A Little R&R Ch. 05 free porn video

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‘… mmmmmf… whut?’

Stifling a yawn with the back of his hand, Reno nuzzled into Rude. ‘Morning, sunshine.’

‘You were staring at me…’ The bald man blinked, his eyes sticky. Reno shrugged and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

‘Yea, so?’

‘Weirdo. What time is it?’ Rude made a quirky little face. He yawned as well, it was contagious.

‘Eh, sometime around six, I guess.’ Reno had never been one for time.

Rude gave a long stretch and rolled himself upright, propping his good hand underneath him. The early morning twilight filtered the room with a dim glow, the chiseled features of Reno standing out more than usual. It was striking, the image of his compatriot lying on his side and looking up at him. His heart skipped a beat.

‘What’s on the agenda today? I didn’t read the memo,’ Reno quizzed with his characteristic head-jerk. Rude gave a tousle to Reno’s hair with his fingers, his hand not nearly as tender as it had been a few hours ago. He rose and crossed to the little closet. Pulling out the smaller man’s suit, he tossed it to him.

‘You have a date with your destiny,’ he smirked.

‘Destiny,’ Reno snorted, propping himself up on his elbows. ‘You say that like its some big life changing deal. Face it, Rude, I’m not doing it any day other than today.’ Rude snickered, pulling off the white tank and placing it on a hanger.

‘You never know. You might decide you like it. I can see it now. You, as Mr. Corporate.’

‘Yea and I could have Tseng’s job with the company issued stick up my ass.’ Reno chuckled despite himself. Rude joined in the humor.

‘Stranger things have happened…’ his voice dropped. He wished he would have said that differently. Quickly, he slipped out of the leather pants. Stark naked, he folded them nicely and placed them on a little shelf over the closet rod.

Reno drank in the sight of him naked, bathed in the early morning light. He stared openly, half hoping Rude would catch him, half hoping he didn’t. The familiar craving twisted in his gut again and he reveled in it. They were behind closed doors. He could do whatever he damned well pleased. He was starting to figure out this game that they played, and if it was one thing Reno had trouble doing, it was losing. Rude went to fetch some clean underwear, crossing over to his dresser drawer. He bent over, giving a full view show to the reclined redhead. Reno’s body reacted before he had a chance to even think of quelling it. This wasn’t fair. If he didn’t know better, he would have said Rude was teasing him. It wouldn’t have taken much for Reno to have lunged for Rude’s leg and tongued the tattoo across his calf. He shook his head slightly and wriggled against the now uncomfortable confines of his pants.

Rude donned the white cotton without a second thought. His qualm wasn’t over modesty, it was deeper than that. There had always been something about intimacy that Rude never seemed to quite get a handle on, his past experiences were condemning proof. He moved back over to the bunk, picking up and replacing his sunglasses as the morning sun rose brighter. Picking up the garment bag, Reno unzipped it, pulling out the brand new suit. He touched the starch white shirt and cringed.

‘Hey, tell me again why I’m doin’ this?’ He removed the tie from the hanger and tossed it on the desk and draped the pants over the chair so he could wrestle with the shirt. Rude smiled broadly.

‘Vendetta, what else?’

‘Ah, yea….’ Reno trailed, fighting with the buttons of the shirt. ‘See, now this is why three get buttoned and the rest don’t. Button three and the shirt slides right over my head.’ He fastened each button up to the neckline, swallowing hard. It was a little closer to his neck than he was comfortable with. His head twisted back and forth, the material rubbing his neck as he buttoned the cuffs. ‘How the hell d’you put up with this?’

‘Just do.’ He shrugged and switched back to the closet, pulling out his own white shirt and navy suit.

Reno unfastened the leather pants, allowing them to cling loosely to his hips as he fiddled with removing the dress pants from the hanger. They were blissfully undone so he only had to fight one way with them. Noting Rude picking up the old blue suit, his head jerked in disapproval.

‘Why aren’t you wearing the new stuff, yo? I figured you’d be the first to suit up.’

‘They’re comfortable.’ Rude was halfway into his pants himself. There was no way he was going to admit being fond of something inanimate… except for maybe his sunglasses. He raised the fly and fastened the button with two quick flicks, tucking his shirt in that fell loosely around his waist.

