Gender Role Reversal - Reboot - Chapter 2 free porn video

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We eventually settled down into silence and Cobi turned his attention back to his phone, which allowed me to listen to what the other students were talking about. At the back of the bus, the girls on the football team were talking, as usual, about last night's game. I don't follow sports that much, but from what I could gather, it was about basketball. "Woman, did you see that three-pointer from Evlin Collins last night? She's been amazing in the playoffs, and for a rookie as well. The Tigresses are killing it. I reckon that Houston could go all the way this year." "Girl, you're kidding, right? Don't forget that they're playing against the Hurricanes. They may have dropped the first game, but Orlando is just warming up." I rolled my eyes, trying to shut out the conversation. it all sounded like a foreign language to me. _Playoffs? What did that even mean?_ I groaned and turned back around in my seat to look back at Cobi. "What's up?" Cobi asked not looking away from his phone. "Is that all girls talk about?" I asked, gesturing to the girls at the back. "Sports? Why can't they talk about more normal things like who they're gonna take to prom and stuff like that?" Cobi laughed. "Girls don't think about that stuff. If they do, they don't think about it until the last second. I mean, prom is only weeks away and we've had our dresses ready for what? Months?" "You have," I replied glumly. Cobi put down his phone and looked at me. "Well, whose fault is that? I've asked you dozens of times to come dress shopping with me but you've always held off, waiting for a girl to ask you out when I keep telling you that if you don't get ahead of the game, the girls are going to think that you're not interested." "You sound like those jocks," I commented, nodding towards the girls at the back. Cobi glanced over at them and then looked back at me. "I'm serious, hon, Mel's not going to want to bother with a boy who is going to be running around frantically at the last minute for a dress. No girl wants to deal with that." I sighed. "Fine, if you think it will help." At this point, I was desperate to try anything to get a girlfriend. "You won't regret it, babe." Cobi picked up his phone again and immediately clicked through to a site that sold prom dresses. "Ooooh!" he squealed. "How about this one?" He asked after a couple of seconds as he showed me his phone. It was a sparkly neon pink bodycon dress with a strap over one shoulder. I glanced at the price and grimaced. "Too pricey," I stated as Cobi shot me a look. "And since when have I worn anything as fancy as that?" I added. "But babe, that's what prom is all about. It's okay to go over the top," Cobi insisted. "All the girls will be in tuxedos and the boys will be dressed to the nines with the hair to match. You won't feel out of place in this." I shrugged my shoulders. Cobi sighed and flicked through to look at other options. We spent the rest of the bus ride looking at dresses--and I had to admit, there were a few that I actually did like--so Cobi added them to his basket and we promised to go dress shopping after school. The bus pulled into the school and everybody hopped off. The creepy bus driver made a few lewd comments at a couple of us boys as we walked down. "Eugh," I complained as we stepped off the bus. "I don't know why the school doesn't fire her. She makes the same comments every day. You'd think that she was a paedophile or something." Cobi nodded. "I know, I complained to the principal once about it, but she said that unless there were some witnesses, there wasn't a lot that she can do. I know that some of the boys will chime in, but they're too scared of her to say anything... And the girls? They're just as bad." We joined the throng of students making their way to the school, lots of them were meeting up with friends and discussing what they had done over the weekend. I often liked to watch these groups interact and observe. Over in the corner of the schoolyard were some jocks, mostly from the football team. Joen, the school's quarterback, was busy flexing her muscles to her boyfriend Bradleigh, while the other girls in the squad flirted with their respective boyfriends. I watched as Bradleigh cooed and giggled as he ran his hands over Joen's bulging muscles. For a girl, Joen was short, standing at 5 foot 4. What she lacked in height, however, paid dividends in her strength. Joen worked out at the gym whenever she could, and it showed. Rolling my eyes, Cobi and I quickened our pace trying to avoid being spotted by Bradleigh and his gang of cheerleaders. