La Hacienta free porn video

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It’s 3pm right now, and I’m sitting in front of the computer with a glass of Mountain Dew and a bag of popcorn, along with a plate of reheated pizza from last night. But, my mind is away from my food and the Yahoo messenger, with the instant message windows popping up. I quickly close them – my attention is focused on something else. I keep on going back to last night, and wondering if I should have walked out farther, even if it was raining quite hard and the ground beneath me was a muddy mess that impeded my footing. I can’t stop thinking about the fantasy… the one I had last night, and the one that continues to play in my mind. You know what I’m talking about…

We are driving down the mud-slicked road, an eerie silence filling the car. You said you were talkative, but the proverbial cat has taken your tongue. I look you over, you’re more beautiful than I ever could imagine. The jeans you wear cling to your shapely legs and curvy hips, and my mind begins to stray as my manhood begins to grow in size as I look between your legs to where your sex lies in wait. My eyes continue to move up to the sweater you wear, as it hugs your chest and stomach to keep you warm. Your chest rises and falls as you breathe quietly yet deeply, nervousness a domineering trait for the both of us tonight as we continue to remain silent. I can’t help the fact that my gaze has fallen and lingers on your chest, but my mind runs wild again. I can imagine the feeling of your nipple hardening between my lips as my tongue slowly goes over the nub gently.

My fantasies suddenly break apart as you turn the car and I look in front of me, out to the road that’s slicked by the rain. It’s still quite, and I turn to look back at your face. I can’t help but stare into the perfect orbs of your eyes as they concentrate, looking ahead. Your mouth – how it hangs slightly agape, your teeth barely touching – and those lips are what my gaze sees next, and I can only fantasize some more. If I was losing any of this sexual desire, it’s just been refilled to it’s brimming point.

My left hand slowly moves from my lap, moving through the cold air of the car, and meets your right. For a few seconds, nothing happens, but I slowly draw my thumb over the back of your palm while my fingertips lightly caress the soft flesh of your palm. You turn to look at my hand, and I know you’re amazed at how soft my hands are. My hands work wonders – tonight, I plan on showing you every wonder imaginable as I run my hands over your soft flesh. The ends of your lips lift and you smile, your eyes briefly lock onto mine, and I smile back at you. My heart is beating close to 100 times per minute, and I can feel it’s getting harder to breathe, but I won’t choke.

Minutes later, we pull up to the hotel we picked out for the remainder of the evening – ‘La Hacienta’. However, before we even get out of the car, I lean over to you. You lean closer, too, and as our shallow breaths play over each others lips and chin, our faces come closer until our lips meet. My lips are moist from my tongue constantly running over them in nervousness. As we kiss, our eyes shut, my teeth lightly bite your bottom lip as I kiss you, while you move your tongue over my upper lip. I hear you moan softly as I bite down harder, applying the slightest amount of force needed to send pleasure-pain through you. This won’t be a night full of pain – the romance that we were both missing is coming out from the other in such force that only love can describe what kind of night we’re about to have.

As I withdraw ever so slowly from you, and our lips embrace is pulled apart, our eyes open slowly, and we only shadow each other’s smile. The rain still pounds down on the car, and I remove the black hooded sweatshirt I was wearing. I hand it to you, I’d walk in the downpouring rain as far as it took for this moment, and I don’t want anything happening to you. You put the sweater on, and say ‘Thank you’ to me. We get out and quickly run to the desk. After a few minutes of filling out the necessary paperwork – which only wastes time, as it becomes apparent that our lust is the driving factor in our stride – the key is in your hand.

Room 145 – the door opens quickly, and you slowly walk in, flipping on the lights. One bed lies in the center of the room, and a TV on the adjacent wall. A table, with a lamp, sits near the door – which now shuts as I enter and wipe the water from my arms – along with a few brochures. The night stand near the bed has one drawer – a Bible, perhaps? – and another lamp, along with a TV remote lie there. But there won’t be anytime for television. I make my way over to the bathroom and flick on the lights, then bring my right hand over my eyes to block the glare of the unnatural light. As my eyes focus, I look around.

