Teaching Millie She s Hot Part IV New York
- 3 years ago
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My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She’s sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can’t imagine life without her.
The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn’t realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was…
Millie is what you call a ‘big-titted plumper,’ and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you’re not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut, flawless skin like fresh cream, a sweet round baby face with cute dimples, huge blue eyes, full, kissable lips, and a cute little cleft in her chin. Add to that: Full, broad, curvy hips, a big, round, perfect, grabbable ass, plump and shapely arms and legs, pretty, chubby little hands and feet, a softly rounded but not fat belly, a relatively small waist giving her thar delicious ‘hourglass’ look–
And the biggest, most beautiful, and most outrageously sexy tits in the world.
I mean that last. I’ve been looking at plump women, fat women, big-titted women, and so on, in magazines for 20+ years–and I’ve never seen a pair to equal Millie’s. Her tits are 58-HHHs, to start with. And no, you CAN’T imagine what that means.
They’re beautiful, creamy-white, and just enormous. Without a bra, they sag a good bit, but that just makes them even more sensual and delicious. Any big tit lover knows exactly what I mean. They’re huge and heavy and full and long and pointed, like pale, blue-veined, soft, oversized footballs. Plus, Millie’s incredible nipples look like big, fluffy, pink funnels, her aureolae are five inches across and cone-shaped, with fat, rubbery tips more than an inch long.
Those big knobs of hers are tender and delicate, with dark-blue veins visible beneath the pale-pink skin–and when she gets excited, they don’t crinkle up and get hard. They SWELL, and turn a darker pink, and her nipple veins throb. When Millie’s hot, her knobs look like a teenager’s ‘puffies,’ but as big as your fist–and her titty-tips stick out a full inch and a half, all stiff and twangy like Vienna sausages. I get a hard-on just thinking about them.
She has to wear industrial-strength bras, of course, but even then you can sometimes tell through her clothes when her nipples are erect. When she’s braless, you can see them from across the street even when they’re not.
Millie’s clothes were the biggest part of the problem. She was always so convinced she was ‘fat and ugly’–or ‘fatandugly,’ as she used to say it, as if it were one word–she never wore anything but frumpy, shapeless old-lady dresses, muumuus and caftans and dumpy-looking housedresses. All her nightgowns were flannel and floor-length, and boring as hell.
I was grateful she liked to make love naked with the lights on. At first, that was about the only time I got to see her that way, then and when we showered together…
Um. Sorry. I just started thinking about how Millie shivers and squeals when I soap up those big nipples, and my mind drifted for a minute. We always end up fucking on the floor of our big shower stall, with her squatting over me with her slippery, squeezy pussy tube milking my dick and her amazing tits bouncing and swinging in my face…
Um. Drifting again. Jeez, this is going to take me a long time to write.
Anyway. I had always told Millie how I adored her body just like it was, how perfect and sexy and HOT she was, how I wouldn’t trade her for any bony, skinny supermodel in the world, and so on, but she never quite believed me. She always thought I was just being kind, and she never quite figured out why I married her in the first place.
She told me more than once she knew I thought she was ‘disgusting,’ and no matter how I argued with her or reassured her or sang her praises, she stayed convinced that she was ‘fatandugly.’ Millie’s dad used to put her down and call her names (the bastard), and she just never got over it.
It took some planning and a little trickery, but now she gets it. Here’s the story. It started with a card game…
Card games mean a lot to us. We’re pretty much stay-at-home types–partly because Millie is so self-conscious about her size, but mostly because we just prefer each other’s company and like to be alone together. And one of our favorite activities is poker.
Many couples have problems when it comes to dividing the chores, but we never do. We play poker for them. Not this nutty new ‘Texas Hold ‘Em’ stuff, but plain old draw and stud poker.
It’s fun, ‘I’ll see your vacuuming the house, and I’ll raise you washing the windows,’ and like that. (That was a big bet, and Millie won, too. Ace high flush. Pissed me off. I had a straight to the queen.)
