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It all began innocently enough. When I first met Sandi I found her attractive, if a bit skinny. She was an incredibly bright woman, with her CPA and an MBA in finance. She managed the accounting department at a major manufacturer. Intelligent, capable women who are comfortable with their sexuality are a huge turn-on!

I sold the computer solution to her company and was responsible for delivering. I led a team of software developers and managed the project. I visited company headquarters at least twice a month. We were in the systems design stage, so Sandi and I were often together discussing requirements, reviewing design documents, meeting with staff. She was always professional, as was I. After all, she was recently divorced and still hurting. I was married, not happily, but none-the-less married.

I had been involved in what is best termed a ‘Christian cult’ most of my adult life. My wife and I had limited sexual experience. While sex was never labeled ‘bad’, neither was it something to relish. In fact, it was more than five years into our marriage before my wife would let me give her oral sex. Now, after twelve years married, we had sex maybe once every six months! (Frightening, isn’t it!) As I approached forty mid-life crisis was about to rear its head.

For some time I’d been questioning the decisions I’d made at nineteen about the lifestyle I was living (no, not BDSM or swinging, but prayer meetings and communal living). I questioned my marriage, as my wife had little interest in pleasing me and more in pleasing the Christian group.

Life is the result of the choices we make along the way. After trying to live according to ‘The Will of God’ for twenty years, I was about to exercise my own free will. Sandi would become the catalyst for the conflagration destined to consume the stone castle I had painstakingly constructed around my life.

Traveling for business is not much fun, particularly if you’re on the road two or more weeks a month. Hotel rooms, even nice ones, become bland and eating alone is the social equivalent of removing a splinter. So after the fourth or fifth trip to Cleveland for this project I decided to ask an innocent (really!) question.

‘Sandi, I know you may be way too busy, but I’m so tired of eating alone. Would you ever consider having dinner with me some night?’

‘Sure Gary, that would be fun. We can do it tonight if you’d like. I’ve got a work-out for my race-walking group at 6:00, but why don’t I meet you at Friday’s around 7:30.’

Race walking explained those stunning, long, heaven’s-above legs and her slim figure.

‘Sounds good – I’ll see you then.’

I went to check in to my hotel room. By now, the young ladies at the front desk knew me by name. ‘Nice to see you again Mr. Murphy. I was just telling Roseanne how you’ve lost weight. Have you been exercising?’

When the girls at the Hyatt are gossiping about you, you’re traveling way too much! I graciously acknowledged the compliment and went to my room. Good news about part-time living at the Hyatt, you get the concierge level – cocktails in the evening, continental breakfast in the morning. (That will give you an idea of how long ago this took place. With the business travel slump, there is no more concierge level and no free anything!)

I wandered into the concierge lounge and asked for a Tanqueray and tonic. After a long day the cool, tartness of the drink was soothing, relaxing tension. I chatted with another road warrior, then finished my drink and went to my room to freshen up and lose the tie.

The restaurant was a short walk from my hotel, so around 7:15 I took the leisurely stroll in that direction. As I reached the front door, Sandi was pulling up. She stepped out of the car, sheathed in a sleeveless black dress that marvelously displayed her long legs. Her curling blonde hair hung long across her shoulders, framing a strong face graced with a charming smile.

‘Great timing!’ she said.

‘Yeah, good karma I guess.’

We were seated at a comfortable table conducive to quiet conversation. The first topic was the project and how that was progressing. Sandi asked about my marriage, noticing my ring. That led to discussions around the ‘community’ in which I lived, her first impression being, ‘It sounds like mind-control to me!’. How perceptive!

You, the reader, are probably expecting from there we went to my room and had a night of exquisite sex. Sorry to disappoint, but the evening ended without so much as a kiss. I returned to my room and she went home.

Our dinners became a routine, and at least once each trip I enjoyed Sandi’s company. We talked politics and religion, relationships and marriage, running and walking, movies and books. In short, we got to know each other. I found her alluring, though at this point I was not contemplating an affair.

