- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Note: This is fiction, intended to entertain readers. It has explicit sexual behavior. There’s also domination and submission in this story. If you can’t legally view this, please don’t! Any resemblance between these characters and any person is coincidental.
Aurora and I had gone to sleep early and that was good. It was now Monday morning. What a situation! On one hand, I wanted to be near my darling slave as often as possible. On the other, this was a chance to prove to her that she wouldn’t die if we weren’t together.
It was about 0630. I went to Aurora’s room and looked at her, sleeping soundly under the soft, warm quilt. I let my hand rest on her exposed shoulder, then made small circles with my palm.
She turned her head and opened her lovely light brown eyes. ‘Time to get up, my sweet slut,’ I whispered. ‘Today’s a normal day. I’ve got work and so do you.’
She sat up quickly, letting the quilt and the sheets crumple around her waist, giving me full view of her magnificent torso. I suspected that it was a calculated move. ‘Routine life,’ she mumbled. ‘It will be less bearable than ever.’ Her lips slipped along each other, forming a gorgeous calculated frown.
‘It won’t be bearable at all with a surly attitude,’ I told her. I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. ‘Things don’t mean as much to someone who hasn’t had to work for them. Being with you is a reward I will gladly work a routine job for.’
‘At least Mistress’s job is musical: creative, expressive!’
‘I hope you will be able to express yourself in your work someday as well. But whether you do or not, don’t forget that art is its own reward. You can make beautiful things and you and I will enjoy them, even if that isn’t how you earn your living.’
I reminded her that she needed to behave herself and we took a shower, quickly. I stood behind her the whole time. Even though all my touches of her body were innocent, she shivered occasionally and I heard a couple of moaning breaths. Good! Our relationship was growing as I had hoped it would, we were understanding each other better and better.
She only had three outfits at my house that she had owned before we met. She put on one of them while I got dressed for work. Then we got into the car and I dropped her off at her place.
Things went very well for me. I felt inspired as I hadn’t in a long time. As a result, I felt and interpreted the music on a raw, emotional level. I got plenty of praise for my sound. Je’Varrus, one of my oldest friends in the orchestra, waited until we were by ourselves and told me that I was ‘glowing.’ I told him that I had found someone very special. He smiled and said he was happy for me.
‘My wife is cool, no matter what team someone plays for,’ he said at one point. ‘If the two of you want company, we’d be glad to go out to a nice dinner with you and your girlfriend, Sooki.’
‘Thanks, I’ll take you up on that one day soon,’ I told him. His offer was touching, it had been quite a while since my last double-date.
During my lunch hour, I found a message on my phone: Ms. Swimming-Otter had called me back. Her message said that I could call her at about 1800 and talk. Her tone had been controlled: I wondered what she would say to my idea. Maybe she’d already guessed what it would be.
After work, I went to the gym on the west side of the city. I’m a member there, all the staff know me by sight. ‘Have a nice swim, Hei Sook!’ said Jill, who was working the desk that evening.
‘Thanks,’ I said, giving her a friendly wave.
Now that work was over and I had time to myself, my mind raced with all sorts of hopes, doubts, and dreams. Right at the forefront was the desire to go see Aurora. I had to use all my willpower to stand firm. In the vision of my memory, I saw her gorgeous smiling lips, I heard her impassioned moans, I smelled her glorious satisfaction. But if I went to see her tonight, it would mean never separating from her until she dumped me, which would be soon. Only by keeping apart for now and maintaining my discipline could I earn her companionship for good.
My swim went well: cool and invigorating. My resolve fortified itself while I exercised. When I got out of the pool and started drying myself, I knew I would withstand the temptation of visiting my slave-and-lover tonight.
My phone had been working overtime while I was relaxing! While I was leaving the gym, I saw no less than eight messages waiting for me. It made me smile ruefully, I knew without looking that at least half of them would be from Aurora.
When I looked at the messages, I knew I would have to punish her. Six of the messages were hers, including three photos of herself. One featured her pulling up her shirt, past her naked breasts, one featured her entire body-in just a belt and hiked-up miniskirt-in front of full-height mirror, the last showed her kneeling over a smaller mirror, displaying her naughty bits. She’d definitely showcased her fantastic tits and luscious legs and succulent nether regions, she looked good enough to eat. The photos were bolder than I thought I would get from her. But on the other hand, she was trying to tempt me, which could make her braver than usual. On all of the photo messages, the text was the same: ‘a slave misses her mistress xoxoxo’
I typed, ‘dial it down slut. ill c u when i c u. u can try 2 seduce me then. >,:P’ Terse? Maybe…I figured that she could handle it, she might even expect it by now.
