Met Slutty Priya During Campus Recruitment In Lucknow
- 2 years ago
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Thank you to LadyCibelle and Techsan for editing my story. I couldn’t submit it without their help. They are the best.
‘Mr. Wilson, can I ask you a question?’
‘Sure, Tim, feel free to ask me anything, anytime. What can I help you with? By the way, just call me Ray. I know I’m older but we work together and it’s fine with me. I call my dad Mr. Wilson,’ I laughed.
‘Ray, I want to ask my girlfriend to get married. I’m afraid, because so many marriages end in divorce and I don’t just want to be one of the statistics.’
I laughed out loud, ‘Tim, you should be talking to your mother, not me. Your mom and dad were married nearly twenty-three years before he passed away a few months ago. I’ve been married and divorced three times in my life.’
‘Mom told me a lot of what works in a marriage, but I think that a young couple need to understand the pitfalls if they’re to make it. Not being disrespectful, but there are reasons why your marriages didn’t make it. If I could learn to avoid some of those types of mistakes, I believe it would give Katie and me a better chance of survival.’
I looked at the young lad and thought about how mature his thinking was. Here I was his foreman in our warehouse where I’ve worked twenty-five of my forty-five years. He was hired about two months ago and was a hell of a good worker. His mom was one of the secretaries that worked here and helped get him an interview. I remember telling him when I interviewed him for the position that if he ever had a question or a problem that my door was always open.
I sat there a few minutes and started to think about my past.
The kid was right. I was married and divorced three times. My first marriage was when I was really young. I don’t think I was ready for marriage but my hormones thought differently. I had sex with my girlfriend at the time and of course she got pregnant. I liked her a lot but was it love? Looking back I think I loved her but it was the hormones doing most of my thinking. We did get married and she had the child. Two years later we had our second one. Now we had one of each, a boy and a girl, and she started on birth control. Our life was full of ups and downs. I can’t paint a pretty picture here. I was an immature kid that thought I should have my cake and eat it too. Whenever we had an argument, I headed to the local pub and drank. A couple of times I had sex with a bar broad. All I wanted was to get my rocks off.
Life went on for about twelve years. I wasn’t the best husband but I wasn’t the worst either. I liked my sports and went to a few different games a year. When the kids got a little older, I took them with me. As far as sex was concerned I thought our sex life was pretty good. I didn’t realize it at the time but when we both put love into the equation, it was much better. She got off most of the time, so I figured I did my job, forgetting about the cuddling and romance.
One day Marsha, my first wife, and I were invited to a Fourth of July pool party. We had just had another argument over God knows what. She told me to go to the damn party alone. I was pissed and, of course, I went. There were about fifty people at this party. A lot of the people I had grown up with. There stood Jessica Parker, every guy’s wet dream all through school. I remember wanting to lay this gal, but she always teased me. I heard she was back in town. She was recently divorced from an attorney.
As the party went on, I approached Jessica. She had taken her shawl off and had only her two piece bathing suit on. Damn, she looked hot. I began talking to her and we were both getting kind of high on booze. I asked her if she wanted to take a walk back by the pine trees. It was dark back there with very little lighting. They had a few lounge chairs set up back there. Jessica and I began talking about our old school days and I reminded her of how hot she was and how I always dreamed about her.
She smiled and said, ‘Do you want that dream to come true?’
God, I couldn’t believe my luck. I pulled off my swim trunks and she came over to me and while facing me, pulled her bottoms to one side showing me her shaved pussy. She climbed on my lap and let my cock slide right into her wet cavity. Damn, did it ever feel good! She rode my cock until I spewed my juices deep into her cavern, as she was making noises of climaxing also. We both were coming and I looked up and there stood Marsha. I had no idea she was there. I was totally lost for words. What do you say to your wife who just saw you fuck a woman in front of her?
‘Hope you enjoyed your piece of ass, Ray. You’ll never get another one off me,’ spoke Marsha.
