Male escort
- 1 year ago
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I had just told Amy about me being an escort or if you prefer a male prostitute. I could see the look of shock in her eyes that turned almost to sorrow.
‘Jeff, I don’t know what to say. It was so unexpected. I think you better take me home now,’ she said with teary eyes. ‘I need time to think.’
I paid our bill and we left the lounge without saying a word to each other. As I pulled up to her house, I told her, ‘Amy, regardless what you think of me, I really do love you and the kids. I was hoping that someday we might have had a life together.’
She started crying again without saying a word and opened the car door and ran to her house. I sat there until I saw her go in. This was the lowest feeling I have ever had in my life. I knew it might happen some day but I never thought it would hurt so much.
I drove home and even thought of driving over a cliff. I guess we all get those ‘do ourselves in’ feelings at a low time such as this. I would never do it but I have to be honest and say it crossed my mind.
I tried calling her all weekend but my calls went unanswered. I figured I would wait a few days before trying again. On Monday, I went to work but my heart really wasn’t into it. I gave out work assignments and went to the lounge to get drunk. After a few drinks, I figured that wouldn’t solve my problems. I just took a long drive and ended up at the airport. I sat there and thought for a while, watching all the planes take off and land.
I remembered bringing Gina and Ryan to watch the planes. I told them some day I would take them somewhere on the big plane. They were so excited about it. Now I wondered if I would ever be able to keep my promise to them.
I went home and tried to get some sleep. I tossed and turned thinking about Amy. I had to try to get her to talk to me. Maybe she just needed time. The next morning I went to the office and threw myself into my work. It was sometime in the afternoon when I got a call from my grandma. She told me Amy stopped by and was really sad. Grandma wanted to know what happened. Amy said it was about my past and that if she wanted to know more that she should talk to me.
I couldn’t tell her about being an escort so I just told her I told Amy that I had an active sex life while in college. My grandma asked me how I could be so stupid. No woman wants to hear about her boyfriend’s sex life. I tried to explain that I was in love with Amy and didn’t want secrets between us. There was no way I was going to tell Grandma the whole truth, but I had to tell her something.
Another week went by. I tried calling every couple of days and even left a couple of messages. I did think about going to her house but then thought again. I doubted that she would have wanted to see me. Late in the week my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Amy’s number. I lifted the receiver and said hello.
The voice at the other end was a child. ‘Jeffery, is it you?’ said Gina.
‘Yes, sweetheart, it’s me. How are you?’ I said in a soft voice.
‘Me and Ryan want to know how come you haven’t come to see us. We miss you.’
I swear a tear came to my eyes. Off in the background I could hear Amy’s voice.
‘Gina, who are you talking to?’ asked Amy.
‘It’s Jeffery, Mom.’
‘I didn’t hear the phone ring,’ said Amy.
‘It didn’t, Mommy, ’cause I called Jeffery. Me and Ryan want him to come over.’ Now I had tears for sure.
Amy took the phone. ‘Jeff, I know I have been avoiding a discussion with you. I would like to see you and talk with you,’ said Amy.
‘Any day, anytime, Amy. I want to talk with you too,’ I replied.
‘Is it all right if I come to your place tonight? I’d prefer the kids not be there. I have some things I really need to ask you,’ said Amy.
‘Fine, I’ll be waiting for you. Please do me a favor and tell Gina I miss her too and give her and Ryan a hug for me.’
‘Yes, I’ll do that. They really do like you, you know.’
‘I really do like and miss them too. I’ll see you tonight, Amy.’
Amy speaks:
I’m really confused what I should do. After the death of my husband Dave, I didn’t think I could love again. That was until I met Jeff. He’s funny, kind and gentle. He seems to love my kids and I know they love him. The only problem was he never seemed to want to meet my relatives and friends. I didn’t know why till a week ago.
I was in college when I met my husband. Our hormones were at their peak and we wanted to make love. We were both from a fairly strict upbringing. Against our parent’s suggestions, we got married in our junior year of college. We both worked part time and made ends meet with the help of our parents.
Ten months after we were married our daughter Gina was born. She was so cute and sweet. She was like my little angel. My mom was a godsend. She always stood by me and even watched the baby while I was in school.
Dave was in the ROTC. He was going into the service as a career. I was in nursing, figuring I could get work wherever he ended up stationed. I was young and didn’t realize how hard it would be. I became a nurse. Gina was two years old when we found out Dave was being sent overseas to a war zone.
