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Part 2: Falling Star

Part 2 of 5. This is the only part not written in the interview\flashback style.


The past two or so years had gone quite well and fairly whizzed by. ‘Dirty Work’ had been a minor hit to start with, but had got huge after it went to DVD. I, Dave Gerrard, bin man, had become an actor. In the main I got secondary roles. Not starring roles or lowly ‘second thug’ type parts, but characters that helped the plot along. I was usually only on set for three or four weeks, which suited me fine. It meant that I could accompany Karen when she was away filming. We had actually married on the set of her next film. For her part, she had been on set for my films too. I was glad of her support, especially for my first role other than as ‘Pops’. Unfortunately Karen’s next couple of movies hadn’t been terribly successful. I told her that I thought it was because she was being offered and had accepted the wrong roles. She wasn’t so sure but accepted my advice in the right manner. There had been rumours that there was to be a sequel to ‘Dirty Work’, but Karen wanted another hit before she did it. It didn’t bother me as it had been her project anyway, and I wasn’t desperate to get back into the limelight. However cracks were beginning to appear in our relationship, mainly due to the fact that we were spending more time apart than we’d like. My own insecurities about marrying someone so much younger were not helping matters either.

It was me who caused the cracks to widen however. Karen was away in New Zealand, appearing in another film I thought was wrong for her, while I was at home preparing for a bigger role than I’d played before (except for Pops). It was my birthday and I was bored. Karen had called and we had talked for nearly an hour. That had been fine at the time, but later on in the evening, sitting at our home, nursing a drink, I really missed her. ‘I’ll go out!’ I thought. ‘I need some people around me.’ It was possibly the most stupid thought I ever had. Some photographer snapped me coming out of a club at two in the morning with a pretty redhead. In truth, I was just sharing a cab with her, but the tabloid headlines screamed something different. When I saw the pictures I knew they were going to hurt Karen. I called her straightaway and told her the truth. I said I knew how it looked and knew I had been careless. She listened and said she believed me in a quiet voice, but I knew I had dented her perception of me. I had a bad feeling that I’d started a chain of events that I wouldn’t like.

I was right about that. Her manager, a weaselly man, put out a press release saying Karen was ‘shocked and stunned’ when I knew she was no such thing, at least not in the way the release implied. I had hurt her though, and this man was trying to stir things up, but I left things alone.

In preparation for my upcoming role I was doing some driving again, a delivery van this time. During this time I was away from home and hadn’t looked at a newspaper for three days. I was on my way back when Karen called me. I was glad to hear her voice again. She had called to say sorry she said. ‘For the stunned press release?’ I asked. ‘No, for the pictures that are about to be published.’ She said, adding that it had been her manager’s idea again. Puzzled by what she meant I couldn’t really say much. I got home and put the news on. There was Karen walking out of a club with a very hunky looking man. He looked like he kept his brains with his razor, and didn’t use either of them very often. And he was so much younger than me. I was really starting to hate that manager. I threw some things into a bag and went to the airport.


Karen was genuinely glad to see me. She hugged me and I hugged back, but because I’d been torturing myself throughout the whole flight out I pulled away after a brief moment.

‘Just what is going on? I know I screwed up and you have every right to be angry with me, but those photos of me were grabbed on the fly. These…!’ I waved a newspaper with her pictures in under her nose. ‘These are posed! Why Karen? If I hurt you that much, why didn’t you just say so. You could have, should have yelled at me when I called you. I would have accepted that, you had every right to. But why tell me you believe me and then do this!’

She looked away and then back, her face now reddening with anger.

‘Don’t you dare come here and lecture me! It was you who messed things up, and…and you’ve been holding my career back.’

‘How the hell have I done that? It was you and that idiot manager that picked your roles. I never once said ‘take that one’. He’s been poisoning you against me for months now.’

‘I can’t talk to you like this, meet me later when you’ve cooled off, and we’ll sort it out.’

‘Got another hunk lined up that you have to put off first have you?’ I sneered. I knew I had lost control but I couldn’t stop. All my anxieties were bursting forth and I was saying ridiculous things, things meant to hurt her. She stepped up to me and slapped my face hard. In my anger I started to lift my hand until I realised what I was doing. My shoulders slumped, my hand dropped down to my side. ‘I’m sorry Karen, I’ll go. I never meant for this to happen, and I never want to hurt you again, so I’ll go and leave you alone.’ I turned and went towards the door. As I reached it, her manager came in.

