- 3 years ago
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The following week an invitation arrived from Gabriella. She wanted him to escort her to an afternoon concert at Vauxhall. Rayne chuckled at the invitation, Vauxhall, an afternoon concert, she definitely had decided to play it safe. Well, well, he would have to see what he could do to upset her strategy. He would issue an invitation of his own. He knew her well enough to know that she couldn’t resist a challenge. He dashed off a note to her confirming their afternoon engagement and included at the bottom. ‘My dearest Gabriella, I really expected something a little more daring from you. I issue you an invitation, if you dare accept it. Have dinner with me, at a place of my choosing. I can promise you an interesting time’ at the bottom he had simply scrawled a capital R with a flourish. He sent his footman straight away to Rue St John 332 and instructed him to await a reply.
Gabriella opened the note and read quickly through it and laughed out loud at Raynes audacity. But, he had definitely piqued her curiosity, and it had been months since she had had an adventure. Maria was shaking her head at the girl with the dancing green eyes. But Gabriella ignored her and laughed as she replied to Raynes note ‘It will be my pleasure to join you for dinner…at a place of your choosing.’ And with a giggle she penned a capital G with swirls and embellishments and handed the note to the footman. She raced upstairs and began throwing gowns on her bed. She raced out to the balustrade and called down to Maria, ‘Well, what are you waiting for? Get up here and help me pick something out.’
Maria, mumbling and grumbling trudged up the stairs. But when she reached the top and Gabriella enveloped her in a tight hug she hushed her grumbling and smiled impishly at the exuberant girl. ‘Okay missy, you need an afternoon gown and you will have to return here to dress for dinner. But where do you think he will bring you. A place of his choosing, it could be anywhere from the finest restaurant to his bedroom. You little idiota you are hoping it will be the later aren’t you?’ Maria demanded.
Gabriella at least had the grace to blush before she responded, ‘Of course not Maria, how could you think such a thing?’
‘You forget I saw the way you clung to him in your sleep, as well as the hunger on his face as he devoured you with his eyes.’
‘But Maria, you said he would protect me. You said he was the one.’
‘Ah, but who will protect you from each other?’ That was the part of her vision that she had never told Gabriella. The dark one would save her from the evil one, but the dark one would not be easily controlled. It was that part that frightened Maria, but she knew that fate could not be changed, one must face one’s destiny. She would light a candle and pray that he wouldn’t destroy Gabriella when he learned the truth.
Rayne found himself whistling as he dressed for the afternoon concert and was a little disconcerted that he should be so happy to be attending an event that he normally considered to be quite boring. But then he picked up Gabriella’s return note and threw back his head and laughed. She had sealed her fate when she had agreed to his invitation. He was most assuredly looking forward to dinner and dessert.
He was greeted with a glare from Maria when he arrived at Gabriella’s. ‘Now Maria, whatever did I do to deserve that look? I rescued your baby, I am doing my duty as protector in escorting her to the concert. What more could you ask of a protector?’ Rayne inquired with a teasing tone in his voice.
‘Protect her? You have not yet begun to protect her. It will not be so easy once it starts, the evil one will see to that!’
‘Maria!’ Gabriella stood on the stairs her green eyes stormy with anger ‘you forget yourself. Rayne, please excuse Maria, she sometimes speaks when she should be silent.’
He could see that it hurt Gabriella to say the things she had said. Maria turned on her heel and left the foyer, but turned just before she walked through the door and said in parting, ‘It’s silence you want, so be it!’ She swept through the door as regal as a queen. Rayne felt that he had just witnessed a battle of two wills that were both strong as iron.
Once in the carriage, Gabriella chatted on about the weather, the latest fashion and gossip. Yes, she was determined to keep this conversation of safe footing. Rayne was agreeable to this, after all he had the whole night, she just didn’t know it yet. As he smiled lazily at her, he was mentally undressing her and as he felt himself begin to harden at the mental picture he was creating he decided he had better pay closer attention to the conversation.
Gabriella seemed to thoroughly enjoy the concert, although Rayne would have been hard pressed to say what the concert was about. Throughout the entire concert he had sat watching Gabriella and wondering exactly what Maria had meant by the strange things she had said. Knowing he would only have the answers to those questions when Gabriel chose to confide in him, he concentrated instead on thoughts of the evening ahead. He was an expert lover, and he knew that not because of conceit, but by the long line of conquests he had made in his lifetime. A sensual smile graced his face as he contemplated Gabriella’s surrender to him.