There was a message from my friend Toni as well, telling me that her son had taken his first step today. I fired a congratulatory text back to her.
The last message was from Merritt Valencia, agreeing to meet me for coffee on Thursday. It was very guarded for a voice mail: I had introduced myself to her as a friend of Aurora’s only two days ago, and she didn’t know a thing about me. I quickly sent her a thank-you.
When I got back to my apartment, I made supper. It felt a little lonely, eating by myself.
When I felt relaxed, I called Ms. Swimming-Otter.
The voice that answered was kind of solid, kind of slow-paced, but quite smooth and sympathetic. After our greetings and introductions, I pushed forward with the real business of the call. (Even though I knew the worst that could happen would be that she wouldn’t help me, I still felt nervous.)
‘Her name is Aurora,’ I said, ‘and she’s turned into a beautiful young woman. She had a crush on you in high school.’
‘On me? That’s interesting, I was certainly not a ‘sexy teacher’ type,’ she said.
‘Knowing she had a crush doesn’t upset you?’
‘Well, people have attractions. Why should I fault them for something they can’t control? I do find it a bit flattering: if she knew me as her teacher only, she must have been drawn to me for who I was and not what I looked like.’
‘Would you like to help me excite and please her?’ I mastered my nerves and kept my voice calm as I asked.
There was a pause. It was probably just a second or so, but to me, it felt as though it was minutes on end. ‘I do not cheat,’ she said at last. ‘I must discuss this with my partner before I answer.’
‘I respect that, Margot,’ I told her honestly. ‘In that case, please let me add something to my offer, which may help you and she make the decision. She may accompany you, if you and she would like. She can observe or participate. Aurora loves to be humiliated. The presence of a stranger-handled well-would make the experience even better for her.’
‘You seem very confident that my partner is a woman, Hei Sook,’ said Margot, ‘so you must be good at reading people. I find your proposal interesting.’
‘Then please talk it over with your lover and call or text me back so we can plan it,’ I said, letting a little of my giddy happiness flow into my voice.
She said, ‘I will do that.’ Then we said our goodbyes and hung up.
The rest of the day was pretty
uneventful. I kind of missed ‘tucking in’ Aurora before I went to bed.
I could deal with it. Soon, I’d have her again.
The next day, Margot called me again.
‘Lindsay does want to come with me,’ she said. Her voice sounded a little more tired than it had yesterday. ‘When I dug out the yearbook and showed her Aurora’s picture, she was almost too willing to do this!’
I didn’t feel threatened, particularly by a woman that neither I nor my girlfriend had ever met, so I chuckled and said, ‘It will just be a day of fun, I assure you.’
Margot said, ‘If I understand you, you are supposed to be in control all the time. Before I agree, what are Lindsey and I allowed to do-or expected to do?’
‘To begin, I’d like the two of you to arrive wearing similar outfits to what you wear when you teach. Then…’
…I laid out my parameters for the next several minutes. After that, Margot asked a couple of questions. Soon, we reached an arrangement. My heart leaped when she told me that she and her lover would be at my house at 1800 on Friday.
I checked my messages and wasn’t surprised.
‘a slave cant help being a slut for mistress. xoxoxo’ This time, she’d photographed herself in her bathtub, surrounded by bubbles, rubbing her soapy pussy. I had to admire her industry, this photo must have been tough to snap.
‘what did i tell u ystrdy, btch? i miss u 2. now knock off the drty pix’ It was good that she couldn’t see my face, I was grinning when I sent the message.
The answer came quickly. ‘a slave misses mistress so much. 2 much. ,_, but will do what mistress sez’
I wrote her one more text. ‘all good thngs 2 those who wait. im a good thng. ill c u vry soon’
On Wednesday, I didn’t get any messages from her and I didn’t send her any. I smiled, thinking of my sweet lover learning a lesson she didn’t want to learn but had to: how to have some patience and temper her passion. Near the end of her workday, I stealthily checked out the shop where she worked.
There she was. No need to worry about her seeing me, she was busy helping a group of three women. One of them was obviously a bride-to-be. I left unobserved.