‘What’s happening? I heard raised voices?’ He saw me. ‘Oh, it’s you, the husband.’ My anger returned. I saw all my problems personified in him and I swung my fist, landing it square on his jaw.


At least I got out of New Zealand before the little git could have me arrested, but I’d probably never be allowed back in. I brooded on the long haul back to London. Now I’d calmed down and looked at my actions I was deeply ashamed. I loved Karen, but I’d shouted at her and accused her of so many stupid things. And I couldn’t believe I’d actually begun to raise my hand to her. Before I’d started acting I’d never raised my hand to a woman. (Well, except my sister.) I was so mortified by that one near movement that I almost broke down and cried. Instead I came up with a plan, and it wasn’t a plan to try and get Karen back. I’d decided that I didn’t deserve her so I would lose myself, take myself out of her life, let her do what she wanted, let her find someone who did deserve her.


Now it was eighteen months after the plane had landed in London. I had gone back to our home and packed some clothes and one or two other bits and pieces and left. Although I knew she wouldn’t be back for three weeks I left her a long letter, apologising for messing up her life, telling her I’d always love her but I couldn’t bear to see her hurt anymore so I was doing the only thing I could and getting the hell out of her life and then apologising again. Then I’d gone to the location site for the film I was supposed to be in. After three days I found I couldn’t concentrate on whatever it was I was supposed to be doing and my enthusiasm was non-existent. I was on my way to find the director to tell him I quit when I met him coming to tell me I was fired. So ended my film career. I went back to the one thing I knew I was good at, waste collection.

I had to work as an agency driver of course. There were no full time jobs going anymore. I didn’t mind though, I was still getting royalty checks for the films I had done and the book of photographs I had put together from ‘Dirty Work’. They were paid into several accounts, one for each role I’d played. It was a game Karen and I had started, an account for each film we’d been in. Of course the account for ‘Dirty Work’ was the biggest, because both of us paid into that one. It was also the only one I never touched, figuring that was ‘our’ money not mine. So now I just enjoyed myself doing a job I learned to love again. Basically it was so simple, just empty all the bins that were scheduled for collection for that day. I didn’t have to know why, I wasn’t
told how, I just did it. I went back to my Blog, the Blog that had caught Karen’s attention, and just wrote what I felt. It was very cathartic, although I couldn’t bring myself to write down why Karen and I had split. I left all the propaganda to her slime ball manager. It was obvious that I was going to be the bad guy, and she was the one hard done by. I was painted as some sort of gold digger, only out for her money, when in truth I left our house with less than I had arrived with. I was surprised that she had never filed for divorce, or if she had, I had never been informed. It was surprising because whenever she appeared in public there was another gorgeous hunk hanging on her arm, most of them with the vapid expression of a goldfish, and probably the brains as well. I learned to stay away from those pictures, just as I learned to live without Karen again. My new workmates soon tired of teasing me about my short-lived former life and learnt not to say anything bad about Karen too. ‘She is still my wife’ I would explain, bouncing their heads off the nearest hard surface.

I suppose I was disappointed that she hadn’t come looking for me. It was almost as if I wasn’t worth divorcing, I could just as easily be ignored. I was saddened by her attitude though. I knew she was more grown up than her years suggested in many ways, but she was still a child in others, especially when it came to relationships. I had seen that she could be easily led and had tried hard not to impose my views onto her. Apparently her manager had had different ideas.


She had finally got her big hit film for a part she took after a very public row with him. He hadn’t wanted her to take it, but something, possibly something I’d said, made her want to do it, so she had. She had then fired him too. That was something I found very satisfying, I just wished I could have been there to see it. There had been a court case too, he had sued for defamation and loss of earnings, and she had counter sued for embezzlement. The case had only recently ended with Karen winning. To begin with I had kept tabs on it, but it had become drowned in legalese and even the tabloids found it hard to pick out any scandal.

