The Christmas Wish free porn video

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The room was dark and Isabelle sat quietly in front of her Christmas tree to gaze at the lacing multi-colored lights. Faith Hill’s melodic voice lingered in the background singing Where are You Christmas? She poured herself another glass of merlot from the half-empty bottle beside her and hummed along with the music, her eyes drifting out the window where large fluffy snowflakes quickly piled on the sill.

But the house, this year, felt so empty because something was missing. A lone tear rolled down her cheek, the void was him. Connor and Isabelle broke up just before Thanksgiving. He said things moved too fast, and that their relationship was too intense and often too volatile for him. They often argued. And she had to agree to the split. Both their pasts left them with scars and some open wounds they would rather forget.

But they were very passionate, sensitive people. They clicked so easily, in the beginning, on that day, at the crowded bookstore, falling into effortless conversation near a stack of mythology books, coddling two cups of cold coffee for hours. It was only after the sun set in the late spring sky-the clouds moved above, releasing a beautiful sun shower-that they prepared to leave. He stood looking into her eyes for a moment, and she melted. He took her in his strong arms and leaned down to kiss her. His soft lips hesitantly touched hers, at first, to set off a spark of electricity, until they slowly dissolved into each other’s embrace. Her body responded instantly to him, not as a stranger, but as a longtime lover. Her short, full frame fit perfectly into his tall, broad grasp. She felt his body pushing into her, and she responded in kind. They moved to pull apart but drew into each other, once again. Isabelle shivered as his teeth nipped gently at her lip, his tongue moved deeper in her mouth. When they separated, both were shaking and aching for more.

They fell into each other’s lives effortlessly. Two wounded souls finally able to rest. Those initial “I love you’s”, spoken hesitantly, seemed to seal their path together. Perhaps they were naïve, or perhaps they just chose not to see how hurt they really were by others before, but it soon surfaced: he wasn’t there enough, she was demanding, he was selfish, she was bitchy. Old fears and pains invaded their tranquil world, and neither faced what that would mean. In the end, they parted unhappily, new hurts added to the many garnered before.

In the weeks that followed, Isabelle tried to move on, but something in her heart just would not let go. She kept an open ear for tidbits of information passed on by her mutual friends, she found out that he did the same. He seemed to relish his time alone, and she was genuinely pleased to know he was happy. She spent most of her time with her girlfriends, finding solace in the girl chat and shopping sprees. He was always in the back of her mind, though, always in her heart.

But tonight, as she sat in front of the sparkling tree, he was there with her, and the tears flowed freely. She set her emptied wine glass aside and moved to the floor to push away the presents mounded high for family and friends. Suddenly, she found it-the small, gold-wrapped package tied with a thin, red ribbon. Holding it close to her heart, she sobbed a bit more. Inside was a small pewter dragon coiled to form a nest with its body. It was meant to hold a separate piece: a small tiger cub, which, for some reason, did not arrived in time to be wrapped with the dragon. It was fitting, in a way: he, the lone dragon, she, the lost cub.

When she first saw the dragon’s picture in the Christmas catalog, it screamed Connor’s name. She wanted to buy and give it to him right away, but instead, she waited. Then, as she wrapped the remaining gifts, it only seemed right to carefully include the perfect gift among the other presents as well. She meant to tuck it back away, but it seemed to need to be under the tree with piles of other brightly-wrapped gifts. But to her, it was another reminder of what was lost.

She placed the little dragon gift back under the tree, switched off tree lights, and made her way to the bedroom. Stripping off her jeans and sweater, moving quickly to the warmth of the bed, she rolled on her side. A bit dizzy from wine, perhaps, she imagined him in the corner of her eye-his sparkling eyes, his broad chest, his smile. She almost gasped, but he had become so familiar, seeing him there, remembering him. She lay staring out the black window watching the white snow fall faster, and as she closed her eyes, she whispered to no one.

“Santa, whoever you are, all I want for Christmas, this year, is another chance.”

She let out a soft sigh, and drifted into a dreamy sleep.