It just made sense to stay here until he returned from the war and then move to where he would be stationed next. I remember making love to him before he left. A few months later I discovered I was pregnant. I wrote him and he was happy to hear he was going to be a father again. I on the other hand was both happy and nervous. If it wasn’t for my mother and father I don’t know how I would have survived.
When I was seven months pregnant, I received the horrible news that Dave died in a roadside bomb accident. Our son Ryan was born two months later, he never got the chance to meet his dad.
After the birth of Ryan, I got a job at the hospital. I was a nurse and did home health care. I went to the homes of mostly the elderly and saw that they were taken care of medically. I didn’t like leaving my kids but I had to earn a living. We couldn’t just live off the military benefits. My mother, God bless her, watched my kids every day.
My kids were my life and I spent all my free time with them. My parents told me I needed to get out once in awhile. Dave wasn’t coming back and I was a very young woman. I would go out with a few girlfriends from work and others that I knew from school but I just wasn’t into dating.
I was asked out a few times but I didn’t feel anything from the men I dated. Of course, once they found out I had two kids they backed off except for trying to get me to have sex with them. They didn’t succeed, sex wasn’t what I wanted. I was lonely and just wanted a little male companionship. There were a few nice guys and we were just friends.
I even dated two doctors that were both divorced. Just about every time we had a date set up they had some sort of emergency. Twice I was left at the dinner table because they had to leave. I was just too much of a homebody to want a life like that.
One day I stopped to see a new client/patient by the name of Emmie Ward. She so much reminded me of my own grandmother. The lady was like a breath of fresh air and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind on most any topic. Whenever she started on family, she would talk about her grandson, Jeff, who she always called Jeffery.
In her eyes, Jeffrey could do no wrong. She told me he was the best in everything he did. He made it to the state finals, running cross-country in high school, graduated in the top of his class. Went to college for five years and ended up with two degrees, one in computers and one in education. He now was buying his own business.
I remember her saying how smart and handsome he was. She told me that I should go out with him. She was so sweet the way she put it I wasn’t even embarrassed. I do have to say that I was a bit intrigued. Wa
s he all she said he was or just a grandmother’s vision of a grandson?
I stopped by to see her one day and when I walked in, there sat a good-looking man. The way Emmie had described him to me I knew it must have been Jeffery. Something just clicked in my heart when he started talking. Emmie asked him if he was going to ask me out. I was a bit embarrassed but I was hoping he would.
He hem-hawed around a little but finally asked me and I said yes. We went out and had a nice dinner. I told him I wasn’t interested in just a sexual romp and he said he didn’t have a problem with us just being friends. I mentioned my kids to him and he wanted to meet them. So far, everything Emmie told me about him was true.
He stopped by the following weekend and we took the kids to the zoo. He acted like a happy father and I couldn’t get over the way my kids took to him. We started doing things almost as a family would. We took the kids everywhere. I would see him about twice a week and I began to look forward to those days.
After a couple of months, I began to wonder a little about him. For one thing, he always acted like a gentleman and he never made passes at me. It was almost disturbing. I was falling for him and he acted as if he cared for me but never even kissed me on the lips. Maybe the cheek or held my hand but not much else.
A couple of times he gave me a foot massage. I couldn’t believe how good he was at it and that I wanted him to keep going much higher. He was the first man since Dave’s death that struck a fire in me but never went any further. It was frustrating.
I know I told him I wasn’t looking for a sexual partner and it was true at the time but now I was thinking a little different. I was wanting him to make a move on me, anything to show he wanted me.
The other problem I had was he really didn’t want to meet my friends or family. He was a nervous wreck about even meeting my mother and I didn’t know why. Did he have something to hide? If so, what could it be? He seemed to be the near perfect man if there is such a person and loved kids. I just didn’t understand.
We had dinner and I asked him if he would take me out again the following week. We could have dinner and maybe even dance. He jumped at the offer and the following Friday we went out. I went all out buying a new dress even though I couldn’t afford it. If he wasn’t going to make a move, I was.
When he picked me up, he told me how nice I looked. I could see in his eyes that he meant it. My play to seduce him or at least get some reaction out off him was working. After dinner, we were on the dance floor and I put my arms around his neck. I pulled him to me and kissed him. It nearly took my breath away as we stopped dancing and kissed again.
