It Ain’t Easy free porn video

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The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that’s always there, but which you don’t notice unless it’s not there.

I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right.

I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery.

At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had raged at my helplessness. I like to stay busy, which is why I still work as a teacher even though Ricky makes a very good living as a lawyer, and I like to be in control of my life.

And I could do nothing but sit there in the quiet riot of the ICU, with midnight approaching, and wait for my husband to come out from under the anesthetics — the little death that allows surgeons to do the things they do — so we could begin the long process of recovery.

The surgeon, the cardiologist and the attending nurses had all said the procedure was a success, that Ricky would make a full recovery, but I knew I’d have to see it to believe it.

The crisis that had led us to that point had come on us suddenly, just six days earlier.

It was a Sunday in early August, and hot like it can only get way down South. Because it was so hot, we’d spent the day indoors doing laundry, with a baseball game on in the background.

I teach English at the local high school, and had started back to work the previous week. We still had another week to go before the kids started their year, and I had a few odds and ends to get pulled together that day, so I’d be ready the next day.

He got this funny look on his face, and I noticed he was making an effort to belch, without success. After a few minutes, though, he seemed to relax and the moment passed.

A few hours later, I’d gone on to bed while he’d gotten on the computer to do some preliminary research so he’d be a little ahead when he went to work the next day.

He is a general practice lawyer here in the small Southern town where he grew up, and he’s the best at what he does.

About 12 years ago, he traded in the rat race as a high-profile corporate attorney in Philadelphia, where I grew up, for the much slower pace of having his own firm in a smaller town.

I sleep with the light on until he comes to bed, so I wasn’t totally out of it when he came in looking pale and slightly disoriented.

‘Beth?’ he said softly, and I could hear a slight bit of panic in his voice, which brought me out of the light sleep into which I’d fallen.

‘Ricky? What’s wrong?’ I said in a voice still thick with slumber.

‘Something’s not right,’ he said. ‘I can’t get comfortable, and I’ve got this … weird feeling in my chest, like I’ve got a hard ball in my esophagus, and a tingling feeling down my left arm.’

He sat down heavily on the chair in our bedroom, and that’s when I got up and looked him over. I was alarmed at what I saw. He didn’t appear to have a fever, but his skin was clammy and his face was covered in a cool sweat. He also seemed to be having a little trouble breathing

‘Go lie down on the couch in the den,’ I said. ‘I’m calling 911.’

‘You don’t have to do that,’ he said as he stood up on legs that looked shaky. ‘I’m fine.’

‘You are not fine,’ I said, a little more crossly than I intended. ‘I’m not having you drop dead on me. Something’s wrong and we’re getting an ambulance out here. Now!’

Just then I noticed a grimace cross his face, and he didn’t argue with me, but went right into the den and laid down on the couch.

Less than 10 minutes later, the ambulance was pulling in the driveway and the EMTs were starting to work. The first thing they observed after checking his blood pressure and pulse rate gave me a little bit of comfort.

‘It doesn’t appear that he’s having a heart attack,’ one of them said. ‘But something is going on, so we’ll get a nitro drip going as soon as we get him in the truck and we’ll let the hot-shots take a look at him.’

Ricky seemed to relax once it became clear that we were going to the hospital. He was alert and even a little jovial, although he was still clearly in a fair amount of discomfort.

Once they had him secured, they hustled him out to the ambulance while I threw some clothes on, then our 16-year-old daughter and I got in the car and followed them to the emergency room.

That began the six-day whirlwind that led me to the ICU and a nearly-comatose husband lying on the bed.

It turned out that Ricky had had an angina attack, not quite the same as a full-blown heart attack, but still nothing to ignore.

Once they got the pain abated and his condition stabilized, they sent him on to the large general hospital in the city nearest our hometown, where our two sons live, and began the battery of tests to find the source of the problem.

It didn’t take them long to find it.

