- 3 years ago
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I hate bachelor parties. It’s not that I don’t like hanging out with the guys, ’cause I do, and it’s not that I’m averse to seeing naked women dance around, ’cause I’m not, but it’s rather that marriage seems like such an unappreciated theme of a bachelor party. They don’t seem to revolve around the joy of finding your one true love as much as celebrating that you managed to last this long without having it happen. They’re about being single, free, a roaming male stalking the plains of his existence in search of fertile ground upon which to sire his lineage. In reality, they look like a bunch of unappealing, raucous men who think they’re the shit simply because women will grind against them for a couple hundred.
A guy’s mind never goes near the fact that this women does this every night, for every sort of guy, and odds are, she’s thinking about a movie she wants to go see or some poetry she read, maybe even the dreaded shopping list, all the while grinding against you and cooing seductively about how good you make her feel. I hated sitting at bachelor parties because I didn’t want the girls to dance with me for money, and, unfortunately, for the girls it was always business not pleasure. So I sat in the crowd, minding my business, pretending to oh and ah with all the other homo superiors, in reality probably thinking about the same movie or same poetry that the girls were thinking about. In the end, I think the girls got the better deal, because at least they were getting paid to daydream.
Then, of course, like any idiot sitting upon his throne of pompous self-righteousness, I quickly found out how unfounded and easily collapsed that chair could really be.
My best friend, the groom to be, was getting his midnight ‘last lap dance of freedom’ by some buxom blonde. It was in fact his fourth of the night, by his own insistence, it was midnight somewhere every hour. The other guys were chatting amongst themselves, talking about the girls, sharing stories about how they all seemed to look like some girl they had dated back at some point which they seemed a little fuzzy on, but they could definitely remember how good the sex had been, pretty much typical guy strip club banter when everyone’s realized that the inside walls of their wallet were touching. I sat, of course, in the middle, trying to appropriately nod in appreciation of some chick a guy had met in a Hooters that had given him a new meaning in life, although apparently not her name, when the song came on. It was a slow, grinding beat, almost all bass, and I recognized it as an old country song my dad used to play. It had been remixed of course, all the point removed by some DJ who thought he was clever to spell his name with a backwards r, but it fit right in with the beat of the club. I was thinking of my dad playing this old song in his beat up Ford when we used to drive out to see my grandparents decades ago when she came on the stage, and all thoughts of my family slowly leaked out of my head.
She had jet black hair shaped around her head in a sort of pixie tomboy kind of way, hands jutting out from her hips as she walked onto stage, the backlight perfectly hitting her as if the club had invented a special kind of spotlight acclimated just to her body. On her head was a small, pink cowgirl hat, tipped back to highlight her face, and she matched the outfit with a pair of daisy dukes and a plaid halter top. I’m not sure if it was the fact that she was probably the most covered stripper in the place, or just the song she had chosen, or even the fact that she was the only who looked like she might actually be a cowgirl in real life, but I couldn’t take my eyes away, not for a second.
She walked across the stage and began her dance, moving her hips to the beat, rubbing her hands down her white legs to the black boots she brandished, and the entire world seemed to drop out behind me like it had been a cardboard cutout, a facsimile of the real world just there to somehow justify this dream I suddenly found myself front row center for. She did all the normal dances I had seen throughout the night, but for some reason they looked like some kind of ancient, beautiful ritual that robbed me of breath while supplying other, more noticeable physical changes elsewhere.
Her song was over before I realized it, the last twangs of the country guitar playing loud as she calmly walked off stage, and I quickly grasped for every last sight of her before she disappeared behind the red curtain. She had been amazing, sensual, intimate, erotic, perfect. I found that I couldn’t tear my eyes away, somehow hoping that she might pass by the curtain to parts backstage, or even that the music would start up again and this all would just keep replaying itself, over and over, the perfect dream.
Her hand on my shoulder might have caused me to jump if I had not been in a drunken stupor from her presence, but as such, I kept my calm and simply turned around to look at her. She looked different up close, more real somehow, but somewhat even more attractive. I tried to quickly think up something witty to say, something clever that would win her heart, but all I managed was a polite smile. I suppose I might have fainted right then and there, so I would take any victory I could get, no matter how small.