When we sat in our booth, I mentioned to him that I had a cousin getting married in a few weeks. I told him that everyone in my family would be there and I wanted him to go. He looked very nervous when I told him that my mom had been telling relatives about us and everyone was looking forward to meeting him.
It was then that I told him that I thought he cared for me but I wondered why he didn’t show it by at least being a bit more intimate. It’s when I received the shock of my life.
He told me that he loved me but was afraid to be intimate with me until I knew the truth about him. When I told him that I knew everything about him, that Emmie told me his life story, he said even his grandmother didn’t know this.
I told him he was scaring me. It was then he told me that he was a male escort in college. Basically, he was a male prostitute. Now I knew what was holding him back. It took me by such a surprise that I was speechless. The man that I had fallen in love with was a prostitute. He slept with women for money.
I remember asking him to take me home. If he said anything after that, I didn’t hear it, I was in some sort of shock. I didn’t know what to think or do. I was crying as I left his car and ran into the house. Thank God, the kids were sleeping. My mom asked me what was wrong and I told her I couldn’t talk now. I just said that Jeff and I had a big disagreement.
I know he called all weekend but I didn’t answer the phone. A couple of times he left a message that just said, ‘I’m so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. Amy, I love you.’
I didn’t talk to him for almost two weeks. He did call but I just didn’t answer. I honestly didn’t know what to say to him. When I saw Emmie, she knew immediately something was wrong. When she asked me, I couldn’t lie to her but yet I couldn’t tell her the truth. I told her that Jeff had told me that he lived a pretty wild college life. If she wanted to know more, she would have to contact Jeff.
Over the next few days, she was trying to counsel me but didn’t know the real problem. I loved Emmie and she tried so hard to get us back together.
‘Amy, you have to understand that men for some reason have to sow these oats. I’m sure that’s all that Jeffery did. I know that he cares for you and the kids. He tells me all the time. Surely, you can forgive his past. After all, he didn’t know you back then. He’s a good boy.’
If she knew he was an escort, it would break her heart. I believe it’s the same reason why Jeff was worried about me finding out. He knew I would be devastated if I heard it from someone else. I knew I needed to talk with him but I just couldn’t get up the nerve to make the call.
I remember Emmie saying that it was four years ago and she was sure Jeffery wasn’t like that anymore. She even told me that if I was afraid of catching an STD that I should just tell Jeff to be tested. As I mentioned earlier, Emmie didn’t hold back many punches and she probably did have a good point.
I was at home doing the laundry when I heard Gina talking on the phone to someone. She told me it was Jeffery. When I said I’d never heard the phone ring Gina told me she called him because she missed him.
You could imagine how that struck me. I knew I had to see him and discuss our situation so I told him I would be over that evening. His last words were, ‘tell the kids I miss them.’ Why did he have to be so damn nice? .
Jeff talks with Amy:
When Amy got to my house I was at the door waiting for her. I invited her in and she sat on the chair in the living room. I offered her a drink and she asked for a diet beverage. She probably needed something to keep her throat from getting dry since I knew I did. After I brought us each one, I sat on the couch.
‘Amy, I want you to throw any questions you have at me. I promise to answer every one of them honestly and truthfully as possible. I won’t hide anything from you.’
‘Jeff, I read an article about escorts and prostitutes, both male and female. A lot of them were on drugs and needed to support a habit.’
‘I never took crack, cocaine, heroin or any other drugs. I never smoked any marijuana and never even smoked a cigarette. I did use a few enhancement drugs like Viagra but I suppose you can figure out why.’
‘Why, Jeff, why did you do it then? Was it the thrill, the money, or an ego thing? I want to understand, Jeff, I really do,’ asked Amy.
‘At first I was a male dancer but I became an escort for the money. In the beginning, it was fun being with different women but it got old rather fast. It just paid too good to quit at the time. I only did it on weekends and it gave me plenty of time for my education.’
I continued, ‘Amy, I’m not that person anymore and I haven’t been for over four years now. I’m honestly glad that you know. I’m in love with you and I’d like us to be together. It scared me that once you knew about my past it would be over between us.
‘I’ve had a phobia that I if I was with you and would run into an old client that she might tell you about me. The last thing I ever wanted is to hurt you in any way.’
‘Jeff, would you be willing to get tested? You know, for a
ny diseases.’
