Shackled Ch. 06 free porn video

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And there it was. The million dollar question. She was trying not to scarf down the sandwich as though she hadn’t eaten in days, but she truly hadn’t really eaten in days. Her stomach cramped painfully as she forced herself to go slow, swallowed and took a sip of his brew. She had never been much of a drinker and the beer was bitter on her tongue. Pulling a face, she set it aside, thinking that this had to be the best sandwich ever made in human history, when logically she knew it wasn’t.

‘I am a scientist or was…’ She began and picked up her food, setting the plate aside and getting up. Walking to her shoes, she crouched down, making her to bend at the knees so she wasn’t flashing him an eyeful of pale bottom anything else he might enjoy.

Carefully she dug the disk she’d set on the inside of her shoe while his back had been turned and returned. Feeling as though they were in it together now, she tossed it to him, watching the shiny piece of technology plop down in front of him as she took another bite and sighed happily. Her cheeks bulged slightly as she chewed and swallowed, climbing onto the bed to face him.

He looked so casual and so good, his lean body relaxed as if he hadn’t a care in the world. She was slowly warming up and fatigue was taking its toll, but she knew she owed him some information. At the very least! Drawing in a breath and started. ‘Ten years ago I was hired on as a scientist for THE most powerful pharmaceutical companies. I was only 24, eager, naive and had grand ideas of saving the world with affordable drugs for all. The perks weren’t bad either. I got a warm place to live in, food, a little money in my pocket and a little extra to send home. So I couldn’t complain.’

Pressing the bottle to her lips, she took another sip of the bitter brew. ‘I don’t want to brag, but, I soon climbed up to one of the lead scientists in one particular venture. Needless to say, I was very excited. This was exactly what I had envisioned it to be. I could taste the success. Can you imagine it? Affordable drugs for everyone? Enough to go around when someone is sick? It would mean healthier children, seniors, hell — adults!’

His eyes studied her intently and she felt a little self conscious as she said to hell with it and scarfed the rest of her food down with a long draw of beer at the end and moaned. ‘God, that was good. Thanks.’ Tucking his oversized shirt over her knees, she tugged it lower her legs as she drew her knees up, leaving her small bare feet sticking out the bottom. Her eyes turned darker as she remembered finding out the real truth behind the project. ‘We were almost there…on the verge of a breakthrough. I came in one day a little early, eager to get back at it. Only, I ended up walking into a lot more than I bargained for. Someone had leaked some information out…probably a tech who didn’t know any better. At first I thought it was bullshit. But as I did some digging, I found it to be all true. The corporation is going to use the information that I copied on that disk there to start and endemic and it won’t be pretty. If you think things are bad now, they will be a hundred times worse. They will find the fight for complete control.’

Her voice broke off as she drew in a breath, clearing her throat. No tears, she’d promised, no crying. ‘It’s my fault. I should have realized, I should have known! When I learned the truth, I panicked and copied all my data. I only told one person whom I trust implicitly. I knew they were onto me. You can’t just copy shit off the system and get away with it. But he managed to get me out before someone caught me. That was three days ago and I’ve been running since. I can finish the project we started, the cure to this disease that they will spread. If I don’t though, all hell will break loose and people will start dropping like flies. I don’t know how we’ll get this out and who to trust, but we…I…need to find a way.’

She drew a shaky breath and blew it out, her shoulders sagging as she propped her chin on her knees. ‘I really am sorry I got you into this…I was just looking to get warm. I didn’t expect to bump into The Hills Poolboy.’ She added lightly.


He sat back and listened to her story. He was amazed she could get her sandwich down so quickly. Obviously she hadn’t eaten for a while. By her grimacing, he could tell she didn’t like beer.

More for me in case the end of the world happens.

Halfway through her story, she got up off the bed and walked towards her shoes. The impact of her story had not lessened her attractiveness. She was a glorious sight walking in his t shirt. He smirked as she tried to extricate a disk from her shoes without giving him an eyeful. She nearly succeeded, but not quite.

Nice ass.

She turned to him and he returned his face to a serious countenance. She threw the disk on the bed in front of him.

‘This is what they want to kill you for?’ he asked.

She nodded, chewing on the final part of her sandwich.