She turned around and headed out of there. By the time Jessica got off my lap and I got my shorts back on, Marsha was gone.
Jessica didn’t say much of anything. She pretty much said, ‘Thanks for the fuck,’ and walked away.
I wasn’t sure what to do. My marriage, my kids, my life were all turned upside down, all for a fuck. I drove home but of course she had the storm doors locked from the inside, so I slept in the car.
The next morning one of the kids let me in. Marsha got up and wouldn’t talk to me. I begged and pleaded with her to take me back. I promised I would never do it again. After days of arguing, she told me I could live there for the sake of the kids. I think back now how many people stay together for the sake of the kids. Are the kids really better off in a home like this or a single parent home? We could act like a normal family but there would be no sex. For the time being, I was happy, I figured eventually things would get back to normal.
We did stay together for the sake of the kids. I pretty much ruined our sex life. It was a couple of months later when she finally gave in. One evening after we went to bed, I cuddled up to her butt, pressing myself against her. It wasn’t the same, she didn’t put any love into it. Once every two or three months she would spread her legs and we would have sex. She called it her wifely duty and did her best not to put anything into it. When our daughter turned eighteen, Marsha, handed me divorce papers. I was almost dumbfounded.
‘What the hell is this all about?’ I asked.
Marsha, said, ‘I stayed with you for the last six years for the sake of the kids. I lost my love and respect for you, you know when. I’m going on with my life now. I’d like to say it was fun, but it wasn’t.’
There was nothing more to say. I often wonder how many marriages are out there like mine was, everyone going through the motions, but deep down suffering in their own way.
Marsha worked at an attorney’s office and had all the papers ready. She handled all the bills and had everything in perfect order. She actually had everything broken down in two stacks of who got what. She even had two savings accounts set up, separate credit cards, everything divided equally. She must have been working on setting this all up for the last six years. I was just too blind to see.
There was no reason to fight anything. Her love for me, if it ever existed was gone. I guess I was a guy just going down his own path, doing my thing, till it bit me in the ass. I moved out with my share of the equity she had set up and moved into an apartment.
The kids were now eighteen and twenty, but stayed with their mom till they finished their education. I didn’t pay child support because they were older and she didn’t ask for spousal support since she made as much as I did. I found out later that she told the kids a year or so before that we probably wouldn’t be staying together. I guess it lessened the blow for them. They’re both married with their own families now. I see them all on special occasions but not much more. I love them but I guess a lot of not seeing them was because of how I screwed up their lives. I was there for both of their weddings. Their mom took care of most everything. She did ask
that I not bring my wife at the time. It was actually a good thing which I found out later, since the next two marriages didn’t last but a couple of years all together.
Marsha got remarried about two years after our divorce to an attorney at their firm. I honestly don’t know if she ever cheated on me but it’s all in the past.
Wife number two was Brenda. She was more of a rebound wife. I met her at the bar and we talked regularly and of course it led to sex. I didn’t like living alone and Brenda was also divorced. One day while I was pumping it into her, I guess I found a moment of weakness and after I came I told her we should move in together. She was probably five years older than me. She could sure move those hips. She also gave great oral sex. I often wondered how she became so good at sex. She could do it all. Sexually, she was great, but that’s where it ended.
She wasn’t much of a cook and we didn’t have much in common except for the sex. It was only about a year after we got married that I found her screwing a contractor. I decided to come home for lunch for some sex and found this asshole in my bed pumping Brenda for all he was worth. I grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him off of her. I got in a couple of good licks before he was able to get up and run out the door.
Brenda sat up on the bed and screamed. I told her to get her ass out of my bed and get the fuck out. She grabbed a robe and ran out, afraid I was going to hit her next. I went to the closet and started throwing out anything that belonged to her. After the first couple of handfuls of clothes went out the door, she screamed for me to stop. The neighbors were coming out to see what the commotion was. She asked for the contractor’s pants and I threw it all out except his wallet. I told him his wife should know what a fine husband he was and I would deliver it to her personally.