The morning sun crept along Isabelle’s face as the rude alarm clock sounded. She opened her pale green eyes to the brightness of Christmas Eve morn. Her throbbing head loathed to move from the warm comfort of her nuzzling pillow. Stretching her naked body under the heavy covers, she dreaded the lonely day before her.

She really wanted to return to bed to sleep only to reawake after New Year. Rushing her shower, she donned a pair of slacks and a sweater, then braced herself for the winter cold. Working only a half day at the gallery, she would later meet her girlfriends at the mall for lunch and a last bit of insanity shopping. But she still dreaded this day, the Christmas spirit eluded her this year. Although she managed through the pre-holiday hoopla, parties, and intimate gatherings, it was a time that to be shared with Connor.

Just a few more days, she reminded herself slipping her little Volkswagen into a parking spot at the mall. Inside, Tricia and Kaity, Isabelle’s anchors through this emotional storm, waited by the fountain with cheery, holiday smiles. Isabelle’s face brightened, and for that precious moment, her longing was set back in her mind.

They rushed through the shops gathering last minute gifts settling, finally, wearily, in the food court for a quick bite. After their meal, they wound their way through the throngs of last-minute shoppers to pass by the requisite Santa, servicing a queue of children to have their latent wishes heard and their pictures taken. Tricia suggested a pause for photographs with St. Nick. Stressed from the holiday rush, the trio agreed it would provide a well-deserved tension breaker.

They chatted in line. The excitement of the anxious children was infectious. Looking at the happy couples with their kids made Isabelle think about the family plans she made with Connor. So many nights in bed, together, Conner talked with her about a wistful future, of dreamy thoughts, and tomorrow’s hopes. Tricia and Kaity each took their turn with Santa, to be silly, and to have their photos taken kissing him on his rosy cheek. When it was Isabelle’s turn, she was hesitant to go up, but she sat herself in Santa’s lap, and he jolly-laughed at her embarrassment.

“Have you been good girl this year?” he asked, smilingly.

“Yes, Santa, I tried,” Isabelle said assuredly.

“So what is it you hope Santa will leave you under the tree?” he asked.

Isabelle thought for a moment. “Really, Santa, nothing this year for me, thank you,” she said, slowly rising from his lap to let the waiting, wide-eyed children have their turn.

But he gently grabbed her palm before she stepped away and spoke in a quiet, clear voice. “Never give up believing in miracles. Quite often, they take a little longer then we hope. Often, we are not ready for them when we ask for them, but they do happen. Keep your faith, Isabelle, Sometimes your faith is more important to others then it is to you.”

His words seemed to skate over her as she rejoined her friends.

As she hugged the Tricia and Kaity goodbye, wishing them a wonderful night, they begged in vain to invite her to attend the huge Christmas party they all attended every year since colle
ge, but Isabelle said no, she had too much to prepare for, including travel plans to her parents. Tricia and Kaity knew better and only reluctantly accepted Isabelle’s wanting to be alone with her sadness.

Arriving back home, Isabelle unloaded her packages and changed into her favorite pajamas: a pair of flannel pants and an old T-shirt of Connor’s. She put her long, red hair into a ponytail, finished final present wrapping, and started baking cookies to take to her mom’s tomorrow. With Christmas carols playing on the radio, and her tree glimmering in the living room, she tried desperately to find her Christmas spirit. As the last batch of cookies sat cooling on the kitchen counter, she curled up on the couch to click through the television channels for ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.

She began her replay of the day, mentally checking off the completed errands. And then her thoughts drifted back to Santa. His words now weighed heavily. They seemed so insightful, for a mall Santa. It then hit her-he called her by name. She new she hadn’t told him. Maybe he heard us talking while they were waiting? She tried desperately to think if they had called her by her full name. But Tricia and Kaity called her by her old college nickname, Belly, all day. It somehow all became unsettling.