On Thursday, I went to the neighborhood of Aurora’s workplace again. It was 20 minutes before closing time. Only two customers were in the store and they looked like they were just poking around, not seriously shopping.
I heard the front-door-beep as I entered the store. The customers didn’t look up, but Aurora did, of course. I kept my face as expressionless as I could. Her face lit up, however, and she strode quickly toward me.
My dark-haired lover looked good. I thought back to how she’d been dressed in the record store the day I’d put my claim on her: she had worn shapeless, plain clothes, and no makeup but a bit of lip gloss and a touch of green eye shadow. Today she looked classy but flirtatious. Her white blouse hugged her amazing tits-and the first four buttons were unused, affording a nice view of her cleavage and occasional glimpses of lacy red bra straps. Her cotton pants were black, and tight around her ass and thighs. A thin, glossy black belt with turquoise embellishments wrapped around her shapely hips. Her shiny black shoes had five centimeter heels: comfortable enough to work in, but still chic and sexy. Her blue eye shadow, pink lipstick, and black mascara highlighted the amazing beauty of her face.
As she was about to greet me, her mouth snapped shut. Her eyes revealed her discomfiture. She didn’t know how to speak to me!
‘I hope you can serve me,’ I said.
(Somewhat more quietly than I had spoken) she said, ‘Yes, Mistress.’ Her lips twitched nervously and her cheeks colored.
‘I would like you to show me these dresses,’ I said. ‘No matter what I do, pay it no mind, and show me these dresses.’
Her hands trembled as she reached toward the nearest rack of pastel, spaghetti-strapped bridesmaids’ gowns.
I pushed myself against her back. Nonchalantly, I undid her belt. Then I popped open her pants button and slowly unzipped her fly. The other women in the store wouldn’t see what was going on-not right away, that is-but the way we were standing would inspire curiosity. If they noticed us, they might come over to look at what was happening with us. Aurora knew that as well as I did. Her sleek muscles quivered under her flawless skin.
I put my hand down the front of her pants.
I felt exactly what I had expected.
I zipped her, fastened her, and whispered, ‘Sluts don’t wear panties. You’re a slut. Why are you wearing panties?’
‘Mistress did not forbid a slave-‘
‘-I told you not to let me catch you.’
‘…Yes, Mistress!’ She swallowed and cringed, fearing and anticipating what I might do.
I marched her to a nearby chair. I looked her in the eyes and grinned with pure evil in my eyes.
She whimpered, but her eyes sparkled with excitement.
‘Don’t you worry,’ I said to her, smiling broadly. ‘I’m not going to make you take off your underwear. In fact, I’m here to provide.’ I opened my purse and took out a pair of pink thong panties.
She was dying to find out what I was going to do, but she stood still as a statue, breathing hard.
I put the panties on the seat of the chair. ‘Put your right foot into them. Then keep your foot on the chair,’ I instructed her. My tone was light and cheery.
She stepped into the panties.
I pulled a small plastic box from my purse and I got out three safety pins. I attached the panties to the black sock on her pretty right foot.
‘Keep on your underwear until you get into your apartment,’ I said sweetly, adjusting the lacy thong around her ankle.
Her whole face went candy-apple red. She opened her mouth. Then she shut it again, she could tell that I was not about to change my mind no matter how she objected.
I leaned close. ‘Don’t touch me,’ I said to her. I took a risk and squeezed her wonderful ass with both hands while I kissed her elegant neck for several seconds.
She was gasping for breath when I stepped back. ‘I’ll see you on Saturday,’ I said.
‘Yes, Mistress!’ she said joyfully.
Final note: Thanks for all the responses so far. As ever, I like readers’ votes and feedback, please tell me your concerns, comments, and feelings.
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The is the second part to a long story. please feel free to read the first part, or don't your choice. Chapter Two When I saw the note on the fridge that said that I was being volunteered to baby sit Jackie I was excited. The feeling of knowing that I would be alone with her in our house for about 6 hours was the only thing I could think of. I had decided that tonight was the night that I was going to try to fuck her. After thinking about it for some time I decided that I could always...
