The Nurse And I free porn video

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This story is dedicated to a reader of mine, one who I’ve long since lost contact with. But who knows, she might just read it and recognise the lust I had for her a few years back. She was a 36 year old nurse, and horny as hell. I was 58, retired, but just as horny as her.


As far as I’m concerned, it all started when a friend of mine said, ‘I’m chucking that old bike out if you know anyone who wants one.’

‘How much do you want for it?’

‘Nothing. But whoever wants it had better pick it up before next Wednesday, otherwise the bin men can take it away.’

‘I don’t know anyone else who wants one, I might take it myself.’

‘You? I can’t imagine you riding a bike.’

‘Why not? I was just thinking the other day, I could do with getting some more exercise.’

So I ended up going home with a bike in the boot of my car. It was about two weeks later when I was on afternoon shift, it had been a scorching hot day. I thought I’d give the bike a tryout, using it to go to work. Obviously being a nurse, I work at a hospital. So I’d put all my kit together in a shoulder bag, and off I set.

Was I dressed for cycling? Head protection, and all the right gear? NO. It was, as I said a hot sunny day. So I had a little blouse, tied under my bust, and skimpy shorts.

Off I set from my village, it was only three miles, and it felt great cycling along the country lanes, the breeze blowing all around my naked flesh keeping me cool. I’d gone no more than half a mile, when I came to Barker’s hill. This was something you never even notice when you’re driving your car. It’s no more than a slight descent, twisting its way for about half a mile down hill. At first as my bike picked up speed, and I didn’t have to pedal, I thought to myself, ‘This is great, flying along, only the noise of the tyres on the road.’

Then I came to one of the temporary 20 MPH speed limit signs. This was obviously there because they’d re-surfaced the road. This had been done about three days ago, and the traffic had taken most of the gravel from the tracks where the car wheels travel. And being a narrow lane where cars only move to their own side when encountering an oncoming vehicle, this had moved the gravel into deep ridges at the edge and centre of the road. It wasn’t causing any problems providing I kept in the tracks made by the normal traffic.

But my bike was now picking up speed, and I pulled on the brake levers, to try to get back down to a speed where I felt comfortable. The brakes had felt quite good when I’d tried them back at home, by holding the lever and pushing hard against them. But now, as the bike sped ever faster down this hill, they didn’t appear to be having much effect.

It wasn’t long before I felt myself getting to the point where I was feeling worried about how fast the bike was now travelling. I was squeezing the brake levers as hard as my hands could squeeze. But the bike just kept picking up speed. Each bend now saw me drifting into the middle of the road, into the deep ridges of gravel.

Then it happened, they say accidents happen in slow motion. Mine didn’t, one minute I was thinking, ‘Oh god! This is a tight bend’. The next second, the bike skidded, and I felt myself falling. ‘Crash.’

The Author’s Tale.

Ok I’ll take over the story now. It was a beautiful day, and I said to the wife, ‘Well I’m afraid the garage roof can wait until another day. I’m not going to waste this weather, I’m going for a run on my bike.’

‘Any idea what time you will be back?’

‘Who knows, I could be back by one o’clock, but don’t worry if I don’t get back until Six. It all depends where I end up going to.’

‘Ok I’ll go and visit my sister. I’ll see you when you get back.’

I took it into my head to take a ride up to the cat and fiddle pass, near Macclesfield. Oh, and when I say bike, I’m talking about a relatively old 1989 Kawasaki GPX 750. Not the fastest bike in the world, but I could put 135mph on the clock and still be accelerating.

It was a glorious day, and the bike just kept singing to me through every bend. I had soon started along the infamous road, winding my way up and down the long twisty bends, and in no time I was at Macclesfield. It wasn’t that I wanted to go to Macclesfield, just the road to there is so good on a bike.

Now where to head for, I had no idea, so I just headed out of town. Soon I found myself on little country lanes, not suitable for blasting your way around on a high powered bike. The speed I was travelling at was boringly slow, but it wasn’t sensible to try to go any quicker. I made my way from village to village, thinking I’ll soon find a major road, and find my bearings.

