Resurrection! Ch. 01 free porn video

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Resurrection! Ch. 01

Getting another bite of the Apple.


‘Not to know what happened before you were born, is to remain forever a child.’ (Cicero, 46 B.C.E.)

Part 01: Michael’s Story.

I met Claire purely by accident. God, what was that, about four years ago? Yeah, something like that! It was as if it happened yesterday to me. My eyes were on her face as she approached. She was a blonde with clear blue eyes, tall and slender with nice breasts that fit her form well.

Okay, her face wasn’t the only thing I noticed as she walked toward me on campus. We were on the quad, and she was coming down a broad set of steps.

As she started down the steps with an armful of textbooks and notebooks, when one of them slid off the top and tumbled to the ground nearly at my feet. She hurried down the few remaining steps after the errant book.

I recognized it as a copy of ‘The Ethics of Aristotle.’ A rather stuffy, esoteric title to be sure, it is easily recognizable by its small size and burnt orange colored dust jacket, which had come off this volume on its journey to the paving stones. I had taken the ethics course, for which that book was required reading.

I reached the book just before she did, and we were standing face to face as I replaced the dust cover, and we found that we were both holding onto the little volume. I think I said something like,

‘Professor Langford would be very unforgiving if you lost this!’

She just gave me an embarrassed half-smile and thanked me, as she tried to pull it from my grip. I let it go after a second—maybe a second-and-a-half. She gave me another perfunctory smile, slid the book back on top of the stack, and continued on past me.

I just couldn’t let this girl walk out of my life, so I quickly said after her retreating form, ‘Michael! My name is Michael!’

She turned with a questioning look on her pretty face, with a long strand of blonde hair hanging down over the side of her face. She looked at me for some seconds like she was studying me, she juggled her books a little to push the loose strand of hair back into place, then simply said,


She turned slowly, trying to figure out why she gave her name to a stranger, and continued on. I took a couple of steps toward her as she continued on her way, and asked,

‘How about the Bookworm café, two-o’clock?’

She stopped and turned again, now some ten yards away and looked at me with a knitted brow. She couldn’t figure out why I was being so persistent. She took a few steps back toward me, looked me up and down, and with a nod of her head said,

‘Okay Michael, two-o’clock!’

She formed a slight smiled and shook her head, like she couldn’t believe that she agreed to meet me. She turned again, and I watched her as she walked away.

Well, there it was! That’s how I met her!

It was clear to me right from the start, that she wasn’t going to be easy. Nothing would be easy with Claire, but she was worth the effort. What’s the expression from the movies, ‘The juice is worth the squeeze!’ Yeah, Claire was definitely worth whatever I had to do to be with her!

Our first meeting at the Bookworm café was an exercise in her probing me, without giving me much information about herself. I knew from her questioning that she was intelligent as well as pretty, and that she had a very nice sense of humor. Although she was purposefully holding back, a few glimpses in to her psyche were showing through! I look here, a demure smile there, her ‘tells’ were evident to me. I liked her!

But what I eventually learned about her, came in little drips and drops over time. After that first meeting at the café was auspicious, she refused to give me her phone number, just saying,

‘I’ll see you around … or not!’

She rose, thanked me for lunch, and started to retreat from the café, so I quickly said, ‘How about a movie Friday night?’

My heart was pounding in my chest waiting for her response which came after a several seconds and what looked like some thought on her part,

‘Nooo, but how about lunch … noon … Friday … here?’

‘Okay, see you then, b…’ She had turned and was quickly gone before I could finish, so I said it to myself, ‘…bye!’

I looked across the aisle at a pretty brunette with dark green eyes—like emeralds! She had been watching this scene with great interest, and seem to be amused by my frustration with Claire. I just gave her a half-smile and left the café.

It took several more meetings at different places, even meeting her at the theater for a movie date, before she condescended to give me her last name … and her number. She decided that I was safe I guess, but after that things went along much smoother. It was after our third official ‘date’ that she allowed herself to give me a kiss goodnight.