It’s white all about, but it’s perfect. The sink lies to the left of the door – which opens inward – and the toilet is right next to the sink. On the other side is the stand-in shower, enough to fit two people. As I take another step inside, I look behind the open door – the towel hanger holds a few towels, which should be enough for the both of us. I turn and look at the sink, smiling as the usual paper-wrapped soaps lie across the counter. I bring my hands under my shirt and tanktop that I wear underneath and pull them up. As the first articles of clothing are discarded, I hear you move into the bathroom and moan slightly at my near-naked figure. I turn around to give you a look at me.

You whisper my name – ‘Ohhh… Chrissss…’, unintentionally dragging out the S – as your gaze falls upon my chest. The small hairs that are forming don’t do anything for me, and I wonder if I should’ve shaved them off or not. But your hands quickly find their way to my chest, and as your fingernails lightly drag across the surface of my skin, I curl my lower lip into my mouth and bite down. I inhale sharply, and the sound of air being sucked in through the crawlspace of my teeth on my lip play out against your sense of hearing. You know by the way I am reacting – my heartbeat has increased, my hands have moved under your shirt, dragging across your bare-back – that I am turned on by you. That I want, need… you. Only you.

Your hands move to my stomach, running across the trail of hair that leads to my groin. Your hands lightly intertwine with the small hairs, pulling them slightly and moving to the sides of my stomach, across my waist. Small red lines begin to form as your fingertips begin to drag across my skin back to my ‘happy trail’, and I only inhale sharply again. Your hands find their way on my pants button and zipper, a grin appears on your face as I feel your hands go to work. The joints in your fingers rub against my hardened manhood as you ‘fumble’ – purposefully, I might add – with the button and the zipper. After a few minutes of this foreplay, your hands move to my belt-line of my pants, then slowly pull them down. My boxers have hiked slightly as my erect manhood springs into the air, pulling my boxers with it. The hole in the boxers shows you a glimpse of my manhood, the veins of it as it rages inside my boxers, exerting high amounts of heat, the rim at the end of my head.

Your tongue slowly moves out of your mouth, drawing lightly over your supple lips as you look up at me. Your lips tug at the ends again, and soon a hungry yet devilish grin is over your remarkable features. Your right hand slips under my boxers, you drag your fingertips over my inner thighs until your right index knuckle comes into contact with my balls. Your hands leaves my inner thigh and soon cups my balls, your fingernails lightly trace over the sensitive skin, sending a wave of euphoria through my spine and up to my brain. My eyes shut to your slightest touch as your left hand comes up to my boxers.

As your fingers curl around the elastic band, your right hand leaves my balls and grips the end of my boxers. You slowly pull down my boxers, exposing my pubic hair and the base of my erect penis. I can see your eyes
, how they lock onto my manhood, and I know how bad you want it. I would say you have no idea how badly I want you, but considering I’m hard, I think you get the picture. As the boxers are pulled down enough, my manhood springs into the air and stands straight out, pointing right at your face. Your hands push my boxers and pants to my ankles, and I quickly step out of them. I stand there, completely naked.

And completely yours.

You grin, leaning forward and slightly parting those supple lips of yours. I bite down on my bottom lip harder, suppressing the groan of ecstasy that erupts within as your mouth makes contact with my sensitive head. My right hand moves out to the sink, holding it for balance – I don’t think I will be able to keep my footing through this. The warmth of your mouth sends waves of pleasure through my manhood, and my penis twitches slightly in your mouth in reply. You push forward more, and I feel your tongue lightly drag over the underparts of my penis. You come to a stop as half of my length is now in your mouth, and I look down to you.

Your eyes are shut and your cheeks are slightly puffed, but you’re lost in your own world. I place my left hand on your head and run my fingers through the strands of your beautiful hair – I don’t bother guiding your head like others do. I don’t need nor want to hinder or impede your sexual desire. Your head slowly draws back as your tongue comes to life, swirling around the head of my penis as your teeth lightly nip at my length. Your head moves back and forth, your teeth lightly going over my length – no pain is caused, but the pleasure is slowed. I don’t want to cum early – not during this union of us becoming one.

After a minute of this gradual step towards our release, your mouth moves away from my length, and you stand up to full. I pull you close to me, my naked body pressing against the fabric that you still wear. The jeans hurt my penis, but I don’t care – my arms wrapped around your waist and I kiss you with that same passion that you just showed me. You push me away, your eyes quickly darting towards the shower. I take a step back, then turn around, I don’t see it, but I can hear it. You’re undressing at a rather fast-paced rate, and if I turned around, I would see your sweater on the floor, with your shirt about to accompany it.