‘Would you like a dance?’
Her voice was deep, not like the fake syrupy sweet Barbies strutting around the club, it was jazz deep, smoke in a bottle, sex distilled.
I nodded, another small victory, and she took my hand. It was at this point that I realized she’d never disrobed on stage, that one of the things that had struck me about her was that she hadn’t actually stripped, it had been more sensual than erotic, yet somehow the fact that she hadn’t strove to turn me on seemed to make it even hotter. It didn’t really make a lot of sense, and I decided to just go with it and hope that no one woke me up, that I had forgotten to set my alarm and wouldn’t find this wonderful world shattered by an insistent beeping telling me I was late for class.
The back of the club was situated around small booths, curtained all around, for the people who liked their dances up close, personal, private. She led me by the hand and I noted that she didn’t even ask me if I wanted one of the expensive rooms with a bed, or the simple booths with a high backed chair. Instead she walked me straight to the most expensive room in the club, a room with it’s own door instead of a curtain, a bed and a chair, and my mind didn’t even conjure up anything above the ability to note how much money I currently had in my wallet. She sat me in the chair, smiled at me, and as she dropped my hand back down to my side she let her fingers trail lightly up my neck and through my hair, sending electric shocks through my system that could have powered Chicago for a month.
Her hips began to move, slowly at first, as if they couldn’t find the beat they wanted, and then a little faster as the rest of her body got into it. Up close, I could see the hint of a tattoo all along the small of her back, and for a strange second I became slightly jealous of whoever had gotten to put it there, touch her so intimately. All thoughts were gone again as she stretched her leg up in front of me, sitting it on the back of the chair, and ran one of her legs up her smooth thighs, milk white in the black light of the club, finally letting her fingers come to rest just outside the seam of her tiny shorts.
‘Do you have money?’
It broke the silence, in my mind and in the room, but only for a second before I was reaching for my wallet and fumbling it out of my pocket. I had barely anything, thirty dollars in lose bills, but she smiled and took it all out for me, tossing my wallet behind her on the bed. Placing each bill on top of the next, she spread them out, laying the fan of green on my lap, her leg still sitting so close to my head that I couldn’t smell anything but the leather of her boot.
I only had thirty dollars, she was go
ing to laugh, going to turn around, at least make me go to the ATM, but she did none of those things, she took her leg down, turned, and slowly peeled her shorts down. I could see her white cotton thong, could see a small mark on her leg where she cut herself shaving, but only peripherally. I couldn’t take my eyes off the tattoo that crept down her back, right down to her perfectly shaped ass. A woman, holding an axe and a kitten, circled by smoke, seeming to exude both vulnerability and strength at the same time. It must have been painful, but it had been worth it.
Her shorts paused a moment over her boots, and she was fully bent over, giving me a view of her butt that was almost breath stopping in nature. I couldn’t move, time stopped, as my eyes wandered over every detail of her: the perfect angle that it stuck out against her lower back, the fold right below that seemed to cup her ass gently, seemed to push it up and push it out at the same time. She had the most amazing body I had ever seen, and I had the realization that no matter how confident she seemed right now, she probably sat at home, looking at herself in the mirror, wishing she could lose 10 pounds, just like everyone else. The thought that she wouldn’t understand how soft she looked, how perfect, how much better than the cold, hard women she tried to emulate, seemed like a crime against nature.
Time sped up again, and she stepped out of her shorts, turning around and unbuttoning her top in the same motion. I could see the indent of her naval below the shirt as she let it fall open, barely still covering her breasts, seeming to catch in the perfect position as to just barely give a hint of what wonders lay beneath the cloth. She had another tattoo, a bat, on her chest, small and delicate, and it made me want to kiss it, kiss her, hold her close and see what other kinds of treasures she might be hiding on her body.
She must have seen it in my eyes, for she stepped back a bit and smiled at me.
‘No touching sweetie.’
She must not understand that I could barely keep myself breathing I felt so frozen, let alone raise a hand to touch this goddess, but I nodded solemnly anyway, not wanting her to think I wasn’t listening.