I took the next day off work and went to see his wife. She came to the door in a near see through nightgown. I could see she didn’t have on anything under it. I asked to see her husband and she said he had called her the night before and told her he would be home late. He had an emergency plumbing job and might even have to spend the night away. I guess my wife was the one who needed her plumbing fixed. He didn’t make it home. He had called her just before I got there and said he would see her that evening.
She looked at me and asked if she could help me. I knew right then that their marriage was a fuck who you want marriage. I gave her his wallet and told her I caught him fucking my wife. She hardly batted an eye. She invited me in and as soon as she closed the door she told me it was time to get even. She unzipped my pants and had me sit on the couch. She then straddled my lap and lowered herself onto my rigid cock.
I took her once from the front and after a cup of coffee and a little rest, I took her from behind. She told me later that they had a very open marriage. There was no real love but they both did their own thing. She said I could come back anytime. I often wondered what would happen up the road in a marriage based on nothing but loose sex. It probably wasn’t any worse than mine.
Marriage number three came a couple of years later. I met a younger gal who was in a bad marriage, or so she said. We met in a lounge one evening and hit it off pretty good. We began having sex, even that first night. She ended up divorcing her husband and we ended up getting married a few months after the divorce was final. The marriage was full of sex. As long as I was available for sex and took her places, everything was fine. She had the ‘What about me?’ complex. I told her I wasn’t made of money and we couldn’t eat out every night. I had a job to go to everyday.
Of course, it was the same old story. You’ve read it over and over again. Wife gets job, wife gets bored with husband, wife finds another boyfriend, because husband doesn’t pay enough attention to her. Wife fucks new boyfriend, husband finds out and divorces third wife. Of course I beat the living shit out of the guy. Well, anyway the cops came and locked me up for twenty-four hours. I went to court but the judge just fined me and put me on probation. I applied for divorce number three and told her if she even thought of fighting me and asking for anything she could end up dead. It was enough to scare her into accepting my demands. I was alone again.
I was thinking how stupid my life had been. I screwed around on my first wife and got divorced. My second and third wives both cheated on me after failed marriages. Shouldn’t it stand to reason that if a woman cheats on her husband to be with me, that the chances of her cheating on me are about ninety-nine percent? I think there is a lot of truth when they say the blood flows from your brain and into your dick. It’s why we don’t seem to think enough about the consequences when we get a hard-on.
It wasn’t anyone’s fault but my own. I made my bed and now was sleeping in it. I really have matured throughout the years. I guess we all have a lot of things we would do differently if we could do it all over again. There are no do-overs in real life. All we can do is learn from our mistakes. I sure learned from mine. Maybe I could really help Tim down the right track in life. All he would have to do is look at what I did and do the opposite.
I looked over and the young lad and said, ‘Tim I’m going to give you the best advice I can give. I do want you to understand that this is just Wilson’s Law, it’s only what I think. When you first get married, you think it’s all about love, but it’s not. It’s mostly about sex and how good it feels, and how you never want it to end. You vow to love eternally during these love sessions. You both enjoy each other’s bodies to the fullest.’
I continued, ‘What you must understand is that men and women are truly different. You want your rocks off, while your wife wants to cuddle and be romanced. The two of you will argue over the dumbest things and one of you will walk out to cool off. This is not good. You need to talk and communicate with each other. Let her know your likes and also your dislikes. You must know hers as well. Communication is the answer to a happy and successful marriage.’
‘Ray, what if we don’t see eye to eye on things?’ Tim asked.
‘You won’t always see eye to eye, but you both need to know when to give in a little. You must find a mutual ground or you will fail. If you don’t like meatloaf, she shouldn’t make it for you. Of course, you need to tell her and don’t lie about it. If she doesn’t want you to go out with the guys, find out why. A night out with the guys could make her feel insecure. In the same vein, a night out with the girls might prove disastrous if other guys are involved. You both need to know where you stand. A night out together or with friends might be rewarding for both of you.’