I grabbed the dials of the shower and quickly turn them on, moving my right hand from the ‘Cold’ dial to feel the water. Seconds later, steam rises and I retract my hand – the water is too hot. After fumbling with the dials, I find the perfect temperature and smile, nodding my head slightly in satisfaction. Everything must be perfect – like yourself. As I turn around, my eyes widen in surprise. You stand there, and I can only soak up the beauty that is you as you stand there, in the nude. Much like myself.

Your perfect breasts don’t droop nor hang, but rather stay aloft like you are wearing your bra still. I look down to your stomach, then to the mound of pubic hair that hardly covers your sex. We’ve yet to step into the shower, but there are signs of you already being wet. I grin, turning around to face my back to you, my right hand pulls the shower curtains away, and in I step first. The hot water blasts against my skin, and I turn to face the shower-head. As the steam rises from my now drenched form, you slowly step inside, right in front of me. I take a step back to give you more room, but all you do is turn around. The lust in your eyes tells me only one thing, and I don’t need to be told twice.

My hands go to your shoulders, and I press you against the wall to our right, then move in front of you. You look at me, breathing heavily, your chest rises and falls as the water cascades down your perfect breasts, along and over your erect nipples, and down your flat stomach. I lean closer and kiss you as our naked bodies press together. I hear you moan slightly in my mouth as my heated member jabs into your stomach, then presses against the both of us as we continue our embrace. My hands go above your shoulders, pressed against the wall, your right leg pushes off the floor of the shower and is placed on the edge of the bathtub for footing, while your left leg wraps around my waist. I move my lips away from yours for the briefest second.

‘Let me have it,’ you whisper, in that seductive, husky tone that only sets me off more. Like I said before, I won’t need to be told twice tonight. My right hand moves down to my penis, and I wrap my fingers around the length. I back my hips up enough to get my penis down, between your legs. For the first time, our sex meets and we both moan almost in synch, I feel the moist warmth of your dripping vagina as it eagerly awaits my penis. I crouch slightly and press the head against your vaginal lips. I was never really good at this, but After a few faulty seconds, I slowly slip in. Your mouth hangs agape as your moan is silenced slightly.

I let my penis stay in that much for a few seconds, and I can tell you want more. Your eyes look at me hungrily, and soon your hips begin to move in a counter-clockwise rotation. I shut my eyes slowly and bite down on my soft, bottom lip. I push more of myself into you, and you softly moan again, your vagina seems to wrap itself around my penis and continues to pull it in. Your eyes slowly shut, and as your lips begin to slightly part, I push in all the way with my hips. The base of my penis meets the lips of your vagina, and our pubic hairs intertwine as our sex begins to throb at the touch of the other. I slowly draw myself out of you, until only half my length is buried within you, then I slowly push back in all the way. This slowed pace won’t cut it, though, and you already know that I am thinking that.

I began to quicken my pace, drawing my penis out faster and almost slamming it back into you with such force that your backside slaps the bare wall. You moan and inhale sharply everytime I fully push myself into you, and I know that your release is drawing closer. So is mine. It’s been far too long since I’ve made love to someone, and none were as exceptional as you. Your hands instantly go to my back, digging into my flesh slightly, breaking the skin as I continue to push into you. The waves of euphoria continue to steam-roll through the length of my penis and I can feel my balls beginning to tremble as my cum begins to build.

Suddenly, your head snaps back and you let out a louder moan as your own orgasm kicks in. Your footing would have faltered if you weren’t up against the wall. I continue the heightened pace, moving in and out of you with such force that even my orgasm cannot wait. With one, final push, I thrust my penis inside of you and let it stay there, pushing as far inside of you as I can. The moans that you make echo and reverberate off the walls, and they only act as an ignition. I lean forward and bite down on your left shoulder as my penis twitches one last time. Then, after a second of nothing, of silence…

My penis seems to erupt as my cum pumps out and into you. You whimper as my semen gushes into you and slams into the vaginal walls, and you dig your nails deeper into me. Your head still leans against the wall of the shower, your hair matted on your face as beads of sweat rolls of both of our brows. My head continues to rest on your shoulder, even as my penis doesn’t soften like it usually does. I don’t care, though, because I’m still deep within you. And I feel as great as ever… I look up to you and place my lips against your bottom lip, lightly kissing you. You don’t do much except let me kiss you, but that’s all right – I don’t need the kiss returned to know that you’re loving the last few moments of your orgasm. So I continue my soft kisses on your lips, chin, down to your neck and finally your left shoulder as your heart begins to slow.