She began to sway again, running her hands up her belly under her shirt, then back down, sliding a hand underneath her thong, making the softest of sighs as she explored her own body, in turn letting me explore everywhere she touched. I practically willed myself to feel her soft skin as she must be feeling it, barely grazing over her body with her fingertips, feeling every smooth inch of her. As her hand slowly slipped out from underneath her panties, she shrugged her shirt off, letting it fall to the floor, keeping one hand over her breasts. I yearned to see all of her, to see her small pink nipples, to see the swell of her breasts falling naturally over her, wondered what those breasts would look like while she was lying underneath me. Turning away from me again, she moved her hands away, back down to her hips, achingly censoring the soft parts of her body I craved to see most. She turned back slightly, coyly letting me imagine the slight outline of the side of her breasts exposed, and grabbed some of the money off my lap. Her finger tips brushed the tip of my growing erection, and if she had lingered I might have finished on the spot. Instead she drew her hand up, running the bills over her own ass, finally clipping them down underneath her thong and smiling at me. I got the hint and followed suit, gripping a ten between my fingers and running it up her legs, lightly, trying not to let her see how much my hand trembled as the money traced a path over the soft curve of her butt. I tucked the money inside her thong and she smiled at me, I grinned back like an idiot, and she turned.
Leaving her hands on her hips, her perfect breasts glimmered in the light, softly reflecting off the bare sheen of sweat that graced her body. She was pierced through her nipples, which seemed to draw focus inwards, away from the curves of her body, her small soft breasts, and into the very inner her, as if her sexual energy could be glimpsed at these center points on her body. As I watched, she let her hands trace themselves upwards over her belly, across her belly button, finally resting underneath to cup her breasts, bring them closer to my face. She let herself slide over my knees, pushing her soft silky skin closer to me, every once in a while letting her thumbs wander up to lightly caress the steel bars, the flesh surrounding them.
I’m not sure what overcame me, let me shake off the paralysis and replace it with unthinking action, but suddenly my tongue came out of my mouth, slowly licking under her breast, caressing, tasting her skin and her sweat. She started a bit, then relaxed, and my mind kept telling me to stop, but I didn’t, couldn’t, I was moving upwards, circling, coming towards the metal and those perfect nipples. I heard her sigh as I sucked one into my mouth, tasting the tang of the metal against my tongue, the rough skin of her areola and the hard, tight button of the nipple itself. She sighed again as I shifted to the other one hungrily, and I could feel her hands in my hair.
Finally she did stop me, I felt her pull away, and I realized I had blown it, I had upset her, and I would never see this goddess again. But then I realized she wasn’t leaving, she wasn’t telling me to go, she was hiking her leg back up onto the back of the chair, pushing the pink cowgirl hat down farther on her head, and pulling her underwear aside. I saw a brief hint of another tattoo I hadn’t noticed on her leg, cheetah print, and then she was grinding herself into me. I instinctively started licking, bringing my hands around to cup her butt as she moved her hips against me, shoving my tongue even deeper inside. I couldn’t believe this was happening, couldn’t believe how wet she was, how good she smelled and tasted. I realized I was moaning as I ate her, gripping her ass as if I couldn’t get enough of her, but then I realized that was ok, that she was moaning louder than I was, her hands grabbing handfuls of my hair and riding me like I was the horse in her cowgirl stage show.
I gave her the best I had, letting her buck against my face and fuck my mouth with all she had, until finally her body started shuddering and shaking and I could taste her cum. She fell back then, onto the floor, holding onto her hat as if it would blow away in a strong wind, and it was a long time before her eyes opened. I was surprised to see myself in them, the same lust that I felt, the same heat, the same passion. The thought that this woman, this goddess, could see me like this made me feel like anything I did from this night out would be downhill.
Springing up onto her knees so fast I couldn’t react, she had her hand on my crotch and her tongue in my mouth, kissing me so hard I would have thought that she had just discovered the cure for some disease resided in my saliva. I let her taste herself on me, let her tongue dance around mine, before finally she dropped back and quickly unzipped my pants. I was rock hard, and the look she gave me made me feel like I belonged on Mt. Olympus. Her mouth fell open a bit and she looked up at me, wide eyed, licking her lips as she seemed to decide whether or not she could take it all in. Her head plunged down, lips wrapping around my cock, and I decided right then and there that this would be one of those moments that you base the rest of your life around.
