Shackled Ch. 17 free porn video

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Emma felt the sting of Bonnie’s stare clear through. If looks could have killed, she would have dropped right then and there. Thankfully, Simon shifted and steered her away from the evil glare towards the food. Giving Liam one last little glance, she smiled softly and went about fixing Simon a plate and then settled on the bench with him. They bent their heads close and began talking logistics while everyone buzzed on about their own parts that they would play.

Unable to stop herself, her gaze returned to Liam again and again and each time she was usually met by that ice cold Bonnie gaze. Simon caught it as well and bumped gently against Emma’s arm. ‘You okay?’

‘Mm?’ Her gaze flickered back to her partner and she felt herself flush slightly. ‘Oh…yeah.’

His own gaze moved over to Liam and then Bonnie before sliding back to hers. ‘I’ve known you for some time now Em and I hate to say it, but…’ His voice dropped lower, keeping it between the two of them, ‘you’ve never had a date as far as I’ve known you and you certainly weren’t making gaga eyes to any men on staff.’

Emma blinked and chocked on her next bite, clearing her throat. ‘I am not making gaga eyes.’

Simon grinned, ‘Yeah, yeah you are. But you better watch your step, someone isn’t happy about it.’

Shifting uncomfortably she shook her head slightly, ‘I have bigger issues to deal with. Whether or not there is anything between Liam and I is really…well, sadly, inconsequential compared to our work right now.’

‘Sure about that, Em?’

She met Simon’s gaze with uncertainly. ‘No…not sure of much these days. Only that I can count on you and I can count on Liam. Bonnie…well, she might leave hanging if it wasn’t for Liam. For him…I have a feeling she’d do just about anything. Like it or not.’

‘If it makes you feel any better sweetheart, I think Liam would do the same for you. Guys know this sort of thing…I can see it in his gaze. They might have a past, but that’s what it is. A past.’

With a soft snort, she grinned. ‘Since when have you become the Love Doctor, Simon.’ She nudged his side and pushed away her finished plate of grub. ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ll return what I know best and that’s science. No heartache or confusion there. Together we’ll make it work and let the chips fall where they will. Assuming I’m still alive before this all done with.’

On impulse she pressed a kiss to his cheek and smacked a hang to his knee. ‘So you talk to Victor and I will go and get unshackled.’

The thought was depressing. Where she had once felt helpless and trapped, now the thought of being torn apart from Liam left a strange ache in her chest. Laura wasn’t even truly a threat to her, but in her eyes, Bonnie was. Bonnie was special, while Laura was a playful fun romp in the sack. So what did that make her?


Some time later they were in Bonnie’s car. It wasn’t technically Bonnie’s car, but a car she’d stolen from a garage on their way out. They’d only need it for a short time. The meeting had ended later than Hansen had expected so it was dark and they were about a hundred meters down the street from Simon’s apartment block. Hansen and Carl sat in front while the trio of women were in the back. Bonnie was explaining the situation.

‘He usually only turns up at around six thirty to seven,’ she said. ‘He must treat it as his last visit of the day.’

‘How many SPFs watch it normally?’ asked Carl.

‘Two cars,’ said Bonnie. ‘Each with two men.’

Carl nodded.

‘I say we get the guns and hand bombs and blow the fuck out of them and then take the top cop.’


Carl sighed and Hansen smiled to himself. She would never allow herself to think that there was a subtle option, a path of least resistance. Bombs and guns were always her style.

‘Maybe we want to do this quietly,’ said Hansen. ‘That way we’ll have longer with the cop before they find out anything’s wrong. At the moment, they think Simon’s safely locked away in there and under their surveillance.’

He turned around and grinned at Laura. She smiled back lightly and rolled her eyes. ‘You never show a girl the fireworks,’ she said with a giggle. ‘Well, not till the end of the evening anyway.’ She winked at him.

Hansen winced. He didn’t really need to get into this, even jokingly, with three women in the car that all meant something to him.

‘So where are the SPFs?’ asked Hansen.

Bonnie breathed out and made a noise with her lips as if it was obvious. Hansen smirked. This was a good sign. She was getting into the task at hand. She pointed out two cars at either end of the street. They were not the usual black vehicle favored by SPF operatives.

‘And what does our man normally do?’ he asked again.

