- 4 years ago
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** Author’s note: This is an updated version of Part 2. Thanks to all the readers who voted so highly, and for all the wonderful comments. I told you the romance was coming. Please vote and/or comment if you like this piece. This is Part 2 of a series, and I recommend that you read Part 1 first, which has also been updated.
The next morning, I awoke to husky moans coming from my shower. I wasn’t sure what to make it of. Apparently, they were insatiable, as I guess most college kids are, but they also appeared to have started without me, which definitely seemed like a nail in the coffin of this whole experience.
The moans reached their inevitable conclusion, although I only heard one voice. I guess I had already missed the first part. Maybe that’s what woke me up. Resolving not to intrude on their time together, I hopped up, put on some clothes, and went to make coffee.
Beans ground, water boiled, coffee steeping, and there I stood. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next. I suspected it would be an awkward goodbye, maybe after a hastily drank cup of coffee.
‘She’s so slow,’ Moira said, coming into the living room, dressed again in my clothes. I literally jerked out of my ponderous reverie. ‘Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you.’
‘I was just…zoned out. You know how it is, pre-coffee.’ I think she knew I was lying, but the thought of coffee overrode any curiousity or desire to call me out.
‘Ohh, I could really go for some… if…?’ she asked, uncertainly.
‘Of course. I was hoping you would at least stay that long.’
‘At least?’ She smiled at me. There was still a timidness there that was so endearing, but at the same time, I saw the triumph in her eyes. Angler 1, Fish 0.
I basked silently in her smile for a moment before turning to grab some coffee cups. I had everything else already set out. I pressed the plunger on the French press, capturing the grounds at the bottom of the carafe, and then poured her a steaming cup. She wrapped both hands around the mug, held it to her perky nose, and inhaled deeply. She took a tentative sip. ‘Ohh, mi papi would be impressed. It’s perfect.’
‘You’re perfect.’ It shot out before I could even think about it, but I meant it, and I stood by it without trying to explain it away. She eyed me curiously, uncertainly, but there was an excited undercurrent to it. Could she have enjoyed last night more than I thought she did, and for reasons I never would have considered? If so, why did she turn me down at the end?
I had just excavated enough courage from the mountain of self-doubt to kiss her and find out, when Shelly wandered into the room. She was wearing a towel wrapped around her head, and nothing else. Moira turned when my eyes focused behind her. ‘From the other bathroom?’ I pondered. So, Moira was by herself in my shower this morning. That made me re-evaluate what I had previously thought about their relationship. Moira smiled and shook her head slowly as Shelly strolled across the floor completely naked, accepting her friend being herself. They didn’t seem to be angry at each other, so, why had they split up this morning? Maybe they weren’t as familiar with each other as I thought.
‘Can I steal another change of clothes?’ she asked.
‘Sure. I won’t even make you return them before you leave.’ She stuck her tongue out at me, and then assumed her trademark exaggerated hip sway as she sauntered past me. Moira reached out and slapped her ass, hard. Shelly yelped and jumped.
‘Put some clothes on!’ Moira scolded her in mock disgust. She got a tongue stuck out at her too. Then Shelly went right back to her slow swagger, disappearing into my bedroom. ‘That girl,’ she mumbled, grinning into her coffee.
‘So how long have you known Shelly?’ Two birds, one stone. I wanted to find out what their relationship was like, and I wanted any excuse to engage her.
‘Since my freshman year. My roommate that year was, well, a complete slut. She would get wasted, and a parade of guys would take turns on her. After she tried to get me to join in a few times, and one of the guys tried to get his hands on me, I spent most of my time in Shelly’s room. Donna, that was my roommate, got pregnant right after the start of my second semester. So, when we started back Sophomore year, Shelly and I arranged to be roommates. But dorm life suuuuucks…’
‘Been there.’