‘You make this shit look easy, yo.’ Reno grumbled, sliding the leather from his lower half. He stepped into the pants and tugged them up around his waist and fastened them. He then looked at his shirt tail and huffed, unfastening the waistband again to tuck the shirt inside, then refastened the pants and checked his progress. Rude chuckled elbow deep in a drawer, hunting for a pair of socks. Victorious, he let his eyes wander over to Reno, who was fidgeting in the more formal attire. He looked ridiculous, completely out of place. It just wasn’t the same Reno he knew to be all spiffed up.

Triumphing a small success, Reno snagged his boots from in front of the closet and put them on quickly, tugging on his collar. He donned the jacket and zipped it. ‘Alright. I feel… damned uncomfortable! How the hell you do this, Rude? I can’t breathe.’

Rude hopped to catch up, managing socks and shoes as quick as he could. His tie hung limp and undone as he grabbed his jacket. He walked over and placed two fingers on each side of the gangly throat and slid them down into the collar, tugging firmly to create a slightly wider wrap around Reno’s neck.


‘I have to have help getting dressed,’ Reno huffed under his breath, sounding much like a truant schoolboy. ‘Yea, it’s better,’ he admitted begrudgingly. He fingered the collar.

‘Good. Let’s go, I’m starving.’ The apple was still in his pocket from yesterday, it bumped against him as he righted the door open to leave. Reno jaunted toward the door and stopped dead.

‘I’m forgetting something…’ He bent to grab his goggles but stopped, allowing them to rest on the floor where he had dropped them last night. He ran his hands over his body, fidgeting. Key cards were in his pocket, he had his wallet. He danced in place, feeling like a complete idiot. Rude took the moment to whip his tie into a perfect knot.

‘Ants in your pants?’

‘I thought we covered this, yo, I’m the…’ He stopped mid sentence and squeezed his eyes shut hard. Reno winced and reached blindly for his tie. His fingers wrapped around silk and he pulled it toward him, eyeing it as though it were a snake. Rude roared in a fit of laughter.

‘Yes, your Hangman’s Noose! D’you need a hand with that?’ He had to wipe a tear from his eye. Reno glared at him, muttering something about getting dressed on his own. He wrapped the tie around his neck and half-assed tied it, tugging at it uncomfortably. He was really starting to regret participating in this bet. Rude fought hard to keep the swell of giggles to a minimum. If only I had a camera.

‘… The fuck!’ Reno threw up his hands, completely exasperated. ‘I used to know how to tie one of these things. I remember doing it. I remember being in full uniform for the first few weeks we were recruited. You remember that?’

Rude nodded, his grin spread ear to ear. This was priceless. ‘What do you want? Pratt?’

A wry smile spread slowly across Reno’s face. ‘You want me to ask you to help me with this, don’t you? You’re just lovin’ it, aren’t you?’

‘Uh huh. Now hold still.’ He couldn’t hold the giggles in anymore as he tossed the fabric about and had the tie knotted in a matter of seconds. He cinched it up square to the collar of Reno’s shi

‘Can we go eat now?’ Reno fumed, twisting his neck in his collar. The lack of sleep and not having food since lunchtime yesterday was really getting to him. Rude held his hand to the doorway.

‘After you, Sir.’ He bowed deeply, doubling over more in laughter than in genuflection.

‘Eh, stuffit.’ He walked through the doorway and down the hall to the elevators. Punching the button, Reno was already regretting his decision. He had to be in this getup all day long. It was going to kill him, he was sure of it. Rude settled himself into his standard stone-faced glower. He knew his buddy was going to have it rough, and he wanted to make sure things didn’t get too far out of line. It was almost seven, time to get things rolling.

‘We still doin’ breakfast?’

Rude’s stomach growled, speaking for him.

As the elevator door opened, the faces of the people standing inside perplexed him. They looked at him with wonder as though he had grown a second head, and they looked at Rude as though he were going to eat them. He stepped into the elevator, holding the door for Rude. Rude stiffened and entered the elevator, backing himself against one of the walls that cleared as he advanced. Not again… he groaned internally.

Reno shot a ‘what the fuck’ look to Rude, after pushing the button to level 61. Rude stood as if a guarding sentinel, his hands clasped before him. He was just going to completely ignore this rampaging bullshit about him killing Reno. For craps sake, he was standing right next to him!

One of the secretaries in the elevator tapped Reno on the shoulder. ‘Excuse me, but are you Rude’s new partner?’ Her voice was soft and nearly conspiratorial. Reno ogled her.

‘New partner?’

‘Yea. His old partner had an… unfortunate accident.’

