Solstice Ch. 02 free porn video

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If someone had asked me, just a few hours ago, whether I’d agree to take a late-night walk with a man I’d only just met…

Stranger danger. At the nursery school where I worked we were always telling the children about that. Never go off with a stranger, never take things from a stranger…

‘Not past your bedtime yet then?’ Adam teased, his hand warm in mine as we strolled along the path towards St Catherine’s Hill.

I smiled. ‘Well, it is, actually. But I’m only working until lunchtime tomorrow, so I’ll risk it.’

‘Got any plans for the weekend?’

‘Nope. Just the usual. I’m meeting my friend Lisa for lunch tomorrow –‘ oh, and wasn’t she going to enjoy hearing about this? ‘– but then it’ll just be cleaning, washing and shopping. I s’pose I might go to the pub with Lisa and her boyfriend on Sunday evening, but that’s about it.’

‘No hot dates?’

‘God, no.’ I looked up at him even though I still couldn’t quite see his face, and realised with a jolt that I hadn’t actually told him that much about myself after all. ‘No.’ I gave a short laugh. ‘I think it’s time I got a cat.’


‘You know. Single women of a certain age, living on their own — have cats.’

‘Oh, I see.’ He sounded rather puzzled. ‘Why in the world would someone like you need to get a cat?’

‘Well, I quite like cats,’ I said, trying to ignore the prickle of awareness zinging down my spine. ‘They’re soft and warm and cuddly –‘

‘That’s not what I meant.’

I knew it wasn’t. ‘I don’t know,’ I admitted at last. ‘Like you, I was in a relationship for a long time. It’s hard to start again.’

He nodded. ‘Divorced?’

‘No.’ I smiled, remembering how impressed he’d been that I hadn’t immediately asked him that question. ‘Didn’t make it as far as the altar, though everyone thought that’s where we were headed.’

‘How long were you together?’

‘Too long.’ I sighed heavily. ‘Started dating him when I was still at school, did the whole rebel thing. You know. Stayed out late and pissed off our parents, got drunk, drove too fast in his Dad’s car — lost our virginity to each other in the back of that car –‘

‘Romantic,’ Adam interjected.

‘Nope, bloody painful, actually. There’s not as much room as you might think on the back seat of a Ford Mondeo,’ I rolled my eyes when he smirked, unable to believe what I’d just told him. ‘Anyway, James got a job making wardrobes, we started renting a flat together and settled down into cosy coupledom.’


I looked up at him and grinned. ‘Nah, sorry. I shouldn’t be telling you any of this. Not on a first date, anyway.’ When he groaned, I bumped the side of my head into his shoulder, laughing. ‘Well! You wouldn’t tell me about Claire.’

‘I know, I know.’ He spun me around and pulled me in front of him, peering intently into my upturned face. ‘But this doesn’t feel like a first date, does it?’

I gazed at him for a moment, longing to be able to read his thoughts. ‘No, it doesn’t,’ I agreed softly.

‘Good.’ To my astonishment, he seized my hand again and marched on again, pulling me along with him.

‘Hey!’ I’d been so sure he was about to kiss me again I felt absurdly disappointed. ‘Does that mean you’ll tell me about her?’

‘When you’ve told me about James. What happened?’

As we emerged from the cover of some trees I became aware that our surroundings were no longer quite so dim, the grassy hillside before us clearly visible, picked out in numerous shades of monochrome. Turning my head, I found the light source — the moon, a huge, near-perfect orb, rising to our left.

‘We grew out of each other, I suppose,’ I said eventually, my lips twisting slightly as I remembered how it ended. ‘Well, to be honest, I grew out of him. I think James would’ve been happy to have trundled on as we were until it was time to stick him in a coffin. He wasn’t really interested in getting married, didn’t seem bothered about having kids. Just wanted to go out every weekend, spend all our money in pubs and clubs and have a good time.’

‘You dumped him.’

I wasn’t surprised to hear the note of disbelief in Adam’s voice. I still found it hard to believe I’d done it myself. ‘Yes. But he didn’t take it too well.’

That was the understatement of the decade…

Having decided it would be easier for me to leave, rather than attempt to persuade him to move out of our flat, I’d stayed with Lisa for a while. To start with there’d been countless phone calls, where he’d begged me, in various stages of drunkenness, to come back. Then there’d been the flowers. Enormous bouquets of roses, lilies and carnations. Next came letters and then poems — which always rhymed, usually in a facile ‘Roses are red, violets are blue’ kind of way.