Deep down though I knew everything was my fault. I could have saved our relationship right up to the moment that I punched her manager and I knew it. Even back then I had known it, for an instant I had wavered and then I had seen in his eyes that he wanted me to hit him. I knew he had set me up. He wanted me out of Karen’s life, and sooner or later he was going to get his way, so landing the blow meant I was going on my terms at least. All this had flashed through my mind in milliseconds and I had thrown the punch anyway. He had gone down very satisfactorily.


I still had friends in the movies though. I kept in touch with some of the crew from ‘Dirty Work’, especially Clint the director. He kept offering me small roles in his films so I could ‘keep my eye in’. I always turned him down though, preferring to do some truck driving for him so I could meet old friends that way. I was out with some of the old second unit who had just finished filming some location shots nearby when I saw the news. Karen Carragher was due to make an important announcement in the next few days. There was much speculation on the TV as to what this would be, but I felt I knew. This was the end of our relationship. One of the brainless beefcakes had asked her to marry him, so I had to be found and sorted out. I quietly slipped away and went back to my flat. As I sat in the darkness, contemplating my stupidity in throwing away the best thing that had ever happened to me, the phone rang. I tried to ignore it, knowing that this was obviously the beginning of the end, but the thought of hearing Karen’s voice one last time made me pick up.

The voice on the other end however was that of Clint.

‘Dave? Got a job for you if you want it.’ His usual line.

‘Clint, it’s good to hear a friendly voice. I was expecting it to be Karen or her lawyer telling me the dream was over.’

‘Dreams are never over son. Why are you expecting Karen to call anyway?’

‘Well, she’s divorcing me isn’t she?’

‘She is? She didn’t say so earlier when I met her.’ He was genuinely puzzled.

‘Oh? What about this announcement?’

‘That’s for ‘Dirty Work II’. Now she’s got another hit, she wants to do it. With the original crew too.’

‘That’s going to be awkward isn’t it? I mean, we haven’t spoken in eighteen months.’

‘That’s why I called and why the announcement is being delayed. I need to know if you’re prepared to plays Pops again.’


‘Because we have two slightly differing scripts. If you won’t do it, we’ll use the one where Pops has just died. If you will…’

‘Karen can dump me on film too.’ I finished for him. I was torn. I really wanted one last chance to see her, but I didn’t know if the humiliation was worth it.

‘You haven’t seen the script yet.’

‘Post it to me.’

‘We don’t have the time. We need to know within twenty four hours.’

‘I’m not agreeing to play a role that I haven’t seen a script for. You, or Karen, could have turned him into an idiot.’ I heard him mutter something like ‘well he is supposed to be you’.

‘Look Dave, I’m five minutes away. I’ve got the script, I want you to see it. I want you to be in this film. We were a team four years ago, we can be again.’

‘All right, bring me the damn script and I’ll see. You do know I haven’t done a single acting job for nearly two years.’

‘See! It’ll be just like old times.’ He sounded pleased that I was even considering the role. I was a bit surprised too, but that chance to work with Karen was going to be hard to overcome.


Clint had waited while I skimmed through the role of ‘Pops’. They hadn’t changed his character, but he wasn’t central now. Things happened around ‘Emily’, more like the original film had supposed to be.

‘Okay Clint. I’ll do it. It was more the sort of role I was taking afterwards anyway. I have one request. When Karen announces this, can she read out a short statement from me?’

‘I can’t answer for her, you know that.’

‘I do know. I’ll take the role whatever her answer, so she doesn’t have to do it if she doesn’t want to, but she won’t get to see it until the announcement.’

‘I don’t know Dave. That sounds a bit ominous.’ Clint sounded as dubious as he looked.

‘It isn’t meant to be. If it helps, I can show you what the note will say. I just want it to be a surprise for Karen.’

‘I can only ask her.’ He shrugged. I took out a piece of paper and wrote what I wanted to say on it. I showed it to Clint before I sealed it in an envelope. He smiled and nodded.


The room was packed. More people were interested in this than Clint and Karen had anticipated. I had sneaked into the back of the crowd by the simple expedient of closely following a reporter and waving my camera at the harassed guy on the door. Karen and Clint came in and sat before the assembled mass of cameras and microphones held towards them by the seated media. I looked straight across at her but she didn’t see me, after all, I wasn’t supposed to be there. She spoke in a calm authoritative voice.