‘Unfortunate accident? Really. What happened to him?’

She leaned in closer, bringing her head down to nearly meet Reno’s. ‘Some people say Rude… killed him…’ She nearly choked on the end. Reno laughed out loud.

‘Hey, Rude, did you know you killed Reno?’ He grinned up at him, glad to have something to retaliate against the tie incident. Rude gave a flat line response.

‘No, I didn’t.’ To an untrained ear, the sarcasm could easily be missed. Reno snorted, ribbing Rude.

‘They must really hate you ’cause they gave you me to replace him.’ Rude shifted his weigh as the elevator slowed to a stop. Not even a hint of a smile peeked at the corners of his lips. He was definitely not amused.

‘So how did he kill Reno, anyway?’ he asked the girl, grinning ear to ear.

‘I don’t know. No one has said, although there was something mentioned about him being blown up or something.’

‘Oh really?’ Reno shook his head. ‘You know I always thought he would just dangle me out a window by my neck and see if I bounced.’ He grinned up at Rude. ‘Although if I don’t knock it off, he might do it anyway.’ He turned back to the secretary with a wink. ‘Trust me. Rude didn’t kill me.’ The young woman nearly ran from the elevator when it stopped, looking over her shoulder. Reno edged up to Rude as he watched the girl’s retreating backside. Reno was reminded of a cheap horror film.

‘Seriously, the hell did this come from?’ Rude only gave a slight shrug. He wasn’t trying to ignore Reno, but he sure was tired of all the nonsense that frequented the building. The next level was the one they wanted. ‘Rufus mentioned about you killing me yesterday. Who the hell would believe that?’ Reno puzzled.

‘Too many.’ Rude muttered quietly.

‘That’s sad.’

The elevator bell sounded and the doors opened in the cafeteria. Reno waited for Rude before heading for the line, the entire cafeteria gone silent. Reno quirked, looking to Rude with a slight shrug. His stomach overruled any confusion and he nabbed the nearest edible item and headed to pay. Rude was a bit more selective in his choices, opting for foods not requiring much cooking. The bagel and cream cheese outranked everything by his standards. Ethyl, bless her hard working heart, was on the job again, bright and early. Her face became overly animated as she recognized Rude.

‘Good morning, handsome!’ Her jowls jiggled, head turning to catch Reno’s presence. ‘And you, glad to see you’re not dead.’ She laughed at her own joke.

‘Thanks. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.’ He handed her his card with a lopsided grin.

‘And such nice manners, you two boys.’ She zipped Reno’s card through. ‘I’ve been telling my girlfriends about you, I think my granddaughter might have some competition…’ Her eyes twinkled.

Rude handed his card to her. She held it close to her chest. ‘My Matilda, she’s a beautiful girl, nearly sixteen,’ she sighed, her thoughts miles away. ‘It would be so nice for her to have a boyfriend like one of you.’ Rude just about choked. Ethyl snapped back to the present time. ‘What am I saying, she’s just a little too young for you… but in a few years…’ her voice was leading. She swiped Rude’s card. As he tried to reach for it, she snatched it back. ‘Only if I get a kiss this morning.’ She stuck out her cheek. Rude grimaced behind his glasses and gave her the world’s tiniest peck, snatching his card in the same movement.

‘You know, I don’t think she’s talking about her granddaughter,’ Reno teased. Despite the restrictions the uniform provided, Reno had been handed a bag full of ammunition this morning. ‘I think she wants you herself.’ He flopped into a seat at the nearest empty table. ‘That was pretty slick, though, with the card. You’re not bad, Big Man.’ He tried to slouch in his usual fashion but the suit made it increasingly difficult, finding it more comfortable to sit up straight. Reno squirmed as Rude sent death rays straight into his head. Using a little plastic knife, he jabbed it into the container of spread and mashed it onto the bread.

‘Ah, comeon, Rude… Relax. The only things I’ve seen are you killed me and the lunch lady still hits on you. It could be a lot worse.’

At that precise moment, a loud crash echoed from over by the lunch line. The boy from the firing range had dropped his tray and was shaking visibly. Rude’s face turned red as his jaw clenched, the bread disintegrating as he pushed on it harder. Ethyl had come out to help clean up the mess while the boy stood frozen, immobile for his own strange reason.

‘You know, Rude… You might have been right. I’m one of the top men here because I can hold a tray of food. We have got some seriously low standards here, man.’