‘And then he started stalking me,’ I said, my attempt to sound matter of fact rather spoiled by being out of breath. We’d been climbing the hill for a while now and it was becoming apparent how unfit I was. ‘Waiting for me outside the nursery school, outside Lisa’s house — everywhere he knew I’d be. Even Lisa couldn’t make him stop — and believe me, she’s usually good at stuff like that — so in the end I had to take out a Court injunction.’

‘Well, you broke his heart.’

‘Right.’ I gave a snort of derision. I hadn’t expected Adam to take James’ side. ‘Okay, thanks for that.’

‘He didn’t stay in the flat, did he? He moved back home.’

I narrowed my eyes at him. ‘How did you know that?’

‘It’s obvious. He was never going to wash his own underwear.’ He shook his head gravely. ‘You weren’t his girlfriend, you were his Mum.’

‘What? No!’ I punched his arm, appalled that he’d said it and even more appalled by the thought he might be right. ‘It wasn’t like that.’

‘Really?’ He grinned. ‘Okay. Who cooked all the meals?’

‘He burnt everything –‘ I hesitated in surprise as we strayed from the path, Adam tugging me on to the grass. ‘Short cut,’ he said simply, glancing down at me as he led the way across the moonlit meadow, now taking a brisk diagonal route towards the summit. ‘There’s a much better view if you go this way. So who cleaned the flat?’

‘Well –‘ I stopped to slip off my sandals then ran to catch up with him, the cool grass feeling wonderful beneath my hot, aching feet. ‘I did. But only because he got eczema on his hands sometimes. And he hated wearing rubber gloves. He said they made him –‘

‘Who did all the shopping?’

‘Look, if I sent him, he’d pack the trolley with chocolate biscuits and family packs of crisps and forget to buy milk. It was easier just –‘

‘To do it yourself,’ Adam finished. He flashed me another smile. ‘Hmm. I think, as Claire used to say, the case for the prosecution rests.’

I had no defence.

‘Oh no,’ I muttered, shocked to the core. ‘I really was his mother.’

‘No, he was just a lousy boyfriend.’ His tone softened abruptly. ‘Sweetheart, you deserved so much better.’

The endearment caught me by surprise. Unsure how to react, I stopped and turned around, only for my breath to catch in my throat.

The city was a distant sprawl below us, the straight, criss-crossing roads of the old Roman settlement defined by lines of streetlamps, the orange glare they cast across the city making it easy to pick out landmarks. The university college to the north. My old school. The glass tower of the ASG building where Lisa worked. The roof of the nursery school where I worked away to the left. And then, below all that, the spire of St Michael’s Church where I’d been christened as a baby and the ancient cathedral, floodlights bathing both in gold.

‘Why haven’t I done this before?’ I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief. ‘Beautiful. So beautiful.’

‘I couldn’t agree more.’ Behind me, Adam’s voice was unexpectedly near, his breath warm on my ear. I let him prise the sandals from my fingers,
watching as he placed them with his jacket on the grass. When he straightened up, one warm hand landed on my bare upper arm, the other gently swept the hair away from the nape of my neck. The knowledge he was about to kiss me there turned my knees to jelly and by the time his lips actually made contact I was trembling violently, my heart racing so fast I could barely breathe. ‘It’s okay,’ he murmured, his steadying hands dropping to my waist. ‘This is only going to go as far as you want it to go. I know you aren’t sure whether you can trust me, but I promise you that you can. And, oh God –‘ he gave a short, rather uncertain laugh ‘– I can also promise you that I’ve never done anything as impulsive as this in my life. It’s completely freaking me out.’

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t hear Lisa’s voice in my head imploring me not to trust him. Oddly enough though, another version of Lisa’s voice was telling me that I should. Confusing…

‘Why are you doing it then?’ It came out as a whisper. My own voice didn’t seem to be working properly at all. He laughed softly. ‘Good question. There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it. I have to kiss you.’