We were stunned to learn that Ricky had already had a heart attack. We have no clue as to when he had it, but the evidence was clear as day when we looked at the picture they got from the heart catheter. He had one artery on the back of his heart that was almost completely blocked and two others that were more than 50 percent blocked.

The cardiologist didn’t hesitate. He recommended immediate bypass surgery.

‘Frankly, I’m amazed that he’s just now showing signs of trouble,’ he said.

I consulted some people in the medical field in this area that I trusted and got the name of the heart surgeon they considered the best, and said that was who we wanted. He was put on the schedule for the following Friday to have the procedure done.

We were completely baffled as to why he’d developed heart trouble. He had no family history of heart trouble, he was only 51 years old, he’d always been healthy and kept himself in good physical condition.

The only thing we could come up with was his 20-some years of smoking cigarettes. He’d taken up the habit in college, but had quit nearly 10 years earlier.

Whatever had caused it was irrelevant. It was a problem that had to be dealt with, and Ricky didn’t look back for a second once the decision was made to have surgery.

I’ll be honest, though, we were scared. Up to that point, our lives had been a fairy tale, and now suddenly we were confronted with a mortal crisis that could take my Ricky away from me.

I’ve never felt more alone in my life — notwithstanding all of the family, friends and clergy that were surrounding me — than in that moment when they wheeled him into the operating room. I was absolutely lost, and that’s when I finally cracked. I just buried my face in my father-in-law’s shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably.

Now, as I sat by Ricky’s bedside, I thought back over the 27 years of our marriage, plus the three years of courtship before that, and the life we’d made together.

^ ^ ^ ^

You would be hard-pressed to find two people from more diverse backgrounds than ours, and I’ve always been convinced that we were fated to be together, because it took a peculiar set of circumstances for us to meet.

I’m the middle child from a family that was a fixture on the Main Line of Philadelphia. We’re talking old — very old — money. If you’ve ever seen the movie, ‘Trading Places,’ with Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy, you have a fair idea of the kind of life I came from.

My father was a financier, much like in the movie, and my brother, Allan, three years my senior, followed eagerly in his footsteps.

My sister, a year-and-a-half younger than me, also followed the pattern. She was always gorgeous, always flirty, always popular, and she did the debutante thing with gusto.

For a long time, we also hated each other’s guts, because she was everything I was not. I was pretty enough, just not in Lisa’s class, and
I was a little taller than average and a little gangly as a kid.

I was also a bit of a rebel. I preferred being alone, preferred the sanctuary of books to the company of others and I absolutely abhorred the society dos that were so much a part of my mother’s and my sister’s lives.

I wasn’t so much of a rebel, though, that I could defy my folks on where I went to school. So I dutifully trotted off to an exclusive prep school, where I did pretty well, just not well enough to get much attention in the uber-competitive academic environment the school fostered.

So when my mom insisted that I follow her footsteps and attend Bryn Mawr — and, oh by the way, join the same sorority she’d been a member of — and hinting that she and Dad wouldn’t pay for me to go anywhere else, I was stuck.

It was the worst two years of my life. The only halfway decent thing I got out of it was that I learned a little bit about sex. I started to fill out during my senior year of high school, and I was somewhat amazed to find that I could attract guys.

Unfortunately, the guys I met when I was at Bryn Mawr were the same kind of simpering idiots like my brother, snobs who thought their shit didn’t stink.

After my fourth abortive relationship with some moneyed clown, I’d had enough. I informed my parents that I was transferring, and I’d wait tables if I had to in order to pay for it. I’d poured myself into my studies, so I had the grades, and I chose to go to Penn.

My parents was taken aback at my determination and acquiesced.

Being an Ivy League school, Penn isn’t exactly like Penn State or Michigan or some other such state university, but it was a whole different world from Bryn Mawr. I actually met real people for the first time in my life, and I threw myself into campus activities.