‘…and your gun.’ He literally growled. ‘That’s the moron who nearly shot me in training.’ His injured hand was aching from being forcibly used. Reno’s brow furrowed and he leaned in toward Rude.

‘No one told me you were almost shot.’ Reno eyed the kid, memorizing his face.

Rude took a huge bite of what was once a bagel. He watched as it took several of the new trainees to dislodge the kid and move to the edge of the food court. If he listened hard, he could hear the babbled ramblings he had begun to sputter.

‘The hell’s that kid’s problem?’

In between chews, Rude mumbled, ‘Freak.’

Leaning back as best he could in the chair, Reno tugged at his collar, prodding at his food. ‘You had a crap day yesterday, didn’t you?’

Rude nodded in agreement. ‘Haven’t even read the reports from yesterday yet.’ He inhaled the remains of his breakfast. ‘A real laugh riot it’s going to be.’ His sarcasm thickened.

‘Eh, you need help, lemme know and I’ll see what I can do, yo.’

Rude kicked back in his chair, trying to settle himself down. Yesterday had truly sucked, no doubt, but the repercussions were just as irritating. Reno pushed his breakfast to the side, never touching a bite.

‘You ready to get out of here? We can either head up to the common room or we can head to my office and catch the bulletin from this morning.’

‘You’re not eating? Thought you were hu
ngry?’ Rude jerked his head and fiddled with his palm unconsciously.

‘Eh, thought I was,’ he avoided, pushing his chair back from the table. He stood, his tie hanging at a slight angle and his shirt tail coming slowly untucked. Rude stood, waving his hand for Reno to come closer.

‘C’mere, you’re crooked.’

Reno started, taking a step back. ‘Whaddya mean ‘crooked’?’

‘I mean you’re crooked. Your tie.’ He took a step closer, both hands poised to correct the straying knot. One of Reno’s hands snagged his tie and righted it as he took another step back.

‘We should catch the bulletin. I made us late this morning.’ His tone wasn’t unpleasant but it seemed rushed.

The whole room fell silent. All eyes had turned to the pair, Rude with his hands outstretched towards Reno’s neck. Reno eyed the assembled before turning back to Rude.

‘Let’s get out of here. People are giving me the creeps.’

Rude slowly dropped his hands to his side as he turned his head about. He nodded and made large strides to the main doors.

The elevator couldn’t come quickly enough to deposit them safely in their offices. The doors opened, nearly clearing the elevator, save for three other people and Elena. As soon as she spied Reno, she hugged him.

‘Reno, you’re okay! I was worried about you yesterday!’

‘Don’t tell me you bought into that crap that Rude killed me?’

She waved her had dismissively. ‘Of course not. Rude is just a big…’ She paused, eyeing him impishly. ‘Well, he’s a lot of fun at parties. You should have been there last night, Reno. We actually had him dancing.’ Elena then turned her attention to Rude.

‘And just where the hell did you sneak off to, mister? We looked for you for over an hour downtown!’ She punched him in the shoulder. He gave a small yelp, only to hold up his wounded hand. Her demeanor changed. ‘Oh my gosh, Rude! What happened?? Did you take somebody down??’ She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled his palm up to her nose. Rude’s face was writhing. All he gave was a low moan.

Reno wrapped his fingers around Rude’s wrist and pulled his hand away from Elena, stepping between them. ‘It’s just a cut, nothing serious.’

The elevator chimed and the doors slid open to level 66. Reno was the first off the elevator, dropping Rude’s hand like it was hot. He waited just outside the doors for the other two to follow. Rude didn’t want to go into any details further than what was necessary. Elena eyed him sternly.

‘You got yourself trashed, didn’t you? Bet you did that on a rusty fence. Serves you right for not waiting for us,’ she huffed.

‘Rusty fence, eh?’ Reno tossed his head back and pulled the door open for Elena. ‘Maybe that’s why it’s so sore, yo.’

Reno darted inside the conference room door, holding it briefly for Rude and Elena to follow him and took his usual seat next to Elena. For the first few seconds, no one seemed to notice them, until the office went silent. One of the men turned toward Reno and gestured.

‘Hey, who’s the new guy?’