When I turned in his arms he did just that. His mouth was gentle at first, his tongue tentatively seeking my own as he gathered me close, fitting my softness into the hard planes of his body. And just as before, when he deepened the kiss, I began to lose all sense of space and time, my eyes closing as I surrendered to him, wholly and completely. I knew his hands on my shoulders, sliding down the spaghetti straps, his fingers teasing a path over the taut skin of my back, then travelling downwards, finding the zip at the back of my dress. But when he lowered it I whimpered into his mouth. ‘Hey,’ he murmured, sounding concerned. ‘Should I stop?’

I shook my head, still dazed by the pleasure of his kiss. He smiled, but made no attempt to recapture my lips. Slowly, his gaze holding mine the whole time, he brought his fingers around to my chest, hooking his thumbs into the front of my dress then easing the fabric forward and down. I gasped, the shock of exposure turning my already-hardened nipples into pebbles.

‘No bra?’ He seemed pleasantly surprised.

‘No point,’ I countered, casting a nervous glance at my breasts, pearlescent in the moonlight. Mother Nature hadn’t seen fit to give me an hourglass figure to make the most of my curves. I was a classic pear, all bottom and no top.

‘I don’t know about that.’ Adam didn’t appear at all disappointed, taking a step back to look his fill, his hands holding the dress at my waist. ‘They’re beautiful.’ His eyes lifted, his expression softening when he saw my disbelief. ‘You’re beautiful.’

It occurred to me that I should be afraid but I wasn’t. There was something more than a little surreal — dreamlike even — about standing there half-naked in front of him, alone on a hillside. I was centre stage in an empty theatre, the illuminated magnificence of the city serving as backdrop, Adam the only person in the audience.

‘Really?’ My voice had deserted me again, the sound coming out as a rather hoarse croak. ‘They’re — they’re too small.’

He looked incredulous. ‘Who told you that?’ Once again my expression must’ve spoken volumes for in the next moment he gave a disgusted snort. ‘Wanker,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘He really didn’t deserve you.’

I laughed weakly, heartened by the vehemence in his tone. ‘And you do?’

Whoa… Where had that come from? I hadn’t intended to throw down the gauntlet.

He smiled. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to let you decide.’ Closing the space between us, he sought my lips and I was lost, drawn into a swirling vortex of bliss, my body becoming boneless beneath his assault. I moaned in protest when he paused, only to moan again as he turned his attention to my jaw, trailing kisses along to my ear, across my neck, my shoulder. He moved lower to the rise of my breasts then higher again, teasing and tormenting me into such a state of need that by the time he sank to his knees in front of me I was taut with anticipation. And when he finally drew one painfully erect nipple deep into the moist heat of his mouth, I cried out, powerless to stop the sound, a surge of pleasure flooding my body. His hands tightened to support me, a delighted grin lighting his face. ‘You nearly came.’

It was true. I could feel the moisture pooling between my thighs, dampening my knickers. ‘Adam,’ I whispered helplessly, more aroused than I’d ever been in my life but too scared to ask for more, a tiny fragment of rational thought urging caution. ‘I’ve never done anything like this –‘

‘I know you haven’t. I haven’t either.’ Though the words were spoken calmly enough, I heard a faint tremor to his tone. ‘But I want you.’

I gazed down at him, weak with relief. ‘I — I want you too.’

‘Thank God,’ he muttered, releasing my waist. There was a soft swishing sound, a slight breeze and suddenly I was standing there in nothing but my knickers, my dress in a crumpled heap around my ankles.

‘Wow.’ Standing up for a better look, Adam appeared gratifyingly stunned. ‘How could you possibly believe you aren’t beautiful?’ Heart thudding noisily in my ears, I took the hand he offered and stepped out of my dress, not daring to look anywhere but at his face, in that moment feeling more attractive, more desirable — hell, sexier — than I’d ever felt in my life. A moment later it occurred to me that one of us was still wearing altogether too many clothes. ‘It’s your turn,’ I gulped, my shaking fingers reaching for the front of his shirt. He chuckled softly, watching as I struggled to undo the ridiculously tiny buttons, his own fingers coming down to help. When the last had popped free, I spread open his shirt to discover a broad chest and an abdomen rippling with muscle. ‘Oh God,’ I groaned, awed — and frankly, a little afraid. ‘You work out.’

He laughed again, stooping to kiss me. ‘And now I know why,’ he murmured into my mouth, cupping my bottom and pulling me against him until I could feel the hard bulge of his arousal.