Gabriella, who Rayne had thought was absorbed by the concert, had in fact paid little attention to the musicians or actors. She had been consumed by thoughts of the upcoming evening. She knew Maria believed Rayne was the ‘one’. But she would have to be assured herself of that before she divulged her secrets to him. If she chose unwisely and told the wrong person, it could well mean her death. She did not fool herself into believing that Torquemada had stopped looking for her. She knew she couldn’t dally much longer in London. She needed to feel the roll of her ship beneath her feet, the salt spray in her face and the sun on her back. She missed the crew and she missed the adventure. She gave Rayne a sidelong glance from beneath lowered lashes, although Rayne was proving to be a very pleasant diversion she knew she would have to resume her search for Torquemada soon. She knew Rayne was watching her, and that thought along with the intense gaze of his penetrating blue eyes made her slightly breathless. She had never had difficulty controlling the men in her life. All had sought the one treasure she had as yet chosen not to give up, but she wasn’t so sure Rayne would be so easily controlled.
As they strolled, arm in arm, through the walks surrounding Vauxhall they spoke of non-consequential things. Both had thoughts of other things. They stopped for refreshments at a local café before returning to Gabriella’s home. Rayne had seen her safely to her door and had taken her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it before turning it over and boldly kissing her palm, and lightly touching his tongue to her palm. A shiver ran over Gabriella’s entire body and she felt as if it was a promise of things to come.
Rayne dressed for dinner in his traditional black, but looked nonetheless elegant as usual. He arrived and was speaking with Maria, who was being decidedly cool tonight. So, he gathered she was not over her tiff from earlier in the day. He glanced up and was stunned at the sight that greeted his eyes. Gabriella stood at the top of the stairs with one hand on the railing. She was wearing a traditionally Spanish styled gown. It was ruby red with black lace, it clung to her body creating a feast for his eyes. The bodice was tight and low cut and her breasts all but spilled forth from their prison of satin and silk. The dress hugged her hips that were softly rounded. Her hair was piled high upon her head and held in place by a traditional Spanish comb. There were tiny ringlets escaping their confines to fall alluringly around her face, framing it and making her appear soft and vulnerable. As she descended the stairs Rayne felt himself begin to harden, and with all the will power he had, he forced
himself to still. But he wasn’t sure just how long his body would listen to his will.
Maria, seeing Gabriella dressed in the dress and looking so much like her mother had at that age, and seeing Raynes reaction, swore beneath her breath ‘Dios mio!’ If Torquemada could see the beauty that the child had become, he would never stop pursuing her. As it was he wanted her only to punish her for escaping his clutches so many years ago and depriving him of raping the twelve-year-old she had been. Maria knew of Torquemada’s depravity, she had witnessed him first hand rape both little girls and boys alike, and laugh at their shrieks of pain and fear. He had seen him rape a little girl of less than seven and at the moment of his climax he had slit her throat and the sight of the blood spewing from her throat had caused him to harden again instantly. It was then that he had turned on Catalina, Gabriella’s mother and as he had raped her he had told her of the things he would do to her daughter when he caught her. But Gabriella knew nothing of that, Maria had kept the knowledge of his depravity to herself. Gabriella had suffered enough as it was. Now, here was Gabriella looking for all the world like Catalina had and although she was still as pure as the day she had been born, Maria knew the fiery passion that lurked just beneath the beautiful surface was waiting to be ignited by the right man. By the dark one as foretold in the vision at her birth. She feared for Gabriella, but knew she could do naught to change the course of her destiny. She sighed with worry as the dashing young couple walked past her with eyes only for each other.
As Gabriella walked ahead of Rayne down the steps to the awaiting carriage, the sensual sway of her hips inflamed his desire. He entered the carriage and sat opposite her, for all of two seconds before pulling her onto his lip and into his arms. His lips found hers and tasted deeply of her nectar. She tasted sweet and as he ended the kiss a tiny moan escaped her mouth, only to be captured in Raynes as he renewed his assault on her lips. Gabriella caught Raynes face between her hands and much to his surprise she in turn ravaged his mouth until her lips were swollen with desire. She felt the hard proof of his desire against her derrière and shaken by the feelings he was causing in her shakily suggested that perhaps she should return to her seat.
