Starstruck Ch. 13-15 free porn video

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Hi readers. Here’s the next installment. As you can probably tell, this story is slowly coming to an end. I didn’t mean for this story to go on for as long as it has, but it seems to have taken on a life of its own. I hope you enjoy reading these new chapters. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or older.


Chapter 13

Sam woke up late the next morning to a weight draped half over her back. Looking down, she saw a hand curled around her waist. Memories of last night came flooding back to her, making Sam groan. She couldn’t believe she had acted so weak and pathetic in front of Chase last night. And getting him to kiss her. What the hell was she thinking? At least she was dressed. Well, after a fashion at least. Trying to move as slowly as possible so as not to wake Chase, Sam moved to get out of bed. She wanted to be dressed in something other than a shirt by the time Chase woke up. Unfortunately, Chase was a light sleeper and Sam’s movements had woken him.

‘Good morning sweetheart.’

‘Morning,’ Sam mumbled. She couldn’t bear to face him after last night so kept her back turned. Chase raised his hand and slowly slid it across her shoulder.

‘Are you okay?’ Chase was worried that Sam wouldn’t face him.

‘I’m fine.’ As Sam moved to get up, Chase grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. Sam shrieked, ‘Chase. Let me go.’

‘We have to talk Sam.’

‘I said I’m fine.’

‘Liar. You’re not fine.’ Chase rubbed her back soothingly. ‘Listen, it’s okay. What happened last night. It doesn’t make you weak. It’s only human, to cry and you were long over due for a good one.’

‘You don’t understand. I’ve never been like that before. I don’t like being so vulnerable. I…I don’t l…like the fact that they m…made me cry.’ Sam started to sob, not being able to hold all her emotions in. It was like once the flood gates had opened there was no stopping it. Chase sat up and pulled Sam into his arms. She relaxed against his back and just let him hold her, feeling safe in his arms.

‘I care about you Sam. I promise I’ll always be here to look after you.’ It was probably a stupid promise for one so young to give, but at that moment, Chase felt like he never wanted to let Sam out of his arms. ‘Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go and get us some breakfast, okay.’ Chase rolled out of bed and put his shirt on. Walking up to Sam he kissed her on the head before going to the door. ‘I’ll be back in a minute. Stay in here, we still have to talk.’ Sam looked at Chase and nodded. She didn’t think her legs would support her to go anywhere at this minute even if she did decide to hide..

Eventually, Sam managed to get out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top. She heard Chase walking up the stairs and quickly pulled a brush through her hair. When Chase came in, he found Sam sitting on the window seat looking outside. ‘Here, are you hungry?’

‘Not really.’

‘Eat anyway. You’re too thin.’

‘I’m not too thin, I’m slim and muscular.’

‘Your too thin,’ Chase insisted gently. ‘You’ve lost weight since I got here. I need to fatten you up.’ Chase grinned at Sam and she managed a half hearted one on return. Chase handed Sam a bagel lathered with cream cheese. As Sam slowly ate it, she knew she had to apologise for what happened between them last night.

‘Chase, I’m sorry, for what happened last night, when I asked you to kiss me, and everything. I don’t know what I was thinking really. I just, well I’m sorry I put you in such an awkward position.’

Chase looked at Sam and smiled at her gently. Although she had been through so much pain for her age and had seen so much, she was still so innocent. ‘Sam, you should know me better by now to know that of I hadn’t wanted to kiss you, I wouldn’t have. If anything, I should be apologising to you. I took advantage of you last night when I promised myself I wouldn’t. For that I am sorry. But I’m not sorry for kissing you.’

Sam was stunned. ‘You mean, you wanted to kiss me?’


‘Why?’ Sam couldn’t imagine why any one would want to kiss her. ‘I’m so plain and, and boring. Why on earth would you want to kiss me.

‘Because you are the most beautiful, most exciting person I’ve ever met. And don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.’

Sam couldn’t believe it. Chase thought she was beautiful. Her, beautiful. For the first time, Sam felt like she was worth something. Finishing her bagel, Sam stood up and grabbed her jacket. ‘Would you like to come for a ride with me and Warrior.’

‘Sure.’ Chase stood up and took her hand. Sam felt the warmth from his grasp course through her entire body warming her both inside and out.