‘He normally comes from the city end of the street and parks his car behind the car there. Then, one of them will walk with him to just outside the apartment and meet an SPF from the other car.’ Bonnie paused. ‘Then they stand out there and talk for about fifteen to twenty minutes. They might have a cigarette and sometimes they have something to eat like a small cake or something.’

‘So, the cars have only one operative in them for that time?’ asked Hansen.

Bonnie nodded. ‘Yes.’

Hansen looked over to Carl.

‘Looks like that’s the time. Easier to take out one person in a car than two,’ he said. ‘Then we take the top cop and….er….handle the other two.’

Hansen didn’t want to sound too cold with Emma there, but he knew they’d have to kill them. Emma was sitting directly behind then. He couldn’t see her, but he slipped his hand between the seat and the car door and reached back quietly and gave her knee a squeeze. They were about to begin speeding things up and he wanted her to feel safe.

As safe as you can be when the SPFs are after you and you’re shackled.

‘I think,’ said Carl, ‘that when our friendly cop arrives, Laura and I take out a car each….without bombs and shooting.’ He looked at Laura and she had a mock pout on her face.

‘What’s a girl got to do to get some fun around here?’ she said.

‘Then,’ continued Carl, ‘Bonnie, Laura and I take out the other two guys and we grab the cop.’

The two women in the back nodded that they agreed with the idea.

‘Yes,’ said Bonnie, ‘then we don’t risk Liam being separated from the girl.’

The girl? Bonnie was sitting next to her. Geez.

He reached back and gave Emma’s knee another squeeze.

‘Ok, well you go and get into position,’ said Hansen, ‘and we’ll stay here.’ He patted his waist and felt the gun shoved in there. ‘Remember, if you need anything, just signal. We can see the whole layout.’

Carl, Bonnie and Laura got out of the car.

‘Oooh,’ said Laura, looking to the others with a smile on her face, ‘do you think we should leave them alone in the car like that? They might get up to things. You know, like….funny things.’

Carl rolled his eyes and gave a light laugh.

Bonnie pulled out the small rifle she had and loaded it with a loud ‘clack’. She didn’t smile.

‘Just be ready if we need you,’ she said curtly to Liam. ‘If I need you.’

In seconds, they’d disappeared, leaving Hansen and Emma in the car. He was still in the front seat, with her in the rear. He turned to look at her.

‘Well, it’s all about to start happening now,’ he said.

He knew she’d been quiet, but this was all so foreign to her. He wasn’t even sure if she knew what they were about to do. They would probably have to kill all of the SPFs down there to get to the top cop. He hated doing all this in front of her, but it was necessary.

And Bonnie wasn’t exactly making her feel welcome. He was going to have a word to Bonnie, but not in front of the others. He owed her that much.

He reached over and rubbed Emma’s cheek with his hand.

‘You ok?’


It was no secret that Emma was the outsider in the group — thrust in the middle by no choice of her own. Or Liam’s for that matter, but he certainly didn’t seem to mind. She listened quietly, not in the least surprised by Laura’s thirst for excitement. She slid her gaze out the window, avoiding Bonnie’s looks as a small smirk played on her lips. So the doc liked to get dirty. In more ways than one. And Bonnie was the cold calculated queen when it came to trying to make her feel less than welcome.

She could feel Liam’s tension as Bonnie’s words hit home. Emma was glad she couldn’t see his face, but found herself smiling softly as he reached back and squeezed her knee, not once but twice. Big bad Liam, trying to protect her from the women of his team. Emma gently brushed her fingers against his hand and said nothing until the plan was set and everyone sprang into action, Laura adding her own little jab towards Bonnie as they left.

Blowing out a long held breath, Emma leaned back against the seat and forced her body to relax. Every muscle in her body seemed tense, ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble. The concern in Liam’s eyes warmed her a little, her skin tingling where he brushed his hand against her smooth cheek.

‘I’m fine. You worry too much.’ She murmured softly and then cleared her throat. Her eyes held his steadily as she reached up and grasped his hand, giving it a squeeze. ‘I know this is new to me, but you don’t have to baby me. It’s bad enough that I’m in the way here, I don’t want them thinking I’m a simpering little girly girl.’