‘As much as I want to refuse your suggestion, I think perhaps that would be prudent.’ Rayne wouldn’t admit just how much those kisses had affected him. It bothered him that she could make him feel more with mere kisses than any other woman had ever made him feel with their entire bodies. But it was more than just lust, it was a feeling coupled with tenderness and an overwhelming surge of protectiveness.
‘Where have you chosen for us to dine tonight?’ Gabriella asked and held her breath until Rayne answered.
‘Actually that’s to be a surprise. He reached inside his dinner jacket pocket and pulled out a domino mask, which in fact was an elegant blindfold. ‘I’m afraid in order for this to be a complete surprise, I’ll have to ask you to put this on.’
A surge of nervous anticipation swept through Gabriella. ‘How do I know I can trust you to be a gentleman?’
‘You don’t, love. But I don’t think you want me to be a complete gentleman, do you? I know you like adventure as much as do I Gabriella. You, like myself, have been without a good adventure for far too long. Push the edge, Gabbi, be the woman you were meant to be. The dress, daring and seductive, it is you, so become that enchantress, trust me.’ He held out the mask to her.
She knew it was up to her, if she refused he would take her to a respectable eating establishment and it would be a perfectly normal evening. Rayne was leaving it up to her, even though she had agreed to an evening of his choice. But, she knew he was right, it was time to fulfill her destiny and she was as sure as Maria now, that Rayne was her destiny. She slowly reached out and took the mask from him, leaned across the carriage and brushed a kiss filled with promise upon his sensual lips. She sat back and put on the mask.
The minute the mask was in place she felt all of her senses heighten. She knew without a doubt that he was leisurely letting his eyes rove over her body and she felt the heat of his gaze as it caressed her breasts as surely as if it had been his hand. Her nipples hardened and she knew he saw that too. By the time the carriage rolled to a stop she was nigh to screaming with the pent up anticipation. Rayne lifted her from the carriage and led her up a flight of stairs. She heard a door open and close, and there was the smell of flowers, like gardenias. She couldn’t hear anything else and then Rayne whispered in her ear, ‘We have to go up a long staircase, would you prefer for me to carry you?’
‘Won’t the other people find it strange?’ Gabriella was hoping to find out a little about where they were.
‘Actually, no one here will think it strange in the least.’ He smiled at her attempt for information.
‘Is it very long?’
‘Yes, quite.’
‘Perhaps it would be best if you carried me then.’
Once he had her permission, Rayne swept her into his arms and headed for his destination on the second floor. Once he had reached the room he sought, he reluctantly put Gabriella on her feet. She reached to remove the blindfold and his hands stilled her. ‘I have found that if one cannot see their other senses are heightened and the feelings they experience are multiplied. Thus, if one experiences pleasure it is bliss, and fear turns to excitement with the right incentive. Care to experience those sensations?’ Rayne all but dared her to play his game.
‘How will I eat if I am blindfolded?’
‘Why, I will feed you of course.’
‘Of course’ she said softly. ‘Very well, but, I can choose to end this game whenever I want, by simply removing the mask. And you will not do anything that I do not wish you to do?’
‘You have only to say ‘no” Rayne assured her.
With that settled between the two of them Rayne led Gabriella to a chair and seated her in it. She was more than a little nervous and he noticed how her teeth worried her full lower lip. He realized that she did this whenever she was nervous, it was a most engaging habit.
She could hear the sound of Rayne as he moved about the room and wondered exactly what he was about. She strained to catch each sound and she heard the soft clink of glasses and the sound of a liquid being poured. Rayne returned to her and touched her face softly by running his finger down her jawline. ‘Would you like something to drink?’ he asked quietly.
Gabriella ran her tongue over her lips and nodded. She smelled the wine as the glass neared her lips and Rayne tilted the glass to that the liquid entered her mouth. It was a sweet red wine, and the wine seemed to enter her blood and pulse throughout her body. Giving her strength and courage to play his game, on her terms. ‘You know there is sipping wine, and then’ she paused for effect, ‘there is sipping wine. Would you like a drink?’ she asked seductively.
