R. Kanes Nik-Naks: Reflection Trilogy free porn video

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I have had several ideas about how mirrors could play a part in TG stories. I intended to write three short stories and clump them together in one group, connecting them in the end, but they kept growing. If these stories appeal to you as something you would like to build on then let me know at fictionmanias hyperboard and if enough people express intrest I might just open up the universe to other people. If thats the case I'll post some rules, like how to portray the man and his grand daughter or the general theme of justice. Fiction Mania, Jennifer Adams, Nifty archive all have my permission to post these. Any others who wish to do so must ask first. These stories should not be distributed in any form other than below. And no profit is to be gained from any of the material in whole or in part. Any postings of this or future sequels by me or someone else (with my permission) should be free for all. And no body can claim ownership to these things but myself. Eccept Bill Heart if he chose to flatter me with beleiving any part is in any way similar to his SRU works. (Jenny Cockrin :) ) By the way if you can't walk into your local drug store and by a porn mag. then you can't click in here and read this. I know it sounds corny but the adulterous senior citizens who run this country say its the law, so please don't get me or any web sites in trouble by breaking the law. Thank you. R.Kanes Nik-Naks: Refletions trilogy. by T.G.Frogman 1) Mirror, Mirror... Mark sat in the small nurses office holding a cold pack against his swollen eye with one hand and a wad of tissue in his nose with the other hand. It just isn't fair, he seathed. I didn't do anything. I was going to my math class when some jerk stuck out his leg and tripped me. I didn't mean to fall into Ox. Now I'm in the nurses office waiting for my daddy to pick me up and it's still only 11:30 in the morning. He wondered how his day could get any worse. For the last three years Mark had been the choice target for all the school tough guys. They would call him a fag or a spaz, or any of the more common drogitory remarks bullies like to yell at those that are smaller or weaker than them. He had always thought that once he became a junior in high school that he would get some respect. Not only was that wrong but often times it was the freshmen who harassed him about being a short and skinny nerd with glasses. He had only two freinds and both of them were in his mythology study group, which made them just as nerdy as him and little help against the bullies. He didn't get alot of sympathy from home either. His father was a proffesional weight lifter and his mother was a very successful lawyer. Which meant mom was either too busy to care or telling him to stop wineing about his problems and do something about them. His father was even worse, telling him that he was pathetic because he wouldn't fight back like any self respecting REAL MAN would do. The worst part about his dad was that he was always home, working out in the weight room or doing something else around the house. When Marks father came to pick him up he just glared at his son. Mark just picked up his broken glasses and his ripped book bag while all the time trying to avoid his fathers glare. On the drive home his father yelled at him about being embarrassed by having to come get his son who had been beaten up. Mark never really paid attention to his dads lectures but he often would count, to himself, how many times his father would use his favorite frase: Real Man. By the time Mark got home he had counted twenty three uses of that frase. Mark went to his room while his dad went to lift weights to blow off steam. Marks room was small and undesrcipt. One wall had a built in book shelf full of books rangeing in topic from Astro Physics to Egyptology, sorted alphabeticly by type. He had a small desk in the corner with his Gateway pentium 3. His bed was little more than a box spring and mattress resting on the floor. The only other thing in his room was his mirror. It was his most prized possesion, he had found it a year ago at one of many yard sales he had gone to on the week ends to get away from his family. The man who gave the mirror to him had been a little strange. Mark walk to the mirror and tried to remember... Mark parked his gremlin in front of the house with a yard sale sign posted out front. As he got out he saw a couple paying a middle aged man for a punch bowl. The man was tall and skinny with a strong noble posture, and a web of fine wrinckles on his face. He had a clean shaven head and face, which only exagerated his strange eyes. His right eye was a bold bright green while the left was a cold steel grey. His eyes looked as if they held power and knowledge beyond the ken of mortal man. His clothes seemed inconguous with his strong and wise appearance. He wore black leather pants, and a white silk shirt under a blue silk vest. The vest was embroidered with silver runes down the front and a red and gold griffen on the back. Mark looked around and saw lots of ordinary odds and ends lieing around on tables and several full boxes off to the side. The strange man looked right at him, his eyes seeming to see right into the depths of marks soul. The man walked right up to him and asked if Mark would help him move some of the boxes out onto the tables. He offered to let Mark choose anything there for payment. Mark agreed. When he had finished moveing the boxes he began to look around for something to take home, just as he was about to leave a glint caught his eye. He walked toward the source of the light and stopped in front of a beautifully crafted, full body, mirror. The cherry wood frame seemed to be made of one solid peice, and the mirror itself seemed to blend into the wood. All along the cherry wood frame were small mirrored rose buds engraved in the wood. Mark was so entranced by the mirror that he never heard the man come up behind him. "Well, are you going to stare at it all day or are you going to take it home son?" Mark nearly jumped out of his skin. "AAHH, oh sorry I didn't see you. I can't take this from you for a couple of minute of moveing boxes, it must be worth a fortune." "Son, I said you could have anything. Are you trying to make a lier out of me?" "No sir! I just meant..." "Good, now can you handle that by yourself or do you need help carrying it?" "I Can get it to the car by myself, thank you sir." But the strange man was already walking away mumbleing something about how it was such a pity the mirror had chosen that nice young ladd. Mark was sat on his bed trying to remember why the man had scared him so much. The only reason he could think of was the fact that he had been looking right into the mirror yet hadn't seen the old mans reflection behind him, but he wasn't sure that it had happened that way, after a year his memory was a little fuzzy about the details. He did remember going back the next day to thank the man again but the couple who lived thier looked at him as if his skin had turned blue. They claimed that they had lived here for four years and never met an man that matched his discription. However Mark was not in the mood today to think on these mysteries. He slammed his book bag down in front of the mirror, spilling its contents out onto the floor. He sat down and prepared to eat his lunch. He pulled out his olive loaf on rye, a kiwi, and cream soda. When he opened the can of soda foam exploded all over himself, his book bag, and the mirror. "Crap!" He yelled as he ran to his closet for a peice of cloth to clean the mirror with. When Mark got back to the mirror with a sock to clean the mess with he was amazed that there wasn't even a trace of sticky soda on the mirrors surface. Then he heard a soft feminine voice coming from the mirror. "More, please. It tastes so good." said the voice with an Irish lilt to it. "What?" He looked around for who ever had spoken. "More o' the sweet stuff, please. Just pour it on the mirror, please." Mark suddenly couldn't stop himself from dumping the rest of the soda on the mirror. To his amazement the soda poured out sideways and disappaered into the mirror. A pale image began to appear in the mirror and gradually darken into the image of a fair skinned, red haired, green eyed woman dressed in a green tunic and gray trousers. "Thanks, I was so hungry." she said combing a strand of red hair behind one pointed ear. "What are you?" he couldn't help stareing at her. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Why thank ya. Thats sweet of ya to think that. But if ya don' mind I'd like to get this over with so I can be on my way." "What do you mean? Get what over with?" Mark blurted out not realiseing she had read his mind. "Ya mean, ya don't know. Ah well, I guess I'll jus' have to explain it to ya then." She said with a sad sigh that made Mark wish he knew what she was talking about so he wouldn't cause her to sigh like that. "Long ago their was one great land where both man and fay lived in harmony, with each man haveing a fay counterpart. Humans had the gift of science and the fay had the gift of magic. Every once and a while a fay child would become gifted in the ways of science, or a human would become gifted in the ways of magic. But the peace was shattered by a war of magic and science. What was once whole was split asunder, both sides decided to split reality, so that between human seconds there would be fay second, so both races could live in the same world but apart. It was decided that it must be this way until each race could embrace the other. We left it so that only through human magic and fay science could a gateway be made to join our worlds. When we do pass through the gate we must pay a toll, in magic for fay, and science for humans, to cross between the two realms. What kind of toll paid depends on the path between worlds. In this case it's a wish, since this is a mirror, however ya must remember that this is a mirror and that all rules that apply to a mirror also apply to the spells cast through them." She explained, stressing the warning. "So I get a wish?" At the mention of a wish Mark stopped paying attention. "What'll it be than?" "Thats easy, my dads always telling me to stop being so weak and be a real man so that is what I want. I wish I was a real man." Mark said in a hurry. "I canna change yer wish but since ya stated it so vaguely I'll do what I can to make it easier for ya." She said with a sad look on her face. Mark watched as she acted like she was makeing a snow ball and slowly a glowing blue ball began to form in her hands. When she was done she held what looked like a cross between a tennis ball and a blue light bulb that was turned on. Mark just watched as she threw the ball at him. The ball sped right at him flashing brightly as it passed through the mirror. As the ball left the mirror its color had changed from blue to pink. Before Mark even noticed the change in color the ball had struck him square in the chest. Marks body began to warm up but he shudderd as if his whole body were cold. He watched as the floor grew farther and farther away. He had gained another ten inches in height. Mark couldn't wait to see what else would happen to make him a 'real man'. Suddenly his hips popped and spread a little wider, before he could even wonder about that his waist narrowed by a few inches. This worried Mark a bit, he was supposed to become a real man so why was he getting thinner? He was so worried that he missed the changes that took place in his legs and arms, as they became more slender and and feminine. He did notice a strange feeling in his groin, it kind of felt like getting an errection in a pair of pant that were too tight to allow for an errection, just when he thought his pant would burst he felt a sudden pop as his genitals inverted. The shifting in his groin slowed and then stopped. He reached a slender fingered hand down to touch his now very feminine groin but before he could undo his pant and look his chest began to expand into a pair of B cup breasts. He touched a hand to one to see if they were real and they undoubtedly were. He started to scream until he felt his vocal cord buckle in on themselves raiseing the pitch of his voice to a sweet alto. His neck became more slender as did his shoulders, suddenly his spine began to arch as his pelvis angled forward and then the wave of change reached his backside. "What did you do to me?" Mark wispered not wanting to hear the sound of her own voice. "I didna do this to ya. Ya did it to yerself. I