She giggled. ‘So we got a small apartment our junior year. Mi papi was only happy to help, once he heard a few dorm horror stories, and Shelly’s dad is rich…’ She clamped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide in horror. ‘She doesn’t like people to know that. Don’t tell her I told you.’
‘She,’ Shelly announced loudly, coming back into the room, ‘just heard you tell him.’
Moira paled. ‘I’m so sorry! It just popped out!’
Shelly’s visage softened when she saw how upset Moira was. ‘It’s OK. I’m not worried about him knowing. It’s the snotty bitches at school I don’t want to deal with.’ Moira took a deep breath and relaxed
‘Your secret is safe with me,’ I told Shelly. ‘Coffee?’
She seemed surprised that I’d offered. Why the hell did they expect me to boot them out as soon as I had my boots on? I was the one relishing in this unwarranted attention. It made me curious, and a little angry to wonder how these two wonderful young women had been so mistreated that they expected me to want them to go. There was relief in her smile when she nodded at me.
Moira and I both shook our heads as Shelly created a one part coffee, one part cream, one part sugar amalgamation in her mug. We noticed each other’s similar reaction, and started snickering. Shelly glared at us both, which just made us laugh harder.
Once we calmed down, Moira informed Shelly, ‘Craig says he’d like us to stay at least until we finish our coffee.’ Wordlessly, Shelly set down her mug with only a few sips taken, daring me with her eyes. So I one-upped her.
‘Actually, you two can come by any time you’d like. I had a great time last night. All of last night,’ I emphasized. There was a feeling of life in my condo that I never remembered feeling. There are plenty of clichés about the difference between a house and a home, but I was struck by how different it felt there right then. I almost never opened my blinds in the living room. I had always preferred the dark. Now, I wanted light. Houses could be dark, because they were just buildings. Homes should be bright.
‘Does this mean you won’t be trolling for babes at the bar anymore?’ Shelly teased.
That brought why I was at that bar that night back to me. I would have asked Moira in a heartbeat, but I didn’t feel like that was an option right now — not without potentially crushing Shelly. Knowing that I’d fucked Shelly last night, to ditch her completely…well, I just couldn’t do that. I was quiet for too long, trying to figure out what to say, and the room got very uncomfortable. I decided just to be honest and see what happened. I wouldn’t be at all upset with either of them on my arm, and I would completely understand if they both shot me down.
‘Well, I go there fairly regularly to play pool. I talk to people, have fun, but I have never invited anyone back to my place.’ I paused for a breath. ‘OK, confession time. Last night, I was looking for a date for a charity dinner in a few weeks.’
‘Are you being honored or something?’ Shelly asked me, eying me askance.
‘No no, it’s just a charity I really support, and the dinner is in Chicago, which I’ve always wanted to see. So I bought two tickets a few months ago, hoping to find someone to take.’
‘What charity?’ Shelly asked.
‘It’s called ‘Child’s Play’. They raise money to put toys and video games into children’s hospitals.’ Moira gasped, and I turned toward her. Shelly had already started in her direction, arms out. Moira’s eyes were filling with tears, and she had both hands cupped ove
r her mouth and nose. Shelly folded her arms around Moira as I stared with horrified concern. Moira wept quietly on Shelly’s shoulder for a moment. I fetched a box of tissues. Shelly took them gratefully, and pulled one loose, handing it to Moira once she had calmed down. She whispered something to Moira, who shook her head.
‘No, I’ll tell him.’ She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She steeled herself, closing her eyes and dropping her head slightly. When she regained her composure, she opened her eyes and turned toward me.
‘When I was eleven, and my brother Julian was nine, he started getting headaches. My parents thought he was just trying to get out of doing schoolwork at first. Then they came more and more often. We had just moved to the U.S. maybe six months before that, and didn’t have much money, but they knew he needed help. So we took him to a clinic. The doctors there didn’t know what was wrong, so they ordered some tests. Eventually, they gave him an MRI. They found a tumor in his brain.’ My heart broke. I thought about going to her, but she had control of her emotions now, and I didn’t want to interrupt her.