While fidgeting and becoming lost in her thoughts, the doorbell rang to startle her. She looked at the almost midnight clock. It’s probably Trish or Kaity, she thought. Another last ditch effort to cheer me up? After opening the door, she froze and stared at Connor standing before her. It was snowing and he was dusted lightly in large fluffy flakes, his black leather coat glimmering wet.

“Hi, Iz,” he said, quietly. She just looked at him dumfounded. “May I come in?” he asked, glancing quickly out at the falling snow.

“U-m-m . . . yeah, sure,” stumbled out of her mouth. She stepped aside to let him pass and closed the door. “Please, have a seat,” she said, her right hand covering her eyes to shield the sheer embarrassment. “Merry Christmas, Conner,” she said, trying to regain her composure.

He smiled gently and shuffled his feet uncomfortably. They sat in silence for a few moments, looking at one another. His familiar cologne almost brought tears to her eyes. He looked stunning, his blue eyes so clear. Wearing a pair of soft cotton pants and a buttoned-up shirt under his jacket, she could just see the peak of chest hair at the unbuttoned top. She wanted to hold him and to kiss him, but refrained.

“Would you like something to drink? Or maybe cookie? Anything?” she asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“No, no, thanks,” he sniffed. “I came by. . . something came to the house today, addressed to you. I thought it was odd, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I sat staring at it all day and suddenly, tonight, I thought it might be important, so I just jumped in my car and came over. Sorry, but I didn’t even think of the time. I should have called,” he blurted.

“That’s okay. I was up,” she offered. “Did you bring it?” she asked quizzically.

He fumbled his jacket pocket and removed a small package wrapped in brown paper. The word “Isabelle” was perfectly handwritten in inked script diagonally across the top. She turned the otherwise blank package over in her hands inspecting it for any signs of postage marks or a return address.

“Are you going to open it?” Connor asked with the wide-eyed enthusiasm of a child. She looked at him and cocked her head. “I’m sorry, Iz, I just wondered about it all day. I mean how did they get my address? Who would send something to you there?” he added.

“Magic, I suppose,” she replied, trying to grin.

After tentatively removing the stiff brown paper, she revealed plain, white box. She opened the top and upended it. She gasped as the contents revealed a tiny, white tiger cub. As tears streamed down her cheeks, Connor leaned forward with open arms.

“Iz, honey, what is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, wrapping her in his arms. She could not speak. Instead, she let him embrace for a moment, then went to the tree to retrieve the gold package with Connor’s name on it. Without a word, she handed it to him and motioned for him to open it.

“It’s for you,” she whispered.

“Iz, you didn’t have to, honey,” he embarrassingly pleaded. “I . . . well . . . I didn’t get you anything.”

“Just open it, please, Connor,” she whispered, sobbing.

He removed the red ribbon and paper gently, unwilling to disturb the careful care of the wrapping. When he lifted the lid off the box he saw the dragon.

“Oh, wow! Iz, honey, it’s beautiful. Thank you,” Connor remarked, smiling. He held it flat in his hand to admire it.

Isabelle placed her hand under Connor’s to steady and position the small white tiger onto the body of the dragon. The dragon and tiger nestled perfectly together. Connor finally understood the significance of the pairing, his eyes welled with moisture. He reached with his free hand to wipe away hers as she swabbed his. As they giggled at the coincidence, Connor placed the coiled dragon and nestling tiger cub in the center of the coffee table.

“I don’t get it,” she said. “How did it end up at your house?”

“I don’t know, Iz. Maybe, there was a mix up with addresses. I don’t get it either.” Connor said perplexed.

Isabelle looked at him and smiled. “Well, thank you for bringing it. I do appreciate it,” she said, her defenses rising. She could not let her hopes up, she could not handle another fall.

They first stood together, but Connor moved toward the tree. “I couldn’t bring myself to put one up this year. Yours is beautiful, Iz. You did such a wonderful job.”

“Thank you,” she replied. “It’s nice of you to say.”

Isabelle turned away from the mental picture she often created during the past several weeks: Connor standing in front of the tree with her. She tried to hide her silently weeping.