told ya that the wish was bound by the rules for mirrors. Everybody knows that images are reversed in mirrors, so when ya asked to be a real man, I had to cast what ya asked for; but once the spell passed through the mirror it was reversed. However since ya left the wish so vague I did my best to make sure ya were at least attractive and kept yer intelligence." The fay said in her own defense, as Marks face finished the changes to his body. Mark had to admit the she hadn't lost any of her intellegent, and from her point of veiw her body was certainly attractive. She was five foot ten with an athletic build, pert B cup breasts, a firm sexy rump, her brown eyes were more alureing and her raven hair was not quite shoulder length. She was indeed an atractive woman, but a woman nonetheless. The fay woman stepped out of the mirror and wrapped her arm around mark. "Welcome to womanhood, the good news is I can help ya learn the things ya need to know, the bad news is yer name is Samantha now, but yer friends call ya Sam." "I don't have any real freinds." Sam said on the verge of tears. "Ya do now, Lara Grey and ya have been best freinds since yer family moved here four years ago. Yer an alto in the school choir, yer a member o' the chess club; as a matter o' fact yer the only girl there. Ya are also on the girls varsity soccer team. " "This is too weird, on one hand my lifes better than it was before, but on the other hand not only am I not me but I don't know how to be who I am." Sam said now freely weeping. "Ya are yerself, only now instead of bein' born male ya were born female. In case ya were wonderin', yer clothes are more suited to yer current body." The girl said with a smile. "I am sorry to tell ya that the only way back for ya is to find a new enchanted item and wish yerself back to normal, because the mirror will no longer work for you. And while I'm on this side of the mirror I can't use fay magic, and I hate to admit it but I failed my human magic courses. I stay with ya for the year if ya want. The only people who will know I'm not human are other fay and you, to everyone else I appear to be yer foriegn exchange student from Ireland. Oh by the way, my names Kin." Mark had one last look before the mirror just blinked out of existance. She glared at Kin. "What makes you think I won't tell every one what you really are." "Cus if ya do you'll not only be a woman but a woman in a nut house." Kin said half in reprimand and half in apology. "So I have no choice in the matter?" "I'm truely sorry but neither of us do. Besides it's not all bad being female. Try it for a while, if ya don't like it we can always find a human wizard to try and turn you back." "There are any wizard they're just fairy tales." Mark/Sam replied. "Fairy tales..." Kin giggled. "Fairies are what humans called us fay folk. Besides I've already shown you that there is such a thing as magic. Come on I have a craveing for something sweet, lets go to some place that sells sweet stuff." "There is that candy store in the mall. Besides, if I do find a way back to my old self, I will have first hand knowledge about what girls like. This doesn't mean I'm happy though." As they went down stairs, they heard Sams dad in the kitchen blending one of his protien drinks. "Hey sweet heart, are you off to school? The principle said that you didn't have to go today because you are Helping Kim here settle in. Hi Kim, don't you worry about sleeping in sams room, I know she tends to snore;" He teased. "So I'm going to set up the guest room for you. You'll have everything you want: a four post bed like Sams, a desk to work at and anything else you like." "Thaks sir, but I really don't need much, I'm used to hand me downs from my sister and brother back home. Sam has so much stuff I wouln't know what to do with it all." Kin smiled at the more human name that they all knew her by. "What kind of people would we be if we didn't spoil you like we do Sam." He chuckled to them as they were leaveing. "What is he talking about? I have almost nothing in my room." Sam said puzzled. "Not any more. You've got all the things a young woman should have in her room." "Wow, if this is the way life is now, I'm not sure I care about being female. I mean I was miserable before, but now I've got more than I ever want. Freinds, hobbies, a proper room, a freindly father..." Sam stopped as she saw a VW beetle where her gremlin used to be. "Oh my god, is this mine?" Sam said on the verge of tears. "Whats the matter don't you like it?" Kin asked. "It's just that I feel like everything has been turned upside down and as much as I want to hate be a girl it just gets better and better. I just keep getting the feeling that this is a dream and I'm going to wake up." "I still don't understand." "The thing is I never wanted to be a girl but now when I think that this is a dream I'm scared I will wake up and lose it all. And I feel guilty about wanting to stay this way. I'm supposed to be a guy." "Not anymore, your a woman now and nobody will blame you for wanting to be one. So pinch yourself, to prove its not a dream and begin to enjoy the rest of your life." "Thanks, you so nice. I was real rotten to you about this, and I should have been thanking you." "Don't thank me, your the one who made the wish. Beside its not all going to be so great. Periods arn't any fun at all. Then theres the whole dateing thing." "Oh god I hadn't thought about dateing and periods." Sam said turning white, "Maybe some day I'll feel comfortable haveing a boyfreind but for now I'm still interested in girls." "I was hopeing you'd say that." Kin said with a wide smile. 2) Through the looking glass. Eric Kelly was desperately searching everywhere for a one way mirror to put in the quest room of his house. Since he had graduated from collage ten years ago he had always rented the room out to collage students looking for off campus houseing. He had, had a one way mirror set in the wall of the guest room which was on the other side of the back of his walk in closet. He had always felt a little quilty about watching the students, sleep with their girl freinds, or if they happened to be a female, watch them whenever he wasn't working on one of his romance novels (yes he writes romance novels, he's not proud of it but it pays well). When he wasn't watching he had a wood panel, that matched the wall paper of the guest room, to put in the whole incase the mirror was broken. Which was exactly what had happened this summer when he was cleaning the room in preperation for a female student who was going to move in tomorrow. Most of shops he'd found could deliver an ordinary mirror in three weeks. Not only were they not what he wanted but they would come too late, she was coming tomorrow. As he was driveing home, worried what he would do about the mirror, he passed a flea market, and as it turned out there was a small table of mirrors there. In desperation he decided to stop and take a look. He parked his station wagon as near the booth as possible in hopes of finding what he was looking for. As he approached the table of mirrors he noticed the strange looking middle aged man behind the table, dressed in leather pants and a silk vest and shirt. He also appeared to be bare foot. The strange man turn his strange eye, one green and one grey, toward Eric. "See anything you like sir?" The man said makeing Eric feel as if it was well known what Eric needed the mirror for. "I don't know it was a long shot anyway." Just as he was about to leave he noticed a mirror leaning against the table, it looked like it was just the right size for the frame in the wall at home. If it wasn't a one way he could put it in now and replace it (while his tenant was out) when he found a one way mirror later. When he stood it up he saw that it was not only the write size but it was indeed a one way mirror. He almost dropped the mirror in his excitment. Dragging the four foot mirror with him, he went back to the strange man. "How much for this mirror?" Eric blurted, trying unsuccessfuly to hide his enthusiasum. "Well, You can have it for twenty bucks." The man smiled brightly. "Deal!" Eric said tossing a crumpled twenty on the table and lugging the mirror to his car. He never heard the strange man comment that no one deserved to be chosen by that mirror more then that pervert. Eric hurried home full of excitment. He spent three hours getting the mirror in the the frame. Before going to bed, he replaced the wooden panel in back of the mirror, he forgot his tools were they lay on the floor of his closet. The next day Eric spent several hours writeing his latest novel writen under the false name of Kelly Ericson, he was quite proud of his fake name. The fake name allowed him to feel some satisfaction by seeing his name in print, no matter how jumbled, while still hideing the fact that he wrote romance novels. All of a sudden he heard the doorbell ring. It must be his new tenant. Eric hurried to the door, and forceing himself to calm down so he wouldn't scare her away. As he opened the door he saw the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. She was five foot seven, which was about what Eric was, and had the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen. She had short black hair and a body like a Victoria secret model, but her face; her face held beauty beyond what any mortal woman should be allowed to weild. "Rebecca Richards?" He said managing to sound indifferant despite his thankful prayers to all gods and goddesses that ever were. "Yes, are you Mr. Kelly." Her New Jersey accent followed with a smile that caused Erics heart to skip a beat. "Yup." Was all he could squeeze out of his mouth. "I'm so happy I finaly found this place." She said, and he silently said that he was happier then she was. "I hadn't expected it to be so close to the campus. I've been driveing around for the past half hour looking for something a little further out." "Well, I'm sorry I didn't make my direction a little more clear." He replied, simply because he didn't know what else to say. "I hope the room is as nice as you made it sound." Rebecca said cheerfully. "Well come have a look for yourself." He said leading the way. He wasn't sure he could have handled the veiw from behind her just yet. As soon as she saw the room she smiled her heart stopping smile again. The four posted bed was in the far corner with a large window, surrounded by loose drapes, looking out to a small apple tree and a beautiful veiw beyond. The hardwood floor had a nice persian rug in the middle, withe rich blues and reds. Opposite the bed was an antique mirror set into the wall next to a bureau that looked big enough to hold clothing for eight. Just a short distance from the bed was a door into her private bathroom. "The bathroom is yours but we'll have to share a kitchen. Not that you'll need it in a town as safe as this but your door has two deadbolts in it. Hear are the keys, if you need any help let me know. I'll usually be in my den writeing but if I'm not there you can write me a note and leave it on the desk." "Thank you." She said happily bringing her suit cases into her room. For the next few days Eric watched her change her clothes in front of the mirror. He even had, had the luck to have seen her pleasure herself one evening. During the day he was freindly but usually kept to himself, but during the nights he watched her and dreamed of being with her. He wanted her to smile her heart stopping smile at him when he woke every morning, and before bed each night. One month after her arrival Eric heard her come in late at night. He quickly got out of bed, went into his closet and moved the wood panel from behind the mirror. She entered her room a little unsteady on her feet, she quickly closed the door behind her and walked over to the mirror. She began to do a strip tease for her own reflection, giggleing all the while. She was quite obviously drunk, enjoying the show she was putting on for herself, and unknowingly for Eric. Eric closed his eyes and began to pleasure himself while standing in the closet. She had gotten down to her panties and her bra when Eric experianced the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt in his entire life. His knees almost buckled, staggering forward to try and stay on his feet he tripped over the tool box he had left there when he had replaced the mirror. As he fell toward the mirror he gave a quiet yelp. Rebecca stopped her strip tease and stared bleery eyed at her own reflection. To Erics surprise he began to pass through the mirror as if diveing into a lake. Rebecca was even more surprised when her