I even dated some, but after my earlier experiences I had made a vow that I would not have sex with just anyone, and I kept that vow. Right up to the day I ran into Ricky Smithers at a campus event.

I was helping organize the event, some speaker whose name I’ve forgotten, and I saw this sandy-haired guy across the auditorium. He wasn’t real big, but he seemed to move with a sense of grace and confidence that intrigued me.

I asked one of the girls helping set up who he was, and she kind of gave a little sneer and told me who he was, and walked off with a little disdain in her step.

I was puzzled at her attitude, so I walked over to him and introduced myself. I’d never done anything like that before, but, like I said, I was fascinated.

As soon as he opened his mouth, I sort of understood the girl’s attitude. Despite all the years he spent in Philly, Ricky never got the South out of his mouth. He had — still has — a soft, slow drawl that was all magnolias and cane syrup.

Ricky is about as country as they come, other than the fact that he loves rock-and-roll music. While my roots are deep in the Main Line, his are just as deep in the red-clay soil of the Deep South.

His parents, Roland and Virgie, ran a hardware store in the downtown area of a small town in southern Georgia, until it got too much for them as they got older.

For some reason that’s never been adequately explained, it took them awhile to have children, so they only had two. Ricky was the oldest and his sister Julie was a couple of years younger.

They grew up in a small house out in the country, where their parents still live and still keep a rather extensive garden. They’ve never been very well-off, but they are rich in the kind of things you can’t put a price tag on.

They always worked hard at their store, which still operates under the ownership of a friend to whom they sold it a few years ago. They pay their bills on time, tend their garden and attend services at the First Methodist Church every single Sunday, rain or shine. They are good, good people.

Unlike me and my siblings, Ricky and Julie have always been close, and I can’t tell you how much I owe Julie for her help in getting me adjusted when we moved back here 12 years ago. I can honestly say she’s my best friend, and I leaned on her something fierce when Ricky had his heart trouble.

It didn’t take me long to learn that Ricky was a legend in the town. He’d been the first student at the high school there to make a perfect 36 on his ACT, he was valedictorian, class president and voted Most Likely to Succeed.

He’d always been ambitious, and wanted to attend college in a completely different environment from his hometown, so he chose Penn from the many scholarship offers he received.

He seemed so confident and self-assured when I first met him that I was shocked when he told me how many times he almost left and went back home his freshman year. He was considered a hick by the Ivy Leaguers he’d encountered and had developed few friends and had no love life.

His father is a gentle man, and soft-spoken, but Ricky said that Roland put his foot down and told Ricky he wouldn’t let him back in the house if he quit school at Penn. With his family’s encouragement, he’d gotten through that first year and started showing the kind of results everyone expected.

Even by the time I met him, though, midway through our junior year, he was still something of a social outcast, although his academic record had earned him plenty of respect.

I asked him about it, and he just shrugged.

‘It ain’t easy,’ he said. ‘But that’s life.’

I would soon come to find out that was his stock phrase for explaining the unexplainable. He said it was the refrain from a song by David Bowie, but it wasn’t a song I was familiar with.

‘It ain’t easy,’ he’d say, and he’d always say it with a shrug. I guess it was his philosophy for dealing with the ups and downs that life had thrown at him.

I couldn’t understand the attitude of the other girls at school, though, because from the very first Ricky Smithers set my pulse racing. There was just something about him that turned me into a quivering mass of Jell-O whenever I was around him. In fact, he still does.

After the event that night, he invited me to join him for a beer at an on-campus pub and we talked about our lives. I kept my cards kind of close to the vest, because I didn’t want him to think I was bragging about my background (not that I would anyway).

He was a perfect gentleman that night, and I was stunned that I was actually disappointed. I’d never been around a man that I so much wanted to ravage me only a few hours after I’d met him. But he didn’t even kiss me.

He did, however, get my phone number from me, and he called me the next day. We were off and running, and it didn’t take us long to fall madly in love.

