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Hi readers. Here’s the next installment. As you can probably tell, this story is slowly coming to an end. I didn’t mean for this story to go on for as long as it has, but it seems to have taken on a life of its own. I hope you enjoy reading these new chapters. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or older.
Chapter 13
Sam woke up late the next morning to a weight draped half over her back. Looking down, she saw a hand curled around her waist. Memories of last night came flooding back to her, making Sam groan. She couldn’t believe she had acted so weak and pathetic in front of Chase last night. And getting him to kiss her. What the hell was she thinking? At least she was dressed. Well, after a fashion at least. Trying to move as slowly as possible so as not to wake Chase, Sam moved to get out of bed. She wanted to be dressed in something other than a shirt by the time Chase woke up. Unfortunately, Chase was a light sleeper and Sam’s movements had woken him.
‘Good morning sweetheart.’
‘Morning,’ Sam mumbled. She couldn’t bear to face him after last night so kept her back turned. Chase raised his hand and slowly slid it across her shoulder.
‘Are you okay?’ Chase was worried that Sam wouldn’t face him.
‘I’m fine.’ As Sam moved to get up, Chase grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. Sam shrieked, ‘Chase. Let me go.’
‘We have to talk Sam.’
‘I said I’m fine.’
‘Liar. You’re not fine.’ Chase rubbed her back soothingly. ‘Listen, it’s okay. What happened last night. It doesn’t make you weak. It’s only human, to cry and you were long over due for a good one.’
‘You don’t understand. I’ve never been like that before. I don’t like being so vulnerable. I…I don’t l…like the fact that they m…made me cry.’ Sam started to sob, not being able to hold all her emotions in. It was like once the flood gates had opened there was no stopping it. Chase sat up and pulled Sam into his arms. She relaxed against his back and just let him hold her, feeling safe in his arms.
‘I care about you Sam. I promise I’ll always be here to look after you.’ It was probably a stupid promise for one so young to give, but at that moment, Chase felt like he never wanted to let Sam out of his arms. ‘Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go and get us some breakfast, okay.’ Chase rolled out of bed and put his shirt on. Walking up to Sam he kissed her on the head before going to the door. ‘I’ll be back in a minute. Stay in here, we still have to talk.’ Sam looked at Chase and nodded. She didn’t think her legs would support her to go anywhere at this minute even if she did decide to hide..
Eventually, Sam managed to get out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top. She heard Chase walking up the stairs and quickly pulled a brush through her hair. When Chase came in, he found Sam sitting on the window seat looking outside. ‘Here, are you hungry?’
‘Not really.’
‘Eat anyway. You’re too thin.’
‘I’m not too thin, I’m slim and muscular.’
‘Your too thin,’ Chase insisted gently. ‘You’ve lost weight since I got here. I need to fatten you up.’ Chase grinned at Sam and she managed a half hearted one on return. Chase handed Sam a bagel lathered with cream cheese. As Sam slowly ate it, she knew she had to apologise for what happened between them last night.
‘Chase, I’m sorry, for what happened last night, when I asked you to kiss me, and everything. I don’t know what I was thinking really. I just, well I’m sorry I put you in such an awkward position.’
Chase looked at Sam and smiled at her gently. Although she had been through so much pain for her age and had seen so much, she was still so innocent. ‘Sam, you should know me better by now to know that of I hadn’t wanted to kiss you, I wouldn’t have. If anything, I should be apologising to you. I took advantage of you last night when I promised myself I wouldn’t. For that I am sorry. But I’m not sorry for kissing you.’
Sam was stunned. ‘You mean, you wanted to kiss me?’
‘Why?’ Sam couldn’t imagine why any one would want to kiss her. ‘I’m so plain and, and boring. Why on earth would you want to kiss me.
‘Because you are the most beautiful, most exciting person I’ve ever met. And don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.’
Sam couldn’t believe it. Chase thought she was beautiful. Her, beautiful. For the first time, Sam felt like she was worth something. Finishing her bagel, Sam stood up and grabbed her jacket. ‘Would you like to come for a ride with me and Warrior.’
‘Sure.’ Chase stood up and took her hand. Sam felt the warmth from his grasp course through her entire body warming her both inside and out.