We started doing it early in our marriage after a big fight over whose turn it was to change the cat’s litter box. We both liked to play, like I said, and it was dull to play for matches or chips anyway, so playing for chores quickly became a routine.
We don’t just play for chores. We also play for ‘forfeits,’ having to do stupid or embarrassing or sexy stunts for each other’s amusement. Doing my chores wearing one of her dresses, Millie peeling grapes and feeding them to me, getting the mail (out at the street) in our underwear, and like that.
The forfeits were often, even usually, sexual in nature, and the more we played, the more that was true. Before long, sex was pretty much all we played for. I’d have to walk around the house all day with my bare dick hanging out–no small matter, if I do say so, when I’m hard, I have about nine inches of meat that’s almost five inches around–or jack off in front of her till I came. Or Millie would have to watch TV without moving with her vibrator up her pussy, or go to the Mall wearing a wool sweater over a bra with the nipples cut out of it. (The prickly, itchy fabric rubbing her huge. bare, sensitive knobs drove Millie crazy, and when we got home we fucked like bunnies on amphetamines.)
Millie hated it when I made her show herself off, but it was part of the game and she insisted on paying off her bets. Once I made her push two peanuts across the living-room floor with her enormous nipples, crawling on her hands and knees in nothing but her panties. She bitched and moaned and fumed and complained, but by the time she was done we were both laughing–and fiercely turned on. (Bunnies on speed again.)
Dragging her fat faucets on the carpet had done it. Those big knobs of hers are not only incredible to look at and play with and suck on, they’re also like starter buttons for her pussy.
Sex was never a problem in our marriage, we both loved it. It was just the way Millie dressed and felt about herself.
Anyway, the rules of our poker games are simple: after who is doing what chores is settled in the first dozen or so hands–sometimes just two or three, if the hands are good and the betting is hot–we start playing for forfeits.
With each round of betting, the bets get more outrageous. If you stay in and lose, you have to do the last one you bet against, and if you fold you do the last one before that.
The ante, or opening bet, for both of us, is always the same, oral sex. If Millie drops out after the deal, she owes me a blowjob, to be performed on command. If I fold first thing, I have to eat her pussy. That happens often enough in every game, and we usually start the week owing each other six or seven cocksucking and muffdiving sessions each.
Here’s an example from a few weeks before the fun really began, and an important one, as you’ll see. It was a stud game, five-card, one down, four up, no draw, with a round of betting on each card after the first two are dealt. At one time, before ‘Texas Hold ‘Em’ became fashionable, it was THE big-money game for professionals. No draw, no wild cards, just straight-up poker.
On the night I’m thinking of, in the first hand after the chores were assi
gned. I dealt myself a Queen down and a Jack up, Millie had an ace showing, which meant it was her bet. She opened with her usual first bet after the ante: ‘You have to eat me ‘no-hands.” (That meant with my hands behind my back. A challenge, but hardly a painful loss.)
I countered with my own usual first bet: ‘Blow me naked and blindfolded.’
‘I call,’ Millie said. That meant the round was over, and those were the stakes so far. I dealt two more cards. Millie got a ten, and I drew a Queen to match my hole card. She was still high. ‘Jack off till you shoot while I watch,’ was her bet. She loved to watch me do that.
‘Dance naked while I do it,’ I said. If I lost at this point, Millie would remain fully dressed and just watch me masturbate, probably with a bowl of popcorn like it was a movie. If she lost, I’d have some suitable entertainment while I did it. She’d be embarrassed and resentful, but she’d do it anyway.
These were pretty common bets for us. ‘Do it on the back patio,’ she said. She was raising me. I wondered if she had another ten, or worse, an ace, as her down card. I doubted it was an ace, or she’d have bet more heavily in the first round. A pair of tens, then.
I was holding a pair of Queens. Lookin’ good.’Ditto,’ I said.
Millie’s big blue eyes got even bigger, dancing naked outside would be hard for her. ‘Call,’ she finally said.
Another card. A lousy four for me, no help for my Queens. Millie grinned at her card–another ten. This could be trouble.
‘Air blowjob,’ she said. ‘One hour.’