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful, as one of Bradleigh's sidekicks, Cinnamon, hopped off his girlfriend's lap and pointed us out to Bradleigh. Bradleigh stopped running his hand over his girlfriend's muscles long enough to get a look at us. He smirked, kissed Joen on the cheek, locked arms with Cinnamon and sauntered over to us. If Joen was muscular, then she was nothing compared to Cinnamon. Cinnamon (or Cinna as he liked to be called) was naturally muscular, or so he told people. His body was well-built to almost feminine standards, but Cinnamon was able to use his fashion sense and move gracefully enough to counteract the feminine structure of his body. It seemed to work, as the girls appreciated his slutty appearance. Today was no different: Cinna wore a yellow criss-cross ruched halter top, matched with a pair of denim shorts that were so short, I wasn't sure how they didn't break the school's dress code. The yellow top was a bright contrast to his dark skin. His ebony hair was twisted into corkscrews, while on his feet, he wore a pair of yellow 3-inch heels. By contrast, Bradleigh was dressed in a more stereotypical manner. He wore a hot pink crop top that showed off his belly button and tanned skin, with a pair of white skin tight jeans that looked as though they were painted on. His bleached blonde hair fell in waves past his shoulders. "Oh great," Cobi muttered. "Here comes Kennie and the slut." "Well, well, well..." Bradleigh sneered as the two approached us. Both boys sauntered over and looked us up and down giving both of us a disapproving look. "Look what the cat dragged in," he added as Cinnamon snickered behind him. While Bradleigh looked down on both of us--actually, he looked down on pretty much anyone who wasn't a cheerleader--he tended to be a bit nicer towards Cobi. Maybe it was because he was actually pretty hot, but it was mostly because Cobi's parents were more well off than mine. "Not bad, boys," he commented, surprising me. "Cobi, you look fantastic as always. I keep telling you that you should join the squad." "And I keep telling you that I'm not joining some egotistical group that hires its members based solely on how they look or how much money their parents have," Cobi replied coldly. Bradleigh just nodded and continued, turning his attention towards me. "Wow, Lexanne! It looks like you actually tried today." Cinnamon nodded in agreement. "I love the top. At least you don't look like a train wreck." I blinked. "Um, thanks." I was too stunned to say anything else. I rarely got a compliment from Bradleigh. "So who are you trying to score with?" Bradleigh asked cutting straight to the chase. "W-what?" I stammered, feeling my face redden. "Oh come on, boy. It's obvious that you're trying to get someone to ask you out, otherwise you wouldn't have dressed so nicely. "I bet that it's that Mel girl that you're always hanging out with. I've seen the way you look at her." Cinnamon nodded in agreement. I blushed again, feeling my face get even redder. Fortunately, Cobi stepped in. "It's none of your business. Why don't you go back to fondling with your girlfriend or something?" "Gee, I was just trying to be friendly," Bradleigh replied, irritated. "Come on Cindy, let's leave these losers." Cinnamon nodded and both boys spun on their heels, flicking their hair, and sauntered off back to their boyfriends. "Bitch," Cobi muttered under his breath as we watched them walk away. I nodded. "Come on." I took his hand and led him to our lockers. We were getting our books out of the locker when we were joined by Mel and Carrol. "Hey, guys, what's up?" Mel greeted us as she leaned against the locker next to mine. I blushed slightly. She was in her usual get-up consisting of a tank top and cargo shorts. Her hair was a little messy, looking as if she had just woken up. "Oh, not much," Cobi replied calmly. "Just had our usual run-in with Bradleigh and his lapdog." "Oh yeah?" Mel perked up. As much as I liked Mel, it always annoyed me that she had a thing for Bradleigh, but I suppose that's why Bradleigh was considered the hottest boy in school. "Did he give you a hard time again?" Carrol asked, pushing her glasses up her nose. Carrol was sweet. While she may also have the hots for the likes of Bradleigh and Cinnamon, she was also way out of their league, and so Carrol was a little more sensitive when it came to our plights with the boys. "Actually," I began as I shut the door to my locker. "He gave me a compliment. On my clothes, no less." Carrol was surprised. "Really? That seems out of character for him. I wonder what his game is." I chuckled. "It's nothing that you need to concern yourself with," I reassured her. Of course, I wasn't going to tell her what he had actually asked me. At that moment, the bell rang, and I adjusted the books in my arm. Carrol softened. "Hey, would you like me to carry your books for you? You seem to be struggling a bit." I shook my head. "Thank you, Carrol, but I think that I can manage. It's not that far to my first class." "Oh, okay," Carrol replied dejectedly, but I failed to notice. I had also failed to notice that both Mel and Cobi had been watching the entire exchange with smirks on their faces. "What?" I asked when I noticed them both looking at me, struggling to hold back their laughter. "Nothing," Cobi and Mel replied, almost too quickly. I looked back at Carrol who shrugged. "Come on, boyfriend," Cobi said, changing the subject as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me to class. "You know how Mss Willow hates tardiness." When we were finally alone, I stopped. "What were you and Mel giggling about?" I queried when Cobi turned around to see why I had stopped. He paused for a moment as if to wonder