When they got to the stables, Mac looked up to see them walking hand in hand. Smiling to himself, he got up to greet them. Mac didn’t think it would be too long before Chase managed to get to Sam. He hoped that the lad would be able to put Sam on the right path again and get her to love something besides her horse and her art. ‘Mornin Miss Sam, Master Chase.’
‘Morning Mac,’ They both said in unison.
‘Goin for a ride this mornin then?’
‘Yes we are Mac. We’ll be fine getting ready. Why don’t you go and have a cup of tea.’
Mac knew when he wasn’t needed, so he left with a smile on his face. That girl was starting to open up.
Sam got Warrior out of the stable and checked his hooves before jumping onto his back. Holding out her hand to Chase, she looked at him, waiting. ‘Well, are you coming or what?’
‘You want me to ride double with you?’
‘Um, yeah. I mean Warrior can take the weight and everything, so it won’t be a problem.’
Chase laughed to himself, seeing Sam get flustered. He knew she wasn’t used to being so intimate with someone, even if they were only going for a horse ride, but he was happy that she was coming out of her shell more. ‘Come on then, lead the way.’ Swinging up behind Sam, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back onto his chest. Sam settled there happily as they rode out towards the woods. She had never been so happy in her life.
Chapter 14
The next couple of days went by like a dream for Sam. Although she was new at the whole relationship thing, she was eager to explore and learn. Chase, knowing her inexperience, was slow and gentle with her, not wanting to spook her away, but he was amazed at how passionate she was when the wall she kept around her had started to crumble. They spent nearly every waking, and sleeping moment together. They hadn’t had sex, in fact they’d barely gotten past a passionate kiss, but at the moment they were happy at the stage they were at. Although she was willing, Chase knew she wasn’t ready for anything more. Although she had started to trust Chase more and more everyday, Chase knew she still didn’t trust him enough to let him in fully. This still hurt Chase a little, however he could understand Sam’s reservations, so gave her all the time she needed.
Three days before both Sam and Chase were to leave to go back to their respective lives, Sam had finally plucked up enough courage to seek out Chase and ask him a very important question. Waiting for him on her bed until he had finished getting into his pajamas in his own room, Sam nervously rehearsed what she wanted to say to him. When Chase entered the room, everything Sam had thought of was erased from her head.
‘Um, Chase, could I speak to you before we go to bed?’
Chase looked over to Sam. Something was up. She looked nervous and fidgety, sitting there in the middle of the bed. ‘Sure sweetheart, what’s up?’
‘Um, well, this is for you.’ Sam thrusted an envelope into Chase’s hands and sat there waiting for him to open it. Chase had no idea what it could be and upon opening it was shocked to find an invitation for Sam’s gallery opening. ‘I thought it was only right to invite you, you know, since you were the model f
or my picture and all.’
Chase looked at the date on the invitation and felt his heart drop by what he was about to do.
‘I can’t go.’
‘I can’t go. I’m supposed to be in Pennsylvania by this date, for the movie.’
‘Well, I know that you’ve officially finished your holiday by then, but I thought that seeing it was only a few extra days you’d be able to come.’
‘I can’t sweetheart, they’ve already given me more time off than they can afford. My bosses will go nuts if I demand anymore time off.’ Chase went to take Sam in his arms. ‘I’m so sorry baby.’
Sam stiffened as Chase came towards her, so he dropped his arms to his sides and stared at her. ‘That’s alright’, Sam answered in a small voice. ‘I understand’.
‘I think you should go to your own room tonight.’
‘Sam, don’t do this.’
‘Please leave.’
Chase sighed as he got up off the bed. He had just ruined all the ground he had made with Sam. ‘Alright Sam I’ll go. I’ll see you in the morning.’
Sam lay down on the bed once he’d left and started to cry. She should have known better than to start to trust and love someone again, should have known that he wouldn’t keep his promise to never leave her. She knew that believing in anyone only led to heartache. Making a decision, Sam got out of bed and started to pack. She couldn’t face Chase again, not after his rejection, so she had decided to go back to L.A. She would leave at first light, say good bye to Warrior and Mac, and be gone before Chase woke up. Then she would never have to see him again.