I came to a ‘T’ junction, and turned left, I’d only gone fifty yards when I came to where they’d re-surfaced the road, and some bloody 20 MPH signs. This stuff is lethal on a bike, and I plodded my way along thinking, ‘I hope I don’t get some nutter in a car behind me, wanting to go quick.’

Then as I rounded a bend, I saw a sight that made me freeze. There in the road was a young girl, lying still with blood running all down her legs. My first thoughts were that she was dead, and I felt sick. I pulled my bike to a stop, and ran across to where she lay. She was scantily clad, white blouse, which left her midriff exposed, and little hot pants (Skimpy short.) I haven’t got any first aid training, but my first thoughts were, ‘If anything comes around that bend a bit quick, she’s going to get run over.’

She was lying in the wheel track on my side of the road. Not that most vehicles using a little lane like this wouldn’t be using both wheel tracks. But to protect her from vehicles coming in the direction I’d just come from, I carefully turned my bike around and rode it back to a point just before the bend, parking it so any car would need to slow down to a crawl to get past. And then I ran back and carried her bike back in the other direction, and lay that in the road on a straight section before the bend.

So once I’d given us both a measure of protection from other vehicles which may arrive at the scene, I ran back to where the girl was still lying motionless in the road. I carefully put my ear to her chest, and I could instantly hear her heart beating. This brought about such a rush of adrenalin, I almost shouted for joy. Then I realised I had to do something to move her. But they always say don’t move anyone who’s had an accident. I was in a real dilemma, and I’d decided, injured or not she’d be safer off the road. I put my arm under her knees, and was just trying to slide my other arm under her back, when she came to.

The Nurse’s story.

I came to, and there was a man in full motorcycle leathers and crash helmet. And he’d already got one arm under my knees, and was about to put his other under the top of my torso. I blurted out, ‘What happened?’

‘Thank god. Am I glad you’ve come around. I was going to try to get you to the side of the road. If I try to lift you, will you tell me if I’m hurting you?’

‘Hang on I’ll try to get myself up.’

‘Ok. I’ll help you, just be careful.’

‘Ouch. God my leg hurts. Oh god, so does my bum.’

‘It’s not surprising, you’re cut to ribbons. Come on let me take your weight. That’s it. Carefully. Just take your time. That’s it, just sit down here on this bank, while I go and get your bike from the middle of the road before someone runs over it.’

I sat down and looked to see where my bike had ended-up. But it was nowhere to be seen, and the man was running back along the lane in the direction I’d just come from. Then he was out of sight around the bend. After a few seconds he re-appeared carrying my bike, which he put up against the hedge at the side of the road.

‘How are you feeling? Your leg looks pretty badly cut.’

‘I’m ok I guess. But my leg does hurt.’

‘I haven’t got a mobile to phone an ambulance, have you got one?’

‘Yes, there’s one in my bag. But I don’t need an ambulance.’

‘Well if you’ve got a mobile, I’d feel happier if you let me get an ambulance for you?’

‘Ok I suppose your right.’

‘Where’s your bag?’

‘Well I had it on my back. I guess the straps broke.’

The man turned around, and he’d soon spotted where the bag had ended up. He walked across and brought it back to me.

‘Are you ok to look through it yourself, or shall I look for it.’

‘I’m ok. But you can look if you want, there’s nothing of value in there.’

He delved in my bag and the first things out were my change of clothes for coming home tonight, jeans, jacket, bra and knickers. He placed them to one side. As he did so, looking more than a little embarrassed, I said, ‘Sorry I forgot I’d got that lot in there. The phone should be there somewhere.’

He pulled my phone from my bag, and the case was completely shattered. ‘Oh no. It looks like it’s in worse condition than you are.’

‘Well it looks like phoning for an ambulance is out of the question. Will you be ok if I shoot off to the next village and get someone to ring for me?’

‘Look, I only live half a mile away. I assume by the way you’re dressed you have a motorbike?

‘Yes. I parked it back up the lane, just to slow any traffic down.’