‘They couldn’t operate on it, but it was early enough to be treated with drugs and radiation. Those made him so sick that he couldn’t go home. I spent a whole summer sitting beside his bed in the hospital. My parents were working even more to pay for the treatment, so they couldn’t be there often, and most of the time they were there was during odd hours while he was asleep. One day he said he was feeling better, and wished he had his truck to play with. That’s when I noticed how sad that place was. Sick children everywhere, children who desperately needed some joy, and only a few wooden blocks for toys, and some board games missing pieces. Several of the kids seemed to be in better health than he was sometimes, but they were usually so listless you couldn’t tell. It seemed like they were all just waiting to die.
‘I brought in his truck, and a few of his other toys. I swear I saw his color get better the minute he saw me. He stretched out his hand, and I went to hand him his truck, but he pulled my arm and hugged me.’ She took a ragged breath, but smiled at the memory.
”Billy likes to play catch,’ he told me. Billy was the boy in the bed opposite of him. I found out they had discussed how much fun it would be to have a ball to pass back and forth. He had this mini football he loved — he was fascinated with American football the moment he saw his first game on TV — and I’d brought that too. He was so excited, and so was Billy once Julian showed it to him. I’ll never forget him smiling up at me and saying, ‘Someone else can play with my truck for now. Billy and I have to practice being quarterbacks!’
‘He seemed genuinely better after that. Several of the kids did, actually. Eventually, summer ended, and I had to go to school in America for the first time. He called me lucky for getting to go to school, and asked me about it every day. I loved telling him stories, even teaching him some of the things I was learning.
‘One day, about a month after school started, I went to tell him about a new friend I’d made.’ She paused. ‘It’s funny. I don’t even remember her name now, just a vague memory of blonde pigtails. I was so excited to tell him about it, I didn’t even think about being in the hospital. When I got to Julian’s bed, he looked worse than I’d ever seen him. I remember how weak his voice was when he said hi. His truck was on the floor beside his bed. I picked it up and handed it to him. I started to tell him about my day. He fell asleep at one point. He didn’t wake up the rest of the time that I was there.
‘A few days later, the hospital called my parents. They had done another MRI after he’d gotten worse. The treatments hadn’t helped, and the tumor was bigger. Almost anything they did from then on would be more likely to kill him than help him. He was in and out of consciousness for another month or so, but he always asked me where his truck was when he saw me, and if Billy had someone to play catch with. And then…’ She broke down. I went to her quickly, crushing her against me as she sobbed. I wept along with her. Shelly enveloped Moira from the other side, tears sliding down her face. She knew the story. She hadn’t been surprised at Moira’s shock, but I wondered if she’d ever heard the whole thing — not that a hundred repetitions would have protected someone from tears.
I stroked her hair and let her sob. I had no idea what to say. Shelly mumbled that Julian didn’t hurt anymore, and that he never would again. Moira calmed down after that. Shelly passed out more tissues. Eventually, the chorus of nose blowing tickled her, and she started giggling. Moira looked at her confused, until Shelly put a tissue up to her nose and started to snot out a little waltzy tune. Through the tears, Moira let out a chunky laugh, and then embraced her friend and whispered, ‘Thank you.’
‘Stop. You’ll make me start again.’ We almost all did anyway. Shelly threw the tissue box at me, yelling, ‘Not you too!’ I almost caught it, bobbled it, and then dropped it. My comically bad juggling started a wave of infinitely preferable laughter.
The laughter eventually petered out, and we all caught out breath. The gravity of Moira’s story hit me, and I looked at her, suddenly afraid she would hear me thinking about it and burst into tears. I knew what I had to do.
‘Moira,’ I saw Shelly nodding to me as soon as I started, ‘would you do me the great honor of accompanying me to the Child’s Play charity dinner?’ She stiffened.