I nearly came again, the mere thought of his body driving into mine sending my womb into spasm. Without further preamble, I grabbed his hips, pushing him away so that I could get to the fastening of his slacks.

‘Wait.’ His voice hoarse, he stilled my hands with just one of his own, reaching into his pocket with the other.

‘What? Oh…’ As he produced his wallet and flicked it open, I felt a stab of relief. Protection. I’d completely forgotten.

‘Oh no…’

‘Adam?’ But it wasn’t difficult to guess what was wrong.

He gazed at me in dismay. ‘I’m so sorry. I was sure I still had one. Shit, I don’t believe this.’

I stared back, not quite able to believe it myself. ‘It’s okay,’ I murmured automatically.

‘No, it’s not bloody okay. God –‘ He grasped my shoulders and drew me into his arms, his erection between us a cruel reminder of our predicament. ‘I don’t suppose you’ve…?’

‘No, but –‘ I had no experience of condoms — James had refused to wear them, insisting instead that I took birth control. Typical, I realised, with a blinding flash of new self-awareness, that he’d make me assume responsibility for that as well as everything else. And despite our relationship being long over, I still took those tiny little tablets, reluctant to lose the order I’d gained over my naturally irregular cycle. ‘I’m on the pill,’ I said, blushing furiously. ‘I’ve been taking it since I was eighteen. You wouldn’t get me pregnant.’ At least, I was fairly certain he wouldn’t. Sometimes I missed a dose here and there, but I was sure it hadn’t happened lately.

As he pulled back to look at me, I thought I saw a flicker of hope in his eyes, so when he shook his head my heart sank. ‘It’s not just about that, though, is it?’

‘But I’ve never been with anyone but James — I told you — we were both virgins. And I know he did
n’t sleep with anyone else while we were together — still hasn’t, if what people tell me is true.’ I hesitated, growing increasingly desperate. ‘And you — you were with Claire — for what, ten years? Was there — have you…?’ I couldn’t bring myself to say the words.

His expression seemed to darken. ‘I never cheated on Claire, if that’s what you’re asking, and no, there hasn’t been anyone since. And for what it’s worth, I’ve never had sex without protection. Claire couldn’t take the pill, and before Claire — well, like I said –‘ He held me at arms’ length and gazed at me for what felt like an eternity, his hungry eyes devouring my near-naked body. ‘Sweetheart, it’s a crazy idea.’

‘Going to dinner with you was a crazy idea,’ I whispered. ‘But I still did it.’ And with that same feeling of recklessness that had started all this, I leaned forward and kissed him.

For a moment, I didn’t think he was going to change his mind. He let me take charge this time, let me seek entrance to his mouth, my tongue mating shyly with his. But then, with a loud groan, he wrenched his mouth from mine and swept me — quite literally — off my feet. ‘God help me – I want you!’ he growled, whirling me around before setting me down again, planting kisses all over my face, neck and breasts, his hands seeming everywhere at once, stroking and caressing me into a state of breathless need.

I reciprocated as best I could, kissing him wherever I could reach, my own hands heading for just one destination — the front of his trousers. Having managed to undo his belt, I battled in vain with the button, growing increasingly frustrated. ‘Adam — please!’

‘Here.’ Relenting at last, his fingers replaced my own, unsnapping the button easily and drawing down the fly. He kicked off his shoes then let me help him shrug away his trousers and underwear.

It was my turn to sink to my knees. ‘Oh God,’ I breathed, unable to close my hand around him, my excitement rapidly turning to alarm. ‘You’re huge.’

He made a sound that was half groan, half snort of laughter. ‘That’s very flattering, but I’m not.’


His eyes widened. ‘You’re serious?’

‘You’re not going to fit.’ I ran my fingers over his cock, marvelling at the girth, his length. I still wanted him — needed him — so very badly, I could cry with disappointment.

‘Sweetheart.’ Adam lifted my hand away, his voice gentle. ”I promise you, I’m not that big. Maybe a tiny bit bigger than average, but not much.’ He knelt beside me, tilting up my chin with his finger. ‘So, either you’ve been reading some cheesy magazine article on what you should always say to your man, or, your ex-boyfriend was hung like a hamster.’

I stared back at him, disbelieving. ‘A hamster?’

He nodded, biting his lip.

‘This –‘ I reached down again, weighing his heavy cock in my palm ‘– this is normal?’ I couldn’t help but stroke it, the skin was so soft, a stark contrast to the rock hard flesh beneath.