I smiled at Amy. I knew that my grandma had suggested it to her since Grandma told me that if I lived a wild life style that I should be tested. She didn’t know that I was tested every three months when I was an escort. I also had yearly physicals and received a clean bill of health.
‘Yes, Amy, in fact I think we both should go in and get a blood test.’
‘What? You can’t be serious Jeff. Me, get tested?’ remarked Amy.
I had to smile at her. She wasn’t sure what to say. I answered her quickly before she became aggravated.
‘Amy, we both need blood tests before we get married. We’ll get tested and then get married, if you will have me?’
‘Jeff, are you asking me to marry you, right now?’
‘Not right now,’ I smiled, ‘after we get the test results.’
‘But, but…. Jeff, it’s so sudden. I don’t know…’
‘Amy, you’re here because you love me, right? I love you and want you to be my wife. I’m willing to do what ever it takes to be with you.’
‘Jeff, there’s so many things to consider. I’m in debt over my ears even though I’m doing my best to make ends meet. You’re trying to buy your business. I have the kids to think of. I just don’t know if it’s financially possible. I love you but…’
‘Amy, stop! I love you and you say you love me.
Amy interrupted me. ‘But, the kids don’t know anything except what’s in their hearts. There’s a lot of financial responsibilities. I’m trying to buy the house and I still owe my parents the down payment. You must have a lease to pay on your apartment. Jeff, you are a wonderful man and I do love you but besides the kids I have to think about finances.
I let her ramble for a few more minutes. ‘Are you finished telling me why we shouldn’t be married? ‘ I asked.
‘Jeff, I do love you but it’s things like I’ve mentioned that come up in a marriage. I don’t want those things to come between us.’
‘Amy, I love you and I love Gina and Ryan. I would make them and any other kids we had a great father.’
She interrupted me again. ‘Jeff, have you been listening to me? I love you and know you would be a great father but I have to look at the financial implications as well…’
‘Amy, please just stop and listen to me. I have a few things to tell you. If when I’m finished talking, you’re still worried then we’ll discuss it more. Okay?’
‘I’m listening,’ she said very nervously.
‘I’m not buying my business. I own it and have six people that work for me. Whatever you think I’m not leasing the apartment I live in.’
‘What do you mean?’ Amy asked.
‘When I moved back to town I bought the building,’ I explained.
Amy blurted out, ‘But, how?’
‘I will only tell you this one time and ask that we don’t speak of it again. Amy, I was both a good and a smart escort. I averaged one to three thousand dollars a week and invested my monies. I couldn’t let everyone know my worth because they would wonder where it came from.’
‘You’re the only person I have ever told this to. Even Grandma doesn’t know,’ I said in earnest.
‘Oh, my God! Are you rich, Jeff?’
‘Let’s just say we will be a wealthy couple and our kids won’t want for much. So, Amy, will you marry me?’
Amy came over to me with tears running down her cheeks and put her arms around me. Her lips felt so soft when she kissed me. She pressed harder and I could taste her tears.
As she pulled away slightly she said, ‘Jeffery,’ she called me Jeffery again. ‘I do love you and I will marry you. There is one condition.’
I wondered what that condition was. Then I said, ‘Anything you say, sweetheart.’
‘We need to be together when we tell Gina and Ryan. They are my life too.’ I knew when she said the word ‘too’ that she really included me.
I walked to the phone and made an appointment with a doctor for the next day. We were going for the blood tests. When I turned, Amy was smiling at me. ‘Kiss me again, you fool,’ she said as they say in the movies.
‘We don’t have to wait for the blood test, we can go talk to the kids today,’ replied Amy.
I smiled and took her into my arms as I kissed her again. I reached down and pulled her into me ‘God, I’ve wanted to kiss you like that ever since I met you,’ I said.
Hello readers …!! My name is samrat and main kolkata ka rehne wala hoon aur meri age 22 hai and main ek college student hoon lekin abhi main ek part time male escort hu. Maine apni pehli kahani “soni ki kahani meri jubani” post kari thi.. Pyar and response ke liye thank you very much, special thanks to my special bhabhi for your love… Ye kahani bilkul sachhi hai, agar achi lage toh please mail kare… Baat kuch month pehle ki hai ki kaise main ek male gigolo bana actually hua ye ki jb mera...