‘I…’ Shelly whipped her face around to Moira and gave her a stern look, nodding slowly. Moira turned to face me, trying to smile and hold back tears at the same time. ‘I’d like that. Yes. Yes, I’d love to go.’ I smiled at her, and took her by the hands, wishing the dinner was tomorrow and that I could fly away with her right now. We quietly wrestled the last bit of our composure into place. Shelly’s stomach, as vocal as she was, broke the silence.
‘Whoa, down boy,’ she said.
‘I concur, actually. Can I take you two to breakfast?’ I offered. They readily agreed, and in just a few minutes, we were in the basement parking for my condo. The girls ohh’d at my car. It was the only possession I was proud of owning. I took good care of it, and it shone like onyx in the sun as we headed to a Waffle House for brunch, at their request. They both sat in the back, Shelly taking the opportunity to refer to me as, ‘Geeves,’ so I played the dutiful chauffeur.
Bacon, eggs, waffles, hash browns and juice crowded our table, as we ate the meal of the semi-hungover and recently sexed — not feeling ill, just depleted. Although, after three rounds, we told the waitress to leave the pitcher of water. The conversation was minimal, generally oriented toward the distribution of condiments, as we focused on refueling. They even had a small bottle of Cholula, my favorite hot sauce, which I proffered to the girls after drenching some shredded potatoes with it. Once I had enough calories in me to ensure brain function, I stopped for a moment to talk to the girls.
‘I really do mean it that you’re welcome at my place any time. I just have two simple rules: you need to let me know you’re coming before you come by, and you can’t bring people with you without my OK. I work from home sometimes. When I’m doing that, I will be working, and I can’t have anyone there. I also have access to sensitive information for my job from there too, some of it is people’s private health information, and I can’t have people I don’t know wandering around. That’s it.’
Shelly mumbled something around a forkful of eggs that sounded like, ‘Like we want to share you.’
‘What was that?’ I smirked at her.
‘I said, like we want to share your wine with other people!’ She glared at me defiantly.
I smirked wider. Moira put her hand on mine on the table and smiled at me. My smirk evened out into a ful
l smile, and I rolled my hand over to catch her fingers, giving them a brief squeeze.
Shelly pulled her iPhone out of her purse. ‘Shit! I have to be at work at noon.’
‘Work where?’ I asked.
‘Teaching beginning tennis to kids.’
‘Very cool!’ I said. ‘Do you need a lift there?’
‘No, I’ve got a car, but I need to get home and change.’
‘Me too,’ Moira said. ‘I usually call my parents on Saturday. They don’t try to police me, but they get worried if they don’t hear from me.’
‘Every Saturday?’ Shelly asked. ‘I don’t remember you doing that in like a year.’
‘That’s because I started doing it while you were at work, so I could hear.’
‘What, Moira? What?! Whaaaat?!’ Shelly cupped her hand to her ear, leaning right up against Moira. ‘Speak up girl!’ Moira shoved her playfully across the bench seat. I chuckled.
‘Well then, you two finish up. I’ll take care of the check, and I’ll give you a ride home.’ They nodded, already stuffing their faces with the remnants of their meals as I went up to the register. The bill taken care of, I turned back toward the table to see Moira and Shelly headed my way. They glided past me and out the door, headed toward my car. When they got there, they took up stations by the driver door. I smelled another plot, not that I hadn’t been the very lucky beneficiary of their previous scheming.
Shelly grabbed my face as I got to the door, and shoved her tongue down my throat. The kiss was short, but intense. She released me with a ragged breath and a lingering swipe of her tongue, and then turned my face toward Moira. Moira glided up to me, and put her hands on my chest. She tilted her head back, eyes half-closed, lips half-open. The kiss wasn’t as wild as Shelly’s was, but it drew me in and shut out the rest of the world. I don’t know how long it would have gone on if Shelly hadn’t separated us, saying, ‘OK, break it up, tick-tock.’ I pulled back, smiling down at Moira. It took every bit of will I had to pry my fingers from her back.
