Sweet Talk Ch. 04.5 free porn video

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As she waited for the guys to finish talking, Anna absently watched a group of kids horse around in the pool. They seemed to have formed two groups, while she observed them, one little boy, a chubby redhead, let out a hilariously sincere war yell and went on a splashing rampage that would’ve made Jason proud at that age.

Then again, she thought, glancing down at her newly sodden dress, Jason hadn’t exactly outgrown pool-side pranks. She made a face and tugged discreetly at the neckline since the water-logged fabric wasn’t exactly on the winning end of its battle with gravity. With her luck, she’d end up giving the entire room an eyeful of her less-than-bountiful cleavage.

She smirked. Nothing like wearing a tube top to get a girl depressed about her remarkably unremarkable assets.

She was about to give the dress another tug when she glanced up and saw Andreas walking toward her with a broad smile spread across his almost too-pretty face.

Oh how lovely. Here she was dripping wet, and he, like last night, looked absolutely impeccable even though he was shirtless… very, shirtless.

‘I thought that was you, Anna,’ he said, resting his hands on the narrow waist revealed by his low-hanging swim trunks.

She blinked a few times, surprised at suddenly being so up close and personal with his bare, toasty brown chest. ‘Hi,’ she returned. ‘How’s your night going?’

His grin widened. ‘Better now that I’ve run into you again.’

Her own smile faltered a bit. Was he hitting on her? Even last night, she hadn’t been sure. She lowered her eyes for a moment, trying to make sense of the glimmer of what looked a lot like sexual appraisal in his eyes. He was prettier than her for goodness sake. Why would he possibly be interested?

To her relief, he smoothly changed the subject. ‘Did you come up for an evening swim?’

She shook her head. ‘No, I was out on the balcony. The view’s amazing. You can see most of the Sears Tower.’

As she spoke, his gaze slid past her to the balcony, and his eyes narrowed. ‘Is that Jason and Sam out there?’ he asked before bringing his cool gray eyes back to hers. ‘Don’t tell me they left you all alone.’

That comment made her want to laugh. What was she, a six-year-old? ‘Uh, not really. I got cold and came inside. They’ll probably be back in soon.’

‘Still,’ he returned, stepping so close to her that she caught the scent of chlorine and cologne that rose from his skin. ‘As an Italian man, I know better than to leave a woman on her own. Especially,’ he added, his eyes scanning her from head to toe, ‘when she’s wearing such a charming little ensemble.’

His attention shifted downward, toward her dress and an amused smile played at the corner of his mouth. ‘It’s probably not polite to ask a lady why she’s dripping wet, but I have to admit, I’m curious.’

As if she needed a reminder of her appearance, Anna followed his gaze and only then realized how clingy the wet cotton had become. Not to mention semi-transparent. Well, wasn’t that just freaking perfect? She probably looked like an entrant in a wet t-shirt contest.

‘I sort of fell in the pool,’ she muttered, willing herself not to blush.

‘Oh, so this dripping wet thing isn’t a new fashion trend that I haven’t heard about?’

She made a face and plucked at the wet fabric hugging her waist. ‘If it is a fashion, it’s nothing new. We’ve been doing the rained-on look in Seattle for years.’

He let out a bark of laughter. ‘Beauty and a sense of humor? My God, you’re too good to be true.’ His laughing gaze came to rest on the general area of her breasts as he murmured, ‘I’d love to see more of you.’

Shock jolted through her. ‘Excuse me?’ she choked out. She must have heard him wrong.

He raised a hand apologetically. ‘My mistake, cara.’ The charismatic grin that spread across his face made her wonder if every adult male in the culinary industry had been gifted with perfect teeth. ‘What I meant to say,’ he continued, ‘is that I’d love to continue our conversation. Downstairs, perhaps? Over wine?’

And here it was. One more uncomfortable moment to add to her growing tally in Chicago. She ran her tongue over her teeth, trying to think of something to say.

Was there some kind of etiquette for turning down overly charming, shirtless Italian men? Especially when your best friend seemed to hate said Italian man?

