Just A Crush Ch. 02 free porn video

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I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read my first chapter. I heard wonderful feedback. To answer a lot of the same questions I received. No this is not an actual story, as much as I myself would like it to be also. All characters and places were made up with my imagination. I know my grammar could be improved. I’m trying, so bear with me and enjoy! Thanks again, all comments and constructive criticism are welcome.


School the next week was a blur to me. Travis made attempts to talk to me about what had happened that night at the Drive-In whenever he could. I told him repeatedly everything was fine, and that if it wasn’t, my brothers would have talked to him way before he had a chance to talk to me. He offered to take me to a movie but I reclined saying I was busy with school work. It was partly true, but I didn’t want to tell him that I couldn’t go on a date with him knowing all I can think about is Evan and our kiss.

Here I was on a Saturday doing school work that wasn’t due for weeks. I was in my room the whole week for that matter, my books consuming me. I don’t think my brothers thought of anything different. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to be holed up in my room for periods of time, trying to get school work done. So here I was once again trying to get my mind anywhere but on Evan Bianchi. I kept reading the same paragraph over and over again trying to understand what it was saying every time. But all I could think about was Evan. Frustrated I closed the book, leaned back on my bed, and massaged my temples.

I haven’t spoken to him or even seen him for that matter since I left him confused at my front door a whole week ago. It has only been a week? By the way the week went by it had seemed longer than that, maybe even a month. I would look for his truck everyday passing his house after school. I don’t know if it was out of habit or if I wanted to run into him and finally face what happened between us.

The kiss, it was more than I ever expected from Evan. I often thought about what it would be like between him and me, but I never expected that. My brain turned to mush, and if he had encouraged anything more at that moment, I probably would have let him. I’ve never not been in control of my own body. I don’t know whether that scared me or excited me more. At the time, all I wanted was him and how his actions were as if all he wanted was me. But now I couldn’t help but to think of all the other girls who have had the pleasure of his lips on theirs. Did he kiss them like he kissed me? His kiss was passionate and aggressive, as if he was trying to tell me something words couldn’t. But what? He has never hinted to me of any feelings towards me other than a friend or another protective older brother. I couldn’t just sit here all day and do this to myself again. I wanted answers, and Evan was going to give them to me. I don’t care if he avoided me like the plague all week. Soon enough my brothers, even Mr. Bianchi, will notice something is up if I don’t confront this sooner or later. I would rather talk to Evan than deal with my brothers any day. I got dressed and pulled my hair up into a pony tail.

As I headed down stairs I heard my brothers opening up cabinets in the kitchen. I sat down at one of the stools at the island and watched them move about. As they laid contents out to make a sandwich, I picked up a piece of bread and started picking at the crust little by little and placing it in my mouth.

‘So what are you guys getting into tonight?’ I said in between taking bites of the almost gone piece of bread I had.

‘Cara and I are probably going to head over to Mike’s and see what they are getting into.’ Trevor answered me while spreading mayo on a slice of bread.

I could tell by the way my brothers were acting towards me, nothing was ever said about my drinking the Saturday before. Not even by Cara, I think she knew that by the way Evan dragged me off, I had already gotten an ear full and didn’t want to mention it to my brother.

‘Yea, she texted me too but I didn’t really feel up to it. Let me know what you guys end up doing though, maybe I will swing by later.’ I replied to Trevor.

I turned to Mark who was now stuffing his face with the sandwich he made. With a grossed out look on my face I asked him his plans.

‘I’m taking Susie out. I met her at the Drive-In. She’s Sara’s Cousin.’ He said with his mouth full.

‘I’m sure I’m not the only one Mom taught manners to.’ I said as I leaned over the island grabbing a napkin. I motioned to Mark to take it and wipe up the mayo that stuck to both corners of his mouth.

He took the napkin from my hand, wiped his mouth, and swallowed the remaining contents. ‘Why? What are you doing tonight?’