I let them into the back seat before following Shelly’s directions to their apartment near the campus. They explained en route that they both wanted a goodbye kiss, but not the questions that would have come from both of them kissing the same obviously not college-aged man. They hadn’t seen anyone they knew here, but if a BWM started disgorging co-eds in front of their apartment — co-eds who promptly made out with the driver — someone would notice. I told them I understood, and was very flattered that they’d gone out of their way to ensure they’d gotten what they wanted. I almost ran a red light staring at the two smoldering sets of eyes in my rear-view mirror.
The ride from breakfast to home for them was disappointingly short. In almost no time, I parked the car outside their apartment. It was a quiet side street, lined with trees, with several old houses that had been turned into multiple apartments. We exchanged cell numbers, and, with a wistful clutching of fingers, Shelly and Moira slid out of my car, but hopefully not out of my life. Aside from the one future date, I had resolved not to intrude on their lives, and to be more like a sanctuary for them if and when they needed it.
That apparently would not be a problem. My phone was buzzing in my pocket before I got home. Once I pulled into my spot, I checked the message that had arrived. It was a picture of Shelly’s ass, with a red handprint on it, and the caption, ‘Thinking of you.’ I shook my head and laughed. I climbed the stairs to my condo, went in, and passed out into a well-fed coma.
I exchanged a few messages with both of them over the next few days. Nothing serious or overtly sexual, just, ‘How are you?’, ‘I had a good time.’, ‘Hope you’re having a good day.’ Although I did get ‘Jello is stupid,’ from Shelly. I found out later that, on a sudden craving, she had gotten a box and made it, in the loosest sense of the word. It was not a rousing success. She didn’t get why two cups of warm water wasn’t the same and one cup of hot and one cup of cold.
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Hi all how’s life i am back with a small story . My mom rajani is 54 short, fatty,mix complextion. She came to my place to stay with me in my 1 bed room flat as i was making my flat . I am from kolkata. We all are at bangalore now . My mom wares sari, salwar, jeans all . After my work we used 2 go to see movie or any other places.as my mom is a principal she took holiday & came 2 see the making of home.i used to see her bath foam a long time by key hole. She is really sexy looks like a fatty...
IncestI work at an office complex adjacent to a large shopping mall. After work one day, I had a few things to buy so I walked from my office complex to the shopping mall. This was about 6:00 PM. I went to my favorite clothing store and spent about 30 minutes doing my shopping. I notice this young man walking behind me in the shoe department. I didn't think much of it at first but when I walked into the panty hose section, this man continued to follow me. I felt a little uneasy but because the...
Part 11 I stumbled out of the taxi, almost breaking my ankles as I placed my heeled feet onto the gravel driveway, before teetering towards the front door. I searched through my handbag, trying to find my keys but Robert must have heard me. He opened the door and noticed my obvious drunken state straight away. "Did you have a good night out with the girls?" he asked with a sly grin displayed across his face. He reached out and helped me into the house. "Yes, Jacqui and Andrea,...
I have long been a reader of erotica but this is my first time as a contributor. Actually, this is the first time I am telling anyone about my first (and so far only) experience with another man. I met my wife when I was 20 and got married a few years later. We have been together for 20 years, have 3 kids and a good sex life by most standards. Earlier this year I realized that I was with my wife for half my life and have been faithful to her with few sexual experiences prior to her. I also...
The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...
Chapter two – Becky returns A few months later, and I was enjoying my new life. Not at first I have to say. The old routine of getting out of bed at six-thirty in the morning, showering, shaving and getting ready for a day’s work was hard to break, and being honest I was quite depressed for a month or so. What we do, defines us as people, and I no longer had that definition. I adapted though, I started writing the novel that I had been thinking about for years. I decided on a complete makeover...