That would be sweet torture. She’d kneel in front of me and just tease my dick, acting like she was about to suck me–blowing on it, kissing the air and flicking her tongue a millimeter away without actually touching it, opening her mouth and actually putting it over my dickhead, warming it with her hot breath, then pulling away before she actually made contact. I was forbidden to touch myself, and Millie could keep it up for ages.
What made it hellish–besides looking at her beautiful round face, her heavenly lips and sparkling, teasing eyes–was that every now and then, with no warning, she’d actually lick me or suck on my dickhead for a split second, or plant a big, sloppy wet kiss on it–and them go back to teasing.
And worse, sometimes she’d keep her mouth on me and slurp and suck and work on my bare dickhead till I came–and then she’d either keep sucking and slurping on it while I spurted in her delicious mouth, or she’d cruelly pull back at the very second I started to cum and leave me helplessly shooting my wad in the air as she giggled and watched.
The uncertainty and the anticipation we’re what made it torture. The sexual tension was unbelievable, and I’d get so hard it hurt–an hour of that treatment would have me begging for release–but sometimes it was so good I’d almost pass out. I never knew what Millie was going to do. I loved it and hated it, both.
She smiled wickedly. ‘Why does that bet always make you sweat?’ she whispered, then licked her lips seductively and blew me a kiss.
I grinned back at her. ‘You know why, you big-titted bitch.’ She laughed and shook them for me. I had recently at least convinced her that her huge milkers weren’t ‘disgusting,’ and she had grown to enjoy teasing me with them.
‘So, Jeff, call, raise, or fold?’ she asked with a confident smirk. I still liked my pair of Queens. In five-card stud, it was a very good hand.
‘Call,’I said.
Another card. A six for Millie, and the jackpot for me: another Queen. Now I was high, with a pair of Queens showing and a third one in the hole. I made a big show of thinking hard. I finally said, ‘Dance naked on the patio in nothing but oil–and with your pussy shaved bare.’
Her mouth fell open, and she stared at me. This was a very big bet. I had bet her a pussy shave before, but I had never won one. It usually made her fold.
Millie looked at my cards suspiciously. ‘You’re bluffing,’ she finally said. ‘Those Queens are all you got, cowboy, and they ain’t good enough. Air blowjob for two hours–and I do it topless.’ She sat back with a smug expression on her cute baby face.
She had the three tens, then. Good. I was glad I was going to win, what she had just bet would have been agony for me. ‘Call,’ I said.
It’s a good strategy in poker to be known as a bluffer. Then, when you really have the goods, your sucker (so to speak, heh heh) will stay in.
Last card. Nothing of consequence, a nine for Millie, a seven for me. My bet again. ‘Everything you’ve already bet,’ I said, ‘plus you keep your pussy shaved bare for a whole year.’
I was wearing my best poker face, I looked like I was trying not to show that I was bluffing.
She fell for it like a ton of tits. ‘Hah! You keep trying, but I’m not buying,’ she laughed. ‘Call.’ She flipped over the third ten. ‘Tough shit, Jeff.’
I flipped over my third Queen. Her big eyes bugged out, and then she glared at me. ‘DAMN it!’ she fumed. ‘I was SURE you had another Jack under there!’ That would have given me two pair–a good hand, but not good enough.
I grinned. ‘Another hand?’ I asked insinuatingly.
‘I think I’m far enough in the hole already,’ she said, still glaring.
‘In the hole? But that’s where I’M going to be,’ I said.
We looked at each other for a moment–and then she burst out laughing, and I did too. One of the things I love about my Millie is her sense of humor. She can always laugh–even when she’s embarrassed, resentful, and pissed off, like then.
I stood up. ‘C’mon, Big Tits. Time to pay off that bet.’ I beckoned with one finger, and Millie rose and walked ahead of me into the bedroom. I noticed her pretty hands were quivering as she undressed.
I knew her well enough to know exactly what she was feeling, embarrassment and doubt about how she looked naked, and a fierce excitement that maybe, somehow, for some reason she didn’t understand, I’d still get hot and horny looking at her. It thrilled her, but she still didn’t get it. We had only been married a few months–she was 20 and I was 24–and life together was still new for both of us.