She moved herself fully onto the bed and sat next to him. She had the t shirt stretched over her knees and all that was showing were her small feet.

Beautiful little feet.

He so wanted to reach out and stroke them, to make her feel safe.

Take it easy, Hansen. You’re getting attached. You remember what happened the last time you got attached? Yeah, that’s right.

I really should do something about you voices….

He shook his head slightly. She didn’t see him and she continued her story. She looked depressed and tired and slumped so that her chin rested on her knees. Her face was doleful.


Hansen, she said ‘we’. Now’s the time we say, ‘nice to meet you, no worries and bye’.

I can’t do that. She’s fucked. She won’t last a day out there on her own. Plus, we’ve got the electronic shackles.

Someone will know how to decommission the shackles. She’s lasted this long.

Dumb luck. Not that she’s dumb. We can’t listen to this about an epidemic and not do anything. Sounds like she can do something about it.

Great! Save the children, yada yada yada. I don’t want to die.

We’ve never been scared of dying before. We can really stick it to those fucking monsters and for once it won’t be W.I.I.F.M.

Don’t pull that ‘what’s in it for me’ shit. Remember the last time you did something because it was the right thing to do? No one is alive.

Carl is.

He’s Carl. He’s unkillable.

Fuck it, I’m helping her.

It’s your problem.

Hansen smiled to himself.

Oh, no it’s not. You’ll be there too. Thanks bro’.

He brought himself back into the room and looked at her.

‘Ha,’ he said to her, ‘I’d whip The Hills Pool Boy’s ass!’

He got up and went to the bench. He put his jeans and t shirt on. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. He pulled another beer from the fridge and took a long drag on it. Then he placed his hands on the bench and looked at her on the bed.

‘So these bastards are going to start an epidemic and then keep the cure so that they can regulate who dies and who doesn’t?’

She nodded. She looked tired.

‘And this disk has everything you need to develop a cure?’

She nodded again. She looked really tired now.

Maybe the time for questions is tomorrow.

He walked over to the bed. He took her hand and lifted her onto her feet. He pulled the covers of the bed back and lay her down on there. When she was laying her head on the pillow, he pulled the covers back over her. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her shoulder and head a couple of times.

‘Well, Irish, this is your lucky week,’ he said. ‘I have a couple of spare days to save the world. We’ll work out the fee later, but because you let me stick my hands down your pants, I reckon a discount is in order. Plus, I can’t very well spend my fee if I don’t save the world. How incentivised.’

looked down at her, smiling for a few moments, then he leant over and kissed her on the forehead.

He got up, sculled the last of his beer and switched the light off in the room. He went to the bed and lay next to her, on top of the covers.

I was just going to have a beer and now I’m saving the world.

You’re a dickhead, Hansen.

‘Shut up,’ he said.


He felt her flinch.

‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I wasn’t talking to you.’

The voice in his head smiled.

Suicide. That’s what this is. Suicide.


She was too tired to argue as he tucked her into his bed, even more surprised when he gently caressed her head and shoulder and then dropped a kiss on her head. Big bad Liam was showing a softer side which she was going to quickly get used to if he didn’t stop.

There were other issues to tackle of course. Like the fact that they were literally stuck together due to the implanted devices. She tried to focus on the things she needed to talk to him about, but fatigue was quickly taking over and soon was lulled by the warmth of the room and comfort of his bed. She was half asleep when she heard him. His voice rang clear in the silence of the room.

She flinched, jerking back awake and then settled down again. Too tired to wonder who he thought he was talking to, she drifted off with a soft yawn.

Emma slept hard, but sometime in the night stirred, her body stiffening at the feel of Liam’s body curled up against her own, one heavy arm over her hip, his hand splayed loosely over her abdomen. The panic that sharply spiked soon dissipated when she realized where she was and who he was. He must have rolled she realized, seeking comfort and warmth himself and it felt good. His warm breath fanned her clean hair, tickling her scalp. Smiling to herself, she let it be, feeling secure and protected and let herself drift back into the blackness.


Meanwhile, the silver haired man followed the woman and walked into the office. He was meeting Paul Lindeman, the Chairman of Pfizaxson, the largest drug company in the world.

The woman pointed him to a seat and he sat across the desk from Lindeman. The size of the desk meant that he was still a few meters away from him.