‘Wow, Ray, you seem to know a lot.’
‘Tim, it’s learning from experience. I did a lot of the wrong things. Don’t put anyone or anything before your wife. She’s more important than your friends, parents, work, or anything else. Always do for her first. If you both always put each other first, then you have a good chance of lasting. It’s funny in a way, the more you do for her, the more she will want to do for you. That is, of course, if you two truly love each other and want to make it work.
‘Also, Tim, don’t think the grass is greener next door. It might be different but not better. Do your loving at home with your wife. Cheating is the number one cause of divorce in a marriage. If you feel an urge around another woman, get the hell out of the situation. Tell Katie the same thing about other men. Don’t think just your love for each other is enough to pull you through. In today’s society, there is going to be a lot of sex stuff thrown at you. You two need to be together to make it through. So, above all, be honest with each other and always communicate your feelings to each other. In very simple words,
‘Put each other first always’. I hope this helps out.
‘Oh, Tim, I almost forgot one the most important points. Love her like there is no tomorrow. Never, and I mean never, take her for granted. Sometimes you might even just hold and cuddle her. Let her know that it’s her you want, not just the sex. When the kids come along, she’ll have a lot more stress. Help her and compliment her often, never ridicule her in any way. You may think it’s funny, but she might not. Last but not least, always tell her you love her and makes sure she knows it.’
I continued, ‘The truth is, Tim, the greatest contribution is being there for each other. Granted, work is important but the time spent with the wife and kids is much more important. I learned this lesson too late. Don’t assume you know what each other’s needs and wants are. Ask and she will answer. Just remember the more you do for her, the more she will want to do for you, in a loving relationship.’ I told Tim as honestly as I could.
‘Ray, how long have you known my mom?’ asked Tim.
‘Oh, ever since grade school. She was always so nice to me even though I was an idiot. Your dad was a really good friend of mine in our younger days. The three of us were pals growing up. When we all became teenagers, he started dating your mom and the two of them hit it off from the start. Your dad was one lucky bastard. I mean that in a good way. We hung around some together until my life started falling apart, due to my own ignorance. After the first divorce, I kind of went my own way. Your mom and I both worked here and she always treated me nice. I respect her more than any woman I’ve ever known.’
‘Mom said that you’ve both worked here for most of your lives.’
‘Yes, we have. I always wished that, if I could have started over, I would have asked her out. Your dad just beat me to her and besides, she’d probably have said, ‘No’. We were quite the opposites at the time. I was wild and crazy and she was so nice and refined. The funny thing is, she is still the nicest woman I know.’
‘Ray, will you do me a favor?’ asked Tim.
‘Sure, son, if I can.’
‘Will you be my mom’s escort to Katie and my wedding? Since dad passed away, I don’t want her attending it without an escort. She’s too beautiful and too nice of a woman to be alone at an event like this.’
‘Tim, the offer is fantastic, but don’t you think it should be a person that your mother chooses? Believe me, she can do a lot better than a man with three strikes against him,’ I replied.
‘She asked me to ask you, Ray. She told me that you’ve been through a lot in your life, but it was your choices. Deep down you are a good man. She’s the one who told me to ask you about what would make a successful marriage and that I would understand why she would pick you.’
I didn’t know what to say. I was wondering about fate. Of course this was just to be her escort to her son’s wedding, but could it grow from there? Is there such a thing as a second or even a fourth chance for a guy like me? A guy who made a mess of his life due to his own stupidity. I told Tim I would be more than honored but I must talk to Sally about it first.
Tim headed back to work and I sat there thinking about everything.