* * * *
Chase woke up the next morning, memories of last night flooding back. Groaning, Chase hauled himself out of bed, determined to put things right with Sam. After looking for her in her bedroom and the tower, Chase decided she must be with Mac or out for a ride. Either way, he could corner her at the stables and get her to listen to his apology.
Walking into the stables, Chase noticed that Warrior was still in his stall with Sam nowhere in sight. While hunting for her, he came across Mac. ‘Morning Mac, um, have you seen Sam anywhere around? I need to talk to her.’
‘I’m fraid ye be too late Master Chase. She’s gone.’
‘What do you mean she’s gone. Gone where?’
‘Back to L.A. Left early this mornin.’
‘What. But why?’
‘Don’t know to rightly me self. Said something bout a gallery or something. Must say though, seemed right jittery this mornin.’
‘She’s gone.’
‘Sorry Master Chase. Thought ye’d be the one to git through to er too.’
Chase walked away, back to his room. It didn’t matter. Why should he care. Sam was just a fling, right? Just something to occupy himself while on holiday. Then why did it hurt so much? Deep down, Chase knew that was bull shit. He cared about her, more than he was willing to admit. Deciding he didn’t want to stay at the house anymore now that Sam was gone, Chase went to ring Jack to tell him he was ready to come back.
Chapter 15
Chase stared moodily out of the plane window. He and Jack had just been to Michigan and were now flying to Galveston. Chase was getting fed up at the planning of the bloody tour, not understanding why he was constantly flying all over the US instead of starting at one end and finishing at the other. Then again Chase was getting fed up with everything. It had been a week since he had last seen Sam. Seven days, but to Chase it felt like a life time. He missed the way she smiled at him, the way she would look when she drew or painted, he missed her smell and the way her hair blew in the wind. Hell, he missed everything about her. No matter what he did, Chase couldn’t get her out of his head.
Jack was worried about Chase. He hadn’t been the same since he’d come back from the Montagues. Normally a level headed guy, Chase had been moody and depressed, often staring out into space, lost in his own thoughts. At autograph signings, he greeted his fans, but Jack could see that his heart was no longer in it. ‘What’s wrong Chase?’
‘What, sorry.’ He had been brooding again.
‘What’s wrong? You haven’t been the same since you got back.’
‘It’s nothing. I’m fine, really.’
‘Don’t give me that it’s nothing bull shit. I’ve known you long enough to know that something pretty big is on your mind. It’s that Montague girl, Sam, isn’t it.’
Chase knew he couldn’t continue to lie to Jack. He wouldn’t shut-up until Chase told him about it anyway. ‘We had a fight, before I left. Sam’s got this gallery opening that she had to organise. It’s some big wig thing that she’s done for her school. She asked her parents to go, after I had been a bastard towards her. They declined, quite nastily as it turned out, pompous assholes that they are. Then Sam asked me. She was counting on me being by her side. I said no, said I had to do this promo shit. She got angry at me.’
‘Surely she understands Chase.’
‘You don’t understand Jack. I’ve let her down. I was just getting her to open up to me. She’s had a shit childhood, trusting people is hard for her. She’s so vulnerable, especially now that I’ve made her open up to emotions. I let her down.’ Chase was close to tears. He felt like such a bastard. He should have gone to the opening, should have postponed the tour. He felt like shit.
‘She’s just a girl Chase. You have hundreds throwing themselves at you every day. You’ll get over her…’
‘I love her Jack.’ Jack looked at Chase stunned. Chase looked equally confused. He hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, but it was true. He had fallen in love with Sam. ‘She’s the only girl I’ve met since the acting thing that hasn’t given a shit about that. She liked me for me.’
‘Are you sure Chase? I mean, it could just be lust.’
‘No Jack, I’m sure. I love her.’
Jack knew he would probably loose his job over this, but he couldn’t bare to see his friend like this anymore. ‘Well then, we’ll have to see what we can do, won’t we.’
