturday Matinee

After warming it up a bit first, I finished my shower. I then primped myself again as I had that morning. Exiting the bathroom, I slipped into the black-net top. Naked from the chest down, I padded into the living room. Master was seated upright in his big recliner. He was wearing his blue silk robe. He had a tray on the end table next to him with the rest of the bottle of white wine on ice, and a wedge of Brie on a plate next to it. I realized I had left my empty wineglass in the bathroom...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Treat

Last Saturday was my birthday and I went to visit a very goog friend of mine - Sarah,  for a drink before heading out into town. Well at least that was the plan initially. When I arrived at Sarahs, she told me to wait in her bedroom whilst she brought me a Glass of wine and my Birthday gift. I have known Sarah for a few years now, and given that she is ver kinky I thought she was going to bring me a vibrator or something and that she might be up for some fun herself, which I would have had no...

Group Sex
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Supplementing my Income

Part 1 A year ago, I lost my job of 10 years. In the beginning, I was out looking for work everyday but as time went on, I lost my motivation. Eventually after no luck job hunting, I just gave up. My wife had a full time job and I was collecting unemployment which helped but we were still hurting financially. Instead of getting depressed, I found a new passion that took my mind off of our financial situation and the fact that getting a job was becoming a dream. That new passion was lifting...

3 years ago
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Street Scene

Tracy Daniels graduated from high school not long before her father was forced to retire from his factory job. Partly for that reason, she went right to work, taking college courses at night. Tracy had lived at home for another year after she began working before she got her own apartment. Very soon after that, her father died suddenly. Since her mother had died when she was ten and her older brothers did not really have money to spare, the house was sold off to cover funeral expenses....

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12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...

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Jimmy P6

So now i had the money from my aunt, i quickly headed to the shops and got myself a new phone and wallet, and was feeling pretty good about the day again.And i was on my way home when i spotted big fat Sally ahead of me.Now big fat Sally wasn't actually that big and fat, she was just tall and chunky with a big pair of tits, and an arse to match, it was just the nickname the other k**s gave her at school, and its always stuck.So anyway, Big fat Sally was trudging back from the shops with...

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