I hadn’t counted on receiving one, so I started to walk away after escorting her to the door of her dorm building, and she said,

‘Ahem, uh, Michael?’

I quickly turned and walked back. I slid my hands onto her hips and very nervously moved my head toward hers about eighty percent of the way, waiting for her to come the other twenty. Pure ‘textbook goodnight kiss technique’, right? Well it worked and I felt her sweet full lips press into mine for the first time. It was the briefest piece of heaven I ever had, and it sent me home floating!

From what I could tell, Claire did not date much. As pretty as she was, she mostly stuck to her books—possibly including that little orange ethics book. After that first goodnight kiss, which seemed to be my graduation to a higher lever with her, things were much easier between us. We laughed, went to amusement parks, movies, or just rented bikes to tour around the many paths surrounding the campus.

I even found out that Claire was ticklish!

As an example, we decided to rent a tandem bicycle to take a tour of the miles of bike paths around our town lake, and surrounding picnic areas. The first issue to be decided, was who would be driving? The person in front has the ability to steer, and the person in the back merely provides power. We flipped for it, and I lost, so I was in the back seat. The unintended bonus of that, of course, was that I had a nice view of her pretty ass!

In fact, after a mile or two she turned and asked, ‘Michael! You’re not looking at my butt are you?’

‘No Ma’am! Not me! No way! Huh uh!’ I lied my face off!

‘Michael, you’re such a perv!’ she giggled, not believing the lies.

We had a great day, and she was fun to be with. We made a day of it, and ended up across the lake from a traveling carnival, and watched the lights from the rides, as we finished off the last of the Buffalo wings and shared the last beer from our earlier picnic. When they started the fireworks, signaling the end of the evening, Claire cuddled up against me and I put my arm around her.

It wasn’t long before we were lying back on the grass, kissing and fondling. Our outings became increasingly romantic, but still not anything sexual.

We dated as much as our studies would allow, she had a tough schedule working on a bachelor of science in engineering. Since I was an English major hoping to become a writer, or failing that, an editor, I was able to help her with some of her non-engineering writing assignments. But just editing and correcting grammar and punctuation.

Listening to her talk about her technical classes, I got the impression that she was quite brilliant, aside from the fact that she was carrying a 4.0 grade-point average (GPA). The more I learned, the more I found attractive about her. I was struggling to hang on to my measly 3.7 GPA … she was much smarter than I was.

It was into our third month of dating before she invited me up to her dorm room. It was after a movie date, and her roommate Sandy was conveniently spending the
night with another friend. It all happened so easily, without any fanfare, or much nervousness on her part. The nerves were all on my part, with some amount of performance anxiety—if it went that far. On her front stoop, I leaned in for our customary goodnight kiss, but before I got to my eighty percent, she simply and calmly said,

‘Why don’t you come up, Michael?’

‘Y-yes, s-sure!’ was my stunned and semi-moronic response.

She opened the door, and there was no doubt which side of the room was hers. One side was completely anal-retentively neat and orderly, and the other one was a typical girl’s messy room. Sandy was a very sweet slightly plump brunette, but she was also a slob like most college girls. Claire pulled off her light jacket, and put it neatly over the back of her desk chair. She sat on her bed, and patted the mattress right next to her for me to join her. Her slight smile sweetened the invitation.

That was my cue! Invitation? I didn’t need a second one! We sat on the bed, sort of half-turned toward each other, holding hands with fingers interlaced, just talking quietly punctuated occasionally with little fondles and kisses. After a while, she reached into the drawer of her desk, and produced a little blue packet that she offered to me, pinched between her index and middle fingers saying,

‘Here, you will need this Michael!’

I took the packaged condom from her as she slowly started to unbutton and remove her blouse, and unsnap her bra. Everything she did was with an easy charm and sweet smiles. So much so, that her manner quickly put me at ease. I saw more and more of her curvy shape come into view as she pulled off her skirt. She lifted her butt and pulled off her panties with a cute little wiggle. When she was completely naked, she laid back and lifted her inside leg, leaning it against the wall, exposing everything to my view.