‘I see. So I guess that’s why my bike was back up the other way?’

‘Yes. But with your bike I was still worried some idiot might not see it until they’d run over it.’

‘Well yes. But your motorbike, it’s still ok, isn’t it? I mean you didn’t fall off when you found me lying in the road?’

‘No. I was only going steady. This gravel is bloody lethal. Oh, excuse my French.’

‘Tell me about it. That was what I fell foul of. But back to what I was about to ask, would it be possible for you to give me a lift on the back of your bike?’

‘Well yes. But you haven’t got a helmet or any protective clothing.’

‘It’s not far, and I’ll hang on tight.’

‘I suppose your right, it might not be legal, but the sooner we get you to someone who can treat you, the better it will be. I’ll just put your bike in the field, otherwise it’ll get nicked if we leave it here.’

‘Whatever, I don’t think I want to keep it anyway.’

Soon he was helping me back to where he’d parked his bike, and then he helped me to climb up onto the back. And then once he’d got himself on, the bike was started, and he said, ‘Wrap your arms around me, and hang on tight. If you feel faint, or you want me to stop, just thump me.’

I did as he said, wrapping my arms around his waist, he pulled away, and we were soon making our way back up the hill. The cool breeze blowing numbed the stinging coming from my leg, but my butt was giving me jip with every bump we went across.

As we entered my village, I thumped his side gently, and pointed across to where my house was. He pulled across to that side of the road, and stopped.

‘That house there.’ I said pointing two houses down.

He pulled into the drive, and stopped by my front door. He got off, and put the bike on its stand, then proceeded to help me off. I opened the front door, and he helped me into my lounge, where I sat on the settee.

The Author’s tale.

As soon as I’d got her on the settee, she passed out again. First reaction was to go to her kitchen, and get some water. Trying to find anything in someone else’s house is a nightmare. But I was soon back at her side, kneeling on the floor, flicking water at her face. It had no effect, but the blood was still running from her leg. I decided to try to clean her up, and I searched the house until I’d found the necessary things.

I bathed her leg, and used a cotton sheet I’d ripped into strips to bandage it up. The main source of the bleeding had now been stemmed, but there was a small trickle of blood running from the top of the inside of her leg. To see what this was, and where it was coming from, I had to carefully lift her right leg, the un-injured one to one side. Now I know I was supposed to be helping this girl, but once I’d lifted her legs open, the skimpy little shorts were not giving her any cover at all. She had the tiniest of thongs on, and I could see her beautiful pussy.

I got an instant erection, and I felt myself starting to sweat. When I’d got her into the house, and she’d passed out, I’d removed my helmet, gloves and jacket. But as I hadn’t got any jeans under my leather trousers, I was wandering around with my leather boots and leather trousers on. The heat was now having its effect on me, and sweat was streaming down my face.

I tried to overcome my animal instinct and concentrated back on the job in hand. Below her pussy, on the cheek of her bottom was a nasty patch of grazed skin, and it had gravel embedded in it. I knew this had to be carefully picked out, to allow it to heal. I couldn’t get access to the grazed area without lifting her injured leg, so I thought I’d try turning her over. As I placed my hand onto her shoulder, she once again came to her senses.

The Nurse’s Story.

I opened my eyes, and realised I was in my own front room. Yes now I remember, I’d fallen off my bike, and a motor-cyclist had brought me home. But who was this guy with the beard who had hold of me, he must be 45 at least, is he the motor-cyclists?

‘Hey! What do you think you’re doing?’

‘Oh you’re back with us again. How are you feeling?’

‘God my leg hurts. Who are you?’

‘I’m Garry. I’m the man with the motorbike. I brought you home, but you passed out again. I’ve dressed your leg as best I can. But you’ve got some nasty gravel rash on your bottom, I was going to try to get the gravel out.’

‘Oh sorry. I didn’t recognise you without your helmet. And you’ve done my leg for me?’

‘Not a brilliant job I’m afraid, but I’m no nurse. But I think it should stop the bleeding until we can get you to hospital.’