Glancing out the bay window in the living room, I could see that Evan’s truck wasn’t in his driveway. He is probably at the shop. I overheard Mark talking to Trevor during the week, how Evan has been in a mood all week and is non-stop working in the garage. He had said something about Sara getting to him again because he had been that way since he left them two at the Drive-In. Confirming that Evan hadn’t said anything to my brother about my drinking and taking me home. But could his mood be because of me? Or was it an argument that surfaced between him and Sara from having to take me home and leave her there? Another question I had set in my mind to ask Evan when I see him.

I looked back at Mark, ‘You think you could drop Trevor off and I can take the car tonight? Steph and I were thinking about going and seeing that new Horror film they have out at the cinema.’

I came up with the lie quickly knowing that my brothers knew Steph didn’t drive. I needed the car to go to the shop and confront Evan. But giving them that information would only lead to them suspecting something was up.

Before Mark could give me 21 questions about what time, how late I would be, and blah blah blah. Trevor interrupted, ‘I can get a ride home from somebody, and I always get the car on the weekends. You can drop me off before your date with Susie.’ He said looking at Mark.

Although they were both protective, Trevor knew when I needed a break. Mark would have no problem if all I ever knew were books. Mark loved me, but he just didn’t understand that I was a person and I needed social interactions just like everybody else. He couldn’t beat up every boy that talked to me. I think the way he treated girls when he was in high school all came down and affected me. He knew how boys could be, but instead of trusting the fact his little sister could take care of herself, he rather block the world.

I smiled at Trevor. In between taking a bite out of his own sandwich, he grinned back at me knowing I was happy he saved me from Marks third degree.

‘I guess I could do that, but if you are going to stay at Steph’s text me and let me know.’ Mark said to me sternly.

I nodded my consent and walked on the other side of the island, giving them both a quick hug before I went upstairs.

I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls or texts. I had a text from Travis asking if we could talk. I know that I had been ignoring him all week and after I refused his movie date he looked a little upset. I wasn’t ignoring him because I didn’t like him. Apart of me did, not only as a friend, but he always treated me nice. But I couldn’t talk to him until I cleared whatever it was between Evan and me up, it wouldn’t be fair to Travis. He deserved to have a girl’s undivided attention and as much as I wish I could be that girl I had to follow my heart when it came to Evan. I knew I would regret it if I didn’t.

I called Steph to let her know my plans. She had known for years my infatuation with Evan and seemed thrilled to be taking the ‘plunge’ as she would say. She told me that she had a project that was due anyways and that if I did end up wanting to stay the night there that she would love to h
ear all the details. I told her that I would let her know and thanked her before I got off the phone.

By the time I got out of the shower and ready my brothers were already gone. I grabbed the keys and headed outside. The sun was almost set, leaving clouds in bright purples and reds, almost in remembrance that it once was there. When we were little, Evan and I would run to the cliff when others were being called in to have supper and watch the sunset. We would call it our place because only each other would enjoy those moments like we would. In a way I think Evan always had a part of my heart. He understood me without me having to say a word, I was never complicated in his eyes. Sure he teased me right along with my brothers and would often make me cry, followed by a Mr. Bianchi giving a lecture to all the boys on why they need to be nice to me. But we have moments that are just ours. It’s like he always knew what to say or do whether it was to make me angry or happy. As we got older our time together became less and less, but I always valued our memories none the less. As I got older my feelings towards him only continued to grow and a part of me hurt every time I would see him with another girl, only to be relieved that it only lasted a week if not more every time.

As I drove towards the shop I couldn’t help but to think of what I wanted to say to him let alone what I wanted out of it. What exactly did I want to be to Evan? I wanted to matter I knew that much but knowing his history with girls I know he would grow tired of me. Then what would happen? Would he stop coming around? Will his relationship with my brothers be affected? I couldn’t ever lose Evan all together. I decided I was going to tell him not to worry, it wasn’t a big deal. That everything could go back to normal and my brothers didn’t have to know about any of it.