‘So what the fuck happened?’ asked Lindeman. He was fat. He was bald. And he was bombastic. Three things the silver haired man detested.

But he was the Chairman of Pfizaxson, so he basically ran the country. Years ago, he would have been called The President, but that had ceased with the end of democracy.

‘We lost her,’ said the silver haired man. ‘But we’ll find her again. Soon.’

‘The news stream said it was fucking carnage down there,’ said Lindeman, banging the desk.

Lindeman’s antics didn’t bother the silver haired man. He’d seen worse. He’d done worse.

‘Yes, they killed eighteen men and critically injured two.’

Lindeman looked across at him and raised his eyebrows. ‘So there were people with the girl?’

‘Yes,’ said the silver haired man. ‘Liam Hansen and Carl O’Shaughnessy. It looks like she has business….’

Lindeman put his hand up and cut him off.

‘Hang on there,’ he said. ‘You’re telling me, that two men and a female scientist took out twenty of your crack Special Police Force members? Please, don’t tell me that. Do you know how much money we give you to run the SPF? Do you?’ he yelled.

‘Yes, sir,’ he said.

‘Last year it was over fucking fifty, fucking million, fucking dollars. I was part of the committee that set up the SPF to protect the interests of our country and our corporations.’

‘Yes, sir,’ said the silver haired man. ‘I understand that. We will get her.’

Lindeman wasn’t satisfied.

‘Dammit! Two men and a fucking girl scientist putting billions of dollars at risk….’

‘Sir, if I may ask, what does the girl have that makes it imperative to kill her?’

Lindeman looked at him impassively, but his face was getting redder.

‘No, you may not fucking ask. It doesn’t fucking matter and it’s none of your fucking business!’ he yelled. ‘I want her fucking dead. Get it. D.E.A.D…. Dead!’

The silver haired man nodded.

‘Yes, sir.’

‘And who the hell are the other fucking guys anyway?’

‘Sir, one is Liam Hansen….’

Lindeman smashed the table again with his fist.

‘You already told me that!!’

‘Sir, you don’t understand….’

‘What the fuck? I don’t understand….’

The silver haired man interrupted him.

‘Sir, Liam Hansen is his real name, but seven years ago he worked under the name of Patrick Flannery.’

Lindeman went quiet and his face looked worried.

‘Patrick Flannery? The Patrick Flannery? From Australia.’

The silver haired man nodded.

‘Yes, sir.’

Lindeman looked more thoughtful now, less antagonistic.

‘He destroyed Hardacre Industries. He killed all their management….He murdered the Chairman and CEO on tape and had it sent to every corporation….’

‘Yes, sir,’ said the silver haired man. ‘He did.’

‘And you never caught him?’

‘No, sir,’ he said. ‘He was underground. He was harmless, just doing some small jobs for small dissident groups. Chasing informers, running guns, that sort of thing. But….’

‘Yes?’ said Lindeman

‘Sir, but two years ago we captured his wife and daughter,’ he said. ‘We lured him in by promising him that they would be released if he came in and gave himself up.’

‘I never heard about this. What happened?’

‘Sir, when he met our people at the meeting point, the guards shot his wife and child….’ the silver haired man paused. ‘….in front of him.’

‘Jesus Christ!’

‘Yes, sir. What we didn’t know was that he had brought Carl O’Shaughnessy and a team of men with him. He escaped.’

‘Now you have a fucking angry killing machine with nothing to live for?’

The silver haired man nodded.

‘Yes, sir. He is extremely dangerous. In the opinion of many, he poses more risk to our way of life than a rogue state.’


‘Yes, sir. That is the term used most often in reference to Hansen. Shit.’

Lindeman sat back, his fat gut spilling over the belt of his pants.

‘Well, we need to kill them all then. If Hansen is working with the girl, then we need to terminate him as well. We can’t afford loose ends.’

‘Yes, sir,’ nodded the silver haired man. ‘As soon as I leave here, I will put out an order that Hansen, O’Shaughnessy and the girl are to be terminated with extreme prejudice. There will be no option or scope for their survival.’

Lindeman looked at him.

‘I don’t care how many men you need, what you need, you have it. Just call. Whatever it fucking takes.’

