Coquette and her cuckold Part 3
- 2 years ago
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For the next two days many visitors came to grandpa's door to talk. I seem to have found that the trait of keeping quiet had actually come from dad's father and not dad. He refused to tell anybody about the large cars or the reason why he and the rest of us were in them. The neighbour women were real busy bodies and tried their best to wheedle any information they could out of grandma or dad.
At our supper on the day before we were to buy tickets to the continent, a liveried messenger with a pouch brought word from our sovereign. We were to attend a small informal reception at the palace and each of us was invited by name.
Mom and grandma went into a fit and wanted to get the best to wear. After a while Japera was dragged in and she too wanted something better too. Dad simply went out and bought me a pair of dress pants and a new shirt.
This time the queen sent her own cars again and grandma had lots of time to wave to her friends as she got into the car to leave. Grandpa humphed but really was pleased. We were all ushered into the palace easily and were directed to a waiting room. The conversation continued about what was happening. Everybody but my grandparents were silently asking me to find out. I didn't answer to make the effect right.
A messenger came and we all came into a large room with many important people. The Prime Minister of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury, many earls, barons and commoner politicians were circulating around the room. There were baronesses all over and all sorts of titles for each person. They were working hard for the coronation even if that time was well off yet. Considering the amount of work that had to be done it would not be till summer some time.
The messenger made it to the Lord Steward which in turn reached the queen's ear. She politely exited the conversations and walked toward us. I got a smile and then she smiled at the rest of us. The Lord Steward called everybody to witness.
The queen said in a loud carrying voice, "Doctor Boz, kneel before me." Two scarred Ghurkha Orderly Officers flanked the queen.
Dad did not move and I had to push him with both arms. A small chuckle went out and dad did as he was bid. A small stool was placed before the queen for his use.
"I have been doing some research and found that you have helped save a distant relative of mine. The king of Spain, Juan Carlos Teresa Silverio Alfonso de Borbón y Battenberg, Count de Barcelona, was happy to find that you have saved a distant cousin. It behoves me to perform this service in his stead. I have also found that you have selflessly formed a free clinic in Rhodesia and it is mainly funded by your own resources." The queen talked more about dad and about the obligations to his monarch and vice versa.
With a nod of her head a man came forward with an ornate wooden box and opened it to present to his queen. The beautiful sword owned by her father, King George VI was withdrawn and the man stepped well back. The queen looked around the room and told of all the other things that dad did to help her people dubbed his shoulders. I mentally prodded dad to stand and he did. The queen gave him insignia of the Order of the British Empire. Dad had to make up an instant speech and in all slightly more than an hour had passed. There was polite clapping and a few comments about good will.
The Duke of Edinburgh immediately shook dad's hand. Dad replied out of habit then moved in a daze and was a little unsteady on his feet. More people came and shook his hand too. When he felt he had greeted everybody's hand he returned to his wife and got a big kiss. I was about to congratulate him when I heard, "Master Shawn Boz, kneel before your sovereign."
Was this true? I was only three. There were so many commitments that had to be made and I would have to meet them. I felt a push and almost fell. Turning I saw it was dad with a smile of his own.
The queen said the same things about me and then added rescuing her son Charles and then protecting him against attackers in the park all without knowing who he was. She performed the accolade with her blade and said, "In the name of God, of Saint Michael and of Saint George, I dub thee knight. Be brave, ready and loyal."
I got unsteadily to my feet and was presented with the signal of the Royal Victorian Order.
My hand was shook this time by Charlie and I hugged him to me. "I hoped you didn't remember the fight. Nasty for a young man to see that."
He smiled at me and said, "Nastier to have it presented to you."
His father came forward and shook my hand and said, "I believe this will only be the first of the awards the people of this world will be giving you. As the ceremony dictates, be brave, ready and loyal and you will go far."
My hand was shaken as much as dad's and I had to hold their hands on occasion to stand upright. I endeavoured to at least have a firm handshake even if my hand was much smaller.
When I thought things over I returned to my family and found Anne with them. She ran to me like the little girl she was and gave me a big kiss and I picked her up so only her toes were on the floor.
"You be good. I like you," was all she said before joining her grandmother on a chair.
I kissed mom, Japera and finally Lusa. The last was done quickly so as to not get the young princess angry with me.
Mom had tears in her eyes and wiped them with dad's handkerchief and said, "I am so proud of you both. Now I have two knights to protect me." I pulled away and greeted grandpa and grandma who had tears in their eyes from the ceremony.
Before the meal we were directed to another room 'to pay our keep' and found reporters and photographers all around. The word 'press' sticking out of their hats and at least a third had the same thing in Spanish. Dad was bombarded with questions and ordered to pose just so.
Dad's sanitized version of the "Hidalgo II" came out again but I told him that they already knew all of this from the captain. Dad continued and added just added the three pieces of artwork as a plug for the shipping line. Later he mentioned the reason for the trip was to get enough money to keep the clinic going with the increased services it was now performing. Dad was very diplomatic but expressed how little the white regime was putting out toward the care of the black population.
When my turn came I was asked if I were a doctor as a trap. "In case you didn't notice I am three years old. I have watched my father save many lives and did what I thought was necessary to save another when there was no adult available. The BMA may eventually accept me if I meet their criteria but I doubt before. Now I think you should talk to a very bright lady that wowed the audiences aboard the ship with her abilities at the piano."