‘I love you,’ I whisper softly.

‘I love you, too,’ you whisper, between labored breaths.

… It’s 4 30pm now, and there is a puddle of semen on my lap. I didn’t even need to masturbate,
although I must admit I did earlier while writing this. That was securely cleaned, whereas this one only made a mess. I felt it while writing this, you know. I could feel your mouth engulfing me, your sex engorging mine and our breaths becoming one as we slipped into orgasm after orgasm. I frown slightly, though, after re-fantasizing.

I owe you oral sex. Don’t let me forget.

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The Children of the Empire

The Children of the Empire. Edited by commentator Author's notes. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are products of imagination. However, the story is based on some real-life facts I was researching for a few years. "Through the weakening of the causes of bondage, and by learning the method of sassing, the consciousness is transferred to the other body." The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. "There are many other examples of past meditators who could...

4 years ago
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The Ept Test AftermathChapter 2

After the incident with Anna and Gary at the clinic Anna said she needed to come clean with Ryan. She really cared for him and wasn't going to lie to him. Needless to say, Anna and I are on speaking terms but we aren't best friends anymore. I never told her who the affair was with and I knew she would never ask Ed. After Ed was beat up outside the office the police talked to all of us. I told them that Ed was my boss and I didn't know anything about his personal life. I decided to look...

1 year ago
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Sissy boy cuckold

Sitting upstairs in the bedroom, I grabbed my laptop and sent my husband an email. It read simply "go upstairs, clothes on the bed". I knew he wanted me to take control in the bedroom and although I wasnt entirely confident I could do this as well as he would like I had decided to give it a try. Tony was still at work and wasnt due to arrive home for another thirty minutes or so leaving me time to get my last minute preparations ready.Arriving home to a dark and quiet house Tony went straight...

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Mariana Martix 140000

Social media has made it easy to access and stay in touch with your favorite stars. Before now, the only time you heard from a celebrity was when they appeared on TV or had an interview with a magazine. However, social media has changed that.Today you can stay updated about your favorite pornstars and interact with them frequently via Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit. No shit, I was talking about adult film stars! The only celebs I keep tabs on are pornstars. Twitter is one place you can stay...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Android 18s Training

"I can now understand what you mean by training, Yamcha." 18 said as they walked into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with their equipment. After the Tournament of Power, Yamcha had suggested to 18 that the two could start training if they were to face a threat that had the power of Jiren that was in this universe and 18 agreed. They decided to train in the Chamber in real time for 30 minutes which gave them a week to properly train inside the chamber. After waiting until the clock had reached...

Mind Control
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The Affair Part 2

It has been exactly a year since my husband was away on a week long business trip.  The week he was away, I entered into a torrid Internet affair with a man half my age.  I did it to save my marriage that had been in a steady state of decline for a long while.    On the day that my husband returned from his trip, I set out to seduce him,  I had never done that before, always waiting for him to make the first move.  My poor Gerald, I don’t think he knew what hit him, but I didn’t hear him...

1 year ago
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Exchanged Chapter 34

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 34: MORNING...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Abbie Maley Alix Lynx Sensual Lesbian Encounter

Enjoy a sexy lesbian encounter between the brunette Abbie Maley and the blonde Alix Lynx, they undress each other while they caress and kissing very smoothly, Alix begins the game sucking and licking Abbie’s clitoris, then Abbie sucks Alix’s pink clitoris and licks her sweet pussy, big titty Alix poses on a doggy position and Abbie insert her wet tongue in Alix’s ass and with her hand rub Alix’s pussy. These two sluts pose on 69 positions and suck they pussies each other...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 13

I cruised by Jeff's around noon. I didn't honk the horn because I wanted to see the whole family. Harri opened the door. "Ashley, so nice to see you. I think Jeff will be ready soon." She gave me a delicious hug. She released me, but before I could answer her I was driven back by a tackle worthy of the most ferocious linebacker. "Ashley," said Sandy. She had her head buried in my chest and her arms held me against her as if she was afraid I would flee. I tousled her hair. "How have...