One evening at dinner Sandi joked, ‘You know, when we get married you’re going to have to quit smoking!’. I had been a casual smoker for 20 years, though closeted in my Christian group. We both had a good laugh, but I went home and quit smoking that weekend, still not consciously aware of how important this woman had become.

Sandi was stunned next week when I told her over dinner I was now a non-smoker. Perhaps she too realized our relationship had moved to a new level. Much of that week I spent soul-searching. Sandi had become more than a friend, and our tentative tender touches evidenced this. I struggled with the growing awareness that I wanted to make love with this woman. It went against years of deeply ingrained religious teaching and, while I didn’t love my wife, I didn’t want to hurt anyone.

I spoke of my dilemma with Sandi over our next dinner. If she was surprised, it wasn’t apparent. ‘Sandi, you’ve become important to me. I’ve never dreamt of having an affair, but I don’t want my life to go by and then regret that I never acted on these feelings.’

‘Gary, I like you a lot, but I don’t want to break up a marriage. Are you sure your marriage is over?’

Of course, at that point I wasn’t sure of my own name! Ladies and gentleman, please welcome our next guest – Mid-Life Crisis!

We talked some more, both battling to contain the anguish of desires unfulfilled. As we left the restaurant I took her hand. We walked a bit in silence. Stopping, I pulled her toward me and taking her face in my hands, kissed those lips I so desired. At first she didn’t return my kiss, but gradually gave in to her own intense feelings. Our arms enveloped one another as our kiss grew passionate. But we broke away, perhaps still uncertain, each of us knowing nothing would be the same.

I didn’t see Sandi for couple of weeks. Unusual for us, there was no exchange of e-mail or phone calls that weren’t business related. I boarded my next flight to Cleveland with trepidation. Having decided my marriage was ending, would Sandi want to see me?

After our first day of project meetings I got up the nerve to ask her for dinner.

‘Gary, I really can’t tonight.’

I was crushed and perhaps it showed.

‘But tomorrow would be nice if you’re interested.’

‘Sure, tomorrow would be great.’ I replied.

The next twenty-four hours dragged by sluggishly. My mind flip-flopped over my decision to end my marriage, to love this woman who had so captivated me.

Sandi picked me up at my hotel around 7:00 and we drove to a quaint Italian restaurant. Over a glass of Chianti, I began, ‘Sandi, let me say this without interrupting, OK? I’ve thought a lot about life since we last met, about my marriage, about you. I’m not happy where life is or where it seems to be pointed. I want to change everything. Most of all, I would be missing out on something wonderful if I didn’t take the chance to be with you.’

She put her finger gently to my lips and whispered, ‘Shhhh…. You had me at hello.’ NOT! That was a movie – this was real.

But she did
stop me. ‘Gary, I’ve thought a lot about this as well. I know you didn’t reach these conclusions on a whim. I’ve dreamt of holding you ever since our kiss. If you want me, I am more than ready for you.’

Her hand slid up my thigh, resting just short of my cock. Suddenly all thoughts of eggplant Parmigiano vanished! She pressed my left hand to her thigh. The warmth permeating her silk stockings awakened my libido from its lethargy of sexual near-death.

She felt my stirrings and whispered, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to your hotel now?’

‘Waiter! Check please!’

As I closed the door behind us, Sandi pressed her body against mine and began kissing my face and neck. My hands fondled her firm butt and legs, moving up and down her back with gentle pressure. I returned her kiss, tongues dancing in the passion of our embrace. I tugged down the zipper on her dress and touched her warm skin. A sigh escaped as the dress straps fell off her shoulders. Kissing her neck, I ran my tongue along the crevice of her clavicle. Who would guess that was her unique erogenous spot? Her nipples brushed my chest, straining for release from her flimsy bra.

Sandi had an athlete’s body. Virtually devoid of body fat, her breasts were small, lush peaches. Once released, her nipples jutted hard and hot against me. I bent to take one into my mouth as her fingers sought my engorged penis. My mouth closed on her nipple, my tongue circling and teasing as she gripped my cock and squeezed.