Lusa stared bug-eyed at me until she was asked some questions. At the end of her talk she mentioned her piano teacher and how good he was. It was lucky she was not asked the name for she was going to incriminate me as I did her.
Mom was asked questions and after saying how pleased she was she started on the inequities in Rhodesia. Dad let her carry on till she started to border on what the Rhodesian authorities could use against her.
Both grandparents were asked about the goings on and were at a loss to explain how they felt besides happy and very proud.
The dinner was formal and as recent celebrities, we sat closer to the royal family. Mom knew what to do but this type of dinner was an order of magnitude more intricate than even on the ship. I felt a little angry part way through the meal when a minority of those around the table were silently complaining about children and blacks here. I could do little but just endeavoured to remember who they were.
I looked at dad's signal and saw all the diamonds and gold and knew it to be different but just as expensive as mine. The queen was one of the richest people on earth but she could not sell all the property she owned to acquire the money they were supposed to be worth. Best to say she was rich in property, art and love of her people. She was not poor in cash but not as rich as what others would have some believe.
"Dad," I said in my head.
"Dad, I was wondering if the queen would like first crack at our stones?"
"Sounds like an idea. I trust her much further than any of the diamond merchants we are likely to meet."
The queen was indeed interested and the next day dad and I were back. Dad opened his box and took out all the small loose stones. The next to be shown were the diamond necklaces that I had made so that the women could go to the captain's table dressed as they wanted. Lastly he took out two separate squares of black velvet and exposed the two large diamonds.
The queen picked the smaller stone up and held it to the light then said, "How much does this weigh?"
I let dad answer, "93 carats. The other is 157. They are not what you would call perfect but they certainly are good. The person that cut them was a genius and formed just the right number of facets to accommodate the size and peculiarities of the stone. The flaws are hidden so that each facet would capture the light in the most advantageous way."
The queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were incredulous when dad said he would postpone his flight to Antwerp so that the queen could have the stones assessed by her own people.
Dad got a ride home and I stayed to talk with the Queen Mother and play a little Gershwin on the newly tuned piano. The queen was very busy but the Duke of Edinburgh listened with his children. I played Clair de Lune, by Debussy then some pieces by Igor Stravinsky and Aleksandr Borodin.
As I got off the stool they started to clap and I bowed in acknowledgement. I was asked all sorts of questions about my musical abilities and agreed to teach Charlie a few lessons if I could get some lessons in return from the Ghurkhas and the weapons experts that protected the royal family.
Charlie was eager to start right away so I gave him lessons and helped Anne a little bit too. I had little time to do a good job so I sneaked into his mind and arranged all his musical training in a more logical manner. By the end of the lesson he was playing noticeably better. It was getting late and I was invited to spend the night. This was the first time I had done this. Almost every day I had slept beside Lusa and I figured that some times I would have to be away from her for one reason or another. Because grandpa had no phone a driver was sent with an invitation that I stay the night.
I could just see a closed mouth grandpa explaining to his friends and neighbours about all the royal vehicles stopping at his door. Soon enough the newspapers would have his picture along with the rest of us to commemorate our gaining knighthoods.
I slept little as I usually did and scanned everybody looking for any information I would be able to use in later life. From the royal family I found their way of juggling politics so that they could get what they needed to assist the country and to be truthful some of their own wants and needs. The royal protectors gave me some world war one and two tactics and the importance of logistics.
The Ghurkhas were even more proud to serve the queen than almost any other people on the earth including the Britons. Early the next morning I expressed my desire to take on a Ghurkha or two. The parents had many duties but wanted to see how well I would do. The queen already knew from police reports that I had been very precise in the way the hoodlums had been beaten.
The Duke of Edinburgh led us to the barracks and the partially dressed soldiers came to attention as he alone came in. "I would like a volunteer to teach knife fighting. Is there anybody here with enough confidence not to be hurt if they fail?"
Everybody took one step forward but said nothing. "All right then, let's go to the gym."
We all went to a large room under the palaces that served to train security and keep them in top shape.
The Ghurkhas filed in and gathered around the main mat in the centre of the room. They all stayed at attention as their charges were in the room with them. An old gristly veteran opened a cabinet and withdrew straight wooden batons the length of a knife. He handed one to a young man and looked questionably at who should take the other. I walked forward and opened my hand to receive it. He had held tight and was not about to release it to anybody but the right person. The Ghurkhas were very literal about their orders. They were very loyal even though they didn't even get the same pay as a regular British soldier would have.
With the prince's nod the wood was placed in my hand. My shoes were undone and the socks put in them. The veteran asked if this was right. He got back from the Prince, "Let's not underestimate any opponent. I think you said that a few times if I recall."
The young soldier was as tall as a regular Ghurkha but shorter than the usual European. I said, "I have fought before but never with a knife. Treat me as a serious threat or your mates will ridicule you later. On the other hand you may be far superior to me and beat me easily. I won't let that happen if I can prevent it."
Not giving an opponent time was the Ghurkha way. I ran in quickly and deflected his half-hearted defence and slashed across the artery in his left leg. He turned to fight and I said, "You are almost dead. Your artery was cut and you are on the ground with your life running out."