Her sweet smile exuded confidence, and I moved my lips in between her legs. She gasped as my lips touched her inner thigh, high up. I moved cautiously down to the bottom of her buttocks. She giggled when my touch there tickled her. ‘Michael! Please!’ she pleaded, as I moved in for the grand prize, and lightly slid my tongue along her moist pussy lips.

Her smell was intoxicating! Fresh, and a sweetly female musk, typical of young women. I breathed her in, and the tip of my tongue parted her lips. This elicited a low moan from my lady, as she threw her head back, combing her fingers through my hair. She breathed in sharply when I opened her lips with my fingers. She was pink! Her nether-lips was the very definition of pink inside! She was soft and moist, and I let my lips partake of her like a delicious flower … no, more like a very juicy and ripe fruit!

As I partook of her fleshy, moist and aromatic pussy, she let her pent up breath out in little huffs, trying to control losing her breath completely. She found her breath again as I sucked on her pretty little nubbin of a clit. She shuddered, trying to say ‘Ohhh, Miichaaelll!’ she flooded her little flower with her juices. Flower or fruit, she was wet and ready. I moved my kisses down between her buttocks, and let just he very tip of my tongue tease her little rosebud, of a puckered opening. But then she let me know, just how ready she was as she pleaded,

‘Ohhh, Michael! I need you inside me!’ she breathed, then more insistently, ‘Now, Michael!’

That first slow strokes inside her were amazing, and I had to control myself so I didn’t come immediately. As wet as she was, I filled her up inside—she told me so as she moaned with pleasure, as I stroked in and out of her.

The way she moved her body aroused me quickly—maybe too quickly. I bit my lower lip, just trying to hold out as she pushed up against my thrusts, I felt her shudder about halfway along, but I held out, stroke after urgent, painful stroke, until she screamed into her own sweet violence, shuddering and convulsing. ‘Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh Michael! That was so f’ing good! Oh God, baby!!!’ she said, still convulsing.

It was only a further two thrusts into this amazingly beautiful girl, when I stiffened, and released inside of her warmth—inside the condom, of course. I released all of my pent-up pain and urgency as I sprayed into my latex sheath. It felt so wonderful as I shuddered, finally finding release! ‘Ahhh Gooddd!!!’ I grunted as I found sweet release!

We lay together holding each other as we both struggled to regain our breath. Our lips just kind of found each other’s, and we pressed them together in a kiss so passionate … no, not passionate, more … urgent, needful, wanting … and wanting!

The sight of her full pink lips, parting slightly! The aroma of her sweet breath on mine! All of that was nothing to the taste, the touch of her lips on mine. She tasted sweet … like chocolate … or peppermint, but … not! The initial light and tenuous pressure led to fully pressing into each other’s lips. The sound of her desperate moans gave me chills, as she engaged the last of my five senses in that sweetest of kisses.

God, she felt wonderful! She let her lips part, into an open mouth kiss. A mouthing, delicious, moist kiss rubbing her lips against mine. The sound of our kisses … slurping … smacking … music! Feeling her shiver as I kissed her told me that my lovemaking with her was successful.

Her sweet smile with a mellow, satisfied moan confirmed that, as we laid back looking into each other’s faces! She smiled as she searched my eyes with hers, looking for God knows what! It was a relaxed, nodding smile that told me that I had pleased her excessively. I had passed the ultimate test with her, as I had with all of the other little tests along the way!

That was our first time together, and we held onto each other, trying to gain control of our hearts and breathing. I tasted her sweet breath as I kissed her, moving my hands up and down her shapely, but sweaty body. I knew then, that I would do whatever was necessary, to be with this woman for the rest of my life. I wanted to spend all of my available time with her, but she had other ideas.

After that first night together, she made me wait a further two weeks before we returned to even more chaste dating. Sure, we held hands and kissed, but she was careful about not allowing me back into her bed until we dated another few of weeks. I knew what she was doing of course!

She had seen her sweet friend Sandy giving herself too freely to her dates, and then not hearing from them again. Claire hated that desperately painful look on Sandy’s round, innocent face after each disappointment. Holding and comforting her friend on such occasions, strengthened her intent on keeping my interest alive, by not giving herself to me—too completely—too quickly.