She bit her tongue, knowing that the last part came out a little harder than she meant, but she was tired of Bonnie’s looks. Laura didn’t bother her as much anymore…she liked to play while Bonnie was the hard core gamer. Blowing out another stead breath, she leaned forward a little to get closer, wanting the warmth of his body, but resisting the urge to grab a hold of him. ‘I also understand that…people are going to die in this situation Liam. They already have. There might not be bombs involved like Laura disturbingly wanted, but I get gist of things. I’m not going to crumble or crack. So do me a favor big guy…’ her voice dropped down to a soft purr as she leaned in just a little further, her breath fanning his face sweetly, ‘stop worrying about me. I know you have a big gun and know how to use it.’

Drawing back she winked and giggle softly. ‘Seriously, this is it. We’re doing what we planned to do and after this, we’re not going to be joined at the hip. I don’t want you to worry about me, Liam. Besides…it’s obvious that there are…unresolved feelings between a certain real Irish lady. I’m afraid if you keep hovering over me she’ll either shoot me or you or both of us.’

Jealously nagged in the back of her mind, but she tried to ignore it. Breaking her gaze away, she shifted it out the front window, looking for the team to return. Time was ticking and it wasn’t really the time or the place to be hashing out feelings.


‘Worrying is what I do and it’s kept me alive so far,’ Hansen sighed. ‘It’s not your fault that now I have someone else to worry about. Someone else that I care about….’

He trailed off and looked at her, so beautiful and plucky, but she really didn’t realize what they were going to do. They had to get the shackles off and the chance of the senior SPF helping them without some form of coercion was minimal.

She looked at him directly, her resolve obvious.

‘I’m not babying you….’ he tried say, but she pressed on.

She winked at him and he smiled back at her.

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘you certainly took all my best shots!’

He chuckled lightly.

He hadn’t heard anything yet and he could see the senior SPF’s car at the end of the street parked behind one of the surveillance vehicles.

What were they up to?

Emma interrupted his thoughts. She was talkative.

He didn’t mind. He liked that now.


Shit, I think I ….

He smiled wryly at her for a moment and then his face returned back to its serious countenance.

‘I’ll explain about Bonnie, but now is not the time,’ he said. Then with a smile again, he added, ‘She won’t shoot anyone I don’t want her to shoot. So don’t worry about her.’

He paused for a while, turning around in his seat to look down at the scene below him. Now something was happening. The senior SPF was out of his car and knocking on the window of the car in front of him with no response.


He smiled to himself.

In the time he’d been talking to Emma, they must have taken out the surveillance vehicles and their occupants.

‘Emma,’ he whispered, ‘it’s about to start.’

The cop was peering into the car and tapping on the window when he went down suddenly onto his butt, his legs collapsing from under him. He was stunned for a moment.

A moment is all she needs.

Laura slid out from under the car in what seemed like a millisecond and planted a kick in his face. He wobbled in his sitting position for a moment and then slid over onto his side. He was either concussed or incapacitated with pain. She stood over him for a second and then the others came to her side. Carl bent down and scooped the cop up like he was a bag of fruit and started to make his way back towards Hansen and Emma. The women peeled off, probably making sure that the scene looked as ‘normal’ as possible to delay the discovery of the SPF’s abduction.

As the Carl made his way up the hill with his human package, Hansen turned to Emma.

‘It’s long and it’s complicated. Yes, I loved Bonnie. Actually, I still love Bonnie and she loves me,’ he said and took another deep breath. ‘But I’m not in love with Bonnie.’

He turned fully and very quickly gave her a light kiss on the cheek before any of the others arrived and quickly returned to his position in the front seat.

He looked forward, through the windscreen, towards Carl who was only fifty metres away from him. Towards the two women who understood him and loved him unconditionally. He sighed.

Don’t do it.

Shit, it sounded like The Voice. He was at least three days early! He’d need to take the drug, but he couldn’t afford to be out of action while it worked.

It spoke again.

Don’t say what you’re going to say.

What was I going to say?

I’m in your head, dickwad, I know.

Fuck you.

He continued to look out of the windscreen.

‘I can’t be in love with Bonnie,’ he said in a whisper just loud enough for Emma, as if saying it quietly might reduce its meaning, lower its importance. ‘Because I think I’m in love with you.’

There. I said it.

Hansen sat back and waited for the others. He’d said it now and couldn’t take it back.

Great. What a romantic thing to say while you’re on a killing spree. You’re smooth.

I wanted her to know….