‘Well I am a nurse. And it looks like a pretty good job to me.’

‘I was just saying, I was going to try to pick the bits of gravel from your skin, but now you’re back with us, it would probably be better if we phone for an ambulance.’

‘There’s not much point now, they’ll only rip off what you’ve put on and do the same again. I’d rather just leave it alone and let it heal now.’

‘But you need to get the gravel out of these other areas, or it could turn nasty.’

‘Well you’ve done a great job so far, if you don’t mind finishing what you’ve started?’

‘Of course I don’t mind, but I need you turned over the other way, and I will need to pull your shorts up out of the way.’

‘So if you were going to get the gravel out for me whilst I was unconscious, were you going to pull my shorts out of the way without me knowing?’

He blushed bright red as he said, ‘Honest. I’d only have pulled them across enough to get the gravel out.’

‘Come-on don’t get all defensive, I’m only having you on. As a nurse, you get used to having to take peoples clothes off to treat them. And talking of taking clothes off, you’ll be passing out with exhaustion if you keep them leather pants and boots on.’

‘But I don’t wear any jeans under these, only my underpants.’

‘So I’ve seen men in their underpants before, and anyway, it will be easier for you to sort me out if you take my shorts off, so we’ll both be the same then.’

‘Well so long as you don’t mind, it would be more comfortable.’

He took off his boots, and then removed his trousers, he stood there in non sexy white ‘Y’ front underpants.

‘Would it be easier if you pull my shorts off before I turn over?’

‘I guess so.’

With that he knelt down and took hold of the waist band of my shorts, I’d undone the waist clip and lowered the zip. Down slid my shorts, and with his help I turned over, face down, resting on my one good knee, bottom up in the air.

The Author’s Tale.
< br> As she turned over, and her bottom came into view, the feelings once again hit me without warning. I hadn’t realised, but when she’d come back to consciousness, my erection had melted away, but now as her bottom presented itself to my face, my prick stood to attention in an instant.

The Nurse’s Story.

As soon as I’d got myself into position, I tucked my head back so as to see my healing helper. The sight that I got shook me! His dick could be seen pushing its way first forward, then it popped out of the front of his pants, and grew until it was standing rock hard, and pointing skyward. Next second our eyes met, and he again turned bright red.

‘I’m sorry.’ He said as he tried to tuck it back out of sight. But although it was now inside his pants, it shape and size was still visible, and looked ready for action. He knelt down tweezers in hand. ‘Are you ready? I’ll be as gentle as I can.’

I could feel him picking at the gravel, and one by one he removed the tiny stones from my skin. But my mind had his dick firmly imprinted in it, and I was fantasising about having sex. His fingers giving the lips of my pussy the occasional gentle pull to one side were only conspiring to heighten the sensation.

The Author’s Tale.

The first few stones were easy to remove, but as I got to the finer ones, I was having to use my fingers to stretch the skin to open it up to allow me to roll the stones free. But this was skin about an inch from her pussy, and my fingers were on her lips. Her smell was so sweet, I wanted to press my tongue in deep and taste her juices. And juices, she had juices a plenty, I know I was turned on, my dick was rock solid, but her pussy was wet, and I was sure it wasn’t just sweat. I had to have a taste, I could hardly control myself.

‘Err. I’m sorry, I don’t know your name?’


‘Sorry. Julie. There are a few little stones, and I can’t get them without digging deep. Would you let me try to suck them out?’

‘Suck them! What you’re going to try to get them out with your mouth?’

‘I’d like to try. Would you mind?’

‘Well I guess it’s ok, but make sure you don’t swallow any of them.’

I put my mouth around the area where the stones were, rolled my tongue around until I found the first stone, the tongue has a way of exaggerating its size. With a process of rolling and sucking, I soon had the first stone in my mouth, and then I spat it out into my handkerchief. I then moved on to the next one. This process found at least six more stones, and they were soon all removed. Whilst I was performing this removal, Julie was obviously getting sexually excited. This was obvious not only from the aroma coming from her pussy, but from the involuntary movements her hips would make on occasions whilst I was sucking.