* * * *
Sam opened the front door to her house and trudged warily inside. She had been up since five this morning and hadn’t stopped since. Today was the day of the opening, and Sam had spent nearly all day getting the gallery ready. Now Sam just wanted it over. She had a splitting headache and felt sick from not eating all day. Finally, her art teacher had shooed her away to get ready for tonight. As Sam got to her room, she groaned. What was she going to wear. She had been so depressed for the first half of the week over Chase, then so busy for the rest that she had forgotten to go shopping. Hating herself for thinking it, Sam knew that she would have to go and raid Emily’s wardrobe. Although she was taller than her mother, Sam was sure she could find something. Anyway, her parents wouldn’t even be there, so she would never know. Removing her clothes, Sam turned on the shower in her bathroom and stepped under the warm spray. Feeling the warmth on her shoulders allowed her to relax, at least for a little while.
Everything had gone wrong today. The electricians couldn’t get the lights to shine in the right places, half the artwork went missing and the catering company got lost on the way to the school. She didn’t know how she had done it, but Sam had managed not to kill anyone. Tonight would be a different story. This was the big test. She had to spend an entire night with the people she had spent nearly her whole life avoiding. Knowing she had no choice, Sam straightened her shoulders and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, she headed back to her bedroom.
Sam stopped in mid-stride as she glanced at the bed. While in the shower one of the maids had draped one of the most beautiful dresses Sam had ever seen on her bed. Reaching down for it, Sam saw an envelope laying next to it. Opening it, she pulled out a card that said good luck on the front. Who could this be from. It certainly wasn’t from her parents, and she had no friends who woul
d send her a card. Opening it up, Sam felt tears prick up behind her eyes.
Dear Sam, just a little something to wish you luck on your big night. I’m so proud of you. Sorry I couldn’t be there, I’ll be thinking of you. Chase. P.S. knew how much you hated shopping so I thought I’d help out a bit. Hope you like it.
Sam gazed at the card, then looked at the dress. Although it still hurt that Chase wasn’t coming tonight, it was sweet of him to do this. Sam grabbed some underwear and started to get dressed. Lucky for her, she’d somehow bought a strapless bra during a past shopping trip, as the dress had spaghetti straps. Pulling the dress on, Sam admired herself in the mirror. The dress was beautiful. It was made from silk in various colours of pink, from a light dusky pink to deep rose. Hugging her slim form until just below the hips, it then fell in light layers of chiffon to her feet. Looking down, Sam saw a pair of strappy black heels.
Sam felt like a princess. The pink went with her dark hair and eyes beautifully, and for the first time, Sam saw herself for the beautiful woman she was. Piling her hair on top of her head, Sam let a few tendrils wisp along her neck and sides of her face. Sam never wore much make up, but her face had looked so gaunt lately, she had to hide it.. Looking at herself in the mirror, Sam was pleased with the overall effect. Looking at the time, Sam realised she had to go. It was time to face the music.
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As soon as I awoke, I decided to check in on Olivia. Slipping on my dressing gown and then the mask, I heard her voice calling out as I walked towards her room. "I need to pee. I'm desperate," she gasped as soon as she saw me. I quickly untied her and watched as she clambered off the bed. Her legs wobbled and I rushed to provide support as the lingering traces of the drug left her slightly shaky on her feet. She sat back down heavily, gathering up her wits before she made a second...
It was a beautiful day and I had to do some stuff while my dad was at a Bishops luncheon. After getting everything done in the house, I was suppose to get my neighbors older son to cut the lawn. I started to walk over to the neighbors house but seeing that it was such a great day and the sun felt great on my dark silky skin I decided to do it myself since it was a riding lawnmower. I was wearing a dark red tube top that hugged my breast firmly and some short-shorts that showed off just enough...
Hello everyone. I have been a reader of Indian sex stories from the last 6-7 years. have read many stories over here and like them too. This is my first story over here so your comments and suggestions will be deeply appreciated and will encourage me to share my other incidents too. This story is about me and my then girlfriend Tanya(name changed). Sorry I forgot to introduce myself I am Aditya(name changed) and I m 24 years old and I am from Chandigarh. So let’s come to the story. This story...
My name is Helga and my husband’s is Rick. I am a blue eye blond, wear a 34C bra and I am told that I have great looking legs and ass. We have been married for 10 years and my husband realized that I need more sex than he could provide. I have a tendency to climax readily, something that has been with me since I was a teen. I am now 35 and Rick is 37. Because of this need we agreed that I needed other sexual partners. My preference has always been black cocks because I experienced them as a...