‘Take off my clothes’ she commanded. Never one to make a lady ask twice, I broke our embrace and gently lowered her dress across her sculpted belly, past the moist heat of her vagina, down her long legs. Kneeling before her, my hands grasped her bottom through the silk panties and I kissed just below her navel. She ran her fingers in my hair, pulling my face against her as my tongue slid down to her sex. Through her panties I played my tongue across her vaginal lips, pressing against her throbbing clitoris. She took matters into her own hands and pushed down her panties to give me access to her wellspring of pleasure. Sandi spread her legs and pushed my mouth to her wetness. I was enthralled and kissed her, teasing and sucking her clit.

She grabbed the back of my shirt to pull it over my head. With my mouth glued to her delicious pussy, that would not be easily accomplished. I released my hold and allowed her to remove my shirt. She pulled me up kissing my mouth, tasting the nectar of her sex, licking her juices from my lips. Her hands fumbled with my belt and zipper. Damn Italian slacks with all those buttons and hooks! No matter. She freed me in no time and held my hard cock in her hand, dancing her fingers along its length as we kissed.

Sandi’s breasts demanded attention and I returned to kissing and sucking her nipples. I took her full breast in my mouth, and held it there while my tongue flicked across the stiff, pink nipple. She moaned in ecstasy and for the first time, I learned some women can orgasm simply from nipple stimulus. Her body quaked and she pulled my mouth against her breast, shaking slightly she moaned ‘Oh God! Oh God!’, never releasing her grip on my cock.

Stepping back, Sandi lay down across the bed and pulled me to her. We kissed and played, rapture evident in her flushed appearance as she planted kisses down my chest to take me in her mouth. Within seconds, having been so long deprived of sexual pleasure, I felt myself close to climax and pulled her away.

‘Please, I want to be inside you and feel you on top of me.’

Sandi moved up my body and rising up, positioned her hungry pussy over my swollen phallus. Descending she encompassed me and held me tight. Talk about Kegel muscle! Sandi held me like a vise and as she pulled up on me, the sensation was incredible. She relaxed and let her body slide down, smiling as she rose up clasping my penis again.

‘Oh my God!’ it was my turn to say, ‘That’s wonderful!’

I played with her nipples, gently squeezing. She leaned forward to thrust a jutting nipple in my mouth. I sucked and licked while she rode my cock, pulling at it with each upward draw. Now she arched her back, drawing away from my loving mouth while grinding her clitoris against my pelvic bone. She looked in my eyes and smiled at the intense pleasure evident on my face. Again she slid her warm, tugging vagina up and down my throbbing cock. Riding faster, she drove me to that place I’d been so long denied. I bucked against her as I came, pouring years of sexual dissatisfaction into the depth of her loving body.

She slid down on me, allowing my still rigid penis to apply pressure to her clit and pushed against me. After a few short moments, however, I plopped out, depleted but satisfied. We both laughed and I held her close to me, kissing her face and touching her everywhere.

‘Sandi, I’ve never made love like that before.’ I exclaimed. ‘I’ve never felt anything like that or had so intense an orgasm.’

‘Isn’t it nice!’ she crooned and stroked my relaxed penis as I played with her closely trimmed pubic area. Stroking down her thighs, I began to caress her mound again. While I had experienced the most intense orgasm, she had only begun. It was my turn to please Sandi and I was hoping to be equal to the task.

As she lay on her back, I started kissing her nipples again, while playing my fingers on her wet vaginal lips. I brushed and tickled, applying the slightest pressure to her swelling clit, while my tongue circled and teased her nipples. Gliding down her gorgeous body with soft kisses, I brought my mouth to her sex. I gently brushed my tongue along her sweet crevice, tasting the overflow of our union. She lifted her pelvis to meet my kiss. Squeezing her firm butt cheeks, I pulled her toward me and licked down to her ass, circling her anus with my tongue. Her reaction was intense and she pulled my head against her.

I returned to her pussy and lavished her with kisses, my tongue probing her tender warmth. Pushing with my tongue to expose her inflamed clit, I seized her button of lust in my lips, flicking my tongue back and forth over the tip. My hands found her nipples and I tugged gently on them while my tongue played with her pleasure nub. She pulled my mouth hard against her and lifting off the bed, came in a torrent of tremors and tiny cries. Seconds passed. I slowed but did not stop my stimulations. She arched again, moaning and came a second time.