The silver haired man looked impassively at him.

‘Thank you, sir,’ he said and started to get up from his seat.

‘I want them all dead,’ reiterated Lindeman, as if saying it often enough would make it happen.

‘Yes, sir,’ said the silver haired man as he started to walk to the door.

‘Wait,’ called Lindeman.

‘Yes, sir?’

‘Don’t fuck this up.’

‘I won’t, sir,’ he said.

He turned and walked out the door.


Liam lay there next to Emma, listening to her breathing till it became regular and he knew she was asleep. Then he quietly rose from the bed, switched off the heater and got back into bed, this time under the sheets. He kept his clothes on as he didn’t want any misunderstandings. He found it hard to fall asleep with her body next to him. He hadn’t slept next to someone for over two years.

He tried to keep a respectful distance from her, but as he got tired and his body shut down, he rolled and touched her. Then he pulled her a little closer and wrapped his arm around her. It was an automatic response, but in the fog of his mind he knew
what he was doing.

She’s asleep, she won’t remember tomorrow. I need something. I need to touch her….

He pressed his face to the top of her head, smelling the soap on her hair. He smiled to himself as he realized he was lying at forty five degrees so that there would be no possible contact of his lower body with hers.

Ah, gentleman Hansen….

Her warmth and the comfort of holding her gently led him to sleep only to awake again moments later, thinking the voices would never stop. He knew what they’re problem was. They could see what was coming.

Love no one. Care for no one. It makes you weak. It only hurts you.

So you let her fend for herself? Let her die. Like Jess….

Like Cassie….

You couldn’t save them. You’re 0 for 1.

Shut up.

Please? Just shut up….

The girl. Emma. He could feel her next to him in the darkness. She was warm and pressing back into him. He was holding her, his arm over her waist, her breathing rhythmical and comforting. He pressed his head against hers.

You won’t die.

Oh, like Jess? Like Cassie?

You won’t die….

He fell back to sleep.

They were standing at the river. In his hands, he held the note and he held a disk.

‘Drop the weapon and come forward,’ boomed the voice from the loudspeaker.

There were cars everywhere. They were in a horseshoe formation, about fifty metres from him. In the middle of the horseshoe, there were SPF’s and they had Jessica and Cassie.

He had to yell.

‘What about them?’ he said.

‘They’re safe,’ came the voice. ‘You have our word on that.’

‘You’re word?’


He started to walk forward. Carl and the others were there. They were hidden, but they were there. Somewhere. Their first priority was his wife and daughter. He kept walking forward.

When he was about twenty metres away, he stopped.

‘Let them go now,’ he said.

The men guarding his wife and daughter moved back slightly.

The damned loudspeaker. Why couldn’t they just talk to him?

‘When we have you, then they will be released, not before. Move forward. I repeat, once you are secured, they will be released unharmed.’

He was willing to take the risk. They didn’t know about Carl and the others. The plan had been for him to not be apprehended at all, but this was his wife and his daughter. If this was what it took, then so be it. Fuck, if it came down to that, if his wife and daughter were safe, then he didn’t care if he was apprehended and killed.

As long as they were safe.

He was so close he could speak to them in a normal voice.

‘Oh, Liam,’ cried Jessica. ‘You shouldn’t have come.’

‘There, there,’ he said, ‘everything’ll be alright.’

His daughter was crying, hanging on to her mother’s leg. His chest felt tight watching her so distraught.

‘It’ll be ok, Cassie. Daddy promises.’

He was circled by the SPF’s. He held his hands out and they fastened his wrists together with the polymer locks.

A man came out of the largest vehicle. He was a cold looking man, his face thin and his hair was silver. He didn’t wear a helmet. Odd for the SPF, but he was obviously of a high rank. He turned to the men holding the woman and the girl.

‘Let them go.’

The helmeted officers just stood there.

He looked to Hansen with a stern look.

‘You’ll pay for all you’ve done, Flannery, but I keep my word.’

‘Thanks,’ said Hansen, ‘and fuck you.’

The corners of the silver haired man’s mouth tried to rise in a smile, but it looked like his face would crack if he continued so he reverted to a compassionless stare. He turned back to his men.

‘Ok, Lieutenant, we have Flannery, now let them go.’