‘Good morning everyone. It’s good to see so many old friends here.’ Her eyes swept the room, still failing to notice me. ‘As you have probably guessed by now this is to officially announce that ‘More Dirty Work’, the ‘Dirty Work’ sequel has got the green light. Clint and I are pleased to confirm that we will be using exactly the same cast and crew as we did in the original.’ Every hand in the room shot up, every reporter wanting to know the answer to the same question. Karen knew it too. ‘And yes, that does include my estranged husband as ‘Pops’.’

‘In fact, Dave was the hardest to persuade to come back, and not for the reasons you would think.’ Clint broke in. ‘He felt
his performance in the first film had been exceptionally lucky and he didn’t think he’d be able to repeat it. I managed to change his mind only yesterday, and he agreed as long as Karen would read out a short note to all of you.’ I tensed. I wasn’t convinced now that this was a good idea, but I needed to gauge her reaction before we met again.

‘Thank you for the explanation Clint.’ Karen sipped from a glass of water. ‘Before I read out that note, I have something I need to say first.’ Clint looked a little surprised, but recovered his composure by crossing his arms and leaning back. When he did he caught sight of me and almost fell backwards. Luckily everyone was looking at Karen.

‘You all know I recently won a court action against my former manager. Throughout that action many claims and counter claims were issued. One thing that did not come out was something I was horrified to learn. My manager had engineered the whole break up with Dave. It was he who organised the barrage of abuse that Dave received after that picture, and he who somehow stopped Dave’s friends confirming what he had already told me, that all he did was share a taxi.’ My eyes widened. I wasn’t expecting this! Neither was Clint. He sat with his mouth open, obviously wondering where Karen was going with this. ‘Subsequent to that, he hired a succession of young men to accompany me to all sorts of functions and get photographed. It seemed he was trying to get Dave to file for divorce, because I had already refused to do so.’ I couldn’t believe my ears. I was more and more glad I had thumped him. ‘So, before you all gang up on my husband, please realise we all, and I mean Dave, me, and all of you, were used by an immoral man for his own agenda, which was ultimately the embezzlement of a fair bit of my income.’ The media people all looked down, shuffled their feet and were generally embarrassed. While they all muttered to each other Karen picked up the envelope I had given Clint and opened it. She read the note and then burst into tears, sitting down. Clint picked up the note.

‘Ladies and Gentlemen. All this note says is: ‘I’m so deeply sorry. Forgive me. I’ll never stop loving you. Dave’.’ He held it up for everyone to see. They all stood and tried to get a better look. I had lost sight of Karen so began to move around to the side of the room. Through the sea of noise I heard her speak.

‘Where is he Clint? I have to find him, where is he?’ Clint just pointed at me. Karen swung around and saw me. ‘Dave!’ She ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. ‘I’m so glad you’re here.’

‘Well, I wanted to see you before we started our next film.’

‘The note! The note was lovely.’

‘Will you forgive me?’

‘For what? I just told everyone that we were manipulated.’

‘But it was me who gave him the opportunity, by going out that night. And I did thump him in front of you, and I said all those horrible things and thought even worse things. And worst of all, I lifted my hand.’ I hung my head.

‘I forgive you for everything. Well, nearly everything. I don’t forgive you for hitting him. You should have kicked him as well.’ Her watery red eyes were shining with laughter. I picked her up and kissed her.

‘Karen, shall we go home?’

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BitStarz has only been around since 2004, making it significantly younger than some of the other online betting parlors like SportsBetting or BetUS. That ripe freshness doesn’t stop eager gamblers from streaming in every day, and in fact, they’re nearly as popular as some of their longer-standing competition. You can’t jerk off to their site like most of the joints I’m reviewing here at ThePornDude, but I’m pretty sure they fit my theme with their brand of adults-only

Betting Sites
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Lewd Stars! There are more amateur bitches spreading their legs and flashing their tits for horny cucks than ever before. It’s a goddamn amateur porn renaissance out there. You don’t need to be paired up with a professional studio or even show your pussy to get betas to pay big bucks. It’s fucking insane. Girls are out there swindling losers for softcore porn without breaking a sweat. And who can blame them? If I could sit in a hot tub for 8+ hours a day doing jack all and make thousands a...