Tim’s dad, Dave, and his mother, Sally, and I were all best friends. We were all neighbors in the old neighborhood. We were the three peas in a pod, so to speak. From our sandbox years to our teenage years, we hung together. Sally always told us when we got older she would marry us both. We didn’t know any better since we were kids. Once we got into high school, Sally started dating Dave. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I didn’t hang with them as much. I felt like the third wheel even though Sally tried to keep the three of us together.
I started dating other girls myself but none met the standard of Sally. I guess it was the puppy love that we all go through and I was comparing all girls with Sally. I began dating girls that were easy. If I couldn’t have Sally, I’d have sex. I double-dated a few times with Dave and Sally, but it didn’t work out really well. The only one who was not uncomfortable with the situations was my dates, as I mentioned, they were easy and Sally didn’t appreciate the groping going on in front of her.
Hey horny girls and guys, hope you are all doing well. They story that I narrate is a true incident that happened with me during my current stay in Lucknow. I have been in Lucknow for the past one year and have found plenty of opportunities to explore its vices and other evils. This happened during the hot month of August getting Straight to the story the girl in the story is Priya (name changed for Privacy Reasons). Let me describe myself. I am 5’9″ in height, weighing about 200 pounds and...
Hello! Welcome to the waiting room for the World of Fucknowswhat. Now, this is my very first story so I apologise for any inconsistences, (I will do my best to rectify as immediately as possible) spelling errors, (I'm an idiot mostly) and any other flaws within said story, that being said, I hope you can enjoy regardless! Now, onto the good stuff, I shall act as a narrator from now on, I won't be around all too often, I will just act as more of a recapping ethereal figure, now, the World of...
FantasyThe list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
Strum-dum, Strum-da-da Dum! Acknowledgments and Afterword I’d like to thank several people for assistance in this book. First, my proofreaders, Bozo, Greg, Ryan, and Steve. You find the strange little mistakes that I couldn’t see, and gave me confidence when you couldn’t find mistakes. To Lexi, Annie’s sister, for your story of confidence and vulnerability. To SpacerX, for unabashed assistance and advice. To Michael Wex, author of the book “Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When...
The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!
A heartfelt thanks to the many people who have helped me with this book. Where it shines, it is due to their diligence and help. Where it fails, it is because of my own stubborn bull-headedness. I especially want to thank my wife who read and re-read the story in different drafts and corrected my spelling, grammar, and treatment of women. A second valuable aide was Jason Black, the book doctor, who read the first draft and told me exactly what was wrong, then read it again in time for me to...
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Hi, everyone (boys/girls, gents/ladies, uncle/aunt). I am here with my another story (you can read my previous stories on iss me and my bubbly niece, My Lustful Journey With My Young Patient and post holi sex with my sexy maid). I am regular iss reader for the last 6 yrs & thankful to iss team for such a good platform and collection of stories. Hi, I’m a doctor with average physique n 7″ long n 3″ thick tool. I’ve experience of satisfying many ladies (some of them friends and few patients too)....
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FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 4: Parts Unknown As Martinez the militiaman stood there quietly, staring down at me, I closed my eyes out of fear and hoped feverishly that he would not lay a hand on me. In a moment of mind-boggling stupidity, I had attempted to seduce him in my female form, having forgotten that I was completely in his power anyway. It only remained for him to name the price I would have to pay for my latest mistake. Hardly ever in my life had I...
A journey into the unknown – What I am about to relate is a work of fiction but based around a real events from my formative years embellished and expanded when looking back to create images and experiences I would so have loved to enjoyed maybe given half a chance.As I grew up my own sexuality was a mystery to me as sex was not discussed ever at home.I had from a very young age enjoyed slipping into various items of my mother’s from time to time whenever an opportunity arose, but as for why I...