reflection fell out of the mirror, putting it down to the fact that she was rip roaring drunk she walked over to her bed and promptly passed out. When Eric hit the floor he almost giggled, and suddenly realised he was in Rebeccas room. His mind was blurry, so he didn't notice the jiggle of breasts as he snuck out of the girls room and back into his own. After locking his own door Eric drunkenly climbed into his bed and succumbed to a drunken sleep. He didn't even remember getting drunk but there was no doubt about it he was drunk. When Eric woke up the the following afternoon his head was pounding and his brain felt as if it had been wrapped in a wet bear skin rug. When he tried to open his eye someone jabbed hot needles into them, or at least thats how it felt to him. Eric moaned and despite the fact that it sounded like someone yelling in his ears, his voice sounded strange. Suddenly he stopped careing about anything other than finding the toilet fast. He slid out of his bed and hurried on all fours to his private bathroom. When he lifted the seat up on the toilet it made a loud clunk against the tank on the back. He quickly put his hands to his head to stop the thunderous noise from echoing between his skull plates, and causeing even more pain. He didn't even notice that he was holding his hair back as he was too busy regergitateing things he didn't remember eating. When he was finished he closed his eyes and barely managed to slither his way to the shower and turn it on before passing out. Half an hour later Eric regained conciousness at the bottom of his shower. The water was warm and felt good raining down on him. He was so tired he just wanted to get confotable and sleep again, but he was in his wet underwear and could get comfortable. He didn't think he had the strength to lift his eyelids let alone take the wet bra and panties off. Erics eyes snapped open, and promptly closed again as he passed out. When Eric woke for the third time that afternoon he remembered all too well the shock he got the last time. This time he decided to take things a little slower. He moved his hands from the bottom of the shower up to his chest and felt a lacey wet bra encasing a pair of firm, very female, breasts. He opened his eyes slowly, and they confirmed what his hands had found. "Oh, crap." He heard Rebeccas voice speak his thoughts aloud. He scrambled to his feet expecting to see her standing in front of him. All he saw was his own bathroom. "Hello? Reb..." Eric stopped as he looked in the large mirror on the opposite wall, and saw Rebeccas image reflected where he thought his own should be. Turned off the shower with a shakeing hand, he reluctantly stepped out. Looking in the mirror and then at himself, he... no she, almost began to cry. "How can this have happened?" Then all the memories from the night before came flooding back. Sneaking into his closet when Rebecca came home. Watching her drunken strip tease through the mirror. His orgasm. Tripping over his tool box and falling through the mirror. Running into his bedroom, he nearly slipped in the puddle of water that had dripped off Rebeccas... , no his, wet body and onto the tiled bathroom floor. When he got to the mirror in the back of his closet he stopped cold, his side of the mirror had turned opaque. He could see nothing through the mirror. He began to panic, what if he was stuck like this. Then he stopped himself from being so negative. "Maybe, all I need to do is to pass through her side of the mirror in order to turn back." He said to himself trying to hide his fear with that hope. Thinking all the while that this whole situation was like an episode of Twilight Zone. When he ran back out of the closet, holding his breasts to stop them from jiggleing, he nearly tripped as he saw the clock. It was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. He had only a couple of hours before the real Rebecca came home. With a new sense of urgency he ran down the hallway to her door, he was distracted by the urge to play with the body while he still had it. He shook his head to stop himself from thinking about that, unfortunately shaking his head set his breasts jiggleing. Gritting his teeth against the distraction he turned the knob to Rebeccas room slowly as if he feared somthing would jump out at him, at the same time worrying what he'd do if the door was locked. He'd given Rebecca the only set of keys. The door clicked open, with a sigh he walked in and headed right to the mirror. "Come on baby, gimme my body back." he said as he touched the mirror. Nothing happened, he pushed harder, still nothing. He leaned into the mirror with all his might, and suddenly heard a cracking sound. Too late he realised what was happening as he shattered the mirror and fell into his own closet. "NOOOOOOOO!" He watched as the shattered remains of the mirror melted into puddles and then began to evaporated. He clawed at the puddles trying to collect into a mirror again, but they just wiggled out between his fingers and evaporated into nothingness. He, no she, was stuck as a woman. She began to cry to herself, wondering how she was going to be able to live as a woman. She suddenly realised that it was worse than that. The peeping whole was now blatently obvious and everyone would know he had been spying on all his tenants. She had to hide someplace, find a disquise and... Wait a minute, she already had a disquise, she was no longer a man. It still didn't feel like a fair trade but she had other things to worry about. She had no money, no job, no place other than this to live. Worst of all she was wearing the body of a girl who already lived here. "No time to cry, you've got more important things to do if you're going to survive this. Gotta see how much money I have around here." She said trying to pull herself together. She got off the floor and went into her room. The first thing she did was take off the wet bra and panties. She'd have to keep them since she didn't have any other womens underwear, and by the jiggleing from her chest she'd need them. She fought back another wave of tears as she grabbed a suit case from her closet and started emptying her dresser. She found a 'Wheres the Beef' tee-shirt that she'd out grown years ago. Now it hung loosely on her shoulders, but it fit better than anything else, she also put on a pair of kahkis she hadn't worn in years. The pants were far too loose around the waist but all her belt were too big as well. Then she saw a small bungie cord on the top shelf of the closet, she wrapped it double around her waist and through the belt loops, then tied it off. She grabbed everything personal in her bedroom and bathroom packed it into another suit case and dragged them out into the hallway. Grabbing the car keys and heading outside she realised that she had enough room in the car for almost all her other possesions. She had never really needed alot of stuff. The only things she couldn't take were kitchen appliances and furniture. No great loss, she could leave all that and the house to Rebecca, her way of apologising. It took her almost an hour to pack up the car, she left the key in the door and drove off. Not knowing where to go, she drove slowly around trying to figure out where she could drive to. She almost passed a pawn shop when she realised that she could pawn some of her stuff to get the money she needed. She sold almost everything she didn't have a personal attachment to, even the clothes, she couldn't wear them anymore. It didn't get her much, but five hundred bucks was better than nothing. She decided to go buy three or four outfits from the local Kmart, while she was leaveing she saw some good looking frames for glasses in a near by store window. It dawned on her that she didn't have to leave town, just change her appearance enough so she didn't look like Rebecca so much. She grabbed the glasses, what the hell it worked for Clark Kent, and paid for them at the counter. The clerk looked at her kind of funny when she told him she didn't need to replace the fake lenses with perscription ones. Eric put on the glasses on her way back to the car, she still had enough money to run to the salon and get her hair cut shorter. An hour later, a red haired Eric wearing a new pair of jeans and a sweat shirt stopped at a local MacDonalds for some dinner. She nibbled at her chefs salad while thinking on what to do next. She adjusted her new glasses, and thought about her situation. She needed some ID, a place to live, and a job since she could no longer be a writer. "Hey, wait a minute..." She said out loud as she realised something. Nobody new who the real Kelly Ericson was. She could still write her books for some income, but she'd have to find some other work too, since she had only about two hundred bucks left. Now she had a name and a source of income with a writeing carrear as Kelly Ericson. All she had to do now was get some fake IDs and papers, and find a place to live. There had to be someone who could make a fake ID for her in a town where underage collage students went out drinking every night. Just then a strange man walked up to her and introduced himself as Mike. He waited patiently for her name. When she didn't give it to him he looked about as embarassed as anyone could get. "Leave her alone Mike. God, he thinks hes gods gift to women. Beside, Mike, didn't you say you had a fiance back home?" Came a farmiliar New Jersey accent from behind Kelly (Eric). She turned around to come face to face with Rebecca Richards. Cold fear raced through her veins, she was sure she'd been found out. "Hi, my names Becky. You've already met my friend Mike, unfortunately." "Hey!" Said an indignant Mike. Then he turned up his nose and walked off. "He'll be back." Becky said with a smile. "You look farmiliar. Have I seen you somewhere before?" Yeah in the mirror every morning, he thought. "I doubt it, I just drove into town today. Oh, sorry my names Kelly." "Well nice to meet you Kelly. Are you a late student or something?" "No, I'm a writer, my last home in boston burned down, so I figured it was as good a time as any to move to Maine." She said, makeing it up as she went along. "A writer huh?" Kellys heart nearly stopped. "You wouldn't happen to be Kelly Ericson would you?" Becky said hopefully. "You've Heard of me?" She blurted out in releif. "Oh, God, I must have all your books back home. I just love your stuff." Becky gushed. "Have you found a place to live yet. I mean, you don't have to tell me where if you don't want to but I know this place pretty well and I can help you settle in and stuff like that." "No, I haven't got a place yet. I was kinda thinking about sleeping in a hotel while I look for more steady work and a place to stay." Kelly replied, not knowing what else to say. "A hotel, hmm, I know this place a few minutes away that has good rooms and isn't too expensive." Becky then pulled a pen out and grabbed a napkin. "I've got to get home. but this map should help you find the place alright. My numbers on the back if you need anything and I have the number of the hotel. Hope to see you around." Becky said handing Kelly the napkin and reluctantly getting up to leave. "Thanks, bye." Kelly said to beckys back. Kelly began to feel very guilty about everything. For the first time in his/her life (s)he hated him/her self. She was glad she no longer had her old face. It was the face of a pervert, she had a chance to start over and maybe even make up for all the things she had done as Eric. The first thing she was going to do was spend the night at the hotel that Becky had suggested. Then tomorrow morning she was going to sell her car to the first student who offered to buy it. She would sell all her possetions with the ecception of her mother and fathers wedding rings. Her parents had been the only people in her life since high school, up until they had died three years ago. The thought of how ashamed of him they would be almost made her cry. Gathering herself together she was prepared to leave when she realised she had to use the restroom. She walked up to the womens room and hurried in, all the while keeping her eyes on the floor. When she was done she quickly walked to the sinks to wash her hands. Her reflextion caught her eyes in the mirror, and she just stared at herself for several minutes. The hair barely brushed the top of her ears and looked so naturally red that she wondered if black was Beckys real hair color. Her glasses seemed to change the shape of her face in some indesernable way. She looked like a totaly differant person from Becky. Leaving the ladies room she got into the car and followed the directions on the napkin. Six minutes later she parked the car and walked into a place that was more like an inn than a hotel, but it was cheap enough. When the man behind the counter offered the room key to her he stared at her for an uncomfortable amount of time. "You wouldn't be Ms. Ericson would you? Because there is a message for a Ms. Kelly Ericson." He said. "Yes, I'm Kelly Ericson." She said releived he wasn't checking her out. Then she realised that for the first time she had truely accepted her new name. "Here you go then. Your room has a phone, just know that you'll have to pay any long distance charges." He said handing over a small slip of paper, all the time looking like he didn't trust her not to call someone in Austrailia and talk for six hours. "Thank you." Kelly said tucking the note in her pocket, picking her shopping bags up and heading to her room. When she opened her door she saw the beautiful room with its big cozy bed and thick comforter she dropped the bags just inside the room turned around and locked the door before climbing into bed and falling asleep. The next morning Kelly woke up from a nightmare. She had been danceing in her room and been startled by her a mans reflection in the mirror watching her. She sat up in the bed in a t-shit and jeans wondering if the life of Eric Kelly was a dream. She realised that there were too many things she didn't know about herself. She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. When she stripped out of her clothes she realised that she was indeed naturally raven haired at least down below. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right about her reflection. Then it occured to her that the appendix scar, that was almost invisible, was on the right side of the reflection. Which would mean that on her it was on her left side, the wrong side. Well thats interesting, she was still right handed but is that due to Eric being right handed or was Becky left handed. Well now not only did she have glasses and hair that was different than Beckys but apparently her biology was backward too. She suddenly realised that she had completely excepted her new self and was now thinking of Eric as a seperate person. She took a long hot shower, with more than a few distraction. Whe she stepped out of the shower and dried off, she grabbed her clothes and felt a crinkle in her pocket. She reached into the pocket and pulled out the note that the man at the check in counter had given her. It had to be from Becky she was the only one who knew she was here. The note read: CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN. I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE. AND IF THINGS ARE AS THEY SEEM, I NOW HAVE A HOUSE OF MY OWN WITH A SPARE ROOM. "Oh my god. I forgot all about the message last night. Wait is she offering me my own room? Can I accept?" She began to worry what she should do. Then with out thinking too long she picked up the phone, sat down on the bed and called the bed. The phone rang once before it was picked up. "Hello?" "Becky? This is Kelly, are you all right you sound like you've been crying." "I'm all right, it's just that a lot has happened since yesterday. The reason I left a message for you was that the guy who used to rent this place to me left the whole house to me. There is an extra room now and I know you were looking for a place to stay and I just really need someone to talk to, someone I can trust." "I don't know about moveing in but if it will make you feel better we could get together for lunch." Kelly said trying to contain her anger at Eric... her old self. "How about I pick you up for breakfast, my treat, and this way you can come into town with out wasteing gas." "Alright, but just because you buy me breakfast doesn't mean I have to sleep with you." She joked with out thinking. Sudden she felt realy stupid. The was a long silent pause before she heard a laugh. "I'll be there in an hour." Becky said giggling. Kelly quickly got dressed and brushed her hand through her hair. Thats the good thing about short hair, it doesn't take all day to fix up. She put on her glasses and left her room. She got outside remembered the car. Well Becky wouldn't recognise it so she didn't have to worry about that, but she sould sell it soon if she wanted to really start over. She opened her the car door and looked inside the glove compartment. Quickly pulling out a magic marker and a roll of tape she used the tape to spell out FOR SALE in big letters on the inside of the windshield and then tore off another long strip of tape. Useing the marker she wrote 'please write your name number and offered price on a peice of paper and drop it in the window, thank you'. She then underlined the forsale with it. The last thing she did before Beckys car pulled up was to roll her passenger window down about an inch. She looked up to see Beckys car pull in front of the little inn. Kelly ran over waveing. "Hey, how are you?" "Alot better since your call this morning. You seemed to know just what to say." Becky said with a big grin. "Lets go get some food, and chat a bit. Maybe you can help me with a few things, and in turn I'll help you with somthing." Kelly said cheerfully. They headed to a local restraunt were they got some eggs and french toast which they shared. "So whats got you so down." Kelly said, feeling as if she could burst out crying, knowing that this was all her fault. "Well acctually I'm more confused than anything. You see the guy who was rent his room to me, was apparently some kind of vouyer. He had some kind of whole behind my mirror and I guess he would watch me. But when I got home I found a letter that told me that he was leaveing the house to me, and that I won't ever see him again. I feel a little sorry for the guy, but I'm a little freaked out too." "Uh... well... Jeez, I'm not sure what to say. I do know that you shouldn't feel sorry for a pervert like him." Kelly was actually angry at Eric Kelly. She had suddenly embraced her new Identity and veiwed Eric as nothing more than a bad dream. "I don't think he was a pervert, I think he was just lonely." "I can beleive you're defending him." "Hey, it was not you he was watching!" "I'm sorry but it just freaks me out to think some guy could invade your privacy like that." Kelly said with real revoltion in her voice. "I know, but I also know how he must have felt. I mean I haven't been very successful in any relationships, freind or lover, for a long time. I just seem to distance my self from others. To tell you the truth this conversation is the best I've had in five years." "Well then let me just tell you that I'll do my best to make this a good freindship." Kelly commited. "Then let me resiprocate by helping you move in. And don't say no, because you'll still pay rent and in addition I get to proof read your next book." Becky smiled. "I'm not sure." "Please, I don't know if I can spend another night alone in that house." "Sigh, looks like I'll be spending the night with despite what I told you earlier on the phone." Kelly blurted out. Beckys face paled and then quickly blushed. "Okay, then lets go get your stuff." When they pulled up into the drive way Kelly saw a young man looking at the car. "How much are you offering?" She asked him. "Oh, um, is this your car?" He stammered while he stared at her, practically drooling. "I'm not sure I can offer you much. I can write you a check for seven hundred dollars." "If you can tell me were I can get some fake IDs then you got yourself a deal." "Are you serious? I can have it for 700 and some fake IDs?" He said stunned out of stareing at her. "Sure can If you give me the check now and the address of anybody who can give me some IDs." He quickly pulled out his check book, and wrote one out for 700. Then on a gum wrapper he pulled out of his pocket he wrote down an address and phone number. "This guys my cousin he actually works for the DMV, but he can get all kinds of stuff for people 'cus he has a freind who helps people in the witness protection program. So a little money can even get you a back date fake birth certificate that will hold up to any investigation." Kelly handed him the keys and took the check and gum wrapper. She went up stairs and grabbed the shopping bags and paid at the check out counter on her way out. When Kelly moved in to the house she got Beckys old room. There was a carpenter there putting a closet door in where the mirror used to be. "Thats where the mirror was. I thought that it could be turned into a door for a shared closet. To tell the truth you look like you could fit most of my clothes, feel free to borrow any, just let me know before hand." "You hardly even know me, but you've already asked me to move in and share your clothes. I don't know if I should be scared or happy." "Please be happy." Becky flushed. That night Kelly went to the address on the gum wrapper. When she knocked a tall skinny guy answered the door. "Hi, I was told earlyer today that your the person to see for IDs." "Are you the lady that practicly gave that car to my cousin." "He did pay for it." Kelly said a little surprised. "What kind of stuff you looking for." "Well I was hopeing to get a whole history. Birth, soc. security, drivers. That kind of stuff." "Your not wanted for anything are ya?" "NO, no, it's just that I would like to start over, I've made some lousy choices in my love life and wanted to become someone else." "Ah, stalkers, and ex-boyfreinds. You'd be surprised how many women have the same problems. I just need some basic info. Birth date, new address, a name, the rest will have to be filled in by my associate." "Well, I want to be twenty five, and want to be called Kelly Ericson. Heres the address of the place I'm currently liveing in." She said writeing it all down for him. "How much is this going to cost me?" "For you 200." "Thats it? Well thanks. When can expect it?" She said not wanting to resist too much in case he decided to charge ger more. "In about a month." Two months later Kelly was well into writeing a knew novel called Reflection. She and Becky had gotten closer, and she was waitressing during week the days. She had her new Identity. It was when she was shopping for clothes with Becky that she saw an ad for a local clothing store looking for models for their new web site catalog. Both went in and soon had a schedual for monthly photo shoots. In celebration they went to a nearby fancy restraunt. It was at this restraunt that Becky told Kelly something very unexpected. "Kelly, I don't know how else to say this but, well, I have never felt this way about another woman, but I was wondering if you wanted to take this relationship to a new level." Becky stammered, her face beet red. "Are you... um, asking me if I... ah, want to become... um, romanticly involved with you?" Becky just nodded, turning a darker shade of crimson. "I would love that. The moment I saw you I knew I would never feel the same about anyone else, but I thought I was doomed to only know unrequited love." They hugged, and walked home to do a little more celebrateing, before falling asleep in each others arms. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER... 3) In the nick of time. Daren was takeing a shortcut through an alley when he saw a flash of light. The light had come from a small hand mirror being thrown in a dumpster by a weird looking middle aged man. The most startleling thing about him was that he was walking bare foot through the alley. "Oh my, sorry young man, I did't know some one else was here." The strange man said with a smile and a soul searching stare. One green eye and one blue seemed to burn through Daren like lasers. "Why are you chucking that mirror? I mean, it looks okay to me." Daren said while wondering why he was so interested in the mirror. "Well, lets just say that Its not for me. I can't use it. Do you want it." The middle aged man said handing the mirror to Daren and walking off. "Well actually I could use a shaveing mirror to use in the shower when I stay at my girl freinds..." Daren said to the mans retreating back. Shrugging he continued walking down the alley to his girlfreinds apartment; mirror tucked under his arm. It was a short trip and only took a few minutes. When she buzzed him into the building, he hurried up to her room with one thing on his mind. Two hours later, haveing eaten a delicious meal, going through the minimum requirement for foreplay and a solid two minutes of unskilled sex (no love makeing here) Daren was sound asleep. Nancy lay next to him angry at him for not even trying to make it enjoyable for her and being in the wet spot didn't help. She was determined to end the relationship as soon as the slob woke up. She got up and went to sleep on the couch, grumbleing that he wouldn't be such an ass if he got to see things from her side. Daren was in the shower shaveing, with his new mirror when Nancy pounded on the door. Startled by the noise Daren knicked himself. "Thats it Daren its over. I am sick of being nothing more than a resepticle for your dick!" "Damn it bitch you made me cut myself." He said dabbing at the bloody cut. "I can think of a few things I'd like to cut 'off' you, you slimy bastard. This is my apartment and I want you out of here." Daren wasn't listening, he just stared as a drop of his blood fell on the mirror and caused the mirror to rippled like a pond after a stone is tossed in. The mirror began to run out of its frame, down the handle and across his arm. Startled Daren dropped the mirror to the bottom of the shower but the reflective surface had already enveloped his hand and hung like a giant bead of water. It began to silently work its way up his arm, leaveing the skin behind it thinly coated in a layer of reflective mirror like skin. He tried to shake it off his arm but it clung to him like mercury to gold. He let out a startled yell. "Help me! Its eating me alive, Help!" "I'm not falling for it Daren. Get out of there now or I'll get the key and my bat and force you out." Her voice retreated from the door. Daren struggled out of the shower almost completely enveloped by the rippling silvery mass. He fell to the floor he and let out a scream as the liquid mirror travel up his neck and began to spread over his head. He franticly clawed at it but it was no used, he could feel his fingures claw his skin, but the mirrored skin never even got a scratch. Darens last sight, before it passed his eyes, was of the door knob turning. Then blackness. Nancy opened the door to see a chrome colored figure on the floor. The shiny surface relected her astonished image back at her. And with a sound like figernails on a chalk board tiny hairline cracks began to form on its surface. Then a sound like a million baseballs going through a million windows the mirrored figures skin shattered... and there lieing on the floor was her perfect twin surrounded by tiny shards of mirror. "Oh my god!" Nancy screamed. "Nancy? What happened... it was..." Daren began before looking at himself and screaming. Suddenly Nancy realised that through some strange twist of fate she had gotten her wish. Daren was not only a woman but would now actually be able to see what it was like to be treated like a second class citizen. ' Too bad its only appearances and not minds. I wish i could make her mind into that of my submissive slave. Or maybe I can...' she thought. "Ha ha ha, surves you right you slimy bastard. I don't know how but, I am not about question such a miracle. It looks like woman kind has one less 'dick' to worry about." "This isn't funny bitch. What ever you did you better undo." Daren said takeing a swing at her. Nancy dodged easily as Daren became unbalanced by her new center of gravity and the swaying of her breasts. Nancy punched Daren in the face. "Ha, your no stronger than me, and more awkward. Now I'll show you who is boss." Nancy laughed as she pushed Daren down and pinned his/her arms with her knees. She then reached over and grabbed one of Darens new nipples, giveing it a sharp twist. "AAAAAAAAAAA" "Shut up bitch." Nancy said her green eyes ablaze with anger, and her heart pounding with the thrill of control and sexual arousal at her helpless victim. She grabbed the curly red hair, that now replaced Darens old blond, and slammed his/her head against the floor. The shock of the change, the confuseing sensations from her new body and her head hitting the lenolium caused Daren to pass out. When he woke up he was about to roll over to tell Nancy about his weird dream when he realised his arms seemed to be handcuffed behind his back. Shifting to try and see what was going on he felt what could only be breasts jiggleing on his chest. Everything came rushing back to him, the mirror, the look in Nancys eyes. "Good your awake. This would be a whole lot less fun if I did it while you were out cold." Came the voice of Nancy. Daren tried to speak but found his mouth filled with a large object that was held in by a stocking used as a gag. "Oh, I figured the gag was a good idea since you'll be doing a lot of screaming. The lime is to help muffle any sound you do make. I bet your wondering what I'm going to do to you. Well I'll give you a hint. I've been telling you resently about how I just finished my job training. If you were listening then you'll be expecting whats coming next, if not you'll know soon enough." With that a blanket was thown over his face so he couldn't see what was happening. He searched his mind for any tid bit that might help him, but he had never heard her talk about any job training. He felt his nipple being pinched and winced. Then he felt the touch of cold metal on his nipple... 'Oh god, please tell me shes not a surgeon.' he thought. But that thought was cut off by a blinding pain in his nipple. The he felt his other nipple pinched, before he could prepare himself he felt the pain again from this nipple. He began to feel dizzy. Nancy flung the blanket over his head and picked up the peirceing gun. She knew he never listened when she talked about her wanting to work in body art. She pinched the nipple on one of his new breasts and placed the gun on it when it got hard. She paused long enough to finger herself, she was really getting off on this. Then she pulled the trigger, a small snap sound told her that the small hoop was now through the nipple. She felt Darens body spasm in pain and quickly pinched the other nipple. She place the gun on the second nipple and the put one hand down her pants she stroked herself and pulled the trigger. The thrill of power, her fingering herself and the pain spasms of her victim worked together to bring her to orgasm almost instantly. She tossed the gun aside and looked at the small rings. They were about a quarter inch in diameter and made of surgical steel. She turned them in their new peirceings so she could see were the two ends met to form the hoop. She suddenly got an idea, getting up she went into her closet and dug around. She came back with a tube of krazy glue. The Idea of makeing the ring permanant made her increadibly horny. She pulled off the blanket over his head and undid his gag. Darren spit out the lime and almost screamed until he felt Nancy tug on one of the rings, as a warning, he just wimpered. Nancy pulled off her panties and got up on to the bed to stratled his head. "If you don't get me to orgasm before I'm done with your new nipple rings I'm going to get the peirceing gun out again." Then Ground her pelvis into his face, moffling his attempt to beg for mercy. She quickly took the cap off the glue and applied some to the ends of the two rings, sealing them togther. Daren for fear of the pain began to lick as fast as he could, he could feel the fear mixing with his pain cause a fluttering in his stomache, and a wettness in his new crotch. Nancy fought and used every ounce of strength not to orgasm on the power trip the thrill of permanantly peirceing her new slave and the tounge franticle licking her, it was almost too much. "I'm done." She said giving the nipple rings each a tug as she let go into a wild orgasm. "Sorry honey you were too late, get comfy cause this is going to be a long day." A year later the two were still liveing together. It turned out that Daren liked to be dominated almost as much as Nancy liked to dominate. Daren now went by the Name Caren, and had undergone several body modifications at the whim of Nancy. In public they looked like twins, but at home Caren would wear no clothing. She had leashes that attached to her nipple rings and grommet like peirceings in her labia. Nancy would often stuff a 10 inch vibrator into Caren turn it on and then lace up her labia to keep it in. Caren also had her navel and clitoris peirced and tatoos of exotic creatures on her body. Pheonix, griffon, dragon, unicorns, elves and pixies danced and played by brooks and forests all over her back, butt and upper thighs. Nancy had branded Caren with the words Yes Mistress on the bottom of her breasts, and I hear and obey across her pelvis, just above the small patch of red hair between her legs. In what Nancy called their play time Caren could be restrained in any number of ways. She had willingly recieved bracelets and anklets, that were soldered on and too small to remove, which they used to restrain her. Caren could have her arms brought over her head and bent at the elbow with her hands pointed down her back, a chain could be run from the braclets down her back, between her buttocks and attached to the clitoris ring makeing it almost impossible to move her arms without severe pain. Likewise her anklets cound be chained behind her back to her nipple rings. She could also have her hand behind her back with a chain going from her right hand to her left nipple ring and her left hand to her right nipple. She could be tied spread eagle or have her four limbs tied together and tethered by a short chain to her nipples, so Nancy could strap on a dildo and rape her or put the vibrator in and lace her up. Nancy enjoyed her Day job at The Body Art Studio, and her night job as Carens 'pimp' and lesbian lover. Caren just enjoyed. Epilogue The middle aged man, who according to his business card is named Roland Kane, sat at his desk with a quill in hand. He was useing delecate strokes to apply a chrome like mirrored surface to a solid peice of cherry wood carved with ivy vines along the edges. " I promise Rosoline that this is the last mirror for a while. I'll start enchanting other things now, some more modern things." He say calmly looking at the beautiful young woman in front of him. Rosoline runs her hand through her long red hair and just stares at the man with her green eyes. "You promise Granpa? I love working with you but you have a tendency to obsess on a particular type of item for too long." She finally says leaning her pale shoulder against a cabinet and flicking at some imagined dust on her green silk vest. The cabinet groans and opens to disgorge an antique sword onto the floor. "Oops, sorry, I think I'll go back to makeing those holloween costumes." She says quickly turning into a pixie and flying off. "You," Roland said to the sword in a stern voice. "Are more trouble then your worth. Your almost as bad as Arthur was when she used you. I don't see why Merlin put up with you two. She really wasn't that good a King and you are a second rate magic sword at best. I really wish Merlin would come and visit. But after that whole Camalot thing we haven't really talked. He was my favorite Great grandson, not like that arrogant Caesar. Imagine giveing up magic and long life to become a greedy conquerer." Roland Kane rambled on as he put the sword back in the cupboard and closed it tightly. He walked back to the mirror and picked it up. "Now where are we going? Hmmm... well I don't know are you sure you want him? He seems to be such a nice man. Oh, well why didn't you say he wanted to be a woman? So you are going to bring up the ghost of that woman so she can possess him and use his body to seek revenge on her murderer? Sounds good. You'll make sure that when the spirit departs it will leave him in the modified body, right? Good, we're off. ROSOLINE, I'm off to the charity auction, please be sure to get that cursed whiskey to Mr. Arnolds. I'll see if I can pick up a few things while I'm there, and maybe run down to the shopping center for a few things that we could spice up before selling for a profit, be back soon." And he blinked out of existance. Two seconds later he poped back in. Snapped his fingers to bring the twenty four crates into the small storage room. "I'M BACK." He yelled to Rosoline. "Now lets see, this crate can go to the pop culture section," Snap, the crate disappeared into the depths of the warehouse sized room. "this one to the...." he said as as he began sorting the goods and snapping them to their respective places. So what did you think? Good, bad, not your cup of tea? Please offer constructive critisism, and no hostilities please. Keep in mind that this is my first story/set of stories for public consuption. Hope you like'em. I hope I did everything write (the sound of really hard hopeing). I hope its not too long, and that no one will hunt me down for my horrible spelling and grammer (spell checkers busted).