Rayne smiled as he recognized her eagerness to play the game. ‘Yes’ was all he said. She stood slowly and turned toward the direction his voice had come from and put out her hand until she felt the solidness of his chest and then she held her hand out in silent demand of the wineglass. Rayne placed the crystal wineglass in her hand and she brought it slowly, not to his lips but to hers. She drank deeply and then she pulled his mouth down to hers and slowly let the wine warned by her own mouth trickle from her mouth to his. Rayne had never experienced anything so erotic in his life. He took the wineglass from her and repaid her efforts in kind, turning the amorous experience into a deep kiss that left them both breathless. He turned her around until her back was against his chest. He began to caress her body. His hands encircled her tiny waist and span
ned her ribcage in a sensual caress that made her feel faint. His hands slowly made their way upwards and Gabriella waited in breathless anticipation for his hands to capture her breasts. She craved the touch of his hands on her body and wondered just how it would feel to have his naked body pressed close to hers. Just as she thought he would caress her breast he stepped away from her and took her by the hand and let her to a chaise lounge where he had her recline.
‘Open your mouth’ he urged.
She was reluctant, as she knew not what he had in mind, but after a prodding kiss from Rayne she opened her mouth and felt something cool on her tongue. It was round and smooth, and as she closed her mouth she was delighted to find it was a sweet juicy grape. She chewed the grape slowly savoring the flavor and found to her enjoyment that Rayne was right, not being able to see did heighten the experience.
‘I told you I would feed you, why did you not believe me?’
‘I wasn’t sure exactly what you had in mind. I could just see you dropping peas down my dress’ she laughed.
‘Well, if I drop anything down your dress, I promise I’ll retrieve it!’ Rayne offered.
‘Now I have to worry that I’ve put ideas into your head!’
‘Well, I must say the thought had already occurred to me. Here try this.’
She felt something firm, slightly rough and sweet smelling enter her mouth.
‘Bite’ Rayne commanded and she did. It was a delectably juice strawberry. In fact some of the juice from the strawberry escaped the corner of her mouth, only to be licked away by Rayne. He gave her another bite of strawberry, which they shared as they kissed. She and Rayne shared grapes, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, banana, melon and apples over the course of the next hour. She had never dreamed that eating fruit could be so sexually fulfilling. By the time they had finished the fruit and several glasses of wine she was so aroused she felt she would scream in frustration.
Rayne would press his advantage until she felt sure he would make love to her at any moment, only to back off, leaving her feeling very frustrated. Rayne was enjoying this meal very much. Even though it was taking all of his will power to hold his passions in check. One part of him wanted to rip their clothes off and make wild passionate love, the other part of him wanted to draw this out until both of them could stand it no longer. He knew from experience that the longer he could arouse her, the harder her climax would be. He knew this would be her first, and he wanted it to be unforgettable. He could see her passion waiting to be unleashed and he wondered how much longer he himself could wait.
He fed her choice bits of beef, pheasant, and Cornish hen using his fingers, which she sucked and licked with each bite until he was groaning with need himself. The meal was punctuated with kisses. Instead of something rich for dessert, Rayne choose to return to the strawberries dipped in champagne and then they drank the champagne, sharing it as they had the wine. He left her side for a few minutes and then she smelled the most unusual smell.
‘Yes love?’
‘What is that scent? I’ve never smelled anything quite like that before.’
‘Do you like it, sweeting?’
‘Umm, it smells, I’m not sure, not just sweet, or flowery but I’m not sure…seductive?’
He laughed softly, ‘Then the outrageous expense and trouble it cost me was worth it. It’s incense from the Holy Land. I’m glad you approve,’ he said as he pulled her to her feet. His mouth claimed hers and he drank deeply of the sweetness there within until her lips were bruised from his kisses. He unfastened her gown and it fell to the floor before she was aware of what his hands were about. His lips pressed moist kisses down her throat, which she gave him complete access to by leaning her head back as a soft moan escaped her throat. His hands and lips worked magic on her body raising her to a fevered pitch. His tongue swirled around her nipple before capturing it between his teeth to worry it. He suckled her breasts, alternating between the two of them causing heat, like molten lava to course through her veins, igniting her whole body. Her hands caught his head and held it to her breasts as he nibbled and suckled, and still he slid lower down her body. There was a breeze from somewhere that caressed her body causing her sensitive nipples to harden to hard rosy buds. His tongue found her navel and dipped inside. God her skin was like silk, golden bronze and she smelled and tasted like honey. Rayne couldn’t get enough of her. He laid her gently back on the chaise lounge and she felt his weight as he lay across her and kissed her again, raining kisses all over her eyelids, nose, cheeks and lips.