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Best Pornstars! We all have our favorite pieces of ass. Some of you fucks love Sasha Grey, and others can’t get enough of Leah Gottie. The list goes on, and on, and on. But how the fuck are you supposed to keep track of these bitches and discover new favorites? It’s nearly impossible. You go to most sites today, and you’ll barely get a title, let alone the name of the star in it. And, well, you’re not going to get anywhere by begging for “sauce” in the comments. I knew there had to be a better...

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Sexy Stars! What the fuck is it about deepfakes that makes you simultaneously laugh your ass off and pop a boner? I don’t understand how something could be so hilarious yet sexually appealing (depending on the subject of the deepfake) to make you keep browsing for more. It’s a mystery, but one that I’m keen on investigating!Well, if you enjoy deepfakes that way, I invite you to check out Sexy Stars. But this is not just a porn picture site to visit when you want deepfakes; you can also find...

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Subscribe Star has been around for a couple of years now, but you’ll be forgiven if you only heard about it recently. I don’t say that to talk shit about the website; it’s just that the platform has been overshadowed by similar websites (competitors) like Patreon and OnlyFans. The big OF managed to corner the market for DIY porn subscriptions and sexy webcam starlets, marking one of the most dramatic shifts in the online porn landscape that I’ve ever seen. SubscribeStar gets a few million...

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When Real Pornstars VR are available via just a few clicks of the mouse, why would anyone settle for fake pornstars in VR? Maybe it’s a matter of definition since anybody can claim to be a pornstar if they’ve ever aimed their phone at the head they were getting. This site wants you to know their pornstars are the real motherfucking deal, doing their best to set themselves apart from the amateurs before you even see their landing is a premium virtual reality porn site...

VR Porn Sites
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I wondered to myself whether it would ever happen. My mind had been open to it for some time now, which it hadn’t been in my youth. In my early 50’s now, still athletically fit, offbeat handsome (so I’ve been told - who knows what the fuck that means), and mostly straight, but quietly willing to bend into the right circumstances, or for the right person. The willingness to bend part is much more recent. But the catch for me seems to be: When and how would the details, this right person, right...

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"Should I give you the usual 'how pretty are the stars, do you know where Ursa Major is' talk?" I had seen Vivian leaving the room where I and our friends were, as quietly as she could. Two minutes later I was after her. I found her lying over the grass, a hundred yards away from the Victorian house that belongs to my family, watching the starry sky. I lay beside her. I loved her, but she pretended not to know it. "I know a lot more Astronomy than you do," she replied. She never...

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It is now about 6:30 in the morning and the Syrian sun rises over Damascus. I have been living here for a while now and have just met a woman her name is Anna. Neither of us is from this city. It seems rather fitting that we found kindred spirits within each other. As I rise from the bed, I notice Anna bringing me some breakfast, wearing a flower in her hair and that is about it. Therefore, we sat down and enjoyed our breakfast. ‘Best you pack were going on a trip, to Africa,’ I said. Going...

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Starvation… We’ve been pist at each other for some time. Like when you’ve been around someone for too long. Their existence pisses you off how they eat, sleep or breathe disgust you… We have sporadic arguments about tooth paste and nonsense. He came home. “I want to come home to a food on the table,” he bitched I laughed. He bitched some more… it quickly escalated into a heated argument in which dishes were broke and yelling and screaming were inevitable. Our anger was fueled my sexual...

3 years ago
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Starvation… We’ve been pist at each other for some time. Like when you’ve been around someone for too long. Their existence pisses you off how they eat, sleep or breathe disgust you… We have sporadic arguments about tooth paste and nonsense. He came home. “I want to come home to a food on the table,” he bitched I laughed. He bitched some more… it quickly escalated into a heated argument in which dishes were broke and yelling and screaming were inevitable. Our anger was fueled my sexual...

Love Stories
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Riding on this bus always sucks, but eventually we get to where we are going and then we get to play. There is always a good part with every bad part I guess. The ride gives me time to think between shows. I play bass guitar and lead vocals for a rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. We aren’t too bad , actually we’re pretty good. But this summer we’ve done a lot of traveling around the Midwest. All to finally get that big break. Pretty good for an 19 year old schmuck from a little town in Indiana.