She sucked me off like she thought we might have to stop any minute, making that pink cowgirl hat bob up and down so fast I thought I might pass out just from the sight. I could feel her tongue stop to lick the tip of my penis, could feel her hands massaging the shaft as she tried to take it as deep as she could. I could feel her gag as she tried to take it all the way down her throat, but she never stopped, letting her own spit coat my dick so she could go even faster. I wanted to come, needed to, but I pushed h
er back instead, stopping her the crucial instant before my orgasm became inevitable. She sat back, a tiny bit of spit still clinging from her lips to my cock, and looked hurt that I made her stop. I quickly aimed to rectify that, picking her up off the floor, spinning her around, and sitting her straight down on my dick.
I went in with no effort at all, letting her slide all the way down, and let out a stifled cry that was only a quarter of what I felt. She was warm, tight, loving, everything she should be, and I thought for a moment that I wouldn’t be able to move. Then she was moving for me, hands on her knees, bouncing her ass up and down on my thick cock. I could see her ass as she pounded back into me, fucking me harder than I’d ever been fucked before. It was amazing, she was insatiable, and I put my hands around her waist to make her go faster, hold her so she could concentrate on pounding that ass as fast as she could back down onto my dick. She was moaning, deep down in her throat, that sexy voice of hers, and I could feel my orgasm building with her. I felt her fingers prying at mine, lifting them, putting them on her nipples, making me pinch and twist as my orgasm finally climaxed. I felt myself shooting inside her, felt her spasm around me, contracting as her own orgasm threatened to bring down our house.
We sat like that for a moment, a thin layer of sweat dripping down her back, more than a thin layer coating me, and I wondered what would happen now. I couldn’t believe this woman, this creature of beauty, and I know that I didn’t care if she asked me for money in a moment, or asked for my number, or just left without saying a word. I was hooked on this girl, my goddess, and I couldn’t see my life without her anytime soon.
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My wife and I had only been married for about a year when we had our first foursome. We my wife and I were dating, she let me know up front that she was bi and hoped this would not inter with our relationship. To me, her being bi would only add to our relationship because I figured she would let me watch and hopefully she would share her girlfriends with me. I consider myself bi also, in college; I had a few encounters with guys. But if I have my choice, I would pick pussy over cock. I just...
“Where do you think you are going with that food, Pathios?” Amenthia asked, with an irritated tone. “Well, there are only two chairs and I figured I could sit on the bed to eat; that way it wouldn’t be a problem.” I was surprised when Enti got up from her chair and dragged me by the arm to the table. She pushed me down into the chair, then sat down onto my lap and continued eating. Amenthia looked at me with a smug expression and said, “See, problem solved, and you didn’t even need to sit...
This is Rahul again from Bangalore with another story.. Hey, guys this is my new story about how I had sex with a married lady who didn’t have her husband at home and wanted action because she was lusting and ended on a happy note. So I was going through my mail and I got a message for my previous story from a lady called Nikita. So she she told me that she loved my story. So we exchanged messages back and forth and I got to know that she’s from Kerala, here in Bangalore with her husband and...
I am back with another story with all the kinky stuff. You can check out my other stories on ISS page. This is a story from a train journey, which became more of an erotic journey for me. It involved some very steamy teasing and ended in a very kinky erotic venture. I was going from Mumbai to my native place for some paperwork. It was an overnight journey. I boarded the train in the morning. I climbed in my coach and headed towards my seat. I was a bit sad because my wife had to stay back. I...
Another of my experiences.It Is Such Fun... My husband and I went out to a new restaurant one Saturday night, we had not been there before but had heard that it was very good. I wore my favourite blue blouse with a camisole under and felt that I looked good. We were seated in the middle of the place and after having enjoyed some lovely food and wine I excused myself to go to the ladies, my husband said "While you are there lose the camisole". My blouse is very see-thru but I had worn it without...