Another first for me, a woman who was multi-orgasmic. She continued to press my tongue to her throbbing clit and I continued to pleasure her. Once again she thrust hard to my hot mouth and arched her back as I pinched her nipples. Collapsing on the bed she said, ‘Oh God! Please stop! I don’t have the strength to cum again.’

Laughing, she pulled me to her face and kissed my mouth with passion, tasting the mixture of our juices. I held her to me and rolled us over, placing her on top so I could caress her bottom and thighs, as she kissed and stroked my chest.

‘Gary, next time I want you to cum in my mouth.’ she sighed. Never having experienced that before (my ex would never!) I was confused.

‘Why would you want that?’ I asked.

‘You’ll love it,’ she said.

We fell asleep, holding each other, her body warm and wonderful against my skin, our legs entangled. The best was yet to come!

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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 7 Going Native

Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...

4 years ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 7 Going Native

Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...

2 years ago
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Fallout XXX

War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...

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Southampton St Marys st

Having just read the story about Southampton Common I thought I would tell you about my first bi experience which also occurred in Southampton in St Marys st. Back in the 80's I was a policeman walking the streets in the city centre with a pregnant wife. On nights one morning in Northam rd I saw a suspicious figure looking in the antique shop windows. It was dressed in female clothes but appeared to be playing with its groin area. As I crept closer it saw me and turned to run but tripped on the...

2 years ago
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Mother and Son Lost in Space

Adam circled the family ship around the moons of Orion. He had just gotten his operators license and couldn't wait to have a craft of his own to impress the chicks with. The family ship wasn't exactly an interstellar hotrod. The upper portion of the spacecraft contained a control room and hyper-sleep chamber, while the bulk of the craft consisted of a living area to provide comfort during long intergalactic trips.As Adam sped across the moons surface the voice of the onboard computer drew his...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Invasion From Space

Here's an odd little gargoyle set at everybody's favorite water park. Thanks to Elrod for inventing the place and letting us play there (supervised play is better than none at all) and to him and Radioactive Loner for their comments on this story. Bikini Beach: Invasion from Space By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 With the high-pitched hum of a transport beam, Zebrett Lusc, Grand High Marshal of the Eyshvac Empire's invasion fleet, appeared on the bridge of Imperial cruiser _Death's Head_,...

3 years ago
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Cheaters in Space

June 5, 2067 I woke to the sound of our cabin door's soft, pneumatic closing. I opened my eyes just in time to see my wife come into our spacious living quarters. We had five rooms which was nearly unheard of. Besides the large double-sized bedroom, we had a living room, an observation room and another room, that currently was being used only for storage. That didn't include of course, the large bathroom, and the kitchenette. Most families on the ship were squeezed into one or 2 small...

3 years ago
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Lost and Found in Space

© Copyright 2004 The signal was weak and the static was terrible, but I could have sworn the image in my comscreen changed as I picked up the distress call. Well, roaming the depths of space in a tin can that's held together with chewing gum and baling wire will do that to you. Oh, I see! You think I'm kidding about the chewing gum and baling wire! Well, I'll have you know there's not much that's better for those pinhole meteorite leaks than chewing gum. It fills the hole then...

2 years ago
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Dominated By Master From Collarspace

An introduction about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy currently in Bangalore, but from Mumbai. I am submissive by nature and always want to be used and humiliated. This ‘real incident’ took place in May 2012. My trust with BDSM started as a kid when I stumbled across BDSM porn. A few searches on the internet and I was hooked onto it. I have not seen vanilla porn ever since. Unless it has some aspect of humiliation in it. Let’s say, like a Bukkake. So, back in 2012, I was young and horny and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 38 INTERLUDE Somewhere in Freespace

The mysterious and dangerous companion of Swybar, who seemed to have dozens of names, faces and disguises, was not so dangerous anymore. Swybar didn’t even bother to check on the true identity as he shoved the body through the energy membrane and watched it float away. He might still have been alive, one never knew the exact effects of Shaill poisons, but his good friend swallowed enough to kill a heard of Petharian. At least that what the merchant had said and it worked. His former...