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
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I woke up in a blur.............count see much, just a collaboration of images and words, I suppose that’s the thing people are talking about when your life flashes before your eyes before something horrible happens to you. I heard voices very faint hard to make out whom it was, or let alone what it was. It was a woman a beautiful women, then i realized where i was, in a hospital bed."Take it easy k**" that’s what the nurse said, or doctor i wasn’t sure at the time. I was more worried about my...
The next two years I spent in feminine bliss. Being the lady-in-waiting to Catherine Delong certainly has advantages. My wardrobe expanded wondrously! I now owned many day and evening dresses, so many that I never had to wear the same one more than once a week. I studied the etiquette and mannerisms of being a woman of culture and taste. Catherine and my sister Margaret Billingsly were both wonderful tutors and have helped me become Isabella Worthington. I have not worn male attire...
I was walking down the street to Ms. Arthur's house with my boobs and ass jiggling, even though they were being supported with a bra and panties. "Hey, settle down girls!" I whispered down to my boobs. On my way there a couple of guys walked past me and I could clearly see them taking peeks at my cleavage. I didn't really mind it though. When I arrived at Ms. Arthur's house I rang the doorbell and she answered. "Oh hi! You must be Josie!" she said. "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet...
People have asked who took my patio pics. My upstairs neighbor took the patio series for me and it’s kind of a funny story. He’s older than me, 40’s probably. Divorced, wife has the k**, controlling girlfriend, the usual tragic suburban scene. Well, we hooked up! I hope it won’t turn out to be a bad idea, but it was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a lazy afternoon. It was last May I think, and I got off the computer at about 2:30 that day. The sun was out and my little back patio looked...
The day’s run into one another. Wake up, work at work, work at home, bills, stress, life. Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat. Is this all there is, he wonders on his way home one afternoon. What about Eat. Play. Sleep. Repeat…how would that feel? Unfortunately, he knows exactly how that feels but that reminds him of her and he cannot go there right now. He feels beat down by life. Not much in the mood to think about when the days were filled with laughing, flirting, and fun. He has been to enough...
Gary stopped by my place a few days after Jim walked out on me. I was furious when I saw him on my doorstep I started to yell at him but he shoved by me and came into my apartment. Like he owned it or something. "Kate, you should know that you are going to do some favors for me. I have some stuff you need to see before you say too much more and really piss me off. Your little ass is mine for the foreseeable future." His words shocked me into quietness. What the hell did he mean he had...
Here is a little fantasy of mine. My wife and I are staying at a holiday village, and there are a lot of competitions and things going on. For a laugh we decided to enter me in the men dressed as female competition, which was to be held that night. I have never told my wife that I like dressing in her clothes, and although I think she suspects, she has never said anything. To my surprise it was her idea to enter me, " get into the spirit of things.." she said. As the competition came...
The bus trip to Toronto was boring but I managed to get a seat that had some light and I buried my nose in a Chemistry book from the library. When things quieted down, I was able to lean on a metal partition and get some sleep. Surprisingly nobody recognised me. At fifteen minutes after seven in the morning we got into the bus station. I had got my bag from overhead and felt bad because I had to have help to both put it in place and retrieve it. A familiar suit and face was waiting in the...
, since my ex had split up with me I was talking to a friend who I had barely known. She had the most amazing legs and breasts and for some reason was in to me? We were both shy to meet each other - She come up with the courage when I was recently shot down after a 1 1/2 year relationship.We decided to meet at a train station she looked stunning in leggings and black cardigan with her shoulder length red hair and deep brown eyes. She got stopped because her ticket wouldn't let her leave the...
Yesterday I was home alone so in between work stuff, I was checking out sites, and stroking my cock. I came close to cumming about 10 times and was getting supper horny. I messaged a few people and did a little camming, but nothing was working out. I had 3 guys talk about coming over but none of them could now and I was not confident they ever would so I decided to visit a hook up site off the side of the freeway. I arrived at a place I had been before and knew it as a hook up site for years,...
Kosovo By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis Decades ago members of a crime family immigrated to America. Ten years later the daughter is running it. She's more ruthless than the father, but agents have found a flaw, and it wasn't too long after that Chad Mathews tried to buy a handful of uppers to help him study for his finals. Contents: Characters Created For This Story Introduction Andrew Chad Mathew Andrews Look-Alike Second Chance So That's It Damn, Make The Call Shea...