The man looked at the veteran and got a nod that I was right. I moved again and this time was able to only slash the front of his leg, not a mortal wound. His foot came out and I went flying but regained my footing just as he attacked me. I deflected his knife and punched him in the abdomen. I could not reach too much higher. A backhand caught me in the head and I went down and rolled. I came up ready with the knife. His stroke came in and I dropped my knife and grasped his wrist and flung both feet at his chest. He was off balanced and as he fell I got on him then reached over picked up my knife and sliced his carotid artery.
I got off and the man jumped to his feet. The veteran came forward and said, "You were foolish. You should have plunged the knife between his ribs."
"That is probably true. Now that you see how fast I am will you fight me? Your men will be angry if you beat me and less angry at me if I beat an old man that is on his last legs and about to go home to his family."
This was the best fighter here and I hoped to get him to teach me. His arm and fist went for my face and a wooden knife went from his hand and struck my abdomen. "You are dead little boy." He looked at me and then said, "The Kukri is never thrown but my practice blade was not our usual weapon."
I bowed and said, "Yes I am dead and I will always remember," as I picked up his knife and tossed it back. Then I said, "One more time. The old men have to teach the young ones everything."
The man was surprised and I deflected his knife with mine and struck his hard abdomen with my fist then tried to bring my knife back for a thrust only to see the other knife coming at me and I had to retreat. The man gave an evil grin and attacked with knife and foot that knocked me back and he was on me quickly and plunged the wooden knife in my back.
"That is how it is done. No tricks."
I was able to get up and bowed again. "That was fast. I thought I was quick but you are even quicker. "Will you teach me more? I cannot be a knight and protect the weak if I too must be protected."
"Ah, so you are the young one that saved our charge."
"Only bandaged him. He would have been found and brought home in a city like this."
I fought some more and acquired a few bruises as testament to my efforts. The royal family left but Charlie and Anne stayed. During a rest Anne brought me some water. "How can you fight like that? You are so very fast."
"I thought I was fast but not as good as these men here. I believe you are very well protected, in fact probably the best in the world." The men heard me and they felt proud at my well-deserved praise.
After another hour of fighting I had to call for a rest. I found I would rank below all of these men in ability. After they realised how dangerous I was I found myself beaten regularly even by the first man I fought.
The veteran, Sgt. Rai took me to the range in the next room. Two formidable nannies came first to escort the children to their studies.
I fit plugs into my ears and handled a large handgun for the first time. I was explained all the parts and how to disassemble and assemble it. After the first time I could do it without looking. Mechanics were explained next and I was told to fire at a target close by. I could read the expectation and I didn't want to disappoint any of the curious watchers.
The large calibre gun discharged and I was flung backwards on my butt. The men all laughed and I entered into the fun too to show that I was not angry. The laughing stopped when they saw the bullet hole in the centre of the ring in the target. I was asked to try again and I fired the remaining five shells. They formed a small neat circle close to the centre with the result being a large hole exactly in the middle of the bull's eye.
A heavy rifle was next and when told to fire one round I dropped to the floor in a prone position and hit the target without falling backwards. With only a few more rounds I had to quit because of the hammering to my shoulder and it was time for these men to begin their duties.
I thanked each of the men for their help. They were very interested in me and wanted me back so they could see what I could really do.
I had a bath and was loaned some of Charlie's clothes for the time being. After our noon meal I interrupted Charlie's schedule and taught him some more on the piano, instead of phonetics. His nanny was at the door listening to the music and keeping time to the rhythm with her toe. I started him on a simpler Gershwin melody to play for his grandmother later.
"You know Shawn, my other teacher would not like me to do this. She thinks this music is not quite proper."
"Your grandma is stronger than your teacher. Can you see them wrestling on floor. Your grandmother would twist the teacher's arm and throw her out the door."
Charlie giggled at the sight in his mind and then continued with his piano.
When he was tired we sneaked into an empty classroom. I used chalk and drew different dinosaurs.
"What is this one?"
I moved over and drew another of the extinct animals and he immediately said, "Triceratops."
"You are good," Now how about this one?
I stepped away from the drawing and he said, "Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"Close, that one is an Allosaurus. Its mouth is different but not much."
When the three blackboards were full I started to wipe them off when Charlie said, "Wait, leave them on. I can study them later."
"Ok," then I redid the images that had been damaged. I wrote the names of the animals under each of the drawings.
In a while Charlie stretched and said, "I'm getting hungry. Let's go see if we can find something to eat?"
"Do you want to go eat with the Ghurkhas? They have curried lamb, I can smell it."
"No, but I would like to go to a pub. You said we could."
"I only asked. Let's try."
The queen was very busy and so was Charlie's father but I could read that he would be done soon. As he came out an office later we were waiting. Charlie walked up and waited to be noticed but I interrupted, "Hello sir, may I have a moment of your time?" I got a nod and continued, "Charlie and I would like to see what a pub meal is like. Can we go with an old babysitter Sgt. Rai? We can go in disguise if you want. Charlie has to get out and meet the people sometime."
He started thinking and said, "Follow me." Inside another office he sat in a chair and then after a moment said, "It is true that our family has to interact with the rest of the country. We were even thinking of getting Charles to go to a public school. Perhaps this is a good way to introduce him to the people and vice versa." He thought for another moment and said, "Let's check on Sgt. Rai's plans."