When they got to the stables, Mac looked up to see them walking hand in hand. Smiling to himself, he got up to greet them. Mac didn’t think it would be too long before Chase managed to get to Sam. He hoped that the lad would be able to put Sam on the right path again and get her to love something besides her horse and her art. ‘Mornin Miss Sam, Master Chase.’

‘Morning Mac,’ They both said in unison.

‘Goin for a ride this mornin then?’

‘Yes we are Mac. We’ll be fine getting ready. Why don’t you go and have a cup of tea.’

Mac knew when he wasn’t needed, so he left with a smile on his face. That girl was starting to open up.

Sam got Warrior out of the stable and checked his hooves before jumping onto his back. Holding out her hand to Chase, she looked at him, waiting. ‘Well, are you coming or what?’

‘You want me to ride double with you?’

‘Um, yeah. I mean Warrior can take the weight and everything, so it won’t be a problem.’

Chase laughed to himself, seeing Sam get flustered. He knew she wasn’t used to being so intimate with someone, even if they were only going for a horse ride, but he was happy that she was coming out of her shell more. ‘Come on then, lead the way.’ Swinging up behind Sam, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back onto his chest. Sam settled there happily as they rode out towards the woods. She had never been so happy in her life.

Chapter 14

The next couple of days went by like a dream for Sam. Although she was new at the whole relationship thing, she was eager to explore and learn. Chase, knowing her inexperience, was slow and gentle with her, not wanting to spook her away, but he was amazed at how passionate she was when the wall she kept around her had started to crumble. They spent nearly every waking, and sleeping moment together. They hadn’t had sex, in fact they’d barely gotten past a passionate kiss, but at the moment they were happy at the stage they were at. Although she was willing, Chase knew she wasn’t ready for anything more. Although she had started to trust Chase more and more everyday, Chase knew she still didn’t trust him enough to let him in fully. This still hurt Chase a little, however he could understand Sam’s reservations, so gave her all the time she needed.

Three days before both Sam and Chase were to leave to go back to their respective lives, Sam had finally plucked up enough courage to seek out Chase and ask him a very important question. Waiting for him on her bed until he had finished getting into his pajamas in his own room, Sam nervously rehearsed what she wanted to say to him. When Chase entered the room, everything Sam had thought of was erased from her head.

‘Um, Chase, could I speak to you before we go to bed?’

Chase looked over to Sam. Something was up. She looked nervous and fidgety, sitting there in the middle of the bed. ‘Sure sweetheart, what’s up?’

‘Um, well, this is for you.’ Sam thrusted an envelope into Chase’s hands and sat there waiting for him to open it. Chase had no idea what it could be and upon opening it was shocked to find an invitation for Sam’s gallery opening. ‘I thought it was only right to invite you, you know, since you were the model f
or my picture and all.’

Chase looked at the date on the invitation and felt his heart drop by what he was about to do.

‘I can’t go.’


‘I can’t go. I’m supposed to be in Pennsylvania by this date, for the movie.’

‘Well, I know that you’ve officially finished your holiday by then, but I thought that seeing it was only a few extra days you’d be able to come.’

‘I can’t sweetheart, they’ve already given me more time off than they can afford. My bosses will go nuts if I demand anymore time off.’ Chase went to take Sam in his arms. ‘I’m so sorry baby.’

Sam stiffened as Chase came towards her, so he dropped his arms to his sides and stared at her. ‘That’s alright’, Sam answered in a small voice. ‘I understand’.


‘I think you should go to your own room tonight.’

‘Sam, don’t do this.’

‘Please leave.’

Chase sighed as he got up off the bed. He had just ruined all the ground he had made with Sam. ‘Alright Sam I’ll go. I’ll see you in the morning.’

Sam lay down on the bed once he’d left and started to cry. She should have known better than to start to trust and love someone again, should have known that he wouldn’t keep his promise to never leave her. She knew that believing in anyone only led to heartache. Making a decision, Sam got out of bed and started to pack. She couldn’t face Chase again, not after his rejection, so she had decided to go back to L.A. She would leave at first light, say good bye to Warrior and Mac, and be gone before Chase woke up. Then she would never have to see him again.

* * * *

Chase woke up the next morning, memories of last night flooding back. Groaning, Chase hauled himself out of bed, determined to put things right with Sam. After looking for her in her bedroom and the tower, Chase decided she must be with Mac or out for a ride. Either way, he could corner her at the stables and get her to listen to his apology.