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Note: This story is not a trilogy of erotic tales, but instead, a tale of three people who share three erotic encounters... I do hope you all enjoy! Originally written under my pen name venomlegions ***** -one- "FIRE" I was jealous when my twin brother John told me he had a girlfriend. John was mine, and I didn't want to share him. I couldn't tell him that, of course. I was the fast girl during high school, and even in college, when my tastes went far beyond what I could get in back seat, I...

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Stephanies Trilogy

************ Author's note: This is my first attempt at fiction of any type. I wrote it partially to see if I could write anything sensible, and partially for my own enjoyment. Having read the work of others I feel that I would like to share this with you. The story is not complete and I may not finish it, but Part 2 is half written. If you like it or have positive suggestions for its development please let me know. Oh, and it may be freely copied but not sold....

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Adventures Of Nik

Hello readers, I am Nik, a 21-year-old guy from Bangalore. I am 5.8 feet tall, have a 12 cm monstrous cock (when erect), with a fair complexion, hairy and chubby body. I love to have sex with all – men, women, and also the third gender. My family is an orthodox family (Hindu-Gowda). They are very religious, and getting opportunities for sex is really difficult. Pornography and the internet have taught me all about sex. I have a lot of sexual fantasies and desires in all categories of sex, which...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 4 Niki and her Peeping Trent

“Why do you let him lick you like that? And why don’t you have no clothes on?” A soft male voice came from the other side of the privacy fence as Niki turned, startled, unaware that anyone had been anywhere nearby. Niki looked around startled, petting Shadow’s eager head as he continued to lick along her bare thighs, his tongue touching, teasing, tasting every bit of her skin. She could feel his tongue dart in between her thighs, tasting her sex, making her twitch. She quieted her moan of...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 7 Cyndi learns just how submissive Niki has become

Niki fidgeted all through English, and again through History, as her revved up sex drive was met head on by the trials and tribulations of daily school life. Roach sensed something was up, but having little leverage on those two teachers, he satisfied himself with some subtle teasing, and reminding Niki that he was looking forward to Biology and another show. When she had returned from lunch, looking flushed, he had noted that another button had come undone, though she kept her arms mostly...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 21 Nikirsquos promised reward

Niki looked over at the bowl, and seeing the pieces of grilled cheese, worked her way over and took a big bite, chewing carefully before sitting back up and slowly stroking her brother’s shaft. “Oh, I have another note, um, Biology class. And I will need to be picked up late tomorrow, Mr. Jacobs gave me detention for some reason.”. Licking his shaft a couple times before getting back down and biting off some more sandwich, she felt a sudden tension in the air as Max stopped...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 11 Niki Was not the Only One

“See, April told us about her and there she is, naked and sucking that girl!” Abby leaned into her friend Jendra’s face and whispered her excitement, her eyes not leaving the nasty tableau before them. Turning, she could see another girl, Rachel she thought, eating out Cyndi as the blonde girl sat on the toilet with her legs spread wide and her skirt raised up to her breasts. Nancy continued to hold her legs apart for Niki’s eager tongue, continuing to cajole her. “God, you are such a cunt...

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Family Strip Poker The Trilogy

"Knock, knock," Joan, my friend said as she came in the house. Joan was literally the only person on the planet besides me that knew about Amanda and Brian and our tradition we were reviving, she found out accidentally when she heard them talking in their bedroom, and she was OK with it, she understood that you don't choose who you fall in love with. "So, your mom tells me this will be the night with both of you away from him, that is a big step," Joan said. "We know, and...

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On The Banks of The Ohio Trilogy

So it was last week whilst queued-up in suffocating heat, waiting to board the Euro Tunnel train back to Britain last summer, that my glance fell upon one of the uniformed young women, directing cars aboard the upper deck of the lead carriage. Admiring her quite obviously youthful figure as we inched our way along the platform, I had almost drawn level with her, when she turned towards me, holding up one hand to indicate we should stop, before they commenced loading the lower...

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Watching Mom Fuck My Best Friend Trilogy

If you want to see some pictures of my mom, check out my profile. PART I- Bedroom Fuck The following is based on a true story… My friend Ryan and I have been friends since high school. We would hang out at each other’s houses. We eventually graduated from high school and went to college. I stayed close to home by going to a local college. Ryan did the same thing. We would still hang out on a regular basis. Ryan would be considered the ring leader of our group… the alpha male. He always got the...