I pulled up to the shop and before I lost all nerve to walk in there, I shut the door just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. I could tell by the lack of cars in the lot he was the only one there, with his blue truck sticking out like a sore thumb. I opened the door to go inside the garage and let it slam shut behind me. I jumped at the noise and shortly I heard a radio being lowered.

‘Hello.’ I fidgeted with my hands as I looked around only to see him turn the radio back up and lower his upper body into a car. I knew he knew it was me and figured that if he ignored me I would just go away. I wasn’t, I was determined to speak my mind even if I didn’t get any answers in return.

Instead of nervousness overcoming me like it did on the drive here, I became angry. I stomped my way over finally taking place right beside him.

‘I don’t know what your problem is. First you drag me home, and then you kiss ME. Then you proceed to ignore ME. I don’t get it.’ It all came out in a ramble and a rant.

He placed the tool that was in his hand on the bench next to him. Grabbing a rag he turned to me slowly.

‘Are you done?’ He could tell by the way I was looking at him I had way more to say what was on my mind.

‘No I’m not done! You can’t just go kissing anybody you want to, I have feelings too, and for you to go and just confuse me isn’t fair. I’m not just some girl you can do that to Evan! ‘

I calmed as soon as the words left my mouth. It felt good to say what was on my mind. He kept his cool the whole time. Looking amused almost as if he was impressed he could get me that angry.

‘I think you’re the one that ran away from the situation. So I gave you some time to think and come to me.’ Evan said stiffly. I wasn’t use to him showing no emotion when he talked to me.

‘I mean for fucks sake Evan were you jealous? Jealous that not every girl swoons over your every move? Am I not an exception? You left your date with Sara, for what? To ruin mine?’

I was angry and I was trying to anger him. To get something, anything from him other than a flat answer.

It worked, Evan threw the rag on the engine and started walking towards me. His jaw was clenched and I could tell he was holding back from saying something to me. With every step he took forward I heard my heart thump. I didn’t budge, I stuck my chin up, and looked right up into his green eyes. He was so close I could swear he heard my heart beating. I almost lost my train of thought as he became nearer. Last time he was this close his lips were on mine and I couldn’t help but glance at them in remembrance.

‘You’re not like every girl Natty, that’s the problem.’ He said truthfully.

‘I don’t want to talk about this here, come on let’s get out of here.’ He said grabbing my hand leading me towards his truck.

I didn’t say anything, I let him lead me without saying another word as we hopped in the truck and made our way towards his house. I could tell his guard was coming down, I think that’s why I went with him without any hesitation. We walked inside the dark house, him going before me, turning lights on his way towards the kitchen. Mr. Bianchi and Angie were gone for the weekend. Before it starts to snow they usually spend their weekends at their cabin whenever they could. With Evan being back at the shop it wasn’t as busy and they used that time to get away. I followed him and sat at a chair putting my elbows up on the island. Evan grabbed two sodas from the fridge and placed one in front of me.

‘I don’t know why I didn’t like that Travis boy touching you, I just didn’t. You were drunk on top of it….’

I stopped him ‘I wasn’t drunk.’

‘Okay but you smelled like it and then I thought he had forced it. But when you had gotten so angry at me I was almost mad that you let him kiss you, that you wanted him to kiss you. When we got home and we were standing there. I don’t know why what happened, happened, it just did.’

His words were rambled, I could tell he was frustrated that he couldn’t quite clearly get out exactly what he wanted to say. But I knew what he was saying, he was confused about what that kiss meant just as much as I was. But at the same time it felt right. I looked at him with a blank expression. I think he thought I was still angry by the way he looked down at his hands where they were holding the can of soda. I couldn’t trust my voice and before I lost the nerve I walked over to the side where he was standing. At that moment I knew I wanted Evan, even if I just became a fling to him. I had to give us a shot. I knew by his words that that kiss meant something to him too. He looked at me surprised and before he could even say another word I stood on my tip toes, wrapped my arms around his neck to lower his head towards mine, and brought my lips to his. Just like his lips spoke to me a week ago, I wanted mine to speak for themselves also. I was pleased to feel him wasting no time in kissing me back. Everywhere he touched, my body was on fire. I started roaming my hands up his shirt to feel his taut muscles. He grabbed my hands and without breaking our kiss he lifted me up on the counter in front of him. With him in between my legs I couldn’t help but to feel moisture gather and a warm pressure build inside me.