‘So I’m told. Whoa — I can’t let you do that again.’ His voice was taut, his breathing harsh as he caught my hand again, snatching it away. ‘Go easy on me, gorgeous. It’s been more than two years.’

I watched as he plucked up his jacket and spread it out on the grass behind me, all the moisture deserting my mouth. ‘Two years, eh?’ I squeaked as he seized my shoulders, toppling me backwards and following me down. He froze, his lips hovering millimetres above my own. ‘Why?’ he demanded. ‘How long has it been for you?’

I swallowed hard, revelling in the feel of his warm flesh against mine. ‘Four.’

‘Four years?’ He rolled his eyes. ‘Oh dear God,’ he muttered. ‘I’m not going to last ten seconds. I’d better look after you first.’

‘Look after — unh!’ His talented mouth came down again, swallowing my words, driving them straight out of my head. Before tonight, I’d never thought much about kissing. I’d always enjoyed it — sort of. But with James there’d always been a point where I’d stopped enjoying and began enduring, half-suffocated by his lust. With Adam, my need for oxygen was gone. I was breathing pure Adam. Nothing else mattered.

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I married my high school sweetheart and then we went to college together. Tina and I shared an apartment and we spent all of our free time together. I was the envy of my classmates. Tina was gorgeous, had a trim athletic figure with very large breasts. Nevertheless, they did not droop or sag, they just stuck straight out. Tina was very proud of them and enjoyed the attention they received from all the men.Tina was unusual. Unlike most women, she loved watching porn. She was obsessed with cock...

Group Sex
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Stewardess Cindy Sindy Ch 10 a Frankel Humour story

Original story by Frankel Cindy and Sindy were glad to have a break. They had landed in Sydney, Australia and were looking forward to a week on the beach and shopping. Cindy thought it was the best thing for Sindy. Finding out her mother was a terrorist had been a terrible shock and she thought they really needed some time out to forget the whole thing. Their boss had booked them a room in a hotel overlooking the beach and all he asked in return was that they make sure his...

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WebYoung Lacy Lennon Lily Larimar Indica Monroe Apryl Rein Indoor Beach Party

Four friends – Lacy Lennon, Lily Larimar, Indica Monroe, and Apryl Rein – are ready to go to a beach party but are stopped in their tracks by a sudden downpour. The girls are frustrated about how fast the weather changed and whine about how they can’t go to the beach party now. Their day is RUINED! But someone quickly proposes that they have their own INDOOR beach party, saying that they can do pretty much EVERYTHING — except the swimming part. Everyone is excited by the...

2 years ago
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my wife knocked up for the 3rd time by her ex high

wife knocked up 3rd time her by ex boyfriend Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and...

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This time, I probably won’t come crawling back to Rebecca. I know full well that I fucked up choosing her, and there is no coming back from it. “Can I at least get my clothes?” I called from the sidewalk, but the only answer I got was a slammed door. She was probably going to sell them anyways. “Damn.” I jostled with my jacket pockets, trying to find the keys to my sports car. Finding my keys in my left pants pocket, I started the car and began to leave. I didn’t want to know, or care to...

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The Pickup Truck Man Origins

This is a complex story centered on the origins of a very bad man briefly introduced at the end of The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale of Vengeance.  The Pickup Truck Man is a professional kidnapper, a taker of beautiful women for one of several Midnight Harvest teams rumored to be run by an elderly Eastern European.  This businessman is thought to live in south-central Texas and uses these teams to acquire new talent to stock a high-end whorehouse he owns.  In this story, during the more...

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GLIFme your real virtual life and b

Recently, the Internet keeps popping up very much new social networks. After the success of such networks as Facebook and Vk, many people hope to repeat this success and make a lot of money. The main motto of the builders of these sites - Earnings. Stupidity utter! Because of this, fill the Internet with hundreds of thousands of useless sites stuffed with ads for 99% of the visible place of the screen. In the end - to find a really interesting place to communicate virtually - impossible:...

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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

3 years ago
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A Rose By Any Other NameChapter 11

"Heather," I gasped. I didn't know what to say. How long had she been standing there? How much had she heard? There was really only one thing to do, so I sucked it up and did it. "I'm sorry," I said, standing as I spoke. I walked over to Heather, unsure of exactly where we stood, but she silenced the doubts I had running through my mind as she opened up her arms and launched herself at me. "Me too," she cried, dampening my shirt with her tears. We hugged for a long time until at last...