Read my first story, "The Summer of Losing My Virginity" before reading this story.After losing my virginity to my dad's long time girlfriend/step mom when I turned 18 years old, my newly devirginized cock was constantly hungry for Susan's mature hairy pussy. My dad never knew that Susan and I were having sex, let alone having sex a few times a day, while my dad and Susan would have sex about 2-3 times a week.One early morning, I heard the muted sounds of my dad and Susan having sex in their...
FEBRUARY 22, 2007 FEBRUARY 19, 2007Opal disembarked from her BMW, shutting the door. She tossed her briefcase in the trunk, looking around nervously, as she?d never liked Master Sickles?s neighborhood too much. A couple of young black boys, adorned in baseball hats and doo-rags, laughed in her direction. ?Whatchoo looking at, white ho?? one jeered, and Opal flushed, looking at the ground. Every week she promised herself she wouldn?t come back. Her therapist had worked with her...
I awoke from a restful, dreamless sleep feeling better than I had in years. It was light outside and a beautiful day. I remembered Steve was in the same motel and rose to see first hand what my friend had brought to the party. I started for the office to confirm the idea that he would park in front of his own door when the answer came to me. A beautiful blonde left the room in front of his bike. It was deja-vu a moment later when she came out again. I put one and one together and came up...
This is my maiden and true story . I think I don’t need to tell you that I am a really got girl of 22 , doing masters from PU . I first time came across sex and porn when I was 13 . Do send comment on . One of my class fellow from a fake ID sent me porn pics , stories and especially material related to fingering and self enjoyment lezbianism . So from that tender age , I started fingering and seeing porn almost all the times . I soon made my cousin Sobia my partner . Sobia, of my age , more...
It was after New Year season. I was working in a leading education institute in capital. It was really interesting period both in my carrier and personnel life. I had enough freedom to attend many things with my friends and my own. It was post New Year season. There was no rush in roads and shops. Therefore I used to go for shopping after season due to keep away from heavy crowd. One evening, the overcast day my feelings were not good. So I thought to go for shopping to get rid of laziness...
It was a warm summer afternoon and I had just finished an airshift at the Country station where I worked in Texas, when a co-worker came up and asked me to accompany her to a function our station was sponsoring. The event was at a local club where Gary Stewart was appearing and the co-worker was what is known as a BBW and she was married, but her husband was in the Marine Corps and stationed in California. And she had four c***dren at home ranging in age from 7 to 14. Now all the girls I’d gone...
You read in part 9 Her murmurs were as conflicting as her thoughts, which I played over my speaker quite loudly and clearly. “So now you are worried are you not my dear?” I grinned, “But thinking will do you no good, your mind is mine, and you will no doubt found yourself in a limbo, a circle of thoughts that will never reach a conclusion until I step in…” I open a small hidden fridge and take out a bottle of beer, sipping it as I look at her still counting dates and murmuring conflicting...
So this is the story of my first sexual experience&hellip, I was 16 and in year 11 at high school, a friends parents had gone away and they were throwing a party. The party had been going for hours before my friend and I had even seen the host and his best friend. My friend had a crush on the host and when I first met him I did to, my friend and I got in a competition about who he would go out with, but then I met his friend who, to me anyway was nicer and smarter funnier and better looking,...
Apartment – I would dress from time to time when I could be alone in the house. I also began stealing girlfriends’ lingerie when I could. I would take if from their drawers or hampers. I was careful never to take more than one thing over a long period of time. As far as I know no one ever suspected it was me. As time went by and dating became more sexual I would make out and pet with a girl until she was came in her panties or at least was very wet. I’d sneak into her hamper the next evening...
December 22, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Hi, Steve,” Doctor Clara Brown said as she came into my room on Friday afternoon. “Enter!” I replied, in my best Commander Data imitation. “That might be taking it a bit TOO far. I like contractions.” “He actually uses some. They’re continuity errors. Grab a seat.” She sat down and took out her notebook. “Any fallout from me deciding to cancel my last session with Doctor Chin?” “It’ll cause him to confirm his diagnosis.” I...