“ I don’t think you could go through with it.”, you said “I don’t know either, but ever since you told me about that dream you had, I think about it from time to time. The one about giving head to a shemale? The more I think about it, the less outrageous it seems. And I keep having these dreams about, well, sucking a cock, but the cock of a shemale.” “Really”, you replied in a coy voice, “What else have you thought of?” “I’ve thought about putting a shemale on her hands and knees, burying my...
Group SexI never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that’s exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn’t really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn’t it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
Cladded in my red biker shorts, black tank top and tennis shoes, I rushed into the gym eager to see him. There he was as usual, all 6'2, about 225lbs of sexiness and tight fitting shorts that revealed his bundle between his legs...he was just finishing up on the tredmill. He was drenched in sweat and still looked sexy as hell. Our eyes met for the umpteen time. I smiled and this time, he smiled back.I saw him picked up his backpack and headed to the locker room. I scanned the room to see if...
Straight SexIt was a Friday, and it was the weekend that Brittany would be sleeping over. When the girls got out of school, they headed straight to the house. Lori and Brit had planned on this weekend. Brittany couldn't wait for her turn to sleep at our house. She was driving Lori crazy with all the times Brit complained on how time was running slow, or would complain how Lori was having more fun with me than she was. There was some friction of jealousy on Brits part. Lori would tell me some of the things...
It was a hot summer day when our story unfolds. My older brother Richard and I were playing out in the water sprinkler. At the time I was 16 and he was 17. I’d always thought my brother was a rather handsome guy, but my thoughts had never wandered father than that…not until this day. As I ran to the front porch and grabbed my towel Rich came up and grabbed it from my grasp. By this time I was well developed and he made me jump to retrieve it. I thought I caught him watching my perfect size c...
IncestThe name is Katelyn Roark. I’m a six-foot-one, busty and heavyset, deliciously big-bottomed Irishwoman living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. By day, I’m a district attorney with the Brockton City Prosecutor’s Office. Just another straight-laced White female professional in a conservative business suit. That’s me. All day, I’m prim and proper. When night comes, I become something else entirely. Basically, I cut loose in the night hours. Like many women in today’s world, I lead a double...
When horny hottie Stacey Saran gets ready to relax on the massage table, she already senses that handsome massage therapist’s attraction towards her. The well-built young man named Marc Rose lays his hands on her and gently puts some pressure on her neck. Oh yes, this feels amazing! The curvy British hot babe can’t wait for him to touch her entire luxurious body. Just seconds later, he starts massaging her butt and notices her willingness to let go of that towel. Once she reveals...
xmoviesforyouThis week was certainly testing Dex's discipline. When he awoke Saturday morning, still spooned behind Megan, the urge to go back to sleep was almost overwhelming. His groin was still pushed tight against her bottom, and when he pulled back, he had to break the slight adhesion from their dried fluids. He decided to use the downstairs bathroom, and grabbing his shorts and shoes, he left the room as quietly as possible. His loosening up took longer than usual, and he could not seem to shake...
"Alpha flight, this is Bravo One. I read two groups, five each, can you confirm?" "Bravo Leader this is Alpha One. That's a roger on the spooks! Distance sweeps show no other bogeys." "Roger Alpha. Ten targets. We'll jump 'em going in. They'll have to work back past us to get home. Pickets One-Four through One-Seven and Three-Four through Three-Seven, you get the leftovers going in. Charlie leader, keep an eye on our six. Don't want any surprises. If any get past us going out, you...
I awake beside you, my mind still a blur from the day before, I have not remembered cuming so much, ever before. Our walk in the mountains, despite the incredible view was dwarfed by our incredible sex. I would say lovemaking, which it was, but yesterday went beyond that, on a for shear lustfulness level. I watch you asleep beside me, that peaceful angelic face, your breasts moving up and down, the curve of your body, your nakedness. Once again I begin to harden, and twitch. I examine your body...
Straight SexGrowing up we were made to believe men enjoyed sex way more than women. The church ( or whatever religion you practice) parents, teachers and society at large made it seem that men pestered women for sex. And that women only agreeded to sex just to stop the incessant pestering.This is one of the most blatant lie society peddles. Women want that orgasm just as much as guys do, sometimes even more. That's why these bitches have an assortment of sex toys in their drawers. They ain't keeping them...