The best she came up with was, ‘I, um…that’s probably not a very good idea.’

An awkward silence fell as Andreas studied her. Finally, he gave a slow, knowing nod. ‘Let me guess. Jason told you to stay away from me.’

Her brow knit. ‘No, actually he didn’t. Why would he?’ She knew Jason didn’t like the guy, but telling her to keep away from him? That seemed a little extreme, even for Jay.

Surprise showed on Andreas’s face. ‘So, you haven’t heard all about Rachel, I take it?’

‘Rachel?’ A tiny voice whispered that she definitely shouldn’t be asking some guy who Jason clearly disliked about their past, but curiosity had gotten the better of her.

‘I can’t believe you haven’t heard any of this,’ Andreas said with a small, sarcastic laugh. ‘Then again, I guess Jason always was a bit of a sore loser.’

Anna was disgusted with herself for prying, but she couldn’t stop herself. ‘A sore loser, how?’

Something hard and cold glinted in Andreas’s eyes and Anna found herself regretting this whole conversation.

Andreas, though, seemed more than willing to fill her in. ‘It all comes back to a woman,’ he said. ‘One who chose me, over him. All through school, Jason was used to people kissing his ass.’ He gave a careless shrug. ‘But Rachel didn’t fall under his spell like everyone else and he’s held a grudge all these years.’

As Andreas’s words sank in, so did a quiet, desperate denial. Jay was still hung up over this Rachel person? But that couldn’t be…she’d learned the hard way that he wasn’t exactly the commitment type.

‘That doesn’t make sense,’ she murmured, as if saying the words could make it true. ‘I’ve known Jason for years and I don’t … I just don’t see him holding a grudge over something like that. Women are kind of a hobby for him.’

She hated admitting that last part, but it was true. And yet, she loved him despite his near man-whore status. Talk about being a glutton for punishment.

‘Come, cara,’ Andreas gently chided with a click of his tongue. ‘Even a man like Jason, who plays women for sport, sometimes comes across that one woman who has the power to own him.’

Licking her bottom lip, she formed her words carefully. ‘Do you mean that Jason … was he in—’

‘In love with Rachel?’ Andreas supplied, his tone breezy. ‘Probably … I’m almost certain of it, in fact. It’s the only real explanation for why he’s held onto this childish feud for so long.’

Her heart clenched painfully. Was it true? Was this really why Jason didn’t like Andreas? Because of some girl? Some girl who still affected him all these years later? Some girl who’d captured his heart in a way she’d never been able to?

An empty, hollow feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

Had he really been in love?

‘Are you all right, cara?’ Andreas asked, edging into her personal space.

No. She wasn’t all right.

All these years, she’d been able to accept Jason’s lack of interest in her, at least she’d told herself she accepted it, partly because he seemed equally uninterested in the prospect of a long-term relationship with anyone.

But now, hearing that he’d quite possibly been in love back in college … it made her feel physically ill. Somehow, amid the haze of descending depression, she realized Andreas was waiting for her to respond.

She pasted a smile on her face. ‘I’m fine, but I … I think I’m going to head back downstairs.’

His mouth dipped into a little pout. ‘So soon?’ Surpri
sing her, he eased in even closer and stroked a finger down her upper arm. ‘I really was looking forward to that glass of wine.’

Not in the mood to be fondled, she moved away. ‘It’s been a long day. It was nice talking to you, but I’m—’

‘Uh oh,’ he interrupted, nodding behind her, ‘here come your body guards.’

Turning, she saw Jason and Sam walking toward them and apprehension immediately snaked through her. One look at Jason’s face revealed his foul mood. His mouth had set into a straight, angry slash and his eyes … well, the cold, hard glint there worried her.

She knew from first-hand experience how bad his temper could be, she shuddered, remembering the time when she was seventeen and he’d been home on break from school and ended up dragging her date out of the driver’s side of his car after he’d gotten a little handsey.

One minute, she was pushing Garrett’s hand out from under her skirt, the next she was screaming for her dad while trying to pry Jason’s forearm off of her date’s throat where he’d pinned him to the hood of the car.