‘Sir, those aren’t our orders.’

The silver haired man looked at them as if he’d misheard.

‘Your orders, Lieutenant,’ he said slowly, ‘are to do what I tell you to do.’

‘Sir, those aren’t our orders.’

Two SPF’s walked up behind the silver haired man and stood beside him. Then another came up behind him. The silver haired man was caught in his own horseshoe.

He looked at Flannery. Flannery looked at him. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

‘Sir,’ said the Lieutenant, ‘our orders are to show Flannery what happens to anyone who tries to disrupt our way of life.’

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My Wonderful Obsession Part 8: Makeup Lessons Phil had started attending college in Cincinnati that fall. He was studying kinesiology and physiotherapy, which he hoped would eventually help get him into a career in sports medicine. To me, that was a much better idea than trying to pursue a playing career, even though he was a great football and baseball player. Natalie was in her senior year of high school, and after graduation she was planning to take a practical nursing program. I...

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Health club for women

I am a carpenter and was doing a remodel for a small strip shopping center. When the owner asked me if I wanted to make some extra money giving massages. That's when I found out it was a health club for women. I agreed and the next Monday showed up at noon for my first appt. I was told to dress in sweat pants and t shirt, my first appointment was a women around 40 years old, she was in the room when I walked in and she had taken her clothes off and was laying on her stomach with a towel...

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Meeting James 1

One minute I’m standing in a bookstore, and the next I’m being kissed! His hand was on my neck, his lips were soft, firm, demanding and I opened up to him. I was too shocked to be angry. I felt the other hand slide around my waist and pull me against him. I thought in the back of my mind that he looked just like that Alan Rickman guy at 30. I heard him groan faintly and it brought me back to my senses. I pulled back and he let go. He simply smiled at me and licked his lips. My breathing was...

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SpiralsChapter 6

I left the Caldwell's hungry and annoyed. All-state running back or not, Junior Bishop should not be treated like a god. I thought about how best to put a crimp in his style. I knew one way to get his attention, so when I got home I went straight to the telephone. "Hello, Mrs. Langley. It's John Robinson. May I speak with Missy, please?" Missy came to the phone right away. "Hi, John. What's up?" "I'm hungry, I'm tired and I'm ticked at your boyfriend, Junior. Would you like to...

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Oops I Fucked My Brother On his Wedding Day Oops I fucked my brother Final Part

It had been a year or so since I had moved to New York, and the relationship between my brother Tom and I was pushing the limits. We had been sleeping in the same bed for months, we constantly had sex, and I had even been in a threesome with him and another guy. We would go out and act as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, holding hands and kissing, and somehow, I felt I was falling in love with him, something I had never experienced in my life with any other guy. Crazy, I know. You're not...

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Daddy Washes My Hair Chapter 1

Daddy Washes My Hair Ch. 1This story began a number of years ago. It was a time when middle-class homes did not have central air-conditioning and most had only one bathroom. For as long as I can remember my Daddy washed my hair every Saturday night because our bathtub did not have a shower. It became something of a ritual. Sometime Mom would come in sit on the toilet and watch and chat with Dad and me. Mom often talked about how pretty I was and how I was going to break a lot of boy's hearts.I...

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Story 1 Waking you up the morning after

Written for my t-wife....So this morning I woke up thinking what it would be like to wake up next you, as in the morning after our first night spent together.The room would have a faint sweet smell of our sex. Clothes would lie on the floor in disarray haven been stripped and flung during a sexy undressing situation. A used towel and your stockings are lying not too far from the bed and in easy reach.Under the covers, you are wearing sexy lacy pair of white pantie that you wore last night for...

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Diary of a Jailbird

October 17Dear Diary...You showed up in my first care package, and since I'm not doing anything else, I might as well write in you. =)Lemme tell you a bit about myself.  I'm Casey, Casey Shepherd.  I'm, 19, really tall...5 foot 11 to be exact (yay tall me!), weigh about 150 lbs, slender and toned from playing volleyball and softball, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, 38c, size 10 feet.  In the winter I like to go snowboarding.  If you haven't figured already, I'm a big tomboy.  All...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Strip Foosball

Peter Green challenges Kira Perez to some strip foosball. She doesn’t care about getting naked she just wants to win. When the game is over and peter has her butt nakes she doubles down and challenges him to one more match, but if Peter wins he can do whatever he wants to her. Kira loses the last match and gets fucked by the foosball table. Then Peter takes her up stares and scores big when she sucks his dick and lets him fuck her hard in all kinds of crazy positions. These step siblings...