Rude sat himself next to Reno, ignoring the question possibly directed to him. He was weary as it was with how the day was starting, and he didn’t want anything to do with the distorted rumor that had taken on a life of its own. Reno sat back in his chair and said nothing, rubbing his cheek absently. How could people possibly think he wasn’t himself? How many other people did they know with markings like his? Not many people were crazy or stupid enough to tattoo their face. He stared around the room, looking at each of the people in the room one at a time. They were all staring either at him or at Rude. Reno shook his head and sighed. He couldn’t believe these people would actually believe the gentle giant would kill anyone he wasn’t specifically ordered to kill, especially his friend.

‘So what’d I have to do t’get you people off this?’ Reno planted his hands on the tabletop and leaned across until his face was inches away from his underling. ‘Do you know anyone else crazy enough to pretend to be me, yo?’

‘Yea, our Reno wouldn’t wear a suit,’ the underling chuckled, backing up a bit. ‘Besides, our uniforms are blue. And even if you were Reno, he’d never be in full uniform.’ He chuckled and sat in his seat, turning it toward the head of the table. Reno sat back, a bit dazed, looking to Rude, then to Elena in search of a solution.

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It had been almost a week since I had been home. While Taiwan is a nice place, I was ready to get back to my comfortable and quiet apartment. After dragging my luggage out of the cab I was greeted by Steve, the doorman. I loaded in the elevator and felt my body grow heavy by the time we got to the 32nd floor. It was late and the hall was quiet, but to me it was still daytime. Jet lag is a bitch. I made my way into the apartment and determined that I would go straight to bed. After...

3 years ago
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The Bridal Boutique

Today the Aphrodite Bridal Boutique and Salon has been opened. Petra Romani stands at the front desk await her new client to arrive... whoever that might be. Sarah is a late 20's woman who has been drawn to the boutique. She has long dirt blonde hair that she keeps in a ponytail and has come to the boutique in jeans and a t-shirt. If she spent extra time to primp she would considered attractive, however she is just average at best. She is unsuspecting of the true nature of the Boutique. John is...

Mind Control
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P I And MagicChapter 41

I got busy. Once a month I made my appearance in the 'Hall Of Justice', and that seemed to work. In the meantime, I wanted to better the life of my people. For a year straight, I ate, lived, and worked, Landkur. Vostich told me that he had reached an agreement with Salvadi to salve and cement relations between the two kingdoms. I would marry Salvadi's daughter, Mariel. I was stunned. I told him I didn't love the girl. Sure, she was nice enough; but first, she was a kid, second, I sort of...

4 years ago
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The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 1 Whats in the Head of the Thinker

[Note: This story was written before my "I Dream of Jeanie 4".] Note: "Maynard G. Krebs" was played by Bob Denver, better known as "Gilligan". The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 1: What's in the Head of the Thinker? Created by Max Shulman; Produced by Rod Amateau [1959-63]; Parodied by Ron Dow75 Dobie Gillis, blond, crew cut, average early 1960s Working- Middle Class Dobie Gillis was at his usual marble bench in the park, bent over with his chin on his fist just like Rodin's...

3 years ago
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Play Date

The whole evening had been a sexual windup. I had returned from working abroad and hooked up with Emily who I hadn’t seen for a while, in anticipation of a night of hot horny sex. I had even brought her a promised present from Victoria’s Secret at the airport. Along with all the other men buying homecoming gifts for their wives and girlfriends, except I knew exactly which size she was and what underwear she preferred.These were a sweet, silky, pale yellow with fine lace trim, not a thong, but...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Teacher

Having sex is a dream come true for any desperate teen. Sex with a teacher is the ultimate goal. [email protected] for feedback and comments. And if any woman wants a discreet and online fun during lockdown. I’m going to tell a story about my teacher whom I enjoyed this with. Believe me she was a real beauty and I was lucky chap to have her. This goes back to the studies time. Our computer teacher was a newly married lady around 24 years of age, 5′ 7″, extremely fair,...

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Misfit Hours

Misfit Hours I slow to a stop to allow Rita to gain some distance. It's a pleasure just watching her walk plus I want to see her reaction to the kind of attention she draws now. She's still learning how to handle it and needs the practice. The tight pencil skirt, the tailored cotton blouse and even the 4" pumps suggest a smart business woman who's taken off her suit jacket for a nightcap. The seamed stockings, perfectly aligned with the thin heels, and the long red nails flashing...

4 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 10 Thursdays surprise Menage a trois

“You look beautiful Tori,” she said and placed my favorite breakfast French toast on the table for me with a fresh glass of milk. I can’t explain why but I felt sick swallowing each bite down and managed to drink half the milk and eat half of one of the two slices of French toast. I cut up the whole slice and pushed it around my plate for a while. My mother went upstairs to check on Sherri and I was able to clear my plate and washed the rest of my breakfast down the garbage disposal. ...