When she was naked, I had her lie down on a towel I’d spread on the bed and pull her knees back and wide open. We both knew I’d have to be the one to shave her pussy. Her tits were so huge she had trouble even seeing it without a mirror.
I looked at her and grinned as she looked up at me over those huge tits, her face pink. Such a beautiful sight, my sweet, fat Millie, buck naked and spread wide open. In a few minutes she would look even better. My cock was already hard, but I got harder thinking about it.
‘Well? Let’s get this over with,’ she said. I went into our bathroom and got my own electric shaver. I flipped open the trimmer and sat down between her legs, grinning. This was going to be fun.
As Millie waited patiently, I clipped her pussy hair–already thin and sparse–to a short stubble. Then I used the regular shaving head to remove that. I shaved her plump, pale mound baby-smooth, then pulled and stretched her skin to clean up all the stray hairs around it and especially between her soft, chubby outer lips.
When I was done, her sweet, plump, pale crotch was as bare and white as a peeled egg. I sat back and admired my work. My Millie was barer and more beautiful now than I had ever seen her.
She looked up at me, her face pink, her eyes half-closed and smoky-hot. Her big nipples were swollen to softball size and glowed a hot pink, with tips that stood out stiffly, bigger than her thumbs.
I grasped them in my fingers and tugged lightly, twisting. She was already breathing hard, and at my touch she gasped and bit her lip, eyes closed. ‘Oh, Jeff–‘
I clenched my fists on her huge, swollen aureolae, crushing them in my fingers like I was squeezing oranges. She gasped and hissed and rolled her pussy up at me. I
twisted them back and forth, and she groaned, ‘Oh, God, Jeff–Oh, God, milk me off–‘
That was what we called it when I abused her tender knobs till she came from that alone. I released her swollen nipples, even bigger and darker now, and watched her hunch and writhe on the bed. She grabbed her tits and shook them up and down, whimpering ‘Please–please milk me some more–Milk my tits and fuck me–‘
I wanted to fuck her senseless, but I wanted her to pay off her bet, too. Each time I made Millie perform naked in front of me, I sensed that her confidence grew a little more. It was good for her.
I also wanted to see her wiggle and jiggle outdoors, naked and shaved and shiny with oil all over. I wanted to see that real bad.
I was stroking her fat, baby-smooth mound and letting my finger slip between her soft pussy lips to caress her hot liquid center now and then. Her plump hips were still pumping, rolling her chubby bare cunt up at me urgently. ‘I want you, Jeff,’ she gasped again. ‘Fuck me… Fuck me naked…’ ‘
A little later,’ I said. ‘Let’s go outside. I’ll get the oil.’ Millie whimpered, but she slid off the bed and stood up, trembling a little. It was so endearing, the way she crossed her little hands protectively over her enormous tits. it was like trying to hide a pillow with a couple of feathers, but it was sweet and made me want to kiss her.
So I did. I took her in my arms and kissed her soft lips tenderly. ‘I love you so much,’ I said, ‘and you are so SEXY…’
She looked up at me, still quivering, and snuggling close to hide herself as well as to be near me. She said, ‘Fooey. You’re just weird. But I love you too.’
I kissed her again. ‘If you only knew how many guys would kill to have a woman like you…’ I left the sentence unfinished, and let her go.
‘Outside, Big Tits,’ I said. She giggled nervously and started for the door.
I walked behind her down the hall, admiring her from behind. Her big, bare ass rolled and wobbled deliciously. The long hourglass sweep of my Millie’s pale, perfect bare skin–from her shapely shoulders, down the curve of her bare, smooth back, broadening to encompass that plump, tempting bottom, then tapering down her chubby but perfect bare legs to her pretty little bare feet–was breathtaking. I was glad she kept her hair so short–it would be a shame for her to hide even her lovely white shoulders with long hair.
I could see her huge breasts gently swinging from side to side even from directly behind her. God, what a babe, I thought. And she’s mine.