1 year ago
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The name of the page says it all, really. Pussy Space is a page that does an amazing job at stuffing lots and lots of pussies in your screen, Just take a look at the home page! As soon as you make your way inside PussySpace, you will get at least 15 great pics of pussies, and this is obviously not where the fun stops. I mean, for starters, these aren't just plain pictures, these are thumbnails of various videos that you may watch on pussy space. Did I mention that these videos are completely...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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What exactly is Collar Space? Is it the part of your neck where a dog leash fits well, keeping your right to breathe freely in the hands of your leather-bound master? Or is it a place on the internet where you can find that dominant kink partner to take the reign and maybe bang you up the ass with a strap-on after thoroughly spanking your bare butt, balls, and back? Well, while I do review the occasional sex toy here at ThePornDude, this one’s an online thing, though maybe it’ll help you find...

Hookup Sites
2 years ago
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Summertime In Colorado

Summertime In Colorado I absolutely love summertime. The hotter it is the less the girls wear. Instead of long jeans they wear short shorts. Instead of full blouses they wear skimpy tops. Coats are strictly out of the question too. Bikinis are popular even if it is just the top half with a micro mini skirt. Like I said I absolutely love summertime. Girls of all ages are wonderful to look at. Touching them might be a different story but looking at them is still legal. The problem...

3 years ago
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Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...

1 year ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 2 Uninvited Guest

Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 4 Round Table

Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Shrimp sat beside him, Shrimp and the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had...

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Uninvited Guest

Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...

4 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Round Table

Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Runt sat beside him, the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had taken a liking...

2 years ago
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FaceTime surprise

I have a new job working away and I bought an iPad to keep in touch with the wife, it’s great seeing her when away I miss her so much so it’s great when I’m bored in my room. Jane and I for years have spoke about sharing? But she never comes through, it must be 4 years now we have had the same conversation about it and it’s always the same answer maybe! Jane is great in the sack she knows how to please, I keep telling her she needs to give it out cos it’s going to waste on me as I only last...

3 years ago
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Showtime for Teri

Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...

3 years ago
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Plan 69 From Outer Space

T minus thirty seconds to launch.The fearful countdown had resumed for our spacecraft, the Edward D. Wood. Our mission was to search for intelligent life on Planet X in the far-off Duck Dodgers galaxy. It wasn't my first mission but I still find the actual launch both fearful and exhilarating.Fearful because we always run the risk of frying and sizzling like Betty White in a tanning bed. But, exciting because the powerful thrust of the rocket engines creates almost violent vibrations in my...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Space

“I’m crazy about her!” he tells me, “I don’t know how she feels” “I think perhaps you do.” I say and “I also think that you should tell her” “Even if you say it just the once, put it out there, and then it can never be said that it was not known.” This is a story about un-reciprocated love. Not all stories are happy ones but still stories are there to be told. The Space “I love you baby” he says, except he isn’t smiling because deep down he knows. She smiles weakly in response and then...

Love Stories
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 29 Summertime for Us All

October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...

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Timeless Beauty

TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...

1 year ago
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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
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We’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...

ASMR Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Outback Nights Ch 01

The cold night air blew into the room, lifting the sheer curtains with their gentle touch. The woman, so beautiful with her long brownish blonde hair, sweet smile, angelic eyes and voluptuous body, stood there naked in front of the window, looking out into the world beyond her window. The Outback is so beautiful this time of the year and part of her wished that she could be out there in the wild, free from the stress of her daily life and the hell of her past. But tonight she was not alone, and...

2 years ago
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Forward:I am a great fan of Bill Bryson. Having read his book entitled, Down Under, I was intrigued by a passage in his book that dealt with his journey from Sydney to Adelaide. During the excursion, he visited a town named Young, also renowned as the cherry capital of Australia. While in this town, he encountered a store that doubled as the local pet store and porn shop, one all the most unlikely and unusual combinations you could imagine. He didn’t elaborate too much about the place but went...

Gay Male

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