Connor moved to hold her. “I’m sorry, Iz, I shouldn’t have come. I just . . . hell, never mind, I should go.” He squeezed her hard and kissed her on her nose. She felt him trying to let go, trying to walk away, but he didn’t.

“I miss you, Connor,” she whispered.

“I miss you too, Iz. More than you will ever know,” he sighed, still holding her.

She tilted her head and looked into his eyes, seeing all the things that had become so familiar. Above all, she saw love as he gazed down at her. Then there in the glow of the tree Santa’s words came to her.

“Connor, sometimes you just have to have faith. We lost it and stopped believing in each other-in us. I just want you to know, and I know it is a little late, but I believe in you. And I believe in love, and I believe in faith.” Trembling as she spoke, his grip relaxed, she thought he would leave.

“I don’t know how you do it, baby. How can you believe in me when even I can’t?” he asked quietly.

“I’m not sure, Connor, but just know that I do. Know that even when you can’t believe, I do.”

Pulling away from him, she was ready for him to walk out the door, but instead, he lifted her chin and placed his lips gently to hers. There were no words, only the moment to savor. She tasted the salt of their tears as they kissed and felt the ache she carried letting go, resisting the urge to hold it, instead holding only him. Her hands slipped under his jacket feeling his warmth and heat. Their kiss deepened passionately and they became lost in each other’s arms. Connor turned her gently around and walked her to the couch. He sat first pulling her onto him, their mouthing embrace continued more fervently, more deeply, more sensually. They released their shared pain, enveloping it, wrapping it with the joy of love.

Their clothing melted away, hot, searching
, feeling skin connecting, two souls touching. Isabelle arched her back, and Connor traced his fingers over her face, swiping kisses across her throat and down her breasts, his mouth sucking her nipples hungrily. She felt him hard against her sex and lifted herself over him caressing his cock with her waiting pussy. She slid slowly down the length of his engorged shaft, feeling him fill her as she rocked her hips onto him. They moaned in unison, their mouths seeking skin to suck, to lick, to taste. Their thrusting hips quickly pounded into an eager rhythm. He rose to meet her soft grinding, his hands on her back flowing down to her bottom to pull her closer, pushing himself deeper.

Isabelle cried out, “Yes, that’s it, love!”

Connor moved so perfectly inside her, finding her deepest desires with each stroke, lovingly and passionately bringing her to the edge in the way only he could. She cupped her hands behind his head, pulling him close to her erect nipples, her hips humping against him. A searing heat overtook her flesh, nothing she had ever before felt prepared her for the intensity of the sensation. She groaned to Connor’s moans as he trembled inside her. Only moments remained before they both yelled out, their eyes locking onto the other’s, voices gasping urgent “I love you’s”, flesh moving in unison as violent orgasms washed along their bodies. Pumping furiously, Conner released himself into Isabelle’s depths as her orgasm fueled his..

Tears flowing and moans reverberating through the room, the lights of the tree dancing on their bare skin, they slowed their obsession to a gentle afterglow. Spent, Isabelle rested her head on Connor’s shoulder, feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm and letting out tiny moans. As she turned to kiss him, his hands, caressing her face, directed her eyes into his.

“Iz, I can’t promise easy, and I can’t promise you just anything, but I can promise this: I will believe in you, and I will believe in your faith,” he whispered consolingly.

Isabelle collapsed into his arms. “I have more then enough faith for the two of us now, love,” she sighed. And added quielty under her breath, “Thank you, Santa.”

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A Christmas Wish Mishap Twin Bullies

(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...

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The Daddy Who Hates Christmas

I know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...

2 years ago
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Booby Christmas

Are you looking forward to a merry Christmas this year? Of course, you are! But how is that supposed to happen when you have to deal with family over the holidays? Fuck, you can’t even say ‘the holidays’ without some dipshit falling over and having a heart attack because you used the phrase ‘the holidays’ instead of Christmas.Do you know what stands between you and a peaceful, fantastic Christmas? Well, people! People ruin everything. So instead of dealing with people over Christmas, the...