His lips were demanding, he broke the kiss only to nip at my bottom lip and travel down to my neck. I grabbed the hair at the base of his neck and tilted my head to the side so he could have better access. He brought his lips back to my mouth and started giving me soft kisses as he travelled his hands under my shirt and towards my bra. I raised my hands in the air as a motion for him to remove my shirt. He did. I’m not usually this bold, but all I wanted was Evan and his hands to be on me. He gave me a quick peck before placing his hands at my clasp and unhooking my bra. He leaned back as if telling me I would have to be the one to take off my bra completely. No one has ever seen my bare chest, and although I was nervous, I’m glad it was Evan. By the way Evan was looking at me I could tell he wished my hands weren’t cupping my bra just as much as I did. I
took each strap off first all the while holding one hand up so that my bra was still covering my breasts. Finally letting the bra come completely down in one hand and fall to the floor beside us. He looked at me as if I was the most beautiful thing that has ever sat on top of his counter. It encouraged me to tug at his shirt and lift it up letting him be the one to pull it over his head.

As soon as his shirt hit the ground his lips were on mine again. Trailing back down, he went farther and was placing soft kisses in between my breasts. Placing his hands on my butt he pulled me closer to the edge. I closed my eyes enjoying his mouth on my skin as he placed his whole mouth on one of my nipples while his other hand rubbed and tweaked the other. I’ve played with my nipples on my own but nothing ever came close to what Evan was demonstrating on me now. My panties were soaked, I was sure of it. I kept grinding my hips into his pelvis liking the friction it was creating. As if sensing I was becoming more anxious, he picked me up, and started walking us towards his room with my legs wrapped around his torso.

He placed me in the center and lay next to me with his head in his hand. I grabbed the ponytail that was in my hair and put the band around my wrist letting my hair sprawl out as I sat mocking his position next to him. He looked at me placing his hand to my cheek. From my cheek to my chest, his hand traveled down until it reached the button on my jeans. He undid the button effortlessly and slowly zipped the zipper down. He looked at me questioning, as if to give him an answer to further his movements I leaned over and kissed him as if to encourage his actions. He hooked his hand inside the side of my jeans as if trying to tug them off. I decided to help him and discarded them on the side of the bed. I moved closer hooking my leg so that it lay on top of his. He smelled manly, he smelled like Evan, and it only added to my senses of being aroused. He grabbed my leg and placed it back to join my other. With an upset whimper I realized he did so, so he could remove his own jeans. Here I was, with Evan, in his room with nothing but our underwear on. It wasn’t weird or awkward. It was like I was always supposed to be there, like that, with him. It just felt right.

He grabbed my leg hooking it back over his and pulled me closer so that my mound was greeted by his hardness. I loved the fact he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. His erect member proving his need for me, I trailed my hands down and grabbed what was between us. He took a sharp intake of breath and lazily trailed his hand right below my butt on my thigh. I pulled his boxers down and wrapped my hand around the soft skin, slowly stroking up and down. He grabbed my hand and breathing heavily he whispered.

‘You’re going to be the death of me.’

Liking the control I had over him I begin to nip at his neck. Only for him to roll me over, his thigh placed in between my mound, and him hovered over me on his elbows. My hair pooled around me and he took a strand and twirled it in his fingers. I grabbed his face and placed it closer to mine as I let my lips sweetly caress his. He trailed a hand down to where my panties were covering my mound and slowly rubbed the outside up and down.

He spoke into my lips, ‘Your panties are soaked.’ Before hooking them with his thumb and pulling them off as I bent me knees to help.