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DISCLAIMER I don't own Angel or any of the characters of the show, i own nothing. This is non-profit. Tonight like every night for months now she had gone to a fancy party and spent the whole night desperately trying to catch some film maker or super stars attention. As every other night it had failed and she was reduced to swiping food from the tables as she couldn?t afford food at her dingy, filthy, squalid apartment. When she got home and after she ate the sandwiches she stole from the...

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Paul was sweating. Whether it was from the southern summer heat or the anticipation of meeting Stephanie, he couldn’t tell. Perhaps it was both. Paul knew it was both. He knew from the first picture he’d seen of Stephanie that he was in trouble. Paul knew his strengths and weaknesses all too well. Stephanie, as with any other beautiful woman, fell into the latter category. Paul had chosen a coffee shop thinking it would be good neutral territory. Keep it public, keep it light, and keep it fun....

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I'm a bit of a bastard where women are concerned, no pretty girl is safe from me, girlfriends and wives of friends even my sister gets the treatment when I'm in the mood. To illustrate this let me tell you about Sandy. She is the wife of one of my best mates Tom; she is in her mid twenties with a nice figure, although perhaps now a little overweight. Us lads have this card night, the first Friday of the month; this month it was Tom's turn to host the event. I'm not a big drinker, preferring...

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hi i'm p my life story of what made me a bbc slut 4 ever. my husband got injured many years ago. he knew I had needs, so he sent me out nights 2 different bars/clubs. he was the only man I had been with, quit small as I found out. we watched some bbc porn while he could get erect and I never really believed in bbc. 1 night on the dance floor, I was dancing with a nice young black guy just jumping around. when the music went slow. I started 2 leave as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up against...

1 year ago
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Why the fuck does my cock get immediately hard every time I think about a young Asian slut? It’s like there’s something hidden in my brain that the moment I even imagine an Asian teen bending over and showing her bare ass, my dick goes into overdrive and immediately tries to bust through my pants. I get so horny that I have to beat off to videos of Asian twentysomethings getting fucked in the ass by a ghost samurai warlord just to get on with my day.So when I came across, I knew I...

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Frat House Gang Bang

When we arrived at the Frat house we found a good party under way, with mostly upperclassmen in attendance. It was still a romping party, but without the usual obnoxious behavior of the younger boys. Shauna and I circulated and danced. We drank beer and ate the snacks provided. And we drank beer. And we danced. And we drank beer. Most of the men were good looking and so much cooler than the frosh we had gotten used to. I slow danced with a couple of Junior’s and one Senior. ...

3 years ago
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Fourteen Year Old Girls

Fourteen Year Old Girls There I was surrounded by six of the prettiest fourteen-year-old girls that I had ever seen. I was not even scheduled to be working that week but it seems that Judy had a woman’s problem and couldn’t do it. Women’s problem my ass, Judy probably got drunk and was shacked up with some guy somewhere…that fucking slut. So anyway, there I was surrounded by the six cute girls that were expecting to spend a whole week in the mountains enjoying Mother Nature at her...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 50

“You know, as much as I’ve fucked you, I never tire of you. I just wish that your brother was alive to partake in this orgy,” I told Margaery while pumping furiously in and out of her in a fresh orgy at our chosen site. The Harmon house in the AHS Murder House universe, where else? I was very glad that Carol and Susan had joined us, though I had to glamor Caroline Bellefleur into watching Ben for us. I didn’t want anyone else whom I could entangle to stay out of the festivities. I also made...

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Lingerie Shopping

I was in a great mood, I felt like I looked good, and after seeing how that dress fit me I was feeling excited and a bit turned on imagining my boyfriend fucking me from behind not even taking the dress off just pushing the skirt up around my waist and giving it to me hard in the restroom of wherever we go for dinner. I went into the lingerie store with a spring in my step. New lingerie always makes me feel so damn sexy and I wanted to find something sexy and silky. After looking through...