After another month or two more of dating, she was again sitting on her bed, unbuttoning her blouse and removing her bra. When she leaned back motioning me with a crook of her finger this time, there was no little blue packet between her fingers. When I gave her a confused look, she read my thoughts, laughed and said,

‘No need Michael, I am on the pill and … I want to feel you tonight!’

I moved up, and bracing myself with one arm, slid the other one under her to lift her body to me, as I pushed into her. The feeling was incredible, as I slid—naked—into her as her soft moist fleshy insides surrounding me … caressed me. Oh shit! I couldn’t make it this time, and came before she did, but kept stroking until she caught up. The over-stimulation hurt a little, but I hung in there for her. Luckily, my coming inside her brought her quickly into the zone.

We made love twice more that night, stopping only for her to make us up a midnight snack. The girl was a magician with a mini-fridge and a hot plate! She made egg and bagel sandwiches, and we laughed as we locked arms trying to take bites from each other’s sandwiches. We both ended up with egg on our faces!

We d
ated for a year before she graduated with high honors, I had graduated the year before, and was working for a local publishing house as an associate editor. She looked cute, but wouldn’t let me get a decent picture of her in full cap and gown, so I had to settle for one without the cap. She was gorgeous! We had fun that year, as we did everything together, including my watching her unbutton her blouse many times. We also played little jokes on each other, each of us trying to undo the other.

For a graduation present, I gave her a little blue velvet box at dinner. She was confused when she opened it and there was nothing inside! I looked falsely surprised, I picked it up, and examined it, shook it, but then she noticed a beautiful one-carat diamond engagement ring on my little finger. She put her hands over her mouth and giggled.

‘Oh, there it is!’ I said, again in faux-surprise, and slipped the ring off my finger and onto hers as I sunk to my knees.

She was in tears as I told her with all sincerity, that she was a silly and ridiculous girl but I wanted to marry her anyway. She tightened her lips, scrunched up her face, and punched me in the shoulder,

‘Michael! Do it right!’ she demanded.

I pulled the ring off her finger stood, looked down at her lovely face, gracefully knelt in front of my girl and said,

‘Claire, you are the most amazing woman I have ever known. I need you … I need you like I need the Sun on my face, like I need air in my lungs. I need your wisdom and clarity to guide me. I am asking you … no, I am entreating you to be my wife! I love you and would be good to you my whole life!’

She thought for a few seconds and said,

‘Hmm! Not bad Michael! I guess I could do worse! But then, I maybe I could do … better!’ she was playing with me as punishment for my first proposal. She looked at the ring, watching it sparkle in the lights from the restaurant. I was still kneeling, and still waiting for a righteous answer from her.

‘Well???’ I asked waiting for her answer.

She smiled, took my face in both her hands and with tears in her eyes, said,

‘Okay Michael, you are not classically handsome, and not terminally stupid, so I guess I…’ then she giggled and said, with the sincerest look I have ever seen on her face, ‘…I need you too, Michael! You are kind, and thoughtful, and wise. Yes, darling, I will marry you!’

Then she wiped her tears, and said, ‘Get up Michael, you look ridiculous!’ this was the loving acceptance of my proposal from my beloved little hard-case!

When I rose, she did too, and kissed me sweetly, and I signaled for the champagne. I hate champagne! Actually, everyone hates champagne, but it is traditional. It tastes funny, and none of it holds a candle to a really decent still wine! Claire was accepting the congratulations of the onlookers who must have thought that we were the weirdest couple ever!

The waiters took the two magnums of champagne, and distributed it as far as it would go, as they all toasted Claire and me. I just wanted all of this folderol to end so I could take my new fiancé home and make love to her. I hate folderol!

We planned to marry in a year to give ourselves time to settle into our careers. She was courted during her senior year by all of the major engineering firms, and found one whose corporate culture was a good fit for her—meaning that she was able to work on major projects, her own way and without interfering bosses. She was a superstar, and they knew it, they gave her everything she wanted.