Hi, all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with the latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 25, hairy chest with an average body, I live in sector 16, Noida. I’m available to give the utmost pleasure to sexually urged or unsatisfied ladies. Please...
Hi to all the readers of – especially to aunties,bhabhies,girls and all the ladies who find their sexual desire outside and here…this is Ronny after a long time from dehradun and now in Mumbai for one month and I have received several feedback’s regarding my post stories..Mostly from boys.Let me make it clear I provide my service to females only..So please feedback’s from male are acceptable but request to provide my service is acceptable from females..Mail me on lets...
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Hi to all my sweet clients and Indian sex stories readers, Thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me a best complements and for feedback you can mail me at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram from Bangalore, A good looking 28 yrs old guy with fair and athletic body and am working in a reputed MNC company and as a part time I am working as an male escort, I provide service to those unsatisfied...
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Before my current girlfriend I was in a relationship for about 3 years. Towards the end the sex got boring and not as frequent as I’d like. I started browsing for escorts in the area, something I never did before. After looking and looking I was reluctant to spend that money on something if given a little effort I could get for free. When curiosity struck I started looking at the shenale escorts. Prior I had watched some shenale porn in the past and remember getting very turned on by it. So for...
Me - Hello, **** Escort Agency. EA - Yes? Where do you want escort? Me - Umm... Sir, this is my first experience. I might need a little briefing. EA - Okay Sir, Wait a minute. we will transfer your call to another representative, you can talk to them for full enquiry. * In about a minute, I was transferred to another person. It was a female this time. EA - Hello sir, How my I help you? Me - Mam, This is my first time hiring an escort. I wish to have know about the escorts you provide,...
This is my second story on Indian sex stories dot net. Thank you, everyone, for your response to my previous sexstory. I am Karan from Bangalore. Any women/aunties/college girls want to have fun, sex chat can contact me. You can write your feedback to me to This is another true incident which happened two months back when I posted an ad on locanto as a male escort. I provide services to woman who have not been satisfied on the bed. After two weeks I received a mail. The woman of the story...
I am back with another real sex story of mine, I hope all you guys are doing well and I appreciate the love shown to my first sex story. Without any further due let me start the sex story, Since I have a very high sexual libido which is very difficult to be satisfied with masturbation, I was finding it difficult day by day and it also started to affect my work, Since I did not want to make girlfriend and get into love and commitment, I decided to post an ad as a male escort online and gave my...
Hello everyone, my name is Nik, I’m a 19 year old btech student currently in Bangalore. Since puberty,I’ve been one of those people who have a high sex drive. My mind is constantly on sex,and being bisexual, my dirty mind doesn’t spare anyone ;) However I’ve never met anyone for real until this incident which is a true story.. This happened a couple of weeks back when in an extremely horny mood i decided to post an ad of me as a male escort along with my photo on locanto. This story is 100%...
Hello ISS readers, main ye nhi keh skta main fan hun iss site ka mggr main kafi stories padhi hai wo safi fake lagti hain ,but main apna asliye encounter bta raha hun apko.Ye story hindi mein isliye likh raha hun jisse sabko smjh aa jaye…Mera naam ronny singh aur main ek male escort hun ,dehradun se aur 2 saal se ladkiyo aur bahbhiyo ko satisfy kr raha hun..About me main 6 feet ka gora nhi but acha dikhta hun aisa mere clients bolte hain and gym jata hun to muscles bhi hain.Waise mujhe ladkiyo...
hi friends this is ranbir…mai btech 3rd yr ka student hu…this is my true story ..meri height 5.8″ hai mera rang gora gathile sharir ka swami hu mere lund ka size 8″ inch ka jo kisi bhi aurat ko khush karne ke liye kafi hai.. Ye ghatna aaj se karib 2 mahine pehle ki hai mai noida ke ek engg. clg me padh raha hu..Hum teen dost ek hi room me rehte hai hum sab aapas me masti karte rehte hain. Ek din ki baat hai mere dost akashay ne pani me viagra ki tablet coffee me mila ke mujhe pila di thi,mujhe...
Hello Readers, well I can’t say I m a Big Fan of ISS but I did saw some stories and most of them looked fiction, but anyways I m posting one of my incident .I am Rahul a Male Escort from Delhi working since last 3 year about me I m 6 ft tall fair with nice muscles and six packs n all. I’m narrating a story which happened about 2 weeks ago and it was very strange ,without taking too much time of yours let me come forward to the story. It was 10th of Feb and I was relaxing at my room and suddenly...