You’ve known her less than a week.

Fuck off or shut up. Your choice. Help me, but I won’t let you hinder me.

You went so well with Jess and Cass without me.

So help me.

I will if you can keep your dick in your pants.


Emma slid her bottom towards the middle of the car to peer through the front window and caught sight of Carl who was lugging along their package. She listened to Liam talk and felt her heart melt as he turned to kiss her cheek softly. The rasp of his unshaven face was strangely soothing and when he gave her the warning, she braced herself for whatever came her way.

What she hadn’t expected was his profession of love. Everything inside her stilled for a moment before her heart kicked into high gear. Her eyes focused on the side of his face. What was she to say? I love you too? It seemed completely and utterly crazy and yet she couldn’t deny that connection she felt with him. How everything seemed to fit, physically, emotionally, in every way.
It was true, he wasn’t trying to babysit her, only trying to keep her safe.

‘Liam…’ She breathed out and reached forward to clasp his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. She forced him to look at her and saw the shift in his face, his body a little more tense and ready. ‘I love you too, so there. I said it as well. Our timing couldn’t be more off, but in light of our situation, I’m glad you know.’ Her gaze sharpened on his handsome face as she swiped her thumb over his lower lip. ‘Something else is going on, isn’t there?’ she whispered.

But there was no time for a response before Laura opened the door and slid inside, shoving Emma back into her seat. ‘See?! I told you. Can’t leave the two of them alone for one minute!’ She announced.

Emma let out a soft grunt and rolled her eyes, ‘As if you could control yourself if left alone with him?’ She shot back and crossed her arms.

Laura blinked at her, a little surprised, but quickly recovered and laughed. ‘Someone is feeling spunky. Seems like he’s rubbing off on you in more ways than one.’

Touche. Emma felt her cheeks flush warmly. ‘Don’t be jealous, Laura. You had your turn.’

Laura laughed, clearly enjoying the jabs. ‘Shut up, the pair of you.’ Bonnie snapped, her green eyes glaring.

Emma sat back, trying to absorb it all. Everything was moving so quickly, it was a little overwhelming. Leaving her feeling giddy and yet also frustrated. This wasn’t the moment for love and romance, crammed in the back of a car with two ex girlfriends while a body was being piled into the trunk of the car.

The added weight jostled the vehicle and Emma shook her head. So much for her tidy little mundane world.


Carl sat in the driver’s seat.

He always drove.

‘Here we are,’ he said.

Thank God, thought Hansen. The banging in the boot from the captured SPF officer was driving him mad.

They were sitting in the car, a block from the SPF Headquarters, but they could see it’s roof towering above all the other buildings in the area. There was an air of palpable tension in the small vehicle and it wasn’t just about what they had to do in order to defuse the shackles.


Christ, haven’t you got anything better to add?



‘So how do we plan on getting in?’


Hansen turned in his seat so he could look at everyone as he spoke.

‘It’s like any SPF facility. It will have electronic and biometric security,’ he said. ‘I’m assuming our friend kindly gave us his security passes?’

He smiled at Laura. She would have been the one to claim them.

She reached inside the neck of her sweater and pulled out some cards from her bra without a hint of self-consciousness. She smiled as she leaned forward and handed them to him.

‘I should have let you get them out for yourself,’ she said with a sly smile and a wink.

Hansen felt his cheeks grow warm. He was used to Laura’s teasing and flirting, but the women in the car were making him tense. He didn’t need any further aggravation.

‘Um, just knowing where they’ve been will be enough for me,’ he shot back.

‘Oooh, a card fetish,’ she said. ‘I would have put them somewhere else then if I knew that….’

‘Geez, Laura,’ said Hansen, rolling his eyes. ‘This is serious shit.’

She giggled.

‘So we have the cards,’ said Carl, interrupting. ‘That means the electronic security is taken care of. What about the biometrics?’

‘It’ll be more than one,’ said Bonnie.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Hansen.

Bonnie took a deep breath. She didn’t look happy, but then, she would never be if Emma was anywhere near him. She could handle Laura, or at least she didn’t fear her as a threat. But Emma….

‘I mean more than one access method. It will be a combination. There’ll be fingerprint or palm technology. They’ll probably also have iris recognition.’

‘What about facial?’ asked Laura, serious now that the business at hand was being discussed.