The Nurse’s Story.

This method he was using to remove the stones might have been a brilliant way of getting gravel from under the skin, but it was sure getting me hotttttttttt. My knee was about ready to give in, my hips kept jerking without warning, and my pussy was so wet and longing for action. I thought he’d removed all the stones, but as his mouth went back again, it widened its search area, and it was now on my pussy. I almost asked him to stop, but I wanted that tongue so much.

The Author’s Tale.

I thought I’d try my luck, to see if she’d let me taste her sweet juices. My mouth went back to her flesh, and as my tongue lapped around, I moved across her pussy. She was sweet beyond my wildest dreams. The juice was flowing freely, and I lapped the full length of her slot. Her clit was stood out big and firm, like a miniature version of my dick. My tongue wrapped itself around it, circling and then flicking across the little pointy end. She dropped to the settee, and I lost my access. I thought she’s going to go ballistic. Why did I do such a silly thing, I hope she doesn’t start screaming rape or something.

The Nurse’s Story.

His tongue found my hole, and he licked me like a starving urchin licking an ice-cream for the first time. His tongue was deep up inside my pussy, it sent shivers through my whole body. Then he started on my clit. As if I wasn’t hotttttt enough already, this broke me, I wanted fucking, and there was no way back. I dropped from my knee, onto the settee, with the intention of turning over to get him to fuck me. Once I’d dropped flat, I found I couldn’t turn over. The excitement flooding through my body may have cancelled out the pain from my leg, but my muscles were so stiff and weak, I couldn’t muster the strength to roll over.

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Tom lay in bed looking at his leg; the cast on his foot still looked odd no matter how many times he looked at it. He was used to seeing his feet clad in an assortment of boots or shoes, but this cast was difficult to accept. An independent man, he was not used to having to be assisted with all of his daily activities. There was no privacy either in this facility. The staff, though pleasant and accommodating, was persistent in their constant care. He just wanted a few minutes for himself, by...

4 years ago
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School Nurse Confidential 2

School Nurse Confidential, Ch. 2by DirtyMindedMomMy heart was thumping and my palms were sweaty as I presented Mr. Brundowski with my appointment slip. He eyed me suspiciously, but wrote me a pass to go to the nurse’s office anyway. It wasn’t that I was getting out of Geometry class that had me so excited; it was that I was going to see Nurse Cady again.I must have jerked off to thoughts of her at least a hundred times. I forced myself to stop yesterday so I could save up a nice load for her...

4 years ago
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1st Visit to the Nurse Mistress

It’s not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least 10 years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there’s every truth to the adage, “You get what you pay for.” A...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Six Sent To The School Nurse

She could do this.That’s what Amy Markwell kept telling herself.She could do this.The tall, dark-haired Year Twelve girl smiled awkwardly as she waited for Miss Whitley outside the PE office. Amy knew that she could rely on her new PE Mistress to fall for her fake illness in order that she got sent home and wouldn’t have to attend the Open Evening event that her mother, and Head of Sixth Form at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, Mrs. Stacey Markwell, had volunteered her for. The Sixth Former...

4 years ago
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Nurse Hiiggins A New Assignment 2

Nurse Higgins: A New Assignment 2 By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply. This fictional story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must have author's permission. Not recommended for the sweet/sentimental reader. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. Nurse Higgins: A New Assignment 2 Rachel watched for a couple of hours as Natalie had Amy Lynn learning to walk, sit and stoop like a girl. Occasionally she would offer...

4 years ago
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The Nurse

"How are you Janet," I said to a former classmate of mine in med school. The woman turned and looked at me. I stared up into the eyes of Dr. Janet Nichols. She was as alluring as ever. She was a tall woman 5'10," but seemed larger in the 2-inch heels she wore. Plain brown hair pulled back accented her still vibrant 38-year-old face. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me hello on the cheek. We had talked from time to time in med school. I was a higher achiever, finishing sixth in...