how he should tell me. "Hun, you know how you get when you're alone with Mel?" I thought back and understood what he meant. I often did silly boyish things when I thought that we were alone but I was only doing it so that Mel would ask me out and so far, none of it had worked. "Well, I think that Carrol has a thing for you." I blinked. Carrol? A thing for me? I mean sure, she was sweet like I mentioned before, but Carrol? Cobi watched the gears turn in my head and sighed. "Come on, boy. She offered to carry your books for you. And remember last week when you had forgotten your lunch money?" I nodded. Carrol had practically jumped out of her seat to offer to pay for me. "I think that Carrol wants to ask you out." I pondered my options. Like Cobi, I had a crush on Mel, and I suppose that Carrol was cute in a geeky sort of way. Maybe I liked that sort of thing? I had never considered it before and I was kind of getting desperate. Maybe Carrol and I could be a thing? "What do I do?" I asked nervously. Cobi placed an arm around my shoulder as we continued walking. "Just keep doing what you're doing. I'll talk to Mel and she if she can build up Carrol to ask you out. "Thanks, hun. You're the best." "I know!" We both burst out laughing. Mss Willow was sitting at her desk when we arrived, giggling. She quickly frowned. Being one of the older teachers, Mss Willow was a very serious woman, and she often didn't approve of some things that the younger generation did, especially when it came to boys. She gave us her usual look over her glasses and we quietened down, apologising. "You know the rules, boys, no giggling in my class. Now take your seats." We nodded and took our respective seats and waited for the rest of the class to settle in. Once everybody had been seated, Mss Willow began the lesson. She pushed up her glasses as she stood up. "Now I trust that everyone has done their homework that I gave out over the weekend?" There were a few groans within the class, as inevitably, a few had forgotten. "Yes, I'm sure that some of you had very busy weekends." If I didn't know how serious Mss Willow was, I would've sworn that she was being sarcastic. "But, Mss Willow..." A girl, Manden, piped up. "I had my homework all done and this morning when I went to put it into my bag I found out that my dog had eaten it." There were a few chuckles throughout the classroom. Mss Willow frowned. "Very well, I expect you have it redone and ready for me tomorrow morning. The rest of you can start handing it to me." I reached into my purse and put my homework on my desk. It hadn't been easy. We had to write a 500 word paper on men in politics. I'm sure that most of my female classmates found it boring and a pointless assignment but I actually found it quite fascinating. For example, did you know that a man actually ran for president once? I know, shocking... When it comes to politics, most men just vote for the same person that their wives vote for. So it came as quite a surprise for me when I learned that back in the 1960s a man ran for presidency, Shocking the entire United States. Jonatha Fredine Beauvoir was the first man to run for president. He was very influential with important women in certain circles, although there were rumours that the only reason he had any real leverage was that he had slept with most of them. In fact, even the men had very little faith in him. It came as a bit of a surprise then when I learned that he had lasted all the way to the convention. It was only here when he revealed that his real purpose was to bring certain issues regarding men to the party, namely better education for men and protection for men in abusive marriages. Interestingly, while men had no faith in his campaign, they were very interested in his fashion sense. Ms Beauvoir was a very masculine man, and it showed in the way that he dressed. He often wore very masculine dresses, often designer, and men flocked to the department stores to copy his image. Mss Willow collected my paper and glanced at it briefly. "I see that you've decided to focus your paper on the exploits of a Ms JFB, Ms Forrest. I trust that by your standards that it will be a very interesting read." "Thank you, Mistress." Once Mss Willow had collected the papers, or at least the ones from the students who had remembered to hand in their homework, she began the lesson. "Now, your assignment over the weekend was to write about men in politics and from your papers, I can tell that some of you have taken that more seriously than others. Today, we will continue that topic by discussing the Equal Rights Amendment and how it came to pass." A groan rippled through the class, mainly from the girls. Mss Willow ignored this. "Now I know that some of you might feel that this is a pointless topic because it is very rarely acted upon. But it is actually quite an important part of history. For instance, without it, men would not have the right to vote. Of course, most men don't take advantage of this particular right, preferring to vote the same way as their wives. But who can blame them? Politics is a very boring topic and often a confusing subject. It's best to not let them worry their pretty little heads about it."