Chapter 2[u] "YOU UNGREATFUL LITTLE SHIT", the house at twenty two arrow street was echoing in shouting and screaming, "ITS FUCKING FIVE IN THE MORNING, IF YOU HAVE BEEN WITH THOSE TWO LITTLE FRIENDS OF YOURS THERE WILL BE TROUBLE BITCH" little Emma was only fifteen but grew up quickly in body and mind, and had lost her virginitty a year or so back, now her parents knew this, this was not the reason for there outburst, no it was because she was out let with her friends Jane...
I lay outstretched on the bed, naked and exposed. The room is warm and the heady scent of candles hangs in the air, the yellow glow from their flames jumps and casts shadows on the ivory walls and the white sheets I am lying on. I stroke the smooth skin of my belly and breasts as I wait, my fingers trailing the outline of my already excited nipples.When she enters the room, the statuesque frame so lean and beautiful, long dark hair loosely held back with a decorative clip, it takes my breath...
I thought this might be fun for you to think about...You are naked, tied sitting in an antique chair, with a hardening dick glistening with precum. I am naked myself and you are powerless to touch the parts of my curvy body that you so enjoy - my full breasts jutting with pebble-hard rosy pink nipples, my round hips that you love to grab tightly as you pound your dick into me, and my soft, velvety folds leading to a warm, wet, crimson delight that wraps around your tongue, fingers, and dick...
Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...
Hi friends, I am Chakith of age 25. I am working as a software engineer in Hyderabad. So when I was casually scrolling on Tinder as all boys do I swiped at almost all the girl’s profiles. Suddenly I see a match. The girl Subha in the profile seemed to be really cute but a little chubby. My ego got the best of me and I did not respond first and waited for an hour and to my surprise, I get a ping from the girl. Subha: Hi. Me: Hey there. All those boring intro stuff and all. Subha: It’s been an...
They traveled to the Regional Medical Center, hardly a typical tourist destination, but it was the most central location amongst five nearby hospitals, Owen College, Southwest Tennessee Community College and a couple of shopping centers and residential neighborhoods. While not a likely place to spend the day, it was certainly near a large number of people, especially since it bordered Route 240, which bisected the city. Before he entered the hospital itself, Alex divided the girls, telling...
The Cleansing She came like I expected, eager to plunder the riches that she'd created. I'd found out about the bet; that she could take a man and turn him into a sexy slut. I was the man she chose. I never had a chance. She was beautiful and irresistible. I would have done anything for her and did. I offered up my manhood and she took it and smiled when she did so. It was painful, agonizingly painful, but she didn't care as long as she got what she wanted. I had turned out even...
HorrorIt was Saturday night. I was alone at my mom's house during the weekend. Ever since her divorce with my asshole of a dad, it's been just me and her. I used to be upset about the whole thing, but now... I can't keep my eyes of her. Her body just keeps getting sexier to me! I know it's wrong but I only think about her when I jerk off. Her jet black hair, long legs, and huge F cup tits! She used to be a runner but that stopped when she had me, but she's still kept in great shape! Anyway, I was...
IncestYou have another few glasses of wine and carry on masturbating. As you masturbate keep on imagining yourself flashing. The more you think about flashing the hornier you feel. Your pussy is now soaking wet. Suddenly you decide it is now or never. You finish off the wine and go and get ready. As it is your first time flashing you decide you are going to go out in some sexy underwear. There is now way you could go out totally naked with just your long coat on your first outing. ...
We were all surprised when, after we’d been there for ten days or so, we looked up at the headland one morning and saw a black flag. We had talked it over, I liked to talk everything over, and everyone knew what to do. Frankly, that was one of the differences between ‘civilization’ and ‘wilderness’. Civilized people tried to educate everyone so that everyone knew their jobs as well as someone else’s. If you or your buddy got injured or killed, the job would still get done since you both knew...