It took two days plus to get to my destination. I had two flight delays that resulted in an overnight stay in Tokyo; fortunately I had packed lightly or my luggage would certainly have gotten lost. I had a change of clothes, some toiletries, and my electronics. No mobile; I had been told that the international SIMM card wouldn’t work in the U.S. and my device couldn’t accept U.S. carriers’ cards. That would be the first stop. Stop two had to be a car. I had checked out the area where I’d be...
Allison was out by the pool when I came home from school Tuesday afternoon. She was in her usual sun worshiping attire, apparently working on her homework. Her head was bobbing to the music on her CD player so she didn't hear me come in. I quietly set my things down and crept out the back door. Crawling as low as possible I made my way close up behind her. I lay down on the concrete, reached as far as I could under the chair and slipped my finger up through one of the gaps in the pattern of...
by Larry Malone It was my first summer home from college. All attempts to find a summer job were without results and I was getting desperate. I needed money for gas, dates, etc. My parents were already strapped paying for college and everything else so I didn't want to ask them. Then I found a want ad in the local newspaper for “Encyclopedia Salesmen.” ( As an explanation: Hard to believe but there was a time when there weren’t any Internet, Google or electronic...
January 11, 1986 Early January is often a depressing time of the year. This year, however, was drastically different. True, in many respects it was back to the same old grind, with twelve-hour workdays, and not seeing Inez nearly as much as I'd have liked. But there was a fundamental change in my state of mind; my view was toward the future, and everything in the present was nothing more than passing time. It was a time for dreaming, for imagining the possibilities and challenges of...
Shouldn't That Scare me More – The Second Time? By Bistander The night before, I slept horribly. I had a hard time falling asleep because of what Mark had done to me. When I did snooze, I had dreams about it. In them, my brain drew from thousands of blowjob videos I'd seen and created an alternate universe where I sucked cock like a porn star. Whenever I was jerked awake, my dick had that bloated, about to shoot a load look. Maybe if Mark had stayed around and talked about it, I...
It is based on somebody's real-life experience, yet the exact events were tailored to make it a story. I still put it in true stories though because I like to keep all of my stories in one place. I which the site had a creative nonfiction genre. Part two is pure fiction. Shouldn't That Scare me More? By Bistander Before the scoopful of cereal reached my mouth, milk dropped. Shit, I thought, a direct hit. My ball sack constricted and rolled my nuts. I shouldn't be able to see my package...
SHOULDN'T I GET TO CUM? .Tonight after a nasty couple of days, I thought I'd be able to relax. Iknew I was being invited over for dinner and I thought it would be differentthis time. When I arrived, Marguerite made me take off everything, even mychastity belt. "What's going on?" I asked. " I dressed for thisp arty, and now you've undressed me." I kept wanting to touch my prick,as it was free and my hands were free?first time since New Year's Day?I wantedto cum?Marguerite smiled and handed me...
Bill was a nice guy. Everyone said so... all the girls thought he was cute as. But cute wasn't exactly what he hoped for... at least sometimes. Today was a big day, presentations... possible promotion. But well... Bill, he's having one of those days. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2007. Should Have Stayed in...
It was quite a surprise the next Friday evening when she came home from work accompanied by Susan a secretarial assistant from a leisure club that the company owned, I had met Susan several times and although she was 20 years younger than I we had always got on quite well, Amanda explained that Susan was down in the dumps due to boyfriend trouble and needed cheering up hence her invitation to stay the weekend with us, during which she said that she had promised her a really good cheering up,...
Introduction: Amanda intoduces Susan and she is horny Amanda continued to see Jerry most weekends he would come over at some point to screw my wife it always seemed to begin with a downstairs quickie as if showing off to me after which they would spend several hours in bed drinking, laughing and screwing, of course I could watch the show if I wanted and occasionally I could join in during the rest periods to lick my wifes pussy or arse if she felt it necessary however after a few more weeks his...