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The Chauffeur 49 Christmas

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 Chapter 1 As my eyes opened on Christmas morning, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. As usual, Dakota was all snuggled into me and Jill had her back to my back. I woke both my sleeping beauties with little kisses. I started first with Jill. She wore herself out the past couple of days getting Diane ready for the wedding. I gently kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. My fingers gently glided over her beautiful body. It took a few minutes but...

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

2 years ago
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Imagine If Christmas Was Different

Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...

5 years ago
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A Christmas tale The fourth

A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...

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A Slave for Christmas

A Slave for Christmas A Slave for ChristmasSynopsis?I could scarcely believe the other girls in the office hated me that much, but there I was on a stage, naked, manacled and gagged waiting to be auctioned as a house slave for the Christmas to New Year period. And I?d had no say in the matter.? A Slave for Christmasby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by...

3 years ago
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Christmas Creep

© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...

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Blue Christmas

‘Well, if you really need someone, I suppose I could do that—if you really need me.’ Clara tried to make her reluctance quite clear, but Elizabeth was having none of that. She just cheerily plowed along, working on getting Clara on the road to fill in for no-shows among the volunteers at the soup kitchen where Elizabeth was working that evening. Nothing had put her off—not Clara’s remark that it was already dark, not her observation that it had begun to snow—not even her noting that it was...

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

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A Fiction Mania Christmas Carol

With some deep apologies to Charles Dickens. A being whose talent I am no where near. But as promised, a Fiction Mania Christmas Carol. The Time: A Christmas time a few years ago. Region: Salem. A large City in the North East United States. Place: Ye Old Irish Inn. A corner bar and grill. Mike was grumping about how to pay for Christmas. Jake was moaning how he had to work Christmas Day. Sue, Jane, and Nicole were upset on the boss's attitude. He almost canceled the pay bonus and...

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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

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Mary Christmas

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Mary wraps herself up in lights as a Christmas present for Paul = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * * * * * * * * * * Mary read the text on her smart phone. ‘Boarding, see you around ten.’ Paul would be home for Christmas. She normally didn’t mind the amount of travel he did with his job, but the just-before-Christmas annual company planning meeting had always irked her. Paul was always gone for the three days before Christmas. He had...

2 years ago
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Itrsquos Not Christmas Without You

By SchneiderVerseAfterDarkSam and Cat’s ApartmentChristmas EveSam wore a thin cotton red spaghetti strap tank top and green silky boxers (presents given to her by Cat for and to wear during the holiday and understanding her hatred for the word ‘panties’) as she lazily walked into the back second bedroom of Cat and hers shared apartment. After the couple had returned from Tori, Freddie and Jade’s Christmas party, Cat had instructed her to change and relax in the living room for a bit until ten...

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A Christmas tale The firth

A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building...

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How To Survive Christmas Alone

Are you alone and lonely for the holidays? Don’t you wish that Ronco would invent something to make you feel not so alone and sell it on TV for, oh, I don’t know, $19.99 and if you called right now, you’d get a second one for free? Yeah, well, go fish, life doesn’t work that way. A friend in need is a friend indeed doesn’t always go along with you sow what you reap. Sometimes, life just happens and you suddenly find yourself in uncharted territory and alone, be it a move to a new city or...

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The Christmas Surprise

Christmas Surprise By Margaret Jeanette Tori Hansen was on the way to her mother's to make Christmas candy. It was three weeks until Christmas and it was a tradition for her and her mother to make candy for Christmas for her, her mother and her sister Tanya. She arrived at her mother's house and when she was in she found her mother feeling under the weather. Her mother asked if they could put off making the candy until next Saturday. She told her that it was okay and that she was...

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The Cat who Came for Christmas

On a cold and rainy Christmas Eve, in a small house by a large patch of woods, a small but close-knit family sat drinking hot chocolate and cider around the fireplace. In the corner stood a modest Christmas tree, glowing with colored lights, glass balls, and tinsel. Underneath the tree was a small pile of presents. Outside, the wind soughed in the trees and rain pattered against the window, but the family was snug and warm in its little house. There were just three of them: a mother, a father,...