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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 9

For the first time, I saw her really flustered, “What if they say no?” “Oh, somehow, I doubt that. You know I’m not interested in a quick affair and I don’t think you are either. Let’s find out if the girls are willing to share my love with you. And you need to know them as more than pictures on my iPad.” Now she did look scared. “What if they don’t like me?” “Hey, Elfin lady, you can see what you are doing to me, you are beautiful and sexy and almost nude in my bed. I know they will love...

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Biologically speaking there’s not a great deal of difference between the mouths of men and women. It was simply the way she used hers that made me melt. Unhurried at the outset, delicately picking up the pace to heighten my desire for her, each tender lap between my parted legs complemented by breathy kisses on alabaster thighs alongside stolen glances that dripped with loaded intent. She savoured every note of nectar that drizzled onto her fluttering tongue as if she were the bow and I her...

2 years ago
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The Alien aion

Intro: This is my first story. Never done this kind a thing before. There are typing errors in the story but please tell me what you think and what you would like to read next. Add me as a friend ;) Greetings RMABloom went to bed. Tomorrow was weekend. So finally she could relax and sleep through the entire morning. Her parents were on holliday to Spain so now she had the house all to herself. No rules, no shores nothing.But she was going to realize that beeing alone means that nobody will miss...

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Mature Wife Forced To Be Slut PART 2

So if you read the initial story about my slut 59 y/o wife Debra what you are about to read should be the icing on her pussy or nipples LOL.....She has been getting fucked by the young stud at least 2-3 times a week lately..... The guy can pound that hot slut pussy for hours but it is time for Debra to pay the price for taking all this young stud cock.We swing with two different couples and one couple in particular is very erotic and hot and that hubby is fucking huge, so huge it is the reason...

4 years ago
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Krystenahs Inspiration Part II

“Get up and go take a shower,” he told me. “I have a surprise for you.” I was always the most obedient when I heard my Master say these words. I sang in the shower as I washed away my sweat and the evidence of our lovemaking. As I wrapped the towel around my body, I saw the nightie hanging from the door. It was a fire engine red see-through baby doll nightie and was the trashiest thing I had ever worn. I squealed and clapped my hands before pulling it over my head. As I did, I saw that there...

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My nylon fetish Vol1

My name is Brian. My history with nylon fetish is starting from c***dhood.Those times, I was not really aware about sexuality, didn't know about sex and couldn't understand why i get boner.No internet, smart phone nothing. Everything started when we went to our cousins house to visit. I was playing with my cousin John hide and seek. So i decided to hide inside of the wardrobe in my aunts bedroom. Well, i found a couple of pantyhose on the floor. I had an idea that if i put it on my head to...

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My Best Friendrsquos Wife

Wanda and I wanted each other from the minute we met, but I had to make the first move.I first met Jim and his wife, Wanda, right after my wife and I moved into a large condo complex on Melbourne Beach, Florida. They lived right next door and we quickly became good friends.I immediately wanted to get between Wanda’s legs. She was SO attractive with gorgeous brown hair, dark eyes, and lips that I wanted to kiss. Every time we got together, Wanda and I would flirt with each other secretly. I’d...

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Sex with a hot aunty

Hello allI am going to narrate the best sexual experience i had with an aunty. She is the most sexiest woman in our area and most guys of my age around 20 had the hots for her. literally everyone wanted to fuck and lick her pussy and ass. Let me first describe her. She as a 40 year old tamil aunt in locality, with great sexy and inviting face with pouting lips. sexy figure and an out of the world ASS and great boobs. Put all of these assets in an indian saree and you have a voluptuous woman a...

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Britain under the Nazis Jack Boot Part 2

Smiling as she walked briskly back to her dorm close by the café where she worked, the young girl Mary tired to keep her breasts from slapping against her chest too much, her breasts did not know she was officially off the milk run, the tits continued to produce “Gold Top” as her friends called it. Reaching her dorm and letting herself in she mingled with the 20 or so youngish girls back from work or the fucking the Germans had allocated for them. A number was missing, presumably still on their...