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, to find out why no one had snapped this guy up. He was everything I could have wanted in a boyfriend — polite, easy-going, an interesting conversationalist and a wonderful kisser.

I wanted him from the very first, but I took it slow because I wanted to be sure of my feelings, but by our fifth date, we knew we were ready to take our relationship to the next level.

To this day, I remember every detail of the first time we made love.

He took me to dinner that night, and we were unusually keyed up. It was early spring, a really gorgeous Saturday, and we’d spent the day at the park. We’d ostensibly been studying, but we’d spent more time on the blanket making out than cracking the books.

I think we knew where we were headed that night, and I was excited. We had gone downtown for cheese steaks, a local treat he’d come to appreciate.

That’s one thing about our relationship, we’ve always found ways to enjoy the guilty pleasures of each other’s local tradition. He came to enjoy things like scrapple, and I’ve learned to love stuff like grits and turnip greens (although I’m still not too sure about okra).

Afterward, we rode the bus back to my apartment, and I i
nvited him in for coffee. When we had our cups, we sat together on the sofa and chatted aimlessly, about nothing in particular. When my cup was drained, I set it on the coffee table and we sort of melted together.

I was nervous, because I really wanted this to go well. I had feelings for him like I’d never had for any of my four previous lovers, and I so wanted it to be good.

Ricky’s hands caressed my body as we kissed with ever-increasing ardor, our tongues slashing together as the passion mounted between us.

He moved subtly on the sofa to where he was slightly on top of me, and I could feel his hardness gently burrowing into my crotch area.

‘God, Ricky, please,’ I panted. ‘I want you. Please, love me?’

He just smiled and whispered to me.

‘I want you too, Beth,’ he said. ‘You are so beautiful. You’re the woman I’ve dreamed about all my life.’

Then we kissed again, passionately, wantonly, now that we knew what we wanted. As we kissed, Ricky’s hands started exploring, unbuttoning my blouse with one hand while the other was gently massaging my crotch through my tight jeans.

I could feel my lust starting to soar, and I responded by reaching up to find Ricky’s cock. I didn’t have to search much. He was hard as a rock under his Levi’s, and he groaned as I softly caressed his cock.

At length, I rolled him over and stood up. I’m sure I looked a sight with my soft brown hair tousled and my face flushed with lust. My blouse was hanging off my arms and I quickly discarded it.

That got a smile from Ricky, who had looked at me with some concern when I stood up, thinking he’d done something wrong.

I reached back and unhooked my bra and threw it on the floor on top of my blouse. I swayed lustfully as I played with my naked breasts, my nipples hard as rocks.

‘You have the most beautiful titties,’ he whispered, and that sent my arousal spiking to hear that from the man I was falling in love with.

Trust me, my breasts are nothing special. They’re kind of smallish, with quarter-sized areolas and perky little nips. I’ve always been sensitive about my bust size, because Lisa is fairly well-endowed, and don’t think she didn’t let me know it when we were teenagers.

In fact, I’d broken up with my last boyfriend, months earlier, after he suggested that I’d be a lot sexier if I had a boob job. Asshole.

But Ricky said they were beautiful. Of course, I didn’t believe him at first.

‘You’re just saying that because you want to get in my pants,’ I teased.

‘No, really,’ he said as he stood up to gather me in his arms. ‘Well, I do want to get in your pants. But, seriously, anything more than a handful’s a waste. No, you have gorgeous titties. They’re perfect for your body.’

And to demonstrate, he bent down and captured one of my nipples with his lips and began to softly suckle me, lightly running his tongue over my hard little tip.

I could feel crackles of real passion exploding through my body as Ricky nursed me, moving easily from one to the other. I was on fire from his mouth, as I knew deep down he’d be good, seeing as how he was such a great kisser.

I finally had to pull him away from my chest, because I was already close to a climax, and it had been my experience that once I came I had a hard time staying in the mood for sex.

Little did I know.