1 year ago
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Shower Interrupted

I awoke to the sound of her mumbling in her sleep. I lay still, eyes adjusting to the bright morning, and enjoyed the warmth of her still-naked body next to mine. The steady rise and fall of her chest, the soft sound of her breathing, it was almost enough to soothe me back to sleep. I considered waking her, pulling her into my arms and holding her against me, but she looked too peaceful, too serene. Instead, I opted to leave her be. I slipped from the sheets and carefully lifted myself from the...

3 years ago
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bald pussy

there comes a pivotal point in everyone's life that decides what kind car you drive, your favorite color, the friends you have, the type of job you do, who you marry, your hobbies and/or what you do with your leisure time. I will relate to you why I LOVE bald pussy.I do not, repeat do not like bald pussy because I'm some sort of pervert. if you are not over the age of 20 I am not interested. I may look but that's as far as it goes. I was going on 17 when I met up with a few of my older friends...

2 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 11 Sonali8217s First Blowjob In Theater

I was not sure what plans my son had for me. He told me to dress sexy and that he wanted to go shopping with me in the afternoon in some mall. For a change, we showered in separate bathrooms. I put on my jeans and a figure-hugging t-shirt. While he was getting dressed up, I called Vineeta, hoping that she would not be engaged in fucking her son. She received my call and asked me in a very naughty tone, “Hi Sonali, what’s keeping you so busy?” I blurted out, “Vini, I have done it!” “Wow, good...

1 year ago
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The Night I Spent With Her

It was during my late course studies, and I was as nervous as hell. I somehow couldn’t find the time to balance between my College, my girlfriend, my part-time job at a supermarket, and the course, which I had decided to take for better grade. I still can’t quite remember why I did it, but there we go. The course was a bit way away from where I lived, and it meant I had to rely on the dear old buses which delivered my ass up to the place. But that was not the end of my adventures because I had...

3 years ago
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First Time Gay My History fantasy 3

# 5Who the hell was at the door? I put on my best “I’m hungover and sick face” and crack the door.........ugghhh......it’s one of my best friends Terry, I go into my spiel, man sorry dude, I’m crashed out and tired....he says..... I heard yelling when I pulled up and went around to the side of the house to see what the fuck was going on. He says....I saw everything through the blinds. I am blushing and freaked out, I tell him to get in the house in case someone drives by. We walk into the...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Riley Reid Squirts on a Monster Cock

Slim Poke is on the couch with his girlfriend, when her daughter, Riley Reed, walks in to show them her new cheerleading routine. Slim gets a little more than a show and cannot keep his eyes off her. He nervously looks back at his girlfriend cooking in the kitchen, when Riley asks him to pull out his dick. She wanted to verify that he in fact had a huge cock like her mom always told her that he had. Riley pulled his monster cock out and tried to see if she could slide it far down her throat....

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Angies An AdultChapter 9

“This pizza is pretty awesome, folks! What do you think, Mom, Dad?” Angie teased her parents, while sitting on Allan’s lap, “How about you, honey?” “Hell, yeah, it’s some terrific pizza for sure! Good thing, too! I need some calories back, having burned so many earlier. It’s a wonder that I didn’t fuck myself to death, and my poor prick badly needs to rest for a bit,” Miles Sloane told his daughter, eliciting only half-serious sympathy from her, her sisters, and their mother. “Yeah, you...

4 years ago
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Jan Chapter 2 Johnny

JOHNNY I could hardly believe my luck. Here I was, slow dancing with Linda Ward, the hottest girl in the school! My right hand on her waist could feel the heat of her hip through her thin dress, while she held my left hand in her soft right one. I wasn’t leading though, she was. She was maneuvering the two of us deeper into the crowd of dancers I realized, far from the prying eyes of the teachers that were supposed to be chaperoning this high school dance. That was good, I...

2 years ago
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Summer sun

Evening sunshine is lovely. For a start I can wear less, no coat, no warm clothes, in fact a skimpy skirt and strappy top that covers not much more than the tops of my hold ups and my bra. I like to walk in countryside and feel the warm breeze gently ruffle my clothes and visit those areas where you know others have been when they have been a bot randy.Walking through the woods you can pick up little signs, in one place there are ropes hanging from tree branches and a rug underneath. My...