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The Dancer

Driving along a dark road, the headlight beams reveal a pair of shapely legs perched on shiny red stelletos walking up ahead. The car slows to take in the sight. Upon further inspection, the legs continue upward for what seems like forever, then disappear under a short hard cock. As her naked globes bob tantalizingly close to his face and lightly brush across his chest, his cock grows harder and harder. She whispers in his ear, "Oh, I see that you're really enjoying this. How would you like to...

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Sex With My Mom Uncle

Well this is my first story on ISS…. I am Preeti from Delhi 23yrs old Hot gal originally from Bareilly city….. I am doing MCA here and always find gr8 men’s in my life to explore my body. I am living with my mom here dad is in MNC in Noida so he comes to home at late night….whole day we are here in home alone. My mom is a gr8 sex goddess of 40 usually I didn’t thought about her in incest way but after this great incident my life changed. She is a beautiful lady with hanging boobsie having...

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25 January 2008Chapter 4

During stoppages in play, it wasn’t uncommon for Karen, Wendy, Tina and Abby to switch seats so they could take turns sitting beside Dan. He felt somewhat self-conscious holding hands with so many women. The Adults sitting nearby were definitely curious about this man’s relationship with the women. What made it more intriguing was the women also openly holding hands. “Jim, the second period is now ten minutes old and continuing to be a close checking battle between Kingston and...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 3

Mark MacGhee sat in the Prince of Wales pub, sipping a pint of lager. At twenty-nine, he considered himself young, free and single and worked hard to keep life that way. His 5'11" frame was lean and well muscled from the full-on workouts at the gym and daily running. Mark had the kind of shortish, fine sandy hair that never seemed to be totally under control - a bit like Robert Redford's. He also had brown eyes, the kind of eyes that seemed to melt women's hearts and he used all of his...

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Naughty Nurse Finale

Elaine held her close and kissed her on the eyes and nose and lips. When she felt the girl was back to normal, she got up. ‘I’ll go and get us a drink,’ she said, returning quickly with two drinks and two cigarettes. Deana sat up and moved into Elaine’s arms and they smoked and sipped their drinks. They sat and kissed, Elaine playing over Deana’s body with one hand. Soon Deana felt mellow and in the mood again. She pushed Elaine away and stared at her. ‘It’s my turn now, isn’t it?’ she...

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Kanika My New Customer

Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to ISS for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is Akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you can contact me. My mailing id is Boys stay away from...

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Padosan Larki Ne Strapon Se Choda 8211 Part 2

Hum meri car me gaye aur usne car drive ki, ek adultery store me roki. Me us shop me ghuste hi samajh gaya ki hum yaha kyu aaye h. Hum shop me andar ghuse aur wahan ek cute si bahut sexy larki dikhi. Girl: may I help you??? Shilpa: I want some gud toys for my boyfriend. Main shocked tha jab usne mujhe boyfriend bataya Girl : (thora muskurate hue) is taraf Shilpa: mujhe kuch khaas chahiye apne boyfriend k liye… Waha aur bhi log the aur shilpa bahut tej baat kar rahi thi… Me: shilpa yaha sabke...

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"Mr Haslam for Dr Beecham" the intercom announced and he stood carefully up and hobbled out of the waiting room, looking for consulting room 5, "three, four, ah, five" he said to himself as he counted off the doors. As he reached it, it opened. "I'm sorry, I should have come out, I just had to check a couple of details for the previous patient" said an attractive voice. He couldn't see the face in the gloom of the corridor, his eyes didn't adjust easily to changes in light levels,...

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Uni Girl In Australia

Hi everyone. I am 23 years old Indian and I live in Adelaide, Australia and my name is James. Today, I am going to share with you an experience of mine. This happened about two years back. I was in my third year of university at that time. I used to help most of the people in the university with assignments and projects. I had a very good friend of mine, who was one year junior to me, who usually used to come and ask for help with his studies. His name was Arpit and I never used to hesitate...