4 years ago
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Boundless Energy

Tyler and Amber pulled up to the club, a big sign said 'Couple's Night'. Tyler tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, hoping Amber wouldn't notice how nervous he was. The flashing neon lights of Vegas filled their car with a pool of orange and red light. "I hope they're are not like the last couple." She whispered, her voice wavering. "Me too." He replied. Their last attempt at meeting with another couple failed spectacularly when the other couple was busted by the police just as...

2 years ago
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Women are Stupid

Yes, I know the title "Women Are Stupid" will cause an uproar. It's bound to in today's world. And when an author is assailed by critics - as I am sure to be - he inevitably backs off or tries to weasel his way out of the controversy or claims he's misunderstood. Or misquoted. Or something. Not me. I really believe it. Women ARE Stupid. I'll take it a step further. Not just some women, not even most women. All Women. They're ALL stupid. I have a story that illustrates it. I don't...

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A Mans Word

A Man's Word By Margaret Jeanette Sarah Carson was on top of the world. She was the top real estate person in town and now she had just closed the deal on a million and a half dollar estate. It had been listed with two other realtors before being listed through her. They couldn't find a buyer and she had. Her commission would be great. To celebrate the sale she decided to take her husband out to lunch. She entered the reception area where his office was and saw that his...

3 years ago
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A Favour Returned

The headline band had finished their final encore. It had been a brilliant evening……too much fun! So rather than heading back to the car park where we’d arranged to regroup, I agreed to have a last drink in the beer tent with the fun group of guys I’d been chatting to during the concert. One drink turned into 3 or 4 so I was very jolly by the time we said our goodbyes.As I reached the car parking field I realised that most of the cars had gone, including the one that was supposed to be my lift...

4 years ago
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the first one

This is a story about my friend, RachelMy first time was with my boyfriend of 9 months. We were both 16, and we loved each other so much. We talked about having sex before, and we both thought we were ready, so we decided that if the chance came up, we would do it.One night I went over his house to hang out. His mom left the house to go out, so we were home alone. We started kissing and making out on the couch, and he put his hand up my skirt, and i had my hand on his crotch. We were getting...

2 years ago
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Little cocksucker pt 2 analized

Following on from 'Becoming a Little Cocksucker" ( )I told Rick about what had happened with Mr Dixon. But I knew I couldn't tell anyone else. It was embarrassing and anyway it might come out that Rick and me had been doing the same thing. So I just started avoiding passing Mr Dixon's house. Actually, me and Rick had repeated our little adventures in the woods several times. In the woods, in a derelict warehouse, even in his bedroom one day...

3 years ago
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Sitting at the table of the kitchen, as you're eating the last thing that was in your fridge , your phone starts to ring. You grab it inside your pocket, and click on the button " Answer" . A voice starts talking , a deep , regular, and familiar voice ; " Hello , Roxy. How are ya? " , says the voice. The only words you get bring up when does few words are pronounce is ; " Hello , Jonathan." Jonathan Roosevelt , hitman , criminal mastermind , or even ex-boyfriend, are all goods nickname for that...

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The White Queen

No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...

1 year ago
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Bakers Dozen part 02

12 for fun, and one for love, I thought. A Baker’s Dozen. Seriously? Aidin must have a wicked sense of irony, I thought. The events of the evening were mostly pushed out of my mind. I did my best to wrap my head around this idea of goddesses, gifts, and all the sex I could want. I knew that, back in ancient Greece and Rome especially, the gods and goddesses did this sort of thing all the time. This wasn’t ancient times, though, and I didn’t even really believe what was going on. Last night’s...

4 years ago
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Working out with Stepmom Chapters 13 edited

I was never much for working out. It had just never seemed like an important thing to do. It was probably because I maintained a decent physique despite the lack of training. I was 6’ tall and weighed about 170 lbs. Being a teenager with a decent build and an active metabolism I didn’t know why I would ever want to put myself through rigorous physical exercises. My stepmom, Ava, hated that I didn’t like to work out. She was a personal trainer and spent all her free time shaping and toning her...