Walking into the stables, Chase noticed that Warrior was still in his stall with Sam nowhere in sight. While hunting for her, he came across Mac. ‘Morning Mac, um, have you seen Sam anywhere around? I need to talk to her.’

‘I’m fraid ye be too late Master Chase. She’s gone.’

‘What do you mean she’s gone. Gone where?’

‘Back to L.A. Left early this mornin.’

‘What. But why?’

‘Don’t know to rightly me self. Said something bout a gallery or something. Must say though, seemed right jittery this mornin.’

‘She’s gone.’

‘Sorry Master Chase. Thought ye’d be the one to git through to er too.’

Chase walked away, back to his room. It didn’t matter. Why should he care. Sam was just a fling, right? Just something to occupy himself while on holiday. Then why did it hurt so much? Deep down, Chase knew that was bull shit. He cared about her, more than he was willing to admit. Deciding he didn’t want to stay at the house anymore now that Sam was gone, Chase went to ring Jack to tell him he was ready to come back.

Chapter 15

Chase stared moodily out of the plane window. He and Jack had just been to Michigan and were now flying to Galveston. Chase was getting fed up at the planning of the bloody tour, not understanding why he was constantly flying all over the US instead of starting at one end and finishing at the other. Then again Chase was getting fed up with everything. It had been a week since he had last seen Sam. Seven days, but to Chase it felt like a life time. He missed the way she smiled at him, the way she would look when she drew or painted, he missed her smell and the way her hair blew in the wind. Hell, he missed everything about her. No matter what he did, Chase couldn’t get her out of his head.

Jack was worried about Chase. He hadn’t been the same since he’d come back from the Montagues. Normally a level headed guy, Chase had been moody and depressed, often staring out into space, lost in his own thoughts. At autograph signings, he greeted his fans, but Jack could see that his heart was no longer in it. ‘What’s wrong Chase?’

‘What, sorry.’ He had been brooding again.

‘What’s wrong? You haven’t been the same since you got back.’

‘It’s nothing. I’m fine, really.’

‘Don’t give me that it’s nothing bull shit. I’ve known you long enough to know that something pretty big is on your mind. It’s that Montague girl, Sam, isn’t it.’

Chase knew he couldn’t continue to lie to Jack. He wouldn’t shut-up until Chase told him about it anyway. ‘We had a fight, before I left. Sam’s got this gallery opening that she had to organise. It’s some big wig thing that she’s done for her school. She asked her parents to go, after I had been a bastard towards her. They declined, quite nastily as it turned out, pompous assholes that they are. Then Sam asked me. She was counting on me being by her side. I said no, said I had to do this promo shit. She got angry at me.’

‘Surely she understands Chase.’

‘You don’t understand Jack. I’ve let her down. I was just getting her to open up to me. She’s had a shit childhood, trusting people is hard for her. She’s so vulnerable, especially now that I’ve made her open up to emotions. I let her down.’ Chase was close to tears. He felt like such a bastard. He should have gone to the opening, should have postponed the tour. He felt like shit.

‘She’s just a girl Chase. You have hundreds throwing themselves at you every day. You’ll get over her…’

‘I love her Jack.’ Jack looked at Chase stunned. Chase looked equally confused. He hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, but it was true. He had fallen in love with Sam. ‘She’s the only girl I’ve met since the acting thing that hasn’t given a shit about that. She liked me for me.’

‘Are you sure Chase? I mean, it could just be lust.’

‘No Jack, I’m sure. I love her.’

Jack knew he would probably loose his job over this, but he couldn’t bare to see his friend like this anymore. ‘Well then, we’ll have to see what we can do, won’t we.’

* * * *

Sam opened the front door to her house and trudged warily inside. She had been up since five this morning and hadn’t stopped since. Today was the day of the opening, and Sam had spent nearly all day getting the gallery ready. Now Sam just wanted it over. She had a splitting headache and felt sick from not eating all day. Finally, her art teacher had shooed her away to get ready for tonight. As Sam got to her room, she groaned. What was she going to wear. She had been so depressed for the first half of the week over Chase, then so busy for the rest that she had forgotten to go shopping. Hating herself for thinking it, Sam knew that she would have to go and raid Emily’s wardrobe. Although she was taller than her mother, Sam was sure she could find something. Anyway, her parents wouldn’t even be there, so she would never know. Removing her clothes, Sam turned on the shower in her bathroom and stepped under the warm spray. Feeling the warmth on her shoulders allowed her to relax, at least for a little while.