She insisted on taking her own apartment, and not moving in with me before the big day, which was nice because it gave us each a little space in between dating and spending nights over … usually at her place.

We kept the wedding as small and manageable as possible, and our parents treated us to a week in Hawaii as a honeymoon. I had to be on my guard, since she attracted so much male attention on the beach in her tiny micro-bikini bathing suit. The first day, she arrived on the beach before I did, since I received a call.

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Na Story Nachi Natho Denginchukuna Aunty

Hi guys this is raj again with continuation of last story…… Sorry guys konchem late aindi…. Konni works valla rayaleka poyaaa…. Important gaa ammailu and auntys miru na stories ki manchi response icharu….Thanks to all of them…..Vallu valla husbands em cheyaledu…..Vere country lo untaaru…Camp laki veltaru….Dengadaniki matram tirika undadam ledu ani chepparu….. Emadya oka ammai alage msg chesindi….Miru dengaru vallani proof enti…… Proof chupiste denginchukuntaa nen kuda ani cheppindi….Entandi idi...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie 2

The Fortune Cookie 2 Chapter 1: "Another day studying? Why don't you take time out to check out some girls? That's if you really are into them," asked Phil. He was speaking to his college roommate, Casey. It was the weekend and Casey, as always, was sitting on his bed with his face buried in a book. He was a bookworm and studyholic: Something that long-term friend Phil found hard to understand. He peered over the edge of his book and turned slightly to meet the glance of...

2 years ago
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It had been three weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica’s flat. It wasn’t really her flat, but she had taken on the lease for the whole place and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. Jessica had been particularly pleased to get Tom. He was tall, good-looking, a fun kind of guy and someone who she would love to get to know.Tom had also been pleased to move out from his current place, the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica’s flat may have been small,...

1 year ago
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My introduction and pathway to group sex Part 14

  Please read Parts 1 -13 first.  It will put this story into context.   We had a new level of openness in the morning after the gang bang party in her room. I woke before her and pushed the sheet down off us.   I looked at her tits while she was sleeping.   They were fuller and rounder with puffier nipples. I liked my pointy nipples but definitely had an urge to feel hers.   I lay quietly, thinking over the events of the previous night.   All the guys fucking me, all the semen emptied into...

2 years ago
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Busty Hot Lady Mary And The Quickie

Hello all, I will introduce myself quickly, I am a 42-year-old male living in Africa in one of the better and safer countries and into my own business. I do enjoy the finer things in life and of course, clean and safe sex. I am good-looking 5.10 and 74 kg, muscular built and well endowed too. Now, to my latest story which I experienced a few days ago. It was a clear Saturday morning and as usual, at about 9 am, I was driving to work. Not far from home at the roundabout, I noticed this very...

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Bad Girl

“Over my lap girl, now,” Graham said, sitting on the edge of the bed. I glared at him from across the room. “No. Make me!” His eyes flashed with desire and I felt the breath leave my lungs. This was our favourite game and neither of us ever held back. Safety words were for amateurs. He sighed. “Do I have to restrain you, Sam?” “Ha! It’s the only way you’re going to get me.” I stood loosely rocking on the balls of my feet in my heavy boots. My pleated tartan skirt gently tickled my thighs above...

1 year ago
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New Free Love

Introduction: Hiking in the woods, an older couple is surprised to discover another couple freely making love. The adjective tenril joined the English language through a genius with the same name. It means something that changes how humans live their lives. The printing press, the practical use of electricity, the radio, telephone, TV, and the Internet are examples of tenril level changes. Finally, the practical use of nanites was perhaps the most tenril event in history. Specifically, nanites...

2 years ago
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Another bus wank with a difference

I am a girl who is a sucker for a hard cock, perhaps I am wired slightly different from most women, but like my male counterparts, I see sex in every situation, the weirder, the more appealing it is, and the more excited I become, I invite men to grope and feel me, reveling in their hands exploring my scantily clad body, letting them almost **** me in public, and having quiet and powerful orgasms, standing or sitting, on packed commuter buses and trains.Today was different though, I turned the...