As we passed the bathroom, Millie looked back at me. ‘Aren’t you going to get the oil?’ she asked.
‘Not that oil,’ I said, referring to the scented baby oil we sometimes used to massage each other. ‘We’ll need more than that. I want you so covered with it you’re dripping.’
‘Oh…’ For just a heartbeat, Millie unconsciously stroked her big, swollen nipples with a faraway expression on her innocent baby face. Then she shivered and kept on walking down the hall, stark naked.
I knew it made it extra-scary for her to leave all her clothes all the way back in the bedroom, especially when she was about to go outside, but I liked that. I liked her not only bare naked, but very conscious of being that way. I wanted her to feel naked on the inside as well as on the outside.
We went on to the kitchen, where I took a new half-gallon bottle of cooking oil from the pantry, then we went on to the door into the back yard. I picked up our boombox from the living room on the way.
I opened the door, and Millie leaned over and peered out cautiously, hands over her breasts. We had a privacy fence, eight feet high and solid wood–but it still made Millie tremble with self-consciousness to go outdoors in the nude.
Finally, she stepped out onto the patio, her bare little feet cautious on the flagstones. She was totally naked, without so much as a trace of lipstick on–and now without even a trace of pussy hair to hide her plump, intimate slit.
It was a Saturday, late in the afternoon, and warm. Millie stood trembling, feet together and hands clasped over her pussy, as I plugged in the boombox and took the cap off the oil. I walked over to her, holding the bottle. ‘Hands on your head,’ I said, and she obeyed, looking around nervously.
It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once--the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her--maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco's office at CURVY.I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn't hard to tell the difference; one said "CURVY" above the black square, with a very...
ExhibitionismThe poker game wasn't necessary to make her go to the strip club, as it turned out. We still played for chores and for fun, but Millie was so into submission now, she'd do anything I said just because I told her to. Millie was submissive out of sheer devotion to me. Ever since I made her go to Chicas Grandes beach in her G-string bikini, scared to death and crying, and she discovered that I wasn't the only one who thought she was a hottie--well, she'd do anything I said. The first time I took...
ExhibitionismWe were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon–the 16 inches of Millie’s creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). Millie was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they’re bigger than...
One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts; it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. "Uh, Jeff, my face is up here," she laughed as I dealt the first hand. "Um. Sorry," I said. "If...
ExhibitionismMy name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She's sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can't imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn't realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was... Millie is what you call a "big-titted plumper," and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you're not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut,...
ExhibitionismThe poker game wasn’t necessary to make Millie go to the strip club, as it turned out. We still played for chores and for fun, but Millie was so into submission now, she’d do anything I said just because I told her to. Millie was submissive out of sheer devotion to me. Ever since I made her go to Chicas Grandes beach in her G-string bikini, scared to death and crying, and she discovered that I wasn’t the only one who thought she was a hottie–well, she’d do anything I said. The first time I...
It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once–the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her–maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco’s office at CURVY. I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference, one said ‘CURVY’ above the black square, with a very...
My sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had once thought she was perfect, but I hadn't known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie; funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating "fatandugly" housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I said...
ExhibitionismMy sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had once thought she was perfect, but I hadn’t known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie, funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating ‘fatandugly’ housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I said...
My sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had thought she was perfect before, but I hadn’t known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie, funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating ‘fatandugly’ housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I...
One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts, it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. ‘Uh, Jeff, my face is up here,’ she laughed as I dealt the first hand. ‘Um. Sorry,’ I said....
One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts, it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. ‘Uh, Jeff, my face is up here,’ she laughed as I dealt the first hand. ‘Um. Sorry,’ I said. ‘If...
It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once–the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her–maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco’s office at CURVY. I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference, one said ‘CURVY’ above the black square, with a very...
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One night I was talking with the girls at the back door of a club when Millie pulled up in her red convertable with the top down. Millie had a sly grin on her face as she motioned for me to get in. She pulled around to the other corner of the building into some trees where we were completely hidden from view. She threw the car into park and slid across the seat and was unbuckling my pants before the car stopped rocking. Millie immidiately started to give me one of her intense sloppy and loud...