(episode 25) This follows “My Senior Year: The First Tailgate Party.” It was after the first football weekend when I had hooked up with both Mary Beth and Jennifer, that I discovered that both girls wanted much more from me. Much more as in a deeper relationship commitment. Jennifer wanted a renewed commitment from me, though she had burned me badly in the past. Mary Beth, who had just been a friend up until that time, wanted to take our new friends-with-benefits relationship to the...
Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: ------------------ Bird and the Blonde Bird was hungry and his feet hurt. His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at the local big-box store. He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school. But he especially hated standing all day on his...
MY AUNT THE DOMINATRIX by Long Tall MaryThe look on Tina’s face is one that I’ll never forget. After being ordered to strip naked, in front of another woman, she is bound tightly with rope; quicklyrealizing that the modality of relationship therapy will be quite different than what she has been told.My name is Rebecca. I’m 28 years old, a leggy 5’9 brunette, and work as an assistant manager at a supermarket. Currently I own my home and havean ongoing relationship with a male. My sexual...
Namaste mitro. Aap sabne is kahani ke pichle bhag pehle padhe uske liye aap sabka bahut bahut dhanyavad. Ab main aage ka bat aap sab ko batane jaa raha hu. Dadaji aage aake let gaye meri mummy ne apne tang ko hawa mein utha ke faila diya. Dadaji ne kaha, “Bistar ko pakad lo hath piche karke.” Meri mummy ne dadaji ke hukum ka palan karte hue bed ko piche se pakad liya. Ab dadaji apna muh meri mummy ke fuddiya ke pass le gaye aur sunghne lage. Aur dadaji dhire dhire saans lete hue mummy ki...
Hi guys. This is Raj (name changed). And this story is how I and my friend Bani (name changed) made out with each other. We were studying MBA in college. This was back 4 years from now. We were good friends. We use to spend lot of time together in classes, dining in mess and hanging out but with friends group. Let me tell you about ourselves. I was 22 back then. Normal built body. No fats but not thin. Just fit. Use to play badminton and jog. My friend Bani on a bit short of height but she is...
Mrs. Belinda Roseberry was one of those modern women that grew up in an advantaged household with her every wish being fulfilled by both parents and servants. She didn't hold much with the tomfoolery of the male establishment having witnessed countless middle-aged friends of her powerful father travel down the road of debauchery and decadent selfishness. Her mother was a woman that found consolation in her pet poodle and a young gentleman by the name of Bruce. He had a far more talented...
The Best DreamOne night I went to bed and had the best sexy chat with a wonderful person I have been chatting with for two years plus. Our chats can get very intense with the sex. Tonight was the best night ever. Meeting at a hotel close to him so him and I can finally meet up and have a night of passion we have wanted ever since the beginning of our chats.I am outside my hotel and I ask someone to take a picture of me and I send it to him with my room number. Also stating there will be a key...
My Daddy and Maggie, Timmy’s Mommy, arrange for us to go to Babyland’s amusement park tomorrow before we leave the pool. Timmy and I are so excited to hear this and jump and hug and squeal, then my arms are around your neck kissing you so hard. My Daddy is so good to me.(Timmy and Maggie, his Mommy, are a caretaker/adult baby couple we had met and are getting to know).The Babyland’s amusement park is based on the children’s area of regular amusement parks but scaled to be the right size for...
Fetish***** Julie stood leaning on the railings looking down onto the busy shopping square, her long brown hair was loose around her face and her blue eyes were concealed by large dark glasses. She felt the dampness in her silk camisole top beneath her linen trouser suit and noticed the jacket had become undone and fallen open. Glancing down she chuckled to herself thinking perhaps she should have worn a bra, as her hard nipples were clearly visible through the damp material. Quickly she closed...