‘I want you, baby, so bad,’ I panted.

We hustled to my bedroom, where we finished removing our clothes. Ricky naked was everything I had fantasized about. He’s not real big, about the same height as me, but he was well-built and trim, and his cock appeared to be perfect, not too big and not too small.

And that cock was standing straight and tall, already weeping with desire for me. I figured he’d just lay me down and fuck me, and, honestly, that’s what I wanted.

But the man was going to be full of surprises.

I managed to pull the covers down as he was laying me back. But instead of climbing into the saddle, he pounced on my breasts again, licking and sucking my throbbing nipples like a man on his last meal.

After feasting on my tits for what seemed like a long time, long enough to bring me right to the edge of a climax, he started slithering his tongue down my stomach to my abdomen.

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First let me tell you where this story came from. I was mountain biking in a park near my home when I came across two unrelated but interesting things. First I came across the remnants of a huge paintball fight. There were paintballs splattered everywhere, empty and partially filled speed loaders, tons of CO2 cartridges, and between ten and twelve empty cartons that had once contained paintballs. The battle had spanned most of the 25 plus acres of heavily wooded park and there...

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Gaint Cock

Angela was searching her brother's desk for her calculator when she ran across an odd-looking jar of brown stuff. She picked it up and read 'Pheromonic Testosteric...' followed by a foreign word not readable or pronounceable. She removed the lid, sniffed: "Mmmh nice," she thought, noticing only a little was gone, then put it back wondering what her geek brother used it for. She found the missing calculator and went back to her room angry and vowing to yell at him for borrowing without asking....

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Painters Delight

I am a painting contractor and doing well. It is a long time since I held a paint-dripping brush in my hands, but now I had promised my sister that I should fix her apartment in a more modern coloration, it would be a combined birthday-present and a celebration for a promotion to her husband and it should be done while he was away for almost three weeks for his company. Paul is a salesman. One of the best. You know the kind that seem to be able to sell a central-heating system to a Bedouin in...

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He’d met Cynthia a year ago at the same business conference and expected her to be there again from the occasional correspondence they had. It was Friday night, the opening mixer when people caught up with one another over drinks and heavy hors d’oeuvres. He got himself a bourbon and water and started circulating in the big room. There she was, that short curly dark hair recognizable from any angle. He came up behind her, wanting to put his arms around to give her a big hug, but knowing that...

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Saintly Dream Comes True

Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Stella Saint: Protagonist. Denise Moore: Stella's friend and an intelligent psychology major. Leona: A lesbian felina. Minor Characters: Jonathan Wood: A businessman and Stella's boyfriend. Clark Dawson: Denise's classmate. Crewmember: A burly man employed at McDonald's. Lupe: A call girl. Receptionist: A redhead employed at Baisamé Hotel. Stella Saint entered into a well-furnished spacious room. She looked about her. Nobody was there and...

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Saintly Dream Comes True

Stella Saint had an erotic dream, which disturbed her every night. She discussed the odd situation with Denise Moore, who persuaded her to enact the dream. Stella agreed to do so at a hotel. Little did she know that someone else had planned to make out with her. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Stella Saint: Protagonist. Denise Moore: Stella’s friend and an intelligent psychology major. Leona: A lesbian felina. Minor Characters: Jonathan Wood: A businessman and Stella’s...

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Saint Ch 01

‘ I need to get screwed.’ Tanyi Rokir twirled her pencil in her mouth, clutching the phone to her ear. Her friend Liz giggled at that on the other side of the phone. ‘ I’m serious Liz! It’s been so long I’ve started to have erotic dreams of Mr. D.’ ‘Well. He has been a faithful companion to you, Tanyi. He has earned the right to star in a dream or two.’ ‘True!’ Tanyi acknowledged ‘He has kept me rather warm during those empty nights. And don’t shoot the D as an erotic dream. He’s much better...