That whole summer, all of the high school boys steered clear of her—the deep, purple finger-shaped bruises Jay had left on Garrett’s throat had done a pretty good job of keeping her dateless until halfway through her junior year.

So now, as he ate up the distance with long, clipped strides, she chewed her bottom lip, praying that he wouldn’t do anything stupid.


There weren’t very many people that Jay could really say that he hated. He had some pent-up issues with his mom for leaving, he damn sure hated his dad after all those beatings he’d gotten growing up, and he still harbored real animosity toward a teacher he’d had back in middle school, who’d told him point-blank that he’d be in prison by the time he turned eighteen.

And, then … then, there was Andreas.

Sam had tried to block Jason from coming back inside, but there was no way in hell he was just going to stand out there, watching Andreas hit on Anna.

As Jason approached, he locked eyes with Andreas and the tiny, mocking smile on the fucker’s mouth started blood pounding at Jason’s temples.

Flexing his fists, he stopped just behind Anna, easily staring Andreas down over her head.

He didn’t bother with preamble. ‘Do you think I’m fucking around with you?’ he demanded.

Anna flinched at the harsh edge to his voice, but Andreas only laughed. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

Stepping forward, Jay pushed Anna to the side, toward Sam. ‘Don’t bullshit me. I told you to stay away from Anna. Do you think I’m fucking around?’ he repeated with slow precision.

Anna looked up at him, her eyes wide and nervous. ‘Jason … I’m ready to go,’ she said. ‘I was just coming to find you guys.’

‘Yeah?’ He raked an angry gaze over her, pissed off to see that the wet dress was damn near see-through and had sculpted itself like a second-skin against her breasts—the breasts that Andreas had been eyeing earlier. ‘And, what? You took a detour and ended up making small talk?’

That pissed her off, he saw it in the way she cocked her chin like she always did when she was mad. ‘What’s your problem? I just ran into Andreas, and we were—’

‘About to head downstairs for a glass of wine,’ Andreas interrupted.

Jay rounded on him. ‘You know what, you need to back the hell up. Right now.’

Andreas’s careless expression closed off. ‘Is that a threat?’

Jay gave a short, mirthless laugh. ‘What the fuck do you think?’

‘You’re just the same, cocky bastard you always were, aren’t you?’

Jason leveled an unflinching glare on Andreas. This prick was so damn close to getting his face slammed into nearest hard surface…

Cracking his knuckles, one by one, he said, ‘Keep talking and I’ll show you how much of a bastard I can be.’

Clearly panicking, Anna stepped in between them. ‘Let’s just go, okay?’ she pleaded, laying a hand on Jason’s arm. ‘There’s no reason to make a big deal out of this.’

Behind her, Andreas smirked. ‘She’s right, Jason. You’re overreacting. After all these years, I really thought you’d be better at sharing.’

White-hot rage burned through Jason. ‘What the fuck did you just say to me?’

Obviously sensing how close he was to choking the shit out of Andreas, Sam grabbed his elbow. ‘Jay…come on, man,’ he said. ‘He’s not worth it.’

Jason shook him off. ‘No, wait. I wanna hear him repeat that.’ He leaned in toward Andreas, pronouncing his words with slow, dangerous precision. ‘Repeat it, asshole.’

Andreas tilted his head. ‘You know what? I’m not going to play this game with you tonight.’

‘That’s what I thought,’ Jason spat, scanning him from head to toe with open disgust.

Shoving past him, Jay grabbed Anna’s upper arm and began dragging her toward the door. Damn, he wanted to slam his fist into Andreas’s face, but no … Sam was right. He wasn’t worth it.

Lengthening his strides, he tightened his grip on Anna’s arm, trying—and failing—to get a handle on his still-burning fury.

‘Ow,’ she protested, ‘that arm’s attached to me, you know?’

Shooting her an irritated glance, he only grew more angry when he caught sight of her breasts jiggling slightly as she hurried to keep up with him. Suddenly, he wanted to kick the shit out of Sam, too, for buying that dress.