Everything had gone wrong today. The electricians couldn’t get the lights to shine in the right places, half the artwork went missing and the catering company got lost on the way to the school. She didn’t know how she had done it, but Sam had managed not to kill anyone. Tonight would be a different story. This was the big test. She had to spend an entire night with the people she had spent nearly her whole life avoiding. Knowing she had no choice, Sam straightened her shoulders and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, she headed back to her bedroom.

Sam stopped in mid-stride as she glanced at the bed. While in the shower one of the maids had draped one of the most beautiful dresses Sam had ever seen on her bed. Reaching down for it, Sam saw an envelope laying next to it. Opening it, she pulled out a card that said good luck on the front. Who could this be from. It certainly wasn’t from her parents, and she had no friends who woul
d send her a card. Opening it up, Sam felt tears prick up behind her eyes.

Dear Sam, just a little something to wish you luck on your big night. I’m so proud of you. Sorry I couldn’t be there, I’ll be thinking of you. Chase. P.S. knew how much you hated shopping so I thought I’d help out a bit. Hope you like it.

Sam gazed at the card, then looked at the dress. Although it still hurt that Chase wasn’t coming tonight, it was sweet of him to do this. Sam grabbed some underwear and started to get dressed. Lucky for her, she’d somehow bought a strapless bra during a past shopping trip, as the dress had spaghetti straps. Pulling the dress on, Sam admired herself in the mirror. The dress was beautiful. It was made from silk in various colours of pink, from a light dusky pink to deep rose. Hugging her slim form until just below the hips, it then fell in light layers of chiffon to her feet. Looking down, Sam saw a pair of strappy black heels.

Sam felt like a princess. The pink went with her dark hair and eyes beautifully, and for the first time, Sam saw herself for the beautiful woman she was. Piling her hair on top of her head, Sam let a few tendrils wisp along her neck and sides of her face. Sam never wore much make up, but her face had looked so gaunt lately, she had to hide it.. Looking at herself in the mirror, Sam was pleased with the overall effect. Looking at the time, Sam realised she had to go. It was time to face the music.

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The London flat lay almost empty, containing just: stacks of books and papers in one corner, a violin case, a dresser with a suitcase on top of it stuffed with ratty clothing, a small kitchen, and a computer lying half hazardly on the floor, a statue of the Laughing Buddha on the counter in the kitchen with empty liquor bottles around it. The walls were lavishly decorated by skilled painting hands, and reds, purples and browns leapt out brilliantly, and in the centre of the room, a bed. Pillows...

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Drivers test

I have dreamt about cocks for a long time. I tried to imagine what other guys cocks look like and what they would feel like to hold but when I was younger I could never imagine I would go any further and actually get to hold one, let alone suck it. I would surf the internet for hours looking at straight porn but I would always find myself finishing off on gay sites or chat rooms, looking to see as much cock as I could. I always found I could get a better hardon looking at guys jacking off than...

2 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 45

The next morning, while we were having our breakfast, Jeanne asked, “Do you have any second thoughts about last night?” “Are you asking me if I still want you to go to Sex Land today?” “Yes, I guess I am.” “Have you changed your mind?” “No Michael, I haven't, but...Oh this all so confusing.” “Jeanne, I'm convinced that tonight is going to be one of the most exciting nights of our marriage. I haven't changed my mind about anything and yes, I still want you to go to Sex Land today. If you don't...

1 year ago
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Allies First Anal Sex

After we had been having sex for a couple months, Allie and I had gotten really good at it. We knew what each other liked and had no problems giving each other mind-bending orgasms. Of course, it was easy for her to get me off with her tight cunt and mouth. Getting her off was different a bit for me. I found that she would have a couple different types of orgasms....slow and soft when I fingered her clit, intense and fast when I fucked her and hard and violent when I licked her pussy. ...

4 years ago
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My first black cock 3

I guess it had been about 2 weeks, maybe 3? John had become a regular in my life. He would come over after work, we would cuddle on the couch, he would use my mouth and my ass at his discretion. A few times he spent the night and I would feel his firm, warm body all night next to me, only to wake him up with a good morning blowjob. Now that I think about it, when he spent the night he would always give me a hard ass pounding in the morning. I LOVED it, looked forward to it. I wonder...