When I arrive at the suite of their downtown five-star hotel Simone greets me wearing heels, stockings and a short black dress. “Can I call you Cherie?,” she asks as I size her up up. Tall, almost six-feet in her heels, bobbed honey blond hair, slim almost boyish figure, drop dead gorgeous and exuding sex appeal. “You are here for our sexual pleasure, we have no inhibitions and love stretching the boundaries,” she tells me as her man appears wearing a short black silk dressing gown. “This is...
When I arrive at the suite of their downtown five-star hotel Simone greets me wearing heels, stockings and a short black dress. “Can I call you Cherie?,” she asks as I size her up up. Tall, almost six-feet in her heels, bobbed honey blond hair, slim almost boyish figure, drop dead gorgeous and exuding sex appeal. “You are here for our sexual pleasure, we have no inhibitions and love stretching the boundaries,” she tells me as her man appears wearing a short black silk dressing gown. “This is...
Hi, friends am Shilpa (name changed) who is a sexy college student from Bangalore. I am currently doing my Bachelor degree in Bangalore. I am 20 years old girl with a good physique and sexy curves. I have a lot of sexual desires and fantasies but never got a chance to fulfill my fantasies. I belong to a very conservative family. It was my semester exam time. So, I thought to do combine studies with my friend Shwetha (name changed) in college hostel to score good marks. So, I went to college...
"Hello, Snow Mountain Escort Service, how may I help you?" Randy went with a small deception. "This is Bob Wingate and I'm looking for a companion for the evening. Would your service be able to accommodate me?" "It depends. Most of our escorts are busy this evening. I only have one left I can call on. She is a little older, but she is a fine looking lady." "How about Arnie Dickerson? I could wait until late if you would set her up with me." "I'm sorry, Arnie has a two-day...
What can you find at EuroGirlsEscort directory? Well, here's the deal: If you plan on traveling to Europe for the holidays and you want to get laid real quick, then you should totally head out and check out. This website right here shows you every possible European offer that is available right now. Furthermore, all of the services of this website are completely free, so you don't have to worry about getting money out of your wallet, or in this case, the credit card....
Escort SitesMy First Try at Escorting1 ESCORTI see Sue in her final preparations tugging that tiny G-string between her cheeks then stepping into her little black cocktail dress, it thrills me and shames me in equal measures. Yes, I know it’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to feel in control; it’s crazy really, we are a loving and wealthy couple so why did I talk her into doing this? We had paid £350 a night to stay at the Grand just so that I could let a complete stranger rent my wife for a few hours....
I've always had a fantasy to pay for sex; there's just something about it that makes me really horny. I have watched plenty of escort porn videos and signed up to some sites where you can look at escorts and read reviews. I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local, when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a description: "Sexy Elle; twenty-two years old," so eight years younger than me, "tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven...
First TimeMy name is Anita. I am a 23 year old es-panic female, 5 ft 5 inches tall, 115 pounds, 32 B breast, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. This is my story of several first for me including bondage, pain, pleasure and anal. My live in boyfriend dumped me a few months back telling me that I was not open minded and adventurous enough sexually and he had found a woman that pleased him much more than I. I was left with the lease on our apartment and all the utilities which put me in a heavy...
Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...
business, except for a significant drawback. I have little time to date or put into a relationship. Predictably, as a man in my mid-thirties, I get quite lonely. i found myself searching out the better escort services in the cities I frequent. One of those cities is also the home of a very good, long time friend and his family. It also happens to be the home of my favorite escort service. Steve and I met during my first job right out of college. He was a few years older than I...
Kimmie held up the white two-piece outfit, admiring the halter top with the plunging, scoop neckline and tight bottoms that were a cross between shorts and panties. She stood a little over five feet and had a firm 34C chest, small waist, and round butt. She knew the outfit would provide a nice contrast to her long black hair, as well as show off her ample cleavage and cling to her ass like a second skin."Oh, good choice," said a woman shopping in the same aisle. "I think you'd look great in...
Confession of an Escort I thought readers of Lush Stories might like to hear about my escapades as an escort. It wasn’t something I ever intended to do, but opportunities arose to make life exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed having sex with wealthy married men at the time, and it changed my cozy, but boring life style to one of almost daily adrenaline and sexual highs. Let me tell you what a twenty-five year old married woman did with her time, if her husband was extravagantly wealthy, children...