4 years ago
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Caught Mom with Best Friend Trilogy

If you want to see some pictures of my mom, check out my profile. Bedroom FuckThe following is based on a true story… My friend Ryan and I have been friends since high school. We would hang out at each other’s houses. We eventually graduated from high school and went to college. I stayed close to home by going to a local college. Ryan did the same thing. We would still hang out on a regular basis. Ryan would be considered the ring leader of our group… the alpha male. He always got the ladies,...

3 years ago
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Caught my mom fucking my best friend Trilogy

Bedroom FuckThe following is based on a true story… My friend Ryan and I have been friends since high school. We would hang out at each other’s houses. We eventually graduated from high school and went to college. I stayed close to home by going to a local college. Ryan did the same thing. We would still hang out on a regular basis. Ryan would be considered the ring leader of our group… the alpha male. He always got the ladies, while I was always pushed around and laughed at. Ryan always said,...

2 years ago
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Family strip poker The trilogy

3months ago now my kids Brian and Amanda had a baby together. It was a boy and they named him John after their dad, which I thought was a nice touch. Before little John was born, they got married as well. Although incest is illegal, so it's not like we could go down to the courthouse and get them married, so we had a great ceremony in our backyard. By time we had the wedding, Amanda was showing a bit, but not a lot. Anyway, our tradition of family poker every Saturday had gone away for a little...

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Abduction Trilogy

First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...

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Fake Trans Rape Trilogy

On his first day out on the prowl, dressed in a blue velvet mini dress and black heels, he moved around the city looking for a target. A clothes fetishist, the same rules would apply as for his previous attacks. A woman in leather, satin or plastic, but must be a skirt or dress, something that could give easy access for what he wanted to do. A woman caught his eye, a beautiful blonde in her late thirties. Sitting alone at a table outside a bar drinking a white wine, wearing a red leather mini...

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Canyon Trilogy

We were heading west again along highway 160. The air was getting warmer since we were going down in altitude as well as having a warm air front come through. I was just enjoying the feeling of freedom that you can only get by moving along on the open road. Michelle was sitting behind and a bit above me on the couch. Although I couldn't see her, I could feel her presence there. I was still trying to figure out what I had done in my life to deserve to have this vibrant, sexy woman want to...

4 years ago
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Her Flock Trilogy

Her Flock Kayla moaned into Mary’s folds, her tongue driving the older woman into even more intense throes of climax. Mary’s hands were entwined in Kayla’s short blonde locks, alternately pulling her against, and shoving her away from her climaxing pussy. Kayla’s face was smeared with the older woman’s juices, and she was still lapping for every drop she could get. Ever so slowly, she let Mary settle down from her orgasm, and then cat-crawled over her. Their breasts touched as they shared a...

4 years ago
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My Name Is Nik And I Am A Cuck

Lonavla.. October was a good time to visit. I had visited my farmhouse quite a few times before, right from my childhood to young days. But this time it was going to be special. Was taking my newly wed wife to the farmhouse for an ecstasy filled night. Made all arrangements there and was super excited about this. We had just returned from our honeymoon 2 weeks back. But that seems a super excited night than the honeymoon ones. We reached smoothly, speaking very less through out the journey. At...

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The Transformation From Nikhil To Nikita 8211 Part I

Let me introduce myself, my name is Nikhil and I am born and brought up in Bombay. I am currently 22 working in a MNC. It all started 2 years back. It was 2010 and I was living the life. A caring family, a good engineering career, a cute and extremely pleasing girlfriend. My Sex life which rotated around my girlfriend was going really great. I lost my virginity to her and i explored my sexuality by indulging myself completely in her sweet nectar. It was going good. But even when i fucked my...

Gay Male
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My Assistant Kanika Lost Her Virginity To Me Soon After Her Marriage 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Rajveer (that’s my real name and age), 30 years old guy from hyderabad, 5’10 height with a well built body as I workout regularly to keep myself in good shape for all my female friends. I love having safe sex with mature married women and singles too. I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for quiet some time now, so thought I will share my experience too, friends this is my first story so I may not be as good as other writers, but let me assure you that this is a real incident of...

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My Assistant Kanika And Her Best Friend Anjum

I am raj, from Hyderabad, working for an mnc as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed), this is a continuation of my previous posting my assistant Kanika lost her virginity to me soon after her marriage , I would try to explain everything in detail about my encounter with Kanika and how we got closer to each other and how she convinced me to tag along with...

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Skulduggery Pleasant Chapter 1 A Time For Reflection

Skulduggery pleasant – chapter 1 A Time For Reflection ———————————————————————————————————————————– Valkyrie sighed and rolled over she couldnt sleep her body still pumped with adrenaline from their previous adventure. She groaned and sat up flicking her lamp on to illuminate her room she had too many thoughts running through her head, the loss of Kenspeckle and tanith, her being Darquesse and how she let slip that she was in love with fletcher. She also thought about Caelan but she pushed it...

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VERONIKA part 2 A Real Life Experiences continued from part 1. Story Tags: Nudist beach outdoor sex Mutual Masturbation foursome cunnilingus girl/girl boy/boy sex. More adventures in Tallinn [1], the capital of Estonia, lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, only 70 km (43 mi) south of Helsinki. At the historical and medieval heart of the city is the hill of Toompea, covered in cobbled streets and filled with medieval houses and alleyways. The lower town spreads out from the foot of...

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Veronika part 2

 Nudist beach, outdoor sex, Mutual Masturbation, 4 some. More adventures in Tallinn [1], the capital of Estonia, lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, only 70 km (43 mi) south of Helsinki. At the historical and medieval heart of the city is the hill of Toompea, covered in cobbled streets and filled with medieval houses and alleyways. The lower town spreads out from the foot of the hill, still protected by the remnants of a city wall. Around the city wall is a series of...

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The Pool of the Truest Reflection

This is a stand alone story involving the Black Djinn, although you do get to see how he works. TALES OF DJINNAR: The Pool of Truest Reflection by Raven John sat in the bar with his close friend, Aleem. The setting was early Friday evening, nearly seven o'clock, and the place was filled with young professional women celebrating the onset of another weekend. Aleem noted his perpetually brooding buddy, and reminded him in his faint Arabic accent, "John? This is called Happy...

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Fucked My Horny Secretary Kanika

Hey! friends…… I am Vicky from Hyderabad and here to share with you all about a real incident of my life, let me make it clear to u friends that this isn’t an imaginary or a fake story this is a real incident that took place in my life. i am writing here for the first time….so please excuse my mistakes. first let me tell you about my self, i am 25, 5’11 with a good built body as i keep working out regularly and with a good sized dick to satisfy any women… and my secretary kanika is olden...

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Danika Morico

Reddit can be a fantastic source for quality porn. There aren’t many other sites where you can follow certain genres of porn and specific pornstars so easily. If you only like BDSM, there are a ton of subreddits you can follow to get just that sort of content. Same with any other fetish.It’s fucking great. You never have to leave the site for your porn if you don’t want to! And these subs usually link out sources for the full videos and shit. But some of my favorite subreddits follow specific...

Reddit NSFW List
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VERONIKA PART 1 a true story by Eric Red

Introduction: The story tells how I came to meet Veronika on the internet, and subsequently met her and what we did togeather on a visit to her own town."You have two options: dispose of it or store here and collect on your return, " he said.My almost new Zippo, a unique piece, I had to leave at the airport. And now I should discard it, because it was not allowed in the plane... I thought about it and ask."If I have understood you correctly, then I can take with me if it does not fire, is that...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 3

Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 3 "Quick, I will stall her, get that back on you," Lew whispered to the being sitting there, with the Veronika skin suit split out on the top. He walked over to the door and replied back to Maddy Jo, "Yeah just a moment Maddy, please hold on!" desperation seeping into his voice. He needed to get through this, and that required whoever this person was in this strange outfit to cooperate. The mysterious being looked at him briefly, then nodded and began...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 1

Project Girlfriend: Veronika Part 1 (June 10-July 8 2019) Oh man, another day, another boring lecture...... Lew noted as he sat in a small English Composition classroom, listening to the professor drone on. Granted to be a college freshman shouldn't been this dull Lew had figured, but often he had found the days slowly drifting by and by. The lecture was, like this week, being over mythic stories and while some of them were interesting, Lew found some to be quite drab. He scratched his...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 2

Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 2 December 28 2019, Jan 2-3 2020 The morning sun peeked out into Lew's room, rousing him from his uneasy sleep. He got up, stretching and taking a moment to wipe the dust from his sullen eyes. Ugh what a night, he noted mentally, as he got up to get ready for his day of college. As he gathered clothes and his book bag, he suddenly realized what he recalled last time. Oh my.... Veronika.... was uh, playing with herself. He wasn't sure whether or not to...

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Upon Reflection Ch 03 The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Upon Reflection by Fidget Chapter 3: The Unbearable Lightness of Being The following week, Maddie got the terrifying news from her mom that her younger sister, Kendal, had a few days off school, and would be coming to stay with her in her dorm. She tried to convince her mom that it would be a bad idea, but nothing she said made any difference, and it only resulted in her being called ungrateful. For some reason she hadn't been able to bring herself to tell her mom the real reason she...

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Upon Reflection Ch 01 Through the LookingGlass

Upon Reflection by Fidget CHAPTER 1: Through the Looking-Glass "Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely...