3 years ago
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Gorgeous and Vulnerable

Kitty was a sweetheart and I wanted her immediately.Kitty is the daughter of my next-door neighbor. She's blonde, blue-eyed, and vulnerable. She lost her dad when he crashed on his motorcycle. We'd been good friends and spent many Saturdays on our dirt bikes riding through the trails of central Florida.Kitty often uses my pool and I sometimes join her. She has a great body that she displays with her skimpy bikinis. I always get a hard-on playing with her in the pool. Sometimes I'll rub it...

2 years ago
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Character Flaw

To say that I struggle with my writing is an understatement. I battle. I fight. I wrestle my characters to the ground. It's a hobby, thank god. If I did this for a living, I'd go nuts. Sometimes I think I'm already half way there. For a living, I work mostly with people who consistently disappoint me. Cindy. Mark. Barbara. They're always letting me down. But I'll tell you more about that later. First, I wanted to tell you about my stories, and the way I have to arm-wrestle with my...

3 years ago
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A Birthday To Remember

If you know me you probably already know I have always been into older guys. My first boyfriend was Spring of my Sophomore year in high school and he was a senior. Ever since then I have always been attracted to older men and have only dated older men.When I was a senior in high school I was dating a college boy. He was tall, dark and ruggedly handsome. He was my first love and the guy I lost my virginity to.After the first time we had sex we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We would...

3 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 3

“Dad ... Dad Are you up yet?” It was Rebecca, knocking on his door. “Dad ... come on ... we want to get the mirror in my room.” “Huh ... ok ... ok. I’m up. Go down and get some breakfast and I’ll be down.” The girls hurried downstairs. Tom looked at his clock. “7:30 am? You have got to be kidding.” Tom got up and got dressed. Looking himself in the mirror, wondering if last night was a dream, he half hardily said “Tom? Are you there?” Immediately his image spoke “Yes Tom, it’s me. You look...

1 year ago
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iWank Facials

The amount of porn on the internet is greater than any generation has ever had access to. Videos and pictures of sluts getting fucked hard are being uploaded on the internet every minute. However, most porn sites are usually dedicated to a particular niche or similar group of porn categories.Porn sites with a range of categories usually focus on the more acceptable ones. Thus leaving out the extreme stuff. This leaves pervs that enjoy different kinds of fetishes going from one site to another....

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Cindy gets her first taste of anal

Cindy moaned softly as Dane slipped two fingers inside of her. She felt the familiar ripples of orgasm overwhelm her senses, body tightening around his digits, juices dripping onto his hand. She stood there, rigid as his fingers worked their magic, rubbing and caressing her secret places. She looked down at him sitting in front of her, arm muscles tensed, and saw the predatory gleam in his eyes, he wanted her... NOW... She whimpered at this, remembering the other times he had made her cum until...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Anny Aurora In Pure Orgasmic Ecstasy

Put blonde stunner Anny Aurora together with all-American good looks stud Nathan Bronson, and whether you’re a man or woman you’re bound to get horny as fuck when you see the gorgeous couple get it on. Every XXX thing they do is as good as it can get to pure ecstatic perfection, from the way the Penthouse Pet devours his cock for a fantastic blowjob, to the way he takes his time pussy licking, and her orgasmic moans of pleasure as the sex goddess takes a deep drilling with his...

1 year ago
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Petite Aria Banks Petite Valet Almost Causes A Big Accident

Petite valet at your service with Aria Banks! One great thing about a petite girl is they can fit into almost any spot. Unfortunately this is not always the case though when a big vehicle comes into the picture! Jay is hesitant to give her the keys to his truck but she crawls up in there and goes to put it in its place accidentally running over some cones and even the owner. Aria knows how to handle big things grabbing Jays large cock and she will show you just how well she can handle a big...