Introduction: this is my second one A Teenage Escort. Part 1. The Training My family was fairly poor, no, really poor. As a child through high school I was teased about my clothes, shoes, everything other kids had that were nicer. By the time I got to 10th grade at 16 years old I was sick of it. My parents were wonderful just not educated and had lousy jobs. We never went hungry or anything like that but the teasing had scarred me to my soul. One thing I had going for me was I am pretty...
This was the third time I was meeting Xena. I was having an affair with her and I had kept it a secret from my wife. What do I say? I was addicted to her or rather my cock was addicted to her pussy. And she was naughty as hell so I enjoyed doing things with her of sexual nature. I don’t feel bad having an affair with a hot escort like Xena. Once, she invited me to her apartment and she had a “friend†there. I fingered both of them and licked their pussy alternatively. It was a big success for...
Extra Marital AffairThe Escort By Jennifer Richardson I got the idea for this story from a reply I received from a gentleman who I have been writing a series of fantasies. He is into all manner of kinky stuff so I wasn't really surprised when he requested a tale involving him and a transvestite. He is aware that I'm a hetero transvestite and all the previous stories I'd written for him were hetero too. I checked with him and he confirmed his requirements. What he actually said was: "I don't know...
I've been an escort since I was eighteen. My job is very interesting. I meet so many different kinds of people. Sometimes I've even traveled to meet some of my clients. I get paid very well and even get tips most of the time. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've dated men that were younger than me, or men that are twice my age. It’s been a very interesting three years. I've also been given the most amazing gifts. Some men have bought me Jimmy Choo shoes, Christian Louboutin...
TabooHi my name is Vijay patil 19 teen years old and im from nasik here is my first real life experience or we can its a confession about an escort girl Nikita whom I met when I was traveling from Pune to Manmad by the passenger train which departs from Pune at night 12:15 am. She only told me about this site and she is a frequent reader so im posting it here she will definitely read it. I will Introduce my self im an average boy with 5.5 height, better physique, dick size 5 inches, fair. which can...
Part 1. The Training My family was fairly poor, no, really poor. As a child through high school I was teased about my clothes, shoes, everything other kids had that were nicer. By the time I got to 10th grade at 16 years old I was sick of it. My parents were wonderful just not educated and had lousy jobs. We never went hungry or anything like that but the teasing had scarred me to my soul. One thing I had going for me was I am pretty with a great body. That led to many of the...
Escort by Vickie Tern "Honey, what in the world can we do now?" Melissa looked at me, her arms hanging down helplessly, her hands turned out, empty. I felt equally helpless and couldn't face her, only stare into the middle distance. All I could do was answer her question with the same question. "I don't know -- what can we do?" I had no answer. Our bright future together had disappeared. Turned bleak. The recession had...
Hi I am Rohit,I am young,very fair and handsome,well educated decent person age 26 years almost 6 feet tall living in Hyderabad,India.I am a great fan of site and always read the sexual stories.....and compliment the people who write so long stories......i always wanted to share my encounters......but alas i dint met a single encounter.....but recently.....met an exciting one....which i am going to reveal to you people......This is my first story and i request you people...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the 'swishhh' of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
SpankingThis is the true story of my first experience with an escort. But not just any escort, it was to be with a mature leather and boots wearing escort.So to start from the beginning, I have always wanted to fuck a mature woman that would be dressed in leather and boots for me. I was unable to achieve this goal through my own effort or luck so went on the website adultwork. (Still the greatest website in the world for me lol)There I found speedybee. She was an experienced escort and a gorgeous...
Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40’s and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. ‘Great job,’ she...
Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40's and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. "Great job," she...
BDSMIt all started with a movie; two actors play erotic games in public places or shops, like Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin in Sea of Love. Don't laugh, it's trivial, I know. Yet the idea of playing our versions inspired us. We got more daring, almost addicted, meaning fewer clothes.It was a hot summer Friday night. I wore a red knee-long cotton dress on request of a special man, my husband Paul, nothing underneath. Before we left for a fancy restaurant, I sucked the nipples by a pump and put rings on...