2 years ago
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Me And Dona

Hi my name is Blaze. I had a girlfriend named Dona. Our houses were very near. We were friends from our childhood. I had full freedom in her house and she had in my house too and every day after school. I used to go her home and chat with her parents for some time and enter her room and chat with her for long time. If I didn’t go her home evening she will come to my home and scold me. It was our routine and we became teenagers. She became very beautiful. I can’t sleep at least one day without...

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One Familys Awakening Chapter 23

[Note: This story introduces a new family that will spin off to a series of their own. If interested, watch for it. Thanks for reading!]It was Sunday afternoon and Keith was at loose ends. He decided to walk the few blocks to his friend, Paul's, house. Keith hadn't seen much of Paul lately other than at school. He had hoped to spend the afternoon playing some video games or just hang out. He knocked on the door and Paul's mother, Shelley opened the door with a broad, even leering smile, on her...

1 year ago
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Reverse Cuckold Part 1

Hello all. I have been contemplating about writing this story for about two months. I spoke to the man it involved recently, he’s a good customer at our massage parlor. He said that it was okay to write it. I am going to change his name, and his wife’s name to mainly protect their identities. This past summer, I had mentioned to one of my customers that I was working as an escort. His name was Jim, he’s a very attractive man in his early thirties. He has been a VIP customer of ours for years,...

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Loris and MorgChapter 20

Windshift. Loris and Morg: Loris and Morg will never be finished ... people will insist on doing exceptionally stupid things ... it's in our nature. Officers will let the weight of brass outweigh their common sense and enlisted men will blindly follow orders. Eventually, they get turned sideways to everything else and end up on one moon or the other ... where they keep on keeping on. One never returns from the moons but the population stays the same ... there are so many novel ways to...

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Crossdressing Adventures With Shemale Teacher

I am Abhishek. Since childhood, I have been little feminine in nature, for which I have even been bullied sometimes. I have been blessed with really soft, smooth and fair body, with not a single trace of hair on my body and face. I have a slim and athletic body, and if you saw me from back, you might mistake me for a teenage girl. This incident that I am about to narrate, happened when I was studying in class 12, with my teacher whom I always thought was female until that rainy day in...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Family ReunionChapter 15

"Uncle Ike... let me in!" Nancy knocked on the door of Cabin Number One. She knew that her Uncle Ike was alone inside because she had been watching the cabin for some time and had seen her Aunt Tricia drive off to town. The two of them had spent the morning down by the swimming pool, and Nancy had seen her Uncle making another video tape of himself diving into the pool. Thinking there was no one around he had also made Aunt Tricia do some dives and some thing that looked like weird...

2 years ago
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Candy Cane

Candy Cane . That's the scent that has been left lingering in my clothes tonight, and the more I smell it, the wetter my panties become. It's the most sensuous thing, the way you blow the smoke from your hookah into my mouth, your lips so close to mine, yet not close enough to touch, or to kiss me passionately the way I’ve secretly wanted you to for all of these years. It's a trick I'm guessing you picked up working nights at the hookah lounge downtown, along with the way you know how to...

First Time
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My best friends moms lemonade

It was a beautiful hot day and I was walking along the wide suburban street to my friend Chris' house. I was wearing shorts and a t shirt and thought he might like to go down to the river for a swim. I knocked on his door and his mum answered. She was wearing a short red dress and showing a lot of cleavage. Her long black hair was flowing over her D cup tits and looked great at 45. Hey David she said with a smile. I was a little shocked by how much flesh she was showing off and how friendly she...

First Time
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Lovers Desire

Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us Universe..............it is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked Manisha Hard 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers! I am going to narrate about myself. I am Anil (name changed for privacy) from Kathmandu, Nepal. I have a great body. I am 5 ft. 10 inches tall and have maintained a good structure. I have a thick tool of 7 inches long. Let me start the story right away. I am quite handsome and a lot of girls were attracted to me. This incident happened last year and I was 18 years old. Let me talk about the girl. She is slim, fair skin, tall and has assets that one would die to have for. I and...

3 years ago
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In The Pink

IN THE PINK BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Jennifer Moon's life could have been more perfect. It was all thanks to a tragic accident. Carol Moon had just given birth to a baby boy who his dad planned to name George after himself. Since in her rush to the hospital, Carol had forgotten the novel she had been reading, she asked her husband to go home and get it. Since he was in such a rush to make it back before visiting hours was over, he got in a car accident and died. Carol was force to go back...