4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 12

On Saturday morning, Elizabeth was still excited about the party they would be hosting the next day. She had a local guy install ‘surround sound’ speakers so they could ‘feel’ the game as well as see it. As they were sitting at the breakfast table, she told Tommy that she had ordered a popcorn machine that would be delivered before noon.“What kind of popcorn machine?”“It looks like one you’d see at a carnival. It’s about six feet tall, and is on wheels,” she told him. “Here, let me show you a...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 5

The Undercover Detective part 5 28th May I awoke alone in bed and was disappointed that Sue was already up and about. When dressing, my corset got my waist down to 27 inches without too much pain. What to wear was a problem. I was running out of clean panties, gaffs and bras. I had been wearing hold up stockings, but I was running out of them. My legs were too pale to go without stockings, so I put on some lightweight tights. I needed to think about getting some sun on my legs....

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

My wife's family was a rather close-knit one, even if they were large. They got together at the drop of a hat to talk and eat. Every holiday and birthday was a time of celebration. And until we moved a thousand miles away, the whole family lived within a hundred mile radius. The wife's brother, the oldest of the clan, had three children himself. The oldest sister had two boys and four girls, the next sister had one boy and three girls, the middle sister had one boy and one girl, and the...

1 year ago
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The Talk Fifth stab at humor in sex

Man talks to his eleven-year-old son about sex...fifth stab at humor...The Talk (Fifth stab at humor in sex)Hello everyone. I know I talked about my ex-wife and mentioned my daughter briefly, but I never mentioned my son. His name is Mike. I just had to bring him up since this being a sex theme site, I was reminded of a talk we had some years ago. You know the talk. Oh yes, that talk. I can't recall how it went exactly, but I think it went something like this. I was sitting around the kitchen...

3 years ago
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You never know a person until

Wanda was a clean cut well groomed woman. She had grown c***dren and grand c***dren. Part of the get to know your police dinner arrangement. I arrived to her home and smell of good food hit me. She invited me to the kitchen. while she finished up. I started asking about the area and neighbors. She told of the man next door. He watched her get dressed each morning. He had a scope in the attic window. The couple across the st.; when he left for work the lover entered the back door. She had...

3 years ago
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A Pearl in the Snow Ch 04

After a late breakfast, we again spent the day taking the waters. Pat started off being a little self conscious but soon quite forgot she was nude in public and soon even joined Shinju for a nude stroll together in the temple gardens. The priests brought us a simple but tasty lunch but their sudden appearance caused Pat to squeal and cover herself up deep in the waters again. I laughed and greeted and thanked the priests who paid our nudity no heed whatsoever. Afterwards I reminded Rick and...

2 years ago
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hotel fun

Hi I'm Nat...took Conrad for a birhtday treat to k-west in horny hotel. We spent the afternoon fucking and watching the xxx dvds I'd bought in london the previous week...all white girls getting done by nice hard black cocks. We were in a club in town when a black guy starting hitting on me before Conrad got back from the bar. When he returned I said I'd like to "hit the sack" and pleasure you both. In the taxi conrad and rob finger fucked me and called me a slut . The discussions we...

3 years ago
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Sex With Student And Her Mom

Hello, guys. My name is Kaushik. I am 5’11”, broad shouldered, muscular. I am a student in the best college in the country and in my free time take tuition classes in my house (only for matured girls ;P) for the extra cash and fucking opportunities. In one of my chemistry tuition classes, there was this hot girl called Meena. She had a very slim body, small but perky boobs, and milky white skin. I knew she would be another one of my conquests. I was just waiting for the right time to do so. One...

1 year ago
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Cheating on my girlfriend with some guy in the loo

So yesterday I finally gave into my Bi ways, after bouncing up and down on my dildo whenever my girlfriend isn’t home the craving for cock got to me. Last week she and a few of her friends decided to go on a girls only holiday leaving me in the house alone for a week. Naturally I used these few days of having the whole house to fuck myself. After playing the dominant one for years it was nice to be able to take a dildo and have cute knickers on all the time. This day i had a very nice pink...

2 years ago
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TrialsChapter 7

Sydney spent countless hours during the following weeks in Stacy’s cell, with Helen kept in stasis, sleeping the time away. Pleasure, obedience, teasing, binding, restraining and pleasantly tormenting, borderline torturing the poor woman into acceptance of her new fetish. I believed that the only pain inflicted during the week-long training sessions were from the light application of Sydney’s favorite instrument, a soft riding crop. Aside from when the pleasure became unbearable to the...