LUCIFER “So...” Rachel said as she sat across from me on the coffee shop patio, “you, Lucy Satan, are in love with me, Rachel Johnson.” “Yeah,” I sighed as I stirred my coffee, “I am.” “How…” Rachel said as she searched the brimstone sky, hoping to find the words written there, “how did that happen?” “A series of chemical reactions in the brain that form endorphins based off compatible immune systems,” I replied through a wry smile, “or an immortal goddess finally found someone...
Authors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...
Abbi's Punishment ? by: Serena Lawhead Chapter 1 - The Phone Call. Suzi was relaxing in the lounge after a hard days work, watching the vision of total femininity that was Edele, formerly Eddie, go about her duties cleaning the house and setting about making dinner, dressed in one of her several maids uniforms. It had been five years since she had turned her worthless and abusive husband Eddie into the submissive, soft spoken and delicately feminine Edele;...
"We are preparing to enter the inversion field, Captain." "Thank you, Mr. Sulu. Spock?" "Our monitors are all ready. Systems look good." Kirk frowned. The mission, to enter a strange of energy that had appeared at the fringes of the Mulinite system and perform scientific tests to determine the properties of the field disturbed him, and not just because it put his ship at risk. The mission, he felt, could be handled equally well by a scientific vessel, and it had meant that he...
"Go ahead and set down the bags Ethan." My mother Jackie said, "Isn't this lovely?" I looked around the bright hotel room we were staying at for the weekend. Ahem had been invited to speak at an author convention. Her book had just been become the year's bestseller. "Yeah mom." I replied, "It's great." She nodded silently and looked around. It was obvious things weren't perfect. Things hadn't been perfect and from the looks of things, they would never be perfect again. It had been almost 4...
It was an amazing year in 1969. I was just getting ready to leave school and go to my first job, a five-year apprenticeship in a big engineering firm. For a couple of years now I had babysat for our neighbour Susan while her and Linda (about the same age 23 or 24) when to one of the many pubs around our area at that time. Susan’s husband worked away from home on the North Sea oil rigs so these two made the most every Saturday. Mum never stayed up for me so I had my own key, It was great time to...
My issues began when I turned 12. I was beginning to notice things that I had been taught from an early age was wrong. I was seeing things, and feeling things that if my parents found out I would have been in loads of trouble. For example, girls at school would come in, during the warmer months, wearing clothes that were showing more skin than usual. Their little tits would be visible in some of them and I couldn't really keep my eyes off of some of them. I noticed that I would get hard...
The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...
The pain was gradually dissipating, and the erection which David had barely been allowed to lose during the whipping with the cat, had returned more strongly than ever. He was intensely aware of Karin’s warm wetness rubbing into the hairs at the nape of his neck. His buttocks were ablaze and literally glowing, and the warmth seemed to spread around and into his genitals. He had to unwillingly admit to himself that he had actually experienced quite intense sexual pleasure during the...
Chapter one...Neil was bored and irritated. And feeling slightly frustrated, which was one reason for the boredom and irritation.Neil was a nice guy. Everyone said so. He was Mr. Dependable. If you wanted something done, Neil was willing to help out. This time it appeared to have bitten him. The request was simple enough. A couple of friends, Janet and Heather, shared a unit near him and had asked for a small favour. They were going to a party on Friday night. A women-only party, but could he...
Always strive to stay happy, be jovial, shun negativity and adopt positivity. Stay in others’ hearts because that is the best place to live. Live happily and make others happy. This is what I have learned with my experience of writing. All comments, feedback and chat on hangouts at . We were both naked, pressed together with bodies firmly feeling the skin and heat of each other. Devika moved her mouth on one of my nipples, my hands moved on Devika’s inner thighs. I was struck by how intense it...
I've known him for more than twenty years now and since he knows he is gay I've known it as well. And he always told me that if I ever wanted to try, I just had to give him a ring. But I always told him: he, I'm straight. So thanks but no thanks. But lately, I noticed I got aroused by watching Bi-sex videos and the idea of having something in my ass made my dick hard instantly. I tried the little vibrator my girl and I bought and I never came so hard. When my girl fucked me with the vibrator...