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My wife and I could see Millie was lonely. She was an attractive young looking forty-two year old Widow who had somehow lost touch. With all her friends now exchanging E-mails, Millie had become uncomfortably aware of her shortcomings. Her friends had joined the ranks of the computer literate and she hadn't—She felt left behind. My wife, Beth as well as being ravishingly sexy, with a quirky sense of humor, had a kindness about her that was unusual. She actual liked helping people and enjoyed...
On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...
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The night had finally arrived, it was the employee of the year party and awards night and everyone was excited. The top ten employees from each franchise had been voted by the company directors, and were being whisked away for an all expenses paid night out, at a swanky club in Liverpool. Last years event had been a raging success, and Millie Stone was delighted to be attending. She was only just 18, and had only worked at the company for about 8 months, but she'd obviously made an impression!...
Chapter 1: Life hasn't been the best Dad and I were returning from our hunting trip. We had just bagged an eight point buck, and I did the actual shooting this time. It was nice walking through the woods with my dad. A chance to get back to nature after a rough couple of years. As dad pulled up at the general store I got out to check in the deer. Dad said he would wait in the truck. Chuck, the store owner, was checking in my deer when I was heard loud voices outside. "Leave me the fuck...
Thank you to LadyCibelle and Techsan for editing my story and making it a better read for all of us. * Chapter 1: Life hasn’t been the best. Dad and I were returning from our hunting trip. We had just bagged an eight point buck, and I did the actual shooting this time. It was nice walking through the woods with my dad. A chance to get back to nature after a rough couple of years. As dad pulled up at the general store I got out to check in the deer. Dad said he would wait in the truck....
Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...
Over the weekend, Millie had been feeling horny all the time. She could not stop thinking about Mr.Jenkins or his dick. Whenever she had the house alone, she would strip her clothes off and masturbate while thinking about her teacher. At night time, she would stuff her wet panties in her mouth and finger fuck herself until she screamed. She knew she needed to see him soon.Teacher Dean Jenkins had been worried sick over the weekend, he did not know what to do about Millie, the blackmail or...
Oral SexI watched her skirt tighten over her tight round ass as she bent to put some papers in the lower drawer of the file cabinet. Everything about Candace made me hard and it tore me up that I would never be able to do what I wanted which was to spend hours, days, weeks and months making love to her. She knew I wanted her and I was pretty sure that she'd had a few licentious thoughts about me, but I was cursed. A wicked spell had been cast over me and that spell prevented me from having Candace....
John slumped. The lava lamp glow of the screen on his desk was barely enough to illuminate the keyboard, barely enough to illuminate the scribbled notes that had managed to hold him awake until now; until now when the relentless drip of cheap vodka down his throat had overpowered the passion in the pen. Perhaps John would have called it poison in the pen. Anyone walking into the room would have noted that whilst in general it was tidy, the desk was suffering an overflow of...
By Pilgrim. © Part I - Introductions & Positions Scene 1 So far this had been a day from hell. No scratch that, a week from hell. Hectic, badly planned, too stressful badly timed and to top it all off, we were in London: Home to the beautiful, charismatic, intelligent young woman Millie Bobby Brown. I'm not sure if she was still able to call any place home really. But today really did take the cake. But perhaps I should clarify who I am. I'm Mike, Millie's personal bodyguard ever since her...
Seventeen year old Millie woke up late on a Friday morning. She couldn’t risk going to school late again this week. She was lucky last time. The teacher, Mrs. Kim, was very nice and let her off very easily without a detention. But that teacher is no longer at her school; she retired and there would be a new teacher. She hoped she/he would be nice and sweet just as Mrs. Kim.The alarm clock blared noisily near her ear. She groaned and slammed her hand on top of it. She peeked an eye open and saw...
MasturbationMillie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...
FetishIt was fifteen minutes from quitting time when Millie got called into Mr. Carrolton's office. In the fifteen years of working her way up through the ranks at Carrolton Manufacturing, this was the first time she had ever set foot in his office. She was very nervous, as people rarely got called into that office for good reasons. When she entered, she immediately saw Mr. Carrolton sitting behind his very large desk. Mr. Wallace, her immediate supervisor, was in a chair to her right. Millie was...