‘Can you pull that thing up?’ he growled.

‘Pull what up?’

‘That goddamn dress,’ he ground out. ‘What the hell else?’ Shit, so much for playing his cards close to the chest. But still, if he was practically getting an eyeful of her breasts, so was every other person in the room.

‘Maybe I could if you’d you let go of my arm,’ she hissed.

He ignored her, hell bent on putting as much distance between them and Andreas as possible. He felt her go rigid in his grasp, but he still didn’t let go. As they neared the elevator, she finally planted her feet.

‘You’re giving me a bruise,’ she muttered, tugging at her arm.

He swore under his breath. Without bothering to apologize, he released her and jabbed at the elevator button. Sam stopped on his left, while Anna stood stiffly on his right. He didn’t need to look at her to know she was pissed at him. Right now, he didn’t care.

What the hell had she been doing talking to Andreas anyway?

They all got on the elevator in silence and he shot a sideways glance at her, taking in her ramrod-straight back. Definitely pissed. Whatever. She’d get over it, but he suddenly had an overwhelming need to nip this whole thing in the bud.

Without looking at her, he muttered, ‘Do me a favor and stay the hell away from Andreas.’

Under the circumstances, and considering his mood, he thought he’d managed to keep his tone pretty damn reasonable.

But, from Sam’s quiet groan of disbelief, and the livid anger burning in Anna’s eyes when glared up at him, he must not have sounded nearly as reasonable as he’d thought.


Anna stared at Jason–she couldn’t freaking believe him! She so wasn’t in the mood for more of his Tarzan act. He’d snapped at her, made a huge scene upstairs and dragged her after him like a child, all because of his past with Andreas.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she set her chin. ‘Maybe I missed something, but Andreas wasn’t the only one up there acting like a complete jerk.’

‘Well, he damn sure was the one talking too fucking much,’ Jason muttered.

Her mouth popped open. ‘Are you really blaming that—whatever that was, all on him? If I recall, you were standing there, too, practically beating your chest like some—’

Jason angrily rounded on her, his eyes glittering. ‘What was I supposed to do, Anna? Huh? Don’t act like you didn’t hear him provoking me!’

She threw her hands into the air. ‘Is it really that difficult to control yourself? You were up there act
ing like a teenager! It’s called self-control, Jason.’

His eyes narrowed dangerously, sending a frisson of apprehension down her spine. ‘I cannot stand that asshole,’ he growled. ‘So, sorry if I can’t manage to make small talk every time that jerk-off crosses my path. Like you.’

‘Like me? What’s that supposed to mean?’

He went back to staring at the elevator door, refusing to look at her. ‘Nothing. Forget it.’

‘No, really, tell me,’ she insisted, knowing she was pushing him, but all she could think about was that he was so upset because of some faceless girl.

Underneath her anger, that little truth was still sinking in, battering at her long-bruised heart.

She turned to fully face him. ‘Are you seriously mad because I was talking to some guy you don’t like?’ She willed him to deny it and, in doing so, deny everything Andreas had told her.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ he muttered, still not meeting her eyes.

‘Then I’d really like to know what we’re arguing about right now.’

He finally looked at her, his face devoid of its usual boyishness. ‘First of all, we’re not arguing. You are. Secondly,’ he barreled on when she would have spoken, ‘it doesn’t matter because, from now on, I don’t want you talking to Andreas again. Ever.’

The way she saw it, it was a damn good thing the elevator doors opened when they did, because if they hadn’t, she might have done him serious bodily harm.

As it was, Jay casually strolled out of the elevator into the hall after his little proclamation, leaving her to follow a moment later with both hands balled into white-knuckled fists.

In the hall, Sam edged next to her and leaned down as they followed Jason. ‘Anna, it’s not personal,’ he whispered. ‘Jason and Andreas … some heavy stuff went down back at the CIA. Jay’s pissed at him, not you.’

The minute Sam said the words, she knew it was all true. Sam was usually on her side when Jason decided to go through his ten-kinds-of-a-jerk routine, but now he was all but backing Jay up. And she knew it was because Andreas had been telling the truth about Jay and what’s-her-face.