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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 6

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm buzzing. Yawning, I reached to switch it off. It was 10 o'clock. I usually liked to lie in at the weekends. After a few minutes of lying on the bed I decided that I'd best get up. I was both excited and nervous today, excited because I was looking forward to George's softball game this afternoon. But I was also nervous because of my date with Robert tonight. I had dated a boy for a while back in England so it wasn't like it was my first time...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 2

Brian woke up the next morning with a huge headache. He sat up in bed and waited for his vision to clear. Looking at himself he saw that he was wearing his pink satin nightie. The dress that he had worn last night was toss over the chair by his vanity table and his underwear and heels were lying on the floor. He didn't remember getting changed last night but he must have. His hair fell in front of his eyes so he brushed it away with his dainty hand. It was a bit dishevelled. He would have...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Life in the Suburbs A Budding Romance

"Hi sweetie, how was practice?" George's dad asked as he walked through the front door. "It was great dad. I got a few strikeouts," George replied. He was currently dressed in his softball team's uniform having just got back home from practice after school. George's dad Stephen was busy folding laundry in the living room and he had the TV turned on and was watching one of his reality shows. "That's great honey. Dinner will be ready for when your mother gets home," his dad...

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Gender Role Reversal Life in New York Chapter 1

"Oops, sorry!" a voice said after I had been bumped into nearly spilling my coffee. Fortunately I had had a good grip on it so I didn't actually lose any liquid. I just stumbled a bit. "Oh no problem," I said. "It was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." Which was true, I had been looking at a text from my boss at the time. I turned to look at the person who bumped into me. "Matthew?" I asked recognising the face. "Emily?" he replied also recognising me. "OMG! It's so good...

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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 4

Brian slowly opened his eyes as he came to. The first thing that he noticed was that he was no longer sitting down. He appeared to be lying down instead. Brian slowly sat up. His head was still spinning a bit. As he did so he put his hands up to his head. "What the?" Brian thought as he felt his hair. It was no longer silky and smooth, nor was it long. It felt short and spiky. That was when Brian started to remember what had happened. Brian dropped his hands from his face and looked...

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Gender Role Reversal Footballs Back

*Author's note: I know I said I'd focus on my other story but this just popped into my head and I had to write it down* "Hey babe!" I heard Sam call from the kitchen. Looking down at my handiwork I decided that the coffee table was as clean as it ever going to be. "Yeah hun, what is it?" I replied. "We're out of chips" Sam shouted back. As I stood up from cleaning the table Sam came waddling into the room. "What do you want chips for?" I asked. "Well, erm," Sam...

3 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Dear Diary I Won

Saturday 19th March 2015 Dear Diary OMG! I can't believe it! I actually won! Ahem, let me explain. On Monday Radio One announced that they would be giving away tickets at the weekend to go and see Tyler Swift at a concert in London in June. I am of course a huge fanboy of Tyler swift. I have all of his albums; I have lots of posters of him in my room, I've even died and styled my hair to look like his. Like I said I'm a huge fanboy. So anyway the competition was announced and all...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Rags To Riches Part 1

Richard's client watched as Richard counted the money. Running the bills between his black painted fingernails Richard nodded satisfied with the amount. He turned to face his client. "Thanks for the lift sugar," he said seductively. The woman reached out a hand and caressed his face. "No problem sweet cheeks. Same time next week?" she asked. Richard nodded and then got out of the car. Richard looked up at the apartment building as he smoothed out his black leather skirt. It was...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal The Affair

It was half-past ten when Alex's wife Lucy finally came home. To say that Alex was cross would be an understatement. He was furious. Lucy had forgotten their anniversary again! And Alex had spent all day preparing a lovely meal for them to celebrate. And now hours after she was supposed to have come home the evening was ruined. Alex had eaten his meal alone. The candlesticks that he had put out had gone unlit and he had left Lucy's plate covered up in the fridge, all though sometimes...

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Gender Role Reversal New Neighbours Part One

"See honey," Emily said as she pushed open the door to their new home and guided her husband inside. "Isn't this going to be great?" Roger gasped as he took in the spacious living room. "Oh my goodness," he cried, his eyes going wide. "Look at how big it is." Emily nodded as she gently caressed her swollen belly. She had just gotten a promotion at her firm which included a massive bump in her paycheck, that meant that they could finally move out of their tiny apartment in the city...

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Role Reversal

[This is a story about a social experiment. Included are lots of oral sex, coitus, anal and an exchange of partners. If any of that bothers you, please don’t read the story. If you demand that men stay in their ‘traditional’ roles as men… don’t read this story. It may upset you. However, if the spirit of adventure and experimentation attracts you, read on. I will be interested in your comments. Please vote and please either post comments or email them to me. Thanks.] ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ ‘Are...

3 years ago
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SRU Role Reversal

SRU: Role Reversal "Well, now, this is a curious one," the Wizard muttered to himself, just before the shop door slammed open, nearly knocking the bell off its chain. A man rushed in, looking utterly average. He was an average height, an average build, with average brown hair and eyes, wearing an average button- down blue shirt and average khakis. He looked around the shop, wild-eyed, darting toward one shelf and then another. "It's real! My god, it's all really here!" "Welcome,...