It had been two weeks since my wife, Beth and I had last seen our friend Millie. Just when we thought she had forgotten us, we got an E-mail. "Hi Teachers," it read, "I think I'm ready for another computer lesson when you are. I'll be shopping in our usual place tomorrow around ten o'clock. See you there?" Love you guys! Millie To say that Beth and I were pleased would be a definite understatement. We were ecstatic! Beth was especially delighted since she had been shortchanged during...
It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1985, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn’t have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, movies, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can’t get without...
It was after her school ended when Millie went home alone. She was glad it was the end of the week. She needed to think about her feelings, especially the part where she wanted to touch him. Did she want to blow his mind? Fuck him?“Maybe..” She muttered to herself, biting her lip as she entered her bedroom and falling onto the bed before bringing her mobile phone out of her pocket. She scrolled down to find the picture she wanted to see. On the screen, a picture of her homeroom/maths teacher...
MasturbationWe were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon–the 16 inches of Millie’s creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they’re bigger than footballs....
Millie’s mum was also called Millie and that could be confusing except for the fact everyone called Millie the daughter “Little Millie” and they called her mum “Big Millie. It was somewhat of an amusing circumstance as “Big Millie” was tiny in comparison to her daughter. “Little Millie was quite tall and had a humongous appetite that caused her to have self-described “big bones” in full explanation for her size. It was Little Millie’s rear-end that made her distinctive when viewed from behind...
“Who are you?” “I’m Alice.” “Are you on the project?” Millie asked despite assuming that everyone there was part of the project. “No. I’m Andrew’s mother.” Not expecting that answer, Millie stared at Alice trying to think of something to say. Finally, she managed, “This is awkward.” “You’re about my age, aren’t you?” “Probably,” Millie said. Being less than helpful, Cat said, “According to Andrew, Millie gives the best blowjob in the world. You might want to take some lessons from her,...
The next time I saw Millie was three days later when she was cutting her grass. Cutting grass right is work but watching Millie cut grass is a pleasure. She was wearing a pair of tight purple short-shorts, a black sports bra and a pair of tennis shoes. She worked fast behind a gas powered push mower. I was going to finish my edging and stuff and blow off the driveway when I saw her. She didn't see me, she was fully focused on what she was doing. Her arm was out of the sling, which surprised...
Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls, her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll...
The sun was rapidly warming my bedroom when I finally awoke after my first good night's sleep in a week or more. I rolled over and looked at my watch, it was already 10 AM. I was still somewhat tired and might have been able to go back to sleep for another hour or so, but the increasing heat indicated that it was time to get up. The reason for my poor sleep in the days before was my panic efforts to finish out my freshman year at college without flunking out. I believe that I achieved...
the following story is 100% true. this is a story of my first 3-some with my good friend rick and a cross dresser i had been chatting with for some time. the names have been changed to protect the guilty.....lolrick and i have known each other for approximately 20 years. with rick i feel free to explore my gay side. it is for this reason that i now consider myself a bisexual male. rick is gay and we met while working together in a different city where we now live. we had a project to do along...
"Matt!" I hear someone shout from the crowd of people waiting at the exit to the airport. I look towards the direction of the sound, and I see a blonde woman in her mid-40s, short hair, and in a tight white top smiling at me and waving, and I recognise my step-mom Millie Smith. I smile back and wave, and walk towards her, pushing my luggage cart in front of me until I reach where she is standing. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, and as she is pressing into me, I realise that she has...
MILF(Due to the fact that quite a bit of time has passed since part I was written, my recommendation would be to read part I before reading part II. Some editing has been done on part I of a technical nature not enough to change the storyline in any way. The “meats” in the title is not a typo but a pun of sorts due to the butcher trade of one of her candidates for lifelong partnership. This will close out this story because there is a decided lack of interest in this style of restrained erotica...