She pressed her lips together, trying to hold back the bleak self-pity that washed over her.

So, Jason had been hurt and now he was hurting her in return. Gee, she thought sarcastically, good thing she’d come to Chicago, wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on this memory-making evening.

Stopping, she faced Sam. ‘You know what, I really don’t care what did or didn’t happen between him and Andreas.’

Sam flicked his gaze down the hall, toward Jason, then back to her. ‘You don’t know the whole story, though. He just needs to vent and—’

‘And what?’ she scoffed. ‘I just happen to be the lucky one he gets to vent on?’

God, she was tired of this.

Sam’s blue eyes softened with empathy. ‘Let him cool down some. You know he doesn’t mean to—’

‘To what? Act like a jerk?’ With her emotions so raw, her control severed. ‘I’m sorry, but he doesn’t get to yell at me just because he got dumped!’

Sam’s head snapped up, his eyes wide with shock.

Too late, she remembered that she wasn’t supposed to know about Jason’s mystery girl.

Worse yet, her voice, raised in anger, had carried down the hall.

And, up ahead, Jason had come to a dead halt.

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 03

The Stalker Vs The Serial Killer Chapter Three Love and Sacrifice Disclaimer. This series shows disturbing scenes of violence done to both men and women, a young woman being stalked and insights into the demented mind of a Serial Killer. You have been warned. If this type of thing is not your ‘cup of tea’ turn back now, for those brave enough to venture in, welcome and we hope you enjoy. Jacob Lawrence was a former police officer who had been tragically wounded in the line of duty while...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 02

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

3 years ago
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Sweety Aunty Ki Lambi Chudai

Hi doston, Mein aryan umar 20 saal college mein padta hu.. Ab tak 2 baar alag logo ke saath sex kar chuka hu ab ye meri tisri aur sabse favourite chudai ki kahani hai.. Mein ek high class building me apni family ke saath shift hua hun.. Hum a wing ke 8th floor pe rhete hai.. Building abhi nayi hai aur jyada koi rhene aya nahi hai yaha.. Humare buling ke sirf 5 falt mein families rhete hai baki flat’s investors ke hai.. Humare neeche wale floor par ek family rheti hai.. Gupta family wo 3...

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Sweety fucked hard in Bhubaneswar

I did not know the benefits of social websites until one day when i met this girl let us call her sweety on a social network site called “orkut”. She had mentioned that she is broadminded and that she has a flair for going out on dates. I thought let me see and i started exchanging scraps with her. It took some five days to be in sync with her and then one day i asked her for a date and she immediately agreed. Then one of my friends said that may be it is a boy in a pseudo name of a girl and so...

4 years ago
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Leland Turner sat in his office grading essays from his spring semester American Lit class. Most of the work was pretty dismal with muddled thinking or just poor writing, but one essay stood out. This student had caught Mr. Turner’s attention with her sharp mind and talented writing skills. She had also caught his attention with her stunning beauty and bubbly personality. Her name was Antoinee (An-TWON-ay), but everyone just called her Sweeter. Mr. Turner had no idea where the nickname came...

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Smalltalking the second chapter

It’s a weird sort of thing where it seems like it makes sense to be as obstructive as possible, taking all the bad things out of a child’s life and keep all of the good things, but realizing that it comes at the risk of stunting your child’s social and personal development. With that said, I am actually twenty. And my mom is almost fourty. Her parents had raised her with the belief that one day she would become an adult, but that this day was not today. So it was a mix of her being...

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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now. I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now. “Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence. I had told her that I wanted to tell her...

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Dirty Talk0

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back towards my bed. “ Mmmmm…. Isn’t that a nice ass. Pity it is covered.” It is a lust filled woman’s voice. I spun around startled. What I saw took my breath away. Lying on my bed is a gorgeous woman, she is wearing the traditional "Abayah", covering her from head to toe. Her beautiful soft features are highlighted by some very light make up. She wore mascara highlighting her green eyes. She is resting on her arm and...