"Relax. It'll be okay," Grace said with a smile."It's just that I've never before hired an escort. You're so beautiful. You look like you could break,” I said as I sat on the edge of the hotel bed."I usually get that once a guy fully sees me. You do want to see all of me, right?""You mean you'll let me?""Sweetie, you didn't hire me to keep my clothes on, did you?""Well, I wasn't sure what to expect. I know an escort is different than a real lady of the night.""True. But...
First Time attend one of the top PG colleges in Pune. I am 6 feet tall and dark skinned. I will not brag. I have a cock that is of the average size. This is a true story about me. I live in Pune alone in my flat as my parents work abroad. This is the story about me and my college friend. I found out that she works as an escort and exploited her fully.Her name was Pallavi. She had fair skin and was of average height. She wore her hair in a pony tail. She also wore...
When denied the access to your eyesight, your other senses take over for you. Recognizing this mentally is easy, but, when experienced. the effect is considerably more profound than you can express with a few brief sentences. So when I was led blindfolded, barefoot, hands secured with a silk scarf behind my back, I was unprepared for the assault to my scenes. The distinct smells: cigar smoke, leather, male cologne, and the obvious smell of scotch. The sounds: Ice clinked in a glass. Leather...
SeductionBeing a university professor has brought great satisfactions to my life in both personal and professional aspects. Something I have always tried to do is not just to fill my students with tons of information, but also get to see their human side and try to help them as much as I can.Recently, one of my brightest students, Natalia, came to me to ask for advice. Her family and her were about to be evicted as they hadn’t been able to pay rent for the last three months. She wanted to know if I...
Group SexAnne, Mitte 30, arbeitete als Frisöre in Hamburg. Vor ein paar Jahren hatte sie ihren eigenen Laden geöffnet. Doch seit gut einem Jahr lief es schlecht. Ihr Kredit war aufgebraucht, der Dispo ausgereizt. Die Discounter, die Haarschnitte für 10 Euro anboten hatten ihr schwer zugesetzt. Bei ihr zuhaus war bereits der Gerichtsvollzieher. Es würde nur noch wenige Tage dauern, bis sie pleite war. An diesem Abend kam noch kurz vor Ladenschluss eine adrett gekleidete Frau und ließ sich die Haare...
BDSMHi to all my readers of ISS, this is ABHI once again with one of my best experiences where I had to play the role of male escort. One of the aunties with whom I had been, she had challenged me to satisfy a friend (Roja) of heir’s who was very hot for any man. Being a man I had to accept the challenge and also I placed one of my conditions that she needs to pay me for it. She also readily agreed and arranged our talk over the phone. We both spoke to each other and decided to meet one fine day...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a little blurb on what she was like: Sexy Elle 22 years old (so 8 years younger than me) tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven pussy, bubbly and will put you at ease. OWO, CIM, protected sex, no anal, £120 per hour. There was just something about the profile that really made me want to finally fulfill this fantasy. So I sent off a message,...
THE ESCORT A multi Chapter Story Signing with an exclusive escort service, almost immediately afterwards offered an extended three month tour arranged for cruise ships specializing in wealthy clients in the Middle East, Amy eagerly accepts? With visions of wealth in her head. Transportation arranged as part of the initial agreement binding her to the contract, immediately upon arrival her unexpectedly short, harried training regiment takes on a darker, sinister cast as she’s forced...
This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...
Jeri had been an escort since he was fifteen. He learned early from his mom's friends that the women especially the older ones like his attention. His mom's friend took him one day into her bedroom and stripped naked and pushed her tits into his face and let him chew and suck her huge globes. She then undressed him and pushed him on his back and began to suck his cock till he filled her mouth with cum. She taught him to eat her pussy and how to fuck her cunt and fill her with cum. He visited...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
It reached the end of March and after coaching cricket at the school as well as Krystal's brother on a Saturday and occasional Sunday, I had managed to save away some decent money for a student. With the pocket money my parents still gave me I had just over R7500 in my bank account. The first semester of 2nd year was going well although still being single I wasn't getting as much sex as last year, although I had slept with both Caitlyn and Cassi a few times as well as once with Krystal and...
My name is Jenny and this is my story on how I had sex with my father. This was truly accidental. I was only doing my job. I've been an escort since I was eighteen. I love my job. I meet lots of interesting people and have done lots of traveling. The money is really good and it's like just going on dates. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've gone on a lot of interesting dates. I've dated men that were younger than me or men that are twice my age. It's been a very...