The morning sun warmed the bedroom, and I snuggled down under the sheets, still half asl**p. Slowly I became conscious that the other half of the bed was empty. I stretched out, enjoying the half dazed relaxation. Almost instantly, I was aware of the aching need of my body. For days He had denied me an orgasm, until I was at the point of near madness. Of course, simply being denied an orgasm was one thing… being teased and brought to a peak over and over without release, for several days in a...
All alone at her friend’s house, with an hour to kill and no food in the kitchen, Harmony Wonder has no idea what to do with herself until her friend arrives. Until, that is, she sees a nice SLR camera hanging out all by its lonesome on the kitchen island. So, like any curious youngster, she scoops the camera up, turns it on and starts perusing the photos on it, all of which seem to be of her friend’s model brother JMac. But then – bleep!– one wrong button pressed and the images have magically...
xmoviesforyouOn the advice of the Captain of the garrison in Esala, Stefan and Gregor chose a longer, but safer route back to the fortress Sardaford. Instead of toiling through the mountains and thick forest, they turned due south and followed a road that led to the eastern most stretch of the King's Highway. From there they would turn west and continue directly to Sardaford. Fewer vagabonds and bandits traveled the southern road because there were fewer places to hide along the mostly flat plateau. On...
Hey, this is the second part of my sex story.As always please remember to send me your feedback at .The story continues from the point I left it at. I woke up in the morning at 7:30.I looked around for Priya and I didn’t find her there.I remembered the events of the previous night and I smiled to myself.I was getting somewhere after all…As I got up and began stretching,Priya entered the room. I figured she had gone home to change because she now wore a yellow sleeveless shirt,and dark blue...
Megan was my next door neighbor, and that was both good and bad. I watched her grow up, and she was a delightful girl, though until she was fourteen you could hardly tell she was a girl at all. She was the quintessential tomboy. She was an only child of parents killed in a car crash, when she was about six or seven, and it was then she’d come to live with Alice, next door. Alice was her grandmother and she tried hard to take care of Megan, but was alone in the world herself. As a result, Megan...
M/FMy friend and college room mate, Ben, and I decided to go camping. I brought along a mutual, and beautiful, acquaintance, Mandy, and her tagalong nag of a room mate, Becky.We set up a tent deep in the woods. We built a beautiful fire. And, like the college k**s we were, brought out the drinks. We were having a good time, playing never have I ever, learning and humiliating eachother, taking cheap shots so the other team (boys versus girls) would have to drink. Mandy and I are sitting next to...
Cherry sighed heavily as she walked into her son’s room. This must be the messiest room on the planet that belonged to a 19 year-old boy, she thought. There were clothes everywhere, which she began to toss into a large basket. She was about half way through the clothes and ran out of room in the basket. She went to her room to get her basket to finish up her son’s room with as little trouble as possible. She heard the front door open and the sound of Jason, her son, and his best friend William...
Discussions were had and a week had gone by. Sophie walked quietly through the forest, her school bag lazily thrown over her shoulder. The sunlight cut through the treetops as the clearing slowly became visible through the greenery. She could just make out three shadowy figures in the distance. They stood close together talking quietly, the tallest man smoking a cigarette. She did not hide her presence as she waded through the bracken. She even gave a faint smile as she stepped fearlessly...
"Master, it is important that I get your permission to have the girls perform a special exercise for you and Martin." "What kind of exercise?" I asked dubiously. "They have made a huge breakthrough in their training. For us to proceed, I need your permission." Beth was up to something. How did I know? In the week that I had known my girlfriend, she was ALWAYS up to something. "Does it involve you changing the personalities of the girls or changing their affections in any...
Also, my first story so constructive criticism is welcome. Kassidy bounced off the school bus, unable to contain her excitement. Her favorite brother (actually her only brother) was going to be babysitting her for the whole weekend while their parents where away! She was eight, and absolutely adored her 15 year old brother Jack. She threw the door open and flew into her surprised brothers arms as he watched tv. "Jack we will have so much fun by ourselves!" He chuckled and...