Bonnie shook her head.

‘They don’t use facial since the incident a few years ago. Plastic surgeons are too good these days.’

Hansen was thinking, his brain going through the options.

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The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 35 (Friday - week 5) Her dreams were mostly scattered images, flitting from one vague subject to the next. But as the night wore on toward morning, more and more of those dreams became about Sissy. Eventually, even though she remained mostly asleep, her conscious mind became aware of her dreams - or thoughts. Sissy - in a pink leotard with white tights and a white tutu, pink ballet slippers on his feet, dancing to her favorite ballet music. ...

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BD Bridal ShowerChapter 8

Donna spent the trip back to Tom's house in a semi-conscious daze, her hand trailing absently over her cunt, her eyes half closed. Her whole world was filled with pain now, pain and confusion, but the one time she'd tried to ask Tom a question she'd gotten a punch in the stomach for a reply. Now, she just lay in a huddle at the far side of the passen- ger's seat, and Tom drove in silence with his window rolled down so that he wouldn't have to smell her. Tom stopped the car in front of...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 7

Cal stood at the door, watching his Dad's green, 1965 Jeep Two Door Station Wagon... (The one with the just finished and reinstalled Corvette, .30 over bore, small journal, 283 with four speed and four wheel drive... The one with the Brand New Gel Battery... The one with Brand New Pirelli P1 Tires on Brand New Kelsey Hayes 15 inch Wire knockoff hub wheels... The one with Formula One brakes, calipers and titanium brake lines... The one he'd paid 3500.00 to have reupholstered... The one...

1 year ago
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A trip to Grandmas pays off

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was 18 yrs. old I started to think that I should be getting some pussy. Jerking off was the best I could do.I use to go to my Grandparents house on the weekend, my Aunt was 3 yrs. older than me. She had the biggest tits I had ever seen. Saturday night was bath night,my aunt went first. There was a small crack in the door and a could get a peek if she stood in the right place. This night she stood just right for a long time. I got a perfect view...

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After School Dicktention

I was late for class. Again. I slowly opened the door to my classroom, hoping Ms. Peterson was absent. Just as I managed to open the door enough to peer inside the class, I saw her. She had her back to me, as she was writing down notes for the students to copy, on the blackboard. I couldn't help but admire her form. This was her first year teaching high school history, and she had no shortage of teenage boy admirers. She was tall, I don't know how tall she was bare foot, but in heels (which...

1 year ago
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Sweet Erotic Dreams

Antonia had bet a dime, Patty raised and I folded. It was our Saturday poker game; we played from noon to five. Dime, quarter poker, no one won much no one lost much but we had fun. There used to be four of us but Cassandra’d moved to Georgia; we’d never replaced her. Antonia Santiago, Patty O’Casey and me, Gil Roister, we played at my house each Saturday. I supplied the premises; the gals brought a snack and their drinks. Today they’d brought pizzas. Patty had diet Pepsi, Antonia...

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A Matter of Taste

Okay, a little story with no sex- So sue me! Every morning he came in the front door of the diner looking dour and grumpy, at best only half awake. Every morning he said the exact same words, "Gimme a stack and a cuppa coffee." Always the same order every morning, five days a week. If the stool he normally sat at was occupied he chose the nearest empty one. Otherwise, no change, ever. Even the time he arrived, six thirty in the morning, never varied by more than a couple minutes. Good...

3 years ago
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Away DayChapter 2

Jackie: I rushed home stricken with guilt. I had left my children and gone to a cheap hotel with a teenage boyfriend who had jilted me because I wouldn't let him have me. It was insane, on the face of it. Leave out all the morale issues, such as sneaking around cheating on my husband. But more than that, here I was being attracted to a man who had already demonstrated he was not to be trusted. Waiting impatiently for the light to change, I looked around and found no other traffic. I...

4 years ago
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From Strangers To Fuck Buddies 8211 Part 2

I was waiting near the gate as she brought her bike. I watched her ass while she walked. I was so horny that I wanted to tear those jeans and fuck her right there. As she came, I sat behind her quickly and asked her to ride. D: Will you just sit and relax instead of riding? K: I have some bad intentions in my mind so you have no option. She giggled and started riding. K: Now push your body backward. (Pushes) I too push myself forward. We were glued to each other up to all my chest with both...