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You’re a new Forensics cop at Van Nuys Agency. You are sill a rookie. Van Nuys Californian is a small town in California. This is a town where most of the nation’s porn is made. A place of silicone, sex shops, broken dream and misdeeds. The CSI team solves the case in Van Nuys. The people who were part of this team were Casey Sprinkles- Lead Detective She is 6.2 with red hair and was an X porn star. She did wonderful movies like Cum shitters, Cum guzzlers, Dominant bitches, Girls on midgets,...
When Roger felt the vibrations of his sister-in-law's car stop, he knew the vehicle had been shut off. The erection from his ministrations earlier were still very much apparent and the scent of his sister-in-law and his wife filled the car. He opened his door and signed for Joyce and Abigail to stay put. He then opened the backseat and extended his hand to his beautiful, green eyed lovely and walked with her to assist Abigail out of the driver's seat. Abigail blushed when her eyes locked...
My folks picked the four of us up at the airport, and gave us the usual grilling about our vacation. They dropped Beth and me off at the duplex with a promise of more conversation Sunday when we'd all be at Bev and Chuck's for dinner. We walked into the house and found Ghost waiting at the door. He looked at us, put his nose and tail in the air and walked off, not to be seen for the rest of the night. So much for our welcome home. There's nothing like a cat that feels abandoned, I...
Sam could not believe what was happening, I had never given him a blow job in the twenty-six years we were together. His knees got week and he slipped to the floor, as he slipped down, I never let go of his stiff cock. In no time he told me he was about to cum; I just continued giving him the blowjob of a lifetime. We have not had sex for some time, but Sam and Jessica must have, because when he started to cum there was just a little bit. I swallowed most of it, leaving a little on my tongue...
ExhibitionismIntroduction: Haunting dreams of a past encounter with a dog. Im writing this for two purposes, the first is to tell a story of something that happened about twelve years ago. The other is to get something off my chest and this site was recommended to me as a good place for it. First the story. Twelve years ago, while my parents were away on vacation they asked me to drop in on their house daily to check on things and feed and walk Petey, their Dalmatian. I was glad to do it, being an animal...
Ship’s Training Mission for the Miadax Crew ...”Suggestions, Sir?” “Yeah. You need a haircut,” the Captain said before turning and walking away. “Uh, Sir,” the First called after him. “Please do not answer any communications from the Alliance. They think you are in stasis.” The Captain just waved his hand a little and continued on his way. “Do I have any messages from the planet?” the First Officer asked the ship’s AI. “Yes, First. A dispatch came in addressed to you with a lengthy...
Hey mates and I’m commencing with the introduction, myself Pranay 18 years old brat. Both mine and my tool’s height length has same numerical. I’m 6.1 feet and my tool 6.1 inches. My friend’s always do call me Sexy Bastard not very sure whether I actually I’m or not. I got a sexy cousin named Neha nickname Sweety . She is a year younger to me but trust me she is a sex goddess! Anyone who sees her will surely get a hard on for a moment and she is fair and has perfect body sculpture. Her milky...
IncestThe Machine Arthur was walking down the beach feeling down on himself. A few days ago he had caught his girlfriend, Lydia, sleeping with his boss, John Stevens, in his very own bed no less. It was betrayal to the nth degree. His anger had clouded his judgment and he found himself pounding away at John's face. Lydia screamed at him to stop, but he just ignored her. By the time he was done, John's nose was broken in fifteen places and the entirety of his face was covered in blood. His...
‘Miss briggs can i see you after school??’ ‘yes mr donnelly’. After school i reported to mr donnelly’s class room. ‘Now, anna your grades are slipping. You were my best student. This last essay you submitted, worth a D+ at best. Any explanations?’ ‘I’ve been feeling very stressed lately sir. What with my exams soon and hardly any time to revise.’ He was looking at me now with a strange look on his face. I was wearing my shortest plaid skirt and he was staring at my crossed legs. He stood up...
Chapter 3 Hermione Weasley: The New Minister of Magic! After the shock resignation of the beloved Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt two weeks ago, Hermione Weasley was yesterday voted in as the new leader of Great Britain's magical community. Citing fatigue and the need of a younger leader, ex Minister Shacklebolt requested a quick election to ensure a smooth transition of power. Mere days after his resignation, two candidates quickly emerged as the main runners for the post, Hermione...