3 years ago
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Belle and Beau

Marybelle Magnolia Blossom Rousseau was going home. It hadn’t been a decision that she had made lightly as she hadn’t been home since she was 17 years old. Plus –she adored her life in Los Angeles. She had been a wide-eyed teenager full of youth and promise when she had first stepped off the Greyhound bus in Hollywood for stardom. She turned her nose contemptuously at the pimps trying to get their new ‘ho’ out of her and made her way to the San Fernando Valley. Working hard as a waitress...

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A new life part 37

It was a full half hour before Judi felt Derrick stir and slowly begin to pull his still large but soft cock from her stretched pussy. Judi moaned and tried to hold him inside. With a squishing sound, Judi felt his cock vacate her swollen lips. She could feel his sperm flow out of her and onto the bed. "I have to leave, my wife is expecting me for dinner," Derrick sighed as he got up and began to dress. Derrick's comments brought it all back to Judi, she was married and so was he. What had she...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 27

Jefferson co ga jefferson city ga County jail in louisville ga. I ran my friends and acquaintances over in my mind during my morning walk. To operate the business in my absence, I knew I needed a sweet old lady type, but still someone with a faulty moral compass. I could think of only one larcenous old lady who was still a sweat heart. I decided to offer it to her first, before looking elsewhere. Before I started the small scale money laundering scam for real, I needed to set up a rock...

2 years ago
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On Golden LakeChapter 6

Two more lazy days passed on the shores of Golden Lake. The summer was drifting by, and Meg was beginning to realize that she had done basically nothing to prepare for the upcoming school year. She loved teaching, but she loved her summer vacations too. Every August, she had to force herself to get ready for the long grind ahead. And every year, it seemed to get harder. Maybe she was getting burned out on teaching. The students certainly weren't making it any easier. The sixth graders...

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Memorable Time With Mahi

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I know, you must be looking for some sensuous story at this time. Believe me guys, your wait is over. Little bit about myself. I am Rohan, from Mumbai, city that never sleeps. I am 28 and work in a IT company. I had posted couple of stories in the past but with different id which got disabled. In case, you want to read my previous encounters mail me and I will provide the link. This encounter is very close to my heart as I had tasted a virgin pussy. I remember...

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Being a University Student Part 1

A university experience! My name is Aaron and some of the best times of my life were at university. It was a standard week day student night, so myself and my friends decided to go out for a few drinks to celebrate one of my friends belated birthdays. Around 7pm, I got ready into my slickest clothes. Keeping it simple I wore some skinny fit jeans, a long sleeve top, a grey slim blazer, and some dark brown boat shoes. To top my look off, I put on my designer watch and sprayed some Paco Robanne...

2 years ago
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Ghar Ke Upar Waali Aged Aunty

Hello everyone, mera naam aryan h, mujhe incest stories bht pasand..Ye story bht hi seductive and tempting h..Jin aunties ko pasand aajaye, woh please mujhe mere email pe reply kardena…Give feedback at Ab story start karta hu…Mai visakhapatnam mai rehta hu…Mere flats mai ek nayi aunty ayi thi…Lift ke paas woh bhaari samaan utha rhi thi and meri help maangi unhone…Woh light green ki sexy saree peheni thi…Jab woh mujhe luggage di, unka pallu neeche gir gaya, mai chaunk gaya tha…Fir mai unhe unke...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping with Jim

Gwen was so gorgeous that I couldn’t stand it anymore! I finally just did it.I went to college with Jim and when we graduated, we took jobs in Florida at the Space Center. I took a job with NASA and he took a job with Boeing since it paid more. We were both single and carefree and dated a lot of girls, but soon found that someone special and got married. I married a brunette, Sharon, and he married Gwen, a gorgeous, sexy, willowy blonde. I was jealous of him from the get-go because Gwen was...