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The Neighborhood MILF Tina

I was was lounging around in my underwear last Saturday morning, browsing at some nude pictures on the internet, which is one of my favorite pastimes. Tina called and invited me over for some coffee. I told her I was busy and declined and got back to playing with myself at the computer. I was adding pics to one of my galleries on xhamster and even added a couple nude photos of myself. I like to be included among the many different beautiful middle aged women, and sneaking in a couple pics of...

1 year ago
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Operation Casablanca I

Operation Casablanca I By Adriana Ovelar I start with a reminder for all the readers of Fictionmania. Fantasies can become reality, and what was an erotic dream come true, can be transformed into a nightmare. It happened to me. I had a good marriage with Ilsa. I believe that I fell in love with her when she told me that, in her childhood, she dressed her smaller brothers as girls, just for fun. Men dressed as women excited her. She told me, tenderly, that one of her first boyfriends...

3 years ago
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A tongue and cheek erotic look at Sex Olympics gymnastics

Voice of female TV sports announcer: Bob, we have a tie for the gold medal in gymnastics between Cumonme Moaninbitch of the Unified Team and Lickme Virgintwat of the United States. This year the Olympic committee has decided to do something different. Instead of giving both athletes the gold medal they are adding an event that the athletes will have to compete in without practice to break the tie. That event will be the Olympic Fuck Off Competition. In this event both athletes will have to...

2 years ago
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Burning Lust0

But when she hit me with that kiss, I had the feeling that If I didn't fuck her right this minute, my cock would explode. I forced her back with passion of my own. She jumped and wrapped her legs around me, and I proceeded with grabbing that glorious sized ass of hers and carried her into the bedroom. She began to undo her robe the second I set her down on the bed while I finished undoing my belt. She got undressed so fast that if there was a world record, she had definitely topped it. One...

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Unexpected Venture With Foreigner

Hi friends! I am Dinkar Dhwaja, a 33 year 5’6” tall youngster, married and working in an MNC. All the event in this story are 100% true without addition of any spice. The company had posted me to their Mozambique works in July 2008 and I had returned back in September 2012, with a successful execution of our civil engineering consultancy contract for a Highway. I was part of our consultancy team as second man in command. The company had provided us family accommodation where I was staying with...

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The Sisterhood Part 1 Defeat Chapters 14

In the beginning was Chaos. And Chaos detested organisation and structure. He was roguish and full of mischief. Whenever order and logic looked likely to prevail, he would chuckle, wave his divine hand and delight in thwarting such impudence. Exasperated, the other gods sighed. How would the mortals below ever be able to prove themselves with such troublesome interference? It was always the same; the wheel turned, and mankind managed to make a mess of everything. Again.The debate continued to...

3 years ago
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The Show Part 2

My husband showed up the next day from his trip. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and went about his business. David was in a better mood than usual. He did not make any moves to make love to me, but he was very pleasant in all his mannerisms.It had been almost two weeks since I had heard from Lily. It was on that Thursday that I got a text. The text read to go to the back porch, and to dress in what was in the box.I opened the box. Inside was a mini skirt, a thin tube top, and wedge sandals.  I...

4 years ago
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Online Meet Se Sex Tak

Hello there ladies and girls. I am Keshav (name changed of course for security reasons) I live in Chandigarh, my age is 19 so yes I am young and very cocky, so anyone around here who wanna hit me up in a secret relation can buzz me at This is my 2nd story on iss my first one was losing virginity at my home like that one this is also real story. Main ye story Hindi mein btaunga taaki sabhi samajh ske isse. Sab ladkiya apni panties kholke ke ungliyan gilli krlo kyuki mera laurha toh garam ho...

1 year ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 20

The officers were now sitting, and I was trying to calm down from the initial shock. The idea that they had found the girl sounded like she wasn't alive. That, we learned was far from the case. "This is a bit of a strange one," Special Agent Downs said. "We didn't have a clear picture of the girl at all, so not much to go on." "You were looking for her?" I asked. "Why?" "Those two bank robbers were part of a national organization of sorts. That is, they all have one common goal....

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Friend Ki Wife

Hello indian sex story friends, I am back with my next story. my name is Rakesh, 23 years old, average and fit body. This story is about my friend’s wife Pooja(name changed). She is 22 years old and she has a sexy ass, big boobs and a hot cunt. If you are interested in me then you can mail me for real sex. Now coming to the story. Mere dost ka name hai raju, ek private company me work karta hai aur uski sadi 1 year pahle he hue thi aur koi bhi bache nahi the aur kabhi kabhi wah company ke...