So the next few weeks went by quickly. I swam very well at the next three meets, winning most of my races and consistently swimming at times that were the best in the state. It was all a bit strange – I’d never been the focus of attention in anything I’d done but now, at least as far as the swim team went, I was the queen bee. Youngsters on the team would ask me for advice and help. The coaches were all giving me much more attention, trying to give me any advantage that they could. Sally...
He and his cousin drove five hours to Haven-city. And why, because Dennis heard that the people who were once living in the house, buried millions of dollars inside it. I guess the rich people, just wanted a normal life. So they abandoned it inside as they disappeared, never to be seen again. And no one knows for sure if that is true or not. Which is why he went out to find out! After 3 minutes of looking, Dennis found the hole on the left side of the house. To Tyler … it was hard to...
In the aftermath of her intense masturbation session with the new BBC dildo, Karen unexpectantly found herself feeling all the sappy emotions of a woman infatuated. The long black shaft that penetrated deep inside her married pussy had the impact of Cupid’s arrow. Her mood was buoyant and giddy, she had energy like a teenager, and she spent many hours daydreaming amorous scenarios involving her fantastically hung “lover”, even though he was only a realistic-looking, enormous, chocolate-colored...
InterracialMy wife isn't big on Halloween. She doesn't like the crowds and the noise and the drunk people being silly.I like it all, and I love making a good costume. She told me that was fine, I could go ahead and visit my friends party. I put together a nice sci-fi character costume for myself over a few weeks using found materials and some glue and paint, I was pretty proud of it.The day of the party came and I was getting ready to head out, when she came downstairs. In a costume.A sexy nurse...
…..I’m Ken. For years I fantasized about fucking my beautiful aunt Mindy. She was so sexy to me, and was always ‘extra’ friendly. We were only 4 years apart in age. When we were younger, she would always put her arm around me, hug me tight, pushing her tits into me, and fondle my butt. She loved to tickle me, and she liked it when I ticked her back and copped a few free feels. She was sexy, built hot and had a killer body and face. We both had one strange trait, we would start talking at the...
Saturday night I called an old girlfriend and we went out to a drive-in movie. Try as I might she let me touch and kiss her tits and she rubbed my cock a little but she knew Mary and said she wouldn't do anything more as long as we were going steady. That night I went home with a raging hard-on. I went for a walk hoping to find a window to peak in and maybe see some female flesh. About a block from home a boxer came up and started licking my hand. I had always loved dogs so I knelt down...
Hi readers, I am Vikas, aged 39, working for a MNC and putting up in Singapore since 2007. I am a married person, have a beautiful wife and blessed with 2 sons. In nutshell, till last month, I had been a faithful husband and intended to remain so. Today, I must admit that after marriage I had been faithful only because I did’nt get any opportunity sexy enough to lure me out of monogamy. Well, last month I was in New Delhi for a business meeting with our franchisee. Before coming to India, an...
A Cousin [email protected] ???? When I was sixteen a cousin Alena came to visit us. She was a beautiful girl of seventeen who had a slim figure just made for fucking, only she didn't know it, but anyone who glanced at her had only one thought about getting in her hot pants. The most striking thing about her was her huge firm boobs for her young age. They protruded so much under her dress that all men that passed her couldn't help staring at them. She had a gorgeous tight ass, always covered...
Hi friends this is a story about me and my friend – college friend. I have always admired her for her determination and commitment. She was hard working. She completed her studies by taking tuitions. But she was damn beautiful. She even won most beautiful lady in our college first year. I use to always flirt with her in college days. But that was healthy and always in limits. Although she was a frank yet very aggressive and demanding lady. During our college days, I never thought or even dreamt...
By: AWC Ah! The last couple of years of high school, hormones raging, cock sizes getting bigger and thicker day by day and the ample availability of the horny babes wanting to get fucked or put in soft words, young growing girls wanting their boyfriends and the other pleasure seekers/ providers gave John enough or maybe more than enough of his share of pussy and the boys with the ass pussy. Lucky or unlucky on a side, even after enjoying many a tighter ass than the pussy, many times over,...
jen was growing up more every day and was getting so curious about sex. She had read several sex magazines and loved seeing the naked men. She would lay in bed and look at the men's cocks as she fingered her own pussy. She truly wanted a cock to ram her and fuck her. One day she had the house to herself as her parents went on a trip and her brother was away at school. She stripped naked and layed on the couch and looked at the magazine and dreamed of a man's cock fucking her as she fingered her...