4 years ago
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The Male Night Shift NurseChapter 2

Things at the hospital were going along just swell until we all got a notice that a couple of nurses had been brought up on charges of indecent behavior with the patients. The nature of the offense was so sensitive that the details had to remain unpublished to prevent the name of the hospital from slander. Of course, both nurse Ginny and I had a case of nerves because we had both been guilty of immoral conduct on the night shift more than once. I reassured her that if we were to be...

2 years ago
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Nurse Dixie

This is a continuation of the stories Head Nurse and Zach's Nurse. It can also be read as a stand-alone story. Nurse Dixie I knocked on the door and was a little surprised when Bob answered. I was sure Anne had told me that her husband was not going to be home this evening. Normally when we got together it was at my townhouse but since I had a temporary roommate, and he had a bunch of his friends visiting this evening, she offered her house for our almost weekly cocktail...

3 years ago
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Oh Nurse What are you doing to me

After five years as Garden City Elementary School nurse, Leslie Bien (pronounced Bee-N like the French word for good) had her morning routine down pat. She was at her desk with a coffee checking immunization records when the phone rang. It wasn’t a ring, more of a warbling chirp.The display read “D. Renniks”. A call from the Principal first thing in the morning was quite unusual.“Morning Les,” he greeted; “we’ve got a student from out of state and we haven’t been able to get his medical records...

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In Love With A Nurse

By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but travel a lot. Any girls or adventurous aunties anywhere in India whatever size or shape, who wish to have anonymous relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for my story based on a true incident. Laxmi grew up in central Chennai in the 1980s. Her parents divorced when she was 12 years old, which changed life much for the worse for her and her mom, who received no money, only the house from the...

1 year ago
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Double dick The horny doctor and the shemale nurse Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Sheila was going to see Dr. Dray. He was a supposed gynaecologist who specialised in herbal medicine. “What was that?”, Sheila had thought, but she went anyway. When she arrived at the clinic she was met by the nurse and told to lie down with her legs open and panties down. As she lay, she saw that the nurse was watching her and her eyes were glued to her cunt. She was going to meet the horny doctor there. Then the doctor arrived and said that he was going to check her. She nodded and watched...

4 years ago
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Nurse Higgins A New Assingment

Nurse Higgins: A New Assignment By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply, not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it is a forced femininization story. This work of fiction may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must have author's permission. Constructive comments/suggestions are welcome at [email protected]. Rachel Higgins was a mature fifty-three years old with graying chestnut hair. As a surgical nurse, while more than competent, looked down...

3 years ago
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Nurse Rose

“Hello, Miss.”The boy was persistent, if nothing else, he had tried to stop me three times this week.“My Master is looking for a nurse to sell something for him,” he pestered.“What precisely does he want to sell?” I enquired.“Don’t rightly know, Miss, he won’t explain what it does. But he is a proper Gentleman, a Doctor, foreign one though. German I thinks,” the urchin explained.I would have no truck with it and continued from the hospital where I worked to the dinghy room where I lived with my...

4 years ago
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Nurse Udan Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hai friends, en peyar Ragu, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Pothuvaaga intha vayathil irukum aangalai niraiya pengaluku pidikum. En endraal intha vayathil thaan sunniyil viraipu thanmai athigamaaga irukum, thirumanam aana pengal thaan ithil ilamaiyaana aangalai usar seithu matter seiya aasai paduvaargal. Naan maruthuvamanaiyil eppadi nurse udan kama uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tholil vilaiyaadum pozhuthu adi patathu, enaku antha nimidathil matum vali...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wild DayChapter 2 Futarsquos First Nurse

April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life as the world’s first futa. When I grew a cock almost thirty years ago, it...

2 years ago
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Nurse Jaymie

Most of the island of Haiti was still in bad shape, from the earthquake. I was meeting a group of doctors, who were there to help. Most were from the United States. Just like me. I was suppose to land in the Capitol and then drive to a remote part of the island. I was going to get my instruction, once I landed. The sun was directly in my eyes. I put on some sunglasses as we past along the coast. I could still see the island in rubble as we approached the landing area. I held my breath as...