1 year ago
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To dosto main shilpa aur kristina ke sath maze karne ke baad mujhe apne city raipur jana tha…mera reservation utkal train me tha jo ki haridwar se puri jati hai…ye train mere city nahi jati kyonki is train ka route different hai…jo ki bilaspur station se kat jati hai….aur bilaspur se raipur 115 k.m. dur hain…raipur is a capital of chhattisgarh. Mujhe raipur route ki kisi bhi train me seat nahi mili…isiliye mujhe bilaspur route se hi jana pada…. Utkal train delhi se dophar me 12:50 pm par chalti...

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A Good ManChapter 31 I Cant Stop You

Get reacquainted we did. We sat on the sofa, kissing and cuddling with the telly on for background noise—I couldn’t even tell you which channel it was on. Vicky looked in on her way out to work but made no comment. She just smiled at me and left. Once our initial release of passion was out of the way, we simply held each other. I wrapped her up in my arms while she rested her head on my chest. And for the first time in a month, I felt whole. “I really should go and confront Mom,” Clarissa...

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wife likes

My name is Chris, this is a true story that happened to me and my wife Maria a little while back.I had a few friends due to arrive one day to watch football, the normal kind of thing , a bit rowdy and a few beers.Maria has no interest in football, so she arranged to meet a friend to do a little shopping and have lunch and a few drinks.I was on the balcony just as Maria left, and my friends arrived loaded with beer cases just as she was walking down the driveway to her car.My friends didn't...

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DevilsFilm Lala Ivey White Out

Newcummer Lala Ivey is delivered four white men to do as she wishes in her white out treatment. After getting to know Lala she masturbates for the viewer than waits as the men come in to her boudoir to rub and caress her. One after another each enters the room and joins in on this very willing participant. She sucks those cocks for all she is worth and by the time they are entering her pussy she is dripping wet. But if it’s one thing we learn quickly about this little cherub from Chicago...

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This is a true story, nothing added in and nothing left out.I arrived in the Philippines for the first time in March to see my Internet Girlfriend who's a lot younger than myself but who just seems to feel that I am the best thing since sliced bread !!! go work that one out.The weather was humid as it always is in Cebue and I was met at the Airport feeling very worn out from the long trip over from the States by Mylie along with her verey sexy looking cousin Indie, now being greeted after such...

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Penguins Preference a Toby Wakefield storyChapter 10

I felt squeamish walking onto the St. Bart’s campus, hoping that I wouldn’t see Father Des or Father Frank before I talked with Sister Natalie. Her door was open, and she saw me walking toward it from her desk. “Come in Toby, close the door behind you.” Rising from her chair she approached me, reached out, and placed her right hand on my cheek. “I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. Neither Father Desmond nor Father Frank will ever bother you again.” I wondered what kind of power...

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My daughters tutor III

Amber and I had kept seeing each other, all under Sofie's nose. We had been together for six weeks by then, and it was hotter than ever. When they had their sessions, Amber would frequently have to take a bathroom break or take a call. As she did, we would go into the bathroom, or my bedroom and fool around a bit. I invited her over a few times to hang out and have sex on a couple weekends when Sofie was at her dad's. On one Thursday afternoon, Sofie and Amber were in the dining room studying...

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Winner Takes All

From what Eric could see in the 23 year old blonde French woman in front of his eyes, moving in her graceful form, he could see just how strongly her family carried their tradition. Charlotte would be a good example of an olden day heroine in ancient times. Her skill on the fencing piste was both incredible and exciting to behold, moving as if she was dancing with her opponent and piercing them straight in the heart or wrist with her epee blade the moment they flinched. Even though fencing...

4 years ago
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The Beach4

You get done with your shopping trips and breakfast duties with your folks and finally have some you time. And of course, you have month end work to look into. I wait, impatiently maybe... but I know you would be able to spare some time and that's what matters. Well, since I do not have anything else to do, I am free to sleep and possibly dream of you. I snuggle up in my fluffy blanket... just the blanket and nothing else. I wake up on something soft...sand... soft, pristine sand filters...