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Reflection That cant be me

Reflection, No way that is me! By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal guy who will turn 18 the day after tomorrow. I am kind of a little small for my age, but I am not a midget. Unfortunately, I am the smallest person in my high school and that does include the girls too. I have long hair past my shoulders and a thin body frame. I once heard my dad say I was petite. My mom tells me I should be happy about having clear and smooth skin, and such a full thick head of hair. Mom...

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My Assistant Kanika Lost Her Virginity To Me Soon After Her Marriage 8211 Part 2

I am Raj, 31 from Hyderabad, working for and famous MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex with mature, married or single women(any female who wants to have a good time in bed), This is a continuation of my previous posting My Assistant Kanika Lost Her Virginity To Me Soon After Her Marriage, I would try to explain everything in detail about my encounter with Kanika and how we got closer to each other and how she convinced me to tag along...

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Pads Coffee Kanika And More

“So you haven’t seen that before?” I heard that familiar sexy voice. I was in the open terrace holding a padded maroon bra and I turned back to see Kanika smiling at me. Kanika was my neighbor. Newly married, fair in complexion, her skin is like coated in butter. So supple and soft. Long hair which just ends above her waist, perky full breasts. Not big but just perfect. She was a ravishing doll. She had this habit of tying her saree low waist and I would constantly drool at her butter tummy. I...

3 years ago
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Upon Reflection Ch 01 Through the Looking Glass

"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely devastated. Darren and Amber had both jumped up when she walked in, and Amber...

Mind Control
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Yovan Ki Khujli Bhujai Kanika Ne

Mere pyare pathakon ko mera namaskar aaj mein apne jivan ki ek sachi ghatna aap logon ke saath share karne jaa rahan hun. Kripya mere atm-katha mei hui galtiyon ko bhula de aur is ghatna ka maja le. Mera naam ravi hain mein Bajida Jattan Gaon Jilla Karnal ka rehna walan hun yeh baat us samay ki hain jab mene apni graduation khatam ki aur gaon lot kar aaya school se le kar graduation tak mein boys hostel mein rahan is liye sex aur ussse hone wali shukhad anubhuti se mein anbhigh tha Jab mein...

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Nikolai and the Pink Rose

Nikolai and the Pink Rose By Michelle Kim Chapter one Nikolai Petrov was spending the final day with his lost brother Walter. They were raised by different fathers but they had the same mother. He had just found his older brother within the last two years. It had been a wonderful time for both of them. Walter helped Nikolai recover from the abuse he endured by his step mothers games she played with him. Then he recovered and they did all sorts of things together. But, everything...

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Upon Reflection Ch 02 Beyond Good and Evil

Upon Reflection by Fidget Chapter 2: Beyond Good and Evil The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was...

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Niks Indian

I recently came across NiksIndian, and I was immediately intrigued. As a full-time porn reviewer and smut peddler myself, I get to fap test all kinds of perverted content out there. I’ve given in-depth looks at thousands of sites here at ThePornDude, but the Indian stuff is still so fucking rare. India is one of the most populous countries in the world, but until today, I only had half a dozen Indian paysites ranked and reviewed. Counting this one, I now have seven.But is NiksIndian.com any...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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My Name is Annika

Part I I grew up with a secret. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a girl. When I was very little, I would pray at bedtime that God would turn me into a girl overnight. When I put on my bath robe, I would imagine it was a pretty dress. In the neighborhood, when the boys would go off to play "war", I was always the spy that went with the girls as they played house. I was a chubby little kid but that was just my family genes. My dad, John, was 5'10 and was of slight build....

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Axelrsquos Penis and Mom And Annika

11:45 a.m., Saturday, March 14th 2009: a Freshman Dorm, Athens, Georgia"Ronnie?" I stretched as I uttered my girlfriend's name. My eyes were still closed but I could feel her warm body snuggled next to me. On both sides. Huh? Both sides? I stretched again as I opened my right eye.Ronnie had short blond hair today. Which my still fuzzy brain found strange since she'd always had shoulder length brown hair. So I shut my eye and lay back down against the pillow. Blond hair?"Aaaaaaahhhh." A...

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Upon Reflection Ch 02 Beyond Good and Evil

The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was to go back to Cassandra's room, even with how off-putting her...

Mind Control
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 11 Nikky

Dave sauntered down the hall in the Administration Division. He was well-known, and so the presence of a vice president in the utility in the trenches was obvious and highly noteworthy. He made a few false turns, and then found what he was looking for. He stuck his head into the slightly larger than normal cubicle that belonged to Nikky Thomas. Her name was on a plastic nameplate hung on the fabric just outside the entry. “Hi Nikky, how’s it going? I was wondering if you were free for lunch...

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Meri Mom Randi Nikli

Hi friends, mai mumbai mai rehne wala ladka hu age 23 , mere ghar mai meri ek badi didi aur mom dad hai .   Mere dad foreign mai naukri kartey hai, aur mom yaha house wife hai. Dad 6 mahiney mai ek baar aatey hai india. Mom ko dekh kar lagta tha ke meri mom is the best mom in the world, but yeh baat galat nikli, Maine kabhi sooch bhi nahi tha ke unhe sex karnw ki itni iccha thi, lekin ab kya kar saktey hai bhookey kuttey ko haddi daalo toh jhap se lapat ta hai, waise hi mom ko bhi sex ki...

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Fucked And Shared Kanika In College

Hi guys, I am Hardik from Delhi, this story is not a fantasy but something that really happened and changed my life. This happened a couple of months ago (December 2014), I was in 1st semester so not everyone in my class knew everyone but everyone knew Kanika (All names in the story are real too), she is easily the sexist girl of our class, I don’t know the stats but she has a flat tummy, a round big ass and the nicest pair of boobs I have seen in real life. I had tried talking to her many...

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Brother And Sister Kanika

Hello dosto mera name naman he main haryana ke ek choti si city se hu. Main B tech third year ka student hu ye khani meri aur meri mama ki ladki kanika ki he. Main apne bare me bta du meri height 5’9 he, body slim aur lund 6.5 inch ka he vaise to main aur kanika bachpan se ek dusre ko jante he aur kafi ache dost bhi the lekin kanika ke bare me kbhi galat nhi socha maine wo 12th class me padhti thi. Ye khani 1 month purani he jab main apne mama ke ghr gya. mere mama ke 2 bache he kanika aur...

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Annika und die fremden Mnner

Angefangen hatte alles während eines Italienurlaubes mit Holgers damaliger Verlobten und heutigen Frau Annika. Es war ihr erster gemeinsamer Urlaub seit langer Zeit, und sie genossen ihn in vollen Zügen. Das junge verliebte Paar hatte keine Hotels im Vorwege gebucht, sie fuhren mit ihrem alten Fiat Panda von einem Ort zum anderen, begeisterten sich für die örtlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten, suchten sich in jeder Stadt, in der sie Halt machten eine Bleibe für die Nacht und zogen am nächsten Tag...

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Note to the reader: This is a seventh in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story features 14-year-old Michael. He thinks he’s gay. In fact, he is gender-trapped, a female in a male body. He stands barely 1/2” taller than his 6th grade sister Mina, outweighs her by only 2 pounds. He secretly wears her underwear. With the help of some potent weed, a 12-pack of his mom’s Heineken, and his renegade reflection, Michael transforms over the weekend into girlhood. Note that Michael is my...

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The Changing Reflection

The Changing Reflection Foreign Body I stare at the mirror. I see my reflection, Kevin's that is, not Vivian's. I move my head from side to side and look deep into my eyes. "Vivian, are you in there?" I wonder. Is this how madness begins? Last night's events have certainly heralded changes in me, changes I wasn't expecting. I now find myself with commitments as a woman, as Vivian, I need to meet. Where is she though? Was she always there? I look myself up and down. I stand on the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E15 Annika Blackwood 27 from Hull

We begin this week’s show inside an unidentified but impressively fresh and modern looking shopping mall ... Multiple levels of store-fronts with wide walk-ways outside. Down on the ground level, walking through the main entrance, we see our host – the blonde haired, white toothed, big jawed, fake-tittied, All-American dogwhore, Jenna McCartney ... And by her side, trotting along and looking super-happy to be here ... Her muscular, wide-chested, American bulldog, Cooper. This mall has a...

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Hi friends myself Dinesh 32 it was very luckiest time of me whenever I would attend the marriages in our relatives and I would have a glance of my sexiest bhabhi as she looked too hot in her curves nearly I have watched in every marriage she used to be fair good looking sexy blonde it was nearly after 7 years when I saw her in a party she was had too sexy looks. She put on weight trimmed and her waist put her busty chest out stretched hard in her sexy light pink blouse as her sexy cleavage...

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Monika Ki Gajab Chudai

Hello dosto kaise ho aap. Aaj mai apko apna dusri story batane jaa raha hu jo 10 din purani hai. Apne meti pehli story padhi hogi (meri wifi chudi apne boss se maine dekha live) or apko khub pasand aayi. Jaisa ki pichali story mai Monika ne boss se chudi or pregnant ho gayi thi ab Monika or yatin uska boss ka beta bhi hai 4 month ka matlb mera hai duniya ki najar mai. Chalo ab mai story pr aata hu. 15 din pehle Monika ne office join kiya. 2 din baad Monika ne mujhe bataya ki uska promotion hua...

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