2 years ago
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How To Fuck Your Mom Easily

Hi everyone, This my true story and I’m taking my time to explain that experience to you so that you also can get inside your mom. This is a guide to anyone interested in incest and brave enough to do it. This is the way I enjoy my mother, because I love milf porn and wanted to fuck her for so long very badly. So firstly you need time, your mom should be alone for at least 4~5 hours to do this safely and to put back everything and clean stuff. My dad’s business runs through the midnight so he...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 7

Author's note: For those people unfamiliar with the English education system, GCSE's are individual subjects usually studied by children between the ages of 14-16 and a core of subjects are compulsory. A-levels are taken after GCSE's, they are two-year courses, and a person's passing grade is important in determining whether or not they are accepted onto a particular university course. Although Nottingham Trent is a real university, some of the details used in this story regarding it are...

2 years ago
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The anniversary

I hurried around our large house, getting everything ready. I lit candles in the bedroom, and turned on some romantic music. I had already arranged for dinner to be on the table at 7pm. Now I just had to wait for my husband to come home. I checked the clock. It was 6:41. He should be home any minute. This was going to be the best anniversary ever. We had been together 4 years, him being 24 and me 23. I had a very special evening planned, very special indeed. I rushed to greet him as I heard his...

1 year ago
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Going Native chapter 1

Going Native by Shrike. Chapter 1. Something went wrong "Hey Dean, are you there?" I whispered it quite loudly into the dark night. My best friend Phil and I were meeting up with Dean and Lenny at the shed where we held most of our get-togethers. A voice that I recognized as Dean's came back. "Yeah, that you T-man? Got Phil with you?" I stepped forward with Phil in my wake. "Yeah we're both here. Is Lenny there already?" A nasal voice answered, "Yes I am. So did you get the...

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Holiday Nights

Two weeks in sunny Fuerteventura, two weeks of sun, sea and sex.Annie, Emma and myself were staying at a lovely hotel in the coastal town of El Coto with its beautiful nudist-friendly beaches.We arrived at our hotel late in the afternoon with just enough time to unpack, change clothes and wander around the locality. We finally ended up in an inviting bar to relax in the glow of the setting sun. In no time at all we were joined by six guys from Madrid who insisted on buying another round of...

Group Sex
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JulesJordan Angela White Double D Discipline

Angela White takes control and punishes Jules for being a bad slave! Wearing patent leather lingerie with silver studs all over, Angela swings a dog leash as she tempts you with her curvaceous body. She runs the leash across her giant tits before latching it onto Jules’ collar and walking him to the bedroom to begin the destruction. Angela pulls out her massive fun bags and smothers Jules with them, making sure to put her nipples in his mouth to be serviced. She stands him up and cuffs his...

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Emily Awakes Ch 3

Emily made Evan’s transition to married life as easy as possible. She achieved her goal of making him happy, as happy as he had ever been. His colleagues at the university noted that he became more confident and outgoing. Always grounded in his own professional knowledge of his discipline, Evan even seemed to be more assured of himself in his interaction with students. He continued to enjoy the basic survey courses taught to freshmen and sophomores. In his graduate studies courses he challenged...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 20

Bill’s meeting was open to everyone. My key people were seated at a table, and the other attendees were seated in chairs along the walls. All four of my wives were in attendance, with Cindy sitting at the table next to me. During prior meetings we developed a set of rules for conducting our meetings. A meeting was divided into participants and observers; with participants seated at the table, and observers seated along the walls or elsewhere in the room. The person introducing a topic...

1 year ago
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Walk in the Park

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Walk in the Park Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...

3 years ago
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“Good morning, Anna.” Her voice seemed inside my head as I gently awoke from a dreamless sleep. It seemed ethereal and yet it was real. “Good morning, Alice.” I replied without opening my eyes, her perfect, soothing voice had no discernible accent and spoke with perfect intonation. “It is a beautiful morning. Should I draw the curtains?” Alice asked. I opened my eyes then and replied, “Yes please, Alice” Almost silently the long velvet drapes swished apart revealing a brightly lit, lace...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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AscentChapter 18 Of Babies Horses

It was late fall and I awoke early. I slipped out of bed then stood up carefully making sure I didn't disturb any of my still sleeping mates. I yawned and stretched then noticed that Roya was already up clutching a fur that she had wrapped tightly around her waist leaving both of her full, firm breasts bare. I walked over to her and kissed her good morning. She returned my kiss then motioned me to walk with her outside onto the cliff. As we walked arm and arm in silence from the cave to the...