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While doing a little bit of research on how to catch your spouse cheating all sorts of kinky videos and romance novels kept popping up no matter how much I tried to refine my search. Since my husband was “forced” to attend a conference out of town this weekend and I refused to give him sex until I got things sorted out one video title did stir my interest. It was called “A Wife’s Hard Decision”, and when they say hard they truly meant HARD. The guy in this video was so well hung that I almost...

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A chance meeting with an old friend

Donna was in town doing a bit of shopping and getting her nails done, I'd arranged to collect her after a couple of hours and I was at the point as she walked towards me talking to another lady. Apparently this other girl and her used to work together 25 years ago, she was quite tidy, 5'2", brown hair, super slim, probably too thin for her shape.As they got to the car Donna said "This is Paula we used to work together, she's coming up for a catch up", "Ok" I said as they both got in. As I drove...

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Nokrani Ki Gili Choot Na Kia Chudai Ka Ishara

Hi dosto mea Depak ek baar fir new kahani lea kea aaya hu Meri shaadi ke 3 saal ho chuke hai. Ek bar meri biwi maike gai hui thi. Meri nokrani Laxmi bai ki umar 30 ke andar hi thi. Lekin mene kabhi usko sex karne ki nazar se nahi dekha tha. Sunday ka din tha, me wife ghar me thodi safai kar raha tha. Dopahr ke 2 baje the, muje bhukh lagi thi kuchh khane ko nahi tha isi liye me beer pi raha tha aur saath saath kam bhi. utne me door bell baji, Me sirf pajama pehna huva tha. Pasina nikal raha tha...

3 years ago
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Episode 118 Justine becomes a sub

Week One, TuesdaySam dresses Justine in a white low-cut crop top, collar, very short leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings and stilettos; obviously no underwear.Down at the local pub, He encourages the regulars in the snug to fondle her butt and make lewd suggestions for her sub training programme.Back home they watch a few BDSM videos together and act out some of the less adventurous scenes.Sam instructs His trainee sub to carefully think about and write down her hard and soft limits, so they...

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Golden GuardChapter 5

Roberta - Hanging Around It was all right for Paula! Of course Roberta still loved the little girl It was just that she was somewhat jealous of her right now. Here poor old Roberta was, in yet another fine old mess, and Paula was OK - as per usual! These days it always seemed to be alright for Paula! There was lucky old Paula sitting in a nice warm cave being befriended by the bandit leader while she languished in the bitter freezing cold. How did that girl do it? Why was it always she,...

4 years ago
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Episode 1 Strip Coin Toss

"Hey, everyone! Welcome to the first episode of StripGames USA. I'm Donna. My dad and mom own and run the website. They're behind the camera. And these are my friends, Carrie and Linda." "Hi there!", Carrie says. "Hi!", Linda greets. Donna continues, "And we're going to play Strip Coin Toss. We're each gonna flip coins. And since there's three of us, whoever is the odd one out loses. They lose a piece of clothing. Then the two losers get to race out in the front yard, butt...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Ashley Lane 24907

Wow, I’m a lucky man. Tonight is Ashley Lane’s first time with a client, she’s a little on the nervous side. I made her very comfortable. She looks great with a perfect little body. I’m really pleased she took a chance with me. I get off on having sex with porn stars and women I don’t know, so it’s a perfect situation. I bought Ashley new lingerie and tonight I will tell her what I want her to do. She is submissive and I am dominate. I can hardly wait to own...

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FantasyMassage Dee Williams Vienna Rose DaughterMom Combo

A rich step-mother, Dee Williams, and her step-daughter Vienna Rose, walk into a trendy massage parlor from the street, in chic outfits and carrying several boutique shopping bags from a day out on the town. They’re greeted by a friendly and eager-to-please masseur, Lucas Frost, at the reception desk. He asks if they have an appointment and they say no. They were doing some shopping and just so happened to notice the massage parlor from across the street and Dee thought she’d treat...

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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut

Hi, horny readers and ISS fans, this is Arjun and I am sharing my experience here for the first time. I have been a huge fan of the ISS site for more than 7 years and visit the website daily. I have read every story posted on a daily basis. After a huge thought, I decided to pen down my stories and experiences here and also connect with like-minded people. About myself: My name is Arjun and I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am currently 25 years old. I am 6 feet tall and 65...

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