4 years ago
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Nurse Smith and Nurse Jones

Nurse Smith and Nurse Jones By Ricky I've always had a thing for uniforms; maybe that's why I married a nurse. That starched white uniform really turns me on, and her long legs in white stockings are enough to get me hot and bothered at a moment's notice. The only problem is she is working nights in a small nursing home and our schedules make time in bed a hard thing to come by. But night shift does have it's advantages at times. There have been a few mornings when I have...

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School Nurse Confidential Ch 2

My heart was thumping and my palms were sweaty as I presented Mr. Brundowski with my appointment slip. He eyed me suspiciously, but wrote me a pass to go to the nurse’s office anyway. It wasn’t that I was getting out of Geometry class that had me so excited; it was that I was going to see Nurse Cady again. I must have jerked off to thoughts of her at least a hundred times in the past five days. I forced myself to stop yesterday so I could save up a nice load for her in case there was a repeat...

2 years ago
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Nurse Debbie

I had been feeling very constipated so when I woke up last Monday I decided to call home health to have a nurse come over and check me out.About an hour later I opened the door to a very attractive lady that did not look anything like a nurse. She was about 5'5" what I call average build, some might say a few extra pounds are thick but in any case very attractive and sexy. short dark hair, a black satin blouse unbuttoned to show off her very nice medium sized breast, a short black leather skirt...

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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Three

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Assistance and Corruption Michele and Polly made love three times in total that night including a long session of oral sex. They both stripped down to their lingerie and fell asleep in each other's arms. The stimulating feel of satin and nylon rubbing against each other woke them both during the early morning; Michele had a huge erection tenting her satin panties and Polly eased the member from its tight prison and...

4 years ago
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Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4

Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. This is a work of fiction and female domination and should not be practiced at home. May be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use prohibited unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 Nathan was lying in bed, the breast pump humming when Natalie...

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The Anal Nurse

The internet has rendered commuting superfluous for many types of jobs. I realized this years ago, but many employers, control freaks that they are, are still resisting the idea. I’m among those fortunate’s whose “commute” is from my bedroom to my den, though once a month I must make the two- hour drive for “co-ordination meetings.” There are advantages to living out where there are trees and grass, clean air, and where no one thinks I’m a terrorist if...

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The Nurse Doing the Rounds

Patricia walked nervously up the corridor. It was to be her first day on the ward after her previous day’s interview.Click, click, click, click, went her 5-inch heels. She felt the uniform (probably one size too small,) pulling tight around her thighs, making the suspender bumps clearly visible to anyone who cared to look.She thought about the interview. It made her hot and flustered. She thought about her husband. She felt a pang of guilt. The previous days’ meeting was not what she’d been...

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New Inhome Nurse

The young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...

2 years ago
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New Inhome Nurse

The young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...

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A new wet nurse

Jack listened to the sounds of wailing come from his little brother's room and sighed, "Doesn't that kid ever shut up," he thought bitterly. It was bad enough that his dad had married his stepmother so soon after his actual mother had disappeared, but within the span of three years she had already had three kids. There was his one and half year old brother Jackson and the twin girls that his stepmother had just had a few weeks ago. "Come on," Jack thought to himself trying his best to...

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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient 8211 part 1

My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...

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Nurse Diane

I was around 25 years old when I was hit by a drunk driver. He ran a red light and t-boned me right in the driver’s side door. The impact broke my left ankle, left tibia and fibula, femur and hip. It also fractured my left arm in two places along with my collar bone and three ribs. In the emergency room they determined that I needed surgery to repair my hip, leg, ankle, arm and collar bone. I was wheeled up to the operating room and it wasn’t long before the pain stopped and everything went...

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Nurse Anderson and Dr McKenzie Part 2

‘Mr. van der Bijl, I notice that your prostate gland feels a little swollen. This is concerning to me. I need to investigate further. A swollen prostate at your age is not usual. I feel it is necessary to ascertain exactly what is going on so I am going to carry out a sonar of the gland. Depending on what I see there, I may have to carry out a quick scope. ‘Nurse Stewardson please would you bring the sonar machine through and prepare the colonic irrigation system as I notice that Mr. van...