Not As Bad As I FearedWe joined a "swingers club" a few months ago. I do not think either of us thought it would happen, especially me, that we would have sex while others watched but last night it did.We were supposed to meet a "friend" at the pool hall for drinks and see what happen from there -- but for what ever reason he did not show. Hubby and I both think it was a miscommunication but none the less we were not too disappointed. Auggie asked me if I wanted to go to the "club" and use a...
Laurel set the two bottles of wine down giggling "Falk is so funny, I like Falk," Nedra smiled "I think the ohhh sooo boisterous Falk finds you very attractive, but he is of the type that finds females enjoyable to play with not the kind that would be happy with one mate." Laurel blushed "maybe I might find playing with Falk fun too." Marti'en frowned Nedra chuckled "you probably would my little adorable one but first you must be aware of the pitfalls to playing. First many women,...
am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here younger brotherhad just gotten off from work, and the walk back to the beach house was long and dark. There was no moon that night, and even the strong glow of the stars wasn't enough to light the dark pathways. Work was absolutely awful that night. Time seemed to stand still and I ended up making no money whatsoever. All I could think about was getting back to the beach house and falling asleep. "Shit..." I...
Trojan Whores By Wholeman DECLARATION: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All characters, Sirens, and rapists in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, swearing, and strange ideas. It contains only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough,...
(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) యువ నా నోట్లో ఫౌంటెన్ చిమ్మేసేక, అది మింగి బాత్ రూం లో బ్రష్ చేసుకు వచ్చేను. ఎందుకో అతనికి తన జ్యూస్ టేస్ట్ చెయ్యడం ఇష్టంఉండదు. నేను యువ పక్కన పడుకుని, ముద్దు పెట్టుకుని, అతని నోట్లో నేను కార్చిన ద్రవాల్ని ఆత్రంగా జుర్రుకున్నాను. నాకు నా జ్యూస్ రుచి, వాసన అంటే చాలా ఇష్టం.పది, పదిహేను నిముషాలు నాకేక, టైం చూసుకుని, గాభరాగా లేచేను. “మై గాడ్, ఇంకా లేటుగా వెళ్తే మా నాన్న కాళ్ళు విరగ్గొడతాడు” అని బ్రా, పేంటీ వేసుకుని కుర్తా తీసుకోబోతూ ఆగేను. “డార్లింగ్, నీకు...
In my third year at university I was in class beside an outer island girl named Moira. She was barely five-foot, slim with nice sized breasts, brown skin, and the usual long dark hair. I was intrigued by her since I had never known anyone from her culture. She shyly responded to my attempts at conversation. I thought that it must be because she was innocent and uncomfortable with men ... how wrong that was I would later learn. After repeated gentle inquiries, she explained that she was the... (Pic off Jazzy, art is mine) Jazzy was not always a Lion cuntboi/cuntboy, he used to be your typical office worker, however little did Jazzbey know that he was targeted by a corrupt futa deity, capable of changing the very fabric of reality. He was at home playing some games and relaxing, when overwhelming tiredness came over him, deciding to call it a day he headed to bed. the next day....well you get the point. (Also some of you may have...
FantasyIntroduction: Tamara was quite young at thirteen, but was she really a virgin. Sometimes I still like to think that she was. Fbailey story number 238 Too Young I knew that she was way too young but I just couldnt pass up the opportunity. She was just so young and innocent. She was also all alone. I knew that because I had been keeping an eye on her. Her mother had dropped her off an hour ago and had never came back. I watched her lying on the beach in her little girl bathing suit. It was a...
Silvia Buntark, Bonnie Dolce, and Tiffany Tatum have decided to have a girl’s night in. They will have all kinds of fun painting one another’s nails, doing each other’s hair, and all the other things girls do behind closed doors. When they grow bored of blowing bubbles, though, things t ake a sexy turn. Tiffany starts complimenting Silvia on her lovely bra and thong. She runs her fingertips along Silvia’s neck while urging her to take the bra down for everyone to enjoy a closer look. That of...
xmoviesforyouHi, I am Manish from Jaipur (Rajasthan). Presently i work in mnc at Delhi. My age is 24 and my height is 5.9 feet. My email id is This is my first story which happened when i was doing my b.Tech. I was staying in a room in an apartment, my apartment was a 3 floored building and my room was in top floor i was staying alone in my room. Below my room there was a 3 bed roomed flat there was a family staying over there. Aunty (my dream aunty) her name was saroja and her hubby and 2 kids. They were...