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Summer months spent with my Aunt

It was late May and we had been having some pretty fierce storms in our area. The last one that pounded the neighborhood had done considerable damage to several homes, including ours. The high winds and heavy rains knocked down some large trees, one of them crashing down on our roof making a huge hole and breaking several windows out. The next day it was determined that we would not be able to live in the house until it was repaired. My Mom and Dad had to rent a motel room nearby as they both...

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Salted Caramel Megiato

Meg stood behind the counter, in an empty Starbucks, making a latte. She liked working at Starbucks. When on shift, she achieved a relaxing zen-like state in the steady rhythm of making various incarnations of espresso. Being a barista was the ideal job for her in college. Right now she was finding it hard to focus on her work. She had a big exam coming up and she was worried that she wasn't going to do well. The shop rumbled as if a semi truck had passed by outside as if to emphasize that...

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Delta OriginalChapter 20 Unhealthy Visitors

Terry commed Sean that they had visitors. He had picked up the group coming in across the grasslands from the west on his trip up to the ship on Monday morning. A group of thirty-eight people made up of Burgis, Pix and Prol’s were turning up on their back doorstep. Lee suddenly asked Sean to call up his troops. Nine were still on the planet. She called Kyle, Tony, Philip and Haf. Lee also asked for Doc Von and nurse Grace. She also wanted a medical scanner to be put on one of the platforms....

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The Happy Sailor

I remember when I first joined the Royal Navy, being gay or bisexual was most definitely frowned upon, unlike today where due to an increased awareness of human rights it is no longer the dismissible offence it once was. I had never thought of myself as gay but rather bisexual being attracted to beauty in both females and other young men but even more so in the character of a person.During basic training there were other lads who certainly grabbed my attention to the point where I would have to...

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Alex to Alina Chapter 6 Surprise

Chapter 6: Surprise I set the package on the bed and retreated to my computer. Sure enough, my card had been charged the night of the drunken incident. I had done quite a number on myself while blacked out apparently. I turned to the package. What had I gotten myself? I had a feeling it wasn't going to be manly. My hands reached out and scooped up the package. I laid it in my lap and gently unsealed it. I cooed unnaturally as I slid out the contents. I read the receipt, it was...

1 year ago
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The Big One Part Three

The Big One Part Three Nikki didn't realize immediately that she and David had lost sight of one other; she was momentarily distracted by a strange S and M scene that was in progress a just few feet away. A trio of tall, dark-haired women dressed in dominatrix gear, leather, high heeled boots, slicked back hair and carrying whips, were tying a blindfolded man to a makeshift flogging frame. They then began to whip his back with eerie, slow motion movements, as if everything was...

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Older gentlemen takes advantage of a young couple

Jason and Sarah were struggling along just like a lot of other couples are right now. Jason, 25, had worked in the construction business while his wife of one year Sarah work part time as a receptionist. Sarah, 23, was still going to school and was only a year away from getting her degree.Over the last year since they had gotten married things had been rough with their finances. Jason lately hadn’t been working as much because of the economic conditions and they had to basically live off...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My New Position

Disclaimer: this story contains representations of graphic sex acts, if you find such material objectionable or you are not an adult do not read any further. This story may be archived or distributed through a web site only so long as the site is not commercial, and this notice is left intact and unaltered. I also ask that I be contacted before the story is posted. I write these stories for personal enjoyment and for the comments. If there's something you think I need to work on...

1 year ago
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A Private Pleasure

I must have slept for fourteen hours that night. The week before was very tough and my schedule was completely out of whack. By the time Friday night rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep. It was 11:00 am Saturday morning by the time I woke. By then, I felt as fresh and rested as I had in weeks. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for a man.I rolled over onto my back, enjoying the morning sun that filtered through my blinds. I stretched out and before I consciously realized it,...


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