3 years ago
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First Time in Person

Our eyes locked across the length of the airport lobby. We'd metcountless times before, but only in cyberspace. From the first time we'd chatted and ended up teasing each other into frenzied orgasms, we knew we'd have to meet in person. When we "talked" online, we always skipped the small talk, "Hi, how are you?" and sped right to the sex. Sometimes it was slow and seductive, but mostly it was hard and direct, with lots of colorful language. I was 22. You were 34. We had talked about desires. I...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Khloe Kapri Third Time8217s The Charm

Hirsute hunk Brick Danger is making his 3rd appearance today on See H?️M Fuck and we paired HIM up with the lovely Khloe Kapri ❤️ for this week’s update. After our nameless director ???‍♂️ help us get reacquainted with HIM, Brick stands and does one of the most entertaining striptease acts we’ve ever seen! Khloe steps into the scene as Brick is tugging on his uncut cock ?✂️ and begins to suckle and lick on his toes & feet ????? Then we get back on track, as Brick stands so Khloe...

3 years ago
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Jakes mom is hot

You had spent the night over at your best friend?s Jake?s house. It had been a good evening. You had watched a couple of really gnarly horror movies with your buddy, secretly drank a few beers and gone to bed really late. Jake had to wake up very early to get to work so by the time you woke up sunlight was pouring through the window and Jake had already left. Getting out of bed you quietly go to the bathroom. You close the door behind you and try to empty your bladder, but since you are...

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Mom turned me into a MALE WHORE

My name is Mike and I have a true story that I want to tell for the first time. It's about my mother and just how slutty she was and what she did to me and my sisters.I was in high school and did the usual things like play sports and hang out with my friends as much as I could. I was a single c***d and we had an average family in the suburbs and lived in a very nice neighborhood too. My parents had been divorced for several years and my mom would go out on dates occasionally and it was normal...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 4

A gentle prod on his shoulder woke Scott in the early hours. Glancing at the glowing numbers of the digital bedside clock he saw it was 5:32 AM. With a groan he turned to Danielle, who was still prodding his shoulder. "What?" he asked sleepily. "I've got to pee," Danielle whispered. "Oh, ok, well, try not to wake Joanna when you get out of bed." Scott lay his head back down on the pillow, eyes already starting to drift closed. No wait, he couldn't let... "Scott, please, could you...

1 year ago
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Black whore 4

Danny coughed intermittently, choked on Skeleton's semen, while Psychara kept stuffing her huge piece of meat into her ass. The fat man continued to sit in front of her without moving. the third skin, a tall, elongated type, pulled him by the shoulderwith a strangely crooked long and ruffled cock. The skeleton pushed him off the bed and told him to wait for the negro whore to lick his cum off the blanket. he slapped her ass without stopping to move."Are, filthy negro, draw near the holy Aryan...

2 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 5 Down To Business

Jesse drove the wagon back into its place under the protective extended roof and unhooked the clevis. He refueled and drove the snow cat back to the barn. Just as Jesse closed the doors behind him, the wind came up again. Visibility dropped to inches as the soft powder snow swirled again into the air. He fumbled around to the nylon line tied between the house and the horse barn, then followed the line back to the front porch. Once inside, he shucked the heavy outer clothing and made his way...

2 years ago
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The Cure For Cancer

You will no doubt notice that certain words are intentionally left in lower case. It’s for the same reason that Hannibal Lecter ate his victims, to show my contempt for them.* * Oh, religion. What a tangled web if there ever was one. I was born in the heart of the old South, where hellfire and brimstone preachers were as common as 57 T-birds and Sunday chicken dinners. Needless to say I was exposed to the church at an early age. I can remember the sound of dozens of children running down the...