Amanda continued to see Jerry most weekends he would come over at some point to screw my wife it always seemed to begin with a downstairs quickie as if showing off to me after which they would spend several hours in bed drinking, laughing and screwing, of course I could watch the show if I wanted and occasionally I could join in during the rest periods to lick my wife’s pussy or arse if she felt it necessary however after a few more weeks his visits became less and Amanda told me that things...
Becca began her duties immediately. She was conscious only of three things. The first was her own dress. The dress she wore was rolled up above her hips and tucked into her belt. As a result, she was naked from the waist down. Her blouse too had been opened, though it remained tucked into her skirt. As a result, she felt awkward walking to the laundry to begin her work. Secondly, she was conscious of her own wetness. Some time had passed since she had collapsed to her knees after reaching...
LesbianAfter a brief welcoming with those sponsor-wives and companions then present, the new companions were installed in the enclave’s med-tubes to restore them from Scud’s unwanted modifications. As with the others before them, visible modifications were confined to age-appropriate builds, toning and polishing, the individual’s preference on pubis decorations, and the like. Dora installed communication implants and began the strengthening and reflex modifications that would be needed by the new...
Springtime in Gynt was late this year, but there was a mood of celebration in the village. Today was Penn and Jane's wedding day, and what a beautiful day it was. A huge marquee had been set up for the festivities on the village green, and the tables were festooned with garlands of flowers, groaning under jeroboams of wine, and all in the village were prepared for a feast of gargantuan proportions. Gynt was a joyous place again. Gone were the days when Lilith was abroad, and the whole...
Tera stared into her mother’s bedroom through the space left by the partially open door. The door never closed completely. The latch couldn’t engage and when her mother would close the door it would always slowly drift open. Tera watched her mother undress after a late night out on a date with her new boyfriend. She watched as her mother reached behind her back to pull the zipper down on her dress. Tera’s eyes glared in disgust as she noticed how the dress formed itself to her mother’s...
Should I be Worried? 1 I have been worried about my ability to perform sexually for the past two or three months and couldn’t understand what the issue was when I finally decided to see a medical doctor to discuss the issue and make sure my equipment was performing adequately. I had not visited a doctor in three or four years because we had a company nurse that would offer suggestions when a minor illness or cold appeared, and I never seemed to need a doctor. Not knowing whom to turn to, I...
Should I encourage her more? By cdveronica Last night my wife and I had a wonderful time. But I'd like to know what you think may be happening and what I should do. My wife and I were in the living room reading the paper and watching TV. She left the room for a few minutes. When she returned, she was wearing a short light green silk nightie. She didn't say anything and just sat back down on the couch. "Are you ready for bed?" I asked. "No not necessarily," she replied....
This story is not just a story. It’s an experience. An experience started when I had gone to visit my son Aarav, who is married to Riya. This story jumps right into one night when I was not sleepy and walked out of my room to get a drink. When everyone is asleep, even a small sound is audible, even if the sounds are of slow, soft moaning. I was quite surprised to hear it. For a moment, I thought I must be crazy. But then, as I moved closer to the hall, I could hear a female moaning slowly. For...
IncestThe much-awaited final part is here. I know all of you have been waiting to read the finale. Trust me, while I sat and drove the car, I was so excited to finally explore every inch of my sexy bahu’s hot body. The entire car was filled with her seductive perfume. Just sitting and smelling her body perfume was driving me crazy. I wanted to make her sit on my lap and smell her. As I was driving the phone started to ring, and it was my son. Ria picked up the phone. Ria: Hi dear, how are you?...
IncestWithin three months the men and women had sorted out their mating preferences, and everyone was relatively happy with the mates available to them. Within six months, all the women except one were pregnant. Lysis had been tortured by Ra to the point that her reproductive system was damaged too severely to bear children. The first thirteen years, five-hundred-seven children were born. Year fourteen added twenty breeding females to our population, so that year there were fifty-nine births. The...