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The acceptance letter wasn’t the only surprise to arrive in my mail box that spring. I was even more surprised when I received an invitation to apply to a Harvard Finals Club, all before I graduated from high school. I was also confused. Finals clubs are for the elite, the aristoclass. Not me. You also join them after you get to campus, not before you graduate high school. When I googled the club there was no information online. The group didn’t seem to exist. I wondered if it was some kind...

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Painter Plaster Blowjob Man 2

I had been living in my house for roughly 2 years and felt that it was timethat I actually did some work to it. The wallpaper was old the carpet tattyand I was definitely the more modern minimalist type. This house neededsome serious work. I could probably have done most of it, but it would havetaken me more than a good few weeks. Much like the introduction to thisstory, it sounded boring as hell.So let me set the scene, that eventually let to me having 2 hot boyspounding my ass and getting my...

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Saint Michael

This story is told from the point of view of two people, Michel and Sally. Each section is prefixed by name. It is written for my enjoyment and hopefully yours as well. —– Michael: They call me Saint Michael behind my back, some with reverence, some with disdain and others with suspicion. All have a theory about my past but no-one knows the full story of the betrayal of my oath. —– Sally: It all began when my husband and I decided to build a family. I stopped taking the pill and we...

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Saint Milfer

Saint Millers Crossing is a 'small' well-to-do, cozy community out in the middle of nowhere. Far from big cities but not so rural that it loses that suburban charm. It resides in the middle of a low land valley surrounded by small rolling hills on all sides; with federally protected forest lands, to the west, and unincorporated grass lands to the north, plus some farms as far as the eye can see to the South and East. The commute to the nearest 'city' is at least a 2 1/2 hour drive. The very...

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Saint Louis 1980

3:00 PM MONDAY - NOVEMBER 5 I woke up on Monday at three o’clock in the afternoon. On a different day I would have sought out my big brother George, and seen if he had a little time to make love with his little sister. George is the very best big brother any girl could ever hope to ask for. I may have been the one that seduced him ten years ago, but he knows me better than I know me. He knows what I like, what I want, and what I need. More than that he truly loves me, and he tries to give me...

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It isn't easy being easy. I don't care what you hear about the up side of spending a lot of down time on your backside. For women, it's a problem. For young girls, it can be a disaster. I know. I've been there. I've done that. I have the stretch marks to prove it. Let me jump back to the beginning. Or at least, the first I remember of the beginning. My earliest memory of the trade offs that are expected of girls was about the same time my older brother must have been going through the...

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A chance meeting... then, again, in different circumstances, a glimpse across a room brings questions, possibility and longing. Feelings you were previously unaware of. Although.... This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2008. Reacquainted By Kristina.L.S. I'd been living in the old house for several months and...

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Guys Are So Easy

Guys Are So Easy When I originally agreed to go camping with my boyfriend and his buddies I had no idea that I would be the only woman going with the four men. They all claimed that the other three women had intended to go but that they had all backed out at the last moment. My boyfriend eventually begged me to go with him. Well, fuck it, I wasn’t going to stay home all by myself for a whole week just because of the other girls backing out. I was going with the boys and I was going...

2 years ago
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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEX - PART 2After my encounter with Dan, I was on a sexual high for several days. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. I would fall asleep at night with him on my mind and dream about a future hookup. During the day I would remind myself that the likelihood that he and I would get together was most likely slim and that I shouldn’t pin my hopes on seeing him again.About a week later, Dad arrived home from work and asked if I knew what we were having for dinner. I told him I...

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The CatalystChapter 29 Keeping a Secret Aint Easy

[Sam gave her a hug, “Thanks kiddo. I may just have another surprise for everyone on Monday!” He grinned at Bob and I caught Bob winking back at him.] I was curious, but Bob quickly flashed, “Let it go...” and winked at me. Linda’s abilities were becoming so good, she caught it. She flashed back, “Let WHAT go, Baby?” Bob just grinned and zipped his lips. Sam chuckled, “Man, I wish I could do that communication thing.” Becky looked lost, “What’s that?” Jamie chuckled, “It’s just a little...