3 years ago
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The Nightstalker and the Sissy or Sissy is Sodomized

The engine comes to life as I turn the ignition and switch on the headlights. It takes less than five minutes driving and I’m parked in my driveway. Checking my pockets I insure that nothing is forgotten in my zeal to begin the night’s activities. Though it is only September the night is cool as I zip my light, black jacket to my neck as rain falls lightly like heaven’s tears. With my hands jammed into my pockets and my head down I appear like anyone who is trying to get to where they...

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Carla and the Beanstalk Chapter 1

IF YOU THINK IT IS GOOD AND WOULD LIKE TO READ MORE, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AT THE END TELLING ME TO CONTINUE, THANKS Once upon a time, a small poor family lived in a cottage on the outskirts of one of the busiest towns in england. There was Jack, who was a young arrogant 16 year old boy who thought that he could get away with anything. He had brown, fair hair, was good looking, and just under six feet tall. He didn't care for anyone but himself, and often stole what he...

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Dirty Talk1

I think a man likes to know he can do that to a woman with just his words. It gives him power over her. When I tell a man how this works for me I give him that power. He likes that, and so do I. He gains the ability to affect my arousal and I gain the pleasure of that arousal. He can push me fast along the path to an orgasm or push me right over the edge when I get stuck on that path. For example, a partner once did it to me when he was fucking me and I couldn't quite get there. He...

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Adventures of Sindycane Stalkings and Lace

The trade show was over. Long Beach had been a blast. Who knew there was so much fun to be had once I lost the shy, quiet me? Oh my, oh my…the sexy stories I can tell. I cannot wait to see what possibilities await in the land of surf and sea. So, San Diego, here I cum! Well, fingers crossed at least. The lovely young man at the rental desk was gracious enough to upgrade me after we chatted and flirted a bit, with the counter between us, and I walked out of the office with the keys to a sexy...

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Jack Beanstalker

Jack Beanstalker had received the package days after his uncle’s funeral. In it was a small harp. Jack and his Uncle Jake were the last of the Beanstalker Line. So Jack was heir to the Beanstalker fortune. For all the good it did him. He was currently attending "Miss Roberts School of young people". It had been once a school for young women, but they had to change it for legal reason. Jack wasn't what you would thing of as naturally attractive. His hair was a greasy black with brown eyes and...

Mind Control
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Darkstalkers Transforming The Multiverse

Morrigan smiled at Lilith, who was enjoying her new freedom, granted to her by the most unusual of events, which capped off a wonderful series of encounters with people that she'd not even known had existed, and now they thought about their future. "So, What are you thinking?" Morrigan asked, as she noticed Lilith going through a album of pictures taken during her journeys through the multiverses. "If I was able to do my own seducing then, I can see a good few souls that cry out for my...

3 years ago
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Stalkings and Lace

The trade show was over. Long Beach had been a blast. Who knew there was so much fun to be had once I lost the shy, quiet me? Oh my, oh my...the sexy stories I can tell. I cannot wait to see what possibilities await in the land of surf and sea. So, San Diego, here I cum! Well, fingers crossed at least.At the rental desk I waited patiently while the associate helped the man in front of me.  He kept glancing at me and smiling, then glancing again.  "I'll be with you in just a minute."Laughing, I...

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Honey We need toTalk never ends WellPT2

Still shaken up and trying to recover from what I just suffered through, I quickly made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Thoughts raced through my mind with each step I took. How could I have let this happen? Why has Sarah suddenly changed so much? Will I ever be free from this humiliating pink chastity cage? I do my best to try to push these thoughts aside and try to make it through the evening. Perhaps if I do what Sarah says, we can move past all of this and forget any of it ever happened....

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Fairytale Adventures Ch2 Jack and The Beanstalk

Kristen hurried down the road, hoping that once she got to the village someone could give her directions home. She was also trying to remember the next story in the book that she'd read... that damn old tarot card witch! If she had something to do with this...Suddenly Kristen spied a young man, about her age, walking towards the village with a cow. She hurried forward and caught up with him."Excuse me," she said, "What's that village up there called?"The young man just stared at her, and...