Female Masturbation Porn SitesThe swinging sixties! What a fabulous decade for teenagers; Most things were again normal after the end of the cruel and bitter 2nd World War. Young people for the first time easily found jobs; which helped to put money in their pockets, at last we had found a sort of freedom. Many young people rebelled against society, and the strict codes of our upbringing; we had our own music, and we took great delight playing it knowing it would upset the elder generations. Fashions too had changed; no...
Well over an hour had passed since the Fete had started and the three cold and wet girls (Darlene, Kylie and Tracy) were either becoming accustomed to their ordeal or were, by this time, too numbly apathetic to care. They still smiled brightly at the throng as they climbed the ladder. Between immersions, as they patiently and resignedly awaited their next turn, they were contriving to restore their ruined coiffures to some kind of order. Kylie's bikini top had early on started to cause...
Monday, November 30, 2020: John and Jenny arrived home at around 10:35 AM. They were able to have a look at fourteen feet of snow. It was almost like seeing much of West Seattle without houses. John and Jenny made their way into the shelter. Billy and the Judge met them halfway from the dining room to the steps, “We survived Uncle John.” Billy was standing at attention saluting. John returned the salute, “Anything to report?” “Yes sir. “Judge, Billy, this is Captain Swanson, Warrant...
After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...
Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....
I met Joanne in an internet chat room in June of 2003. She was a regular visitor to that room, and had lots of friends there. Although I wasn’t a newbie to chat, I hadn’t been going to that room. The chat room was really good: lots of very intelligent people having deep discussions. I liked going there a lot. The highlight of that room for me, though, was Joanne. She had been divorced the year before, and was using chat as a way of socializing and meeting new friends. She had also bought...
Incredibly sore, I limped back down to the council level where several met me at the access hatch. "You're okay!" Teel gasped. She reached out and hugged me tightly. Vanessa lingered in the background, rocking a small bundle in her arms, and making soothing noises. "Tamar?" Troyal enquired. "He decided to pay a visit to the cultivation section," I joked weakly, looking back towards the maintenance shaft. Troyal emitted a sigh of relief. "He also murdered the Chamberlain who I...
Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 17 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal punjabi indian man heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am in for online, phone sex,...
And that was what he did. He removed her top, as she smiled and looked deep into what she thought were his soulful looking eyes, and once he did that he looked down at her skirt she was wearing and removed that as well. The tub, meanwhile, was still filling up with water, and from what she could see, the young man of 34 years of age couldn’t wait to get her into it. She smiled back at him, looking him directly in his eyes while he smiled and of course she too kept on smiling as well as she felt...
Enzo’s Niki is a gorgeous young girl. One day, she sat in front of her computer to read her new e-mails. There was one with an attachment by a friend of her. He told her it was some surprise for her to read. She opened the attachment and began to read. It was a story about a lesbian couple on a horse trip to a lake in the forest – an erotic story that was obvious. But soon she realized it was not an ordinary story. At the lake, the two girls had sex with the horse. Enzo’s...
The fresh scent of Jasmine Part OneI stopped by a certain shop on the way home to collect a special surprise for you my little angel Jasmine. Having such a hot tight young body you deserve it my sweet little baby doll. I even had it gift wrapped with a cute little pink bow on top and everything. I can’t wait to see your face when you open it. I open the door holding my package expecting you to be there to greet me but instead I’m met with silence. I check my phone, no messages to say you’ve...
Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved. "Do me", she murmured as she slid the tip of her wet tongue into my ear. Her breasts compressed on either side of my arm and her pussy pressed into my hip. I must have been concentrating very intently on my beer and the similarities between Osama bin Laden and my ex-wife - they have a lot in common - to have not noticed her approach. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wash of her wet tongue, those two little words, and her proximity. My whole body...
moved in 4 years ago, but now she has a certain maturity and confidence in her presence. she is about 5'2'' and of average build with brown hair and eyes. now, i say average as she normally dresses down, but as we've lived next to each other, i have noticed that she has one kick-ass rack. for someone so short, she has, i am guessing, a big C or D chest and combined with some of the slim-fit jeans she has been wearing, her body is developing into quite the fuck magnet. needless to...