He placed his hand once again on my now bare mound and continued his stroking. Instinctively I began pushing my hips up to meet his hand. As if answering me, he pushed a finger further into my lips spreading my moisture around. I wanted more and I began to whimper. He slowly inserted a finger and I shuddered. He stopped his movements, finger still inside, I opened my eyes to find him staring at me.

‘Are you still a virgin.’

Moving his finger as to prove his point. It was more of a statement than a question. He knew with the brothers I had, I had to be. But my actions tonight were nothing of a shy virgin. I blushed diverting my eyes away from his.

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Sex With My Childhood Crush

Hello, Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Rahul. This sex story is about how I got to have sex with my childhood crush in our reunion meeting. To say about myself I am 5’9 and have a 6 inches’ dick to satisfy any lady with a muscular body. Let me describe the angel of the sex story, she is 34-26-36 sizes I guess. She is a sex bomb in my school days. This sex story happened when I am studying engineering. She was my crush in my school days and I didn’t express it to her as I was a shy guy before....

3 years ago
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Just For Fun With My Divorcee Neighbor Who Was My Crush

Hi friends this is ma first story from me rahul rai (my pen name). this is an absolute true incident that happened in my 2nd year of college life. Am basically from chennai from a decent background with a passion for high poctane cars (as all boys of my age) and huge appetite for sex. dint experiment much with it as i had a gf with whom i had broken up a month ago. The Heroine of ma story is ankita who lived in ma opposite house. She had a wonderful stats of around 34(b)-28-36 (which i later...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With My Crush

This is actaully expected sex with one of the office crushes recently. Why I said expected because it’s 2019 and sex is everyone’s need.  Before the story let me tell about her, she’s 5’3, fair, a bit modern, importantly introvert. She doesn’t have big boobs neither I have a big dick.  My dick is like 5.5 inch and her boobs maybe 32b. I didn’t bother to ask her and medium butt. Well, I know her from my office. She works in my company but in another project so definitely another building. But we...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s First Crush

Hello friends, this story is about my girlfriend. I always wanted to know about her past life . The thought of her past with other boys always thrilled me, there is always a tingling sensation inside me whenever I had a thought of her with other boys . We were in a very strong relationship and in deep love with each other and I thought these things will wouldn’t affect us . I use to chat with her every night . We use to chat on various topic whole night just in sake to have a each other company...

1 year ago
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The Crush

Everyone has a crush, whether it be a young boy or and older guy, they have a crush. My crush was my high school math teacher Mr. Jenson. He was so handsome and half the time I couldn’t keep myself from rushing off to the bathroom to pleasure myself after his class. One night after I had gotten home from school, my parents had left a note saying they were with my older sister out of town for a couple of days to check out colleges for her and left our neighbor in charge of checking...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Childhood Crush

Hey indian sex stories dot net friends! Let me introduce myself. I’m a pharmacist student of 20 years age. My boyfriend is an engineering student. He’s an extremely well-built person of same age. He’s dashing in his looks and very caring. This story is a real story which took place in the month of June. I had a huge crush on my baby since 9th standard. Even he had a crush on me. And we never knew about it until we were in relation. Our story started when I’ve sent him a friend request on FB....

3 years ago
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Erotic Day With My Crush

Hello, everyone. I am here to narrate an experience I had some time back with my crush. Hope you all will like the story. Hoping for your feedbacks. Pls write to or can send your feedbacks through hangouts. Coming to my crush, we both study in the same college in Bangalore. I met her during a badminton tournament and the moment I saw her I had a crush towards her. She had the greatest assets I have seen. 36 size boobs, with heart, shaped ass, and curvy sexy body. She has a fair complexion and...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With My Crush

Hello, I am a Indian sex stories reader from long time. Usually after reading the stories I used to wish for a girl who could satisfy me to the core. I am 27 years old and was a virgin until last month. I am lucky enough to have a awesome encounter with a lady who took my virginity and showed me the pleasure of sex. This lady is my neighbor. She is 35+ years old, looks very mature but very shy and adorable. I had crush on her from long time. I used to smile and wish her every day before leaving...