2 years ago
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Crash Course

Chapter 1 Jake Carver thought his life was going pretty good. He was in his freshman year of college and had his own apartment. His uncle Tom had died about a year ago and he was sad about that. But there was a silver lining to that dark cloud. His uncle had left him a little over 200,000 dollars and he was using that money to get through college. He also bought himself a brand new black corvette. It was the fastest thing he had ever owned. His mother had told him to be careful with it. Even...

3 years ago
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A Sister in Need

first time writing a story please keep comments positive or constructive, I don't condone incest which is why this is a work of fiction so please don't call me a sick pervert I have no control over what gets me horny and I can safely assume that neither do any of you. Be warned this story contains incest, anal, watersports, and enemas if none of this is your bag or any of it for that matter press back now, you have been warned. Now lets start with looks thats how all of these start...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 21 Our Rules

We were back to the Brand’s apartment well before dinnertime. We used Alice’s computer to check on our requests. Kimi was requested 17 times, I was only requested 15 times. Fran had 14. I suspect that most will turn into paying sessions. Kimi was excited! “I’m more popular than Z.” I was quite pleased that Kimi was so much in demand. It had to be a boost to her esteem. Those rich guys must like small ladies. Together we worked on our rules. Towering Palms had several good ideas. Alice...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Older Husband

Hello my name is Denise but it used to be Dennis. I'm 19 years now and all my life I had been a very shy person. At I school I was hardly noticed. I wasn't the brightest of pupils but I wasn't bad also. I lived in a nice neighbourhood with my parents. We lived in a semi detached house. Mr Baker was our neighbour. He was about 50 yrs old with a big red moustache and beard. He was always very nice to me. In fact he was probably one of the very few people who noticed me at all. He...

1 year ago
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Ms Berta

RobertaEveryone knew Roberta. She had taught 3, sometimes 4 generations of the families there. She had moved there right out of college with her cheerleader looks and had married quickly. She was dark haired, slim and shapely, energetic with an outgoing personality. Now at 71 they just called her "Ms Berta".She had been a widow twice and bore no c***dren. Her last husband had died a decade ago. She was still slim with Silver Grey hair. Mother Nature had been kind and her wrinkles were few. She...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 16

We got the Fiance’ over to the bed and let her rest and I went to clean of my cock. My Toy then saw the young girl on the bed naked with a newly shaved pussy. Not being shy she dove right in, still in her uniform, and started eating the fresh pussy. The young girl woke and looked down to see her co work lapping her slit. When I came back into the room the Toy was buck naked and sixty nine with the young girl. I talked with My Lady Friend for awhile and she told me that she wanted to find some...

3 years ago
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Kamil and Karim had been blessed many times over. They were tall and handsome with fit, well-formed bodies. Kamil, who was twenty-four and a student at the university, had a beautiful girlfriend who he planned to marry upon graduation. Karim was three years younger and was working in his father’s shop until he entered the university the next year. He had never had a serious girlfriend, but with his good looks, he had many available admirers who were happy for him to fuck them. Therefore, he was...

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MageChapter 18

“John. Escort duties with Mage Xi to study what appears to be some sort of guardian located in a reprocessing plant,” Roxanne ordered. “Yes, Mage Roxanne. Er, guardian of what?” “That’s what they are off to find out. Don’t let it eat them.” “Yes, Roxanne.” “So, it’s to be Craachan,” stated Karkol. “Yes, they scanned and once again we were too slow,” Brnnt replied. “The psiontials found no trace?” “No, but the one on Nansack could not trace them either.” “Should we sterilise the...

1 year ago
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My GF got a Strapon Pegged PT3

Cindy promised that she had something special planned for my 30th birthday. I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or frightened. And yet, there I was, naked, my wrists shackled to either bed post like Christ on the cross, my ankles shackled and bound up with straps against my thighs, making my nether region fully exposed and accessible.And then she put on the blindfold."I am not sure how I feel about this," I finally said.She breathed softly on my ear and said, "Trust me, relax, and enjoy."I took...

3 years ago
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I thought I'd write to share an experience we had. Last year, my wife Stella and I went on holiday to Jamaica. Stella's 39, blonde and has a well-kept figure of 36-29-38. I'm 42 by the way. After a few days Stella shocked me by saying she'd really like to be shagged by a well-hung local. When I'd recovered, she explained that she wanted me to watch her just to make sure nothing went wrong.Now, for the last 20 years it's been a secret wish of mine to see her fuck with someone else but it had...

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