3 years ago
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"You lookin' for a little fun tonight?" The young black girl was leaning through the open passenger side window. She a bit older than the usually girls he picked up off the street but he was never shy about trying something different and found the girl pretty in her way. "I guess I must be," he responded. "You a cop?" she asked. "Do I look like one?" he answered. She shrugged her bare brown shoulders. "Who does nowadays." "I'm not. Are you?" "Do these look like the tits of a cop?" she...

3 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 6

Stella was slightly smashed, but there was a hot glow in her eyes and a dampness to her lush mouth. "Never thought I'd be discussing my husband's sexual prowess--or lack of same--with you, Regina. But here we sit, getting loaded and I'm not ripping your eyes out. In fact, I'm kind of tickled at the whole thing. I'm excited, too. It's all so wild and crazy." Regina reached out and touched her friend's hand. Stella's skin was like olive-colored velvet, that soft and smooth. She said,...

4 years ago
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Maggies Dark Side

One Day while Ken and Ed were talking, Ken asked Ed if Maggie had every said anything about fucking a black man. "Yes," Ed said, "She always says she'd fantasized about fucking a black cock." "She's also told me when we have been fucking that she wanted to fuck a black cock," Ken told Ed. "Maybe we should fix her up with some black cock, she'd probably like to fulfill her fantasizes." "Yes, I've thought about it, but the only black I know is a young buck, who is pretty loud mouthed about the...

Wife Lovers
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Shared apartment at on site

Hi Friends Raj here again from Bangalore. As I mentioned I had been in IT and worked across the globe in various countries. One such project trips me and two gals were onsite and we were sharing an apartment. One gal was petite but with 36 bubs and fantastic ass 5 ft tall. Her name was Amala. The other gal was Neena she was 5.7 ft tall but with 34 bubs and 33 ass. Now the apartment was 3 bedroom and cost us 120 Euros. This was well within out budget and allowed us to cook. We were there for...

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Issue WifeconcludedChapter 8

We now had 12 companies engaged in guerrilla-style attacks. Most of them were going well, and the people embedded in Cheyenne Mountain had not tumbled to the fact that we were the ones applying the pressure. Oh, yes, we did lose a few men on our raids, and it weighed heavily on all of us, but no one was yet willing to throw in the towel. The loss of a single man hurt, but our leadership in the field and our tactics were carrying the day for us every time we attacked. The Army had stopped...

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Mr Wallace Chapter One The Job Interviw

I remember the first time I cleaned house for Mr Wallace. He was an older gentleman who moved into town a few years ago and bought the big house up the hill that overlooked the park. He was known for spying on the ladies jogging and sunning themselves in the summer months, as well as paying ladies “generously” for very light house cleaning and help in the garden . My friend Amy worked for him for a few months before she moved back to California and she told me the less she wore, the more...

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Havanas Lake Trip Part2

We got home a few hours later. The SUV came to a stop and the three of us began unloading the camping gear and any supplies that hadn't sunk in the lake. I walked around the living room to get the kinks out as went into the bathroom to clean up after their orgy ride home. I grabbed a beer and walked into the room to see Havana bent over in the shower and Liz working her black strap-on into her from behind. Havana gasp as Liz's cock entered her in a long slow stroke. They kissed over...

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Strapon Tales

There are tales of the Strap on Sex Variety. I want to see girls giving to guys up the ass with a big strap on cock. Choose from one of the options below: The first scenario is you get sent to and all women’s prison but you’re a guy. You get caught for reckless diving but the male prison is over crowed. So you get sent to a rough prison with corrupt female guards and wild inmates that haven’t seen a man in a long time. The second scenario is you have a hot girlfriend that is dominate. She is a...

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CuckoldSessions Krissy Lynn Second Appearance

Krissy loves to date white boys but she only fucks black men. She brings home her new boyfriend and just as he thinks it’s going to be the day he deals the deal, he’s stopped in his tracks by the two dudes sitting on his girlfriend’s couch. Krissy explains that her sexuality is far-reaching and that she wants him to watch her but no touching. She tells him she met these guy at the club and has been strictly fucking them ever since. He’s not so sure about this at first, but warms up to it and...

2 years ago
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Population Control

Special population control a long time in the future in the area of Nagatoya Rotneb ProvinceTina stood by the noticeboard in  Nagatoya high school anxiously checking her position in class, she had missed two days classes and she was worried that she might have slipped out of the top group, she scanned down, "Oh gosh!" she exclaimed, "I am only one place above the cull zone!"Anamatusa put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "It makes no difference you are a Merican, you do not have to be culled...