I have never said "I love you" first. While I believe that women can and should ask men out, request to be exclusive, and even propose wedded bliss, somehow the archaic "wait for him to make a move" mindset has seeped into my subconscious. Or... maybe I'm just chicken. (Probably the latter.) I'm not sure if I've ever even wondered, "Should I say I love you first?" because like the best-when-fried poultry item that I am akin to, there's just no way I would take the plunge first.Plunge? That...
Guess who is back after a long time? I missed writing my blogs due to other work commitments. But I ensure that I would try writing a lot of stories for all the readers here and hence contribute to this forum actively. This is a real incident that took place in my life. It is very dear to my heart and hence I would like to know all your feedback. Don’t hesitate to contact me on And please vote for the story once you finish reading it. Hello, everyone, I am 27-year-old from Bangalore, India. I...
IncestHi everyone, those who haven’t read my previous part, please do read it. I will continue the story below. I walked and stood next to her side. All nervous. Me: This is really good. Did you make this painting? S: Yes, it took me one week to finish it. Me: Wow, you need to make one for me as well. S: Sure. There was complete silence for a minute. Both of us wanted something but we were scared. Scared of the consequences or what if the other person reacts the opposite. S: Well, then let’s go. We...
IncestShould I Encourage Her? By cdveronica Previously I posted a story about my wife and I and how she had suggested we both slip into nightgowns, then after we fucked she had me suck my cum from her pussy. Every response I got said I should continue to encourage her. Last night she asked me to help her paint her toenails. When we finished that she insisted that she paint my toenails, in bright pink! After they dried, she told me to slip into a pink nightgown...
As I was about to enter, I decided not to. I closed the door and went and slept on the sofa. The next morning my son Aarav came and woke me up. Aarav: Papa, why are you sleeping here and not in your room? I was still sleepy and immediately remembered what had happened last night. The sight of Ria in that sexy nighty came to my mind. I felt an immediate sensation in my penis as I was lost in the thoughts of Ria. Aarav: Papa, what happened? Ria: Yes, papa, what happened last night? I was a bit...
Incest"What did you do to pass all that time as you traveled?" "I studied the worlds I discovered. I reviewed information gleaned from thousands of worlds. Travelers do not meet often in the expanses of space but when we do, we exchange what we have learned. When I return to my home planet, I acquire vast amounts of information and download it into the ship's data banks. When I was on your planet I recorded as much of your world's history, art, natural wonders, and scientific knowledge as I...
She knows that he is watching, but she pretends not to. it is a fiction that they both share, a shared lie that is in so many ways a symbol of their relationship. so many things that they say but not mean, and mean but do not say. She comes into the room, seemingly alone, and shoos away the eager pets that follow. They know something fun is going to happen, can sense the energy, but they accept exile without fuss. this has happened before. She is already undoing her blouse with distracted...
As soon as Suzanne was gone, Brenda was on Susan like white on rice. Her arousal level was still sky high, and she was craving relief. Her hope was that she and Susan would French kiss for a nice long while. She was keen to take off Susan's exercise outfit so they could revel in their nudity and fully explore each other's bodies. She hoped that, soon, Susan would finger her pussy and give her the great orgasm that she so desperately needed. However, Susan had other ideas. She did neck with...
I considered all my options including suicide, divorcing Amanda, killing her (joking)or just moving out and giving her some time to think about things, but all my options were limited by my available cash which was not much, it took both our wages to pay the mortgage on our home and the resulting bills, Amanda’s job paid quite a bit more than mine so it was likely she had savings whereas I had only a few hundred pounds, I had suggested selling up and us splitting but she seemed to think that...
Introduction: Frank turns up at last The week following the party my head was spinning, here I was 42 years old working for a dead end company in a dead end job with a wife that had suddenly gone completely mad, she had been having an affair and had seen her lover off to his new job with a orgy, would not let me fuck her but gave me head, and go out of her way to humiliate me, she only seemed to get her kicks whilst I was watching her fuck other men, all of whom seemed blessed with large cocks,...