Millie sat in her living room looking down at the letters on the table with a tear running down her cheek. They were all labelled "last warning", "payment due now", "final warning" and similarly. She thought of her boyfriend that had walked out on her a few weeks ago, breaking her heart, emptying their joint bank account, causing their last two rent checks to bounce, and meaning that the bills were piling up. Millie needed cash, and lots of it, now. She had left the small town she grew up in...
It took us a few days but we soon became comfortable living together. Well not exactly comfortable. I broke out an old pair of pajamas that I hadn't worn in years and wore them in the evening after dinner when I was out about the house. Millie, I think tried to shock me by wearing almost nothing. She usually wore a tee-shirt that almost covered her ass. If the tee-shirt rode up, which it often did, I found myself trying not to stare at a pair of thong panties that barely covered her in front...
Dear readers: I know this story is rather long, but it would not have made sense if I had put it in two parts. I hope this does not deter you from reading it because I would love comments. It’s my first venture into a ‘mature’ story and I think it came out well. I hope you will think so also. Thanks! All Because of Millie Millie had just turned forty-five a month ago. She had been by herself now for three years and quite frankly, she had gotten used to it. The death of her husband had...
by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...
An erotic short story from “Millie’s Vast Expanse” By Millie Dynamite License Notes This eBook license is for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is not authorized for resale and may not be for a given away to other people. © Copyright 2016, 2019 by Millie Dynamite All Rights Reserved NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under the age of eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains descriptive scenes of a graphic sexual nature. By...
by Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2018 by Millie Dynamite It’s true, I’m a fucking genius. I have literally gotten away with murder, several killings if the truth is told. I enjoy ending lives, especially the lives of beautiful girls. You know the girls I mean, the ones that are so beautiful that men are afraid to approach them. The ones that look down their noses at everyone I find the most fun…the most enjoyable to rape and kill that is. Admit it friend, you’ve thought about it. Choking...
by Millie Dynamite This is a very short flash story from the disturbed mind of Millie. It contains Rape of an underage girl. If you don't like that sort of thing, um, why read it? If you, then read away. Cold Encounter The cold of the night clawed its way inside me. My face pushes against the cold, rough, hard bricks of the building, chaffing my tender flesh from the relentless rubbing my left check against the nodulous surface. Up an inch, down, up then down, as my body lurched from...
by Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2020 by Millie 90 lbs of Dynamite A warm glow in the eastern sky, all pink and reddish-purple, foreshadowed the impending sunrise. Gazing out her window, rubbing her belly, Iris thought of the hot encounter the previous night. Their intimate embraces lingered in Iris’s mind and on her body. His tender loving touch, his subservience, and attention to her needs flickered like a movie in her thoughts. The whole thing had been delicious. She basked in the afterglow...
A Cuckold Story Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite This is a work of fiction and not intended to promote any lifestyle. This is merely a representation of the fantasy of the cuckold lifestyle. The names, characters, places, and incidents are drawn from the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, is merely coincidental and unintentional. This story contains some sex and violence, and racial stereotypes. If you have an issue...
Beyond desire, beyond obsession, their love is everything! An Incestual Erotic Short Story in “Millie’s Vast Expanse” Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains de***********ive scenes of a graphic incestuous sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s...
By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that...
by Millie Dynamite Civilization did not end in a fiery, violent, flash on the surface that rivaled a star’s birth. Rather a slow, violent descent into anarchy. The chaos flowed into everyday life worldwide in a sluggish, inevitable drip and drab. Something happened to the men in the world, their natural aggression exploded inside their brains, in that deep, dark recess of the primitive, hormonal, driven subconscious part called “The id.” It bred inside them dividing, and subdividing, until...
by Millie Dynamite The random chat window opened, for a moment the two viewers were fuzzy and out of focus. Then the woman came in to view. She was stunning, her blonde hair hung in waves either side of her face, her big green eyes had shades of green and blue on the lids, and above, her arched eyebrows, high cheekbones, and slender somewhat elegant nose were all the boys could see. She moved back, and her full pouty lips parted in a smile. “Well, my goodness you two boys are quite young,...