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MomsTeachSex Lexi Luna Liz Jordan Make My Stepdaughter And I Pregnant

Liz Jordan’s dad has recently married Lexi Luna. Lexi and Liz get along great, almost too well. One of Liz’s dad’s friends, Ryan Driller, has come to stay with the new blended family. Liz has always had the hots for Ryan, but now that she’s an adult she wants his baby. Lexi is into that fantasy since that would make her a GILF. They hatch a plan to get into Ryan’s pants. The girls sit on the couch, flanking him on either side. When Ryan starts asking questions about where Liz’s dad is, Lexi...

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Sharing Black Part 4

6:00p.m. (After football practice) Friday I just went straight to my car after showers and started it. Knock knock, Antwon rapped on the passenger window. “You been distant nigga, wassup?” he said after he got in. “Nigga I don’t know fa real.” I said and pounded the steerin’ wheel. “Well if you need yo nigga then you let em know I ight?” “Yeah dog!” I smiled and gave up some dap. He started to get out the car but paused. “Yo dog before I forget, you still comin to the party tonight right?” I...

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Aunt Seema

During the summer vacation between my junior and senior year my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary and they had gone on a cruise for their honeymoon so they had decided to re-capture the experience. The biggest difference was the first cruise had been on a second rate ship and had lasted only a week. This time around due to the fact that they were better off financially, they booked a master suite with a balcony and this cruise would last 15 days. Now normally when they went...

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The Van 2

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Mark had been watching...

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The DenouncementChapter 4

I stopped in my tracks and stared at her. "I couldn't wait until Sunday" she said. "I didn't see your car out front." "Your mom let me put it in the garage. We were afraid that you would keep on going if you saw it." "That would have been a good bet. What do you want Gail?" "In a nutshell - you." "That doesn't make sense Gail Sue. You had me and you threw me away. You were very clear about your opinion of me and your need to get away from me and move on." "I didn't...

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The LandlordChapter 9 Confrontation

It had been a year since I took Jenny up on her indecent proposal of sex for rent. For me, it was a year of hell. The devastating pain in my heart threatened to consume me. Nothing I did could make it go away. It never lessened. It never ebbed. It was always there. Constant, unyielding. You know that saying, "Time heals all wounds"? It's a lie. If it wasn't the pain of Jenny's absence from my life, it was the guilt. The guilt of knowing what I had done, of knowing the pain that I...

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Me and my classmate Sanjeev

Hi friends how are u all? Sabse pehle to jinhone mujhe mail ki unka thanx. Nd main apna 2nd bilkul current expirence share karne ja rahi hun.abhi kuch din pehle maine apni 1st sex story iss mein submit ki thi.nd apna email address bhi diya bahut frnds ne mujhe reply bhi kiya i thnk kabhi na kabhi aap sabko mauka milega mujhe fuck karne ka to unhi frnds me ek boy sanjeev ne bhi mujhe mail ki thi nd apni ek sex story share ki thi but i thnk wo uski banai hui story thi jst mujhe empress...

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No Strings Attached Riding Out The Storm Pt 3

Friday evening arrives, and I'm wracked with nerves.  I'm going to strip in the club for the first time. Thankfully I only have to repeat the same performance from last week with Jacob and the other guy, Craig. I'll then spend the rest of the night trying to do private shows which will be the challenging part. My personality and charisma will affect how well I do, and I'll need to flirt with people I don't even find attractive.I've also found out that Selena has taken me up on the offer of a...

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Masters IslandChapter 13 The Second Month

I had devised a crude but comfortable hammock out of a length of carpet ripped from the plane's cabin floor. I had suspended it with vines between two nearby palms. I had found that a siesta during the hot part of the day seemed to fit well in my day's schedule. It was from here that I witnessed the next set of events. Over the past few days a new camp status hierarchy had emerged. The new order insinuated itself almost completely outside of my awareness. I came to realize that Jennifer...

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Foreplay With A Girl Whom I Met Online

Hi, I am Shiv from Bangalore. I have been reading stories at ISS since 6 months, I have read many stories which are published on this site on various categories. I was scared of my identity. but after reading many stories I Got courage to publish it here, pls do Give ur feedbacks to Here storie Goes. I met her online, I don’t wanna disclose her name, college or anything about her so sorry. but her stats are 32 36 38 respectively we first had chat over online for 3 months, we first talked...

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