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TalentChapter the second Being the continuing adventures with Nurse S

My injuries were a puzzle to the doctor. He came in that afternoon to give me the benefit of his refrigerator-style of bedside manner. He dealt with me as some kind of mannequin to be pulled and prodded but, as he began to actually register the details of my injuries, he began to take more care. "This is odd Mr... Ah... Harvey" he muttered as he looked closely through the bottoms of his bifocals at what lay under the bandages on my chest. I craned my neck to see, but failed. "What's the...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK II

I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the...

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Pam and the Drill Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! The hallway was packed with kids, a thousand of them, from one end to the other. The stairs were crowded with kids going up and coming down. Pam's locker was down that hall somewhere, she hoped. Twice already that day she got lost, and the books were getting heavy in her arms. She hated the first day of high school. She pushed through the crowd. Her locker was on the left side, wasn't it? She had to remember which hallway, the locker number and the...

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Kelly Girl Chapter 26 Desert of My Heart

Chapter 26 "Desert of My Heart" Elise Fremont didn't get to pick up Barbie and Kelly in her cab when they left Newport a few days later; Harold had leased a car for them to use and Barbie had the five thousand dollars in cash she had been promised for the whirlwind Las Vegas date. Barbie had chosen a Saturn, a green one that practically matched her eyes. She liked the little car's reputation for reliability and quality and Saturns were among the friendliest cars made for short...

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Bunbun the Bunny

Bunbun the Bunny Ritsu sized up the small slender girl in front of her, hands on her hips as her face formed a sly expression, the sort of look she was famous for giving when she had an idea, a spark of inspiration. "I hope you don't mind us taking you out this late. I guess you're not used to the hussle and bussle, huh? Don't be so shy, introduce yourself!" Said Ritsu, as she nudged the small girl again. "A-Azusa..Sorry, I guess this really is all new to me..Staying in a club this late...

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The Board

It is 12 foot long. Each plug of the 9 different sizes either glued in or strapped down. Everyone has a different diameter tubing attached to its base. All tubing runs behind a wall with a small window. The observation window has full view of the board. The first subject a tiny busty 18 year old female freshman from a local college. Answered the add in the college day paper for “ test “ subjects $50 per day. She had no idea what lyed before her. She enters the room and the door is quickly but...

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Pounding Hearts Pounding Ass

Pounding Hearts Pounding Ass Chapter 4 LOVE HIM With anticipation and joy, I tugged at the elastic ribbon that held tight to Cody’s waist, like the wrapping on a birthday present I pealed his underwear down his thighs and off his feet, the only thing he wore now was a smile. It was so sweet undressing Cody for the first time he was so cute bashfully holding on to his underwear. No longer hidden behind clothes, Cody’s sculpted body was breathtaking his hairless sac hung with gravity between...

2 years ago
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My First Part 2

Thanks guys for reading and leaving me messages! As promised, here's the 2nd part to the bunch of firsts I had.After the events of that day in the library, I barely could sleep a wink that night. Flashes of her lips on mine, the words she said ringing in my ears, the feeling on being in her acting like small electric pulses on my manhood.. I toss and turn til the sunlight broke the horizon and cracking through my window. I took a cold shower hoping it would snap me out of my trance, and headed...

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You like that little Bitch Gay

Not too many days passed before I emailed him wanting to connect. I knew that the next time we met he would be burying his cock in me and I wanted to make sure we had enough time to plan it so we had a decent amount of to time to explore. I told him that I could entertain him the next few days and he indicated that tomorrow would probably work and he would confirm in the morning. I went to bed that night thinking of what it might be like the following day and hoped that we would get together. I...

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A Mothers Sin Chapter 3

After receiving news that my father had a stroke, my son and I were placed in the unusual and uncomfortable situation of sharing a hotel room on the trip to see my father. In a moment of incredible weakness, and incredibly poor judgment, I made a series of bad decisions, each one progressively worse. It culminated in me allowing my son to enter me wearing a condom he had stored in his wallet. I can claim it was a combination of my emotional state, alcohol and years of loneliness that led me to...

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Andrew CAW 10

Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be too harsh with me as it is my first story and a part of my life. Andrew I felt so lucky to have someone who loved and cherished me so much or so I thought. In my naivety, I gave him my virginity at the mere age of fifteen. It just didn't click that maybe he was using me for his own twisted pleasures. I always thought he truly loved and cared for me and my ambitions to go to art college. Everything was fine until I turned...

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