2 years ago
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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

2 years ago
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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

4 years ago
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My first strap on experience with my first crush

A little about me: I have been interested in strap-on sex for about 8 or 9 years. As a black male in his 20s, finding a woman who is interested in doing this is very difficult, as they are always quick to jump to conclusions about your sexuality. However, my best female friend apparently had the same interest. One day in 2008, while talking on the phone, she says to me randomly "...so how would you like if I lay you on your back and fuck you with a 12" strap-on?" I was caught off guard, but I...

4 years ago
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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

3 years ago
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"Aren't you adorable?" Shelley cooed at my baby son. In twenty or thirty years Brian would bring a project in under deadline, just like his old man had last week; and he'd only hear that it was over budget, just like his old man had. Now, he garnered praise for sleeping. "Honestly, Jeff, Brian looks just like you." "She still has a crush on you," Kristen said. Shelley blushed. "I just think that Jeff is a pretty neat guy," she said. Kristen snorted. Now, she must have thought that...

3 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

2 years ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

4 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

1 year ago
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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

1 year ago
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4 Year Crush

“So why where you staring at me today in class?” “Umm… well…” I decided to take the chance I’d been waiting for since freshman year. ”Look Stephanie, I’ve had a crush on you since the first day I saw you. I think you’re beautiful but was never brave enough to talk to you and tell you.” My heart was beating so hard I swear she would be able to hear it. “Really? Wow I never knew you liked me. That’s funny ‘cause I always thought you were really hot but didn’t think you were interested in...

4 years ago
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Brians Crush

Brian didn’t want to move. He didn’t want to quit his job cleaning rooms at the nursing room. It wasn’t that he loved cleaning up shit. It wasn’t even because he’d miss some of the cool old people that lived there, although he would. Brian had a crush. The very first crush of his life, in fact. In high school, he had sex with every single member of the varsity cheer squad. Something that he was rather proud of, but it had been too easy. They were all thin, big-breasted girls with big mouths and...

2 years ago
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I had a crush. We all do. This crush was like no other. The girl–a perfect ten. Jet black hair that glistened in the sunlight. A captivating smile. Luscious tan skin with a pair of perfectly toned legs which were put on display in the summertime when she wore tight jean shorts. If I could just spend some time with her… If she just knew how I felt about her… If… These thoughts whizzed through my head like cars on the freeway, but I never had the courage to talk to her. She never knew how I...

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How I fucked my colleague passionately my crush

I am a software engineer and working in a mnc, here I got a colleague named taruna. Taruna is simple sweet, strong by nature and chubby girl, who likes to openup with their friends and can talk too frank when she trusts someone. Hopefully, I was the one who always stayed in her trust zone, but because everyone was having crush on her, and she was irritated when come to know anyone having crush on her, I never said her anything.One day we were talking about random things and she was happy that I...

4 years ago
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College sex story of a horny guy fucking his crush

Hey there everyone, I am yash sharing with you all my story about me and my classmate making wild love with each other. Hope you people enjoy ? .So there this girl “harushi ” in my class of B.TECH having a 30B-24-32 figure and as from measurements you can see she was a very hot piece of ass :p.We got a crush on each other from the moment we saw each other first time. Ya even I have an athletic body, which might be the reason. But being shy guy never had guts to talk to her still, had many...

3 years ago
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Long Time Crush

When I was twelve I met a new classmate named Dave, he and I became great friends hanging out, joining clubs and what ever else high school k**s do. His family was from the Phillipines and he and his sister were the first generation born in this country. His sister Mai is the focus of this story. She is two years younger than Dave. I had a crush on her from the moment I saw her. She was one of those girls that even at a young age people would say how beautiful she was. Long black hair,...