2 years ago
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I am back with another experience of mine which took place a couple of months ago with my aunt. She is in her late 30s, short height, slim and very hot. You won’t believe, she doesn’t look elder than me. I have very good tuning with her since her marriage with my paternal Uncle. We meet occasionally because we live in different states. This year in Feb my Uncle’s family came to Kolkata to attend some marriage functions. I spent a lot of time with my aunt during the functions.I asked her about...

3 years ago
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In Class Squeezed And Grabbed Her

Hi readers, This incident happened to my friend with his teacher, who is also known aunty from neighbor. I know them both and two different people in character. My friend is control freak at age of 19 and aunty was 35 solid body figures. He was miserable in math and had worst time of life in this school. Going to college he must know about it fully. So he asked help to me and i searching for a good instructor. Aunty came and saw “what is happening and impressed” by my friend looks. She was a...

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Theater Sex

The man saw the woman as she paid for her ticket. At first he thought maybe she was on a movie date with someone. The movie they were both going to see had gained notoriety by nearly getting an x-rating because of its sex scenes which were crucial to the plot. The theater was an old one which had balconies which were no longer used and was what was called an “art house theater”.She went into the theater with him a few paces behind. The theater was crowded but they both found seats next to each...

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Kat Meets Dusty

When they got home, Kat immediately went upstairs to put on a swimsuit and grabbed the lotion and a towel. On the way out to the pool, she asked Robbie if he could oil up her back, since Trey wasn't there. They stepped out onto the patio and Robbie surprised Kat by saying, "Hey Dusty, how are you boy?" She followed his gaze and saw he was speaking to a very handsome dog standing off at the edge of the patio, warily wagging his tail. "Oh look! He's beautiful! Where'd he come from," Kat...

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mom sedcue son

visit on to see full story like these and hot latest updates videos knocked on my son's bedroom door and opened it without waiting. I admit that I wanted to catch him doing something naughty, and I almost did. Evan was sitting at his computer, and minimized the window he was looking at in a hurry. I didn't see what it was, but I had a good idea."Is it okay if we talk?" I asked him."Sure, Mom," he mumbled, obviously annoyed at being interrupted.I picked my way into his room,...

4 years ago
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Vet School MF

Vet SchoolThis is a story about a young woman named Melissa. She is 19 years old and has just recently graduated from high school and really wants to become a veterinarian. She has two dogs and a cat that live with her and she likes animals a lot. She is also currently living as a roommate in a large house, near a big city.The vet schools she has visited have been very cold and they seem not to care that much about their students. They also have cost a lot of money, and Melissa would need...

2 years ago
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Seeing mom again

Anyways back to my story. My family had a family reunion in May and the whole family was going to be there so we were expected to travel across country to attend. We would be staying at campground about an hour from my parents place and they had reserved a whole section of the campground for our family to use. Our family is made up of 8 sets of aunts and uncles and about 30 cousins with their families so the campground was happy to book that many spaces. This is a account of our...

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omg waht a good friend i have

a few nights a go a round 2am i was going to the gas staon to get some chips and pop as a late night snack when i see a friend of mine i call her jen wont say real name any way she was buying some cigs to smoke i can tell she been crying face was red i ask her if she had been and she said yes i ask y and she told me a bout a fight she had with bf she cheated and she dumped his ass i said aww iam sorry she said can u walk me home be cause these guys a hit on me as i was walking here so i said ya...

1 year ago
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Moms the Family Slut

I’m a little feminine and maybe gay with a small frame, good figure, and nice round bubble butt. And, even though I’m feminine, I thank God I was blessed with a nice, fat, 8 inch cock. My name is Jimmy and I’m a freshman in high school and live with my mom in Ohio. My mom is 56 and not beautiful, but attractive, she’s the weight she should be, but more like an older woman’s body. Her boobs are big but a little saggy and her waist is straight and not so tight ending in what I think is her best...

3 years ago
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Lakeside Friends HotTub Seduction

The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...

2 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 13

We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks. The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back. "This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house." "And we have endless hot water...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Shemale Surprise

As Carter finished unpacking after dinner, he couldn't help but smile. His last summer before having responsibilities would be spent in the beautiful home belonging to his girlfriend's parents. Carter and Chloe had only been dating for a few months but were both entirely consumed in the early parts of their relationship. From hand holding to mini-golf the young couple was infatuated with one another. The one area where things had not quite progressed as Carter had hoped was the physical aspect...


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