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CreateAWrestler Reboot

By Lilguy31 Welcome to the Sex Wrestling Federation! It is a wrestling league where fights are run by the traditional pin fall or sexual battle. First one who cums loses, or sometime it is last person standing. First one to pass out loses. There a couple of belts. The mixed belt champ, The Tag team mixed belt champ, The woman’s belt champ and the tag team women’s belt champ. Here where you come to pick a character mode. You choose if its female or male. You can choose if it’s a bad guy or a...

4 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...

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Next time I have to reboot a linux

It was going to be a late day at the office. Our HTML directory had become mixed up with the sectors that control the server farm. We were sunk. Becky and I would have to spend the entire evening loading 8 1/2 inch floppy disks into the hard drive. This was going to take forever. "What a bitch" I exclaimed. Becky sat up straight in her airfoil office chair. "Not you" I said with a laugh "This assignment is going to take all night." I'll be up until 3 in the morning doing it. "I wish I...

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Gender role experiment 2

Gender role experiment 2 I was trying to find Linda. A blonde guy about her hight walked toward me, and I looked into his eyes, hoping to recognize her. No, it wasn't her, and, of course, the guy got my stare as an invitation. "Linda, right?" he asked stepping to me, and I rolled my eyes. Thanks to my boobs size, all campus learned my name. Sure the guys were betting who is going to score me first. "You are new here. I can show you around if you want?" he said with a smile, and...

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Reversal Rings One Night

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I appreciate any opportunity to expand upon it. This is a sequel to my story "Reversal Rings: One Hour." If you have not read the original, you may feel lost a time or two. Again, I make no claims at being a world-class author. This was just for fun. I wanted to take the concept of casual swapping to the next level. This will be the last story involving these characters for a while. I know I...

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Gender role experiment 3

Gender role experiment 3 I was trying to act normal; to act as nothing happened. I was trying to say, "Everything is ok," and smile, but Jenifer, one of my flatmates, suddenly hugged me. The intimacy of the hug, and the warmth of her body did something to me. Tears, sobs, and words started to run out of me like a waterfall. Just a minute ago I swore to myself to never say a word about what happened in the toilet. I was going to forget it myself and act like it's never happened....

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Reversal Rings Im Sorry

This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Hour

Author's Note: Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I'm just trying my simple hand at expanding it. This is basically a story about nothing. I've wanted to see a bodyswap story where nothing really happens, just a casual switch. Oh, and this is my first story. I make no claims at being a great author, I just wrote this for the fun of it. Enjoy! Reversal Rings: One Hour By Ipkiss I remember when I got the phone call. It was just past midnight and I almost broke my...

5 years ago
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Janet in TrainingChapter 6 Role Reversal

When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...

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Caroles Story 10 Carole Visits the Farm

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Rule of the Gender Role Reversal Universe

So I'm starting a new universe which anyone is welcome to add to. Below is a list of rules for this new universe. The stories can be done in first person or third person but my first set of stories will be in first. This universe is very much like our own except for one major difference, the gender roles are reversed. What that means is that while our bodies remain the same, everything that is attributed towards male and female has been reversed. In our world what is associated...

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Reversal Rings Weird Wednesday

Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my...

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Reversal of Fortune

     ???????????????????? REVERSAL OF FORTUNE ???????????????????????????? by ??????????????????????? C. Lakewood   ??? The smartly dressed young woman strode nonchalantly through the outer office and into Dean Malcolm Heywood's inner sanctum without a by-your-leave or even a perceptible hesitation.? As she passed, the dean's secretary, looked up, startled, and opened her mouth to object, then closed it again and shrugged.? Dr. Barbara Lang was slated to take over as dean in a few...

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Gender Swap Aphrodisiac previously Reverse Viagra

Gender Swap Aphrodisiac - Volume 1 Copyright 2013 Ben Schrodinger Note from the author ################################################## This was the first gender swap story I wrote back in 2012, previously titled Reverse Viagra. About a year later I started publishing my stories on Amazon including this one but fixed the errors that were in the original version and also removed all references to 'Viagra' (don't want to get sued!). This story will remain on Fictionmania for...

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Caroles Story 03 Caroles Training

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Gender 101

Gender 101A guide to the whole new world of gender.When it comes to gender, whatever you say you are, we agree with you. If you're new to the conversation, we get that it can be confusing. No shame there. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide.SexPeople use the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably, but the words have different meanings. Generally, ‘sex’ refers to biological indicators like genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc. In general, people are designated as male, female, or...

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