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Jackie And The Beanstalk

Jackie And The Beanstalk Synopsis: When an Evil Wizard plots against Jack, A Good Wizard saves the day. [-][+][-] Once upon a time, there was a young farmer whose farm was doing poorly due to the spells of a local wizard. This wizard wanted the farm for his own and had hexed it so that poor Jack could not grow any crops,. Worst of all, his farm animals suffered as well. Jack began to sell off the animals and land so that he could eat, but all too soon, he was left with the house and...

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The Price of Power Nightstalker

THE PRICE OF POWER 7-NIGHTSTALKER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...

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She did not know that I watched her. It was better that way, more meaningful. She knew me enough to smile a hello if she saw me as I was drawn in her wake. Living in a town of 40,000 has its conveniences: people recognize each other so there is no surprise at meeting a familiar pair of eyes, and if mine were always watching her then she could dismiss it as recognizing a face you could not put a name to yet. I watched and thought that someday when she stopped dating the pretty boy I would...

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Journal entry #1 It's been years since I slept after the sun goes down. Nobody knows where they came from but they feed on sleepers at night. You sleep during the day. You work at night. Farmers have the worst of it, but a lot can be done by the headlights of a tractor. I'm Karl. Karl Green. I've always been good with mechanical things and I capitalized on it. I'm a machinist, and I've a fair hand at MIG welding too. I live in Sidney, Iowa. It's in the far south west corner of the...

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Copyright© Dude woke with a start to the soft sliding of the bedroom window. Startled, he saw a figure silouetted in the dim moonlight. "Dude?" came a whispered voice. He'd no doubt who it was. "Amanda?" he whispered back, although there was no need to keep his voice low. "I'm sorry," the figure continued, "I, I know it's late..." "Come in, shut the window." Amanda obeyed, drawing the curtains closed behind her. She tip-toed across the room to the side of the bed. There she...

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"You shouldn't keep me waiting like that. Your desk light was off, so I thought you must already be here. I was about to leave." He checked his wristwatch, not that he expected any change from a scant moment earlier when he had previously looked. Four oh four. He responded to her smile with a chuckle; she wasn't being as petulant as her words implied. "No you weren't. I know better than to think that. You would have stewed, and fretted, and paced, for another half hour at least. Sorry,...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 2

One must, at this point, view this from two very different perspectives. We’ll start with Jack’s. By the time he realized he was about to be captured, those very impressive and, as it turned out, very warm and soft breasts were clamped around his head as she leaned forward and picked him up with a hand on each side of his waist. Imagine being a five year old, being picked up and hugged by a naked Dolly Parton. His world jerked and swayed as he was carried to a chair, where the giantess...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 3

Money burns a hole in a young man’s pocket, even if it’s not actually in his pocket. And eventually he couldn’t keep his secret any longer. He provided a seriously abbreviated version of events, that involved a cave, the mouth of which was covered by a thicket of thorns. That also explained his ruined trousers, which his mother was very unhappy about. She assumed the worst about him too, and suspected he had stolen the gold. But, once Jack’s mother got over the shock of seeing the strange...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 4

Coitus interruptus is never a happy occurrence, especially when it happens before either participant reaches that achingly close plateau where wonderful feelings are overcome by terrific feelings. That plateau is a really nice place to roll over on afterwards as well, while you catch your breath. But Mortimer was too close, and the plateau was yet to be reached. Jack’s enlarged phallus fell away, plopping wetly out of Harmony’s almost-satisfied sex. Its sudden weight gain almost made it bang...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 5

Harmony was almost beside herself. Jack swallowed the rest of the bean he had nibbled on, and she gawked when she saw the result, as Dinah tossed pieces of her clothing this way and that. The giantess had pulled Jack up, lifting him to stare at his huge erection, below which hung huge swollen balls. Harmony’s first thought was that she needed to figure out how not to be horny anymore, because if he came near her with that thing her strings would all snap for sure. However, the sound Dinah...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 6