3 years ago
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Amazing Foreplay With My Crush

Hello everyone, My name is Piyush and I am from Pune.  I like working to satisfy ladies. I am a huge fan of ISS. I seriously don’t know why the government has banned this website. However, let me tell you about my self. I am an average built guy of age 24, and dick size 6 inches. I used to read a lot of stories on ISS and masturbate and my record of masturbation is 13 times a day. Let’s jump to the story. This story is about how I got to fulfill most of my fantasies with my friend. Her name is...

3 years ago
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An Old Crush

Lilly and Ryan met years ago, back in the middle school, but never really hung around one another. Upon chance, they met again. Lily's dad and Uncle Manny used to go to the coffee shop where Ryan worked all the time. Lilly would go too on ocassion. She kept noticing him, staring at her...from across the room. His smile would light up the room and make her stomach do somersaults. It felt like there was a connection, she just couldn't explain.Uncle Manny befriended Ryan and always found some...

Love Stories
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Fan Crush

It was a chilly, October afternoon, close to Halloween. Jane was packing her things to go on a vacation with her best friend, Eriana. Eriana had planned to take her to Hollywood for her birthday since she's always wanted to go. Jane was so excited and could barely contain herself! It was boarding time and they were on their way to Hollywood! When they arrived, they immediately saw a celebrity, or an imposter...either way, they'd take it. They went straight to their hotel to freshen up and get...

Love Stories
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I had a crush. We all do. This crush was like no other. The girl--a perfect ten. Jet black hair that glistened in the sunlight. A captivating smile. Luscious tan skin with a pair of perfectly toned legs which were put on display in the summertime when she wore tight jean shorts.If I could just spend some time with her... If she just knew how I felt about her... If... These thoughts whizzed through my head like cars on the freeway, but I never had the courage to talk to her. She never knew how I...

Straight Sex
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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 6 A Day With My Crush

After an unexpected message from Nisha and an exciting encounter with my drunk sister, I went to sleep. I felt embarrassed about what happened with my sister, but I literally enjoyed that. Thinking about Nisha and Priyanka, I fell asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, Priyanka had already left for her college. I checked my phone, and there, I got another surprise. Nisha had sent me a good morning message. She was online, so we started talking again. I had a small boner inside my boxer....

1 year ago
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The crush

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jared woke up that morning, happy, because his pearents were going out of town that evening, and they wouldn't be back for the entire weekend. He walked to the bathroom to find that the door was closed but ajar. He peeked inside through the crack only to find his sister, Alisa, standing in front of the mirror in a bra and panties doing her hair. He stared at her for a few moments examining her flowing brown hair, her perky breasts, her legs that went...

1 year ago
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My Hotel Crush

This is story about my hard crush on the breakfast lady and Front desk clerk at my hotel. The people are real I don't know about there names. I stayed at this hotel and a crush on them that's it. The hotel is real and the employees I am 19 and the Black Lady 25 Front desk 23 The hotel I'am talking about is the comfort suites in North Charleston SC on Ashley phosphate Rd I checked into the hotel with my family that night. At the front desk was , she a athletic looking body. Also a nice ass, She...

Group Sex
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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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Emmas Crush

Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...

4 years ago
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Crushing My Crush

Hi, guys of indian sex stories dot net, my name is Chitran and I live in New Delhi and I want to share a story and it is based on real events but little changes have been made for privacy reasons. To start with I am 22 years old and a law student. This story takes place 4 years ago. It was just a month before my 12th boards and I have been stressing a lot over it. Students were allowed to stay back in school to use the library or the science labs etc. I had been staying back after the school...

3 years ago
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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

1 year ago
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My friends mom is my first crush

One day I went to my friends home as usual but the thing I experienced that day was life changing.My friend went to a important task to compete and he requested me to help her mother on some house hold work as they were planning for house warming festival in few days.I accepted to help her mom.While working we two were fully covered with sweat. That day she wore a white transparent colour salwar with a blue blouse and the sweat running over her boobs were clearly visible to my eyes as she...

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