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Saint Patricks Day

Saint Patrick’s Day Here in America we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on March seventeenth. This year it was on Wednesday. Everyone wears green and most people claim to be Irish. I myself wore a T-shirt that read: “Kiss me I’m Irish.” Tradition in my neighborhood says that you start drinking green beer and shorts of Irish whisky right after work and you don’t stop for anything until you pass out. I do stop to throw up and eat some food. That way I can outlast most of my...

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Saint Valentines Day Massacre

Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre The love story behind the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. Always suspected that it was Al Capone behind the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, it was never proven and, although he admitted to it in private to his boys, he never confessed the crime to the police. On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1929, seven men were shot in the back, gunned down, and murdered. Four of the men were with the Bugs Moran gang. The fifth man, was not a criminal, per se, he was the Moran...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 5

His head was pounding, his stomach a constant churning ache. He managed to open the door to his office and slink over to his chair, wincing at the sound it made when he pulled it back. He sank down into it, laying his head on his arms on the desk, praying that either God would take mercy on him or kill him. Killing him would be a mercy today and God didn't grant such mercies to people like him. Nick reached into the middle drawer of his desk, his fingers going over the different pill...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 16

Damn, damn, damn! Today of all days. Her dependable little Neon had to pull something like this. She slammed the car door shut and reached carefully for the hood latch. Steam was billowing out from around the hood of the car, a red light was blaring at her on the dash, and she was way out in the back of nowhere, on a short cut she had taken hundreds of times and never had another thought about. She burned herself on the steam as she finally found the latch and yanked her hand out, sticking...

1 year ago
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UNCERTAINTY By Ingrid Halb The room was dark. It was the middle of the night and the blinds were drawn, but that did not explain the atmosphere. There was darkness here that went beyond the normal pall of night. It was a darkness that subdued the LED clocks and computer power indicators that stood out like beacons during the afterhours of any normal office building. This was a very normal office in a very normal building. There was however, a rather unusual ceremony under...

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Maintenance Workout The New Yoga Dance Doll

Zane adjusted his tie for the tenth time in the span of a few minutes. He looked good he hoped. It was at least the best he could do. A second-hand suit that didn't look that used up. Many would call it cheap. For a welfare rat like him, it was months of saving up. He had gotten it for a job interview two years ago. One that didn't pan out. Now he had a new one and hope filled his heart. Even if his actual chances were low. The maglev train slowed down and Zane knew this was his stop....

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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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And the Livin is Easy

I stamped on the brakes and skewed across the road leaving black rubber scorch marks on the tar. She was my pride and joy and I was alarmed I was going to hit the ditch and career into it. But luck was on my side. We screeched to a standstill over the grass verge and onto the brink of the empty ditch.It was mid-summer and, after a blistering month, the ground was bone dry and the grass yellow brown. I guess if it was raining or just wet then I’d have gone that extra couple of feet and ended up...

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Painting with Lydia

CHAPTER 1 Eddie Carter had been working for Gilmore Home Decorators in Crawley, England, for three weeks and during that time had been painting commercial premises – a paint store, gymnasium, bicycle shop and bakery. The Australian preferred painting homes where there was always the chance of the woman of the house providing coffee and freshly-buttered scones for morning and afternoon tea and a hot lunch in return for excellence in painting. Eddie wasn’t sure how women could tell if the...

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Paintball and Busting

You spend most of your days bored and inside. All you’ve really been doing is texting your crush trying to get more intimate for the past few months. One day you’re finally able to break away from your anxiety and ask them out. Turns out that they had felt the same way, and you guys started to grow closer. You’re finally at the stage where you two can be considered a couple. You both have been on several dates and have had tons of fun. Everything is great... hopefully this doesn’t change. Today...