Jack slept, but Harmony did not. She was too excited. She was out of the giant’s house, which was a step forward in her mind, even though she had no idea what would happen to her. She looked at the young man sleeping beside her in the moonlight that came through the window. He wasn’t the most handsome man she’d ever seen - not by a long stretch - but he was courageous, for the most part, and he had accepted her as a female, despite her odd appearance. She lifted one leg and draped it over...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 7

Harmony was in no way, shape, or form interested in going back up to the giants’ house, whether she was no longer a garp or not. She’d seen the goose once, when Mortimer had brought it inside to watch it lay a golden egg. She knew it was kept in a cage, in the barn behind the house. Jack didn’t figure it would be too hard to find and, since he didn’t plan on going into the house, he hoped to avoid seeing either giant on his trip. Jack still didn’t want anyone to see one of the magic...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 8

Inside the house it was very quiet for maybe half a minute, until such time as the occupants decided that the giant had, in fact, left for good. Then it got very noisy. You know of that kind of noise, particularly if you’re a man, who did exactly what a woman told him to do, and then gets raked over the coals for doing it. And this was three women, even though Coreen shouldn’t have had anything to say at all. We won’t go into the details, but you know the deal. At any rate, there came a...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 9

Once she had delivered the clothes to a still complaining Coreen, Elizabeth got a pan and a pitcher of hot water. She grabbed a cake of soap and a bath towel, which might do as a wash cloth for the giant, and returned to the dining room. Mortimer was still lying where she’d left him. “I brought something to get you cleaned up,” she said a little breathlessly, letting her eyes rove over his broad, muscled chest. She dipped the towel into the pan, soaking up all the water, then rubbed the...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 10

“Let’s go in the back way,” suggested Harmony, fairly skipping along and pulling Jack urgently. He was dripping and naked. She was naked too, having used her gown to wash and dry him. He’d gotten erect during the process, and she couldn’t wait for him to nibble a bean and take her on another trip down orgasm lane. “I don’t want to see Mortimer right now.” “I’m supposed to come in and tell them that the soldiers are gone, aren’t I?” Jack was still worried that something could go wrong. “Oh,...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 11

Posted: tstamp = new Date(1223472977000);document.write(tstamp.toLocaleString());2008-10-08 9:36:17 am “I think I love you!” moaned Elizabeth. “I know I love this,” gasped Mortimer. He was now thrusting upward with his hips as Elizabeth crashed down onto his impaling prick. “I can’t take any more of this,” groaned the woman. “It’s too much.” “Just a little longer?” pleaded the giant. “I can’t move a muscle,” sighed Elizabeth, starting to fall forward. Mortimer reached for her waist and...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 13

Some say the fun is in the chase. Jack ... and Coreen, too, for that matter ... would have argued that. Coreen ran because she was experiencing what would someday be termed as “the fight or flight syndrome.” She was excited, scared, and horny, so her body just reacted. Fighting wasn’t really an option, so she fled. Jack, on the other hand, took up the role of the pursuer. After all, it isn’t really fleeing if you’re not being chased. Coreen ran to the place she felt the safest in - her...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 14

“DINAH!” called out Mortimer happily, and now wide awake. A scowling Dinah squeezed into the dining room, scraping more plaster off the ceiling, and beheld her naked brother, with a naked human woman trying to scamper off of him. She seemed to be having trouble. “I’m stuck!” squealed the woman, who had breasts even larger than Dinah’s. “I’ll help,” said Mortimer, reaching for Elizabeth. “No!” she gasped as he grasped her by the waist. “Mortie! Wait!” “Mortie?” Dinah’s voice softened as...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 15

Elizabeth stopped to rest. She wasn’t used to this kind of activity. She clung to the vine and panted lightly, looking around. There wasn’t much to see. She was in the clouds, and all there was within sight was beanstalk. Her stomach growled. All this climbing had made her hungry. Her eyes fell on a pod. She broke the pod open and chewed several beans, and put another handful in her apron pocket. After all, if she got to see Mortie, she knew he’d want to renew their relationship the same...

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