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FemCorps The Beginning

FemCorps: The Beginning by Sarah Barndt "As a scientist, my greatest fear had always been the world's ability to take any invention or discovery, no matter how well intentioned, and turn it something deadly. I know now that the greatest danger is the world's ability to turn it into something ridiculous." - Dr.Gustav Pedersen at the Nobel awards, 1996. The following passage is from the Encyclopaedia Humanae; 128th edition, copyright MMIV. "Dr. Gustav Pedersen developed...

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Project PrometheusChapter 14

Alex looked over the hologram of the plans for the dome in front of him. Though a lot had been done in these past two weeks, there was still more to do. Since the night of the Artucian’s entry into the Unified Systems Alliance, both them and the crew of the Perseus had been working around the clock. Salvaging the wrecks of the Dead Snows was well under way, as was the rebuild of the dome behind him. One of the first things to be done was to clear away all the ice surrounding the dome. Once...

1 year ago
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Nite at the Red Lotus

I was stationed overseas in Asia working in Army Criminal Investigations Unit. We worked a lot with the Local Police force on Black Market Investigations, as such I got to know a lot of local businesses. We were hot after a local gang that were siphoning a lot of goods and supplies meant for the American Military bases and we were not having much luck. Seems we'd get so close a big bust and we'd either miss altogether or find some small operation. The frustration colored everything and affected...

3 years ago
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Prisoner 5423

"It's final!" the judge says case 4467 has been settled with prisoner 5423 getting a life sentence to prison 357A6" the crowd behind you mumbles about your sentence as the gaurds walk over to you and escort you out of the court room.

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Third Times the CharmChapter 13

With every soloed body shirted, the rabbit food on the table, the coals glowing red and the steaks at hand ... for those who wanted steaks ... everybody did ... I started taking orders. "Burned to a crisp?" I asked. Since I'm a guy, I was expecting at least two not guys to raise a hand for destroyed beef. I got one response ... the biggest, burliest, baddest looking biker-type dude I ever saw said, "Crispy, please. And make it a small one." I picked up a half-pounder with the tongs...

1 year ago
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Kate and I Ch 2123

21. I start to wake up, and I look outside, it’s dark, What the, say to myself, what time is it? As I sit-up on the side of the bed, and reach for my phone, which is on a side table table beside the bed, damn it’s 2034. I drag myself out if bed, and head towards the bathroom with a piss-on (piss hard-on). After I do ‘business’, I wash my hands (of course) and throw some water on my face to get the sleepys out. Thirsty, need lemon water, arh, arh, argh. Sounding like a zombie, I go to my...

4 years ago
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To those of you who read my writing and like it and tell me I am happy you enjoyed them. To those of you who wait patiently for the updates and offer helpful ideas or at the very least constructive advice, even if I don't use it, you are good readers. To the rest of you jerk-offs who sent me hate mail and shit because your to freaking stupid to realize I have a life, FUCK YOU. I have a job and do NOT get paid to write this stuff. I have shit to do and write when I have free time so,...

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The beginning of my addiction to sex 2 Monday

Introduction: A teen boy is seduced So here I am sitting in my neighbors kitchen with a man seeing if Im hard and his wife is sticking her fingers into her pussy so that she can stick them into my mouth! Celeste said Is he hard baby? Im right, arent I? Ray said Oh yeah, hes big like you said! Okay honey, you win . . . Ill just go out back and relax while you enjoy your new boy toy! He stepped back and to the side, walked towards Celeste, gave her a little kiss on the cheek while he stuck two...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 17

Sister Janice was now sixty-eight years of age and far from as alert as in her younger days, so she didn’t notice the signs of the break-in at the convent of Saint Jeanne’s. The orphanage was affiliated with and administered by the convent and all of its permanent staff were nuns or novices. There were some forty-nine orphans at this point, thirty of them boys and nineteen girls, though these were kept separate as always as much as possible. Julian recalled that from his own adolescence, how...

3 years ago
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Pulled Over on Christmas Eve

I had to go out on Christmas Eve 2012 to get something that a friend needed, a pair of nylons. Everything in this Podunk shanty town was closed except the convenience stores, (and the fucking bars of course...) and they wanted way too much $$ and not one of them had silky sheer. I did get pulled over by a hot young stud cop with a cock bulging halfway down his left leg as I watched him walk toward my car. He was courteous and professional, and asked me for the required documentation, that I...

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