There was a lot of surprise but the Ghurkhas would go through hell for the Royal Family.
In a short time we left the palace in a nondescript automobile and went to the Rai's favourite pub. Our guide was dressed in civilian clothing and carried his Kukri at his waist. Charlie was in simple clothing and I had a hat on to hide the colour of my hair. The room was smoke filled and many people were talking. As we entered everyone stopped to see who was coming in. Once they saw the familiar face, they resumed their discussions. Two men got up in the back in preparation for leaving. I pulled Charlie to it so that it would be ours. One other Ghurkha, Private Gurung, was having a meal and a pint on his own time and stood at attention and seeing the prince and his commander. Rai spoke in Nepali and told him to resume eating and just watch out for trouble if it arose.
"Stay here while I order. Fish and chips ok with you?"
"Yes I like them but mom won't let us have them often."
I got up and stood beside Rai and ordered for us and let Rai order for himself. I caught the owner's eye and plunked the money down and said, "And a pint for Sgt. Rai and one for the man at the bar that looks like he swallowed a fly." The owner looked at the other Ghurkha and then back at me, "Oll right mate. You will not be hav'n a bit yourself?" He joked.
"I am trying to cut back. It's making me fat," I said with a smile. My bruised face doing a lot to disguise my looks.
We sat and when the meal was ready we got up to get the food. Charlie dove right in and enjoyed himself. I found the food odd but palatable. Rai's dish was different but he seemed to enjoy it.
Charlie after a moment had time to look around and saw all the sports memorabilia on the walls, the dartboards and of course the Union Jack displayed in a place of honour.
There was an argument in the corner and Sergeant Rai tensed. I patted his hand and he jumped. "There are fights all the time and no need to worry, just relax and I will protect you." This made the Sergeant smile and he went back to eating.
In a moment I asked the sergeant, "Can a British lad have a sip of your pint? It is probably his first."
The sergeant thought then pushed the glass to me. I took it and pushed in front of Charlie. "Take a drink. Go easy or you will never live it down."
The boy looked at me in astonishment, then around at the rest of the room and took the glass in two hands and had a sip. With a little contemplation he took a bigger one and set the glass back and said, "That was different. Not bad really," he said as his tongue came out and licked the foam off his upper lip.
As we were leaving Private Gurung got up and wanted to go with us. I said, "We are just tourists now and I think you should just stay and finish your pint." The man was torn until his commander told him to stay.
We walked down the pavement. There were many bombed out buildings still and some were being stripped for parts for the ones being rebuilt. In the next block we found a music store and I pulled my companions into the small establishment. There were rows of sheet music arranged by artist or composer. I spotted some by Gershwin and pulled Charles over too see as I explained how to select the music. Some were very difficult and some were for different instruments. I tried to steer Charlie to one that his grandmother would like and yet not be too difficult to learn.
Charlie wanted to walk out with it and I explained how he had to pay first. I handed him a pound note and he went to the counter and put the money and the music on the counter. An old woman came to the counter and said, "Good day. Will this be all?"
"Yes, I am trying to play some music for my grandmother. Shawn says that she likes Gershwin. Mother likes it too but she is always busy doing things."
The woman looked kindly at Charlie and said, "That is the way it is sometimes. Mothers and fathers are busy trying to keep a roof over your head." The woman handed the change back and said, "Have a good day young man."
I came over with a selection of my own and the woman looked over the counter at me and said, "My goodness, what happened to you?"
"I was trying to stab some mean old bullies and they stabbed me back instead."
"They had no right to do that to you. If I had them here I would give them a piece of my mind and turn them over my knee. You... said stabbed?"
"Yes I was in training and you are lucky. Sergeant Rai is here now. He gave me four bruises on my back, chest and two on my face. But if you look at him you will find a few as well."
The woman looked at the man and finally placed him as a Ghurkha then made the connection that he was one of those who were protecting the Royal Family. She quickly looked at Charlie and recognised him. Looking at my face she saw who I was from the papers. "Oh my God."
"Are you going to punish him? I tried and failed."
The woman opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to think of something to say.
"Don't worry, if I stayed in London long enough I would wear him down till he got a few more bruises. Already the others are thinking I was picking on an old man."
The sergeant came to his own defence and said, "The boy would make a good Ghurkha if he were tall enough to reach higher than my waist."
I placed some money on the counter and took both my purchase and my companions out the front door to the tingling of the bell over our heads.
When we walked back towards the parked car, Charlie found a girl selling cut flowers. He used the rest of his money to buy some for his mother and grandmother. I bought some for Anne so that she would not feel left out.
When we got back I thanked the sergeant for his company and started Charlie back into his studies. His reading skills were well beyond that of an ordinary four year old, but that was because of his nannies and tutors. Later I had a spelling test for him with some of the dinosaur names still on the blackboard. His memory was good and his grasp of phonetics even better.
We then worked hard on the music he'd bought and with the small tinkering he was doing quite well. In a few days he would be able to perform before the crowned heads of a small part of Europe. When the queen called a break he gave her the flowers and then gave the other bouquet to his grandmother. The two women praised his gifts so much that he felt very good for getting them. When Anne came in she saw the flowers and thought them only pretty until she got her own bouquet, then they were all beautiful.