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The Ghosts of Christmas Past

"You need to think about this, Eric," Tom, my roommate, told me. "I don't think it would be good for you to stay in this apartment alone for a month. Please come home with me for Christmas. My family would really love to have you." I told him I'd think about it. One I grew up loving Christmas. My parents always made it a fun event. There was just the three of us, and no other family nearby, but we made it fun. We were never all that religious, but we understood the peaceful message...

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Christmas With the Devil

“There is a beast in man that must be exercised, not exorcised.”-The Satanic Bible*It was Christmas Eve, and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do. A job he dreaded.He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, hesitating as he lifted a rusted key from around his neck. Did he really have to go through with it? Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this last chore. Maybe everything would be better off if he just left well enough alone…But no.; he...

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A Naughty Christmas Carol

“Any plans during the break?” Sue asked. “No,” Diane said. The bell rang, ending their conference period, so they headed back to their classrooms. Sue was the best friend Diane had at work; for that matter, she was probably her best friend anywhere, at this point, though they rarely saw each other outside work. Since Diane and Bill split up, most of her former friends had slipped away. Splitting up was complicated, after eighteen years of marriage and two children, and the holidays seemed to...

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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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A Christmas Tale

A Christmas Tale By Becky Simpson It was cold in there. It was dark cold damp and I was very very miserable. I was shivering, just wearing flimsy underpants, with nothing else to keep me warm but a damp and smelly blanket. I had been locked in the shed at the bottom of the garden and I had not eaten since the day before. It was raining outside and I was able to drink from the small muddy pool of water that had leaked in through the rickety shed roof. I kept running through...

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The Most Wonderful Follow Up The True Meaning Of Christmas

The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...

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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

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Marys Christmas

Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nick’s Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for business the weekend before Thanksgiving. Mary had worked each season for the past seven years, and always came out a week early to walk through the fields of evergreens. It was the slowest time of year for her design business and this seasonal job allowed her to utilize her creativity. The sun felt warm on her shoulders, while the air was cool against her face. The dried autumn...

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Yet another pussy for Christmas

This is a sequel to my previous two Christmas stories, "A pussy for Christmas" and "Another pussy for Christmas". You don't have to have read them first, but it helps. Just click on "Paula Girl" and you will find a list of my stories, including those two. ***** As she had the previous year, 14 year old Paula looked in the mirror and smiled, as she looked forward to Christmas. Paula was growing into a very beautiful young woman. Over the past year, she had graduated from an A cup...

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A Merry Kyla Christmas

Winter had finally arrived and the snow was falling generously outside. It looked so serene as the white fluffy specks fell graciously to the ground as I looked out my kitchen window. The fresh coffee brewing sent the aroma through the air of the kitchen and brought my senses more to life as I waited for the dark liquid to finish dripping so I could pour some in my awaiting mug on the counter. I knew it would warm me up. It had too. Looking out the window made me feel the coldness surround...

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Kismet The Christmas Elf

“Well, hi folks! Do you remember me?” “Yes, that’s right! I’m the talking Snowman from that old TV show!” “What was that you said?” “Why yes, I suppose I do sound like Burl Ives, and why not? The man had a perfectly wonderful voice.” “So, I’m sure you’re wondering what I doing here at this time of night? I mean, the kids are all snuggled up in bed and all, and it’s too late to tell them a Christmas story, isn’t it? Hehe, you must think this old Snowman’s brain is half melted after all these...

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The Christmas Intruder

Christmas Eve is a time to spend with family, however this year; due to the economy they’d spend it by themselves. The plans were to make the best of things, sleep late, and have the traditional holiday meal. She smirked when she remembered her husband’s remark, “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice up our life and expand our waistlines.” She blushed, frowned and replied, “For your information, my waistline doesn’t need any more expansion, it need more reduction.” She logged off...

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