2 years ago
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My Shallow Regret Chapter 9 Confrontation

"What are you doing here?" The woman sitting at my vanity with her back to me didn't turn around, even as I started talking to her. I wasn't expecting anyone to be in my room, and I didn't recognize this woman, so I was a bit confused. "Excuse me," I said, forcefully but politely, "but you're in my room." "No," she said, spinning around in my chair, "you're in my room." I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was me. Or rather, Alana, though her hair was longer and redder. She...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 5

I got then sent to traffic for three months. The only good thing about the three months I did in Traffic was that since I had a Hopper licence, I got to ride one. The bad thing was the occasional truck or Linger accident, but they certainly gave my paramedic training a workout. We still have electric cars as some people can’t fly the lingers, and even dual diesel engine and electric trucks running around on the roads. Linger smashes were the worst, as survival rates were lower if someone...

1 year ago
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MBA Pleasure Experience

Hi it’s Anky (Ankita Saxena) here from the city which never sleeps –bole to MUMBAI. Originally I am from Delhi, did my graduation from SRCC and then MBA from IIM-Ahmedabad.  I am 24 years old and right now working in a MNC here in the financial capital of India and looking to shift to a company which sends its employees abroad frequently, so anyone having any knowledge about any such vacancy for a graduate from SRCC and an MBA from IIMA, do let me know and oh I forgot to tell you that I am a...

4 years ago
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Rough Sex With A Busty Indian Erotica Reader

Hi friends, It’s been so long since I wrote my first story and here I am with my next story which also happens to be my real-life experience. This story is about how I fucked a reader of my previous story. I am not going to reveal her identity and I am going to use a fake name “Carol” to represent her. A lot of readers contacted me through my email id and expressed their feelings. Carol was one of them. Both of us happened to be Tamil so we got along so well. We shared our information with each...

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STEPHANIE by Michelle X. Hello. My name is Melissa. I have an unusual hobby. I turn men into women. Yes, you read that correctly. I turn men into women. And I don't mean helping men get dressed up as a woman for a costume party or something like that. I take unsuspecting men and actually turn them into complete females. By the time I'm done with a guy, I'll will have placed him in such a position that he lives his entire life as a woman and can do nothing about it. In...

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AjaChapter 16

Jason headed downstairs. “I got up in time for breakfast,” he announced. He sat at the table and Aja placed a plate before him. “Bacon and eggs? What’s the occasion?” He spotted an envelope addressed simply, Jason. “What’s this? A birthday card?” “It’s a little birthday breakfast. Happy birthday, Jason.” “How did you know it’s my birthday?” “When you came to the clinic for your eye exam, you filled out a medical history form that includes your date of birth. I got curious, looked up your...

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ExxxtraSmall Ashlynn Taylor Tiny Time Stopper

Elegant, tiny, petite, and tight as fuck. These are all words that ribe Ashlynn Taylor who is testing with her friend in really sexy yoga pants. She finds out about an app that stops time! She downloads the silly app thinking that it won‘t work. Just then, the door knocks. It?s her brother?s hot friend. Ashlynn decides to try the app and see if it really freezes time. Much to her surprise, it worked! Her brother‘s friend is a frozen in time. You would never think a tiny and innocent girl like...

3 years ago
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Waiting for You

I’ve been waiting for you to get here for a while now. You sent me a text twenty minutes ago saying you’ll be here soon, and yet here I am, naked, waiting on you. I wonder what you’ll do to me when you get here. You instructed me to be ready. To get myself ready. You told me I could touch myself, but not to cum. I came close twice, and my fingers are twitching to dig themselves in my pretty waxed pussy and make myself explode in pleasure. But I know better than to disobey you. I wonder what...

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The Sin of Lust

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned." Father Jeremiah looked up from his paperwork to see Sarah standing in the doorway of his office. He cocked a brow at her, then returned to writing his next sermon. "I'm sorry, I can't help you," he said, without looking back up, "if you need to make a confession, Father Peter is in the confessional now." She shifted uneasily. "No, Father, I cannot tell anybody but you." He stopped again, looking back up at her. He suddenly realized he never really seen...

She Males

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