Over supper Charles mentioned everything he had done and promised to play the piano when he had mastered his latest piece. He got his dad to promise to come and see his dinosaurs later in the evening and see how he could spell the names.
I mentioned that I had to get back. "Mothers were kind of odd about their children even if they could take care of themselves." The Queen Mother nodded her head in agreement.
The queen said, "Your father has been asked to come here. Our gemologist says that the stones are quite good. Even the smaller stones are cut in a non-standard way that highlights each of their features. If it weren't for your father's concern for the natives, I would not sell them if I were he."
"They are only minerals, granted they are rare but still just a rock. Value is in the eye of the person that wants them and I for one think them just pretty but basically useless."
An hour later dad came in and the queen greeted him as Sir John. Dad had been getting it all day but felt different getting it now. Over a glass of sherry dad was offered a fair price for all the gems and dad looked at me then accepted. The only thing he stipulated was that the money be given by one of the queen's many charities and it go to one he set up a year ago in Salisbury for his clinic.
The queen agreed and said she would like to fly to Salisbury personally to present the money. "With a little juggling I can make it around the first of May." Charlie then Anne asked to go too. I looked into the Duke of Edinburgh's mind and knew he too would like to escape the cold weather of Britain for Africa.
Dad said, "I would love to have you come and even stay with us if you want. I have many patients to look after and need to start back soon. The doctors that I hired still need a little guidance now and again."
Charlie asked, "Can Shawn stay with us till then? We can take him home and he can teach me more piano and about dinosaurs."
The queen saw me as a positive influence and more along the lines of what she wanted for her son. She said, "Would that be all right with you?"
"It all depends on Shawn. He is young but can make up his own mind like an adult." Everybody looked at me now.
"I would like to stay for another month but I want Lusa to stay with me and I get to take Charlie and Anne too to see grandpa and grandma. She is a pretty good cook."
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Conrad and Leah knew one another better now at this, their fourth get together. They were in Leah's motel room and, after several drinks and a satisfying sample of cocaine, they got down to business. Monkey business, that is. "Mmmm, have I told you that you've got a nice juicy ass," Conrad chuckled softly, in the pretty blonde hooker's ear. "I like rear ending. Do you, baby?" Still smoldering from the effects of having a smattering of the white powder licked from her cunt, Leah...
Bill was sleeping after minor surgery. Tammy was keeping him company in the hospital. Her husband was good to her, and she had devoted her life to partnering with him in any way she could. That had been an adventure at times. For the first ten years of their marriage, it had seemed much like any other family. They had started to take each other for granted.Tammy knew that would kill their love and marriage. She wanted to keep things fresh and exciting for both her and Bill. So she had started...
SwingersIt's been a while since something story worthy has happened with one of my best buds Nick but this one was worth the wait. What took place between Nick and Karen (my other buddy Cameron's hot ass mom who I had my own encounter with that I previously wrote about) was pure, unadulterated fucking. There was no love, no feelings (well maybe lust), just a pure physical attraction between two good looking people that had been brewing for some time.A little bit about the main two people involved in...
There have been many times when Jack has taken advantage of Doris, sometimes at home and sometimes visiting other people, safe in the knowledge that his wife will remember nothing afterwards. One day recently, he called me and said they planned to take Doris out to a friend's house that evening. Joe has the ability to make her behave in different ways, sometimes always having to do whatever she is told, sometimes being very resistant, sometimes she will feel very horny, sometimes she will...
I never got up the rest of the night. I hoped that Ethan made himself some dinner and wasn’t waiting for me to do it. I was afraid to even face him. How could I without wanting to jump his bones? How could we ever go back to the relationship we had before now that we’d been intimate? He’s right, of course, that it doesn’t make sense to worry about what others would think when they’d never know about it to even think about it. That’s a waste of worrying. The real worry is could we really...
"At last! At first, I thought the bloody train would never arrive and then I began to think it would never leave. You can tell that no member of the aristocracy is a passenger on this train by the fact that it is running two and one-quarter hours late. Well, I suppose I should not grumble too loudly. At least we were able to use the time to procure sustenance for our famished bodies. Speaking of which, Erik, pass the bottle here or at the very least be a good lad and refill my cup." Helen...
It begins with the full preparation for a night in latex - the shaving, the cleaning, the powdering, the dressing - ritualistic and slightly clinical in manner but with interjections of arousal - a kiss here, a spank there, a tweak somewhere in between. I am to be dressed in a black latex catsuit with a double zip to allow appropriately convenient access to my pussy and arse, a matching hood to cover my face, less for the eyes and mouth and gloves. To the world I am anonymous but to you and me...
We eventually settled down into silence and Cobi turned his attention back to his phone, which allowed me to listen to what the other students were talking about. At the back of the bus, the girls on the football team were talking, as usual, about last night's game. I don't follow sports that much, but from what I could gather, it was about basketball. "Woman, did you see that three-pointer from Evlin Collins last night? She's been amazing in the playoffs, and for a rookie as well....
She was a language nerd, and yes, there really IS such a thing. Pretty? Not so pretty that she'd turn your head if you passed her on the street. But she moved nice. And when she smiled her brown eyes lit up and her lips parted just so. She wore her pants at her hips, and once in a while she wore tees that would ride up a little bit and reveal just a little of her soft white belly. She was 20 years younger than me, and she WAS pretty, and damn sexy.She was hired as an assistant to the CEO, a job...