4 years ago
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The nurse who masturbated Galisa on my behalf

This is the true story to my next clip.Five or six years ago I had a 3 month assignment abroad. I discussed it with Galisa and we agreed that we need to look for a trusted person who could masturbate Galisa during my absence. I was unthinkable that Galisa would not get it at least once or twice a week. We checked contacts but there was nobody who matched our profile and had time on a regular basis. But then we met this women in the elevator of our building and i remembered that i spoke once to...

2 years ago
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Love me love thy nurse

Tom sighed as he waited to be seen by the doctor in casualty. It wasn’t his lucky day. His girlfriend was away with work and now he had dropped a car battery on his foot. To cap it all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day. “Mr Roberts?” Said the young nurse, appearing from behind the curtain. “Yes.” Tom hobbled past the other patients who were waiting in the row and sat in the small cubicle, where the doctor was waiting. The white-coated medic looked tired. It had been a hard day. “Bad foot?” He...

Oral Sex
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School nurse going wild

Gina Stevens pressed the send icon, ”bombs away” she thought to herself. The process was started, filing for divorce with her son-of-a-bitch husband with the email sent to the family law firm initiating the inevitable. She had initiated the divorce after catching him fooling around too many times with his secretary. Suddenly there was a beep and a yellow lamp flashing next to her desk, indicating she had another patient benefiting from her daily drop-in session between 13.00 and 14.00 She was...

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Virgin used by the nurse pt2

I had an unconformable sleep that night. the urge to have a wank was overwhelming but the cage on my cock was stopping me .every time i drifted off to sleep i was thinking about the school nurse. what did she mean by your too tight for now an i will learn you to control yourself?i got up out of bed an put my laptop on .i needed to get this cage off my cock and google might help . a quick search and all i was getting was pics of women being bossy to men with their willys caged.lots of serch...

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The Night Nurse

Heather Campbell was pissed. She had been in bed with a hunky guy between her legs, happily munching on her sweet, juicy pussy when the phone rang. It was the head nurse at County General calling to tell her to report for a special night duty shift. According to her, the nurse scheduled to pull that shift had called in and she needed Heather to cover for her. Being the "new kid on the block", she would be the one that got called first for these last-minute shifts. Seniority has its benefits!So...

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The Violation of Nurse Mary Day

THE VIOLATION OF NURSE MARY DAYMy name is Douglas Sinclair; at the time of the following incident I was 28 years old. Born of British and Chinese Parents; my Father was a member of staff at the British Embassy and my Mother worked as an interpreter with the British Foreign Office.  My tale takes place during the unforgettable Christmas of 1941, when the island of Hong Kong still belonged to the British Empire, and I was employed as a Caretaker at St. Stephen?s College.  At this period of our...

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The big hips nurse

This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as ‘Mr. Fernando,’ well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as ‘Heloiza’ Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse’s attention was her big hips, which so...

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The big hips nurse

This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as "Mr. Fernando," well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as "Heloiza" Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse's attention was her big hips, which so...

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The nurse and sperm donors

This is Purely a FantasyMy wife had started at a private fertility clinic when the NHS started to make cutbacks. She had worked at the clinic for 5 years when new guidelines for sperm donors was introduced which in effect reduced the number of men willing to make donations. The managing director of the clinic asked the whole nursing team, who dealt with the donors face on, if they had any ideas to increase the number of donors. To be honest there was the run of the mill ‘sensible’ suggestions....

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Night Nurse

"Oh dear! Did we have a little accident in the night, then?"Heavily-accented and in her best admonishing tone, the pretty young Scottish nurse looked down at the semen stain on Michael's bed sheet."Err... wet dream, nurse."She took a step back and looked ascance at the muscular 36-year-old, her hands planted on her hips. "At your age, Mr Reynolds? I hardly think so; nocturnal emissions are usually experienced by adolescents. Do you want me to get that sheet changed?""No, don't bother. I can...

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