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Saint Nicholas School of Whores prologue

This is simply the prologue for an idea that I think would make a good story. The feedback will decide whether or not I pursue this further. There will not be much sex or action in this chapter, but if more chapters are requested they will be considerably more graphic. I've tried to write what I feel would be something that could, in a very crazy world, actually happen. If you enjoy and would like to read more please leave a comment. [b]The Saint Nicholas school of whores Benjamin...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 6

He was being called on the carpet. Again. He heaved a huge sigh of disgust. The cost of doing this job and doing it the way it was supposed to be done meant pushing limits, pissing people off at times and at others, bending the rules just a bit. He tried to smile at Michelle, to offer a little comfort. There wasn't any reason that she should be there. He was the one that had decided to not call in the crime scene guys right away. He didn't follow procedure. He was primary, his decision so...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 19

Disappointment. It was bitter and acidy in his mouth. He had been primed for the press conference, ready to bask in the expression of horror on the faces of the people as his crimes were recited. Ready to glow with pleasure at the seriousness of all the law enforcement agencies that were out there hunting him down. The predator, the stalker, the Knife. He had gotten there early, in the guise of helping set things up. He had worked beside the people who were being paid to take him out of the...

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Being a Farm Girl isn8217t easy

Especially if you’re me. I’m Mandy, and I’m from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of it. This life of mine isn’t easy because I am responsible for a number of animals including: cows, bulls, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, and a Husky. I feed them, give them water, milk the cows and goats, and clean their living areas. Not to mention the fact that I’m only fifteen.** My average day consists of my mother...

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It Aint Easy

The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that's always there, but which you don't notice unless it's not there. I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right. I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery. At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had...

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A Little Too Easy

I can tell you what wasn't a surprise: the size of her fat little cunt. Katie had worn spandex often enough for me to develop a pretty good image of how that prominent cameltoe would appear when exposed. I had been right; her sparsely-haired vulva was the very image of that overused but nonetheless apt metaphor, a succulent peach. Her breasts, now bared, were the sweet muffins I had imagined them to be. Granted, her impudent pink nipples were much larger than I had noticed before, steepling...

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Easy Catch Almost Too Easy

Copyright© 2003 I'd rather have fingers than toes, I'd rather have ears than a nose, And a happy erection Brought just to perfection Makes me terribly sad when it goes. The reason James did it was not for profit or for fame - he did it out of laziness and power. Besides it had worked in the past, with other girls that he had seen a weakness, a potential for himself, within. James had used this ability of his, to ensnare and then enslave a woman until he tired of her. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 369 Returning Home Part One It Wasnt Easy

Saturday, June 9, 2007 After my one and a half hours sleep, I extracted myself from my tightly clinging wives and went for an enjoyable walk in the woods. Partly to make sure we were alone, but mostly just for the pleasure of it. We were in a very natural area so surrounded by lots of good quality flora and fauna. I'd learned a great deal about Oregon's natural life as a result of Ron and Ava's mini-National Park on the west side of our property. Where I was now was higher and with a much...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 35 Simple Ainrsquot Easy

“Yeah. It’s confirmed. The sarge couldn’t match this guy to any records in the lab directories.” The unit soldier was waiting on additional orders from the sergeant and also going over other pictures of the man they saw hopping the fence and going into George’s garage through the back door. He had called the sergeant and informed him of someone jumping the fence who was welcomed by the three in the house. He had also emailed the clearest pics they got of the man while he was looking around...

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Two DiariesChapter 7 Nothing Is Ever Easy

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, Mum and Dad sat with me for breakfast. They usually were so busy they didn’t have the time, and they couldn’t stay for long. For that matter, I had to catch the bus, too. Still, we managed to exchange a few words and they said they wanted to have a serious talk with me in the evening. “Nothing bad”, said Dad. “Your mother reminded me you really are growing up, and it’s time we revise the way we do things. Also, she told me yesterday night that you’re in love...

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