Her gorgeous tan breasts heaved as she moaned. She couldn’t believe how good her innocent little sister was at eating her out. “Oh... Yeah... Don’t stop Jacinta... IM SOOOO CLOSE!” Alex moaned so loud that the whole house would’ve heard. On any normal day she would have been much more cautious about moaning, however tonight her parents were out for dinner and given how late it was, were probably doing something similar. Jacinta continued too eat her sisters bare cunt just as she had been begged...
LesbianShe is his dream. He walks past her house every day and every day he thinks of stopping. A block before her house he slows, the thickening fantasy of her nearness making his legs heavy. He strolls past her window, trying not to be too conspicuous in his attempt to see through the narrow gap between the shade and the windowsill. Tonight the light is dim and flickering – candlelight, he thinks. His breath grows labored and a vision of her fills his head. As he passes, he glimpses the...
A few days back……… I was sitting in a room waiting for Seema. My life had turned upside down in the last two days. My parents and I had been called back to the village by a close family friend. Dewan uncle had been like family to them. His son was to be married to a girl of the same village with whom he was in love with. The family of the girl had refused the boy because of his unmarried younger sister. They wished for her to be married first and wouldn’t let the marriage take place unless...
Introduction: short story, will continue if u like it Having my little sister share the cramped room in our mums apartment with me was never a good thing, and when she invited her friend, Holly, to sleep, things got even worse, and, as I had just hit puberty and I couldnt control my cocks urges to make itself stand like a steel rod, I was in despair. Holly turned up at around three in the afternoon, her mum dropped her off with her stuff and, as she unloaded her stuff onto my sisters bed, my...
At ninety miles an hour, I was glad the wind was deflected over my helmeted head. Trips on the bike were my favorite brand of relaxation. I hadn't worked in about a month, but I wasn't concerned. Something always came up. I had my Yamaha wound up on I10 coming east out of El Paso when the call came. The only phone I linked to my helmet was the little black work phone. After every job I had the number changed, only one guy ever had the number. I didn't even know his name, not his real name...
Miranda clutched at her chest for hundredth time that day. It was becoming an all too familiar habit since her boyfriend had walked out on her. Lewis had left without any real reason. One day he was there and they were in love: the next he was gone. She begged him to stay, begged him to just talk it out, but it fell on deaf ears. Lewis refused to talk. So for weeks now Miranda would feel the pangs of missing him and clutch her chest in an attempt to hold it together, as if the gaping hole left...
Quickie SexGorgeous ginger MILF Andi Rye is a teacher on a mission. She wants to make sure none of her students get left behind, so she gives some extra schooling to our troubled stud. She struts over in her silky lingerie and kneels down to give him all the brain he could ask for. This headucation comes equipped with an experienced MILF tongue to swirl and slobber all over his thick shaft. She loves coating his dick in spit and taking it all the way down to the balls as she gives him the blowjob of the...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is the second part of my story. Once again part in brackets is a flashback Lily awoke from her day dreaming. She sighed and longed for the old days between the two of them. The class wore on and before she knew it it was over. She grabbed her books and headed back to her locker. She was getting her books for her next class when she saw a shadow appear over her. She turned and discovered it was Ben. Hey Lily whats up? he asked. Lily was shocked they hadnt spoken in so long she...
The sardines worked sort of. The cat would rush in to take the Sardine, then quickly back off. It was a game that his gimp leg was not suited to, but he seemed to make it work. When I went inside, I gave him the chance to join me, but he refused. I figured that it was his right, so I left him outside. When it gets nasty enough, he might come in, I thought. I spent the afternoon doing research. If I wasn't going to serve court orders, how would I spend my time. I had no idea, so research was...
Hi, guys my self akash I am from banglore. My age is just 24 years, height 5’8 and weight is 64 kilos, well this is about my self, I have read a lot a stories in the indian sex stories and I decided now its my time to share mine. This is my first story if they are any mistakes please forgive me, now lets come to my real story, well let us call incident rather that story, now coming to my real incident, when I posted my first ad on the website, it was so long time that I didn’t get any response...
"Slave, take off your clothes and fix your posture." Shea demanded after ushering him into her dungeon. Not letting her desire overtake their strict dynamic. Once her orders were followed she smiled devilishly at her creation. When Shea and Burt first met it was not Shea who was meant to be the dominant. Burt had been slim and chiseled with a large penis. He would come by and take his stressful job out on Shea and all of her holes. Cumming wherever and as many times as he wanted. But...
A church bell tolls twelve strokes as he automatically spreads his legs wide apart to keep his balance. There is a moment of vertigo and confusion before he reorients himself taking care to not attempt to control this body. Then his new mind becomes melded, filled with his old memories along with some new. It must be high noon as he opens his eyes on this sunlit day.Detective Chief Inspector Lorenzo Herne cannot keep from smiling as he gazes out over the ramparts of the stone structure to the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe three of us were really close. He would always ask Raquel for advice on his relationships with women. She was always cracking up at his jokes and goofiness. I also started noticing that they teased and flirted with each other more and more as time passed. There was a lot of touchy feel between the two whenever they were around each other. I have to admit, It really turned me on because I had always fantasized watching my GF being intimate with another man while I watched and joined them in...
Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman "For they are subtle and quick to anger." By Zapper Synopsis: 'Typical,' I thought, stepping away from the ticket counter in Heathrow. The short business trip to Ireland, for no reason comprehensible to mortal man, required a layover in London. Now, due to an ice storm hitting Chicago, my flight was canceled. "Well, at least I've got the first flight out in the morning and the airline is putting me up in a decent hotel," I said, as I...
Hi iss readers i want to share my experience with you which is really true & which i never thought would happen to me.I’m a young guy having fair & athletic body, height 6″2. My name is Rinku, i live in a village about 30 km from Chandigarh.This story is about me & my friend Raghu’s sister. She is is very beautiful girl with huge boobs,36-25-38,with a whitish complexion & innocent face. It occurred when i was in xi class & she was in final year of Our families were very close to each...
SLUT ASHLEY 15Over the next few days, Keenum could not get Ashley out of his mind. She was so fucking hot! Just…everything about her! The way her beautiful face looked with her hair up, or with her hair down, or when he was fucking her, or when she had his cock in her mouth…was enough to blow his mind! And her body…her tanned, naked body with those nice tits and that perfect ass was enough to have him spanking all day long!It was all Keenum could do to stop himself from reaching for the phone...
Your parents splitting up can be a traumatic experience for some c***dren and I place the emphasis on the word some, because for me, it was an enlightening experience, you see, I was just f******n and on the cusp of womanhood.I was at the crossroads where my brain was at odds with my physical being, my brain being disciplined with the rules and the laws of men, and my body, maturing into the pleasurable edifice of men, that thin sliver of ages, that induce the most sexual pleasure most men...
Sunday morning after breakfast I went to the Oval Office and read the new reports. The C5 bringing the bodies had been delayed in Germany and was not going to land in Dover until Monday at 1800. That delay was to allow the morticians more time to clean up the bodies and perform DNA test on body parts. It would allow the families time to come to Dover if they wanted. It also gave me a day to spend with the family they could wait and go home tomorrow morning. We went swimming in the private...
Hey friends. This is Sid again. I thank all the readers of my previous stories who mailed me their opinion. Thanks. After reading this story please mail me at .This event I m writing is about a great outdoor escapade of me and my sweetheart Nikita. I need not mention about how Nikki looks. She is the most beautiful girl. After my birthday and till this day a lot has been changed. Like, I our family aware of our relationship (obviously not about our physical relations.) After our final board...
It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...
Gay Nephew StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Uncle, please fuck me now, I need it so bad”. Sterling squealed. Since his divorce JJ had made it a point, never to argue or refuse a good offer and he wasn't about to start now. He got on his knees behind Sterling, made sure he was steady on his knees and shoulders, with his ass up in the air and positioned his cock at the opening of his ass-pussy.Jeremy Jackson was never a good student in his school but somehow he was not dumb. After almost dropping out...
My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...
Late spring of 1949, we moved out of the temporary house that we had built on arrival in Alaska, and into the new family home built over the past several years at the other end of the five and a half acres that we owned. Father immediately subdivided the property and keeping 2 1/2 acres for us, started by selling our first house to some more newcomers from Texas. It wasn't very long before I added their two kids (Bernie and Ginny) to my social group. Let's see. I was 10, Bernie was 10 and...
My first story was about me in high school times and ended with me realizing that I really was hooked on sucking cocks. I also realized that I needed to learn a LOT more because sucking cocks was only the start, but it was the only thing I had at the time. This story is about how I made a plan and started down the road to where I am today.I also knew that I wanted MEN and not boys. To get MEN I would need to look better than I did. Short and chubby with no sex appeal is not a great way to...
An icy rain slapped my face and a gelid wind bit into me, cutting easily through my clothing. And to think 15 minutes ago i was enjoying their sight from the warmth of my room. All It took was one phone call to blew the cover apart. One bloody sobbing phone call. Here is the transcript "Nav...sob..sob..sob.. Come over here ..sob..sob..sob""what?now?""sob..sob.. Yes..sob..sob""but its impossible!Just look outside..""Nav.. Come over or i will do something..sob..sob..." the line cut. So here i...
Blacktown 1950 Chapter 2 By The Princess Well dear Readers, hasn't my life taken a turn in the last few months? Three months ago I was to all intents and purposes the stereotypical successful career man, husband, father and community leader. I was forty years of age and the rest of my life to enjoy. My life had looked to be perfect except for a few tiny, weeny, insignificant things. One, my wife and I had grown apart to the point of little or no physical contact and very...
Sally was shaking when she kept this appointment. She knew that her chance of being murdered this time was higher than ever before. While she entered the stark looking abandoned prison building with dread, she was also sensually aroused by the danger. He was waiting just inside the door. There he forced her to strip her clothes, then put her hands behind her back and handcuffed her. Next he snapped iron manacles on both ankles. They were attached by a short chain so it was difficult for Sally...
You know what I always liked about my little brother? I don't either. Oh, he has one or two good qualities but somehow he manages to taint them one way or another. For instance, he's really smart but he can't seem to appreciate the line between being smart and being a smartass. Here's an example: One day I got stuck on a trig problem and asked him if he could help me. He's one of those math whizzes so he saw the solution right away and showed me how to do it. I was just about to say...