When I was sixteen years old, one my dad’s old drinking buddies said to me, one day, “Son, you probably don’t realise it now, but these are the best years of your life. Once you finish school, it’s all downhill from there. Mark my words on that.” My heart kind of sank when he told me that, and I thought, You mean, this is as good as it gets?To put it, mildly, my school years weren’t the happiest years of my life. I was skinny, kind of shy, and I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence. As for...
Straight SexLast summer on a business trip to Chicago, I had a life altering event which has sent my life in a whole new direction. Until then, I was happily married man with a very attractive wife and had what I assumed what was an active and healthy sex life. We've talked about having c***dren, but given that both of our jobs require us to travel quite a bit, we decided to put it off until our jobs require less time away from home.Both my wife and I are in our early thirties and we still have our life in...
Annoyed at the interruption, Lydia opened the front door. "Yes?" Katie, David's girlfriend, stood there, smiling. "Is he here? Is David here?" she asked excitedly. "Come back in the morning," Lydia said and started to shut the door. Katie pushed the door back open, though. "I asked if David is here, Ms Moreno. I expect an answer." Lydia raised an eyebrow at the young woman's pushiness. "Yes, he is here. But, no, he is not going to talk to some little hussy in the middle of the...
By Jax_Teller In the weeks after Miranda returned from her business trip, we employed Mary our baby sitter most weekends. Often during these weekends ended up much as did our first contact with her. Mary was getting close to graduation and there was talk of a party. Miranda and I both told her she’d be welcome to have the party at our place, and that we’d take care of everything and she could invite whomever she wanted. Mary was thrilled with the idea and was only concerned about our...
Bra Shopping By cdveronica My wife seems to be well on her way to cuckolding me. Lately she has asked me to wear a nightie and panties and during sex she has asked me if I want to see someone else fuck her. (Of course I always said yes.) And she has been making me suck my cum from her pussy after sex, and asking me if I'd suck her if someone else had just fucked her. Yesterday she told me to put on a pair of black panties and then a pair of white shorts. I told her I was...
Naked and Afraid *** Sorry for the poor formatting and the mix up of character names in earlier versions. Hopefully third time is the charm - Want2BaGirl *** I smiled as I rode in the back of the pickup truck heading deeper into the Belize jungle. The heat was oppressive, the bugs thick, the jungle filled with all manner of thorns and poisonous creatures, yet I was thrilled to be here. It was only three weeks ago that I was called to be on the show Naked and Afraid. They told me...
Hello all, today I am going to narrate the most exciting experience of my life. I fucked my best friend’s very sexy wife whom I used to dream and masturbate. This is a true story and I am changing names of my best friend and his wife. I and Ramesh are best friends since childhood. We went to the same school in childhood, same college and now work in the same city of Pune in India. Both of us are engineers and work for software companies. I am 6 feet tall, fair, 32 and married with 1 son. My...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: As you might expect, Mom loved the Ball. Dad claims he endured it, then says he would do it a hundred times to make Mom happy. Read between the macho lines. Dad liked it and always takes her dancing on their anniversary. But, before the Ball, Mom had to get Aunt Jo into her ball gown. That could not have been easy, but they won't talk about it. Aunt Jo wants to talk about Uncle Lars. Mom just shrugs and smiles. Sheila: As much as the ride on the...
Despite, or perhaps because of her hurts, Celeste slept a deep revitalising sleep that night. She awoke very early the next morning, to feel Terence lying by her side. She turned to look at him in the faint light of pre-dawn, resting her chin on a hand. How changed he had been the previous day! She shuddered in pleasure, felt her cunt suddenly wet as she quickened with excitement, replaying both her beating and the subsequent buggering in delicious detail. Her first thought after that was to...
Life went back to normal with work and home. I had more time to visit Robin and Olivia. Babysitting duties had ended when Olivia turned eighteen. Olivia proved she could be trusted and so she stayed home by herself or told her mom when she went out with friends. And Robin said Olivia always was home by a reasonable hour. We had not had time or the opportunity for another payment. But, the next step started to form. Olivia opened the door when I arrived. She was working on dinner since...
I had been a toilet slave to these five women for so long that I had stopped counting the weeks. I had a vague recollection that I had asked Laurie to take another vote six months later, but I had no sense of how much time had gone by. I might have been there for just a couple of months, or I might have been there a year already. I no longer yearned to return to the corporate world of programming, and dealing with tyrannical bosses, nitpicking project leaders, office politics, political...