My lovely wife, Ashley, had recently moved to this country from Mauritius. Although she was now nearly forty, her body was still slim and cute. She has small, nicely formed breasts and a pert little arse, her tummy is tight as a drum.Ashley had come from a bustling and lively hotel with more social life than perhaps Ash realized. Although there was some family here, it was a bit of a friendless and lonely start to her move. We talked about how she could go about making some friends, and I joked...
Wife LoversIt was a few years back, I had just recently divorced, had been married to a woman who was verbally and emotionally abusive, made me feel like I couldn't do anything right or didn't do enough, always expecting more than I could do or give. I had decided I'd had enough, and packed up my things and moved out. Slept on some friend's couches for a while, or with one of my brother's until I was able to get my own place. Trying to get my life in order. It had been absolute chaos for far too long. So...
My best friend from college moved to LA because her mom married this wealthy businessman. They invited me for a summer vacay. I had such a good time it was amazing. One day, my friend and her sisters decided to go to Universal Studios. I told them I’d rather stay behind and hang out in the mansion. Truth was, I didn’t have the money and wanted to save myself the embarrassment. I realized I needed to figure out how to make money because I didn’t want this to happen again. As I was walking to the...
xmoviesforyouDay 13 Steph woke up from her sleep like she has over the last few days...naked. She sat up feeling completely groggy. She didn't know if she should lay back down and try to get some more sleep or just get up. All she knew today was the day that she was supposed to meet up with Matt Rockler and his friend that he was trying to conduct business with. She wasn't really excited about that fact but she knew she had to get it over with. The last few days moved slowly. Mainly everyone just lounged...
NovelsI awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...
Exquisite doll Angel Emily may be tiny, but wow can this petite perfect 10 take on big dongs with ease. Join her as her boyfriend takes her to a business meeting, knowing with her looks and love for hardcore fucking that she will be able to help him close his deal in any way she needs to. Sure enough, it’s not long before her panties are off and she’s blowing the client’s huge hard on before taking both meaty cocks at once in this premium Hands on Hardcore scene. You’ll...
xmoviesforyouGiantess Booru? Hey, man. I heard you’re into really big chicks. Not BBWs like a normal chubby chaser, or even those towering amazon bitches you see in some pornos. I’m talking about giant broads, literal giantesses who could smash you much more easily than you could ever smash them. That’s the kinda hot mama you’re going to find at GiantessBooru.The site’s been around for nearly a decade now, but gets barely over a million visits a month. That makes sense considering this is a pretty deep...
Hentai Porn SitesIntroduction: This was posted in the forums a while ago. Little bit of humour which I hope you all enjoy. Its a bright sunny day in the forest as I idle slowly along the path through the sparse trees. Just so you know, my name is Rebecca, but everyone calls me Little Red on account of the red hooded cloak I always wear, at least I think thats why. They all warned me not to take the shortcut through the forest, but Ill be fucked if Im walking the long way round to Grannys house, not with this...
Since the blizzard last year, I’ve kept my distance from Jayson and the chicken-head that has come home to roost. I became more focused on my photography and writing at the magazine. I had to put Jayson out of my mind regardless of his sexual prowess. I tried so hard to forget my unhappy encounter with his estranged wife in favor of bigger and better things. My self-denial paid off when I eventually landed assignments to write, photograph, and blog about fun stuff for possible syndication. At...
Within this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...
FantasyJill and I have been married for about 10 years so we’re not quite to our mid thirties. She’s 5’4” with B sized breasts, a great ass even after having two k**s and lovely legs. I’m Joe about 5’9” tall keep in relatively good shape (Can’t forget this.) and my dick is not quite eight inches.After the second k** we decided no more so I got snipped, which allowed Jill to come off birth control. She started feeling better after that and I was glad to get her off those pills not to mention the money...
** Daisy's two-week adventure continues as she is roughly bound, glory-holed again and shocked in preparation for Bill's big party. ** [Day 1 (Saturday) - early evening] Over dinner, David introduced me to his three friends. Mark was the kind of guy you just naturally asked "so you played some football in college, eh?" A big side of beef standing about 6 foot 2 and two-hundred fifty pounds of solid muscle. His interest in Daisy as purely back-door. Of all the photographs of Daisy...