Hello, iss readers. I’m also an indian sex stories dot net reader like you but was very shy to share my story but today I’m going to do so. Cutting the long intro, in short, myself sam Mehra I’m from Nagpur,Maharashtra. 18 years old and can satisfy any girl or women with a 7″Inch dick…..Any girl, milf, women want to enjoy with me with total privacy and too much fun…Mail me at So my story is my real life experience which I had with my cousin in dec.2017. My cousin name is manisha(name...
IncestRonald: Beatrice nearly sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, gasping, then wailed, "OMIGAAAWD!" and covered her face -- and started bawling. Alan looked at me and asked, "What happened? Why is Aunt Bea crying?" "I think she's happy." "But..." "You know, Alan, it's a woman thing. I really don't understand, either." I beckoned Beatrice and she ran to me and tried to squeeze me to death, bawling her eyes out. I looked down at Alan. "Do YOU like chow mein?" "It's okay,...
I woke to the sound of rain hitting the window, and thought oh no the day is going to be ruined, we had planned to take off early to go site seeing, but this is going to put it all off for a while, i look at you sleeping so contently, i smile and cover myself back up and snuggle up to you. I reach over and feel your warm thigh, i slowly start rising my hand and feel your cock i start to play with it and i look at your face.... you smile and tell me if i don't stop i will have to finish you...
04:00 Couldn't sleep. Excited about possibly seeing Lucio again and got my hand down my panties. But disappointed by lots of things, which also keep me awake with worry. Lucio still hasn't contacted me, and now Rose has got herself a boyfriend. Haven't been able to go round to see her much this week. On Thursday afternoon, I went to see her but I felt she wanted to get rid of me quickly. Perhaps I'm just being over-sensitive, but her boyfriend was calling for her at five o'clock, and I...
In the mood for something dirty tonight? How about watching lots of pornographic scenes where sluts get fucked every which way, just to end up with a nice cream filling? Well, that is what I’m going to talk about, mostly, so if you are interested, you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy everything this place has to offer… and by ‘this place’ I mean so much content out there, we all have something that we are mostly into, and if you like to see hotties get creampied, you are...
Creampie Porn SitesCindy fresh out of the shower stood glazing at herself in the full length mirror admiring her gorgeous married figure like she has done so many days before. A natural blonde gifted with large natural full breasts. A thin waist most women would die to have and full round hips with an adorable round ass. She loved to flaunt her petite body and enjoyed the attention she received from other men. Married for nine years to a wonderful man that adored her, provided for her and gave her anything her...
Meine Frau überraschte mich vor Wochen damit, ob ich sie gerne mal beim Sex beobachten würde. Im Laufe des Gespräches darüber kam heraus, das sie eine Arbeitskollegin hatte, die ihr vor Wochen davon erzählt, dass sie gerne mal ihren Freund beim Sex mit einer anderen Frau beobachten würde. Das Ganze war etwas überraschend für mich, denn seit wir zusammen waren hatte sie solche Vorschläge immer konsequent und äußerst direkt abgelehnt.Nach diesem Gespräch hatten wir uns so heiß geredet, ob ja oder...
Hi, guys, this is prince from Mumbai I am 25 years of age, all girls and unsatisfied ladies email me back full privacy guaranteed This is my first story, guys, please forgive if I miss out on something. This is a real story of my neighborhood girl her name is Mira. She is 23 years old, she is working, let me describe you her she is an amazing girl with assets of 36-24-24. Last month I was returning from my gym, all of sudden my eyes went on her, and we exchanged smiles, and we left. Next day...
Valerica Steele has been practicing witchcraft and is looking to complete a complex hex but requires a specific ingredient—the semen of the intended. Her stepfather, Filthy Rich, doesn’t quite understand Valerica’s new persona but tries to engage anyway, only to be seduced right then and there. This, of course, was all a part of Valerica’s scheme, and with Filthy right where she wants him, she can complete her spell. But soon, the magic proves to be too much power for Valerica to handle, and...
xmoviesforyouTHE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER IX THE ORGY Sunday morning came much too early for me and as I got out of bed, I felt my "pussy" was still stretched and throbbing. First I went into the bathroom and "douched out" like Ann had told me. I dressed in a casual pair of slacks and with "D" cup bra padded with silicone breast forms and a low cut red knit top that revealed my pushed up cleavage, short but dangling earrings, and matching...
Eliza Eves is a beautiful petite blondie who loves having her tight bald pussy filled with jizz. The gorgeous cutie with small natural tits and pink nipples can’t help but moan in delight as she enjoys the intimate sensation of the sensual pussy pounding in missionary. Her cute boobies gracefully bounce with every thrust of the hard cock into her cunt. Eliza’s cute bubble butt gorgeously jiggles while she gets fucked in doggystyle. Eliza excitedly rides the stiff cock in cowgirl and...
xmoviesforyou"I need you to touch me now." she heard him say. "I need you to touch my cock." He took her hand and put her fingers around him. She was nervous, but not afraid. She and her friend Lil had spent one night on the internet watching videos of men jacking themselves off, women and other men sucking cocks, and of couples fucking. Daddy would have been angry with her for watching sex videos, but she knew that he was fucking Mom that night. Besides, she wanted to know what to do when this...